The Home Front


The Home Front By WILLIAM E BOHN The Frencli Ar# Still Frencfi LAST wni we mad* aa big aa tpltth ae we ceuld about tke Brst copies of L* /*•**> ieir« It wen reecoaring te tee tke aid mo *t heed,...

...I expeetod the Bibl* and Ikakteeieri...
...Rut four year* of anguish have not driven them craxy...
...The honorary chairman of the dinner for Ferdinand Smith, national secretary ef the National Maritime Union, was Basil Harris, who is president of the American Merchant Marine Institute...
...Quite boeoft of any power enecpt that furnished hy their own fort, the Peeiaians eaeeBed themeilvta ia devising new and astonishing varieties* of the saetoa of extending the am of their beloved kieueleiiee...
...FM and the New York Poet, the liberal New Deal organ*, constantly point up the fact that the GOP hae an overwhelming majority ef new* pa per* an Ma aide and that FDR coverage it played down...
...During the first days of September, when these papers were printed, Germans were still hiding about the city...
...Coming from the eecretary of the Socialist Party, the views expressed have, at least, semi-ofiVis...
...I lie French Socialist Party must hsve maintained an effective underground organisation, for here is the regular list of permanent headquarters and notices of meetings to be held...
...But these two liberal organ* have not printed one line of apace on the candidacy of Norman Thomas, the Socialist nominee...
...He calls upon Socialists and trade unionists foe a sew and better economic and social policy...
...John L. Lewis stead* among those, the greatest emancipator of labor ia the world* history...
...It's neither a Slate nor a Notion, hut a pttfttaitn Reeeat Soviet meatuvotingt with Carol foretold hi that column several week* ago—give the troth to that quip...
...Senator Ball thi* week denounced several -Senator* aa isolationist...
...The laat picture was that of Aiken, of Vermont, who waa endorsed laat week by PAC... Court...
...has been building up Ferdinand Smith aa the highest ranking Negro unionist in America, although A. Phillip Randolph, n non-Communist, enjoys greater prestige within the- labor movement, while South khnsekf ia outranked by Willard Townaand, a neevCommnnlst, who hoods the Tmmoport Service Employee* end fct a member of the CK> Executive Booed, • e e Yotl rtmtmhtr the remark: Eowtoit...
...The recent now*, however, of aha asgitkttiLs between Castd and Ountonohy reran* n story told by General Kritirtaky to illustrate ten lilltiiai Between Soviet toyiinags and the Rum at...
...The socialist and democratic groups are united in a junta headed by Indalecio Prieto and Diego Marlines Barrio, and their representative here it Fernando de loe Rio*, the former Loyalist Ambateedor...
...Naturally, like Christ, like Jean <bf Are, Mho Abraham Lincoln, they would like te crucify him...
...It ia, evidently, hia idea that if Prone* ia te escape from the moras* in which she tank befor* 19«u, aba must go forward, not back...
...Curran has remarked: "If the shipowners get mare profits, w* will get higher wages...
...Nicholas Deeenkorg, one ef the early leaders ef the American Con*muni.t Party—Browder waa convicted of using hi* nam* in peotgort travel-wtt drawn into Soviet mgtonnge and one of hi* aaeigamente was Rumania There, with the aid of Magda Lupeseo, Krivitsky charged, he wa sable to get a private airplane and flyover the country taking picture* ef Ma fortifies ton...
...Roosevelt announced that "he took wholehearted pleasure in...
...But what do I got...
...The Home Front By WILLIAM E BOHN The Frencli Ar# Still Frencfi LAST wni we mad* aa big aa tpltth ae we ceuld about tke Brst copies of L* /*•**> ieir« It wen reecoaring te tee tke aid mo *t heed, te reeognise fsin11isr neeaes assess- tke writers aad, wsauialry, to note tke reeppeerence ef tke funny little French drew infs...
...One corro*qundent, for example, relates In*ideatt connected with has visit to ender-gtrouivJ (w>ltsf wbejr* trrttod* flgf Met \%*%4 Itocii Mt,laVJtict6flr to the) tertueot of the 6llll|l, Thirty men...
...Mine Workers' convention, •truck by some of the newspaper reports of the apoeches made is praise of John L. Lawia .Vanning through the introductory speech of John Owens, here ia what we've come aero**: "Once ia every century there is born on emancipator...
...welcoming them into the society of free sovereign nation...
...What they have learned from their eetaetrephe we have still to discover...
...Their first concern is an adequate supply of food...
...Uniide W Qui By MURRAY EVERETT Inside and Out Sweaitb f eadoaoo J CAN NEGSIN, the last premier of loyalist Spain, will soon make his political bid in the tangled Spanish situation...
...In this coon try yea merely stride a wheel and ride it...
...Then, on the day, before the sentence was to bo executed, the Germans Red and the condemned men wore liberated...
...The convention voted to affirm the no-*trik* pledge by 782 to 975...
...That waa boldfaced in the page* of the United Mint Workeri Journal In lightface, we find the following: "Ia all those struggle* for a quartet- of a century, in every great movement which had for it* purpose elevating the plain citizen of this country, John Lewie has bean either the leader or the in) spiratien...
...It seems likely that Negrin't friend* here will form some tort of Spanish Committee to aid him in t bid far recognition...
...We have alway* thought of the French aa a rather volatile and emotional lot If they were actually an irresponsible sort of people, wo should have had riot* and lynching* all over the place But, as a matter ef fact, nothing of that sort occurred...
...president of the Rubber Worker* (CIO), came out ahead in this year's convention in a fight against a ranke-and file group led by George Bass of Akron, Ohio...
...Negrin, who wae repudiated by the Spanish Socialist Party, found support among the Communists...
...But every ward breathed the old spirit of the French...
...Only at the very *wd did I get a hint of the treoxeadeae watery which that iksggj It mil cam spew forth...
...He's mod— raw...
...Extra rtssssjumt eon he token ia tow in the moat isuyoaiia* and varied ways...
...The Confederation General du Travail was going full blast the moment the Germans disappeared...
...The editorial by Danie) Msyer which we published last week has groat significance...
...Reference* to "lac*-pantied gigolo*" who oppose ham...
...No's Sod...
...The history of their lives is the history of our nation...
...Tho Cbine Ml Where 7bay May NeWSPAPER gossip has it that Eddie UVinson, editor of the CIO Auto Worker and braintruster for Walter t cut her, may come to New York as news editor of Pflf...
...One ef the vary first is*no* of Le fopmlaere contain* a delightful and perfectly characteristic sketch of how Parisians got about during those earliest days after liberation...
...Harrit is the chief spokesman for the American shipping interests and hoe been the moat active ia sponsoring on ex pan ironist program for American shipping, an integral part of an American imperialism...
...U. $. ia fbe Mlwaftw l«af Recent political nwneuveriaga uadereaore the growing u. S. interest in the Middle East, not only one of the moat important oil region* in the world, but an important connecting link for air travel in the poet-wax world...
...pages, end each oae ferried a tremendous lead of news The items were limited to a few paragraphs—many cut down to a couple af lines...
...No population anywhere was ever so carefree In its adaptations of the bicycle...
...Citimsss are told just how to oat and what to ee kf they era tenv-picloue of hat loyalty of a irload or of n strangeir...
...All the evidence from these rejuvenated issues of J.e Populmire is to the contrtry, If wt are to believe our eyes, France is rising after four years of painful repression with her old spirit, her eld traditions and her old institutions intact...
...Thia action backs British policy in the Middle East of uniting the Arabian nations into a Middle East Federation...
...After thi* gttgttae purplish prone, I got set for a great oratorical outpouring from the great prophet...
...Over there you think of every possible device for extending aad complicating the service which pear loyal vehicle eon render...
...In fact, Mr...
...tasno of them Social...
...Thiol w earner Praaiilant PrtM*»»l*- a»awmtiMfitdtai ftJnam aWwaanl aea*wm> wr*vewams, a tusntiTiit "uviitcit, ¦ re ruer^ revert...
...The people of Paria are atiU **»*rt, atill funny, atill devoted to justice...
...He calls upon them to undertake immediately a campaign to rebuild their organisation...
...Results should be ia within a month...
...The French had accused Wedeworth, then a Consul General, of having stirred Arab disc on teat against the French Administration...
...Its former president waa murdered by the Nazis, but new officers will continue the tame old work at the old address...
...Recently there was a break between the two over a tpurieas front, the "Supreme Council," which the Communists created, composed largely of dericale and monarchists...
...It has been dinned into our ears that out of this undifferentiated mass would rise a new and different tort of civilization—with new objectives, new parties, a new sort of life...
...The dirty little French collaborator* were changing their line aad trying to lose themselves in t h* mass of the population...
...Years ago, trade unionists wer* told to hide their affiliation whale party infioenc* in various placet won »olt pedalled...
...Now it'e the reverse...
...Negrin has little backing in Spain...
...IrssweT mytxama ¦ * nation of George Wedeworth as United State* Minister to Syria and Lebanon, along with a special statement which emphasized the political significance of the move...
...The second concern it to give flat readers canfhtmua in the regular routine* ef Man...
...The League of Human Rights announces thtt it will immediately take up where it left off when the Germane occupied its headquarters...
...Louis Saillant, the general secretory, immediately makes an appeal te members by meant of the radio...
...The move ia aimed both against the Zionist hopes for Palestine and the French hope* for continued influence in the Middle East...
...e • Mew Si,- of Parry Una ThERE ha* been on interesting propaganda shift in the Communist Party...
...He asks for elimination of -feudal left-ems" from tke direction of French affairs...
...Lobor Nor**— Tho CIO Ilecfioes RsiD ROBINSON, the fellow-traveling president of the Mine, Mitt aad Smelter Worker* Union, face* a strong opposition ia the aaemherabip referendum now being conducted in the union...
...For example, the National Committee of Writers immediately prepare* and publishes a hot of writers who have disgraced the name of Franca and art heoceferth te he pieced opoa a blacklist...
...Communist strength it boasted of while trade unionists publicly announce memberhip in the CP...
...The earliest arrangements for ahipmentt of floor and potatoes are carefully noted—so the people wilt know what to ex pott...
...Good boy...
...Expecting death, they were siiihtsiilj re-kmsed to participate in the rebirth of France There ia plenty af diaeaa, but n notable lack of strain or extravagance...
...Loot year Robinson barely scraped through againet John DritcoU, after charge* of election manipulation...
...The news notes published in these enriieet papers shew thnt the people hare a steady view of things...
...On the contrary, there ia evidence of a tustalned and conackwi effort to avoid injustice...
...Sherman Dairymple...
...e e Ami T boy I flat lawn b THESE people ef Perie—at Bret without suaViont food, without subways, without bu***—could still take it all at a grand Joke...
...The actors and the artiote take si main* miiserea...
...Party m rash ret, had been condemned to death and the date of their murder had been set... the by the court* and the e^wkntce^aga^^ 'one' If them it motimiouaty tvemantd...
...FM printed picture* of a number of Senator*, indicating these were the men Ball meant...
...Esek issue wae limited to two...
...A mesa meeting representing the Department of the Seine hat been arranged, and there ia promise of prompt reorganization of the national party...
...Akron, the largest single center of the rubber industry, waa almost solidly against Dal rymple and against the no-etrike pledge...
...Speaking to the eonvantioa, ho pulsed himself up and cried: "I'M face any easmy who seeks to break a lance on your deswawtieee breast" And the Mine Workers' editor put that la boldface...
...This week, for example, a Doily Iferaer report on the UA W convention boasts of the important Communist strength which "cannot be ignored," although the rebuke handed to Lew Mieheaer set back the C.F...
...We 'tave been told over end over again that Europe wu being ground down into a uniform, messy amalgam under the heel of Hitler...
...Ia thia eaae, Harris and the NMU have joined hands...
...e * • Jesffee fe fke TroHors <rVs one scan* these myrisd items of news, one's respect for the French people grows...
...Ton attach baskets fax, and aft and t* port and starboard...
...Everything posaibla ia dona be discourage the block market...
...He demands the national control of the "monopolised meant of production...
...Hera aad than on* finds dramatic tales laconically— nlatoet drily—told...
...The trade unianista, the Sociali*ta, the member* ef other parties and groupe are still there...
...Tke make-up wot messy at could be...
...Not Porker Divieo Wete ben thumbing through page* of the proceedings of the Unites... aa important area...
...And Pepnjooreo artist gives ua a fine view of them lane>iag at themaelve* One page ef this paper ia worth ntcrc than all the theorising which oar word lilagers have been giving aa about the future of Europe...
...Loyal Frenchmen were seeking out traitor* aad turning them over to the police and the courts...
...It was instantly recognized by the new government aa the official representative of the workers tad gave proof of itt vitality by demanding an upwtrd revision of the wage scales...
...Careful explanations are given a* to ponce regu lationa and the eperaHoae of the court...
...Alvarez del Veye, Negrin't representative here, hot been seeking to heal the breach...
...The CP...
...The separate locals and federations of the Paris area publish the addresses of their offices and, in a good many caaea, announce their first public meetings...
...This tiate he facet Aftea Davie of Utah for the peeotdency...

Vol. 27 • September 1944 • No. 40

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