EDITORIAL COMMENT Basic Empire IN human charm and literary form Winston Churchill Harvard address marked the climajt of hia distinguished career aa an orator. ?? who apeak the English tongue...

...Titles, however, are not always of the writer's choosing snd I don't attribute this one to Mr...
...The purpose of forming an inclusive combination for the maintenance of order has not fsded from his mind...
...Whatever form year system of world security may take...
...If you must print don't publish...
...e Aa Old Friend ANOTHER Russian publication in this...
...What we ate sheet to witness is a play for a world balance of power, ha the abort view, setae good . might flew fresh each a policy It ia roe eeivsbie that it might give aa a maatair tsbsY...
...But we are now in a position to state that the Third War Bond dough wilj—back the attack against Hitler...
...Their present degree of cooperation far outstrips what we have achieved with Russia or China or—let us say—Brazil...
...Our general staffs have' learned to function as one...
...No one familiar with Soviet conditions in the late twenties and early thirties could deny that this was a good "safety first" formula for Russian intellectuals...
...Wben 1 was s bay sll that yoa seeded wss, a strong back sad a sharp eye for weeds...
...It was necessary te file a brief to convince the judge that his court had authority to try the ease...
...No one doobtt lb...
...A» a declaration of British-American interdependence thai address immediately became a historic ilni njitenl But as a declaration of purpose by one af the saaaassa^aden ef the United Nations in their war against the Axis, this dutuaastit exhibits deep and disturbing Bmitotjoas...
...It art just to repeat faithfully from day to day tact sacred slogans as free enterprise, attWaani initiative and primate prvpertp—and the vta of the city of want will crumble...
...Spangler and Mis subordinate ci ? tttf...
...At but it was essential to ask a higher court to order the county judge to decide the ease one way or another...
...Shortly before anyone ebe beard ah set it (of course...
...The allalle and straight-forward way of going oa to a world organization would be maintaining and expanding this war union for peace times and peace purposes...
...As that it being re-toter- " preted it will, despite all of its administrative IMpraiimiMlt...
...Literature ia Exile •¦'HERE wss no place for such people in their ··* own country under Communist dictatorship, Just as there was no place in Nazi Germany for many of the most civilized, cultured, humane and intelligent Germans...
...But suppose for I Saw Staat that hk fast alliance become* tests) «ad that our union of more than thirty iu* tfcma fades out—that no world federtiste u censtituted—we shall have an Ang1p3t...
...But at part of a plan for world peace there is danger of its giving form to retreat ', This danger is in emphasis and implication rather than in direct statement...
...E. BOHN LIKE many mother eld farmer...
...In some, hear...
...In their domestic program this method of "compromise" leads to even more astonishing results...
...Willkiesnd Governor Stessen the Council members, recognized that there must be "participation, by the United States in post-war 'cooperative organisation among sovereign nations to prevent military aggression...
...It hi sometimes because of statements l|ke these that so little progress is made in such matters as Negro rights...
...We weald break this thing wide open...
...Of these four cases, not a tingle witness or complainant was ever called before the grand jury to testify...
...Konvitz is probably familiar with actual conditions in hia own home town of Newark...
...Russia waa net mentioned ia this address, but every intelligent reader was conscious of the fact that it was aimed at Moscow...
...If you must publish, deny it sll the next day...
...East Indies tin...
...It was equally sound advice far Communisfb and "proletarian writers" when the character and objectives of the purge changed in the later thirties...
...The longawaited resorts from Mackinac Island offer little support for this optimistic view...
...One guarantees Negroes equal treatment in public eating places and prcdnlsea to punish offenders who discriminate against them The other gives sll persons on relief s legal review of the treatment they receive from the poormaster, j Recently, during s period of ? year, this writer took part hi an effort to aaeuiL equal righto to Negroes there under the civil rights law...
...Agaio» I found it a useful supplement to the Soviet official newspaper...
...Aad that's exclusive.' BACK THE ATTACK!—BUY WAR BONDS...
...Why, we said after eeaad rapid calculations, what heppaBtd to the ether TWO...
...My old eyea bulged at the figures spent for acids, powders, sprays — insecticides, I learned, cost cash...
...The result is somewhat more subtle than Warren G. Harding's program of returning to "normalcy," but the upshot is essentially similar...
...Everyone must hsve jobs...
...The inquiring reporters give at of this peculiar hodgepodge 'They tat ? sto the Republican seers dare promise ail lie fad things cf life without offering to sate ?? simplt move to bring them into stag...
...We had this story a little wrong...
...The Noaii t tamtri has often advocated a realistic and organic approach to the problem ef acrid organisation for the preservation of peace...
...Novi Put-" It is unmistakably the impulse of Russians to think, and talk, and argue, and write, and publish...
...America haa become the last aaylem ef the free thin king Russian Intelligentsia, men and women who often differed as to specific political and economic programmes, bat who are united by s common culture, s common love of ideas snd s common belief in the right snd necessity of expressing these ideas honestly snd fearlessly...
...who apeak the English tongue must have been charmed by hia fluent aad flexible aae of it Hia jocular reference to the Boston tea party marked the and of nearly 170 years ef international hurt stemming from tiro van...
...Although the statute granting the appeal to the court was passed in 1984, the clerk of the court with whom R was sought to file the eases insisted the writer was in the wrong court, "because," aa ha said, "we never had a ease like it in all these years and I've been here since 1924...
...When the matter finally came up, be reserved decision—for several mote months —while a Negro wiaaan with several young school children was left destitute...
...And his accomplice waa probably seme misguided fellow trtveler, anxious to get a rake-off to subsidize a new Earl Browder opus...
...What we have ia a dishonest document of compromise...
...B.t th« sidrsse aa a whole is a urease tatisa af a project for aa mngto fliTse fever Mae,, It has already been seised ' agin hj 1 an baa ? seen ralli at aa asih iag lese than a proposal for the creation . of an eld-fashioaed offensive and de1 fentire alliance...
...Some reactionary in the Treasury Dept...
...After several months of inaction, three cases were dismissed arbitrarily by the prosecutor and the fourth one just as effectively pigeon-holed...
...The Republicans, according to this forecast, have plumped for the newer ideas of international security but cling tenaciously to everything that is old...
...As a tactical move this declaration has Ha virtues...
...The common people have a different stake ia this war...
...la fact, the policies slyly hinted st are the rar...
...And this Is the strongest reason for believing thst s great people and a great culture will not be held forever in the freezing grip of totalitarian repression...
...In view of these too often about-faces, isn't R apparent that there it sonwtatef wrong with "the lair...
...There will be a strong temptation—especially in this country—to retreat to this inner line of defense in all of our planning for poet-war safety...
...If "the lsw —the legislature* and, courts" were a itofinttt control, saluting the flag aa in the Jehovah Witnesses cases could not have been a "constitutional" requirement last year and an "unconstitutional" one this year...
...A handful of Russians marooned on the North or South Pole and supplied with the necessary materials would soon be turning out either a daily newspaper or a solid politicoliterary quarterly, probably both...
...in the corn . . . practically in your hair...
...With the law —the legislature and courts— on his side, he is on the high road in his heart...
...But Mr...
...Inside & Out By MATTHEW LOW SCOOP:—For a while, believe aa, we were ea the trail of the biggest story ef the War...
...There are discussions of the famous critic Stasovy of Balakirev and other noted composers, of the poems of Bamkr Maria Rilke...
...They are riding two horses with the greatest of ease...
...A revealing commentary on this law-angle appeased hi connection with the first ease to be brought...
...Where the News Ends By WILLIAM HENRY CHAMBERLIN Russians Will Publish...
...Into the foreground we have now shoved the engaging picture of twe mighty nations, combined far selfprotection...
...Oaf ?^???* a5et Sail aaasatOry ??' mines sa that each a period wasmf inevitably he followed by another war...
...We may all entertain hope of ita success...
...For all' our sskes, Mr...
...Mergenthau had some special dope for me...
...Here we had an illustration of the "law" in action...
...hat it remains for those who rtsRf care for human rights to awl* the law work...
...We must we are told, play our part in the world, but we must stick to "constitutionalism...
...Churchill's sincerity...
...Churchill said, we are bound lb keep this "smooth-running and immensely powerful machinery" in running order after the war ia aver...
...The remedy implied in this quotation is to "pass s law...
...Under pressure from representatives of Mr...
...They want the defeat of fascism, in order to rebuild their trade unions aad their democratic parties, for the chance to fight for social progress snd a decent way of the world...
...The scoop wss beginning to become clear, when a phone-call from Henry interrupted my snooping...
...There is s simple answer for this puizling discrepency, one that points ap different relationships to the war oa both sides of the Atlantic Wall Street stocks fell becsase people oold wsr issues: aircraft, ships, chemicals...
...Four criminal complaints e)ere made against owners ef public eating places to the Negro quarters...
...There are appreciations of Russians who were distinguished in various fields and who have recently died, of the historian Milyukov, the poet Belmont the composer-pianist Rschmaninov, the Socialist Revolutionary Avksentev...
...for by the de•xeBdasne?:fc ethert, the hearings were waived...
...It waa in Paris thst s schism that had long been ia the making took puce...
...In most of the eases tba judge dodged the issue skillfully, in twe or three that he couldn't evade, he merely advised thb poormatter te "do whet waa right" Tina, ha substance, was a decision to leave the decision with the overseer of the poor from whom the sppeal was taken...
...As the area of freedom in Europe contracted with the expansion of Hitler more and more of the Russians found themselves concentrated in France...
...On tins stupid tteety they are willing to stake the fats of their at organisation...
...Omitting til rtfta...
...It could not circulate in Russia, of course...
...Bat in 1941 I wss deligted to see my old friend, The Socialist Messenger," ea s New York newsstand, having evidently surmounted the difficulties of a third emigration...
...against it" it an old "gag...
...Bet whenever I went to Berlin, where it wss published until Hitler cams into power, I made a point of buying all available copies, and often foaad seme extremely useful hints aa to interpretation of events thst were occurring in Russia...
...Back the Attack— Better Buy War Bonds...
...try, "Sotsialistieheskii Yestnik" ("The Socialist Messenger"), pesseases for me sD the qualities sad characteristics af an old friend...
...It was particularly good on the economic side and the commercial attache of a certain embassy, st my private recommendation, insisted on being allowed to receive it through the mails...
...Vandenberg and Taft had their way from beginning to end...
...This question (if the title is a guide) was the subject of sn article by Milton R. Konvitz in the August 14th issue of .The New beader...
...As this fade-out proceeds, there vQW strong temptation to substitute for a Wem union based on the Atlantic Charter this essfl* attainable and tight httle alliance R fcsjS to fullest the beginning of a fatal wsaxjW down process...
...Ia various ways—and especially by committing themselves to the Atlantic Charter—they have achieved a general unity of purpose...
...After developing st length hisj ideas on the desirability of an Anglo-British treaty, he tied them in with the large world program...
...Everyone will be inevitably reminded of Harding's opposition to the League of nations coupled with advocacy of "an association of nations...
...We shall see what we that an, It may be that a lot of voters car sat, rati remember—even think...
...Their profits rigidly limited in wartime, they were plunging on the hope of future riches when territories were to be retaken and exploited again...
...The only correct word of his statement is "hope...
...The parody ran as follows: Don't think...
...As a devotee of civil liberties, Mr...
...Konvitz confined hia analysis to the theory ef the law...
...There must be full production after the war...
...It is the type of magazine that was formerly and expressively called "solid" in Russia, with four hundred pages of text and not a single advertisement And an amazingly high proportion of what one finds in those four hundred pages is eminently worth reading...
...Highly-placed sources, whose names I asa net fat a position at this moment to reveal, hinted at shenanigans...
...Similar instances could be multiplied in the realm of reality...
...There are some long and interesting recollections of the Moscow Art Theatre...
...Ttej figure that the people, tired of war...
...What a small number ef educated Russians have produced la this country, la the wsy of periodical literature, ia amazing, both in quantity and in quality...
...Professor N. S. Tfanashev contributes sn extremely well-informed and up-to-date article on the effect of the war on religion in the Soviet Union...
...How Negroes should fight for their rights is a topic that concerns every progressive...
...I feared that both "The Socialist Messenger" sad "The New World" had been beriad ander the ruins of feilen France...
...There ought to be ? hu...
...to mtr^tt'n the balance of power lit Europe...
...I first became acquainted wfth this Menshevik organ when I waa living hi Moscow many years age...
...More than thirty nations are bow bound together in this gigantic straggle...
...At General Eisenhower's beadquarters the men aad materials of the AngloSaxon nations are used as though they were under the same flag...
...The advantages of basic Enrtto...
...The following passage, at any rate, is clearly his own: "In OUr society you amount to something...
...The good feeling of the men in the tinea is bat a picture of the unity of ideas among the officers st the top...
...there are many other stories, poems snd articles of merit...
...R» more horrifying picture of the future ess ? imagined...
...If you must think, don't talk...
...His article dissects the erudite opinions of the U. S. Supreme Court on these profound matters, but even that learned tribunal has shown the agility of acrobats in turning mental somersaults...
...Without the law, the Negro stands naked and undefended...
...But the "law isn't concerned with trifles...
...as a member of a group, if you have economic power, the law, or social opinion on your side...
...A THIRD...
...But I have already cited enough to show that this magazine, the entire contents of which is contributed by a very srnaU group of individuals, would easily stand comparison with the most serious of our monthlies, which have one hundred and thirty-five million Americans to draw on as contributors...
...The soldiers must have jobs...
...And the fruits of this migration are already remarkable...
...U. P. Denike treats a philosophical question of considerable practical importance in' his "Speculations about power...
...were very winningly presented at Cambrian, but what sounded loudest in cossarveuvt eta) wss the hope for world leadership secures hj means far more persuasive than some est» dreds of simple words...
...At Csmbridge the Prime Minister presented a sharp an<j vivid picture of the actualities of ceeaeyeOcahetneen the United States aad the British Commonwealth...
...They felt that hage war profits were ?? Winter asaared...
...hot ia it correct to say that "hi tur society you amount to tonathhg, as a member of s group, tf yet have economic power, the tea · social opinion on your tids...
...Clippings & Comment Home Front By DANIEL BELL WHEN the resignation af Masasliai wss first announced, stocks on the Wall Street exchsnges fell rapidly, while stocks in The City, London's exchange, roe* rapidly...
...Isn't it nonsense to say (tot "without the law theNegro stash naked and undefended*" ? the law, is he any different...
...Near the end of hia address the British leader spake of the league of Nations and referred briefly to varying ideas of world federation...
...They're in the roses...
...But Russisns will think, snd talk, and write, and publish,1 when they have the slightest opportunity to do so...
...The Dan group has its organ...
...we learned that a Third War Bond drive was going to be started...
...First and largest of the groups of fugitives from totalitarianism, these Russisn intellectuals were scattered all over the world, from San Francisco to Buenos Aires, from J'aria to Shanghai...
...a. .this war...
...All over the world our resources are pooled and used interchangeably...
...The First and Second War Bond dough went to pay for victories in the Solomons sad North Africa, in the ? leutians and in Sicily...
...I recently received the fifth number of Novi tkurnal ("The New Review...
...At the meeting of the Party's Poet-War Advisory Council tba Old Guard had everything nicely under control...
...Strange echoes arise: "A ear in every garage, a chicken in every pot" But all this it to be attained by doing nothing, or by doing no more than undo some of the things which the New Deal has done...
...The greatest number at first ound new homes in the European countries which they knew from pre-war experience or where there was a similarity of language, in Germany, France, England, in Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria...
...Konvitz tells us: "With the law—the legislatures and courts-—on his side, he is on the high road with hope in his heart...
...power bloc balanced by a Europe** Asiatic combination dominated by Ruasa...
...Although some tweatj such cases were filed for Negroes during s year's time—this first one was the only ene definitely decided- Relief (sealed...
...There is real danger that this eloquent sal convincing address by Britain's great sat stay become the Bible of American center*, tive post-war planners...
...Bat now . . . now »e hi ? e the Japanese beetles...
...In both situations the complaint* were sent to the grand jury, the defendants paroled for appearance if indicted...
...The Negro surely bat assa economic power himself...
...ae doubt wss burying sll oar wsr bend dough down there with the gold in Fort Knox...
...We met at the usual place—and there it was...
...effl te ready to accept any tart ef busk that Itra them toward a change...
...I lost contact with "The Socialist Messenger" while I wss living in the Far East But soon after arriving in Paris in 1939, I found the same familiar magazine, in the same format with the same contributors, appearing in the French capital and promptly subscribed for it...
...Though there is here the implication that the nations remain "sovereign" while they cooperate, whatever meaning the phrases have is pared 'down by the blunt statement that should there be conflict between "international developments" and "the vital interests of the nation" this country "should adhere to the policy which will preserve its constitutionalism...
...This vague term, "constitution altem" is then turned into a sort of slogan...
...ef the British aad American people...
...By WM...
...Bat that was Wall Street and The City...
...This court ef but resort baa more than once reversed itself en equally simple questions...
...I have been shocked by the lessons of my victory garden...
...Abstractly they are for seststhhig good...
...parallel the historic British...
...Mastte have more...
...This diplomatic privilege was grudgingly accorded to him and he told me how the magazine was always brought to him by a special messenger from the post office, wrapped up in thick paper, so that no Soviet citizen would be exposed to even a glimpse of its contaminating contents...
...Presumably, he couldn't read the plain werde of the statute...
...In London people bought post-war issue*: Ceylonese tea, Malayan rubber...
...You can't fight them without a department of chemical warfare...
...That's what this nation is learning...
...All is to be carried eat...
...For instance, there are reminiscences by one of Russia's finest modern novelists, the late Mikhail Ossorgin, whose novel, translated into English under the title "The Quiet Street" is one of the most human and realistic pictures of life in Moscow in the era of wsr Communism...
...6.0.P.PRIFAIES FOR 1920 WENDELL WILLKIE'S theory is that the " Republican Party is the most suitable tool for the reform of American life...
...A grot ? headed by Theodore Dan which took a mere favorable view about Socialist posribtBttes ander the Soviet regime broke away from the Menshevik organization and launched a rival magazine, "Novi Mir" ("The New World...
...In that city, two state laws have been in force for a good many years...
...If you must write, don't print...
...There could scarcely be a more impressive testimonial to the depth and vitality of Russian culture...
...One of the anonymous jokers who kept alive the Russisn sense of truth and humor, even in the darkest and most fanatical times, promptly came out with a parody, in the form of six conditions for the safety of the Russian intellectual...
...We took the first plane to Washington...
...The Prime Minister, to be sure, — ?,,, his picture of combined power with tea* possible reservation with regard to) pj_l and method...
...If "ire eliminate all unnecessary regulstion," the wise men of Mackinac think, lap all of these good thinga will come of thanselves...
...nothing will work soundly or for stag without the united effort...
...Edith figured costs the other day...
...If you must talk, don't write...
...When France fell many of them were helped by sympathetic organisations to move to the United States...
...It was like exhibiting a Theodore Roosevettisn big stick...
...1st •mora "or" indicates that all tarn» are considered equal forest, tot the "lsw" is clearly ImiinWn making the other twe thai equally impotent As to "estate**power" and "social uphihV there is no way of knowing wW these words are intended to as> nitj...
...As the hard realities press more snd more heavily upon us, the vision called up by Winston Churchill and Franklin Dehme WtM velt as they stood one day two yean ?? , 4 certain war vessel in the Atlantic tosth a fade...
...The American worker must "get himself a bank account, aa insurance policy, s home of his own...
...MANY years ago Stalin laid down six conditions for the successful management of Soviet industry...
...LETTERS TO THE EDITOR How Should Negroes Fight for Their Rights—A Comment on Konvitz Article Prase HIHAM i LH N BE IN To the Minor...
...ones which gave us the bitter fruttnmst tl the Hoover period...
...About twenty appeals were filed by this writer in the county court in Newark on behalf Of Negroes who bad been "thrown off relief" by the Newark overseer of the poor...
...It may become the substitute ? isolstionism and America First Mr...
...Cluneal may inadvertently become international kedtt of those who expect very limited retires at the enormous investment of blood and...
...So, back the attack, buy War Beads...
...There is not space to list the entire contents of of Novi Zhumal...
...It is dear, from such experiences as cited, that testing that theory in practice soon proves that despite what the statutes say, "there ia no law...
...eaeaa to world federation, the f linen 4 Walter Lippman's line of reasoning wtl h) for it Governor Dewey, who leads afl ton opinion polls for the Republican prttkkxttal nomination, grabbed the headlines at ItaajiiB with the statement that "an affiance wtl Britain ia very likely and in ear iatomsL* This power bloc project threatens to bams* the central feature in the foreign paths i President Roosevelt's enemies during the ?? campaign...
...Seme atcial opinion is also oa kit sum Whose else must be hsve...
...and the law is important as attracting either or both of the others...
...foresee that 1944 will parallel IMS...
...It weald have split the Allied capitals wide open...
...The polemics] pot had just began to boil when the French resistance collapsed...
...There ? an one instrumentality mentioned to caaaeH tat ardent desire with the luciout fruitsa...
...Churchill, after dayt of conference with President Boosevert, was saying to Joseph Stalin: If yea refuse to plsy with us, we will form a combination streng enough to do without you...
...territorial sggraadisement or the vast assa af earthly domination, but for the assa st service to mankind...
...It is nothing more than a rettrrr a the ancient Republican belief in magic...

Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 37

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