Communist Policy in France

Communist Policy in France Ik the* country it if part of the ('< line to deny th« right to criticise our allies. Any nrv-fg»cjabtt comment, especially in relation to Russia, is represented...

...tnet lU psspaa syf France and USSR being aa one in their fight to smash rfitJer and Germany ami fascism sf an...
...Since they **f *» face riaemaidaaa forces the Soviets had to *"•**¦> I«v the eosssaan caum of tha alhoa...
...atsatrhuaaan Fii*t the...
...What ia sisdsd far ear gaidanaa he tab) era ef ean-fusisn is net btiad faith in Bslea avians or any ether set at degatas, hot a sciewtinr approach to aff serial problems...
...The content of them is astounding, dugerouB, alarming...
...Wa mimt bear ia mind ahta ********* dale...
...They are openly acting as a Soviet fifth column inside the French republic...
...In western Euros* amp saver a***Wr*d mere thaa 91 division...
...There haa been a concert of unanimous praise . . . Some Frenchmen are toe forgetful sf the role played by the Soviet Union ia thia war and they belittle it systematically...
...Can this be found in the American trusts likt Dupont de Nemours, or Kagltafc, like the Bvitish laaperial Chemical Industries which have made new agreements with the Geraaaa trust I. G. Far sen in seder ha share the South American Market...
...The obvious purpose is to prepare for a Mejon If twean the Allies and to make sure that France will be lined up on the Russian side...
...It ia clear that these trusts would prefer to limit the USSR participatta in the central of Germaajr...
...palien (>ead tutaJrtau%atom) d»sa»m • yew*** at th* tame time that it applet*si Mem...
...They forget that it waa the sacrifices, the unsurpassed heroism sf the USSR that have weakened the Hitleriss army and brought it to its annihilation...
...and the I'll *'¦*»¦ eeattmnad of courage aad ardor, create great ^muVnWiaak...
...Bat it ie unit* aaahhtet far tlssse who are capable af dktingujthissg hot a son beraic t nasi a nad tha lagisai utider which the R nasi ass have to live and auger... that, repeated, iiwiM aasjesy te^ be judgment a^ettnsanav jnVBaB*a*Uafat4 *a*V Caare9 pV^}und# to an*^atovat TtiM tTunte*im liberty combine* all the evils of Smjm ami ahnrnry...
...fay/ fly into a passion as though there were an appeeition, they baeome insulting aa though there assu- pny chance of replying...
...Tka) whole performance is brutally frank...
...Hence TJ*** •* triusaph from HiUer who proclaimed the trsops to bo definitely destroyed at the end of "•Soviet armies munched a eevrnter attack an Iff, mt...
...Tan Deaths Mas Oaks Conference calked to study the srganmstios of laser-national See as sty is nahi to leave an lead at aa agreement oa the sanation af the rraaMsa at a CoaasnaMee af Security...
...Tha internstionsl rem ef the USSR cannot ha ess-regarded by anybody nor can we overlook ths fact thet it at due to Mr S*vi*i peopl* that the world awaits with relief the downfall of Hitler and Germany snd all its aatelites...
...In liberated France, where the Communists have maintained their potties...
...en the Baaainn front the Reich still employs 1* *vuuews...
...awn worda (Hivtmhir «. iWl) their lima and miaaViaat military tram-aalgiii »f the recent formalisms tacked **¦* their Ira* defeats and the cruel losses winch ~** aaffersd as the haajsminaj at the iavaatoa...
...Set on the hnmmuii frooi which stretches from the **** h» the Danahe the reuiatance ef tha fanatic SJS...
...J^B^sani n^ltemissnsa^ srvsesnmi' aTprsns lae^^lamng hates m astray... pursues him into the humnate......Iq ef Wa taoughU, aad by farcing Mm to lie to his conscience, deprives him sf ths eaJy eeaselatien that resasma to the oppressed When a people have only been enslaved without J_ alee having been aagraend, there ia a|M a psssi-hilitp aha* thay ^ >**»w> a^asanarjstoto af ajsmga...
...identity and are making frantic efforts to increase the strength of their party, their policy . sjuitc dhf ereat...
...Russia, too, had her "Fhilipp It and the Duke ef ABaa," just as she had, and haa, her own "Tiherisn aad Caraealla" claintiag vrorship at their grams, the "gsaoas" of the lesdei* At to the "civianunisa" created bp the Bolsheviks, the tebVewiag sjaistmas demand an aaewer: la it a new sad higher civilisation when capital punishment is satakhuhad fsr s great usmther ef ef-ffaaee patnJral aad criminal' When death and confiscation sre introduced for crimes agaiset yeopertm: for "plundering of poperty belonging to h ism hosts attd cooperatives," of "property belonging to state undertakings," etc...* thing is clear... said—tha government must have been lit BUmte dhf not prtotrsre before Marcus Aliens, bat before Ttbsviae and Csrscofta...
...When execution and confiscation ef property are the lot ef those who have made a futile attempt to escape from their "socialist warn mil ids i (naarss of Jaas % IPaff...
...But can we be convinced that adequate political conclusions are being drawn therefrom...
...General Eisenhower in bit speech yesterday under the Are de Trioaapbe stated that Farm waa liberated by the people themselves and an emigrated tha hiatorieal troth that due to tha military action of the French people our fatherland Was ao rapidly liberated...
...Tha climax cd* that affenaive waa r***1*4' "aeoce the last German was driven out on n*n»rj S, VHL Bat great strategist* of the Wehrmacht were surpa ;ed by Stalin and the young generals who were inspired by hi* military genius...
...1T„i»**l «l.f— uati Brief Reminders for Those Who Forget By Marcel Cachin lr h secaaeea hairnledga that sines their crinrinal ia webm of Juno, INI, tha Hitlerite* have directed their o»jor war effort sgainst tha USSR...
...It wilt be well for Americans to consider these facts...
...Here they are acattered, '•autsd ha spaced -procupm*" sefenasa...
...Now at the -* ef the Suasener of Itee, careful observer, state that •ham ant laarnslmalilj m.uou Gerssaa noidters in Prsaee...
...Where the people were ao vile— g am...
...We take thsss wards aa an issustt la aha Fr.sch people...
...What is atrihing is the similsnty hsdwsen the past and ths pristal...
...Wham woaten de the job ef tsagsharimsa aad miners, and tha trade union bosses declare that "it hi aceferahle far them to work In coal pita rather than baiami ac net stales " That list of sjasatisaa ceaud he wads much longer...
...4,»<ILm»,» ,„ tk...
...It waa reported yesterday that in a conference in ths White House including Prisideol Roosevelt, Cards...
...The troops af tha country of Socistum pre 450 kilometers from Berlin...
...Tgnrs is no end to tyranny j^eb wants to drag forth tokens of consent...
...It appears frees art li...
...It would ha disgraceful sf Fraacbancs worthy ef the name that in our generous country we disregard the greatness af soul ef sa entire people who have dene mors than ssyone esse ia ths world to save as from the greatest disaster in ear history...
...Ml, 587 a.o...
...sbsne num the right to remain stilL Uanrpatien ssanmsma htm to apeak...
...On the contrary, in the west German sad generals clearly show greet fatigue and ¦r«*»d*r in huge bodies...
...s deem it necessary to recall the** facts and to haa mining of each of the allies...
...Hull, Secretory of State, Stiassou, Secretary of War, snd Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury, they discussed the military occupation of G« rmaay aad studied lis sueatien */ apportioning its control between ths ('aitest Stale* and 4,'neloitd...
...9, 1944...
...aggraaaian of 1MI took them by 5fjp* s^enhr inarms and stop were cartaiary reeerved * **end wahh hayaiam their Soviet fathertoud, their ****»¦ rich soil, their toiamparabat social aehieve-"¦***> »st aaassvjtng ha Stolia...
...Hitler Germany mast be vaaqnished rentpteteiy, the Hithnrlan army, ss an iaotrament ef German imperialism, must be rrmehed without Jksae */ snrvtesf the German people must be cured of the barbarian ideology of "Iter-renvoi k." To accomplish thia no negotiation must or should bs attempted with Hitter, nor with thorn who have sup ported him in conducting the war, nor with the representatives of ths oligarchies who put him into power...
...set waver...
...What Communists are doing in France now ilwaar...
...An English journalist has recently written that Russia has bocosas "a country of young widows.'' I >*t us weigh well these weeds a* true...
...k*nd are ahss as ens —in spit* of flams who eraaatnla the werd "soviet ' from tha tests af tan isgrial apanhm in their desire to apply justice h» Europe and to ssgaasm aad maintorn the peace after ksrviag dictated the law af sorority in Berlin...
...These two hiatorieal truths are officially proclaimed...
...The New Leader publishes translations of excerpts from two editorials which appeared in ths fcrti copy of FHrnmanitf to reach this country (Sept...
...Te any honest men...
...But France, one est the prmcipsffy I slat sated esan-tries, is absent from these dwressisne and aha la hasty to be kept on the outside as hang as possible...
...Regarding the Soviet Union, certain facts might read us to suspect that in some capitals they would like to diminish Its participation in the radical solution of the German problem...
...The editor of the French Communist journal, Marcel (at hut, maintains that the Russians have fought the war practically single-handed and that therefore the French should accept their leadership...
...Justice demands implacability In its service...
...Indeed an influential personality ha America, Beneler Cenooaty, Chairman of tko Senate Camaatttta an Foreign A raits, did not hesitate to duels re during a debet* en ths inter national security cenfereneu that "France aaareiad a heavy defeat ha tPeO and eke must conseij.eetry (Tf) offer proof af her ability to lake pars ***** mare "m th* KxteiUia* Council of Me future internaHonal or-aanizatiem...
...The influence of the Soviet Usisn is increasing with rapidity in the entire Balkan region...
...Idea* > ssi meed at the beginning ef tha last century should not ha htersdty ssmned to tha prsssnt, with different hart nil ihiumalnuiis Perhaps Caaetoat over-painted the facta, srempUd by tha peliucsl struagls in which he waa ingagid...
...From tank moment and until the r™*-1 the Bnaaiaii trsops ass re had from victory to 7**T- <*emn, since tha allies did net open tha second r*^* ¦itamfnenj forced hack tha regrsaeaU of ^wehrpaacbt...
...It aceuetem* them to trample under/eat what Meg sue* r*-ipeetet, to court what they once scorned, I* team themtelvea...
...M. Magnien says everything he can to discredit Great Britain and the United States in French eyes...
...Can a social order be considered a higher farm ef civifltatioo urban under thia seder mesa* of preductisa beleng to the state, but every atria* or aflMagi af work, even ia peacetime, is regalaW aa a counter rrvolutisnary act puniahahls by death...
...The French Communists are not considering the wet-tart of France...
...France and the soviet Union Must Dictate the Law of Seettrity to Berlin By M. Magnien The Bed Army already control* the grant Barepaan arteriea af the Danube for 700 kilometers of it* course...
...The European Dssjssrativs ( saunwaioa brought to life by tha Maarow isssUraats hast year Is now study in* the clauaea ef the future peace...
...of the Criminal Cede af the RSSFR with modiatstttons up to Dec 1, luat>l ttona withent trial, are normal snd lawful mafhasli af government even in peace time...
...On the Mat front they ateamUsd up to 3ev...
...Their purpose is to cut France off from Great Britain and the United States, to drive it into the arms of Russia...
...Yet his aascripties kaa the wider aad deeper miaabg of a siyinssgdrel gsasiaB-sstion...
...t4evertheless, the ismiyr- records his t »rtasnalinaa and hasmigass Pestsrlty will judge ban by these menuaaesU srsctoe* by hinasetf...
...OnNMsehss hts< •yton brihsd wrismrs toko >......he at it, they sasae an lhaagh it were a amsstins at taariasisg...
...These ssate piraanaHtiaa are ham hard on Cer-suty where tkary are reads/ to aaaoast iUagatiy the reactionary clique...
...Any nrv-fg»cjabtt comment, especially in relation to Russia, is represented as an effort to drive a wedge into United Nations unity...
...German spirit?—It is "civHtmd barbarism," it la Aradour, it is Katyn, it ia the camp ef Moidensk...
...After Stalingrad the recoil of the Germana wa* constant and regular until this Summer of 1944, and the entire world is celebrating this succession of immortal victories unprecedented ia history...
...It hi true that every day these troops •at rapidly heing dacanatod by the Red Army aad eahas lung they will he totally disabled...
...One wonders asset the restriction which stalls the USSR and Frames, aearh assrs as smcs—evidssHly a coincidence—the rumors carer sing an armistice, ties-man "governments in reserve," became stove and move aerarrsus in Sw^tsrrinnd snd else share...
...Oh th* ether hand it i* undeniable that it ia thaa* who have endowed moat from German barbarism who must dictate the taw to Hermann and not those who, not having suffered the horrors of occupation, speak in certain committees about clemency, "defense af German spirit...
...With these who easmst aadaratavad the dhTermare be tweea tasaaa and Halnhrvinn It ia futile to argue...

Vol. 27 • September 1944 • No. 40

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