Inside the New Order-A report on Europe in the Spring


Inside the New Order-A report on Europe in the Spring By MATTHEW LOW What is happening inside the New Order? The major miwwh are com«d only by rumors—the NiifaiW moving* dsvteioas to the South, or...

...Unless they are prevented from strengthening their grip on technology and industry it will be 'too little and too late' to nullify their activities when victory is won.*' Until the United States entered the war, the National Lead Company supplied the South American customers L of Titangesellschaft, the German cartel member, and turned the profits over to the German company...
...The Propaganda Ministry, obviously, cannot afford to make public the extent of...
...soar ebVass* ???» dp of jraniMt*' · mMre*e iwrt...
...CPEAKINC about the scholarly apokMsete of *^ the verreaa totalitarian regimes an anauittaiad critic once remarked: "professors and hartete can be had for all aarvieas and s* all street...
...Martin Dies could have been expected to do what he did— which was to rush in with a new wild theory that Japanese'agents were at work...
...Archbishop Spellman is meeting Soviet representatives in Iran, negotiating a concordat between.' the Kremlin and the Vatican...
...that wwatd solve moat of °*ftt' taw"''Mai sea...
...Causes of irritation were abundant on both sides, but it cannot be overlooked that the "race riots" took the character of a pogrom against the Negroes...
...It is the day of the rich hear-geois whose money makes it possible far M» to keep his sideboard and cellar »,n stocked...
...PC;ten that the Chief of the Gestapo in Vienna has not- been abb* to cope with the ntuauor...
...Many Negro clubs, swank and top-rate, refuse admission - to whites...
...the Nwiiiitelsa patlieaa Ikations1 fa^ea^Ce^Ha^^B^iaJaw Oslo police...
...a new distribution of illegal peblibatiom...
...abate flock rule Over the rest of the world and even more blood than the Communists could spin...
...The biggest jet—Hitler's gamble—rra...
...At the outbreak of the war National Lead and Titangesellschaft transferred their respective patente to each other, to prevent their possible seizure by...
...Ireland thus has become a* bargaining point for Catholics in Ulks with the Allied powers, so has the, neutrality of Spain...
...It is known that Archbishop Spellman has visited Ireland, Spam and Turkey...
...There is s shaiter gap hat*—a the bBIbW* sssd the iMiliaWl test far power aad the lofty stoats te »rsfateBB • · · , affesla "TT always takes a considerable time to see tin* si mple and central fast about anything...
...In rapid order, these are* the rumors that abound-: • The American Archbishop is serving as an intermediary to bring Italy out of the war and protect papal interests...
...SpeHmsm, too, once served as a Stete Department advisor on European affa ire, Spell ? ? ft baa also been daae te the present Pope...
...ietieally veiled exaggeration of liberalism It is super-capitalism in its well-known stkge of degeneration, ft is* sf low-level machine-made civilization aad culture, killing man's ¦ poet an so as creative arge because it is sa empty void as it lacks fertile soil for real culture...
...Himmier had to go to Su Polten in order to put down the disturbances...
...everybody listens to their sensational tales ·(¦··" Similarly the Gauleiter of Gaa (where the Eder dam was Mew a up) explained: "We have if sin seen what Barest anonymous rumors can create...
...Tamiment Parley Hears Liberal Leaders on Planning Special to The New Leadek CAMP TAMIMENT, Pa.—Leading representatives of labor, the universities and industry, took part in a symposium on post-war planning at the ninth annual conference of the Tamiment Economic and Social Institute last week...
...Evidently the Nasi machine has' far from mechanised every German soldier as Hitler's speeches would have you believe, and as the Allied Hate - Every - Last - German school also teaches...
...It may then happen that the soldier, deep in h is heart, feels that fate has played a trick on him since he feels at this moment that th* war years areas, he wrttte* *ff as- ' far as his life is concerned...
...In polities, however, sack process of abbreviation is aaaurlBua refreshingly rereading...
...IX ariss-tod they maintained that they were on their way to the police with the publications...
...Hitler-has re-purged the general itaff in preparation for a new war strategy...
...U. S- Opens New Drive on Cartels With Indictment of du Pont Company Agreements Held During War* UJ S. Says Special to The New Leadee WASHINGTON, «0...
...Titanium is the ninth most abundant element and 98% of it is used for war purposes...
...ALL elaborate ceremonies toad to dwindle down to a minim am of restores or phrases...
...The news-dispatches piteBst therein offer a graphic picture of a continent dominated by Fascism...
...THEY all hold out the promise of equality I» the poor...
...The official figures of the casualties wet* not eajssan for the rasasr mongers...
...far they never pretend to be loyal or faithful to their patrons...
...Norwegian patriots have recently used a clever Mood for distributing illegal publications...
...fecta as sseee than any ether, and gives ras» to...
...Heaven, fite mocracy at the ballot box...
...Writes the Volkische Beobachter of these trouble-makers: "They are the people who leave under the first impression of events, sad first impressions are always worse than the facts...
...j · . ¦ Assistant Attorney General Tote Clark, in the indictment, stated: "Because they view war as * '·' an Inieismte, cartels take advantage of the exigencies of war to entrench firmly their domination of .world industry...
...It ia this oneetien af taste rather ahem aap difference of principle* which distinguishes the conservative politician from the rabble-nasser...
...1* Oideonse said, if an issue wJaw arise five years from now...
...The ideology may be still firm and confident, but troublesome right still sneaks through cracks in the New Order...
...These clearly involve tension in the fields of industrial employment and training, in housing, in recreation, in matters pertaining to Negro morale, etc...
...Another dispatch reports flUtt a&orimg to a new German criminal law, "even minors may be sentenced to death for particularly grave crime* if their mental development is such that they differ from adults only in regard to their age...
...revolts of serious consequences have broken out in German cities . , 'f . · ' Ob less sensational details reliable and revealing reports exist—the Axis-European press ' itself...
...named subversive elements and against the "political yerm-earners" among the foreign-workers...
...CTEMIHAL said he preferred te eaert tint "J Prime Meats tor rather than has flakier...
...Samuel Shore, vice-president of the ILGWU, pointed out that business was already doing postwar planning, one important type of which was the passage of «ich legislation as the Smith-Connelly ?? shackling trade unionism...
...The explanation here, of course, is—"The fact that you cannot place your fingers on the leaders is indicative of their fascist cunning, their indirect approach...
...The major miwwh are com«d only by rumors—the NiifaiW moving* dsvteioas to the South, or from tile Russian to the Western front...
...One of the most striking articles ever to he found in the German press has been located in the official organ of the S.S., Das Schwane Corps...
...L Stressing the anger of monopolistic practices, Clark stated further: "Because of cartels, strategic industries restricted production before Pearl Harbor and enormously Increased the difficulties of transforming our economy into the arsenal of democracy...
...iss-tion of tile iiliaiBpliilWWiil insurance system, while Dr...
...Rumors Spread On Spellman Role m Europe Special to Tax New Las» WASHINGTON, D. C—One of the prime "mysteries" of the war is the political role of Archbishop Spellman in his current travels around the Mediterranean basin...
...the remainder were rejected, chiefly for reasons of health...
...ripe "idealist" of our time ignored the * Bolshevik revolution in its herois prime, when it waa natural to have illusions about it...
...It is the dsy of the n*»!y.rfea...
...And so did Anarchism which* however, tried to enliven the waiting ported With aeta of sweet revenge...
...TV latter postulated an altruism which is not in man's nature...
...Bat te the end the Fasctetet eeamf stetbz» titete sH by emaatehte...
...It is known that the strike leaders were shot immediately, bat it is not known how many others wee* executed...
...The comparison waa most unfair te the ladies of the oldest pi of aasten...
...the tetter trip is the ocas si an of the rumors on the Iran meeting... Talmi, ginnismi nl and industry in Great Britain, with general problem ia Britain was the ana of gofeiiHiient...
...Governor Kelly has set up a fact-finding committee which is going to track down every lead...
...Polten in bloodshed...
...Conditions, he notes, art similar those which prevailed in port-war Get-nan during the inflation...
...The Friday morning session heard Prof...
...the substitution of the ofleehokier far ate capitalist...
...TV up saw, ere <*rt-1 rocd...
...Agents" are searched -for under every bed, and concrete social evils in the city and its social and industrial relations are just looked at through blinkers...
...w» apt tar trass time to time te The New Leeaet...
...them all at this point more than a little worried...
...Hie col uma will se resumed shortly...
...f TTOPfA—the reltgton af ftae aaamtt rttz» V who ?? longer fmls far «he avaaate» af a ringside seat fa Heaven *|*H...
...Abba P. Lerner of the New School for Social Research, would be "to assure a sufficient money demand" among the population to stimulate production and full employment...
...One of the leading themes of the Nazi newspaper these months have been the bombings by Allied planes...
...L ¦ hrratateg the eg ?* ?? the tragedy ef...
...However, most persons agree that the immediate cause of the disturbance—which ranges from the Heat to Organized Plot—need not have anything in common with its fundamental causes...
...They are written ay a awted steinst «f social history who prefers te aae the pseudoefs» af "Historic**.'" Daniel Bell is on a short vacation...
...For, as Proudhon remarked, "man is ready to die for hm countrymen without bsnej paid for it, but net to work for them for ?????* Prem which it look* as if Utopia is going te h> main . . . Utopia...
...L'Effort of Lyons comments (May 24) on underThe cost of living Is rising ? listete: Ronevi'w...
...He never thought of the much greater havoc ciBBtBfl...
...ha** te beau am Com ? arrist Sectio* Organisers wham ahoy are past middle age...
...eaa* Chesterton in Ma Utvpia ft uteasva...
...Fritt Foil [tie official Quisling paper] characterizes this method in an editorial as 'the latest and very risky form of smartElsewhere fat the New Order the dispatches might well have been printed in a black border...
...When Pro» XII wter Msgr {hal end the Papal secretary I date, Spellman served as ,^asl ssaialam in Rome Tar Church has largely been ,Msned with the future of Italy j...
...Only the trams seidssr...
...Many responsible persons here still hold to the notion that the Klan, plus some organized 5th column groups, possibly involving Nazi agents, were responsible for civil war in the nation's largest industrial war production center...
...Scoring the world-wide political and economic consequences of cartel agreements, Clark continued: "Because cartels are, in effect, private economic super-governments, ruling over- whole segments of our economy, they were able to divide world markets, to undermine the good neighbor policy by allowing South America to become in many instances the exclusive market of Axis economic interests, and to withhold processes and products necessary for the conduct of the war both from the United States and other members of the United Nations...
...Little concrete evidence is offered anywhere to support it, outside of its attractively lurid trappings...
...GENERATION saw, a sssa* warn a am of aha ? sapmTsajV...
...Federal indictments have been turned in on other cartel cases during the war, but monopolies have avoided serious prosecution by pleading nolo contendre or by having litigation postponed on the grounds that it interfered with the company's war production...
...Louis Waldmaa presided at the session...
...PeBafeaJ... warned that the current dri* et pobBc opinion and renaat _<§*»' sentative Clare Lace offer ae^fc pevafletod and fvintfaf soteBw for a war in twenty years, ateaf*» Gallup polls showing that 7« ?* cent of the American people «??* an international police fonts...
...Home-front piupawanaa ceaftnues to bias* against jr...
...It is mm ideal-t...
...A description of front morale in the number of Jne 3, IMS, reads: ". . . . The old warrior, perhaps It years of age at the outbreak of the War, is now 22, and the end of the wag is not yet per...
...Bertha Matty sad *· Joaephaoa for Camp Tunis»est These notes trass a
...There is still considerable dispute over whether the race riots involving thousands of Negroes and whites were spontaneous or "spontaneous...
...the d»B> wwrne...
...and Chahn Raphael of ttr 4i ilisli .??????* ¦ tkm Setriee...
...Renewed Federal action on the monopoly front came this week when the J us tic* Dep art me nt announced the indictment by a Federal Grand Jury of four members of a. < world-wide titanium cartel...
...In the former coun-P.tht Fascist state baa paid the (oaks of the church hierarchy ^ajsported the church in many an, primarily in the field of natlir The speech by the hpt hat week, warning Italian ftrhri of the dangers of revolt**, aas seen as an important sm> to conserve church power in Ireland the presence of iaehas troops has hot been a 1...
...Despite this fact, these companies have monopolized the world market and restricted the production of other chemical companies in the United States...
...As Tom Clark asserted: "It is imperative that if economic democracy is to have a chance, cartels must be outlawed and exterminated whenever they are found...
...on Ralph Young, a Jsaitaaau of the Nattens* Boreas of Economy Research...
...PBtaanon hi ¦filed that in-teWBBtiBBBl...
...A4* ahem Eppstein called for the extension of social setiaiRy and the f edera...
...Clyde FigfHis or New York University warned that "totalitarian controls" may have to be retained after the war, unless the threat of future aggression is halted...
...All other I agreements were maintained intact...
...What tales wer* not told, and unfornuately believed...
...aggression m "Albania of tJftW-m*f the pane* waaaVlM ?????- to send troops ft> Wk\%m 1^%-uKnpiem wer...
...Frank D Graham of Prteeeson Urn vers ity nrest come bet that safeguard* mast be created against a topHarry D. Gteeonse...
...Strikes and dieeastsancea...
...ys^lteae te at ? sat BE* their ehampte** for gratea'ne the -aw» •uaalitWte ?# ^BBVtatoeykVVM« DEVOLUTIONS are like charitable teaaHte...
...The Aas« ha* interpretation of the idea of freedom' has only given rise to a plutocratic caste which exercises real power in Washington, in the 'cinema, in the theater, in the press and in radio, and abases this so-called democracy which causes social and eeonomir misery since everybody is entitled to his personal liberty, which he uses wlthoat worrying whether others might not become victims...
...EVOLUTIONS are the loearaotive* si ksateaf...
...By 'HiSTcmctfT' The Greet Header ?MERIT was a saying at the time af the Borgias that those who tasted of the Pope's food died of it In oar days the idealist who tastes power merely parte with the principles he once professed...
...Thus Maasrtisi, when asked far Ms program shortly before ?? March on Rome, stated— Barrel ? or cynieafly—Oor program 7 We want to r*ie Italy...
...both of whieh served as "no man's bands" in the June riots...
...Apparently, the Gestapo gives them an intelligence test, and then shoots them...
...and spsralatfowa The crvet eaV fereace has never been so apparent betaaaa thaws fav*r**> by fes taste and the poor derg of a worker or employee who ? crying eat with hanger...
...It teat mose than a century before it began to daw*, upon a rather limited section of the t JULiiiraa» Communism, for all its "proletarian" mbtegt aad millennial aramlsas, meant hardly more...
...The former reestablishes under a new social farm the advantages which the stronger or the Mate gifted baa always enjoyed over the weaker...
...Tie Veeko-Joumalen of Stockholm for Mary 23 offers an account of the Resistance movement in Austria, and of "the severe strikes and riots" whieh were put down hi St...
...On the Home "Front, the Stockholm papers for May have eaitied a number of significant latest mobilization of labor, observed that only 11% of the men mobilized could be taken...
...are torn betweeu the* two eontradSctory sad equally defensible prinfrrptes of "the right to the , fan product of one's labor" and "everybody'* right to an equal share te the good things of ltts...
...It all adds up, however, that the Vatican will play a highly potent role in the future of the war and the dictation of the peace...
...College, made the final smdross of the ooaf...
...IN one of his letters Man referred to the "theo-* retical havoc" which is always created by the waatesrs "when they give up work in order to become professional writers...
...The ? were...
...Awd then can** Communism which, to the maleenseviBi, spotted the immediate conquest ef power and* as much bloodletting as they wanted...
...Competition has si...
...The United States has been coming in for more and more attention...
...jMa> But pertntpv tlwy are hesitant...
...A May broacast of the Nazi radio in Holland announced: "The American's tree character has become a great dsnger to European cultare...
...Housing facilities here are inadequate te take care oi the rising colored population...
...a**v*r to the woriuam," 1 Bat it I ass id esst to he merely "aB «Waat ¦ · Tjtte tmiaseiaai...
...They are the people who spread rumors to the world, and mrfortunatoly...
...Ruml called for the reorganization of Federal agencies dealing with monetary policy to create a unified government fiscal policy...
...This whole business of dope theories is a little sickening...
...Bet his previous services indicate that fate Archbishop is ptayirig a political role primarily hi his talks and tra-vete...
...prospective dwell«a in a socialist...
...Cartel agreements had jeopardized the Very foundations of our military security by limiting production of critical materials...
...Ami after death rich and poor certainly smell aalte ¦ as an Italian pro »erb has it...
...What the city needs Is an administration with less anxiety to track down the facts (after everything is over), and more understanding to grasp what is necessary to make democracy work in this city of dynamite...
...This is essentially a "dope" story...
...Himmler s -visit was . short, luckily for the Austrian patriots...
...He is ataajj it the luxury displayed by the majority «f ourtsts from Pari* and other towns, Uvisg ? Riviera hotels or spending several thoussssl 'ranes dally in Nice, Cannes and Monte Carfe, while the local population is faced witJi a» free test difficulties... Chaplain General of the United States* Army...
...nils saoat be made te the field of tariffs and agwinst sr^eaey11 op^tem that BB»*tWe B%«IJBlisMSSiiilsWiojisay...
...In each place he has been hi conversation with religious and political leaders...
...The impression correspondent »fit» got was that "people are Irving as if the test bbwj would strike assy BBtesato ami they ase Therefore...
...overhead" «Bat goes te tfaj aj» ???^ tbatt Be) JTVa5fl tO UHrfT...
...the barons of the black market, and the arteeea of ubert price increases...
...r*r«fra saftetest salary are asking anxloeah/ when this eaartteaat hwraaai wffi stop...
...Af ten-bladet, reports in its number Of June 4, 1*48...
...Spellman has ah» had long conferences with the Pope and Papal Secvotesry MSsglione at the Vatican...
...The companies were charged specifically with dividing the world into exclusive non-competitive areas through cartel agreements with foreign countries and with monopolising the industry in the U.S...
...How often, ia hundred of conversations, did w* hear at the front: 'Mensch, -what I might have achieved all this time at home, what I could have done, what I might have become ? And it may then happen that a slight grwdge arises fat the soldier's heart against those who stayed home and were able to continue their professional career...
...He called for a labor voice in national planning...
...become so fierce that asswutssful lawyer* who ham started their careers aa Tammawy ward heelers a few daisies ago...
...president of...
...Detroit Opens Probe Into Causes of Race Riot By CLARK RYAN Special to The New Leader DETROIT.—The troops are still here, and tension can still be felt, bat life on the 'streets of the city is normal once again, and in post-mortems all over the country Americans are trying to find out what hit Detroit...
...Religio* grants it to...
...esrjay life te rb...
...It is known that the AiehMshog is dose to tue President, who has net been urrmrndful of the potent Catholic vote here and the powerful hierarchy irrffoences hi South America and southeastern Europe...
...The task of overcoming cartel-created shortages has been among the primary efforts of the country in this war...
...taw* of th* bread <????, is sadsahviidtj the saoat dteoetetmg...
...g the day of egotism Where will all this sha*?--The "cruel difference" is graphically ilba> rated by the correspondence of Paul Werner, rrtting from Nice, to the Tribune de Geneva ? Switzerland (May IS, IMS...
...and took it to his heart only when it began to devour its own children...
...They controled the production of small companies through the pooling of patents...
...E. A. Winekrw of Tate University ulfiisasd the need for a comprehensive slum clearance and medical care program after the British Planning was discussed at the svealBg session by Vsrian Fry, secretary of the American Labor Corrftaanee, John Partojr, leader in '-e British Adult Edn-cation mov- errt...
...It is in these waters that Archbishop Spellman has moved...
...he grew alder...
...THEY ssdted it...
...Officially, Spellman is in North Africa and...
...In its steteamBt the Anti-trust Division recognized the fight against monopolies as one of the most important | battles on the home front- end promised a vigorous campaign against all wartime violations of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act J Contrary to business propaganda many cartels have con-tinned to carry 'out their agreements despite the war and have threatened the U. S. war effort by limiting production of critical materials...
...QN the day whew the test pshaw, kssisanr ssae __bad to dose shop, and hts sntomohnw sad esatetry housevwas teken over by a Soviet mkW holder for his own private ???, one emrht say ** the "proletarian" revolution was Anallv cansstesaf...
...It is however especially important for the post-war period that the Justice Department pursue a vigorous campaign against monopolies now...
...Many places do not admit Negroes...
...we were toid by Marx...
...The bsmhing of the dams was ased by lazy chatte rbezes to let their imaginations raw wild...
...ay IM, SM...
...The results are a diplomatic secret...
...It »f...
...They have often not bothered to examine the damage, and exaggerate tremendously...
...As a result, the original meaninz often gats teat te the course of time...
...rmm*a W WlBtem*lAgwrforpr^om Hej-and aft...
...MsneeT and Ablernen Lee, ??-etidem of the RisHid SrilOOl...
...Important State affairs compelled him to go to Rome . . . And the pro-Nazi paper in Stockholm...
...tisVt (he ¦ D. S. seek te ' eflaet ???????» guarantees of peace hi the world and revue the Atlantic Charter ' te the light of awW developmeuis...
...The program was arranged in conjunction with Freedom House...
...Mytai hfes Uwe ty WHEN religious consolation began to lese its msgie for the underdog Sbeislism made its appearance holding out salvation in tins vale of team but only for the fntare «erteraikma...
...Socialism thraagk poalic ownership of Industrie* They as* all equally honest- For under socialism the worker* own the industries to the same extent to white in a democracy they own the government...
...the damages, aid so Goebbels has declared war on the so-called "rumormongers...
...Of Ripe /dee/fir...
...of in-IslBTal ?? I William E. Bonn, editor of The New Leader, ' ^ftsatelam te a world faasae waa discussed SaWrrday morning by Louie WaaWwiaWi...
...Speaking at the opening session of the Institute Thursday evening, Beardsley Ruml stated that business Would need government aid in post-war readjustment...
...seaaa to have increased to such as extent fax St...
...arrive a* therr oriajinal assshiaSlua, aad the drtefer a ride...
...It has bean decreed that illegal publications must be immediately anrriniseiri to the police authorities aad...
...ptuftafhilial philosophers and economists who confbund the "emancipation of the working class" with their own lust for power...
...This Americanism, which has not existed more than half a ceatary, ? up senate a degeneration of the white man...
...Commission and report, one after another, have in recent years pointed to the dangerous situation—that the Negro factor in Detroit is a keg of powder with a short fuse, and that any one of many possible incidents, fairly insignificant in themselves, may be the match put to the fuse...
...This formula obviously would cover any group in the world with blame...
...their governments...
...I. du Pont l da Nemours ft Company, National Laad Company and its subsidiary, Titan Company, Inc., were charged with creating a cartel in titanium compounds in Sens piracy with German, British, Italian, Jana-nese and other foreign companies...
...One of the chief functions of the government in the post-war economy, according to Prof...
...event and Irish nationalists have fanned this feeling into a patriotic anger...
...In neighborhoods, trolleys, restaurants tension was kindled...
...GENERAL ? AMBRON NETS "The «? gaaai dtea bwt never ¦¦nadirs- waa invented by a hack te a Parte aewassaper osW What abac aster really said at Wsiistes »a» an BBprintebie iaaah...
...aaiUlea ?? Bate charrge hands datlv s4t hough tte> read season has hard*/ vtertod...
...Anarchism was succeeded by the'Syndieaftet myth af the seizure at tedaatrkte if tie Wretejea fa the sot too dteasnt future...
...Never before he* the Maete Qan* ?ssino had sach an attendance...
...Negroes are making more money, and are willing to spend it in attempt to better living conditions...
...Archbishop Spellman is seeking to place the Catholic pretender to the Spanish throne as king of Spain to create a "legitimist/' tradition and protect Catholic interests if Franco topples with a Hitler-Mussolini defeat...
...Ingrained resentments and prejudices are constantly in evidence from Paradise Valley (the Harlem of Detroit) to Washington Boulevard (the 5th Avenue of Detroit...

Vol. 26 • July 1943 • No. 27

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