The Turn of events - A Review of Global Fronts

The Turn of events - A Review of Global Fronts Tb« news of overshadowing significance daring the past week was the Presidential Executive Order issued Wednesday evening, August 18, and...

...and (6) bringing into being a Federal job placement service...
...How Eiecirhre Order Worts Under the Executive Order based on the Smith-Connally Bill the NWLB may, after a anion such as the United Mine - Workers to do its bidding, invoke the powers ef the decree...
...Under this stringent new order the NWLB is strengthened in its current dispute with the United Mine Workers of America If the onion now declines to sign a contract with the coal operators, dues collected for it under the check-off system may be withheld...
...hated Gestapo chief, as Reich Minister of the Interior...
...The only cantons still prominently identified with the government who wad- closely identified with the New Deal is Harold L. lekes, and his initiator of forward-sweeping policies...
...mauy ef what methods .provided only they ore ant enbelUsked with Fascist sjmsilton, to tart on business men snd mdustnahrt* sod redace them to the status ef underlings, ss in Germany...
...and at the Axis forces were making one of their .Una) stands nt Palermo, he managed to pen a few 'tost words...
...With ant at least this minimal program, the results ef sadden peace win be "devastating," the report said National income is now running at a rate of $143 billion per year, according to the Depart merit of Commerce, and for the year w4g run te $147 billion Production during the first half of the year was at the rate of $188 button compared with a rate of $169 billion to she final quarter of 1942, with 48 per cent ef output for war purposes...
...Members of the assembly were warn te their commendation and satisfaction with the *at«MS given the Mayor and the community by that chairman, Frank R. CrosswaitJi snd by their vice chairman A. Phillip Randolph, who strike the rioting addressed crowds on the street std over the radio, tone effort to restore and ma inarm order...
...The decree brought to a elhnsx a Steady swing to the Right fa this reentry that has bean increasingly vfeibto since the fall of Yranee ia Jaty, 1940...
...affect adversely the prod active oeantato eg sal tire ihtfetni areas, simply by dsstnakhar na rhythm of eoasnranity life, which mustlb* «Z seiead ta nn npnrecasble extent Loot Winter was witnessed the effect hi « specially organised city like New Test M ehstftj' cartaaing tee fuel oil supply ef an lawndry indnstiy...
...The umnaued letter was still hi his pocket . . . MY DEAR MOTHER . Y.?tor<*y.*l>>r " Vtng tone...
...Formal application through the Vatican by*the Italian government to have Rome dedaled an "open city" hat been relayed to the British snd United States governments, awiiedhH to Radio Rome...
...e^eosioe f*»oa foresee le wrier* • .A brief statement at the end of the conference said: 1—the whole field of world operations was 2—Mere Anglo-American conferences will be bSid, st closer intervals...
...L * H e r s h e y , National Selection Service Director...
...ffjgfcg Oceepled In...
...Employment privileges in war industries, where governtnant contracts are involved, would be affected, of course, but in such industries the employees are already where the government wants them...
...Biddle had not included representives of labor on his private committee to carry on educational and publicity activities in various communities, since no group named by him is in such close touch with the problems involved or possessed with such first hand knowledge as are the laboring people A German Soldier to His Mother Sometime toot week, Grfreiter i Lance-Corporal > . Fnendich Kunz Sot down to write te his mother...
...Week bffor* the secret Nasi research area at Pefenefrrande.- on the "Baltic, Was" showered with 1300 tons of bombs...
...Harry Boadons, it is tone, remains as a Pitnjihiinisl confidant, but here again is a person who was Storeys more of a Presidential man than a New Major domestic policies leading sp to the • latent order ptotfatg labor to a viae have also been of a character to ptoses conservatives end rtsratoit/hn The sharp nam in food prices, greatly hiaeitttag the big fanjagaj f^WAeMMS...
...6) stimulating the voluntary withdrawal from the labor market of women, school-age J wain and the aged...
...The Austin-Wodtworth Bill provides, bhnnft, for tiie public conscription of Labor to he exploited for private profit, a rank attempt at bringing about national peonage under uh seeming form of law...
...8—Relations with the French Committee ef Liberation were discussed, sent •later this week announcements concerning conclusions Will be made by "a number of governments...
...8) giving flseaatoj assistance during the transition period te exservicemen and ex-war workers...
...w? t w eia...
...Unnecessary 11 n i iiili id should be avstdad...
...Big new concentrations of Allied shipping were reported from North Africa, ready to strike into France, Italy or the hwhrtna, aJ though according to speculative commentator* a move into the soft rebellion-rent Balkans would not be approved by Russia, which is reported to regard the area as a sphere of its' onr post-war influence...
...He wno haa eye* t» see tune tee apgeoachtog dewnfaH ef Italy and its Foscna...
...None of the following may be considered etc...
...Other NeWs of faferesf Secretary of State Hull has won oat in his intra-departmental struggle with Under-Secretary Sumner Welles, who has withdrawn from the State Department and may be given a roving ambassadorship...
...The Turn of events - A Review of Global Fronts Tb« news of overshadowing significance daring the past week was the Presidential Executive Order issued Wednesday evening, August 18, and eurseted in the main against labor untee lew which labor organizations fought in Congress with all the power they could hastily muster...
...Inconceivable though it may nana te scene that men elected te office anatr the United States Constitution and iidtatlst in American scheeti could even draw te such a bill, ssnch toss talk of aaaoiag it the fact nevertheless steads an the record for all to see who deny that ttttlltnitos trends are awwieg strongly in this ritatij...
...f** **f*C **-#wlStn fer their ortotakes Time wffl hrktg ™v^J.^/rt|WOr ftL* W2*r •"** «¦ "ke will carry it oat rathte-sry Tear grateful sen, FRITt...
...Result of the feuding: confusion...
...I* the bill it ensetoj and implemented by Executive Order, Sweat...
...then it wenhi net he digienh he pew«r-hungry boresnrrsto...
...4) net aftowing more than gradual military demobilisation so as to level out the impact ef unemployment...
...that if the government caa redact Untr te peonage ander una exeunt of war ear gensy...
...On the home front, the main setback to the people's cause was the Presidential Executive Order directed chiefly against labor...
...The farmers, enjoying a dubioe* prosperity with food prices distinctly out of ltoe with prices in the rest of the aStf-sx-^ And that portio...
...Also that the Mayor appoint a Negro to serve as one of his ranking secretaries, end that a Negro be appointed at a deputy .police commit* atoaer...
...The United States government is reported4 te htrve rejected the request of the Spanish government for the purchase of military supplies because of the Franco government's close relationship with the Axis...
...3—That the Mayor appoint two Negro citizens, one as a member of the Board ef Education and the other as s member of trie Executive Administrative Staff of the Board of Education...
...The Hull-Welles feud is merely the latest to come to a head in a long series of intra-departmental and interdepartmental fends within the Administration...
...The power given the Manpower Commission under the order relates only to men from 18 to 38, who can now, whether or not they are fathers, be slammed into the Army unless they are engaged in what is regarded as "essential" work...
...Let a* ben...
...The idea in Wtnhnsgeth ngj that more laandry work ought to be ehnt 1 home, in New York City many tenets el habitation have no laundry facilities whttota* The eurtaihnent order hod to be HMdifhnL - And so it has been with many other areas attempting to draw sharp distinction butetil "unnecessary" civilian work and "neesiatrr military Work...
...6— Agreements were reached on pol itical issues ngralrellrig military operations in Europe 6—Before the end of this year another Anglojfasaeaa conference wffl be held, "in addition to) any tripartite meeting which it may be anagMmt to trTasgi...
...Preens, of Moscow, thinks the bent Way bo bring about the sort of "second front1' desired by .the muestons would be by means of a trant-ehonnel invasion from England to France, which as bridge-players would say would be "leading through strength...
...department after the other either under staunch Republicans or conservative Democrats ami the needing oot e< high and low places of all the prominent Men- Dealers...
...Such workers would not be disturbed except, perhaps, where shifting production emphasis was involved...
...While income Of farm proprietors and government employees, tochtijng the military, rose by about 20 per cent from the final quarter1 of 1942, compensation of "pi Mitt employees" rose by only 9 per cent in tike aggregate...
...In a six-point program issued for the A. F. nf L. the drdsion urged that management, labor and government cooperate by (1) bringing about rapid reconversion to peacetime production...
...Since the war began, Labor has made no demands for improvements in real wages or conditions, has sought only to retain what it had...
...This raid, in which 58 heavy bombers were lost is believed to presage a eerie* eg operations against Berlin that will wreak the same profind havoc as at Hamburg and in the Ruhr...
...So reactionary it the \ustin Wadawertt Bill that it stands far to the right ef est ubtnght of the National Am him Inn df Manufacturers, which has gene ee rtstnt agsmst it The NAM reasons aad itsiajny...
...The delegates atoo expressed* great concern and disappointment that Mr...
...The sssembly characterised this proposal an "un-American, illegal and unjust" and wHl do touch In aggravate racial tensions, (t was also pointed out that the recommendation could easily income a precedent for the restriction of rights of other or all minority groups...
...tTharf fTnaaftOBUlM WWUWiri...
...In the unions the burden it placed on the officials of keeping the workers in line in the face of rising prices, and if officials do not succeed the entire union as an organization is to be penalized...
...tons of explosives and incendiary missiles on the Reich capital...
...He was for from Brandenburg, Germany, where the propaganda agency ef the Geebbels Ministry bombarded the townsfolk with the Weed Of how Good National Socialists must net And he was far from those UHHtant cecktefl parties in Allied capitals where ferocious anti-Natis hi mufti, elaborated detailed schemes to destroy "a whole evil people ' Corporal Kunz was' to Sicily...
...Aorfcwv foils On the fighting fronts the Russians took Kharkov, opening the way into the South Hggtpie...
...wig be ceavteeed by events since TW» that Rouei("cit is really not hostile to their pre - ' eft i h' tt at ai twf ¦ i I - t 4 " ' t> « _ * The Executive Order authorized Economic Stabilization Director Byrnes to Inglcisntt directives of the National War Labor Board by: 1—^tWhrdgtng or withdrawing from a soncomplying employer any priorities, benefits or privileges extended, or eontrcctc entered into, ey tne government...
...Prime reason for the intra-Admin titration feuding, which has given rise to the phrase "The Settle of Washington...
...3—Military decisions will emerge only in action...
...the Pacific, United States and Canadian forces, tt was announced during the week, hod occupied Kiska on August IB and found that the Japanese bod been driven out by the continuous heavy atr henihsHl mailt At Salamaua on the northern Mew Guinea Coast the Japanese abandoned their ear base and the center itself was under heavy pressure of American-Australian forces...
...According to the recent trend on Capitol Hf» aad at the White Hence, the \ astm- w adswartk Bill will pass, perhaps to sabtty - TM ; farm...
...8—That the etty of New York secure avnhatw building* to be used for indoor concerts, stnuaf rinks and euher recreational and culluSal ssOhv ties...
...It wee pointed out that the skill ef the vast number of available Negro men and women were net being used to ease the socalled manpower shortage...
...1 eeeae hack to you...
...Of the more than 8.000 coal companies taken over by the government last Spring, 63 have just been turned back to their owners by Coal Mines Administrator Harold Ickes...
...that The war has already been decided...
...etc •eewlees News Foffers Holds Other major news events were developmental continuations of activities In fall piny the preConference between President WmStky ana Prime Minister Churchill, joined ay Chinese Foreign Minister T. V. Soong, continued to a finish, but without any revelation oj what actually took place...
...with Soviet Rossis " . 7—"Full reports of the decisions so far as they affect the war against Germany and Italy wffl bg fijrntensd to the Soviet Government...
...according to Maj...
...of the electorate which hoedsjthc^ precepts of the Catho^ Chorch region where the Church has a tntaiel nwufut* abac wwuM gate its disapproval...
...wJ*a^a*l W 1 *** «™^« ?»«-• 1 have He aose of ce-tof tatok^r "^t** *»% henry fate, hue ensmapThtoter thau -a»tfc^| ..^Tf*.G^*fJJ...
...Scene, Bam Leon Hen dUiSM, have been dumped owt of the gov urn steal...
...Aa the decisions of the Court hrn recently been running, it might be dedarec unconstitutional by Stone, Black, Doughs aid Murphy...
...In addition, a very large section of the con»,"fcTthe North s* well as UW 8wwth...
...Alexander E. Bogomoioff, Soviet Ambassador to Alhed...
...Yet whott**lTdtoptoee^ many others, if it takes ptoce...
...Only about 448,000 of 6.669.000 fathers now deferred Wffl be inducted this year to meet mBitary teuuiiciMCtitt...
...1 *y ^-*» me...
...5—That the Mayer instruct the Deportaunt tf Weights and Measures to pay store athntmn to the conditions in Harlem over which trartdepart merit has jurisdiction...
...Newspaper commentators of left, right and center consequently had a toocutoUti field day...
...take two to three years to get it before tat Supreme Court for adjudication with tin possibility, if the war is still with us, that It want be upheld in a 5 to 4 decision with the majority consisting of Frankfurter, Reed, Roberts, Jtek son and Byrnes (should the latter agair to sitting...
...governments-in-exUe, is expected soon in Algiers as the Russian representative to the French Committee for National Liberation...
...That sphere of mfhaenee would also, ft is said, include Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Baltic States and Finland...
...As to corporations, there was a "sizable increase of net profits after tarns Negro Labor Acts on the Harlem Riot The Negro Labor Assembly, composed of delegates from unions both AFL snd CIO affiliated with the Negro Labor Committee, meeting in an emergency session Friday evening, August 13, in the Harlem Labor Center, unanimously adopted and sent to Mayor La Guardto resolutions en the Harlem riot, a partial text ef which follows: \—That the Mayor call upon the President of the United States to issue an executive order abolishing ail forms of segregation, racial discrimination and jimerowisTO m the various governmental departments and in tire armed forces of the United States...
...It is true that in matters of fundamental policy there is little essential dgfwnet between the President and a Congress that is hostile to the popular weffare...
...The attern pt to • ¦operate the White Haass* from government actions that did not square with liberal tenets want so tar that some comacrobatics, even tried to taasirittt the President from disapproved acts of his own Executive Departments—the State Depart stent wee Labor Board, Amy and Nary, Bepartment of Agriculture, Office ef Price Adssinistration...
...8 ) supporting a big public works program to fill in during conversion...
...2—Withholding or withdrawing from any noncomplying tabor union any benefits, privilegee or rights aeetnatg to H under the terms ef conditions Of employment fat effect whan possession ef any plant, mine or facility is token by tad PftMiHg under Section S ef the War Labor Act Dees etteWtat natter the check-off system, however, are te be held hi' escrow for 1sW*asTirm TmTfl tt ctannlite with the NWL8...
...T * — ¦ • « ' . 4ecdlwo ft/oeels Seisee* In Italy, Foggia, Naples and other centers were heavily bombed, and American troops moved from Sicily into Stromboli and Li pan Islands...
...I ogata received mail from home, including year °e*r S5"L } wmttMwi* «k«nh yea for year dear heat washes, it weals ht *** *¦*!**.« 1 —M "TtS* «•*¦*- birthday back homTwith loved one...
...4—That steps be token at once to hold down rents and that all rules and regulations effecting repair*, upkeep and sanitary condition* tt the homes be rigorously enforced...
...can ni...
...At the moment ex ¦mtnj seem* ft wifi be that way...
...water* have been staved arte tosigchtnSUf berths, such as Rex ford Guy TneweM the governorship of Puerto Rico Mate rkoo m have walked the stank... in the pocket is always a pro-Administration stimulant at election time... the failure of the Chief Executive (1) to issue dear, nonconflicting directives and C2) to follow formal Knee of authority from the top down through each department...
...There would have been no labor restiveness if the White House had held prices in line as it promised...
...In a sweeping electoral success, Australia's Labor Government appeals to have won 51 out of 74 seats in the House of Representatives and 18 ef the 96 teats hi the Senate...
...The new rule dees net affect seen overdraft age or women, except as "employment privileges" are concerned...
...The attitude of the Church is tanheyteag at Ml ism is It he these, sahuns...
...Officials of Local 385 of the United Automobile Workers, CIO, have rejected an order of the NLRB that 4.000 strikers at the Johnsville plant of the Brewster Aeronautical Corporation return to work forth with, with their demands not met...
...As yet ancltiatid, stow ever, hi eke untoaante eeaeoptaal cttavage between "«¦»vflthu economy' and "war economy " end anient the Manpower Costststolon prtestis slowly with enforcing this order it may nwd that instead of halping war production it will injure it perhaps gravely...
...The assentbry went en ' round' as being strongly opposed to the proposed Austin-Wadsworth "draft labor b i i r as a "dangerously broad step t c e t o ^ ^ compulsory labor," pointing oat that only fret end enfettered labor een maintain the already brilliant record of the highest predJsction output in the world...
...i-is' ¦ ig»_^^-Je!wjt...
...A tightening of Gestapo control, over restlessness in Germany was foreshadowed by the appointment of Heinrich Himmler...
...The Stoat envious evidences ef tato sweat hsve keen the pltemg ef one ssstor governments...
...The PosrWar Division of the Bureau of Labor Statistics warns that 12,000.000 ptineas may be unemployed six months after the war ends and even under the most favorable possible conditions there will he at least ? .000.000 unemployed immediately after the war...
...Vfd| nrOt ••¦J* Jw-PT^wJt-fcOsn1 fc-Bt . _ir i -a____i ' ifcnig ¦ wfre m tuiwr IfrBS SO UsVCf ml IMl CTfm . at...
...Barbae* la Wasbmgfos While all the news from the fighting theaters was encouraging, developments at home and in the political sphere were anything but encouraging...
...4—The Chief* of Staff talked mainly of kjlhujinlj the war to' Japan and helping China...
...At the same time they renewed demands for a "second front" to divert 50 to 60 ' Nazi divisions from their sector and thus open the way for a Soviet invasion of Europe, and SuHb^?21^^ teHfe fesmtod* ferrt* w^'tSw^tba* ^-pZ^BrirSkJSt raid that showered ,1300...
...AoTffa-WoeJiworf* gill The ewifteens with which the Prtehknt tossed this Execative Order under ^ terms of the Connally -Smith Bill toanted ¦atglvtoge wink respect to the ananmg Anstin-Waeawerth Bill, against which Labor is niahiHrteg att Us farces...
...and that such hnikirngs be placet tasr the supervision of the appropriate depaftiuaw of the City Administration...
...A statement was authorized seat to Attorney General Bvddle deploring the obocking proposal to his report tent President Roosevelt that Negroes be rmlihWil or denied their constitutional righto to migrate to certain cities and defense treat...
...It wiH he my teiiasaaa aad will cottfeet aw Znm** to?3...
...Shortly after he was captured... wig have to happen in a matter of hoar* kf we are to eoeonc and retera nante whhent becsmtog prisoner...
...rVTl»d>fm8 l«T e^toi*^etip<Asi,*a) fengnt^tte New Beal efforts at social stabilisation and (2) opposed coerersion of the national econow> aC^tantmntann) Ta at a— ex statt^ttnntn tssaaai \*tM MPS >W$$Wf "How can such strategy square with Fourth Terin aspirations?, some persons may inquire Want can the President gain by oBenatloyalty throughout his term of office but has twice re-elected him ? Te thie the Fourth Term strategists reply: more than 60.000.000 persons are now employed, or nearly the entire adult population—halt lame, blind and infirm...
...Some pack of Labor, if only out of retrospective gratitude for past benefits, will vote for the President again, no matter what he dees...
...At any rate* Labor, not having developed a political movement of its own in the United States as it bos in England, has no other place to go except into the arms of the Republican party...
...2—That the Mayor appoint a commission on race relations consisting of all races, creedi and colors and including representatives of organised labor both A. T of L. and ?10...
...tosonsrr of Ike executive gssssi eeestreted the ithlintiicl of n growing uliarit) of observers thst the White Honse is moving hi closer step with a reactionary Congress - than ardent liberal Fourth Termers" hsve been writing to concede...
...A resolution was adopted approving the establishment in Hortom of a branch of the Ofilcs of Price Administration...
...The Order finally authorized the War Manpower Commission in the cose of noncomplying individual*, L e., those declining to obtain employment in war classifications for which they may be considered qualified, to modify or cancel draft deferments or employment privileges, or both...
...In default of getting their demands, the strikers want the'-Wavy again to take over managtmsnt ef the plant...

Vol. 26 • August 1943 • No. 35

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