Where the News Ends


Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN True and False Witnesses About Russia *f'HQ other evening I attended a lecture on .ft Soviet war aims by a speaker with a background of long...

...I am net kos-tant about offering anas, although it may seem Mssrrt mi unusual...
...Other things may happen...
...if the law has already been made and the Bishops repute it to 'be immoral (the poll tax, for instance), they will announce that it should be abolished...
...AD of which, being interpreted, means that wwjHteta Hmtidate the New Deal and gO back to die age of Coolkige sad Hoover...
...Why look elsewhere...
...We are to enter the heaven of opportunity and jobs-i-with freedom for sugar-coating—by holding to "the principles of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...
...How shall we organize ? Who will do the planning...
...Willkie might have been toned down against this background...
...EXCELLENT PAPER To the Editor: From SAM BARON Genera, Manager, Greater Sew York Joint Board, TWUA...
...Citizen's will, pure and simple...
...In the name of Mr...
...The Rusao-Czech bilateral pact ia a significant step backward toward the old balance-of-pewer set-up...
...The price of each item is discussed...
...The junket way was infinitely less wearing OB nerves snd body...
...After/ell, §m% lotening, hanging or tbssaof Hitler, Himmier, Goering...
...Who has ever stepped the voice of the Church...
...If a majority does this (as, for example, in the case of the poll-tax or other discriminations current-in America...
...But he aroused the ire of a small but vociferous Communist minority in the audience by stating emphatically wfaat every honest and intelligent observer of Russian conditions knows to be true: that there are no political liberties in Russia, and that Russians enjoy no legal safeguards against arbitrary arrests and executions...
...Probably the only way to be quite Satisfied in one's mind about the realities of Soviet life is to go to Russia and see for oneself...
...N. Y. Russia for Geld Standard . . . | The USSR startled Wall Street and the | City of London last week by coming out | for s post-war currency based on goM...
...Finally, the Bishop's expressed hope for the "re-establishment of Christ in our social life" rings for him as an appeal for the re-establishment of the Church "as arbiter, the source of sanctions, the fountain-head of authority" In short: Anti-Democracy and Theocracy...
...Congressmen Cellcr remarked: "Ml...
...That is, literally, what the deep-thinkers of the N.A-M...
...Whose business is it to see to it that there will actually be opportunity and jobs— tot to mention freedom—two .or three or five years after the war...
...The Bishops with phrases of this kind are simply recalling the religious principle by means of which society ought to be animated...
...The war is the national and intesuntaaij preoccupation...
...These are the eteaeiiU jrf faaa%>a*av And if We do busrhess, everything wilt be flhe...
...The Church pronounces herself on moral and religious grounds, not on "political" and "social" grounds in the technical sense ef those words...
...The National Association of Manufacturers includes the top leadership to American industry...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Don Sturzo Clarifies Language of Gtatholic Bishops Manifesto From DON LUIGI STURZO tffon Stunto fame the founder of the Ckristion .Democratic Party "v .,' ' *, ofitmiy) To the Editor: According to the writer of "Catholics on Moscow" (Nov...
...There are tremendous potentialities in future domestic and world markets...
...told the American people in their solemn, annual declaration...
...I received a vivid personal illustration of this point when my wife and I were visiting a new tractor factory in Cheliabinsk...
...These two cases of seeming heanlessnessaaa ing so close together show pretty clearly is wrong...
...By working with toman subjects the Soviet JasfMt of Experimental Biology say* conceivably develop the artafasP circulation of blood to s seW where the world's hospftaboapj snatch millions from the' TSJ* reaper" who would staerah* succumb to heart disease er Ma* dred ailments...
...1)1 pSPECIALLY for the duration of the •H ~* war, discount by ninety-five per cent, or maybe a little more, any statements issued by persons visiting Russia in an official or semi-sssclsl capacity...
...But the substance of Mr...
...But nothing is to be gained by Minding our eyes to what is happening...
...This is because of the credulity which this type of witness has hitherto enjoyed...
...Those who wish to separate politics from morality and give it an autonomous function will be able to appeal only to pure force: either the force of number (majority), the force of cannons and tanks (war), the force of money (capitalism), or the force of the masses (dass struggle...
...He is talking about the cost of living...
...There is s special reason why American readers and lecture audiences should beware of the hothouse tourist type of "authority" on Russia...
...These men have made definite plans to.take over our industrial life...
...To put the matter plainly, this is nothing but old-fashioned bunk...
...So has too National Planning Association...
...The Soviet Union is one of the hardest countries in the world to understand...
...3) QISCOUNT by seventy per cent, and maybe a little more, the testimony of individuals, however long their stay in Russia, who neither speak nor read the language and who could not pass a Freshman A coarse m Russisn history, literature and general culture...
...You cannot expect genarattsai admirals to spend their time in mass eaajS Thus the responsibility for action fslsjaajS diplomats, and the business of diplomats h>| find reasons for postponing action...
...When she said with a smile that she was American he slunk back...
...What we need is more irnsginatieajl we could make any picture of what it meem S have men and women dying by the hesdsj thousand, we would get hot enough so tktpfhj official walls would come tumbling down...
...We face a situation in which there are many magnificent possibilities...
...When an individual is placed in such a position that he can only say complimentary things the compliments are considerably deflated in real value...
...Now it is not only Communists and party- ¦ liners who must be tempted to ask for the credentials of speakers and writers about Russia...
...But what we are ."interested in is how we are to make use of these fine opportunities...
...The representatives of America's greatest industries, gathered here in annual convention, promise to fulfill the national dream...
...If thetevLj flood af famine or epidemic anywhere h)«L world, we would quickly take up collectiess an load ships with food, medicines, clothes, ft, s pert of the American tradition, Wfcyma we failed in these two current cases...
...They wffLfaf as soon as the public grows sufficiently ad cited...
...Harry Ward, Bernard Shaw, Harry Hopkins, Averell Harriman aad Donald Nelson...
...Generous rtihj would not only ease our consciences...
...He almost leaned over backward in attempting to be fair to the achievements and aspirations of Stalin's regime...
...It represents the number of «fa] issued by our State Department But sataj visas are issued to persons who are unable fa make use of them...
...The corollaries to this course of reasoning are more definite and intelligible...
...But they issue a statement that sounds like a Republican platform in the days of McKinley...
...Bishops and does hot" comprehend the implications of their styk of phrasing...
...It is reported thst more than MJS| Indians are dying each week...
...but when she intervenes, she has behind her a moral tradition of two thousand years —willy-nilly, her word carries weight...
...GssV bels and other Nazi leaders am never bring back te lift aaaaas of Poles, Jews and Russians vk» timised by such criminal lunstat Why not deliver these gods of evil" over te soieset"1st biological experiment...
...edgei Sabscripfioes From MORRIS GREEN To the Editor: More power to you, and while I am not very good at eulogising either the paper or its writers, I pledge myself to send in at least one subscription s month...
...No reader would be curmudgeonly enough to deny its assertions...
...Actually some 476.910 is* migrants were admitted to this country fj this number more than half were persons via would have come to this country if Hitter t*i never been born...
...But the Politicsl Police, while it does slip occasionally, as in identiiying men long dead as dangerous conspirators in one farcial political trial, has not yet made the mistake of shipping off a distinguished visitor to the Solo vet sky Islands or to the Narim Territory...
...Impossible to fan-pose silence upon her...
...When the Bishops say thst law is hot deriveVf from'the simple will ("expression...
...He starts in with the morning's orange juice and goes on to bacon and eggs, coffee, potatoes, beans, flour, meat vegetables...
...The Roman Emperors or Hitler: only the anti-democrats, -hi ever the democrats...
...And what is Justice, pray tell, except a right reason opposing a wrong reason...
...The question was just about on the New Masses-Daily Worker infantile mental level and the speaker had no difficulty in pointing out that the book "Mission to Moscow" contains jrome very broad and sweeping denunciations of the absence ef political freedom and personal security in the Soviet Union...
...To make sure that some of them have a chance to enjoy its flavor, we suggest that each housewife dip the article and give her grocer an opportunity to read it from beginning to end...
...Knowledge of the language is especially...
...Bat a consideration for the reasonable reservations and discounts I have suggested would rule out-of court or heavily deflate much utterly Unreliable testimony and perhaps lead to a much more widely accepted common denominator of facts, as distinguished from opinions, about the Soviet regime and its institutions...
...Honest and intelligent men differ profoundly in their estimates of events thst stand in a much longer historical perspective, like the Protestant Reformation and the French Revolution...
...OPPORTUNITY—JOtS—WEIOOM THE National Association of Manufacturers has issued its 1944 platform under the most alluring ef captions...
...sides are willing to think straight and talk honestly...
...The Soviet authorities have done everything possible to forestall any attempt to organize a unified Europe, limy are opposed ia advance to the setting up of any regional federations which might offer military security and the possibility of economic development...
...w| But the State Department would hava fa move...
...There will be, at the end of the war, "a vast backlog ef demand for goods and services,*' New processes and new products offer a way toward greater national productivity and prosperity...
...A party-laser In the audience stood up, fixed me with an angry aad accusing glare and asked me how I dared disagree with such a widely assorted group of "experts" on the Soviet Union as Joseph E. Da vies, the Dean of Canterbury, Dr...
...giving on Russia recently...
...Even a brief visit to Russia, to be sure, might be enlightening—if it includes a few days of personal incarceration in a concentration camp...
...The military and naval authorities aatf have to provide shipping space...
...This evidence of un*raj9 Phsraseeism follows dose on the heel* af _Z failure to act in relation to the rnffmB thousands of European refugees...
...they are not afraid of the Church and need never belt is dear that following this line of explanation, "the Sovereignty of God" and "the re-establishment of Christ" do not indicate any request on the part of the Church to participate, as such, in the legislative power, as it did in the ancien rigimt...
...No such danger...
...The writer .of the article affirms that Catholics have as ranch ns^fa*.ssmeae .the abolition of private property or the introduction of birth control (mentioned by the Bishops) as non-Catholics in doing the opposite, and denies that the Church has authority to judge political and social questions...
...m\jm natural impulses of our people have bests*, strained by an impassable wall of official fcj difference...
...and expect as to swallow their ancient verbal concoctions...
...same point aad quoted s good many chapters and verses, some time ago...
...Finally one of the hecklers' got up and thundered: - "Hew do you account for the fact that there are four books, by Joseph B. Da vies, the Dean of Canterbury, Erskine Caldwell and Albert Rhys Williams that contradict every word you said...
...Lssffi statement drips with sympathy for tat fash*, cuted Jews, but the tears he shell •Ore CToeodile...
...Bat Russia will i welcome s return to the gold standard to I stabilize currency in the countries with i which Russis trades...
...20), the affirmation made by the Cathdic Bishops of America that "raw is not the expression of the will even of the majority, but of right reason, which reflects the law ef nature and of God" constitutes a "challenge to majority role, which is the essence of democracy...
...Russia is girding herself with a fringe of satellite powers just as Britain and France and Germany did in former times...
...The Mow Lander fat genuinely uteappobiied...
...fist Bryukanenko's success tirfatifaP ing back to life animals ***¦ have been dead as long as nfbss minutes is amazing the sssefasl profession...
...They talk like moss-back politicisns...
...Our worst, fears may not be realised...
...important because of the strong police pressure under which an interpreter works in a totalitarian state...
...This platform of the great industrialists represents no thinking at all, and it is not honest talk...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN True and False Witnesses About Russia *f'HQ other evening I attended a lecture on .ft Soviet war aims by a speaker with a background of long residence and experience in the Soviet Union...
...If we are to make any adequate adjustments after the war we must have some decent sort of cooperation among industrial management, labor, farmers and the government This sort of cooperation cannot come about unless leaders on s...
...Entirely fsirminded Americana must be baffled and pussled by the war of words that rages around this subject...
...Isn't it precisely the same principle that caused the Founding Fathers to write that "all men are . . . endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among them the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness" For that same principle, too, the United States of America have instituted the annual day of Thanksgiving to God for the benefits granted to the people...
...Some of the breezy generalities ef Mr...
...Concerning another affirmation of the Bishops ("A first principle for a sane reconstruction of society is the social recognition .of God's sovereignty"), the same writer asks: "Does it imply the sovereignty of the Church as the representative of God on earth...
...They are not fools...
...This trend may be reversed later on...
...4) Discount by fifty per cent, and maybe a little more, the testimony of persons who must keep a weather eye cocked for the return visa to Russia...
...All of that has been explained over and over again in New Loader editorials...
...of the majority but from' right reason, they mean What we all mean (even the most trdeat-democrats) thst no majority whatsoever can impose what is unjust and repugnant to right reason: a fact which the Stoics knew even before Christianity...
...M- Bowles is head of our Office of Price Administration, and his topic, of course, is the one with Which every housewife is Wrestling...
...Bowies' story deals with prices...
...A Solution for War Criminals From HERBERT M. MERRILI To the Editor: . , v Inasmuch as The New Latest asks for opinions on the diss mil of war criminals...
...San Francisco, Calif...
...His argument winds up with an exposition of just how subsidies work...
...So s high snd stable price on gold is in her favor She will export fold, import goods, the traditional capitalist scheme...
...Thst is, we have actually edstttisf only s few thousands each year...
...This column made the...
...You may be surprised to learn that most of these good things have gone down in price or...
...But for obvious reasons very few Americans can do this at the present time...
...So only a dishonest propagandist or an extremely naive individual would take too seriously the public statements of men who have visited Russia, or any other Allied nation, for that matter, in the kind of official capacity that seals one's lips automatically against candid criticism...
...But we have everyjft-S blame the leaders of the United N'sttoatm the fact that there has been no snTlsaaMsal at relief...
...It sash improve the political situation in an arm,sal dose to one of our crucial battle lines...
...It is inconceivable to me how I can possibly to without such an excellent paper during these muddle-headed times...
...2) Discount by eighty per cent, and maybe a little more, the ideas, opinions, impressions and observations of individuals who have spent extremely short periods of time in Russia under what might be called hothouse conditions, living in hotels that are luxurious, at least hy Soviet standards, with all their transportation facilities aad personal wants smoothly taken care of, either because they were wealthy or because the Soviet regime particularly wished to make a good impression on them...
...No government has used it more systematically and consistently as a means of successful or attempted intimidation than the Soviet regime in Russia...
...In democracy, the Church belongs to the rank of organs of public* opinion...
...The American system is individualist," tint document runs op...
...Wkf kS more squeamish about Prrfosnv Bryukenenko operating ea Hnaa-ler than on a nice ear etfaff never harmed anybody...
...But in the name of whom or what-can this request be msde...
...such as, for instance, in the prohibition of Labor Unions from making contributions to their political parties, which seems like an affirmation of political monopoly by the capitalist class), every citizen has the right to request its modification or abolition, as the case may be...
...SHOW IT TO YOUR GROCER QHESTER BOWLES contributes a vary en-^" gaging article to the Sunday Magazine of the New York Times...
...The government mast quickly turn ever to >ivatoVis«striaIistS the great plants and stock piles which have been paid for out of public turns...
...ia some cases, remained about the same...
...This same rule naturally applies to military officers who are dispatched to a foreign country and to businessmen, ia or out of government service, who are sent on missions connected with trade and supply...
...I have travelled in Russia in two ways, the junket way and the hard way, buying my own tickets and fighting the perpetual battle of food, shelter and transportation in every provincial hotel and restaurant and railway station...
...rj HEARTLESS HYPOCRB1 IN his appearance before the House Focdgi * Affairs Committee Assistant Secretary g State Breckinridge Long succeeded m lsyfaj further burdens on our national conscience...
...Even the Dean of Canterbury might have learned something...
...Yet a visit of the Cook's Tour variety has been the foundation of innumerable inevitably bad and superficial books on the subject...
...If thU sort of thing continue*, Britain will natijumit* fall in line...
...It must be confessed that the 4,000 industrialists gathered at the Waldorf-Astoria were pretty fuzzy in their thinking...
...Vice-President Wallace has often emphasized these elements in our situation...
...I could sympathise with the speaker because I had a very similar experience myself during a lecture 1 was...
...While I talked with the officials of the plant my wife sauntered off and got into unchaperoned conversation with some workers who had been sent there for forced labor...
...Wartime controls must be Our citizens mast be given back "theftfnfty of free men...
...TRAGEDY IN INDIA MO one sitting here in America has any right to blame anyone for the horrors of the Indian famine...
...Whatever high-powered, committee retired into seclusion and came forth with this platform has nothing to bo proud of...
...I would not for a moment suggest that there could be or should be a uniform judgment of the Russian Revolution and its aftermath...
...That lathe road to war rather then the way to security snd peace...
...The writer is apparently hot accustomed to the style of Catholic...
...O, yes, to this must be added hard work...
...The USSR produces more gold than the U.S.A...
...But if they wish to surpass the materialism of force, then they must make sppesl to moral values: liberty equality, fraternity...
...But if she had been an interpreter nf Soviet nationality it is easy to imagine how much I would have learned about forced labor in Cheliabinsk...
...On the basis of this sort of thing we can get nowhere...
...One part of the picture presented is true and good...
...One sees again the repetition of ancient patterns...
...In the meantime it may be worthwhile to consider the discounts that should reasonably be made for certain types of testimony about the Soviet Union...
...Apparently this direct method of learning something about the workings of "economic democracy" in Russia did not appeal to the local bosses: fcr a tough looking individual stepped up to my wife ana said, with an obvious note of warning: "Are you a Soviet citizen...
...They are not fools, bat they think the American people saw far from bright...
...Or in the name of Justice...
...If all the perpetrators of ear atrocities are given the Sana penalty, the psychological ate» of making Europe a vsnassh post-war slaughter-house matt be reckoned with...
...One has a natural fear, however, that the food manufacturers, processors and dealers may miss this literary gem...
...The Soviet proposal is more conservative | than those msde by the U.S.A...
...the hard way was infinitely more informative as to how ninety-five per cent of the Russian people live...
...or Britain...
...It fairly makes one's mouth water to follow his line of reasoning...
...Statisticians csJculsti that the number of refagree to whom we hsve grasp asylum during the decade is considerably bah* 200,000...
...Well—the Church has no power at all over force...
...It is an elementary rule of diplomacy that an ambassador does not express critical opinions about the government to which ho is accredited, or about the country or the people or the institutions...
...Refusal of permission to enter the country is a mild, unspectacular and yet effective totalitarian method of at least partly gagging visitors who wish to come back about the less pleasant aspects of their regimes...
...her pronouncements are not based on numbers, she does not use cannons, she does not buy with money, and she does not incite to class struggle...
...I The USSR stated that because Russia has I s State-controlled currency, it cannot par-I tieipste in sny international bank or sts-| bilisation fund which provides for ded-| sioaa outside that State...
...It is dear: the statement of the Catholic Bishops of America, theoretically and practically, is outside of any idea whatsoever of Anti-Democracy and Theocracy...
...One was a factory worker who was blamed for the breakdown of a machine, snother was a peasant who, according' to his story, had shouted that there wasn't enough to eat at s collective farm meeting...
...EDITORIAL COMMENT SICUirTY-OLD STYU HTHE world more and more resumes its old *^ls^a1at*6lo!aiehtoits old ways...
...Here then is a misunderstanding...
...told the legislators that during the past ta years we have admitted some 580,000 rietfaa of Nazi persecution . His object was te nth) us think that we hsve done our part toeusi rescuing the people fleeing from Hitler's poos* One must be polite to an assistant srtrsfasSj His over-all figure, let us say, gives s nana impression...
...In the old days we had a mpsSjZ for generosity, for willingness to dig (knew help quickly in ease of trouble...
...Thus, if s proposed law is immoral, according to Christian precepts (birth control, for example), the Bishops will declare it to be immoral and will announce that Catholics are to oppose it...
...The article, as was said above, is charmingly and convincingly written...
...They promise the nation opportunity, jobs, freedom in the post-war years...

Vol. 26 • December 1943 • No. 51

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