Adventures arid Politics


Adventures arid Politics By MARK ALDANOV Pf# Jtasfc feiltohta* Csmpsnij, ??? - ? .* ·~%?? , ^ ·». r-<» ' #--?* » "TN !**?????? 1929,1 had word « ? * one of the chiefe ef the ? ? ? ? ? ? » wfaf of...

...He must have some neon why ha was called away from his law practice to go out and m Germans, but if he has it is so far back in his mind that he nesk puts his tongue to it...
...Thus they have created the Wcw Zionist Organ...
...But he reached into the wrong file...
...given a atronger ? — . ^ hie to America, a switch must be mad* at one* to...
...Byt ??* Saw deg^ihdmlml Ernest King arrived...
...Smrth was finally liunska, ta»T*h* turn* np, in a half -page ad in th« New York T W » , as mewtjve director of the National Council on Asseriaon Bsviet Fiiwidntstp, Inc...
...He fought with honors in World War I ht th* ranks of the French Army...
...Vtosaav ht not a Wafto Be—tea, er sa emigre or a follower ef Kolchsk...
...fer the rest of us...
...f «???» undertake to judge tassn...
...In the nam* of this cause he was a terrorist snd an ambas* ador, had friendships with kings and with extreme revolutionaries of different countries, it forced him to participate in several tragic evento in Bulgaria, Turkey, Rossis and Spain...
...Now he takes calmly the desth .«t*an't argue agninst this...
...Tsking up where Dickens left ef, Saroyan is piercing the inch-thick armor of our complacency...
...It was printed on this page several weeks gtolfae critic nukes his ease...
...As revealed by their stationary here are the Honorary Chalrssg* of the Emergency Conference...
...I t is nothing to get unhappy about •JJ mare than was th* Big Bad Wolf of depression days...
...His mind is nduively filled with mechanisms of death...
...w sha eemmry...
...fsasisaahf* e f Pan-Americanism have sertostii as...
...story is true, bat ft wee ?? richly toslirsd by-Pua Pi—SB that we enn't motet paasiag i t on...
...story, Seventy Thousand Assyrians, he tells about the...
...The terkmeue is f ami bar: th» »t?arttos et several wealthy person, and the use of "big names" to ? ? the letterhead, some half-page and fell nam* ash) to the New . York Times...
...pemmse Roead-**-There Wae s man named Edwjn S awdth ^ Whe ease was a member ef th* three-ntan National Lehe* ReUthnto Beard...
...hon for a poll-tax bill other than that f i t s was the great plot...
...There is a lot left out...
...A worthyrpredemnsir of the worthy Ma*ahe*peteirt, another rhtorehai tvA* *wwtvw ?????** to the Gerrmiai net tkv w h ^ i ^ ' F r a n r...
...He I* un-ideological...
...TMetoia Oraimp*^Argentine— * , ^otnn-B*r*^l, Cfcase...
...They are waiting for the day, rJ?ty don't boast about how good they are...
...The old Serbian Prime Minister Paacatofa said once " to him: "The most important thing is that the peasants forget seither good ??* ewd...
...tss ki d i e r T o l e d * n o - w* do not want our father* shot or "kicked B*PJB eat of the way...
...The planter sua has bet hta torso...
...Philip Murray...
...An Prank Hanigken lepwU to The Frogreosive, h* rose frew the rank* eftor the lest war a* a Behmevfk...
...Lndwig, whe he* already given ns his picture of Napoleon, considers this a compliment to Beethoven...
...ex-VSe* PWeideat of the Newspaper Getto...
...for criticism It reads beasttfnlly...
...Last week Colonel MeCormick of the Chieeg* Tribune tried to tad cat Carlson's real name...
...Walde Frank brings to the eaaas ef interAmericanism hi* vision of the artist *nd ef the thinker who, since hi* youth, tea eofdautotod no much, to the knowledge and snalysis of th* whole complex modem world...
...One of TodoroWh early friends, Petho Peaehev said: "Betore fighting for Socialism in a «oarttry like Bulgaria, we need to build water closets" (Page 6...
...They are thinking J^FFLY of that clanking 30-ton machine, how beautiful it is, how hou*?TtIa b l e ' h ° W dF*e*F' N o t a W O I - d during the whole twe *7~~ about our country, our flag, oar democracy...
...Ring is known as "the clothes heme *oop» by a London tailor who catesn to'his^Majesty s N s r ^ ! toe Waste Rouse, FDR fell to tore with it, and suggested th* Mavy adept a similar uniform Said King: "I wish y*e*d tell that,to Knox.' The Bgaaetsry had been deed tot sgsliisi new stytos...
...Comfortable Citizens sit ia airJ??encd theatres and get the feeling that it is a cozy war with ??, ? spirit watching over all...
...Bishop Henry Si...
...r* « * ? * ent te meh* caUtal " « t et ? •Vnahw'^snh* s^ntovto^avsgrsasive legietstien...
...But w* approve of ta* candor oi Weak, Fsanky heeww wetase^cwnrirmthi dbat «*nde> mast «*>4he base of ton- undesetand»ng betwsp" us...
...1929,1 had word « ? * one of the chiefe ef the ? ? ? ? ? ? » wfaf of the * Imko wanted me to meet him in Munich...
...shout the death of one boy...
...Nevertheless, a certain ttnhwam of knowledge is necessary not te itoop down to toe level of "Cafe Polities,'* and I do not posses this minimum so far ss Balkan affairs are concerned...
...last Sunday I spent another two hours with a sergeant, this me ? task man...
...Herbert Hoover...
...JL'BW nepers hsare printed any aewa nheat General Vlaasov, * the Red Quisling wheat the Germane have net np to Smolensk as a sort of Free Russian" leader...
...Comedy, sleeping-pill for com??5 American conscience...
...We earnestly . reonosf you and your colleagues make every effort to do ? ' > ' • e e >. e '•.' JOHN ROT CARLSON, in his now book undercover, has Mttlei · * many of the lending pro-Fascists and other* who served th...
...k s w h y •^shr^wfle' stotolta <hw only ones in the •**Mod Camsrabie te judge eon temporary polities wouid be Freshteet RooeeveH, Winston Churciffl s ^ psswamr » » » ^ ^ « t a a f e » , it is psychologically impoeaMe toedbeneto Bafcw's rule...
...Yea see...
...But L-dwig can say f « * bims«:f ihn* he lew** Beethoven, that he has long concerned himself with hie week* and that ? cowssiH like awetbovta does not belong exclusively to the musical craft...
...I didn't invent it...
...In this moment, when inter-Amerii snisni is being avwrywhos* proclaimed as the vstair problem of the continent, these is n*g)ot,t of a werh which, more than may o f th* etaers recently peeHsheeVen this theme, can- eoatontoxe to n- reel understanding of th* peoples South ef the Rio Granshv ? • opinions of Warn* Frank...
...a nhi msWaimniLaff „ the ILCWO is a WDL Board member snd charged the* Alee Rose nMinWvfcml beenato^oag* S. Counts is treasurer of the WDL...
...This "•pet ma fine soldier...
...Mchtnmsa esTlrevid, were Jay Goumey and Henry Myers...
...SWAVOEV* VV > Msagn Be* the...
...He held my attention fer two hours...
...But nobody else seems interested...
...Read and gasp: Dean ? Ifangs...
...He and his crew will be "?*** abroad and wilt after debarkation, be given a new tank * ? | ? ose in which they trained...
...They all draw from the seme pool of humanity...
...twvtewi that tommhow...
...Th* eeoond ? by aha-vary weH-lay* n Beaten mnsi ? ja.nsiai star, John N. Beatt...
...or one of the others...
...Aad to the tree dndeartonoji**V no one ha* contribated se> muck a* Waldo Freak...
...We are wise to the ion»4*w r a p ped in the American flag...
...Since he ig still in Belgrade... fsrWees seat Who by the way was* lOSWieirt to death hv the Frenes MfliteWy Obtr...
...Th* fact is that ?? musk-si biography reaches sales of mere than 2.500 or 3,000 copies...
...And bohtog over the letterheads of the** groups, on* must doff one's hat in admiration of th* political amalgams they havesnstted...
...some time we hay* not had to this ????* * aar Jehl bfagraphy of a nruslrisn...
...I am Sot sure I show Ifto Stngitamna offene "Protoguerrov whir « f the hake.** ( I hope the reader knows ft better...
...The view of life is partial...
...COB the people who sometimes bemoan the bewildering "spUts" and multiplicity of grosps in th* radical movement, we resesnmead some exploration into the Omebmh oi Zionist relilton One group that stands inversely in relation to th* other Jewish groups as the Communists do to th* ' honest" Left," is the "RsrvisiorUU," toe followers of the Ute Vladimir Jabotinaky...
...4 ^~^?m...
...about what the Poles have suffered, would utter at least one against the beastliness of the enemy...
...Neutrally this to no fault of the- sutbrr Just for the sake of pedantry more to live -up te <y duty as a reviewer, I will note* some in*gniacsjat errors, concerting countrter which are better known to me than the Balkans...
...This group, bellicosely nationalistic and politically well to the right, has antagonised every other Jewish group by Its program sad tactics...
...has been largely due to their agg ? imd ? mamm»am^,aaydej*dj||| . or gam zstionsl tactics...
...W » ?°?' t e l l s ? i n »imple, human terms...
...Ho is anxious to get to Europe to do his and he will probably be there very soon...
...The point wax-that Saroyan has gone soft...
...The picture of Beethoven has been clearly sketched in, and bath professionals and lay admirers agree about what they see m it...
...Frank's beak will appear shortly in The New Leader—Ed...
...It seems that the German gyapd not have stabiliaere—a^least that is this non-com's story...
...OANWRWPAAAFFEF s ^ J t a m * ???-tax Piwgresnfv« C*egfcamn*g peheml «gf...
...I cannot name him without jeopardizing his safety...
...So the author could not have heard...
...In fact, the book as a whole deserves praise...
...It is like Chsrles ZSm only better...
...A abort space ago he moved us...
...To talk about a better world to " ? » oaiform is Ilk* ashing Hitler to bless the Jews...
...On that was a solid cloud of blossoms...
...Out am the front porch I found t tresp ef boys who might have come straight from Saroyan's SSwahpy were so shy, so fall of high hopes, so dos* to laughter, pgs • true...
...Nothing bet pe9"totioB of thirty tons of fabricated steel...
...The milKonaire lmm tost hi* mind...
...They are very penetrating, avoid all academic pretentiousness aad ail rending of meanings into the musk and will, no doubt, be welcomed by all mashvWvera...
...On a day in gay I was brought very close to him...
...The pohlmheri...
...ae_ · L e t > ° g i v e s ? ? hi* own analysis: _***??*- Army la a crosa-eectien of Americs, one hears in it smZST e , 5 r e * * i « n * of idealism...
...These questions are extraordinarily puzzling in their complexity...
...Oae of his writers, also a Dutton anther, called up and tried to get the information...
...Harold lese...
...This is one of the episodes in the book « * Kostx Tbdomv showing the character and the living conditiona of a very long period in his life...
...BemM^*AWkW%B*i ??????occupy the major ? » ' « ? " ? > ' awaht...
...It must be added that the anther ef "Balkan Firebrand" is a man of exceptions...
...But the rone girl hss lest her arms...
...courage, that he risked has head hundrede ef time* and that after his gwsmasent career h* was forced to ran (not very successfully) a pastry shop ia New York...
...Random House, have thus served the author a* well a* he has served th* public...
...We are doing some pro—t- -mking on these ????t*.* Beethoven Biography By PAUL STEFAN pOB...
...w*e inet to the lobby of the WhUelsbach Hotel...
...In ten years the unknown and poor young g l » has become rich and famous...
...In this as to many ether respects it forma sa attractive personality pattern...
...Ren Stout...
...We believe their cry merits some attenfstoit I o o k ing into...
...No Eisenhower or Montgomery feels ? greater responsibility...
...That man Saroyan has InSBmSJ 'snmrthlfiff fresh, something special... aa h seine,' of the whole ef any political situation, is is poasible to talk cafe pottthm, hot never te gto* reasonable advice...
...The ps—aets plant th* seed o W i p f #*4...
...Kost» Todcrov linked his political life to the life ef Alexander Stembolisky, the head of th* Bulgarian Peasant Party, aad he remained forever an admirer of this man who aroused so many passion* aad about whom I have beard so many controversial things...
...The leader plucked op- all his couram sad said to me: "Plena*, mister, kin we git some of the pears off roar to** in the backyard...
...Not to publish long and expensive works on musical figure* ? pito Intel*» a amttteV of prtacfpte tat the pebllthing business...
...snd sent him te Chungking »her* he served from ISM to 19S*- a* head ef the Soviet Miliar » General Vl»eeov receded the Order of Lenin snd the Red Hanner and wn* to charge of the Falke* front wb*fl rapt*rod by the German...
...It hns happened before our eyes...
...i f T w» rorda**« ? ; » partgrtp.-, » 4 ^ * » MiVavv of duty and hemsri'lr'wa* eelJeff;im-d #Basht" • Page 82S> but Bazalne» *erid»» *tr*aehei*-»aeei not refer to H f l but to 18m ' Alt the** See trifies In general Kosu ????G??3...
...SojMsate^wer* made, and finally orders sent ia for a whole Navy's oar see-dogs must he henutiful . . . The Home Front by WILLIAM E BOHN nkfjAT was s snappy piece of nri?ng by Milton Hindus about I pjffliam Saroyan...
...He holds rstords for marksmanship, and all he cares about is guns—how S E n made, put together, taken apart, in what points our* are btttir than those of the Germans, how men can be most quickly unapt to use them...
...The boy was as calm about his war job as he could have been " * " - · * ? · ? ? - * machine-shop, s_ comparison gives the due to the boy's psychology...
...This remark is net completely unfounded...
...Page 192 ) Of course, we the people who had the good fortune to be bora in the only civilised century of history, to that 19th century which ap to now is the only one to be justly called "U gratia siiele," and who had too the bad luck not to end our days before 1914 weren't used to such polities in our youth...
...Instinctively we extended our left hands, while holding revolver* in our right coat...
...with no condescension and no puerile search for the exotic...
...Halleluja, the millenium has come...
...Over the past twe y**r* th* Fill**** tot* have treated a somber *f sorcesefet fronte, OmpltowhSST small membership...
...In his first...
...Ludwig, using his familiar biogrsphiesi method, saw ia Beethoveu a particular sort of flgur*: s conqueror of music, but a nun who stood, nevertheless, with both feet planted in the midst ef life, a sort of If spelean...
...When at last {stembolisky was dead . . . they dJnanaabjsjred the corpse and buried the parts in several spots along th* banks of the Maritaa River...
...hi the Chamber of Representatives in Palais- Boor SOT...
...Ernesto Montenegro...
...A sergeant in control of a tank is a little com - «ander of his 6-man crew...
...But we at* fit agreed that Seeth dmeriaen...
...Brother ??????» began burbling about the lack ef good war songs...
...iseaton, the Committee for a Jewish Army, the Proclamation of Bietshis sad Fslastintoa Jew* and, lately, the Emergency Caafetewa* to Sew* the Jeweef Rerepe...
...But as a corrarth-* to our unhumanitarians, the ideologists, it has its importance...
...A rather anasual career...
...What Hagel says about his system is applicable to some of them: "Only one ? disciple had understood me, and he had understood me to the wrong way...
...The eid Navy khakto could not be sspleeid to view of the heavy pressure on teaule...
...e g F »**—-among other things—a nation of mechanics fighting J l · · · *v Alms of Soldiers...
...fronts... N?A?LAMFENW OF...
...hi ? lato friend, th* famous historian and statesman Peal Milukov, was probably the last if not th* only foreigner familiar with Balkan language*, Balkan history and Balkan questions...
...James Gerard...
...Let him enter one of the libraries ** various posts and questian the librarians...
...Inside and Out itBnslmnwnnanmrww 'i?^s??v-- »a»»r ?ea... toe thopauH Has...
...Th* second book, ??* Lift and Werke of Beethoven, by John M. Burk, has no literary or general biographical purpose...
...j j ^ y U " 1 worship as one pleases...
...ring at the dam- HAU...
...Furthermore I it to excotloasry written...
...The Macedonian approached me slowly...
...W*s eased oct of the NLRB and pepped up later as head of th* Oil WsetowsOrgaatotog Cemastttoa, where he praniaa« to bhreanwck of Ceramie orgmaisera, nsriadtog Mtlton Knmhiis...
...And- np Be aame with a pet ditty, one that Charles Cohere mambhto hi ???^???' the Merrier, caned Damn the Torpedoes...
...He is completely sooceesful...
...And certainly I da not have a clear political picture (not to mention a personal one) of all the numerous Vaneho Mikhailovs appearing to th* book...
...the right of free speech...
...THEcause which Koste Todorov served and continues to serve is the liberation of Bulgaria and her close union with Jugoslavia...
...v?n e«a?nam^m... gives a picture o f the time* and of the Vienns ef those days... 19U...
...When ?ff* marked me for death...
...George T?cken Vaa Wyck Brooks...
...To the to™*** »oWier you are "impractical" if you dream of a better ?*?«??*' Little does the soldier dream that he is the victim of his ^**"ktog, hi* polytheistic materialism, even when the penalty " • g d a a d tears... the nn*L*lnttias and deep study of tn...
...His book, which inevitably deals much more with th* man than wfth the composer, hardly gives the musical experts occasion...
...of the Big Bad Wolf...
...Our boys, on the contrary, can '· -IM0, kill and keep right on going...
...Solo.} Debrib • De yen sememhsr what they sang— The neer girl sad the man of praeter' Tkksk with love the gardens hang, ! The birds stag disaster...
...It will he said, of cours...
...William Randolph Hearst... of thn in* iWil aad ctmveatlonal nhmn nfisns with »hier, th* "ere...
...We believe in fair play...
...Lento BromAeid: William Green...
...It is ?» »ort of tree which Saroyan would tow...
...U every human life, told simply and sincerely, is interesting!, this life is doubly so...
...Tad-chap who called Saroyan "the poor man's Plato" was trywg to express this...
...O N W A L D O F R A NK ?? th* Literery Editor of The Hew Lewder: A group of Latin American writer* at present in the United States wish to express spontaneously and publicly car bewilderment that Sovtk American Journey...
...untied anti-faaetnt yeeth erganisstum...
...The DaiSg Worker charged that Dubinsky w*e involved because J*lius Hochman...
...s?s .vd s^v*n*a**n ewv-a »sr^^caa^n^a^n^^^amTga md mnd.mnatnma Inte W^^ei KW wmwim^M...
...I suspet that the fellow—in spite of the fact that he married a mil?onthVi csughter—has more in common with some of the simpler (ntwthm saints...
...The Da?y Worker quoted on* paragraph from th* Milgram ftetor erging a rhsaam ft* sponsorship, they ignored th* clcetog "Therefore, for these of ah who wish to see the...
...Now Vaneho Mikhaflev's men were ? ? ? Mm...
...that to a n*t of fhe psafaaston and that he has spproacne* hto tosh with na-mustoal preconceptiont...
...I hsve no bill of sale or copyright er ??tonnf of special privilege...
...4 Maria stoto OMver, Argentina...
...C W JtagrtsV M r . ~ > - Andres Idusrte, Menseo : ? <*m*J* Fieon flifev VenesneU ? A review of Mr...
...Nevertheless, I can clearly see what really links this stormy Ufa and give* it its psychological unity to · greater degree than the political unity...
...repealed and dernocracy ton...
...Tolerov had witnessed and taken part in did not undermine his optimism and even did not change his programme...
...Th* terrible scenes Mr...
...One private who ^p*to»BVtt* Army for two years and ha* covered many camps •^•mtejfie comes up with the statement that "he is exactly right...
...And they knew hew to wait...
...He ? the evangelist of the great human pool of optimism...
...WeHsmmm» ctose the contribution of these aongwritoast* the wan ?1**??| wish it might have been metis before Jane 22...
...It was more adventurous than the uvea of th* three Musketeers put to' * * * ^ * » « sente e f hta adventures certainly over, shadow the deads ef Athos, Perthos and Ararat...
...The Toaag C**aw**n*t League has (shed a national **ann*> tica to Detroit ea Oetehsr 9 and ? where ? will be mrHed et•shrJly aad then eme-ge a* a new...
...Asa rather irksome expression has it: "Too cann o t tea* yourself from this book...
...The rich and la* jest to The Human Comedy yes, and even the prostitutes— IM pretty much alike—end ail of them are fairly decent and amus|m)i^stherirs and Presbyterians, foreigners of every hue—they all nest st their depths...
...A time bomb grown among the tnlips...
...Every year it bears •*>.· weight of fruit that the limb* have to be braced...
...Arthur Garfield Hay...
...AJENS« or twe ago I told you about Sergeant O'Connor...
...What of itT Until the 19th century, politics was carried out in this way everywhere, and after it, we have copiously reestablished the customs of the Middle Ages...
...nremorr+s aetsmfshing...
...But now simultaneously two publishers break with the tradition—and in both caaes it is a Beethoven biography which furnishes the occasion...
...Ami comes The Human...
...they hevf not been *W0T*n at times to working with them—and beating them at thetr own game It takes one totalitarian group to nslitosiT ahslheni * Yet th* emergence oi th* "Jkwtoh letiBS...
...Where are the lovers—whst their harms' They're jast sa much to lev*, and mare an...
...There ere inSemtk Amerieem Jommeg ohsexvationa which may wound the sswxpttotbties of some Americans, both of the North and of th* South...
...Burk, who writes the distinguished program notes of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, merely wishes to sum up in the simplest, shortest and moat intelligible terms what we know about Beethoven...
...keJntog Beraey**:—We een't know whether every stitch eC^shn...
...WUltosn Green and the A F of L. objected to Mm •taang that Smith wan a fellow-traveler The denials wev* Had snd pretonged: "lmm ?? W es Mise *rhnl witchhunt...
...This boy's father and mother came here ?2?We*dtAs we TALKED on about Hitler and Mussolini and the m Russia and Sicily, I thought surely he would say sorae•ato...
...Ia the pigehw front days ah* YCL dvaaorvei tt* units en estisgs tampsas* rhsy said—but emim teieaathi* fare* always hreeght th* yesmg hnmsmasss together at the right mini 1*1 and th* light time...* jgjjr**attormin* for ourselves s life free from want and fear— •V^*$*dmple language that anyone can understand...
...Maybe we ?? not like everything in some of his activities of which he tells so candidly and so well...
...Velichko cut off his right arm and cried: "Here is the hand which signed the Nish Agreement with the Serbs...
...While the boy dies, comfortable people all ? the country in warm theatres are laughing at Walt Disney's...
...J tJ*Wrel Victor Voipe writes from his camp in Texas: "Geronri w e n t t B , e w , r ? t ? G a n d with so we can go back t* n f l ° i 0 n e e 0 u t on terms of "unconditional surrender—not ™*~e r compromise...
...Its the "toted* a*sry"-of thee* Navy umforme, aad it's not trivial, fer...
...In the midst of our garden— „ jn tht Garden of Eden there grows a tree, a paar tree...
...Boa* wig's werk 'Putnam), quite eehaPftesn ilalimTt matters, must meet a heavy weight ef prejudice...
...It is a well-made volume published at am especially lew price, $2.75...
...Morris Milgram, secretary of the Workers Defense League whtoh has been one of th* leaders of to* fight ? repeal the pell-tax, wrote a letter t* CengreesTBar Beider atot others and spoke to Congressman Bald win and Magnoesen urging that they make a switehte a discharge pet...
...Characteristic ar* the final words of this biographical section: "Now the world had changed and Beethoven bed done much to chsng* it, not by what he had exacted but by a strange power in his music which lifted all men in spite The final section, some 200 pages, is devoted to short interpretations of aft of Beethoven's works, interpretation* which sometimes tern eat to be rather summary but which, nevertheless, always give the reader seatothing worthwhile...
...The little ???* have gone Men* toted...
...I lay under it reeding ?section of The-Armen Comodg which tells how a ilanned and executed their attack on the apricot tree man who enjoyed their pranks as much as they did...
...He see* the depths ahapenent hopefulness in human beings—not just in children— it <4d people, poor people snd rich people, all sorts of people... ?.'\ e e e r*ib Wrrfc ? ? a · * Men MplS h) one part of this field of soldier thinking that I aeem to h»n entirely to myself...
...Not a sen} did he say about what we are fighting for...
...But the thing that •FMW shout the Sperry stabilizer...
...teuton snarkr o f s trie *nhhn ? it comststs...
...So he writes some 250 pages of straight biography...
...T r T ~ ' * * T Toledano says we do not read the papers...
...Milaaps die horribly, but it is far away and life gee* en very pleas...
...Amd-to kw On a dull day last week with no review te write...
...Ajnerican render nnR react-te his description of European lJJ-e-toJtis 1 do net anew.*' Marcellus Cooknael, one of the -. heroes of a novel by James says: "U we wretched Amertoan* could only say once for aB: "Oh, Earop* be hanged ? we should attend much better t? our: proper hastneas...
...There's potooned segar in the Jatep...
...Tag awVifC enthsirato r i f i f c d him high...
...Waldo Frank's latest hook, should he having in his own country a critic*.' reception so little in accord with the book's great importance...
...mmetj ????* «tsahle *tory: PMIMtea...
...The first of these volumes is written by Emd Ludung...
...f am afraid that" half* witted Kings like the Rumanian Ferdinand, pro' f ci si tub*] assassins, corrupted journalists, bribable diplomat* with their naive ? achievement and with'what Houston Peterson so aptly termed "Tarsen Idealism" that all these people so numerous in Tcdorov'S book will provoke to Some American readers a rehtpee intq M, Cockerel ? ' mood...
...Bat th* devotees of Beethoven—and who would net he counted among them ?—will also appreciate Emil Ludwig's book, especially for its psychological diserimmation...
...Perhaps has life cannot be linked by a strictly legten...
...Hemingway's For Wimm the Beil Tells (th* hook) to net seid i « the Communist Werkers Book Shop The msianlag pages ow th* French Communist leader Andre Marty, asesribed by ????* la the book, would start a ar* ia the store...
...fSSh*-l want to say ? word for WillUm Saroyan...
...wtom Usern ly a*d Myers were writing songs for the American Pence Mobffli* tion crowd...
...I can't any a stogie thing against 3, logic...
...MW1ssag esrperieaee of affairs has.taught...
...What makes the man a pussle to our generation is that he is seither Marxian nor Freudian...
...Nevertheless we know new that in spite ef excellent water etosets on the banks of the Spree and ef some other European rivers, things are happening there which scarcely give the inhabitants of these shores the right to look down at the Velichkos from the banks of Marita...
...Nowen elderly man he, if I am not mistaken, has been wearing a British military aeriform...
...The Qermset Chrimeilor Frince Bfiiow once •sad...
...fOHN T. McMANDS, the film critic of PM...
...M#tion for your repeal bfll...
...Dife aWae* U h...
...Hifalutin words ? Hell no...
...TOLEDANO'S statement of the soldier's war aims and" i^FSte terms is still a storm center, with a slight majority g+vj P h v r t to Ralph's accurncy as a reporter...
...The ntrthers, asei- Wer...
...We learn nothing new, bet we hardly expected to...
...44) r this famous state**** at "then time was neither a member of the^CTsnMbeV net a minister, Ctemenceae Hvec not on Re* "Frhncoi* Premier »Page 1*4*» but on Rue Frar*dfc...
...Harrison E. Spangler... Pinimiajmmms"When yea see haw Navy Brnsssat* get oh* base on a sisapie matte* line uniform* yea see why the Nary has been slow building escort vessels, using helicopters, sdsr?ng auxiliesy airplane carriers...
...i +*4...
...I waited for it in •a...
...who ?? 1...
...As well as the author of this booh, Stambotisky choose to "live dangerously.'* Here is a description of his death by Todorov:— "The Macedonians drove him back to his villa to Slsvovitza, where they tortured him sadistically while he pleaded in vain for a quick death...
...We have faith in the doctrine of our Presi? ? the Atlantic Charter...
...Although the Revisionists (tend at the other end of too political pole from the Commonists...
...This hook compares very favorably With the contemporary Blitzliteratare (why isn't there yet a novel ?? the landing in Sicuy...
...Again he is onSL ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : ? ? for news... Deuikiii or ether csanter-rovefnttesmrtes...
...t h « y have no sUbilizers, the German Unks have to stop · * * * ' to do any accurate firing...
...elMM^-rv Vnd saveed flatoJBWiWfaarwtb» nefl^g* had s geet thmiri'wr sasWhl'h* .*ff_F-E» Um^fe^mkjtfbfb-^m *« - ' ??- VI*L AMSATENMASMMNNHMNBNL...
...I^^^L^ ^??-' * ^ y f ^ P * ^ " ^ w'WF"»**re^^^^^aniei ta* new.iauuuur uuuuj|j ^ ^ w M » ttiljWIU ??_ foaad a now-^leg^he^ntonhj "Stot*'h(mleight* the Communist mentality, and reveals much about their Vitaa, ?"4· F...

Vol. 26 • July 1943 • No. 31

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