UAW Parley to Show Labor's Mood Towards FDR Policies


UAW Parley to Show Labor's Mood Towards FDR Policies Report Phil Murray to Force Compromise in Reuther-Addes Fight By DANIEL BELL U. S. labor and political circles had all eyes on Buffalo this...

...The promise of a General Election is of all his concessions not only the most important and far-reaching, but= the one which necessarily gives rise to a lot of further demands...
...All three are currently opposed to Ball—two with good reason, the third quite foolishly...
...The real question was: Bear much of a decisive controlling role will Chiang play in the new maneuvers*" Always a kind of compromiser and mediator between powerful factions on both sides, Chiang has to keep ia check: 1) the powerful machine bosses, represented by the so-called CC clique of Chen Ufa and his brother Chea.kao-fu...
...aaJMed lor the 8th national convention of the United Auto and Aircraft workers Union, whose million members and militant and democratic administration make it one of the moat important unions in the country...
...but far from being the most important one at the moment...
...China, stands at the watershed of her fate, a-tate which pill be decided daring the pr—o«&-S8fi<L- and within two-years... expected to launch a CIO boom fox Franklin D. Roosevelt fiat^a fourth term...
...UAW Parley to Show Labor's Mood Towards FDR Policies Report Phil Murray to Force Compromise in Reuther-Addes Fight By DANIEL BELL U. S. labor and political circles had all eyes on Buffalo this week—as delegate...
...This is being «ne principally out of consideration for Secretary Hall who, today on his birthday, is 72 years •fee*.' And London, of course, is sort of halfway house between Moscow and Washington...
...But it will also strike at the Chen brothers...
...speculation in land and rice is easily more rewarding than production of needed war materials...
...Murray may hold this out to Reuther as part of the compromise on Addes...
...that the reason they couldn't get the things they want was because of government bungling...
...Three separate and distinct currents are responsible for this background...
...Italy's Last 40 Days of War By PIERO TREVES [Pisro Treves is the ton of the famous Italian Socialist leader Claudio Treves.] LONDON (By Mail).—On Sunday, July 25, at 10:45 p. in., Radio Rome broadcast the dramatic annpuncement that Mussolini had resigned and that Marshal Pietro Badoglio had been appointed in his stead...
...a third would give the Reather group the majority...
...Bat not before some hasty Masts are aimed at the President's labor polices from the convention floor...
...This background, unfortunately, gives rise in SOBje quarters to misunderstanding and apprehension—both of which are considerably seedless...
...The Addes group is a strange combination of machine men, ambitious careerists like Richard Frankensteen, some progressive anion leaders, like Charles Kerrigan of New York, who are personally devoted to Addes—and the Communist group led by Nat Ganley and John Anderson, which has been closely allied with Addes but now talks of "unity" and the "end of factionalism...
...and General Secretary of the Union of Metal Workers, Bruno Buozxi (in whose home in Paris our veteran leader, Filippo Turati...
...But Roosevelt is s smart politician," he cOBtinftjxi, "and bo *s probably nawpar-ing soate<W...
...concluded with the unanimous approval of • ieries of resolutions calling for immediate liberal action on the home front...
...Murray mast force this compromise, in order to keep the U.A.W...
...Each section in the group has it* own definition, and the definitions are for from being in perfect agreement...
...Apart from the issues of personalities and power politics, another decisive problem will be "incentive pay...
...He knows that of the two rival forces—his own and the people's—his is the weaker...
...Enroll meat ia vitaL A targe ALP enrollment te a symbol of strength which is retorted by increased respect far the voice sf labor in legislative circles...
...One source of their (farmer's) tiredness," said Mr...
...But it was too late to quench the revolutionary movement...
...AH I can say is that I have seen no objective facts to support this cynical view...
...Or, rather, it leads to liberty, total liberty, both within the field of trades unionism and of political policy, which is obviously fatal to the Marshal...
...It |# peded pries control by cutting OPA appropriation...
...the farces af Westers imperial finance, aid-line native w»rlordism ami ¦bum...
...Congress reduced food satpst andrr pressure from the feed trusts ami big farmers operating •factories in the field...
...Addas will remain as secretary-trssserer, according u> this version, and a new vice-presidency will be created far fcemtsrd.- 3bps csanrmstee wo«W save Asej* his job...
...official told this writer, "and yell murder...
...So-called "enlightened -self-interest" factions in all groups may be found to stand staunchly behind the Generalissimo...
...that the only way to remedy this situation whs to get rid of the 'bureaucrats' in Washington...
...Wallace pointed out that white collar workers, teachers, civil service workers had had their income slashed nearly one-third by the rising costs and that war workers of tan suffered many discomfitures sf housing and travel...
...Enroll ALP I A BOR fell asleep at the switch hast *" year...
...fnat initial attitude may hold a greater importance than is usually accorded such things...
...2) the dominant moneyed interests, also affiliated with feudal landlordism, who have been inevitably blocking Chins's all-out industrial production...
...The dilemma* and difficulties which Chiang's advanced Chinese nationalism is facing in the coming en are not new ones—but never before have they been so concentrated bp history...
...Things have gotten so bad, in fact, that the forthcoming tri-power talks, curiously enough, Mem aa equal necessity to Moscow, London and Washington...
...At present there are twa rice presidents, Reather and Frankensteen...
...He has promised that a General Election will be held within four months after the cessation of hostilities, and appointed commissioners of trades union federations, most of whom are undisguised members of the Opposition...
...The dramatic incidents and color of the convention will center about the fight between the Reutaer^eaucua and the Addes caucus for power The Reuther group contains the meat progressive and militant elements in the onion, the men who have been leading the fight for defense of union rights in wartime...
...Some indicator of the spirit of give-and-take tfct Russian* Will bring to the tri-power talks nay be given by the degree of willingness and rrsciousness with which they greet the request af the United States Government that the conference be held in London...
...Farmers, if only from the standpoint of th#r own self-interest, must be concerned atjs*$"m-bor...
...4 Oct...
...Fifty-three companies, handling 86 per cent of the nation's meat supplies, made $106,613,000 last year as compared with a 1936-39 avorajm of $24,971,000...
...If the State Department should reeognize tat demand* of American liberate aad rastosli for a declaration that we will establish leftist pee...
...voices that will 'snipe at the administration's failure to stem rising living coats .while wages are frozen...
...The Conference" was opened on Friday eve-ninC by Councilman Louis P. Goldberg, who Presided over the various sessions...
...carving out of the wreckage of the world a flew American empire...
...Fags* legislation depends upon labor as well as mm votes...
...OPA Study Shows Quadrupled, Meat Packers Profits The meat packers last year showed a profit that was four times above the peacetime average an official OPA study shows...
...Ahd that ia the moat important fact of all...
...He becomes daily more involved in a contradiction out of which there is no escape—for him...
...One reason why the packers have gotten high profits is because they have conducted a meat strike in various sections against OPA ceilings...
...The only hope for the Communists lies in "unity," for it would help keep Addes in check...
...For them, "incentive pay" is a substitute for any action against the little Steel Formula and the hamThe U.A.W> convention will run for ten days...
...The view of the State Department consistently has been that the people of Europe will decide that question for themselves...
...The promise of political democracy may'have been accepted as a weapon with which to disarm the popular protests embodied in the Yennan movement (Yennan, capital of Shensi province...
...For the time being, the big industrialists also indulge in appeasement...
...that Hull and the State Department, within certain elastic limits, ore either for'or against toe idea as a settled policy...
...The packers' profits were multiplied fear times, while their volume of sates wont up only 83 per cent...
...Their critical attitude towards Hull grows from an unrealistic conception of what the game's about...
...Last week Chiang announced to the world that within one year after the war ends, China was to have a democratic constitutional government...
...1 and 2...
...I have brought to the question toe experience ef a a* a* a* to covering Washington, and my own sympathy with the objective of seeing genu tee peoples' democracies established throsgheat the world...
...It seems certain that a large number of delegates are in rebellious mood against what they regard the "hamstringing of labor" by the War Labor Board...
...The caucus that offers a really militant program will attract these delegates...
...The definition of what they mean by "leftist" governments is left very much in the sir...
...In its tax procedures, Congrsss has fixed the 1936-39 period aa the measure of normal peacetime profits...
...But no * one realizes better than he that the destruction of Fascism spells disaster for him and his clique...
...found a shelter till his death on March 29, 1932), and Giovanni Roveda, who, after spending seventeen years in prison and concentration camps, spake at the Opposition meeting in the Cathedral Square in Milan soon after the fall of Mussolini [Recent reports from Italy indicate that the Nazis have killed Bruno Buozzi, as well as Pietro Nenni, a left-wing Socialist leader.— Ed...
...There's nothing much can be done about the first two groups...
...or the War Labor Board's superseding the entire collective bargaining machinery that had been built, at a terrific toll, by the U.A.W.J The extent of the War Labor Board's power to make or break a onion can be seen in its decision this week on the Brewster Aircraft ease...
...But.the third group is palpably sincere, disinterested and moved by motives not of self-interest but of idealism...
...The result, therefore, mast be a domestic battle between lefts and rights ever aha Issue...
...This column is written for Americans and reaction in America is more appropriately our subject...
...bwt |Aa«»1ha in a definite minority position...
...leader told me, "unless FDR delivers to labor, the anti-Rooaovelt feeling: is going to be terrific...
...m»ai n-mente te Europe resmns* on the tevaj of tor sign affairs, it is possible for the State Department to maintain the attitude aad the declared policy that we want to see the peoples of Europe decide for theraoelvea ia free, democratic otecttoas What kinds ef Severn meat they will have...
...On each dollar of mvestmsnt in the companies the 194t return Was 3 ^» times the 1936-39 average...
...That is why his determination to head the American delegation came as unwelcome news to some people abroad and at home...
...Hence his policy of appeasement, which leads' him nowhere, for he cannot stop it anywhere...
...SDF Race Parley Calls For 'Fair Racial Act' After four crowded panel sessions exploring "Racialism," "Negro Riots," "Anti-Semitism" »wi "Labor Internationalism," The Conference to Combaf Race Prejudice and Conflict, called by the Social Democratic Federation last week-*nd...
...Its proceedings will be an index to the current mood of American labor...
...Let's take them in eider: .-One, the reactionary wing in Big Business is opposed to Hull Because his idealistic views af foreign trade stand in the way of their post-ear ambitions JM.seise the American ship of state and, with mk night and power of America behind them, go on a buccaneering cruise of pirscy around the world . . . grabbing whatever they please, trampling the democratic rights of ether, people...
...Bet history warns as against any aadae optimum...
...Necessary as it is to deal wtth the world oa xealiatic terms, it is indeed harmful right now for the idealistic groups to bring this kind of fight to the State Department la the first place, the proper pteos for agitation for "leftist" governments in ffiaswjaf hi the soil and among the people of Europe —not Waahmgtea...
...The big news build-up for the convention is the test between Reuther and Addas, with the Reuther caucus naming Richard T. Leonard to ran against Addes for secretary-treasurer...
...he has worked Closely with the CP...
...into his own ppwer-formation...
...But the convention, from all indications, will not be simply three organised groups jockeying for advantage...
...The news, of course, was welcomed by the United Nations, and the old propaganda line was dropped—it could now be admitted that "embattled China"' has had a one-party totalitarian government...
...This is a profit increase of 335 per cent...
...I have noticed that anything that cute labor's income mt| the ^jj come of all farmers except those on the somen mssket...
...I am peatoctly aware that there has been much propaganda to obscure this point...
...Addes does not work on any principled basis, while Reuther holds a support -of-the-war, left-of-New-Deal position...
...maekine-boas political corruption, foreign deplomeUr pressure, and popular radical protest movements...
...The Vice-President warns farmers thai incessant criticism of labor is wrong and JangsJMSS, and that reactionary elements are playing up to farmers by leading them to think they see carrying more than their share of the war load...
...Now it depends, on our ability to secure inner political unification and concentration of national power... of i loohitieno, The amawm^iftwi Be various trad* nrnons ami lateral^esaaajateiateBe foom the away* -. hi see thee Bee bewared akdaemhahjdmamaamate ^j^*^***"" ** ** ^mmtenoBBwPp^ 'C C Clique', Communists Contest Chiang's Plans for Chinese State By MATTHEW LOW The puzzle of China is being pieced together by observers who are willing to look behind the black headlines about General Chiang Kai-shek's new "democracy" and the return of Communist-Kuomintang difficulties on military and political fronts...
...They know what they want and what they are doing...
...will come out for Roosevelt for a fourth term...
...Both far the working class inside and •state* Italy, and far the Allies, naitlimary industrialists whs foster Fascism era a far more dsngsrssjs fee thaa the Blsckshirts er Farinaeei's Nasi supporters— Wallace Calls For Farmer Labor Unity By MURRAY EVERETTE WASHINGTON, D. C—"Farmers Are Being Led Into Deep Water," that is the signifies tit headline in Spade, a national farm newsletter, over an exclusive interview with Henry Wallace...
...Sao Tang Pao, the Army newspaper, printed a selection frcm Chiang's new book, China's Destiny— "la tke past China's destiny depended on foreign policy...
...By pressing that ramsmign against the State Department, however, the owestibn is brought down from the level ef foreign affairs to the level of domestic aatairm...
...In statements by Roy "Hudson and William Z. Foster, the CP has called for "unity" within the U.A.W...
...Battel SLaon, aad Cksrhtrt ^^tfftr, ffhttontad the chantage of "sane —uutaaai" arm Che sate af tehev in hatemwttonal ltosfMm...
...The five, and eventually six, organized political parties came into the open: the Socialist Party, the Christian Democrats, the Communist Party, the Liberal Reconstruction Party, the Party of Action (grouping also some elements formerly belonging to Giustizia and Liberia), and the Party for the establishment of a Socialist Republic (i...
...pomps Levy asked Amertaaa trade aaeens "to wtoa eff the books afi pvetediee and diseriatomvtaii directed against any owe beeams* of eoter, retigten or cotmtry of origin...
...Judge Matthew Levy...
...In order to build a ¦riapi's— diimntk capitalism, Chiang ess to "divert almost single-handed...
...The role of • toe Communists has been peculiar...
...Incidentally, our comrades in Italy are very far from believing, as many Continental Socialists seem now inclined to believe, that the principle of historically and doctrinally differentiated political parties is an old-fashioned idea to be discarded in favor of the new and dangerous principle of the all-embracing, nationwide party...
...Wallace, "is because, when they went to town, they were told by various businessmen and by certain government officials that wry were bearing more than their share of the burden...
...In the voting they are expected to go along with Addes...
...It is no use denying that on that road he has already traveled far...
...Addes's only way of beating Reuther today is to attract some of the militant elements in the Reuther caucus by a demagogic "rank-and-file line...
...Enforcement of existing labor laaw has been weakened by slsshsng appropriations...
...Whatever the reaction in Russia, I will leave to Pravda and Izvrstia...
...For it would be foolish to conceal from ourselves the hard fact that the conference does not begin under the happiest circumstances...
...It is with a view of curbing their power, which continued unbroken through the twenty years of Mussolini's dictatorship, by means, and not in spite, of the trick of the Corporative system, that well-known anti-Fascists have agreed to accept appointments as commissioners of trades union fape rations...
...Merely to state this should be enough to reveal its lack of realism...
...and second the fear that Addes may slip away and they would be isolated...
...Some militant elements ia the Reuther caucus feel that he does not go far enough in calling for independent political action, etc Addes could make a bid to some of these groups by a more "leftist" line...
...These comes to all men a time te their affairs when silence is golden...
...assuT a enmo y arlsw tsm pa t n had ases . cleared for that development hi the West...
...Labor makes the farmers market...
...Three opposition newspapers were started: a Liberal daily, the late Giovanni Amendola's paper II Mondo (The World), under the editorship of the former Socialist M. P. and Liberal Prime Minister Ivanoe Bonomi...
...And any child can tell you what Mm result of such a battle here will be...
...The Communists have advanced the slogan of incentive pay—i.e., the introduction of piece-work and the speed-up...
...Is the State Deparement, is Hull resolutely opposed to the establishment of "leftist" governments in Europe...
...Two, the Soviet foreign, propaganda machine —represented acre by the American Communists, and in Britain by the British Communists —»re opposed to Hull because his views stand in me way of Russia's ambition to find an all-year open-water port through the seizure of Latvia, E»thoms, Lithuania and part of Poland, and Soviet ambitions to put a fence around Eastern Europe and the Balkans as a sphere restricted to Russian hegemony...
...building a personal machine while CP strength has declined...
...This convention may settle the duel between Walter Reuther and George Addes for union control...
...But even this would not still the many U-A.W...
...Badoglio has embarked, on paper at least, upon the destruction of the Fascist State...
...The attitude may, in fact, eat the tone of the talks and the spirit waien will prevail...
...Three, a section of American liberal and radical thought is opposed to Hull because they believe be stands ia the way ef their ambitions to see the current war end ia the establishment of leftist governments in Europe...
...Communist centre...
...j "The rank and file will get up on two hind tecs," one U.A.W...
...ernmenta in Europe, it will feUow andmpmwBewe night that the State Dsesrtmoat ate* wfl have to entertain tke dsmsni* of risriinamiy aad tory elements here for a asclawBanJtoat we will establish rightist go vers meat in Kaaopo...
...Current domestic attitudes towards Hull, the State Department generally and to our foreign policy have a somewhat muddled background...
...A number off French Socialists and ex-Socialists such as Andre Philip and Pierre Brosse-lette have formulated the theory that the old French party system must be replaced by a national party embracing all groups from leftists to croix-de-feu elements under the leadership of s> Gaulle...
...atther is with General Motors now, and it may be that Phil Murray has gotten from Roosevelt White House support for Heather's project for a peat-war rehabilitation fund at General Motors...
...In straightforward and simple honesty, it cannet be said, aad it certainly aannrt be proved...
...Thereupon Marshal Badoglio proclaimed martial law, disbanded the Opposition Parties, prohibited their newspapers (although "Italia Libera," the organ of the Party of Action, is still being published and circulated underground), and imposed a strict censorship...
...But more important, because it will be the first real indication of what the rank-and-file workers in the basic mas* prodif8on industries feel today...
...What is the attitude of eur foreign policy on this subject...
...The Board declared that the union-shop clause of the contract is allowed to stand, with the proviso that after six months the Board will review the union's record and determine whether rt has *so discharged its responsibilities as to warrant' the continuation of the union shop...
...And I know hew smart toe cynics can sound about it...
...5.*• P. M. 5*9 P. BL* to to to '"A 1949 P. M. 1949 P. M. 1949 P...
...Millions sf as jest didn't bother to register and vote...
...Their position is dictated by two reasons: one their version of an "all-out" war program, which means sacrificing labor's gains...
...Tax legislation was passed which placed S grossly unfair bsutten on low-income groans...
...Ctessssws, aether of aha popular paaaphtet on "race prejudice," observed that "la...
...Kallen •Poke of the contradictions between racial **ory and the American tradition of liberty...
...the party has tended to shy away a bit from Addes...
...But this race may not take place...
...a disguised Communist paper, La Riscossa (The Struggle), and Yenticinque Gwglio (The 25th of July...
...But i moat fence dees net testify the twisting of every feet into a caricature ef the truth—nor does it help...
...It tanned grade labeling which protects consumer from chiseling ss ssmjtty...
...I know of ao surer way of hteattap g| hopes for a rebirth of a peoples' democratic future te Europe...
...By emaacalating the Fans Security Administration program which sparred food production by the small wsrfc-ing afrmer...
...Bat dictator Chiang, Chinese warlord turned international statesman, had somehow talked the Kuomintang party big-wigs into liquidating the source of their own power and privileges...
...The an-American and anti-labor Smith-Oamally Mil waa pteesd sa the statute bosks...
...ft wwb A. Philip Randolph, well - known Nayro spokwman (chatiTiimn of the March-oti-Waah-rTTfftof" moTfnwn t, and Pr»?s j4*?rrt of tdSt* Brx*Ci*d>r-hoed of Steeping Car Porters) who called for the Congressional oratetmtait of a Fair Btrial PrOctse* Act to guard against now forma ef infraction of civil rights He also exited for the eatorsttoa of the President'a Committee oa Fair Employment Practice...
...Rsmlstei" rhe fiorliest Doy Possible...
...And when ys sregtetsr enroll ia the American Labor Party...
...Saturday morning...
...Besides, he is already reshuffling his Cabinet (his most Fascist Minister, Ambassador Guide Rocco, has been replaced by a protege of Count Sforza), and removing Fascist officials like the podesta, i. e., the non-elected mayors...
...This all-embracing party would carry over as the basis for the reorganization of France...
...united behind Roosevelt Even if the Reuther group obtains a convention majority, as seems likely, CIO pressure may force Reuther into ilia compromise...
...Badoglio could, and can, only try to canalize it by granting concessions...
...S) the Communist forces, which represent the Soviet influence plus aa independent movement of agrarianreform radicals, ami boast of a great military agency in the 8th Rente Army...
...Reuther, at last reports, was still hwlfcW at the "deal...
...By registering and voting yea protect not only your swa Interests bet those sf yssr fellow trade ¦nksswte whs ate ahaasjt in the armed forces...
...The first job then m to register, far' ¦¦less yon register yse can't vste...
...The theory has been repudiated by <he French Socialist Party in London.—Ed...
...All three are aware that conflicting national self-interests among the three have fatten to the point where something must be #•» about it That, of course, is an obvious con-dajjsn for.sonsflola men...
...Note.] To forestall any attempt on the part of the Government to split the left, and there is evidence that such a move might have had some chance of success, the newly-appointed Commissioners and Vice-Commissioners — one of whom is a former Catholic M.P.—had the following statement published by the Press and repeatedly broadcast over the Italian wireless on August 15: "We, the undersigned . . . considering that the duties which are assigned to us are of a purely trades union nature, which implies no joint political responsibility, decide to nccept the appointments in the interest t>f the country and eur organizations in order to proceed with the wiping out of the past and the speedy reconstruction of the Italian trades union, having regard to the traditions of the old trades union movement, and with the view of giving the organizations the opportunity to appoint directly, and as soon as possible, therr own leaders...
...But having reached (|p seaafthv sanrlnsion, the question remains: Can they parry through on that level ? What can be expected when the Russians en-stietar Bull's answayable view that just as '!¦¦***" SWlUPtaftet is *a* proper concern of .Russians so is American ajtf-interest the psWea*-ccrn of Americans 7 Sard is well-known...
...Addes is interested primarily in power, and in the factional maneuverings with the U-A.W...
...1 Wallace made a plea for farm-labor coopers-rioti...
...The Generalissimo, who by now has become quite converted to the spirit of Sun Yat-een's vision of a great Chinese national state, has actually to reshape the fundamental social and economic forces which have been dominating China's life for decades...
...The text of the Conference "summing W>" wMch embodied the panel recommendations for • Pair Racial Practice Act, for the strengthenof the FEPC, for the elimination of Jim Crowism in the V. S. Army and Chinese exclusion rules, for social and educational reform, "xi for a new moral vigilance, is printed elsewhere in this issue (see ptCge 6, eol...
...r- Howard, author of the recent America'* Ro'« in Aria, emphasised the international importance of U. S. color attitudes, particularly toward Chinese- and Japanese-Americans...
...In the second place, that kind of eesnpaign against the State Department eonetttotos self-defeating tactics...
...And once free trade unions ere reconstituted in Italy, a powerful cheek wiB also be found to the forces of reaction, capitalism and industrialism upon the support of which the Badoglio Government is chiefly dependent...
...They have decided not to withhold their wages from workers who went on strike soon after the overthrow of the Duce, and to establish "Liberty Prizes" to commemorate July 25...
...General Election means political representation, i.e., the co-existence of parties, the re-establishment of which the Opposition, and even the newly-purged Press, urge as a fundamental of liberty and as an immediate necessity...
...Liadsmaai pointed out that the current "race crisis" really called for a new loth Amendment —•esite efieettee cteaees ee sWtia4aaBsa, TPheAatog, discrimination and segiegsttan ami few-crow-torn...
...The convention looms in importance because: - The U.A.W...
...Chiang Kai-shek stands at "the watershed of China's fate," but at the moment it is difficult to determine whether the waters are going to turn as per blueprint...
...1 can understand the impatience Of those who find it hard to wait for the realhmtiow of their ideals and hopes...
...1 know this propaganda has gained wide circulation and acceptance in certain quarters...
...The program of economic reconstruction will lure Allied economic support, but at* the same time it is calculated to break down she inflamw of "feudal" China, Considerable Chinese capital has been employed for prlfiteering...
...Although its most vituperative words have been reserved for Reuther...
...A* long as the Question of "tefttet...
...Chiang has attacked this problem, too, with the recent abolition of the law which required foreign enter prises to be 51 % CuineseJDwned...
...e., the Trotikyists...
...Note.] On the other- hand, political represents Use means self-government in every branch and institution of national life: Parliament, Trade Unions, Municipalities, County Councils, etc...
...The point 1 am asking is that if agriculture by incessant criticism sf labor, finally sassssita very difficult situation for ag/i fasJSMse sssmmsy years hence when markets awe nwt aw geVKSsl their are new...
...but impelled equally by the indubitable fact that the impending tri-sower talks constitute the number on* subject (or discussion in Washington and the rest of tat nation in the field of foreign affairs, I am moved to return this week to a renewal of the inbjcct for whatever light it may shed on what's . staking This week the United States is making a strenuous effort to have the scene of the talks inifted from Moscow to London...
...The criticism of this group can be boiled down into this synthesis: They wsnt the American gevarnmeat to declare that one of our war aims, that at one of oar reasons for going to war, is the establishment ef democratic leftist government* in Europe...
...Their task consists in the rebuilding af trades unionism... .„i ft** P.M...
...Brother's strength lies largely in the Detroit and Michigan unions...
...I have noticed," he said, "that in the last 29 years farm income, and labor income go up and down together...
...One UA.W...
...Nothing is going to change their minds, except the dire necessity of adapting themselves to the inexoorable force ei circumstance opposing them...
...Capital Comment By JONATHAN STOUT • WASHINGTON, D. C. — Flushed perhaps by U« fact that The New Leader in this space last week •cooped the country on the news Out Secretary Hull would go) to Moscow to head the Kaited States delegation to the tri-power talks with Eden and Molotov...
...So that's one trouble...
...This would out money" aside for .the men to be used as a cushion against unemployment during a reconversion period...
...For some 48 hours the Italian people poured into the streets, held meetings, organised demonstrations, stormed prisons, attacked Fascist premises and headquarters...
...They include men like tat former M.P...
...Enemies of the wsrttag mas and woman, sf the New Deal sad af progress were elected te Congress: Coagress headed special interests...
...It seems probable thttt the U.A.W...
...a world tore by ae much hysteria aad "hatred, American damtciasy moat give aa example ef all fiuiimi at work...
...Eduard C. wndeman and Horace M. Kallen, Harry Paxton Howard, and August Claessens discussed the reneral problem of "Racialism...
...According to an informed CIO sourer this is what star happen: Phil Murray may interval and force a peace between the factions...

Vol. 26 • October 1943 • No. 40

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