Looking at Literature


Looking at Literature By JAMES BURNMAM SCIENCE AND CRITICISM: Pee Mil lank PiaeVlstei fa Cmtcmpornry Thought. B$ HQRDINARJLY^t ta both j«*t «U {^fl1^^,*^^MMjP^^^#jjW^ ? 01 .. r J w„...

...Statecraft was never emptoymewt fee do-gooders Top never heard of Santa Cksus or Catenae1 in polities The only way to get anywhere id to ride hard and long, aad whw plenty of whip on the side...
...hds lilimmi the admirsc of Stalinist mfjawaww <|a| * a|«waods the siaistes Moscow trmla, tho extatmiiimtii'n of the 'Russian inteUigmteaia, the aawhflawoa of democracy and soeiaaww to.sw}a^!te-,^*ways liming, ia the meantime, as the defender ef republican Bhertiea...
...They talk as well, laugh as re*, ptey and drink as well as any ether sort And, despite rules ani reatine, they are not more cabined and confined in their ways than the average run of folks...
...We know enough already to avoid a great deal of nonsense that is written by literacy critics (as by critics of all the arts...
...On one of these occasions (mauiohha to shnaa Usae Msetaf hood...
...di Kerillis represent* himself as a champion of th« Franco-Soviet pact He pretend* to have ante parked this treaty from 1935 onward, the same liimtg ajiiili h| iltmmma 1 1 mate such virulence to these ponmaeam which me tome emoted from bis voimms dated 1937 (a year faesere Munich), and he sets himself up as the ewveted arpohmpst ef Stoftowsd...
...Kohody beims o. The teachers themselves don't believe it The prettiest phte among them take it as a compliment if you say: You a basher...
...To express again the gene—1 phiosopay of natoralism is not, however, Urn mean avowee purpose of Science and f nfinmn...
...Heat (haTtS** Tribune had an editorial which really toasted the committee, mftssf ally toasted the committee.»Aaf ' Garey's flagrant, -vnconeealed race-prejudice has sadssgetdsjsf * everyone within miles...
...But nobody sees this...
...wabalais, an* Meotaigne,and to, more recent times by Matthew Arnold...
...The reasons for this moot would deer up no end of things...
...And there are the «Srj|otd war-horses who have seen everything and dont give a Wftoeut anything...
...he is a consistent enough relativist to know that relativism mast be founded on certain key choices Which are not themselves capable of explicit proof...
...The recommendation was sneaked through to the Army by some hignplacod fellow-travelers in a Washington agency...
...ot?-feJ J » , »t.i- fo*',"--**-** *Mm by critics and by scientists...
...who hw*a seemed from thne to time to be a Mttle coafneed about Ushtgs...
...He did, as one of his friends remarked, ^•f^hwig for God, a good deal for his country and a lot for |Jj|nd y°u, I liked him and shall miss him...
...Inside and Out By MATTHEW LOW est^l the witnern'mortTnoddesg pmmapt aasemto to'tswlSlwSsX •iterations of counsel Engeae U Garey...
...The „Tt Communist ia converted to Democracy...
...To him the ga wkiest literary goose was s » nTs vitality and goodwill far exceeded his discrimination...
...And he confesses that he would "not pete>m| to give an unqualified answer te this crucial question.'' He is ready, that is to say...
...They'll feel the arsapait all right, and they'll move over...
...in order to determine what H has to offer to criticism...
...Blind Date With ¦ess...
...If the right ideas could get •uxfte world could he pulled out of danger...
...Leon Blum has declared over and over again that he will not govern without the Communists and still less against the Communists...
...why we go after set oaty ahe toolsdMd the knaves, but even the rather good or liberal or wenVaaeaafapf ev •fncient ofnciai...
...ten, a religion without God, can have the necessary authorny, force, and vitality to realise it* vol see...
...The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN -gw, ChtteVaa , I j&OW just what teachers will say about this novel...
...If hit conscience is clear, he can and he should name the men whom he criticises, the witnesses whom he quotes...
...He P* »« improved and refined Hamilton Wright Mabie...
...AgreehMfdth Charles Lamb, writing men have viewed the pedagogical 2eV4# * **rt human dust bowl...
...Take a look at the teat (pp...
...Slender and chic Allison and neosJWteKeliy solved their passion problems at night, heroically ¦*m*ed the challenge of the alarm clock in the morning and apFJaJaiierrir.g tact and wisdom to their students' life problems through the day...
...Joe Corran has shipped out again as a seaman—in order to avoid the sm-fay which the State Department had put on his visa...
...And he has not the right,~maraUy, to eTftrtie a book Behold the TrutM at the very moment wnen he faisitta* truth, raw ante the history of our times with the most seornsul lack of veracity...
...Let us cite a passage from tins earlier work (third edition...
...Now, Stimson is s conservative politico, hut a rather hsnoot and vigorous and well-intentioned one...
...de awaJThu has the right to dssotawe the Fiaaau IInisi part, Me has, too, the right to hsnsai his wtod...
...Teachers into the stream of our life as does no other craft or group...
...He adds, appnwrtotciy...
...Muller interprets it, is the high rating given to the sciences, both as the source of ear knowledge of the world and as creative human activities...
...s Bat M it's s smiling matter, nobody who has even been nsaraa Soviet eahee would knew it . . . Ahusnndar Barm ins, mho waa-ht the Smntot eohce both in Greece and in Praam, ana told of W» terrinad the entire staff became when the eail to "some hosna" ' came from the Kremlin...
...in, for example, their reaaarks about "the pay eh ology of the artfat* or "tie function of art- or -the social background" of this os that Bterara work, ox the whole prchftun ef ^vmm b» eA'Sampmwrihfcs, whatever their aesthetic theories, all write about saeh things, their puttie might WeS demand that they knew'something about them, which very often they do not...
...Lues ens ef his aim, avoid these two pits: the toe easy populating lei i is illustrated in hie chapter...
...The FBI, TCC, OWI had Been trying to get the goods en him for years...
...What we have, then, is a romantic BZ edged with melodrama—against a sharply etched realistic pem-proy...
...Think of fw on fhe same breath with Van Wyck Brooks or Edumund Wilson T* *°u nill tee what I mesa...
...The college professor or the HBpti amy he brought into a plot for comic relief, but no one hmthesght him (or her) worthy of a full-length portrait...
...Tho Items* quietly told the press that the scar was s World War I sesndk hi a battle against the Germans...
...Either there is something wrong with the pspsssien or there is something wrong with our attitude toward to profession...
...School people will sayt All right...
...whoa no anas thsd tho words eusss by their expos onto bolster his favorite phfhmnphiesd terms, "whole," "organmrs...
...Bat he forgot to notify his draft board—and so Col...
...oa ar dt Perrrsvfwrna Avenue...
...it's a t^tty good yam, but such things don't happen to typical J2»ers between week-ends...
...and the claim of this method to b*> the vol* mean* f*vr fliidtii**, -am trvitii* fe * seessidaale ehaOonge to a held which, like that of literary criticism, also claims to tell so truths but at the same tame is notoriously shy •hoot accepting teaesKific method...
...h* *ye« of Fern Rives—she's the author, and this is her » novel—romance is reward of virtue, a sort of A-jr for the J*** ¦» Modern Methods...
...It mar he a atonnas i>l its its to aasne, not assre end more tho Devsrenx aad to >lnhwmsitois will ha aisgging far ftulms "groat eawarV mnt" TTsey're no lends, and they anew how saach they earn learn from the Kremlin...
...After having writtan these paragraphs Mr...
...One could easily take up the statements of it one after another, old or new, and demonstrate their falsity...
...Gassy boomed out the answer...
...104-106): "To tell the truth,.the left-coaler and the left hare also their groups which stand for German and French collaboration...
...The poorest ef the poor m«t furnished stuff for heroes and heroines—miner*, steel-worktofrawndry-workers, uprooted farmers, prostitutes...
...We have a million teachers in this country...
...he does not and that religions have produced only evil for men...
...A most striking example ef the sort of lalsTrV caatoas of which Mr...
...that "thai is scarcely a modest aim...
...He submits, then, to their blackmail, the blackmail of Moscow...
...PipiaHpsj and she ahiy aantai a' the most part at- such retevsnt kanweadge...
...He hoaata of hjarhng created in 1926 a "political propaganda machine- for she disssmination of rTtfinalrt idea...
...Bat bee* are seam of the snap-shoto of hie life—on a inssahut ride with Mussolini ia Borne...
...Newspapers, radio and moving-picture ~J5** * lot more to solve the problem...
...gracious host to Pierre Laval at his tawnttj estate .. . on the lawn with Dino Grandi . . . etc., etc Of course, that was his Jew, But that's precisely it his job is to be ofMal pais with 0 anybody...
...The word dean, as J*^»alied, failed of a perfect ftt He lacked the stern authority j Jjj*^e,n- His warmth was impartial, hip smile all-embracing...
...The principal lacked only the white steed of the Bnining bByht The political boss, that fruitful source of skulduggery in *_ o/erk-aday world, reaches down only to save and bless...
...Muller eeead not...
...of the GJU...
...The JP oho saunter in secret gardens are the ones who have lapped m*t**ui off John Dewey and Teachers College...
...Deveronx thesght it was a woa> derfed mWtasa: This meek Itevismn pepg id np as a.^asmtrshstor to The N a tie ami Rsgnhitr...
...In the end, of course, the love-life of the pedagogs who matter Inn freely— if a bit calmly—after the violent urges of middle St of the tale...
...The ideas are in *** that most folks cant understand and in peaces where -oatei.0"81" wiU Bever go...
...Along ikes Use it wswhi consider the general method of all the atteaeoa, ami ask to what extent scientific method is cress be or ought to be the method of literary critieism That is * iniasMli and a profeundry hsportast problem...
...60-01): "The asm awn ran sad «y Fwiaa iuiate pact are incalculable...
...5? ** leMt- seems to be the theory that Miss Rives is sending fl» aw normal school, jg'jfro' oad fole |7**orld will never be the same without William Lyon Phelps...
...Every teacher of French or math should MPs one—preferably with a Ruasian playhouse and a legend of jj, princess who rsn off with the Italian...
...The entire ¦onalstion has had intimate contacts with the profession...
...Thie ttoatV%% offer free to the Dtetrist, Ateesmeyemd to tho *>Wf...
...i4/sfcjMabeauty about this book, is that the sleek blondes and "•ettes who ride off with gay gentlemen in rakish ears are the ••uho believe in progressive education...
...de >s*w*m ts gotky occurs ko connection with his aootauen w bis Pisfatt of his hook, Francait, Void la Guerre...
...M. Leon Blum himself is a Marxist Germanophile only slightly distinguished by his horror of Hitierism...
...e • aswon Behind the Meak:-Russia has changed a gead deal horn ianmV to Stalin, hot for Maxim Maximovich LitvinonT, thinap* ap»Bh ' en hut remain the same...
...In the fast plaes...
...Thai hi not, properly speaking, a book mot a collection of articles...
...One of two things...
...There is constant talk about "a minister" or "a, deputy," each more important than the other, but without ever the naming of a name...
...For tans pesssomste aat lone list, this notoitous partisan of Frsneo aad Mgatetomi...
...August knows, what -the ite*?l»««i8ts and psychologists have discovered about race feelj*f»r« he sets most of it down in straight talk with an edge of You can buy the booklet for a quarter from the Band "•fcFress, 7 E. 15th Street, New York City...
...Sat real ai BatJtgraand |K Friosy, Thank God...
...oa physics aad watogy especially...
...Every new call on their pedagogical ingenuW pmvides a new thrill...
...Halter writes in his preface, "I found myself devoted mainly to an effort to make i unity a v»n - able, for the purposes ef literary criticism, the iimiisniiiiMj findings hi the natural and social science...
...ambassador "All bessJeaa rumors," ahe smiles...
...UENRY DE KERILLIS is one of those public figures chiefly responsible for the 1 * debasement ef French pohtica Wmg tqr to fcato aataataefirr of 1S40...
...Mulier «««• -hoiMBiwie...
...But honesty is hnCJJh The man waa a swell guy, a warm, human, happy mortal...
...no mma today—an4 certainly not in a torn years, hi a single hash ean review -the major suwtemt of the chief contemporary sciesmes wtthsut sisppi into silnsr vulgar posnUariasatsos or osstostioss Mr...
...de Kerillis against "germanophUeMarxitm" distinguishes itself hardly at all from Hrttorton or fascist snti-Msrxism...
...It can't he...
...h*-?**0, Httle relation to real American literature . fl*** *«e Fmfadice f|»*T this country needs more than any other one thing is a SS-mon currency of ideas...
...Yd if one were to judge them by the shadow they have cast 'on Bjrrsture they would seem pale and unimportant I was pleasantly taught by my pudgy professor of letters that to aider novels and plays had gentlemen for heroes because upperehm persons led full and free lives...
...If fles were organised, they could have the biggest and most powsrfal union on earth...
...This negative conclusion really emerges from Mr...
...sciences that can be done...
...An extraordinary number of talented and mteential men of the nation have been teachers...
...Perhsps it "•toinJactory love at night to create good teaching by day...
...the Lazuricks and plenty of others are "captives" of Germany and play Hitler's game in demanding the redaction of French armaments in the face of the colossal armaments of the Germans...
...skat he ha* not the rkyht, amanBat, to pemtenw hhat ho has never changed, that he has ahaays been ia the right, to ffhrfe Bwnself the esedSt tor imagmaxy virtue...
...and be f SOS* as shaa.sWI point of view which he •"-nil "tun been symbolised by such names as Cbsucer...
...It's true: We know no "sacred eouv...
...smd the distorthm, few the hisai mt eiei fcwjiehto empamsis whichh*give*.to theories line those of -Emergent Evototion" ami "Gestan I^eahtieaMr or u> the derm-et leaee ef a mm) Uhe Konybski...
...snse oasder ttarean t crmc'g protection...
...I took you for a* Powers model without a ham in her head...
...snot tvy Low LirvinofT isn't nxnried about her "Papasna...
...Basic to the attitude, as Mr...
...MM that he really lacks them...
...The author must think wen of hhneilf and ef his literary efforts, else ha would not have given thaw ahe permanent, lam ot a book...
...And one is naturally astonished that such an enthusiastic Gaullist separated himself from General de Gaulle to come to America and sing the praises of the Communists...
...For them education is just putting in hours ¦f*g*wmg a pay-check...
...AS this aealiaaenlal business about "our men" who "do avmieifal things for us" strihee as a bit on the stupid side...
...It sons he eshe Sod Soon "irme" tAsnga naW...
...Marraatonio, dosendsnf Belli, blenched into s vitas no attack en the Mazzmi Omkoty (the anti-fmnrist gremp, of whieh Treses waa on lastoierhl mvssher...
...It's too, too aice...
...an* aesf ( dropped her snssk and there was terror written in so nop dsns) in her face...
...Despite all the reservations made in the course of this, exposition, we stand ready to admit the Soviet* as associates ia the combination opposed to the Germanic aggressor...
...One was never certain, from day hi day...
...The School for Democracy is, of course, a pure Kremlin-Set outfit...
...Science and Critid*m thus joins tile revived debate between these who in our troubled day are still ready Jo pot their foil stake on this world, and those many others who, despairing of the facts or newer having been willing to face thesn, seek better odds from accommodating bookies ef the transcendental...
...jjnyone who ever faced a class either on Monday or Friday Ipt confess that East High is a glamorised school...
...SWo has been sub psehias, danger sew for a long time in S" end to in thoemye of tho muse, rm m» when the SUUn-Hitler emrt emvewsd Msenha 00U...
...it could try te discover what specific truths made...
...In spite of the crude stage at which psychology and the soda...
...one of #to meat viemwa of aha aeasvs^ametot sesieshcess...
...La Uaieon Frwaite, 610 Fifth Are., Jfaw York...
...o Cmmie Round-sp—U...
...By Henri de Keri&U...
...He is still pretty much the inteilihlWHl rneaaenger-boy he was ender Vhtomrir Iryieh whs had hate wowwltring smuggled copies of Iskra into forbidden areas Lrtvtooff...
...Poor folks, fettered by poverty, sterol too little scope for emotional development . The dear old pas steeps now in his grave instead of his class-room, - and ail ant km been changed...
...Frenchie, the heroine, had all the elusive charm 22i had carried her into and out of the moot bewitching corners d Bacope...
...In running through the pages of Mr...
...dimhnrsl wfrh wpanorts so oolsened...
...There are the sharp and sour sisters who compennteiqr lonely sterility by mothering their pupils and gossiping Jg^jretty girls who have dates and hopes...
...B$ HQRDINARJLY^t ta both j«*t «U {^fl1^^,*^^MMjP^^^#jjW^ ? 01 .. r J w„ ---Tiini-wwntr This attitude Mr...
...S. Army ofhrlab wens a tittle 1 suffered the other day when attenttoa was called to the Bullettas of the 2nd Service Command—which recommended the School Tor Democracy to soldiers anxious to study "current events...
...The aha, first, is waemauhks...
...hand ef the h* mil an Ugton's AawHteamhaa department...
...There are the no-good oW frumps who fttcted teaching for no reason at all so long ago that everyone has ¦Ettas when it was and can be gotten rid of by no one short of tk ondertaker...
...Bin as masters—never...
...She looks s* as ahosagh eh* satght as Its pee a ea . moment and parted herself ap the stairs by the bsmatotor, haahf over hand...
...Burthen, who was...
...But this would be on interminable task...
...This eulogy would have been more valid hud it been written' by someon* else...
...Fssm the deenments ho mist ad the substance of several sessions Belli had with government invsetagstors who had been rhnrring on bis slnnwing of the news, etc . * With ffeUt woe Cenavseennsn Vise Mwrmamhwhtf B«m mse fsnd mew eaitt he) hi* chest Thm mem, «*ho had eeva eawmnnt«g tk* cmt» toecinf press, smd wae woo eomsg ciiseiy awnahsd by t*aeie Smm {mt one stssc he sod oven said as a "damf mm no ostomy sJnftt...
...in which there ht a long picture-review of the carreer of Wsr Sncrotary Henry Lewis Bflav son...
...It is well that he has been spared the pain d hjeturmg on Dreiser and Steinbeck...
...They had naturally put pressure on nam many times and nam...
...But the mntor—numerous, respectable, influential—somehow he seems te awme makings...
...Paris, »W, pp...
...Ia hit book he givet, in his own peculiar way, the reasons for hit departure from France—but not one word about his departure from England...
...He was *JJ*Wversal receptionist for American letters...
...s F*Dmt It This '•press-agent" takes the cake...
...It is this pact which has given as the popular front, die red ekw' tion of lane, 19M, the shift of the French ipannas toward radicalism, the catastrophic government of Leon Blum, six months of disastrous troubles, the furious social demagogy of the present time, the reputation beyond our borders as a country three-fourths bolshevised, a country to be universally avoided as stricken with a pestilence...
...a true patriot, anver would have negotiated this FraneoSoviet pact had he foreseen its cfinsiaaincei, Aad M Laval never would have signed it had the suspicion entered his mind that the Communist Party, a branch of the Moscow regime, weald become a preponderant part of the majority eharged with the control cf toe as plication of (his agreement...
...Cox's press-agent was aeon making a simian dash for the men's room...
...an broadly empires*, pragmatic, naturalistic...
...But what he does net tail to that his Centre de JVopwaasde was chwfly distinguished for ate temtismjus aad awrawerioa i-aiajuintui aad lies age mat the democratic and socialist parttes...
...in rWowhw sf last year (some three weeks before the mardw of Carle Treses an the streets of New York...
...Muller s contemporaries hams, I am sdhmtek developed tastes for rawer ideological drinks than this honest brew of has...
...Vito Marc as tones...
...e • AN analysis ef the relation between seiesee and literary criticism is both legitimes and called for...
...McDermott ts after bim now Two months age* in the heiflb* of the 'Miomr.n u etas sow" campaign, the Daily Worker praasny teatnsed too isfissi went ef Victor Devssonx...
...Cox was using Belli"s complaints as a stick to beat the Government with, . • • Strangely enough, every tiane B0B1 got into s Jean a "fix" wan pat in for him Apparently he had some big hntmasaa...
...The Record of De Kerillis By PAUL TEXTOR FRA.&CAIS...
...In the end," Mr...
...Thomas Mann...
...chief runner for the Kremlin, has now been reraltod again...
...Utotnoff tend bndo mnsgXbt her guests a cheery "good night...
...hh«2 **Kes °y August Claessens on Race Prtfudime do the WW this toughest of our social nuts...
...de Kerillis one is struck by the inconsistency and the vagueness of the denunciations and accusations...
...eawail^^^ nevs.ion—a psesft afentt flyw very anaiou* to pot good sesslsemp on his eorrent "show...
...and he mad Garey have been making the 1 UMSsjs of publishers' offices and not with very much luck...
...And as we as sat there scnobhng oar notes at toe pnss inkni...
...Meet a bunch of the tutors ef pi young at a party, and you will soon see that they suffer, not at sB kt comparison with other humans...
...s,nd wnst of all—he cannot garner all of this together in s heati earn east ht Votes fa Verio—when it is all the vary opposite to the truth, la the volume cited shove the author oners yet another' exsmple of bad faith aad of anti-democratic aad anti-socialist betrayal Me pretend* to find indistinguishable the honest psriatt spirit of other times,, the socialist movement for enternationalism, and "germnnophilism...
...What is Mr...
...kj*m» the nterary tea and the Town Hall out to the end ef the T*""?eircuit a gracious influence has been withdrawn...
...It bears I til* excellent expletive title, Friday, Thank God!, and is ^jjjjbed by Putnams...
...we have three sorts of folks whom you •dm...
...It was he who sent out that unheard-of release when one Italian' anti-faswst was being called np as a witness...
...dynamre.' The semmd iiWmdJj resta upon the feat that many of the sciences, in terms of content, simply do not nave nejlkme, to affee to slliiism Exermhng t'tm auestton of method, which thay share with thoeaher sciences, thwdnsensa aad theories ef eentesapeaary physics smd- sssiiBSti 3, for example, are almost wholly irrelevant te criticism, as they are, indeed, to most important fields of concrete personal and social concern...
...The gym ESs> with the luminous skin was somehow missed by the Hoily_gp_ scouts...
...WflMm James...
...Cox happened to make the tactical error offdgn^H ^JtrTorde...
...MaUor has not mtorpaotod his priawey asm along either of these two pmadWe noes, wmnmh his does deal iimidentotip with the prwbtnm of ussshiit He has set MnnmV to review the SBlils waM of contemporary science (w:ta hasg ihmjlmi, indeed the hulk of his book, en the physical sciences, btotogy, psj tesinsj, and the eeeial seieaeee) ha terms not merer, of method hut sieo of eentent...
...Slr.de KeriHis has written a ipstwi preface ef solf-piniss w order to attrihnm to heamelf all tap virtue* ami to show that he a always nght...
...de Kerillis why he left England, wl/y he did not remain there by the side of General de Gaulle...
...find in every school...
...It would be easy to show what the nationalist literature of Mr...
...On the stand was Lido Befti...
...If be fails to name them, his assertions lose all value...
...Let us, rather, ask Mr...
...He admits, near the end of his boo*i that "there remains, however, the crucial question: whether such natural idea...
...kmiiiisge ye«Wte» eaaastost 'Smm^S^mmsamtsaatkm erf Utorsssre...
...It resume to to seen whether toe impartial wader whw find it passible to agree with him in his Judgment sf tsmss...
...Why one should write such a book—surely, why any one should want to read it—is incomprehensible...
...In addition to every other alluring circumstance, Ijrt-is a secret garden...
...Muller's own analysis, for after reviewing many theories of advanced science, he is unable te show that they have anything to do with literary criticism beyond their occasional use of certain concepts which he has first introduced without reference to the sciences...
...And by the way—nt a session with the FBI...
...And then we take wp new positions, and that's the way the people's prngviee is mail...
...whether anyone else ever made such a slender literary ¦g* stretch so far...
...It could properly and productively go along one of two lines...
...Teaching, to them, can never turn into *f«*me with a pay-cheek at the end...
...his "prema**," he say...
...In his party the Msrcesu Piverts...
...Be eanaot at one had the same time be the partisan si Franco, M4msofim -smd ataka, the white be passes himself off as a demosxa...
...And ana good reason yon can pick ate from the current issue of Life mngssine...
...Who knows...
...whs ass yet to skip s host with the fsjrtj Mmt, ranted—according to the resold ahead the- <3*aa- 4 rers" sf Ms members, and hW "neabitioos...
...Bat theeoeris stosy 1 wssS to tew mnsssms oar ahf fetoad, the Ben...
...o • • Tfg«aer's Tern jftnMG with geographical regionalism, we have had professional Bj&kam^hsav Novell and biographies have given us heroic ¦sestets of physicians, lawyers, writers, actors and preachers, tot hardly once since the days of Icaobod Crane and the Hoosier BSmawr have we had a popular book about a teacher...
...Up to now the lively and f"J"l»* pamphlet bos been the best answer...
...The analysic of the lutsUltB between science and sridcism might, seeonsly, deaf team the problem of method...
...000 phBeewphy for s Gripe i—Thia paragraph mm era*, but www Uhe * to get it off now, for people are always nskkeg why this department ia so "cantankerous...
...There ace taw difficulties hers...
...Contrary to a rather wide popular misunderstanding, shared and fostered by many scientists, quantum and relativity theories have not the slightest bearing upon the problems of an adequate art, a good life or a just society...
...Three thousand miles and the Atlantic Ocean separate him from Europe...
...The soaring success of the favorites of fortune ia hngktiy displayed against the sour earcaam of the main body of Ultra ted school-room females...
...Bjr iid caiuronious stories, by law propagandistic vulgarism, be atewtiilated more than anvawc ewe to the -destruction of the French civic spirit...
...He does not believe that all metaphysicians and theologians are scoundrels...
...One esptotost, smnngMate very lent' to leave, eaw her going u pot aim H« nam...
...SsJvawini had often attacked Belli's broadcasw and*programs on L'.S -Itahan radio etatiane...
...Aad Ivy Uv...
...In intersatws with the press she has been nroghfngty pooh poehtng any neasamte of personal danger for the 5:3, 2001b...
...The craxed and Jmtceted sister who starts out ia the night with an avenging ,-mlver, shoots teacher's pet instead of teacher—and in the end J^iereed coat and shoulder make everything rather coxier than u sps before...
...Approving of all popular writers, Lwi'it m'"g PhelPs could not do for anyone what Henry L. did for Dreiser...
...He is forced to conclude, therefore, where he began, with the restatement of his bread attitude of pragmatic, naturalistic humanism, which is not weakened but made humanly stronger by its independence of the latest turns of laboratory research...
...Mailer's defense of natural ism is distinguished by being neither apologetic par bad-tempered...
...Nevertheless, at a time when the forces of spiritual night are so militantly on the offensive, it « sui'iimaejag te be assured that resisting baaatrn stin ny If the belief that men can seme dag leant te live their own lives without the treacherous aid of fears, weakness and prejudices ua—ilisted bate Abe*' lotos is no more than an illusion, then it is not the least worthy among illusions...
...Our job is to kick up unofficial fusses shoot eeery Using w* dent think it right and Just so...
...de Kerillis afraid of...
...to be experimental even in his advocacy of experimentahmm...
...it is possible to describe the general method of the mien see...
...The partisans of FrancoGerman collaboration fairly swarm on the benches of the radicals and republicansocialists...
...He had a right to be opposed to democracy and Socialism: He had no Heat *» fight against them in a manner as...
...It is an aim, moreover, at which he fails, for he has eaaxmtvwd it in a sense that mates it qaito impossible of achievement...
...He bated sal the "euier" possibilities to the photo editors—"dark, swarthy," "looks like a ¦iriims thug," "tbagaosr across cheek," "ought to make great pictures...

Vol. 26 • August 1943 • No. 35

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