Stalin's Border Stand May Split Moscow Parley

Stalin's Border Stand May Split Moscow Parley New Conflicts Seen Unless Three Powers Effect Compromise By LISTON M. OAK Stalin chose the time and the place lee the coming tripartite conference...

...Edward Macauley...
...Hitler, however, was mere amenable, and the Bolshevik-Nazi pact gate Germany the green light for war...
...The men who seek to reconstitute free trades unions must do so at fearful risk of life, family, reputation, even mernory...
...forgotten are the domestic and foreign maneuvers that contributed so largely to the present catastrophe...
...One due to what the U. S. Government regards a* considerations of principle in such a situation was given last Tuesday in an address before the Italian-American Labor Council in New York by Assistant Secretary of State A. A- Berle, Jr...
...The Reuther- political resolutions reflect the general: apathy of the convention delegates and it is dear that little serious spade work was done among the rank-and-file outside of a few isolated areas, either on program or on purely machine problems...
...Already many have died unknown, un»ung, in thiS terrible task of bringing dynamic freedom back to their people...
...But the Reuther group lacked an effective political machine to follow up its advantages...
...In theoainds of some, it doesn't mean Loops Adamic oat to be reliable judge ef "patriots...
...Reuther is their leader, th*y would not be moved...
...Late in August ail Greek underground delegates who had arrived in Cairo issued a statement asking the King to refrain from returning to Greece asMaVa pi so—cite had wfiien^Msely gained a majority* bYTenezelists, have approved this statement...
...Programatically, the "gruesometwosome" found it easy to abandon their own program and string along with the Reuther group when the mood of the convention was apparent...
...The Communists would give these revolutions the kirn of death, as they did he Spain, hat would use thorn as a means of establishing pro-Russian governments In the meantime, Stalin's strongest weapon, in the present diplomatic straggle, is the threat of revolution -National interests, not ideals, will dominate the proceedings at the Moscow conference Fortunately the - national interests of aft three powers dictate the iitiustfry far eeoperstibn...
...Greece is vital to England's Mediterranian plans, and the English government has always put its weight on a regime it considers more "stable...
...Particularly you are interested irt the re-creation of the free trades unions...
...Confronted with the same, or enlarged, demands, will the Western powers be compelled to concede them, for the take of cooperation in the waging of coalition war and in reconstructing devastated E&repe...
...Stalin's Border Stand May Split Moscow Parley New Conflicts Seen Unless Three Powers Effect Compromise By LISTON M. OAK Stalin chose the time and the place lee the coming tripartite conference of foreign mintators, and be seeks to dictate the aguaaa...
...Reuther is not disposed to wrecking the union-wage structure in order to bring in a bloc of workers in a war-inflated industry who will drop out of the union in groat numbers after the war...
...Despite pleas from all officers and groups for an increased assessment of 50 cents per month, for the duration of the war, ah a Mat-war reserve fund, the convention voted down the proposal overwhelmingly...
...Today the propaganda job has reached the point where the dispatches from London casually and chtunmjly refer to Joseph Brozovich as Drug Tito, which in Jugoslavia means "Comrade Tito...
...L Greece has been ene of the greatest sufferers in the war...
...At the same time, it was learned this week by The New Leader that President Roosevelt has been informed of the ease and that a confidential investigation may be under way...
...Tonight, the great industrial centers •re within German lines...
...On this latter question, Addes and Frankensteen {the "gruesome twosome," as one of the Reuther campaign songs ran) hadn't dared risk a roll call vote, as more than two-thirds of the convention rose to take "a firm position against the extension of incentive pay plans" and piece work in all forms...
...Plainly this must mean reconstituting tabor organizations as free and self-governing bodies capable of speaking once more for the workers, by whom the brunt of this fearful struggle has been borne, and for whom the peace must be made...
...In 19S9 it was the refusal of Tlrltean and France to grant Russia this drastic revision of her frontiers that blocked the achievement of a defensive alliance...
...1 That situation is one of the "aees-in-the-hole" the Russians brought to the Tripartite Conference table...
...While tike Communist guerrillas were doing alt the fighting...
...They hat* baa* stated bluntly, almost aa an ultimatum...
...pleas that piece rates will play into the employers' hands after the war when the union faces unemployment etc., make little impression on these "new" workers...
...Reuther denounced this amendment as being actually "Jim-Crowism...
...But the Negro caucus tell for the Addes bait and voted for him...
...It was only in February 1942 that the Metaxist hold on the Greek government-in-exile —Metaxas himself died in the last week's of Greece's resistance—was broken and Venezeliat elements brought into the government...
...Boris Shishkin, Paul Sifton, Matthew Woll...
...If aesae measure of agreement rmeast be achieved, the danger grows of a third World War...
...political aantWg which stated: "Hitler also has about tan German divisions in the Balkans...
...Leon Despres, Levy's lawyer, who investigated the ease in Lincoln, Nebraska, was down in Washington last week and submitted a full memorandum on the case to the White House...
...One development out of this was the formation of a tight progressive group within the Reuther caucus led by Emil Mazey of Detroit, Paul Silvers of Detroit, and Tom de Lorenzo of Brewster Aircraft in the East This EastWest alliance undoubtedly will be the spearbead of future militant and anti-Communist drives within the union...
...Although the national interests of Britain and America, as well as the ideals of their common people, are opposed to Russia's territorial expansion, realism dictates a. compromise of expediency...
...Stalin can play the devious and dangerous game of power politics in the time-worn imperialist manner with impunity so far aa the fellow - travelers are concerned...
...Rnseia's hv sanMwnPtfwftl dete^mneTrTpelttaeal<anammt ter of the taansition government*, SteMn Many ntodtfy hi* aaanaada — The only hage or any smderssnndfay seat anOpeBTStiOal Wilstat ftannnnVasaV dSpWaausaw atJMal %\ ]ta«BUwFasM|0sl pnbiic The and wishful Itanhiaa et American liberal fnends of the Soviet Unsoa weald wreck tar chaaces at undnrmndiag...
...He pointed to his own clear record of fighting for Negro rights and stated that the fight against discrimination involved, a fight for first-class citizenship, for equal* rights for Negroes and whites...
...More recently, Britain has indicated willingness to oka* Russia's acquisition of the Baltic Biotas, bat Roosevelt objected that this would violate the Atlantic Charter...
...The deal was made without participation of the Unites...
...Continsatien at the balsare of-pewer strategy, with alMaar— and counter alliances, with Britain ptaytef Rossis agate** the I nited States ami Russia seeking secret pacts with rsaaadtated Germany aad Japan, spells calamity...
...Dubinsky and A. Philip Randolph aiaiiteiiil they were jointly sponsoring a meeting of New York labor leaders on October 20th, at Freedom House, to take up the case of Levy and that of Winifred Lynn, Negro inductee who has filed suit against the War Department, charging violation of Section IV (a) of the 1940 Selective Service Law forbidding discrimination against Negroes in the armed forces...
...L. G. Ligutti, Mrs... 8 they lacked one...
...Jugoslav Minister of War, from reaching America, unci tea they were letting through communiques of Partisan activities...
...America is willing (within limits) to give arms and supplies to,wjteerer will use them to fight Hitler snd the Nazis...
...The plea for incentive pay cane largely from aircraft, where Frankensteen la in charge...
...Latvia, Uthnantt.'B^i^ vina, « slice of Finland and Rasters Poland...
...aad the fliawi niste have threatened te arrest these PoHah anti-fascists as Nasi agents as soon as the 1*4 Army roaches Poland...
...Capital Comment Report British-Russian "Deal" on the Balkans By JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON, D. C—Britain and' Russia have struck a deal over the Balkans, it is understood authoritatively in high government circles hers...
...BrozoviccV first big publicity "break'' in America came on Sept...
...At a caucus ijf Negro delegates, holding 185 votes as the prise, both caucus leaders were asked their stand on this amendment Reuther came out flatly against it...
...Sogh plants can be as easily retooled as thosr inTjie Detroit area after the war...
...Now it is about to make its next jump and set itself up in Sicily, where, among other thangs, it no longer will be completely under British control...
...21 when PM naatiaasvt a full-page story about him by Louis Adamic There- were some curious aretes to Adarr ic'« story...
...f . ¦ *- • CONCLUSION A*TD SIDELIGHTS:—The net result of the UAW convention was a demonstration that the rank-and-file is largely uncontrolled, and perhaps uncontrollable...
...Immature might be a more appropriate word...
...Before the war, King George sanctioned the dictatorship of General John Metaxas and the outlawing of the liberal party, especially the Venezelists...
...Moscow's Polish committee and the widespread underground organwatten in Poland wtarh has magniftciently fought the Nasis...
...Just like a tree that stands betide the the water, • They would not be moved...
...With Oil of five minutes to campaign, the Reuther candidate lost by a dozen votes to an Addes supporter who had been primed for weeks...
...CALL mUCO FOR NATIONAL CONSUMERS CONFERENCE WASHINGTON, D. C.—A National Consumers Conference will be held at Cleveland, Ohio, October 27 and 28...
...Before free trades anions can be reconstituted, all of us, and all of Italy, will have to fight...
...And on October 9, Mr...
...was long in cooking...
...Following the announcement of the New meeting, made from Boston, where both Dubinsky and Randolph were attending the AFL convention...
...The British apparently are willing to rive them up as a Russian "sphere of influence...
...Thomas is their leader, they would not be moved...
...Many national organisations including organised labor are sending representatives to this conference...
...Dubinsky, Randolph Call Conference On Al Levy Case Statements by David Dubinsky, President of the ILGWU, and A. Philip Randolph, President of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Oar Porters, have brought to national attention the case of Sergeant Alton Levy who-was courtmartialed for speaking up on Negro discrimination at the Lincoln Air Base, Lincoln, Nebraska...
...Resistance to the Nazis in Greece, therefore, baa been exceptionally fierce, aad the Nazis have retaliated in a ruthless manner...
...The borders of the Soviet Union eould ne more serve as a subject of discuss job Chen, far instance, the borders of the United States or the status of California," f*i—a» declared on October 13...
...Russia cynically distrusts out peogeeeod war aims, the promises of the Atlantic Charter, our assurances of friendship, and ridicules the idea that capitalism can be anything but imperialist...
...Reuther thumped Frankensteen by 346 votes, and Frankeneteen trounced Reuther's man, Dick Leonard, by 253 votes after the latter had lost to the admittedly popular George Addes by only 70 votes...
...finally, ten minutes before the balloting began, some one was chosen...
...Bet that only constituted a slight matter of 100% exaggeration...
...Ha wtBfhaptoat to the full Russia's advantageous harfaimnr position, unembarrassed by commitments, or by a recalcitrant Congress ar by critics at horn* There win be no liberal opposition m Rusais to denounce the Kremlin* foreign policy mad to demand, aa do so many Americans and English liberals, that their government capitalate to the views of one of its allies...
...On the other hand, because ef political pressure, the UAW is in no position to lead a drive against the War Labor Beard1 to got wage increases within fhe present structure...
...The first hint that tite British and Russians were working esM a deal far the Balkans rami some time age when Jugoslav ontciaai w tarn eenmsry complained that the Louden smears were stopping eiespatehes of military remrnaniones from Gen...
...On the other hand, King George has a powerful backer in Winston Churchill and members of British royalty...
...The relations between the United States and such op Italian Government—as, indeed, with all countries—-were clearly outlined only a month ago by Secretary Hull: 'Cooperation between nations in the spirit of Good Neighbors, founded on the principles of liberty, equality, justice, morality, law, is the most effective method of safeguarding and promoting the political, the economic, the social and the cultural wellbeing of our nation and of all nations.' "Properly, you are thinking of the reestablishment jf the institutions of which free Italy was based...
...Greek underground Fight on King Seen as Allied Headache Special t|*a& Nrw LiAoat WASHINGTON, p. <?—The next political explosion in the Allied .camp may come from Greece... fight side by side with all who likewise risk their lives in common cause to make an Italy capable of restoring to every Italian his rightful part in free institutions of labor and in politics...
...When the Negro election issues came to the convention, a large bloc of Addes supporters, including" Cliff Murdoch of the "lHywhite" Packard local, defeated the Addes. Frankensteen proposal...
...The Balance Sheet of the UAW By ROBERT TOWNSEND, JR...
...Two months ago* nobody in this country had ever heard of him...
...The King is the center of controversy...
...Henry Goddard Leach, Rt Rev...
...Hungef has been most widespread in Athens and other Greek cities and thousands of persons have diedUfrom starvation...
...Henry R Atkinson, John D. Black, James B. Carey, Elisabeth Christman, Leo Goodman, Mrs...
...The Greek si t oat ion is "purer" than most, for the struggle is mainly internal aad outside influences, such aa the flomiits or the Americans, play a leaser role in the conflict...
...President Roosevelt authorise* me...
...Adamic spoke of Breaovwh as "tits mitttery miracle and mystery man known as Tito" and described his manner as inspiring "endless deBut those with long memories were a bit chary of accepting the gushing portrait For they rernembered that after the assassination of King Alexander of Jugoslavia in 1934 it was the opinion of Adamic that "the head that pulled the trigger of the assassin's gun that killed King Alexander was a patriot's hand.'* Aad the man wan- plotted the assassination and lead it was the Creation terrorist, henchman ef aTaaan lini and fascist Ante Pavebch, head of the Croation Ustschis who are allies ef the Nacis in the Balkans today...
...tot#mp oi Greek underground leaders, in a letter to the Greek premier who new snaintarns headquarters in Cairo...
...The incentive pay issue cats eve* deeper than appears on the surfaeB...
...It began: "The Jugoslav people's aiaaatng gueuHa warfare, which for two years has kept some 8fl Axis divisions almost continuously busy hi Jugoslavia and thus away from the AngloAmerican and* Russians fronts reached a clhnnx last weep?' Oddly enough, by way of initial contradiction, there came a United Prase dispatch frost )|dfrcow the same day which quoted an article in the authoritative Soviet Army newspaper "Red Star" by lonstantine Got*man...
...For Americans this might mean the maintenance of the world's moat enormous military machine, the launching of this country on imperialist adventures, the strengthening of all the fascist forces here and abroad, the attempt to police the world and crush revuiatteaa Aad Anally a run ions World War III against Rusais...
...Seme might say, this demonstrates a Tack of confidence in the leadership...
...It is not difficult to predict that General Motors et ai, if it has to cut down production, will concentrate in the low-wage ajaas, Reuther has argued properly that uulote -wage* are standardized, so that a welder or lathe operator gets the same rate of pay in Atlanta or in Detroit, chaos will result The sktension of piece rate systems would simply wreck an already jumbled wage structure...
...And more recently...
...General Walter von Seidltts might conceivably become Stalin's candidate for president of the new German republic...
...It is known here, however, that before Secretary Hull left for Moscow earlier this week he was aware that that was one of the ticklish diplomatic situations which would confront him at his meeting with Soviet Foreign Commissar Molotov and British Foreign Secretary Eden...
...Dwjght W.' Morrow, Chairman of Food for Freedom, Inc., announced this week...
...It is also believed that the Dubinsky statement prompted the White House action...
...God speed you all...
...This would mean that Russia would sag lam revolutions throughout Europe to aetahllah "people's front" governments, ¦mieable te Moscow...
...This eeaajfc *mm* ateVme.i...
...The men who emerge from Greek's underground, claim therefore, they have a special right to speak for Greece and her future...
...Late this summer a number of Greek political leaders who had been active in the underground resistance were brought out of Greece...
...At 7 p. m. fhe Reuther forces lacked a candidate...
...John O'Grady, James G. Patton, Ole Salthe...
...The chief figure, in the struggle is King George of Greece who was placed on his throne by British "bayonets'' aad who has had the full political support of the British since, and the younger elements who nTsist that the King "not return to Greece bagegefBaf people express their will on (he type ef government they want...
...And Addes' victory over Leonard' seemed inexplicable after the smashing triumph scored by the Reuther-Leonard forces on the incentive pay issue...
...In thin and mort iinpm lent conferences to caste...
...bat the ••dissolved" Comintern is the only organisation strong enough, with Russian aid, to asanas* the leadership of the revolutions which may follow military defeat of the Axis...
...The result was to give the huptmnaaa that arlaailovieh was doing nething...
...Germany, and Japan...
...The pattern for this threat is eotHned by the Free German National Committee and the Union of German Officers in WnssH The liberals who are shocked by ear dealing with Darlan and Badoglio forget that Stahr is quite capable of making deals with Nazis or German Junkers...
...salute the struggle, and salute the men...
...The above call was signed by: William Allan Neilson, Chairman Of the Board...
...With employment swollen far beyond normal capacity, with corporation reserves at an astronomical figure, with the aircraft industry due for a tail spin, the UAW —more than any othe# union—will need a huge post-war fund...
...Failure of the three-pewer ssarfsrsiiie might prove ¦iseeUiien...
...The answer seems to be that these men have little conception of the role of the union in the post-war picture ai a whole... 7:30 they had one...
...The answer, seemed to lie in the fact that the Reuther-Progressive forces failed to identify issues and personalities...
...Washington and London may figure that Moscow wfll get this territory anyway—either fry m^q&q% of fry dnrploBmaftcy"-¦*^mmI tii*0r( fort ^OT*lt out a new Curaan lino- They will probably make the best bargain possible, with whatever pteamv tioa they-can provide far the lives, liberties, and property of the helpless peoples of the heads coveted by Russia Rmmia'a urgent ased far peace aad for aid ia isauBsUsytiea, as well as her aaad tar ana establishment ef a second front in awnwanj and other pofcits of mutnal interest, offer a basis for seactateg a com penalise...
...In several instances the Addes forces sought to ride the tail of the Reuther resolutions...
...Addes it their leader, they would not be moved...
...Paced with this fait accompli, the United States Government is prepared to go along with Britain on lending military support to the Partisans oa the same grounds that it has been willing to give military support on an expediency basis to tile Italians under Badoglio and Xing VicteJrhjpMnanuel — that is...
...In a Quebec address the British Prime Minister stated that he hoped King George would be restored to his throne...
...This is right...
...Di sje Mihaikvricn...
...The hope of the Balkan- peoples for democratic self-determination of their future now «an be said to rest almost solely with Secretary Hull...
...Any informed student of Europe knows' that no rebuilding is possible which does not include recognition of the far greater place of labor in the world to come...
...Frankensteen it their leader, they would not be moved...
...Tke deal, consummated about six weeks ago...
...The deal involves a division of spheres of influence between Britain and lassie, and provides for British military support of Josip Broxovich, Croation Communist leader of the Partisan guerrillas in Jugoslavia...
...Where he got the military title, or the technical training it implies, is a mystery...
...ffTid maybe Manchuria—-for 'the aatBe^jkspll ana*t2ie U8A*tookUthe P Mrpiaea.*a^^STC Western democracies are moving, wiil \tmtf and all too slowly, toward granting independence, or at least a measure of self-rule, to their -colonies, and toward seeking collective security through federation rather than alhV anees...
...but the hour-long demonstrations after each candidate was nominated contradicts that explanation...
...The "limit*," aa defined by one high govern* ment authority, are those which are imposed by "considerations of principle...
...AT the moment, these "considerations of principle" appear to be the chief element of difference in the attitudes of the British and American Governments towards the Balkans and Eastern Europe...
...They are interested in the "buck in the pocket" today...
...Sometimes the London dispatches refer to him as "General" Tito...
...Typical of Reuther's lack ef preparation was the executive board election in Region 9, where Reuther's man, Ed Gray, stepped down...
...With wages frozen under the Little Steel formula, the only path for wage increases is some form of incentive pay...
...It is impossible te foresee the shape of the catastrophic consequences of failure to arrive at an understanding with Russia—these ate only a few of the obviously possible results But already in the activities of the Free German Committee, and in the pi leant ¦iijgpte far power in China and in Yugoslavia, an H'HttTJ the alternatives to international cooperation...
...Stalin des^res^s^real social revolutior Was than do Churchill sad Roosevait...
...In frankness you should be told that this work has of necessity to abide military possibilities...
...Stalin is readily forgiven the pact that gave Hitler the green light...
...Because of it, it is now learned authoritatively, the Jugoslav Government-in-exile found London too uncomfortable an atmosphere in which to conduct its affairs and moved to Cairo...
...Dwight W. Morrow, Rt...
...Early in the convention the Addes-Frankensteen caucus brought in a proposed constitutional amendment for a Negro executive board member at large, to be elected by the convention...
...There is already a war of words batweaa...
...If Churchill ar Roosevelt openly pursued similar war sites they would cry havoc Arguing that an understanding with Russia must be the basis of permanent peace, such Stalinized liberals urge appeaeemeat of Rnasis, Like Crarist Russia and every other govern* meat, Stalin's Russia seeks national anemia/ through the old form ula of strategic frontiers Esthor.ia...
...These workers are not especially union-conscious...
...It is ironic that certain liberals who are unalterably opposed to imperialist designs on the part of the United* States or Britain, who I'luadooin the strategy that has resulted in victories in North Africa and Italy aa a "nasty muddle,'*- should support Russian imperialism and intrigue...
...The situfaoft there represents, in microcosm, the conflict that is splitting most exiled governments : newer forces, representing underground groups, seeking recognition and power from the older governments with emigre headquarters in Allied capitals...
...Reuther stated that he wouldn't make racialism a principle ef election, that he wouldn't ask for a Jewish board member, or a Catholic board member, or a woman board member solely on the basis of their race, religion, or sex...
...the Greek princess Marina is the Duchess of Kent...
...Senator Wagner pledges his aid in an investigation of the Levy case...
...On the major political issues of the union convention—incentive pay, conditional support of Roosevelt, a no-strike pledge where management cooperates —the Reuther program was carried overwhelmingly...
...The British plea in defense of their present conduct is that, having great areas of interest ip that sphere of the world, they are under greater' pressure to make "defensive deals" than the Americans, who are not *tmflarly encumbered...
...In the final analysia, mWw <* Secretary Hull's position will be molded by considerations ef watch course wtbV exact the lowest price in American lives...
...But the real propaganda blast didn't get going until about six weeks ago, when the build-up for Brozovich began...
...The question now is whether America will be compelled to give way on this point, or whether we can hold the "deal" to a one of temporary military expediency...
...Wrwag eweJsteas hi these times, ispltittsa of taw am taken of the Versailles Treaty, amy moid the limits of eiradia...
...The Bolsheviks are still obsessed with the bogey of capitalist encirclement, far more than are the democracies with the bogey of Bolshevism...
...General Mdtors, Chrysler, and the aircraft companies, with the generous assistance of the government, now have plants scattered over the country...
...On the other hand, the Addes machine functioned smoothly, though it is a strange amalgam of Communists, machine hacks, reactionary elements such as the "lily-white" Packard local, where an anti-Negro stoppage had been held, and organized Negro groups...
...The Kremlin organ insisted thatthe conference will he limited to the natation of the second front and other militmry guest torn, and denied that Russia intends making a separate peace with Germany There is nothing easglnatk ahoaw Statute dMmands and wsr plana...
...The head of this group, E. Tsirimokoa, issued a long attack on the King, recalling the grievances before the war, and making the serious charges that agents of the Greek government, sent into underground work, had "ignored, misrepresented and even persecuted," the Greek resistance movement...
...Drew Pearson, in his Washington-Merry-Go-Round column reported that Churchill hat been battling to keep George in power...
...From day to day, and at times from hour to hour, none of it seemed to make sense...
...Leon Despres, counsel for Levy's father, revealed this week that the courtmartial that tried Levy had first found him innocent and then reversed its verdict to bring in the guilty sentence which placed the former ILGWU organiser for four months at hard labor and reduced his rank to private...
...On October 7, David Dubinsky asked New York Senators Robert Wagner and James M. Mead to investigate the case...
...stand fast in the mighty and growing work of liberation...
...Perhaps the major mistake of the Reuther caucus was its failure to do a real "educational" campaign among the rank-and-file on the political issues within- the union while conducting the present fight largely on factional and power differences...
...Tactically, Reuther was outmaneuvered, partially because he would not wage a demagogic campaign...
...ferle fait "to rentind you of hto pfaagr that Raly should be restored as a respected member •^the^family of nation?: and to say that as to the raeonstitution of Italy, ;io government will be imposed on Italy, and that its government Amrht Aa bw» acceptable to the Italian ftatfple, derived from arid responsive to its free will...
...The civil war in Yugoslavia between Commanist-led Partisans, and the |eoi ITlaa under Mikhailovitch may be repeated in every fvijlii country aa soon aa they are liberated from the Nana...
...The Reuther forces are desperately aware of the need for industry-wide standardization-—piecework rates would create uneven levels—if poat-waf disaster is to be avoided...
...Let us leave aside political quarrels...

Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 42

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