Labor Sees New Threat of Fascism in Post-War France

Labor Sees New Threat of Fascism in Post-War France Vignaux Urges End Of Vichy Politics, Economy Educational Dirt-tor, trade Union League of (French) Christian Workers OUR comrades who are still...

...On the other hand, a law like the Treveneac law of February 15 lBTf, fore.....under the savant exceptional circumstance* and for the purpose Of forming s >ro-vMeaal government, a lugime of popular aaeeasMfas which avoids a purely bureaucratic system...
...The free unions, fosses* on independence of thought snd organization in regard to wsasg*-ment and government, tend by contrast to check the greed for power of the vested interests...
...m essential that these two aspects of control join tsgathw and complete one another...
...Rosso spoke of the...
...I felt easy in my spirit: the two men had pleased me mightily...
...Against this danger, tke task will be once mere to see te it that French democratic tramtnee win oat, both in doctrine and in fact...
...It seems they are quite ready to work...
...There moat he no more exploitsuoa of the . population of one country for the profit of whatsoever gs«aa sf another country...
...Even in this dire extremity, both American citizens of Japanese ancestry and Japanese permanent residents voluntarily cooperated in the evacuation as a patriotic duty despite the total loss of their property and although they knew that the whole, evacuation was...
...pages 48-58...
...Certain days, he felt profoundly insecure about everything and wanted to leave for France, for Nice, where he had a sister who owned a little house on the outskirts, along the coast He even had a snapshot of the house...
...It is high time we discussed these problems in specific reutksj to France...
...The Dies Committee claims, far mffiRjfc that the intern em were gorging on batter The answer is that the camps have had aa butter tat almost six barracks in the rail mi of the desert where Uavpers tures rise to 160 degrees Six to ten people are ftmpned into s single room...
...So many hope-leas, desperate hours have passed...
...The pesple, that fa to say, the wseaing eiae* aad tsw other matt—ar foveas which are ,111 ¦ I¦ ftp 1 il pi ¦dim I of the sffirfal sources of power ia order to he able to retain control ef them...
...I said...
...Pietro hardly talks at all when he's with me...
...One evening, he sent me a girl, Anna...
...He seemed hurried and tired...
...The savings of two or three generations of hard work of opening up agricultural, lands...
...For detailed refutation of all stories of sabotage and disloyalty, see the Fourth Interim Report of the Select Committee Investigating Defense Migration (Tolan Committee), House of Representatives, May 1942...
...Answer: Such charges show that the committee has not the slightest intention of investigating the facta...
...Persons of Japanese ancestry displayed spontaneous loyalty...
...It was defeat which made it possible to impeae the Vies...
...the morale is sagging...
...The evacuation cost the victims over $400,000,000...
...e .a • AFTER thirty days, Pietro came back bringing with him an enlargement of hU children's photograph and precise instructions as to the work to be done...
...I turned quickly and, in the lamplight, saw Rosso and Scarpa for the first time...
...No wonder the high officials concerned were surprised and expressed their enthusiastic praise of the patriotism of these people Typical is the statement of E. J. Ennis, Chief of the Alien Control Unit, Department of Justice: "No other group of people in the history of the United States has ever been called upon to make a greater sacrifice for their country, and none responded more nobly...
...A number of Americans belonged to the organisation in order to participate in these healthy sports...
...Instead, she hunched against the window-panes...
...Against Abyssinia...
...Never before in French Watery ha» the workers' movement felt it so essential te identify to* elth the repubtieaa movement as a whole...
...I began again...
...When we reject the ¦ pseodo revaiati— ef Vicky we nuiat, at the aaaw time, reject ail "revolutions" of a Chief or sn Elite, which tend toward bureaucracy The workers' movement fmegal— only east msUHteaai J force: the peenle... so many revolutionaries who had fought Fascism from its inception, Pietro suffered long periods of weariness...
...Sy evekiag international solidar% .j^ijjp' straggle against this kind of exploitation, the workers', e40Vea*Wtt can prevent such problems from becoming narrowly, peaeieaaearr national...
...The government ir trying to resettle the people as rapidly as possible in order to close up the centers...
...Answer: The WRA does not release any one whose record, as compiled by the FBI, Army Intelligence, and its own investigators, shows any questionable activities or associations 2—The Dies Committee charges that tens of thousands of American citizens of Japanese ancestry have been trained in Japan at a "sabotage school" to wrack American defense industries and are organised in several military formations, especially the North American Butokai...
...John Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, reported that net a tingle case of treasonable activity hat been traced to amy American of Japanese ancestry...
...The second group is composed of the alien Japanese permanent residents, mostly of advanced age (average over 59 years) because no immigration has been permitted since 1924...
...He was greatly respected by the other two, more as a father than as a leader...
...The Naval Intelligence, especially under Commander Ringel, kept very close contacts with Americans of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast and the Commander testifies to the cooperation and loyalty of Americans of Japanese ancestry...
...I stopped, and k watched them slither down the wooded mountain side...
...I - knew by hearsay how dangerous it was and how much time eould be wasted in dealing with venal elements who might hesitate before making a quick decision in a perilous moment...
...e • , • r. •T*HIS demand for popular control, in the handling of the- fjtwjm * workers' movement will raise colonial problems and >*'jsa§r-national economic life...
...Almost all Frenchmen are today liv-ng osdsr their first impression of relief at this happy event...
...With her finger, she followed the first drops of rain on their coarse down the panes of glsss...
...Rosso would tell of some former deed of Rage's, and the'old man's eyes would shine with pleasure in his lined discolored face which had weathered like an apple dried in the attic...
...The trade-union trndifi* is incompatible with the anti-paTliamentarianism of the aether* tarian spirit...
...A LTHOUGH these people constituted only about on* •** per cent of the West Coast population, they accounted for a substantial percentage of the agricultural production, processing work, and professional services...
...The tee taut) aHhm of the world reejaire...
...TTHE Mack outlines of the mountain side over which * the moonlight still lingered were sharp and clear...
...But she talked little,of this...
...The Vichy regime, which was essentially oligarchic...
...down with them so that I should not ma the useless risk of being seen...
...Already the three departments of Algeria of the Uses ation Committee means the unification of the French fo-ees wkkh wiH aid the Allies to free the territory and the peop >e of tinental France...
...International solidarity ef workers win he more than ever necessary so that the vast corporations aad agaarlos which will, without doubt, eoaefaae to dmaiasu ecaaomsc nf* cannot operate without sasse control...
...The third group is the smallest and consists of the few who were born in the United States but educated in Japan, often speaking Japanese better than English...
...Such agitation undermines the Constitution and "the bases of American democracy, but for some people apparently it is easier to persecute a helpless minority of fellow Americans than to fight the fascist and militarist enemies...
...Militant* «f ^ C.G.T...
...On the one hand, the eovejejgety of the law, which is upheld by all the provisional groups amies represent French interests, fa sjiaiajumui with the sementgajty of a people new in chains...
...I met Pietro at the entrance...
...After all, these loyal Americans have had less rights and worse treatment than even convicted enemy alien pro-Nazis...
...The word socialism, like the word revolution, is not without equivocation: if socialism means organfaatiajMI&s democracy means demand for popular control, then demaeraey is more important than socialism...
...They were the prime instigators of the evacuation of all persons of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast without due process of law, without a hearing or trial, although not one has.been convicted or even charged with treasonable activities...
...It is not surprising, therefore, that Dillon S. Myer, Director of the WRA, admits frankly that the whole thing is a ghastly mistake and the very idea of keeping these people in camps is un-American...
...Perhaps it will rain...
...I got up to inspect the hutches...
...They made no noise...
...The "Yellow Book" was a "dud," and even the West Coast laughed at its inaccuracies and Its distortions...
...The official essvcea ef power imply today the entire concentrated aad directed eeewewk- system...
...Insanity rate is rising, and for the first time in their history, delinquency has become a problem...
...tiv* control, criticises the parties in order to eliminate dJstsst«s »nd opposition, and criticize* the elected representatives ef»* P^PJ* in crderte assure the domination of the bureaacxe^ Tra* unionism, on the contrary, clings to the right of free <M*«!*jr ¦^opposition, and criticizes the elected representative* of»» people in order to assume the domination of the bureaucrats Trade unionism, on the contrary, dings'to the right of tree *»* cusaioa 'and opposition Jsad neks te extend aad |inrfei| 4hagiSmT control... the name of national unity, of the nationalism of "Fraast alone," this regime promoted a conform ism which, in tn» hot analysis, only aimed at following the Chief blindly, that stains...
...the Hawaiian Citizens' Council, and other high officials and responsible organizations have all fatly denied that American citizens of Japanese ancestry had committed any acts of sabotage or treason...
...c-eed g| phases of French life under the domination of an Invading h> reaucracy, a totalitarian way of life...
...They constitute the main group, often known as the Nisei... my opinion, that the workers' movement ¦ France mast straggle, after the victory, against the tesdearim which would seek, under another name, te perpetuate a system ef bureaucracy aad conformity...
...The few who did retain their Sgtisultsral machinery generally left the tiaifasieet with the farm-ers who succeeded them on tile farms...
...Rosso always answered my questions promptly and Scarpa, in a clear, deliberate Voice, followed him up sometimes with a proverb or a maxim suited to the occasion...
...This system m set only the result of the Armistice bet ahw of a crisis n um structure of democratic society itself...
...They are often known as the Isaei...
...the Chief of Honolulu Police...
...This obvious demoralization is not the fault primarily of the WRA administration of camps, but the very fact of segregation, isolation, and slum existence creates these results...
...WHAT is the Dies Committee charging* What are the facts...
...I asked, stunned...
...and also Blake Clark's itemember Pearl Harbor, as well as the various statements of John'Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI...
...Jvote: Persons of Japanese ancestry may be classified under three groupings...
...y 6— The Dies Committee charges that * Japanese Army of ever 1.000 men, trained fa yprfami fffiTfihl tage, openly drilled sad practiced on Tlimmisl island, California...
...WITHOUT doubt, the liberation of the French people mesa* » return of national sovereignty...
...Their affirmation of solidarity could enlighten their future, sat could build a bridge-head with the past...
...The Terminal Ialsnd fa an island partly occupied by Caucasian canneries...
...Today, however, the committee, has been successful in instigating an incredible amount of hatred against this minority, hatred based on even more baseless charges than those exposed by Representative Eliot, since now the' persecution of this loyal American minority is popular...
...Where aa armed fore* could drill in view ef the Naval Intelligence without being seen fa a mystery indeed...
...him solely responsible befcre history...
...After all, Bonaparttsm was born in Piaem...
...They warmed themselves through with my aoquavit , and then...
...I've been living on photographs for years, oM man," he would say...
...In the first ataii, fteeab* afi^tao evacuees lost their property, exceeding S40eAeO,OSO fa the evacuation, and the losses IwtiHiil most ef their machinery...
...Martin Dies, far from contributing any theory to the prubfasn aase tension hi wartime America, is hsraaslf a major irritant...
...unjustified and unfair...
...If the political situation tends to be bureaucratic, the eorim**" organizations will inevitably imitate the pseudo-trade-uniarn « the Vichy Labor Charter...
...Unfortunately, millions of West Coast America** can only read the race-baiting press and cannot kaaw the truth...
...If oven against Mexican-Americans Such un-American race hatreds can be instigated, the effect of the campaign against Japanese Americans is obvious...
...The adversary from which the working cla...
...the regreeefea ef nationalism...
...swift and silent as the light animals . who denizen the woods they disappeared in a few...
...To be concluded in the next issue...
...Tomorrow, the sgenomic system of 1 sr east rai Its*, i .. Thews* ofthe old«CSaT.or ef theChihfJeii unions all French trade unions, wish for etiangm fa the management or ownership of the great industries...
...She came into the big room, smiling, and waited lor my answer, "Could we make polenta together, with meet and tomato sauce...
...time of year and advised me not to go all the way...
...They had the lowest crime snd delinquency rate ef sny racial group...
...Sometimes he felt the danger of being caught at dawn by the binoculars and then the bullets of the guards who patrolled the mountain side where the fir trees were thinnest and weighed down by the drive df the wind...
...The United State* Naval Intelligence had one of its ofices...
...The bureaucratic character of the Vichy regime correspond* to the rise to economic and political power of the upper bureaesracr itself: important civil and military functionaries who, out of eos-victkn or interest, threw in their lot with the big director* at private industry...
...A system which may be summed t in tee words: bureaucracy -and standardization...
...and of the Christian Unkns began the resistance move aaent by aa act of faith: they had faith in a free trade-ar ion...
...It fa relatival nttiraportajot whether or as* this regu»* i* called revolutionary...
...When we had . reached the mountain ridge, they stopped and Scarpa, . -pointing toward the ground on the other side of the , border, looked at me, raised his head for a moment without a word, and then said: "Be careful of those three rocks just beyond the river bank* That's where shots from behind come from...
...Her young straight legs were clad in heavy white wool socks which she . rolled down over her boots...
...One of the men was heavily tanned with the skin drawn tight over his cheek bones, and his restless eyes were brilliant black...
...system on the French people...
...It is peculiar that none of the internees has ever seen thee* alleged luxuries which grow in the fertile minds of certain "investigator*" who seldom, if ever stay at pay camp to And out the truth...
...Before they hired us, though, the agent made damn sure we weren't members of the Syndicate...
...These Americans who displayed unprecedented loyalty, according to Federal officials, are for the most part now rotting in relocation camps...
...Answer: This baseless story has been ietatsd several times already...
...National sovereignty swam the autonomy and supremacy of the community of citiseas at i» dealings with all the business of government...
...Your mouth . . ." And then I kissed her with my eyes open, close to hers...
...The workers' fanv»afas« will net be revived, tree Rad powerful, except through a readsfh...
...It's bad enough to think that I'll have to go down to the city again in the autumn to get another job," she muttered, playing with the buttons of my hunting jacket...
...These organizations are simply te reaucratic instruments of conformity...
...But the instigators of the anti-Japanese hate on the West Coast did not publicize these facts, and instead the known falsehoods were given the widest of circulation over the radio, in the press, and in the person-to-person discussions...
...They are apt to be either pro-Japanese or violently anti-Japan and, therefore, strongly pro-United States...
...There was such a fullness in the light glowing air that one was moved to-hold one's head in one's hands, moved past words...
...seemed to lose himself in some endless chain of tumbling sentences, Scarpa would interrupt, lightly raising his hand...
...I led the way back to the lodge where there was a wood stove... almost every case, they are on investigation, found to be as erroneous, misleading, or shaatateb baseless as those absve...
...Answer: This is as ehenTd that ft lawdlj ¦seats a* answer...
...f~* "Yes: We know you, all right," Scarpa echoed after him, and they went on staring at me quietly, lighting their pipes filled with the brandy-soaked tobacco...
...Political liberty means the exercise of this autonomous force through control...
...Before winter comes," he said, "because the boys in Rome are preparing a war for next spring.'* "Against whom...
...On his own, be had gone about getting more information concerning me...
...Eliot to be copied from pages of magazines with circulations of millions and available in most libraries...
...But the history of Prase* teaches us that the principle of popular sovereignty does not «*• dude the concentration of unchecked power in a political leader at whom depends a bureaucratic system of uniformity which will Srcei no opposition...
...They already have frontpage hysteria articles, day after day, asms fear and five eolnmns long, charging these loyal Americans of Japanese ancestry with sabotage, treachery, plats, treason aad race hatred...
...Vichy, not only tat men, but the system...
...i**" the government's institutions...
...They'll have an easy time getting volunteers with unemployment getting worse every day...
...The sola lien af this crisis constitutes the problem which will face the werkeri' movement in France after the victory...
...In Africa," and his hand gestured to Indicate a far-off land...
...You might have been caught by the dawn at any moment...
...I glanced down at the tender nape of her neck which the loosely-held hair had left bare...
...But I ran into someone in town . . ." He broke off and went in, his head down, as if afraid I might ask him: "Whom did you meet...
...1—The Dies Committee charges that the War Relocation Authority has released thousands of trained saboteurs, pro-Japan propagandists, and other instigators of treason...
...He pretended to suffer from 'rheumatism, the better to escape the superveillance to which alt the able bodied men of the region were subjected...
...Even the "secret documents" which the Dies Committee allegedly seized from Japanese agents were shown by Mr...
...The pay was low on the trumped up excuse that they did not belong to the Agriculture Society...
...Perrr.t n* t» express here the joy that is felt especially by those whr like myself, kept, throughout the expedients and incidents of the Nortk African affair, a fundamental confidence in the tnaj...
...I asked after a minute...
...She leaned forward and her head drew near my thigh, the better to see...
...The War Bepartraent: John Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI...
...The Fascist Regional Circles are already distributing illustrated postcards with naked black women on them...
...e a "a...
...Investigation shows that the average family has spent from $800 to |aoo of their own savings to supplement the inadequately varied diet...
...Anns, do you like the rainr "What do you care, chatter-box...
...Representative Thomas Eliot of Massachusetts completely demolished this "report" by his devastating exposure of the whole tissue of inaccuracies, misrepresentations, hatred, and outright fantasies...
...I started to roll a cigarette and wandered toward the torrent to get a better view of the three rocks...
...The Dies Committee gives these yellow journals a pseudo-official statue for their unfounded allegations...
...But still our work within the resistance movement was his very life...
...1 m not believe that the country is definitely freed of all temptation ¦ power and executive dictatorship, or that it may not itself st s whole with one man of democratic principles or of the revoht-tionary groups, nor even that it is freed once for all of nauoeal exaltation in compensation for past defeats.- %~/ The truth is...
...Leading public sea lists and civic figures repeatedly acknowledged the excellent civic record of the citizens of Japanese ancestry...
...Pietro's choice was all the bettor as our smugglers did not work out of self-interest but for our common cause, as Rosso said...
...Bet such a system of bereasemey and standardization may sarvive in coatemporary teoeocs none the less, especially French society...
...Every so often, ia the midst of our quiet talks in the big room...
...These are typical of the many ebfesed escuaations made by the Dies un-American OiiwmSUes...
...This is the second and the more sinister effort of this committee, in collaboration with the various race-baiting reactionary groups of the West Coast, to stir up hatred against and to smear this minority purely because of their race...
...Even the conservative magazine Tun*, states in the Jane 21, IMS, issue that the race-baiting by Hearst papers were at least partially responsible for the race riot against Mexican-Americans in Los Angeles...
...A few days later, he made s "jaunt," as he called it, one dark night, to a little town On the other side of the frontier...
...Let's go out...
...a wave of neratfaaej ' gulfed numberless intellectuals and labor leaders...
...You are so blonde...
...Kiss me—just hare,* and aha raised her head till her throat was against my mouth...
...The usual mouthpieces have started to talk about revenge against Abyssinia, and about Empires and Emperors i...
...AS the leaders of French trade unionism affirmed as asriy SI November 1940, the June defeat of that year had nothi«t * do with a regime of political liberty...
...tion of the United States and in the policies of President RoossvsJt Moreover, I see no future for France except throujrr a bant confidence in our own people...
...she asked...
...They went on ahead of me with their easy stride...
...e a *1*0 understand the present Dies campaign, it is im-* portent to keep in mind the committee's close collaboration with the Hearst press, the Native Sons of the Gojden West, the Associated Farmers, the California Joint Immigration Committee, and similar vested Interests "and race-baiting organizations, most of which are frankly seeking to eliminate their chief business competitor, Americans of Japanese ancestry and permanent Japanese residents...
...Japanese Americans had nothing to do with the Detroit situation and there is not a ahead of evidence to the contrary...
...The independence of the labor unions is the bask eeeelttoe for workers control jest as real independence ef all riusea* Is essential for popular control, la oar period of mteisiBPtrs-tion of private aad public, political and economic af air...
...It woefc hi naive to believe that the reconstruction period will not of*, especially at its inception, a chance for the continued dictatorship of these experts...
...Just before dawn, I was still up waiting for him...
...Answer: The FBI and the Naval Intelligence have been highly efficient in tracing and cheeking any sabotage, espionage, and fifth column activities...
...Bet the same powerful greens which instigated the evacuation in the first place are aew campaigning on the largest scale la the history ef their race-halting...
...oeirfaehng the entire area...
...I imagined that-the Atlantic eeukl become, through this war and after this war, what the aaefaat Mediterranean had bean: a tie between the nations which border it, a center of liberal civilisation I think that tomorrow the United States of America aad the mow Tl$m}»k Republic, the workers' end progressive movements ef taw two countries, will do much to realise this dream: aa Atlantic civilisation ia which modern industrial techniques .will he sufficiently controlled to serve the common needs of humanity—the eeamnou man...
...I brought her a blanket and sat down on a bench close beside' her...
...They had almost no relief eases even st the bottom of the depression...
...O Mountaineer' A Tale of the Italian Underground ty STiFANO TE* A A PART II I ATE 'One evening, as I was stooping over the *~* pheasant's hutches, I felt someone behind my back...
...Most of these would have become American citizens if the law had permitted naturalization of Orientals...
...The regular fare is rigidly ratiooeuC 4—The Dies Committee charges that iPHMl have hoarded vast amount of agricultural machinery which they refuse to sell...
...of aeeaeeantfa aewey...
...No whiskey or other liqeor is served in camp* at aO...
...The other was small, with delicate proportions, in his early thirties, his face absolutely calm with large eyes which glanced about deliberately...
...Ia collaboration with the Dies Committee, they hope to stop the government program ef resettlement...
...Why do you talk so much...
...Their ambition and industry are disappearing...
...His silence seemed to say: "Wait, friend, let it be, it will pass...
...That is why it is essential to affirm the continuity of republicanism, to reestablish in all the liberated territory the laws which existed before the Armistice...
...He seemed satisfied and told me that I would make my first trip with old Rag...
...3—The Dies Committe charges that the internees are pampered in camps and living in luxury...
...seconds, and I turned on my heel...
...The workers' movement r Praam will never be uninterested in problems of foreign affa -* Man than ever, it wiil now have to play an active role: v -thorn at intelligent policy of international solidarity, France canrot achiew the reconstruction which the liberation will make possibi* • e . e THIS task is far more complex and fundamental than mam imagine...
...As for the charges of aleohealam and the waste of gasoline, they are equally fame...
...Whea, two years ago, I left the shores of Esnape...
...These organizations are the same, 1 ones which have opposed the revocation of the Chinese Exclusion Act, snd which believe in disen-iranchisement of all "non-Aryan" persons...
...During that summer' month that was sweet to me, I renumber her well...
...As for the allegedly sabotage organisation called the Butokai, all evidence indicates that it is a sports club primarily devoted to the Japanese lorm of fencing (kendo or kenjitsu) judo and other ancient games...
...Three years hare paseed since then, years in which the "rue nation has been shaken to its foundations...
...First, native born, American educated...
...The basis of the evacuation was the alleged disloyalty and sabotage at Pearl Harbor...
...Thus a whole clique was formed, one ante: almost say a technical directorate, whose will to power was doom up with s caoaeity for organization...
...America's' Jop-Chow' Policy Exposing a New Dies Campaign fy JOHN DIXON FORD CALIFORNIA—The Dies Un-American Committee is fanning a nation-wide persecution of one of the moat law abiding, helpless, and inarticulate minorities hi the United States—American citizens of Japanese ancestry...
...Only the loyal cooperation of the evacuees themselves made possible the rapid and thorough accomplishment of the move...
...I checked up on the 'conductors' on the other side of the river," he said...
...Where is the sewing kit with some needles and thread...
...So many times I would have liked to ask him, but I could read in his eyes a kind of prayer not to be questioned...
...and tat French nation as a whole are seeking to free themselves « a more than the Nasi occupation, it is Vichy as well...
...How blonde you are...
...None of the internees has an automobile...
...I have, The straps on my hunting pants are torn, right here near the pocket...
...Rosso began to take a liking to me and brought me long strings of the light tobacco he had tritvgg*** in...
...I'm not sleepy tonight," I said, after we had eaten together...
...In short, the race baiters won over their opponents—churchmen, educators, and various professional and civic leaders who knew the people of Japanese ancestry and therefore objected to indiscriminate evacuation...
...He drinks aad looks at me, and then he says he is sleepy...
...The WRA would be the moat miraculous organization in the world if it cooid provide the alleged steaks, hams, butter, whisky, and other items on 28 cents per day it is allowed for food...
...His long gnarled fingers were restless too and when he talked his head and shoulders often came into play... is the open road to a regime of liberty aad popular control...
...And just by chance, only those who aren't members were taken," Scarpa said...
...In silence we listened to the thunder that was running down the valley...
...Labor Sees New Threat of Fascism in Post-War France Vignaux Urges End Of Vichy Politics, Economy Educational Dirt-tor, trade Union League of (French) Christian Workers OUR comrades who are still in France, the men of the old G,fJ.|| and of the Christian Unions, who recognised that this war was a workers' war, knew in Jar/, 1940, that there was no amistkn ]g the war of the French worker...
...A majority of the trouble ¦ makers appears to be from this Kibei group...
...m ' * *v "Here I am," she said, looking me in the eyes., "Rosso told me you' might need something...
...Anna, I still remember you and oven now I would like to thank you...
...American citiziens of Japanese ancestry who generally are completely Americanised and know only English...
...I decided to walk with them by a little known „ path aa far as the entrance to the sawn...
...But she did not want to go outside...
...Her face was a little tired around the eyes because of the work she had done in a factory in the city...
...Yes," she said, "and you may have some clothes to he mended...
...ia practice dictatorial...
...Although the "conductors" had been checked on, that is to say, although Pietro had re-established our contact with the distribution point for the propaganda material to be carried across the border, his night prowling* grew more and more frequent without any perceptible reason...
...Yes, it's true...
...The Armistice and "collaboration" permitted them to rule the country...
...this spirit criticises Parliament out of fear ef...
...their skills are rusting from lack of practice...
...When Rosso, head and shoulders increasingly agitated...
...They see vast, demoralising arami Understandably the insanity and dllhiuasgty jlftjW» rising alarmingly...
...Her skin was fresh and clear...
...During the rest of the month, my contacts with the two smugglers were more and more frequent and we talked endlessly about the work to be done.* Old Raga joined, the other two men... you meet, Pietro, over there...
...My black and white cat had long ago given up stretching herself across the pages of the book I was reading (this was her friendly suggestion, on the evenings I spent reading, that it was time to go to bed), when 1 noticed something white outside the window...
...Most of the members were alien Japanese...
...They had just been hired to cut down a part of the neighboring woods, in the valley...
...Democracy means popular control...
...The first campaign resulted in the so-called "Yellow Book,'' which attempted to portray American citizens of Japanese ancestry in a lurid and evil light...
...The dictatorship seemed to him an amorphous colossus which had gone on swelling year after year, fattening, growing more robust and mere veracious...
...meat and in free institutions in general, without which time* eta be no labor movement...
...These efficiency experts est* to me to be at heart impatient with the control of the . . "s> , competents," that >*, to popular control...
...5—The Dies Committee nhergae that Aiarlrani of Jspsasse ancestry and Japanese residents instigated the race riots in Detroit Answer: The absurdity of this charge t* obviou...
...hat these changes is their view, have as an aim to increase the control of the workers' aad consumers' inis practically speaking irresponsible, whether it stems from the capitalist class or from the authority of the State, even if it be a Socialist state...
...This workers' tradition, this ¦ *"mocr*oi tradition, which has survived the teat of defeat, will now ham he) task of overcoming the difficulties cf the liberation period, and ef reconstruction...
...W« know who you are . . ." Rosso began...

Vol. 26 • July 1943 • No. 28

Developed by
Kanda Sofware
  Kanda Software, Inc.