Where the News Ends


Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Who Is a Fascist? ?SOMETHING that is badly needed, especially in time of war, is a foolproof dictionary of political definitions. It is all too...

...Niebuhr is quite right...
...Vice-President Wallace has occasionally succumbed to the temptation to attribute dark and terrible designs to unnamed American "fascists" without identifying the persons and groups he has in mind or indicating why he regards them as fascists...
...The New Leader can have mass circulation...
...Frankenthaler and pull down the lever for Judge Levy...
...Paul Hagen is...
...Anything more unlike the authoritarian, dogmatic fascist method in education could not be imagined...
...If the tripartite conference in Moscow fain, it will mean only one thing, preparation fa* World War III...
...The only possible reward jjftM the voters can give to the three CoaneflnS who have served so well for the past tea years is to send them back to their placet with other ALP members to give them added power...
...THE ARMY AND PUILIC Oft WON A LL armies are opposed to the impact tf public opinion upon their coneernt...
...All the enemies of the administration know just what it means...
...Everyone is familiar with the fact that in Britain and the United States there are conflicting interests, contradictory tendencies and opposing viewpoint...
...Winston Churchill entirely cleared Marshal Badoglio of the accusation, which had been leveled at him, among others, by Count Sforxa, viz...
...The fourteen "younger senators" ere putting up a determined fight They represent both parties and all sections of the eonaery, and they are pulling no punches...
...The enlarging of the kit group in the City Council is of fauneehnf importance...
...but it is distinctly a step in the wrong direction...
...by any person who is aft blinded by prejudice, by* paatstceived hatred or by political fanaticism...
...A FAIR clinical diagnosis of America's national ** health in relation to fascism would be that the disease has not assumed any widespread virulent) form, but that certain germs of It exist and require close and constant and vigilant quarantine measures in the shape of a constant fight for civil and personal liberties and for justice to racial and ideological minorities...
...The latter are concerned with the possibility that the individual personality may be crushed and flattened out beneath the steamroller of an omnipotent bureaucracy...
...No other weekly does or can fill its place...
...Obviously, it was The Monitor's privilege, even Its duty, to criticize views about America's military and diplomatic policy which it regards as mistaken...
...Rather the Russian expansionist plans conform to the old system based on fear, with military alliances and spheres of influence...
...In a fen days, Wflb pitiless energy yet with a Stanmum of bloodshed, in order tad legality, he has totally unttntsd the evil plant of Fascism, t*r solved the Fascist party and tb> Fascist institutions, such St tin) Great Council, suppressed at laws redolent of Fascism, abolished the Special Court for cal crimes, freed the nape&eaef anti-fascists, given back at Imjf all the liberty of press and « speech allowed by the tiltla* stances...
...The statement of the American Friends of German Freedom welcomes this policy, but wishes only that the appeal should be a "joint Nations appeal," not one by Moscow alone...
...If they did volunteer, they were trying to get experience for a future armed uprising...
...International authority is a vague and scattered thing...
...Tht conduct of the aged soldier thtts he took over the government, BO) been perfectly loyal and tret St the cause of liberty In the internal politics, tat conduct of Badoglio cannot nuv sibly be criticized, as it testa* n> me...
...The New York Herald-Tribune, Republican apologist for neo- imperial ism, supports Prrtvdm't assertion that the Soviet borders are no more a matter for discussion thai* the .borders of the United States...
...Every vote for the ALP list of candidates will strengthen the position of laborites and liberals during the coming year and will add tremendously .to the strength with which these forces will enter the great struggle of 1944...
...The "younger" group is depending on the folks back home for support...
...MOB SPIRIT is not only expressed in phyhical acts...
...Russian power politics may torpedc site* for permanent democratic peace...
...Hanley for the office of Lieutenant Governor with the openly expressed hope that his election will strengthen Thomas E. Dewey*a bid for the Republican presidential nomination...
...In her hands are the destinies of tlx wetweary people of the world Russia earriss a fearful responsibility—the future of pesos**) development of civilization...
...At the same time it seems to me that two large bodies of opinion are forming in all democratic countries, and their disputes, carried on and settled, one hopes, by free discussion and free voting, are likely to dominate the twentieth century very much as the arguments of liberals and conservatives (both now rather outmoded terms) played a prominent part in the history of the nineteenth century...
...Their attitude is made clear in countless editorials and news stories...
...It seems to me that the nwsnSfl for us Italians has come to bBBJ all we have that is miserable SSP petty, to forget all our tersenSt grudges and party prsjedtsffc looking forward to toemtnjjf which is far shove all partajS and personalities our enonaslb^ The historical moment is §f»J*tand solemn...
...If they didn't volunteer for military service, they were slackers...
...The expression "free and sovereign nation," forms a not too invisible hole in the web of words...
...Soviet Russia mast redan this...
...This meant an armistice should be accorded only at that moment er just before our main descent...
...The election of Judge Matthew M. Levy has special importance...
...The hundred carefully chosen words promise that we shall "join with free and sovereign nations in the establishment of international authority with power to prevent aggression and to preserve the peace of the world...
...On this basis every laborite, every New Dealer, every true Democrat will make sure that his vote counts for General Haskell...
...Some reservations are acceptable, if the basic principle of the Moscowtactic is not attacked, namely, the combination of Prussian officers and the "underground veterans" in a new organization, producing the future leaders of "Free Germany" under Russian protection...
...But the leaders of the Legion, in some of their public statements and in the resolutions which they have pot through conventions, seem to me to have fallen a good deal short of the highest and most generous American ideals...
...It is no wonder that the New York J>aily New*, ultra-reactionary sheet, praises "the realism" of the Soviet dictator and urges our statesmen to exercise the same hard-boiled realism...
...There is a very simple answer to the problem, advocated by Wood row Wilson and approved traditionally by the American and British people: let the people of Poland, Latvia, Esthonia, Lithuania, Rumania, snatf and, if Russia insists, the people of "-*»jgffi and Texas—decide for themselves by enm erotic referendum whether or net they e«S to be independent, or part of seme tthjr nation...
...What Moscow needs— and most urgently in the hostile American atmosphere—are supporters of their point of view, the most neutral and "nonStalinist" possible...
...There are those who advocate aa inclusive federation of nations, and those who want an alliance with Britain...
...If ageum Germany, then why does Stalin declare SB Germany must remain a strong military Boost after the destruction of Hitlerism...
...In the midst of a war that demand* tat service of millions of our young nun...
...that he was responsible for the fateful delay in the signature of the armistice...
...The real difficulty was that the Italians were powerleas, and until we landed in strength, we couldn't give them a date...
...Churchill's words were exactly the following: "We did not doubt the sincerity of the (Italian) envoy nor his government but we were not able to reveal our military plans for the invasion of Italy...
...These could not Q# rapidly enough for tsehBsud reasons...
...In Canada I happened to talk with a man who started out by cursing the French-Canadians...
...And new the territorial ambitions of Russia are obviously a threat to any plan for a new world order...
...Millions of citizens are convinced thai Sergeant Levy was condemned by court marusJ because he raised his voice in defense of Kerrt soldiers who were unfairly treated...
...Incidentally, one hopes that the spreaders of ignorant and untrue slanders about the JapaneseAmericans will take time out to read the testimony of news correspondents on the spot to the fine showing which a Japanese-American military unit made in the fighting on the Volturno front Personally, I have always felt confident that the Japanese-Americans, just because they felt themselves under challenge and suspicion, would prove themselves among the best soldiers we could have...
...Hagen knows much better than his American friends what sort of "Free Germans" Ulbricht and Pieck are...
...Niebuhr entirely missed the point of my analysis of the Moscow' maneuver...
...It can find Its way into the resolutions of mass organisations .sometimes of organisations that pride themselves on their hundred per cent Americanism and super-patriotism...
...saabc opinion of the Army is of prime importance Discussion ef this Levy case has now cent .so far that it cannot be side-tatpptt ar frowned down...
...And for a linguist there is a difference...
...If we join such free and sovereign nations we obviously preserve our own sovereignty and fre*d"oAi of action...
...But I am a linguist only as far as the deciphering of the Stalinist language is concerned, and Dr...
...But these exposes, for the most part, merely rehashed over and over,again the mouthings of a few minor crackpots, of whom it is doubtful Whether one American in.a thousand had ever heard...
...Britain has her Tory imperialists, her conservatives, her liberals, as well as bet trade unions, her Labor Party, and her socialists...
...Darlan and Petain abolished the French Republic SIP suppressed all French lHitltisti gave over France to the Gerstsas and shot American soldiers...
...TOO CLEVER IT FAR *T*HE resolution produced by the Senate * Foreign Relations Committee to mark our course into the post-war world does credit to the legal acuteness of its progenitors, but can hardly serve any other purpose...
...As soon as he got away from the French, he launched into a diatribe against the Jews, who, as he insisted, were controlling the Canadian labor movement and were responsible for all the strikes...
...One group might be called statists, the other individualists...
...The tiny particle, therefore, has too rude a sound for sensitive senatorial ears...
...Here is a case in which writing to your senator may really help VOTE AMERICAN LAtOft AS the New York campaign rolls along to*™ ward its end, one thing becomes clear...
...There was no American of proved fascist sympathies who possessed the prestige and following that Mussolini and Hitler acquired long before they came into power...
...sash at are frequently heard these ong» from those not accustomed tf clear thinking, lack any rati basit...
...fin public or the politicians are as ill-fitted tt interfere with the running of a military er...
...England sat the United States will not have a progressist foreign policy if Russia does not...
...But considerable injustice h done and a good deal of loose and confused thinking is induced when Marquis of Queensberry rules are discarded in controversy and name-calling takes the place of serious argument...
...The time was spent in finding words which may sstisfy the folks back home and yet commit the Senate to practically nothing...
...Churchill said, was due to the Allies, and not to Marshal Badoglio...
...EDITORIAL COMMENT .Moscow's Responsibilij* PERHAPS those commentators are correct * who insist that America's participation in any in tenia t ion ai ftdsiathm or alliance depends more oa the decisions of the Kremlin (bait the decisions of the United States Senate...
...Now German emigres should realize what Moscow wants, and if Dr...
...the Bismarckian officers and renegade Nazis, is a major disaster from the viewpoint of any genuine German Socialist...
...Niebuhr's statement that the Daily Worker was much more honest than I in underlining the reservations of the "American Friends of German Freedom" in their "welcome" of the MoscowManifesto of the Free German Committee...
...If the Republican politicians had any honest desire to head off the racketeers who nominated Mr...
...ganization as with the management of i nun) or factory...
...This is just characteristic of the way in which any kind of race or national or class or occupational hate or prejudice is apt to swell and grow...
...Undiscriminating prejudice against members of a certain race or group or occupation doesn't of itself make a man a fascist...
...Their candidate for the Supreme Court in District No, 1 may be wholly unobjectionable, but the placing of him in nomination will split the anti-Aurelk) vote...
...But this is impossible if they are paralysed by the devious politics of the Soviet Government...
...there are elements of truth oh both sides of the argument...
...There have been violent and undiscriminating attacks on workers in war industries, workers who, by and large, have done a fine production job, often under very difficult living conditions...
...But in totalitarian Russia there is only one party, one opinion, one policy...
...em* doglio restored freedom t* bb country, swung Italy to the ASbP and inflicted a very strong ah* upon German power...
...Wee Xaaa under the impression that Hagen V committee would be useful in the propaganda campaign for the*MoscoVeomm ittee ? Why did Tass cable to Mr...
...The only possible way to defeat this protege of racketeers is a general decision of decent citizens to disregard Mr...
...The only ufjrjtj wkica complete confidence can be maintBspt It tor the Adjutant General's Office to cane data If race prejudice is not involved ia tht Levy case, then there is nothing to conceal LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Ruth Fischer Replies to Niebuhr on "Free Germany" from RUTH FISCHER To the Sditor: I was really pleased to read Dr...
...Lynching mobs in this country have committed individual outrages as diabolically cruel as anything perpetrated by Brownshirts and Blackshirts in Germany and Italy...
...Alleged exposes of "enemies within" were as thick as blackberries during the years and months before Pearl Harbor and sometimes crop up now...
...Aurelio, they would have endorsed Judge Levy...
...and the ideal solution will be the synthesis that will best assure at once the maximum liberty to man as an individual and the maximum security to man in society...
...Comparisons of Badoglio awn Darlan or with Petain...
...Russian remands violate the Atlantic Charter...
...It is true that this process in a democracy usually ends in calling names and does not lead up to treason and sabotage trials...
...The Monitor usually maintains' a high standard of factual accuracy in news "reporting and temperance in comment...
...Our saving grace is that we have never allowed the mob to become the government and to write its brutality into the statute-books...
...In both countries there are isolationists and internationalists...
...Italian Professor Defends Badoglio From GIULANO tONFANTE Profettor of Romanic Language* Princeton, Vnivertitg To the Editor: In his recent speech...
...Niebuhr, an American, may not be fully acquainted with devious Communist maneuvers...
...All of the candidates for judicial placet oat* for seats in the City Council deserve enthusiastic support Every one of them is gentnay acknowledged to be well fitted for the phut to which he aspires...
...We would have done more if it had been possibk help this unhappy goverhassfV who were beset on every tide by insoluble problems and who kevt since acted toward us both with courage and good faith...
...But the writer of the article I have in mind had gone far out on the rather brittle and dangerous limb of suggesting that certain politicians and newspaper editors with whom The Monitor disagreed were guilty of mental sabotage comparable with the phyhical sabotage that might be inflicted by enemy agents...
...But in both cases there arc potato at which the public interest becomes supreatt Such s point is furnished by the case of Ahca Levy...
...In its demands for stricter punitive regimes for two unpopular minorities, the conscientious objectors and the Japanese-Americans, the Legion has displayed a spirit very different from that of Abraham Lincoln...
...Against whom...
...I must disagree with a letter printed in the paper stating that The New Leader cannot have mass appeal...
...The reason for the long preliminary discussions now becomes clear...
...Every opponent of the New Deal is perfectly clear in his mind...
...And if the Russians did commit a "political error" in asking an ex-Gommunist for a statement would not the political duty of Mr...
...Am Absolute Necess/fy Fer Llfarefe *eop/e By ERIC EARL and KURT SCHILLER To the Editor: The New Leader is an absolute necessity in this or any time...
...Does the He-raid-Tribtau reflect American plena for an alliance with Russia in the struggle for world domination...
...Soviet Russia argues that she must assess these lands because she needs strategic fre2 tiers and bases...
...If this support comes through within the week, the "younger" —3ki this case, the braver, the clearer-headed —senators will win...
...How paradoxical and ironic it will be if the "socialist fatherland" becomes the main obstacle an the road to internationalism and progress ' . Unfortunately the " revolutionary Soviets" have played such a role before...
...around words like "fascist," "sabouteur," "isolationist," "radical," "communist," as general cusswords directed against persons with whom the writer or speaker may disagree, and without any precise or accurate content...
...There is nope that m the western democracies the progressive forces will triumph...
...It is not his iselt that the Germans occupied the enur try: we know now that he StUtUst timet warned the Allies ef tap imminent danger and insisted a rapid disemharkment of the Allied troops...
...We sang...
...The membership of the American Legion is a good crosssection of the Americans of til occupations who were called into service during the first World War...
...We, therefore, timed the announcement for the moment we deemed would give us the best military chance and give them the best chance of extricating themselves from the German grip...
...Cooperation with Ulbricht and Pieck...
...The- enwflict between realists who want to say sernething and clever politicians who don't is clear and open for all voters to see...
...But evidently someone who didn't like the college president's idea on some subject had started the suggestion that he was a "fascist...
...now that even if hit troops anft obliged to fight for tome tbJtt against the British and Amersnui soldiers, the blame does ast-fal on him...
...An international authority sounds like something definite and substantial...
...As we go to press the only hope of s stronger and less ambiguous declaration depends upon a prolonged debate...
...I was surprised during my recent trip to Canada to hear someone suggest that a college president of my acquaintance was a fascist...
...Russian demands conflict with the aspiration of mankind for collective security through democratic self-determination ef their destiny by all people, small end great...
...AH tat forces of imperialism, reaction, nilitarhak ¦will be strengthened throughout the worU g Russian demands are granted...
...T NOTICED a similar disquieting tendency in a * recent article on the editorial page of "The Christian Science Monitor...
...As a matter of fact, this particular president has laid special stress on training the students of his college to think for themselves and not to accept without question every idea they may encounter in a textbook or hear from a member of the faculty...
...But to suggest that the holders of these views were guilty of mental sabotage seemed to me a case of hitting below the belt...
...There are imperialists and anti-imperialists...
...How fearful are the authors of this precious document lest language be polluted with meaning is revealed by their horrified opposition to the introduction of the syllable an before the term international authority...
...Tat Nee leader cannot be certain whether this wfstspread suspicion is justified...
...Republicans are frantically boosting Mr...
...But before we become too complacent about the situation, we should recognize the fact that certain ugly aspects of fascism, notably mob violence and intolerance, have deeper roots in American life than we sometimes like to imagine...
...He (and Paul Hagen, the secretary of his organisation) did not welcome tht Manifesto, but they "welcomed" in the Manifesto various portions, etc...
...Hagert have been to advise his organization to answer strictly in the negative or not to answer at all...
...Their plea reveals the true inwardness of the entire campaign...
...A candid, cool-headed survey of the American scene would, I think, lead to the comforting conclusion that there is not and never has been a serious organized fascist movement in this country...
...The former are insistent on the possible role of the modem democratic state as an agency of social wellbeing...
...This delay...
...It must be honestly, fatedtf the Army authorities...
...having once been a member of the Communist Party in Germany, and having gained some experience in underground work there, should understand Moscow's tactics.' Tass cabled the American Friends of German Freedom and asked for a statement from its 'leaders on the Moscow committee...
...From the first day *» sought peace and alliance...
...Under these circumstances no one is bound and the whole structure will shiver and part at the first blast of international adversity...
...He had them coming or going...
...The Atjnttit General's Office refuses to release the mstrrui upon which the conviction was pased Until this material is made public the tnsptcioo a* injustice will spread...
...Neither of these schools of thought can fairly be called "fascist...
...Hagen and ask for a statement...
...Churchill declared, a eP» lay for which Badoglio is tainly not to be blamed...
...It is all too easy -to fling...
...These citizens will all vote against the American Labor Party...
...It is also an interesting pathological observation of mine that one kind of race prejudice easily leads to another...
...Every grumbler against social security and high labor standards knows precisely what levers on the voting machine he will pull...
...Likewise in the United States there are reactionary, conservative, and liberal Republicans, New Deal and Bourbon Democrats, trade unions, socialists, and communists...
...On the contrary-, the paper is written on an intelligent level which will meet the requirements of all literate people...

Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 44

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