The Decline and Fall of Dictatorship in Italy

The Decline and Fall of Dictatorship in Italy Foundation for Freedom AT the beginning of November, 1942, the Italian troops stood with the Germans a few miles west of Alexandria. North...

...allotment of steel to the Pacific <~oast shipbuilding aar« been rituell hat that the eUetmeaia to she...
...The Presidential directive that resulted gave Davis another "blank check," which ought to run for a while at least...
...Wkaf About ?? Strikes From ?vsFaesi ? Labor has signed a no-strike pledge...
...No such policy earn, aowever, be applied to the national gum ? usajjs of the fascist mainland and to the Its...
...So far as attitude toward the people is concerned it permits of wide variations...
...In the history of warfare there have barn few more brilliantly planned or executed campaigns than the one carried on by the combined British-American forces which accomplished this astonishing result 4 The people of the United States and of the British Commonwealth have every reason for confidence in their political leaders, their general staffs and their armies in the field...
...The victory is, therefore, clean and decisive... took eat a child's toy—a yo-yo—and carefully played the string np and down...
...Bledsoe, ;n...
...We saw one German scratch hie bead...
...S. <Delayed)—This has been the most amazing landing operation in history—one carried out under the very nose* of the enemy...
...The American peopf ewjB watch "patiently and hopefully to see w nether," our brilliant military performance will w J^jhrwed by political accomplishments wwrtby^t 'errr'lar respect and acclaim...
...e casualty...
...Dewey has been, end probably still is, closely aligned to the Hoover bloc in the GOP...
...The first A.M.G...
...There haa been a deliberate slacken:ng off on steel production during the past months and the allotment for shipbuilding on the Pacific Coast has been materially reduced...
...political parties and cultural fast ·. .· c-s...
...At the same x>r is taking a more determined stand, and Representatives have one eye >r the AFL and CIO political eommitI are anxiously watching the AFL and nventions that will be held in the first October...
...LBEBT EINSTEIN, ia a public state*"· ment, has reiterated his "belief in the innocence of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter, tie leading Polish Socialists who were executed by the Soviets, despite the protests of Wendell Willkie...
...One plant has been forced 'wbn&i&jigt'.im production by one and a half shlps^ per montii^^ He cited" "the''fact tlmAysat...
...I found oat fat Sicfly the sort of job we can do, and I want to get down to desag it ia Italy...
...It was, ss s matter of fact, the first "real" war picture to be released...
...The trasac is terrible ? Sept...
...menace which was to appear in Germany...
...It in no way reconciled the ptut» tk>n of Willkie with Vandenberg and Taft, «t Dewey with McCormkk...
...The proposal adopted at the Mackinac conference for "responsible participation by the United States in post-war cooperative organization among sovereign nations -to prevent military aggression and to attain permanent pesos with organised justice in a free world," is a milk-and-water declaration that becomes a skeleton basis of party policy...
...This means that there will no longer be a gap between the capture of a town and Ha administration under the Allied military government...
...issue: "He [Baldwin] is leaving * ?* because Marvin Jone/ haa aot strongly Wended FSA against Tories in and oat of ? egress who are enraged by FCA*s see**** in helping farm families get back on I Jaeir own feet and secure on their own ; leads...
...Now the dairy trust is preparing a strike... want "official" confirmation of that consult the story by Samuel Bledsoe in iJjNew York Times of August 81...
...What will be the effects in the Balkans, in Spain, in France, ? m the German heart of enemy territory can amy be gueased...
...Before the advent oi M-ssolir.: they had strong and well-organized trade -jnier.s...
...The masses of Europe have become distrustful of us...
...SOLON, New Leader Foreign Correspondent Revrreenting the Combined...
...We can tackle them without embarrassing entangleBBV Oar treatment of the Badoglio regime pan as convincingly justified as our mili9tmtttMAt*rr Otrr two government*--were not Ptedby iL We proclaimed frankly that this was just another fascist set-up, that our planes and guns would talk for us and our commanding officer had the only authority to dictate terms...
...regarded as close to the Willkie viewpoint...
...He will re- Baldwin as vigorously as they did his predecesmw the writing of Capital Cpmment next week, sor Rexford Guy Tugwell...
...As soon as signals went np that the beaches had been captured, a steady stream of landing craft kept coming and going with more troops and equipment...
...For a considerable period we shall set up s military government...
...It has become quite evident, the committee found, that the manipulations of the steel monopoly are pointed toward post-war developments and are concerned less with production for war than they are with the possibility of s heavy industry development in the western area that would threaten its monopoly This deliberately forced curtailment of shipbuilding, labor sees, aside from its detrimental effect oa the war program, will also create a distressful economic situation ia the West, affecting the workers then-serves, despite what is purported to be a critical manpower situation...
...itMwisaa auimesl in order to maintain its monopoly, thereby causing the...
...Standard Oil must now get out within 90 days...
...the legislative frpnt Labor is mobilizing tssupport the Wagner-Murray-Dinge 11 bill to revamp and exf*^*^ Cj^S?^{ S e a * a t Dona 1 Jjjk>la?jBH^0fM news may be ahead with his peas to investigate what happens to the Ameri•? dollar between the price the farmer gets...
...r «"»tant to Secretory of Agriculture ?*»»de Wickard, wrote: "His [Baldwin's] defff°re from the Department of Agriculture, 25*1**· is almost certain to be hailed as a 2Jwy by the American Farm Bureau Fodera«enator Harry Byrd of Virginia and other •""P* and individuals wtk> have assailed Mr...
...Supported by a devastating artillery barrage from masses of guns on the Sicilian coast, as well as a bombardment from warships, the Canadians made the assault here with even more ease than the landing st Pachino in Sicily...
...Governor Dewey's forthright ststamsat tar ? military alliance with Britain came aa a %aasjfc> shell to the conference...
...Significantly the men who come from the industrial areas of the East and West (Dewey-Warren) have cpine out flatly for an Anglo-American military alliance...
...The plans drawn up 14 months ago have been brilliantly justified...
...To perhaps crudely, the question now is what brand of American imperialism is going to be pushed...
...All that they need is a chance to- rejrnit the old ways and forms, to free the natara] popular impulses...
...One soldier shouted: "Get year ferry tickets early to see Italy...
...Italian dictatorship, in facti preceded and f urn tatted models for the graute...
...Whatever democratic government may be set up by the Italian people will come into power looking forward,'not back...
...To the steel monopoly goes the unenviable credit ef hampering the war effort...
...fConereta may not be in the rambuctious mood ? the last time...
...The operations carried on *E combined military, naval and air forces bave gone forward with precision and, in many eases, ahead of schedule...
...A strike in simple economic terms means that you withhold your labor or-commodity from the market...
...Ten months later—at the opening of September, 1943— the Italian government surrendered unconditisasHy...
...Thea, to ear sssstsmsat...
...Einstein responded, with the following: * "I have never believed la the guilt of Henryk Erlich and Victor Alter and I have never concealed this conviction...
...Congressman Clare Hoffman, an observer sjfc the conference, said: "As an America Fhsesr I am satisfied with it," But approval of tike statu ment was also voiced by Governors Bewail ef Maine snd Baldwin of Connecticut, who...
...As this is written it is impossible to estimate the repercussions that will follow the suri^pMar of the Badoglio government...
...Showdown The Elk Hills oil contract that was first exposed by The New Leader following Congressman Jerry Voorhis' charges, baa now been formally cancelled with the approval of President Roosevelt...
...It can never be accused of haying sold out the country...
...There are excellent ore deposits in 26 states of the Union," Welch said, "but all the steel production in the nation is turned out by the Pittsburgh group within a radius of only 700 miles from Washington, D. C. In California alone, were the ore deposits opened up snd use made of the marvelous hydro-electric power, steel mills could be rolling out high-grade steel to supply the entire nation for the next 50 years...
...Solon Reports Allied Invasion By S.L...
...Under the pressure of the war and America's emergence as the dominant military power, the Republican party haa been farced to undergo this ideological transformation...
...The different groups in the Republican Party are new moving cautiously in aoMlag a foreiaat policy...
...Already certain American corrennondents are spreading the notion that, the Italiens are a childlike, unreliable and irresponsible lot No sort of propaganda, ooald be further from the truth...
...Monopoly-Made Steel Shortage Slows Cost Ship Production SAN FRANCISCO.—An acute steel shortage threatens to curtail the vital Pacific Coast Shipbuilding program,, union circles here charge...
...The first landing craft went over with assault ; troops in the darkness...
...More than any other political writer, he thinks in terms of a coherent aartoael Interest, rather than sectional or regional pfirftafsg...
...The task is a difficult one—end one for which as army 4s ideally equipped...
...In this field, an over-clever line of strategy would defeat its own ends...
...With Army-Navy secrecy on one side, and a blind-hating Congress on the other, the OWI found itself trapped...
...Roosevelt, sad liberal leaders all over the world...
...It is implicit ia the llinaghj...
...The inhabitants of that ancient seat of empire have a traditional love of democracy...
...North Africa...
...Although the cattle herds increased tremendously on the fields of the nation, .large cattle raisers are refusing to sell at legal ceiling price and are striking until they get higher profits...
...That strike was openly admitted in huge ads that ran in many Texas papers...
...On a different footing is Wendell Wfflkfa...
...Lippmann has long beans one of Mm shrewdest thinkers of the American ia|iUsHat world...
...The talk with FDR posed the issues sharply—either the OWI has work to de or it hasn't...
...It is a dictator who takes on himself the shame of defeat and surrender...
...formula of firm ad* ministration coupled with geuSiena assistance...
...Yesterday afternoon, through a powerful telescope, we had studied the coast which ere captured this morning, and watched the almost desultory activity of the enemy, who catrisd on as though he already knew he was defeated...
...New Leader Washington Bureau NGTON, D. C—The front-page headall black with news on the foreign the tidings that Congress will recon-, leptember 14 have been pushed back _ lit page...
...The life of not one fiember of the vicious Fascist brood mutt be shielded against the wrath of' a long-suffering people...
...Sfnry leWad a Picture Almost every newspaper in the country ran it, so you could hardly have missed that grim shot of a group of American paratroopers in Sicily, twisted and torn apart by the machinegun and mortar reception they received from she Fascist enemy...
...The problems connected with thess are not matters to be settled in secrecy by military experts...
...It is to be hoped that from here on our political policies will be aa far above suspmion...
...He said that tits eastern steelmakers had been given a billion dollar subsidy from the Government for expansion and that the quota for the year had been 21 million tons but that the monopoly had only delivered 1? million tons...
...liv* else...
...foreign policy...
...million tons less than the necessary amount to carry on the war program... the hands of the Axis...
...S <Delayed) .—Officials of the Allied military government for occupied territories came in with the landing this mnrataaj Among the first signs erected in the little village of Gallico was the "AJtG...
...We are pledged to the trial and punishment of dictatorial criminals...
...Vehicles, sea jeeps and equipment were moving into line for loading...
...The Locomotive Fireman's Committee has had tough sledding in its effort to have the FEPC schedule hearings on discrimination in the railroads...
...The Italian people themselves, once tney are j berated are to tie en;c-j raged freely to state their cwn -ho^e« It is true that in Sicily flat political prisoners of the Faaciai tyrants were liberated Otherwise every effort was mad... in exile ia London, who wrote to the noted mathematician: "The Communists in England are persistently spreading rumors that yoa withdrew year signature from the cable of protest to the Soviet minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov in the case of Erlich sad Alter, dated January 27, 1943...
...In 1941 aircraft companies went on strike—they refused to bid on government contracts—until they were given better terms and higher profits...
...I have talked with hundreds ef troops so far and have not...
...I · The National Union Farmer, organ of ; James Patton's group, says bluntly in He...
...I have been ashore for more than two hoars after landing with the aaaaaH feres...
...liff Another New Dealer Administration is still sacrificing New...
...Faced with necessity of immediate actis«, the metal trades council last week through Its postwar committee, at a iimnilug with Congressman Richard J. Welch, launched a campaign, toward: the opening of natural ore production and the manufacture of steel in the western area of the United States'to thereby force the decentralisation of the steel monopoly which, today*, is keeping those...
...Einstein Denies CP Rumors, Says Erlich, Alter Innocent...
...who occupy key positions...
...The 1940 OOP nominee usually places a greater emphasis on the role of Russia ia poet ?? deliberation, and the creation of a four jsa'ait bloc This step, the reactionary wing of the GOP is not yet prepared to take...
...Today large food and packing groups are preparing a gigantic nationwide strike...
...And the basis of his terms was unconditional surrender...
...feral furs and institutions run*mg smOotnry desprft the upsets of war...
...The war in Italy, to be sure, 1jfcfar from ended...
...Mussolini and Ciaao «? aa deep-dyed in skulduggery as Hitler and Gearing... the railway brotherhood unions as well...
...To a large extent the Has ape will be shaped by the forces that isstrgs ta Britain after the war and the direction of...
...Press— Distributed by the AP WITH THE BRITISH 8th ARMY EN ROUTE TO ITALY, Sept...
...This, certainly, is not accidental...
...Einstein's reply came in response to a cable from the well-known German antiFascist and pacifist...
...But thai group has also shifted its political position ta s recognition of the world role that America mast play...
...Lippmann's visions are wrought ia terms «1 '•national destiny," and as he reads history, the next decades are the decades of America* dominance...
...But this is a flexible term...
...The policy toward the Italian underground and, especially, toward Italian anti-Fascist leaders in this country, has puzzled and distressed many sincere and well-informed American liberals...
...f It is significant that Dewey's statement, sjb Lippmann's thinking, talks of ?ngio-American military alliance with Russia and China to he brought in afterwards...
...The Sicilian campaign, according to the photographs, was a bark—with everybody running to kiss everybody «las, slut 26,000 man fell—and it was a father aarimis conference that Elmer Davis had at the White House hut week that put some realism into U. & information releases...
...Pressure was brought against the FEPC not only by the roads bat...
...Only a few shots were fired, if any, during the landing...
...Nor is Colonel McCormkk ? mirrow provincial...
...Commissis*, the...
...Here as in Sicily it looks aa if our task will be feeding, housing, health and saministraThese ara^gentle people, and they respond at ones to the A.M.G...
...John Brandt of the National Cooperative Milk Producers Federation, who has been exposed by Jonathan Stout in these pages, has called a conference for the end of September in order to boost milk two or three cents a quart and butter 17 cents a poundIn part the administration's policy of yielding to blackmail threats by other organized farm group* has resulted in the present mesa...
...that the orbit of world political power has shifted swsy from Europe...
...For in these proposals continental Europe is rigorously excluded from a role in the post-war world...
...Labor has pledged that it will not withhold its 'skill from the machine and impair production...
...It remains to be seen whether the FEPC will have the power to act...
...A possible element of discussion in the FDRDavis table-talk was the ringing indictment of American propaganda by William L. Shirer, well-know author of Berlar Diary...
...cost to the consumer...
...Shirer had said: "There is no use kidding ourselves any longer about a great American failure...
...The latest AJ"*lty is ?. B. Baldwin of the Farm Security **"miatration, which has been the target of j*» absentee owner and factory-farm elements mat dominate the big hell-bent-for-inflation ***») lobbies...
...The entire conception of the attack on Europe via North Africa ,'end the deeply indented southern coast has /proven the foresight of our planning staff, la accord with the old British-American tradition, a maximum effect has been achieved with • minimum sacrifice of life...
...I (Delayed).—Canadian troops sweat across Meealaa Strait and leaded ea the beeches of southern Italy jest before dawa today to establish a bridgehead with practically no opposition...
...Davis has, of course, been having a herd time...
...Clarence Buddington Keilend, formerly an associate of the violently isolatioahrt No Foreign Wars Committee, that had been organized by Verne Marshall, has proposed a pan whose maximum considerations are a four power alliance and whose minimum considerations are the annexation of Iceland, Greenland, Bermuda and Caribbean islands that form so approach to continental U. S. Surprisingly enough, Kelland's plan has received s left-handed endorsement from Henry Luce, who featured a full-page digest of the KeUsnd plan in last week's issue of rime...
...official to land was a United States lieutenant of Italian extraction...
...1944 is now looming on ileal horizon, and Congressmen will be utious and wary of taking a swipe at r the little businessman...
...If sack was the case 'weald you please give ate,, year reason...
...Bat what was of greatest interest in his remarks ware his frank admissions that his thinking had been iafluenssa by Walter Lippmann, and the proposals east* ta'ned in Lippmann's recent hook U. ?. Foreign Policy...
...shortage which now exists aad which imperils the entire war program...
...Fascism feflltalv is forever disgraced and discredited...
...The Germans, who from ,'dM beginning have furnished the only stiff [^•position, still remain to be conquered...
...Marry bate or fear us----" U. 8. propaganda, according to Sharer's analysis, was giving the impression that the makers of our foreign policy were "frightened, timid little men, fearful of the common warn in Europe, frightened to death ef the great popular forces which this war—like all world wars —has unleashed, insisting only that the halfStarved, brutalized people of the Continent maintain 'law and order...
...Welch said that there was absolutely no excuse for a steel'shortage...
...old "SaveFETC" Parley In Washington Sept...
...This not only excludes any future democratic Germany or Italy, but even a democratic France...
...Meanwhile, in broad daylight and along our own shore, we were getting ready...
...doss and gangs who have placed it in power and kept it there for more than twenty years...
...the Chicago publisher has coma out for the annexation of New Seeland, Australia, Canada, and other dominions by the United States...
...Lobbyists for the ^jffiesalers, packers, canners, etc., are mobiliz-9t *° keep the lid down...
...13,14 A conference called to strengthen the FEPC, the Fair Employment Practices Committee, will be held in Washington Monday and Teeaday next week, September 13 and 14, ander the auspices of the Provisional Committee to Organise Colored Locomotive Firemen, headed by A. Philip Randolph...
...Men who could have helped rouse the people against Mussolini and Badoglio tanjsen held far from the scene of action...
...Now under liberal pressure, hearings have been rescheduled...
...Be said: "I have waited for this moment a long tuna...
...Capital Comment Congress Session Faces Home Fronf Problems Jonathan Stout is on vacation...
...Except for eeaae stragglers who walked a boat the hiaehss like Wet aata, taw view , was deserted...
...In the afternoon the Ismdtasg: craft moved into position...
...Otto Lehman Russbuldt...
...GOP Parley Sees End of Isolationist Issue, Lines Divide on Imperialism — Int'lism :[ By HURRAY FVERfTT Special to TnNnUOat WASHINGTON, D. '<?==¦?& most fatoful outcome oi the Republican foreign policy deliberations at Mackinac island is the crumbling of the old political lines of afcmtfamat vs...
...The- natural desire to keep all running smoothly mast not be allowed to keep one murderous* gangster in his place...
...cooperation should facilitate this conAOke political problems which must be solved a^ascat what are to Us novel and difficult jMtll With regard to them, however, we ?? one great initial advantage...
...In the meanwhile, because of the failure or refusal of the steel monopoly to supply its quota of steel, the shipyards of the Pacific Coast are faced with a situation that seems certain to curtail production of the vital ships needed especially at this time when a program of invasion to finish off the Axis demands a huge tonnage of skipping facilities...
...Already there is talk of cancelation of some Pacific Coast shipbuilding contracts because of the lack of steel...
...The Bay City Metal Trades Council has already raised the slogan: "Give us the steel and we will bnild the snips...
...ThetSeory is that our official representatives are not to show partiality-Howard any wing or party or faction...
...What is required,ia the rapid and thorough abolition of · and Fascism and the careful, thoughtful, sympathetic encouragement of all the farms of free political and social life...
...Hog coiling* have been allowed to rise terrifically, so that earn is sold to bog raisers and dairy farmers have little feed...
...Some coast plants are faced with the probability of closing down by the end of September...
...fWbt Italians are pledged to assist in driving ?» Germans from their soil...
...Own propaganda ia not getting any place...
...But other groups have given no such pledge...
...They must be of such a nature and must be publicized in such a way aa to inspire the trust and secure the spontaneous help of the various populations as our armies proceed •n their triumphant progress...
...Thousands of Negro railroad workers are in danger of losing their Jobs because of discrimination...
...The solution most satisfy the people back home...

Vol. 26 • September 1943 • No. 37

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