"Back to Subnormalcy?" - The Threat of Post-War Depression


"Back to Subnormalcy?" — The Threat of Post-War Depression By ALVIN H. HANSEN nifteancT and ba'f'enor*n^^mp^uont*with I think there is rto single thing Unrt the United Stats* could do. which...

...The double standard for women makes for s strict one-sided compart men taliia tion of this sentiment...
...Now after he has forgotten December 7, he wifl remember June 7, when they want throusrh the theatre districts banting him cot He will not cmiaby forget, no matter who is "to blame...
...Mobile, Los Angeles, Detroit *^ pre graphic evidence of the new "American Jitters" sweeping the Ration...
...This is hardly enough...
...Ef the es^rftiufaMnt of ttoa orpreatoble army ieaif> rufiifl rAbSr and the Merchants might pmt^tSfa+jfr* that after all it will be a* rfgnVVT...
...The laws of economics are not universal...
...Msxlran mothers, worries) about their seas snd daughters in the tronNit of the street are quick to pant st those other* who are "really" in the Wrong /"•ON S ID ERIN G the War an* the Good Neighbor policies, the sathorities had better not go too deeply into tap tMa facto Of these disturbances Better use the sponge wards ef...
...pecuniary features of the "Sex Market* are hidden, the transactions may lose their impersonality, and personal conflict replace impersonal competition...
...Java tester arrampenylag the article he sent as...
...The bill is being presented so that it can be seen...
...Zoot Suiters" DEAL MONT...
...Then we had export Stoplae, particularly the hug* expert* ef fiiMiteiritk a in raw materials to Europe...
...One may illustrate with the automobile industry...
...nor by the local papers which joked spprovingly, blamed the Mexican "hoodlums" snd inflamed the readers by reporting the dosiestic activities of service men as exciting military j operations...
...Besides he ia afraid...
...And hath not been enchanted by the eight...
...If w* sake the a* to mobile toitoaTVy;'^a|sHiflip1fe pie...
...In fact, very largely re*poo*61* for the deplorable caadttttea hi »hick we lad ourselves in the warU today...
...Properly licensed booses would leieejflMf these tensions by minimising and regutatiagva major irritant of them both...
...In the four great industries alone, namely the machinery industries, the aircraft industries, the shipbuilding industry, iron and steel and all tto products...
...investment to sqalpmtiit in many industries bad bee* atoiread during the war petted...
...U my surprise, rwa remarkably hteh *t the end sf the test war, in 1919-20...
...The little tornadoes of sexual stimuli swishing snd flouncing down the streets of our cities hit him straight in the groin...
...The more jwal the members of the market are, the more ••honest they must be about the facts of life, **¦ money...
...Both of these ten-tees may come to knife-sharp focus* in the "Sex Market"—for that is where the sailor enters fle tense life of the Mexicsn where it may hurt the most, and that is where the sailor on leave a first interested in entering "the social struc-tsre ef the city...
...It was from out of this frustration that he came to want a soot-suit some badge like those others didnt hSve, some call: notice me...
...Me b aa the sash*: women ante major vehicles for the rehabilitation ef the young...
...Within the Mexican boy are many frustrations:—all the time he couldn't go to the city park with the non-Mexican boys, and when they wouldn't let him into the public swimming pod, and he played like it was sissy to go, because he wanted to and couldn't . . . The more sentitive snd intelligent he is, the more these things are so...
...anxieties, to gain back a self subsedtoated by military anonymity...
...In this case there is aa increased competition among men for the favors of the women available...
...AH week the soldier has been trained to realise his will in group and with vidence...
...Then we had equipment...
...asdWehl vessels: "juvenile delinquency" is s good, one...
...Then we had eoaetisacttoa which...
...We know that the whole automobile industry has been converted to war purposes at this time, ha tan teat war, before we got into the war, our peak automobile production waa 1.600.000 cars a year...
...And from manufacturing altogether, the net dismissal, 1 think, as a minimum figure, must be some flee or six million, though there will be some industries, manufacturing industries Which will be able to re-absorb workers in exoess of those on toe payroll at the end of the War...
...The dd ties, of dx months ago...
...the fraternity spirit of the lower classes...
...Metropolitan Los Angeles in 1940 had only 124,200 single women between the ages of 18 and 84, which roughly can be taken a* the sex-able group...
...Ia tare** of our expended *conomy today, that weald amount te something like 11 billion dollars for Qsnatmstisa to the teaa**amto pes twee #a**f> Ia 1K1 aad 1*22 whet In || in ¦ iffT Tj...
...By making the relations of men and women more dramatic, War makes the free sex market more accessible...
...but I think one has at least to eaaiMlut very carefully what were earlier conditions aad whether they are applicable to the problems of the future...
...even though we may assume high levels of activity at the end of the war, we cannot bold anything like 18.000,000 in manufacturing...
...From this center the troubles are picked dp by those social {rumor) production belts which am geared for efficient ethnic oppression...
...It it one intmadiate irritant of such trochees, aad it can be man tenia ted...
...Sex Market" includes but should be dis-UBrni»hed fronj the marriage market requin* ¦tote of marriage...
...w»r affecte theSex market by disturbing the *"» ratio in two immediate ways...
...Ia meet ef these categories, as H so happens, it happens they're...
...We can be quite certain that there most be a net dismissal of workers even though we assume very high retention of employees in these industries under peace time— a net dismissal of probably over four million worker* from these four industries alone...
...Business men understand the necessity for trade regulation and ethics, But the merchant's wife is sot wholly a merchant She, and others who marry the moral restraints of modern civilization, are against it...
...The not export surplus didnt quite drop out, but appreanfJad serev The decline to these two area*^te^a*y addition to that the Iniestte—t to imaamat f*H to about sixty percent of hte leaase* lepeL I'wHnk tt is qufteeteartaat SmmWrn^WI s temporary saturation ha dheen reached, test iewtoieas ekte dm line ens •wa**fa*M^Hf-4aia dueed further by the eteetoM^ta^to*^^|r^ struction remtoned at the sam* tevef as tow...
...He has experienced law and the state...
...It is quite deer that there must be a large net dmmtosal from manufacturing as • whole...
...Its trsns-range from the winking eye to sexual ¦tercourse...
...The persons who stood for Mors Is are not immediately present...
...I ' think we ought net to get too exaggerated a picture herd with respect to how long this will test...
...It is then e*0ed prostitution...
...If riots mean losing his market, and If riots are precipitated by an unregulated sex market, the merchant might consider commercial pres-titatioa aa a sciatica...
...He feels that his uniform afford* him an exemption...
...In some places * *akes available more women than n^Theri, ***«eure women have to compete more ardently l°* the few remaining men, or wait end b* "Wy between - ^Wa*«fe'f,v J8n*h quantitative change thus has qualitative aspect...
...Bat that te immoral: It doesn't aad wont happen in sufficient scale to handle the problem...
...The wide distribution of this garb is among under-privfliged minorities...
...And ia front of girls a lad almost has to posh back a little...
...At the peak of the war effort we produced a million ears s year which indicates 'to what extent our industry was going along on the basis of pretty much "business as usual" in the test war...
...Maybe a frustrated sailor who can't Jftterbag as well as s wsactked Latin pushes one of the rig-rag,a little' to mske up for his own ersmsi-nets on the Boor...
...Invest* men...
...The "Sex Market" is usually regulated by ¦wall and by law...
...Every time you think of a Jap, say to yourself, 'We must be more silent, cruel and vicious than these little sens of b-, '." A general "Sratdting with approval whispered: 'And that lieutenant used to be a clerk in Wall Street...
...he would like to fast himself' •gainst a group net, the enemy nor quite so formidable...
...a chief problem of the man on lesve is hew to manage or by-pass the sex market so -that the muter te satisfied and a minimum •f conflict occurs...
...axis agent" is a Bother if we coahf only prove it aad for "greaser" say "soot suiter...
...The racial riot is an ultimate sanction of this machinery: the American apparatus for the ^natus" and economic exploitation of minorities ¦ quickly convertible into a first-class riot ma-' ehinery...
...That ia true in the iron and steel industry...
...Th*t doesn't mean that 1 dont think you can team anything at all...
...This problem would be minimised if all sexaal taboos among a numerically adequate supply of women, and among their effective guardians, collapsed...
...There sre many institutions and old American i iistsefts nfonr TSrge cities which, lie esosewhere between professiona...
...which restrained him and located him in a morally regulated sex market have slipped...
...He may face chance and death next month...
...The -volume of Inventory 'ae**ja*h*u*Ml ran on the average in thee* tto* years a lttsto lower the first year, a little higher the aeeaadk but ran on the* average six Milton rtofhafeTla terms of our larger economy today, That wouH be an annusu* inventory aceuanutettoh ef etevOn te twelve billion defter* or iiimabhiil* aaattfaseyj...
...You men are learning ranger fighting," said the lieutenant...
...e asetor li ¦ |j\n to whslisala prices after the war waa ever...
...After the last war ** had a mater i**s tion of prices, incloding * very great rtee in the ce*t of Hvtog...
...It it quite clear that the magnitude of the problem-of reemployment at the end of this war will be enormously greater than was- the case at the end of the last War...
...When the haul, or the street, for that matter, ia mixed is two ways, civilian and military aad Latin and "native American," such competition can quickly become personalised, and turn into fights...
...All these feature* con-tritet* to, sanction, or permit riots...
...Regulated prostitattor...
...y-When we examtoe the situation to WW-gn, these are five areas which I would call purely dynamie *re*s to our economy, incoass gtnmr-ating areas which toil the story, I think M that boom end that depression, aa Indeed I think these five areas always tell the story of boom and depression and will tins time also...
...on themselves sad their »ives" aad to make the streets "dean...
...Last week we asked sociologist C. Wright aatf?e/' the University of W*rjte*rl to exsmine the Los Angeles "zoot'dtof* rtete a* a ease study of the America* jitters...
...The cry of "rape" is the South usually operates as a self-justifica-ttolisr thk White mob:- the statistical correla-tkn of lynchings, however, is not with es-tssflshed case* of rape so much ss with dotton market depressions, snd job- and status-cornpe-, Ia Uoa Angsies 40t sailers tctegramed * local paper that they had acted .to order to "arenge Mjuries...
...maaafacturiag as a whole, faedadeng *hiaa*flat*g aad Aircraft—shew* i».0**.9*e employed...
...In a money-society the participant* •tod to smuggle money into transactions be-twe*a the sexes, thus satisfying both the eco-woman of patriarchlalisnf and the moral **ifn*tkn of the middle classes...
...Most of the others are like him...
...Now I* 191*- M all of these five ereas ef expenditures ran very high...
...THE "toot-suit" riots in Los Angeles are "not •adequately explained by ethnic and racial astriminaUons, by ?war emotions" and the jam-sseked Latin and Negro slums, or a complaisant gflkialdom, the dallying and intimidation of the dues' insufficient police force and the manifest ihensquacy, of the Military Police and Shore \te* .answer is not to be found in the con-veaient explanations thai have been advanced: M second-generation problem, the Jim-Crow Arkiy and Navy that American civilization haa produced...
...gteim too pear to he too china...
...I thiak that it te eelte clear that the inmiajjm istrasrtaa of aha thirties (to whirh...
...The many disadvantages of this management of the sex market can be weighed against its positive features, - V> - Professional prostitution is probably net/a "tension-making center," except in the moral forum of the Protestant midd^ classes...
...Visiting in a bunch, as is the habit with ashamed young men, decreases or eliminates stigmas which may exist in a stray mind...
...The Mexican girl is attractive...
...New York Timet, June 16, 1943...
...The market in Los Angeles is also ethnically mixed...
...When the...
...Let us take * look at these general mechan-a*k> and examine one type of' tension-center tiaj something of the inner ll'viex of* those who Ft tense within it) during Uie^month of June »the fifth largest city of the United State...
...So does the suppfy in some areas...
...would not solve racial and class contradiction* nor absolve local conflict* between civil and military...
...That means, in plainer language, thst under certain conditions, this sailor may riot ' The mood and wish of the sailor center around women...
...Now why de a few of tha Mexican boys of the East Side of Los Angeles carry knives and many of them wear soot-suits...
...Under Construction, I include business plants, housing and public works of .all kind...
...billion dollars a year...
...This competition -is jocular between soldiers, for the military fraternise with each other at many points other than te the pursuit of wemen...
...A solution with a minimum of vidence is the house of prostitution segregated or supervised for service men...
...With the coming ef the riots ia Los Aa-geles, the Navy declared' the city oat...
...The Threat of Post-War Depression By ALVIN H. HANSEN nifteancT and ba'f'enor*n^^mp^uont*with I think there is rto single thing Unrt the United Stats* could do...
...the to-laence ef the United State* » enormous...
...Over 219,000 Mexicans bow live in the county of Los Angeles...
...ta" a house and refined date, at masqueraded parses...
...nd fl>Vakn Ilirr*teuj*jali1 awlWaaheMaVhrnfit...
...Net Export Surplus...
...New he is on the street within the anonymity and aggression of a group but without the discipline of the naval station or the army camp: -nSe is filled with what' is, for some reason euphemistically, termed by officers "col leg lata" and ' "fraternity" spirit...
...stoest nobody came Vhg aid wfea ft Was happeedbg...
...But some of the restraints incorporated from the home sex market are still alive in kite as he confronts the city with his mother's letter to his pocket...
...There are no rules of dean fighting that apply here...
...Hew many young males ware taken out by the draft and how many sailor* toet'sd-diers were placed in the area, is a militarv secret, bat no doubt the stale* exceed the number of women available to them...
...Mill* wrote: "I would like to point out that nobody he* explained the occasion of the riots, wet even Carey MaeWrHtems or Paul Gilbert in The New Leader...
...Also sexually underprivileged soldiers may turn protectively idealistic about the women they left behind...
...More subtly, it can be conceived as f-ttoaduig into individual fantasy, for ultimately **sose of the "marketability" of given traits, *^h*of beauty become attractive to an indi-and stapes and sixes snd get-ups become T"torhalized* as images of personal desire...
...Also the woman often has a choice, thus increasing ths personal element on tiWale's: Side...
...A^hagp-eSW times.on.Jaaet *e*l?, ha may carry his own knife...
...and unless the "white soldier" comes from an area where there is job-competition between North American and Latins, he will not think of her as a "dirty greaser," si though he . may call her brother that...
...They wanted to stop "soot suiters" from doing "whst they may with the wires sf servkst men snd civilians . . ." Another report stated that the trouble began when s group ef "sailors were chatting with a iroap ef young women of Mexican descent ; shea soot suited friends of the girls interSevers...
...In other places War concentrates single men without increasing the supply of women...
...We ted tt the end of the test war only 8 or To be sure, when one says twenty million hi the war industries, one mustn't get an exaggerated picture, because a great many ef these workers in war industries will continue to work in these industries in peacetime...
...lea Condition ef the Sax Marker fa Worfime • TftE "Sex Market" refers to the opportunities * ef one Sex te offer favors and attentions *«iea the other sex will take up...
...Business men ef Lea Angeles" bemoaned "the daily lees ef thoasaads of dollars worth af Navy trade ..(Tha New York Times, Jane 12, 194J...
...Probably over a third of these were bom in Good Neighbor Mexico...
...They become the agents of such codes aa he will obey (and he forgets the letter in bis pocket...
...A dance hall, f<rr bmtoare, hot at least one wares are so displayed that many envioos eyes ctV view and desire that little Mexican girl in the blue dress...
...and ia sheas anem-pteyntont and world-wide iaprsaaisa...
...The United State* has been in the past, not merely in recent decades, hot throughout its history, through the history of capitalism—it has hawk the moat violent fluctuating economy m the world, and the violent fluctuations in the United States have had tremendous repercussions upon the Indeed...
...It is taw even to a limited extent hi the shipbuilding industry, to a teas extent in the aircraft industry, and SO on down the line...
...The 'merchant's wife" might think of her daughter, and' remember old sociological law, that ,5n order to"hav* ladies you have to have some who are not ladles...
...They point to "backgrounds" *nd**peftoia^ve^ patter*, teased an 8 *r 4 years experience with the Bight life of Mexicsn* snd wWiers to Baa Antonio, Texas...
...lota of picture shows where he sees snd feds the market-specialists operate successfully...
...This tension is not so harmoniously channelled between civilians and soldier*: civilians see I "their" women monopolized, and soldiers justify their monopolization as a right of their uniform...
...Violence between Mexican gangs does not often make the national press, bother the police, nor excite the citizenry...
...B**l depression 1 thtok it is perfeetly *to*f-jgdkak been running at this fantastic figure e*w**Je*a|p iieppsd out, dropped to aero...
...It ran vsry high: fto s good many months during the** two years, the investment in equipment ram higher then at aay time in the boom of the twenties...
...But they any not' be' sufficient to let them loose...
...m* judgment the tetensal sit-uattea in the United States played a very large rote—bet there hi more te u than thet— > te...
...No matter how "refined" they be individually, group* of men In search of "fun," and in the old "fraternity mood," may not need any such line, war or no war...
...He hew retoed btoartiy * number ef tssporteaf to***»^»ko...
...He hat to reinforce this feeling that "they" are sissy, and to channel his resentment, and he went further behind the ostracism of color and poverty they had built for blm and went with "the gang" who understood such stuff without having to talk about ft and stumbled against the police, trying to Solve a problem smarter men than he have failed to solve.' These things are built into the character ef the Mexican bey...
...and they aren't...
...The rules of the house, governed by expectations of avoiding trouble in order to stop an hsjemese, keep It relaBvwy impersouiu, thus lnftlmRrfng^nmoJor condition of -trouble...
...And with a limited supply available, demand cannot be too qualitative...
...If, during the war, the social pressure of those women, who are "waiting it oat" makes too much erotic glamour unseemly, skirts may not be shortened until after the war...
...One tension, then, may lie between the "merchants" and their "wives...
...items, especially the age level and the character of both sailor and Mexican in the community suggest an explanatory pattern for these particular riots...
...The technique and intensity of feminine allure may be modified...
...It hi the boy's uniform vfffa 1t he tried to cover up tha eolor of his skin and the scars aad fears estrangement have insinuated into his being...
...The War condition of the Sex Market is not the "cause" of riots...
...which eeuld cowtoftato more to the security of the world than to solve :ts own urternaJ prohtem...
...He must use them to nurse away hte...
...mainly respomibte to my toaaijii f ftettoaary woo**—-titet speootettve unnamwpaflr boom...
...We shall have at the end of this year, perhaps 11 million in the armed force...
...The dirtier you are the better we like it A stab in the back is one of the ftnect principles we know of...
...It Ia here that the Mexican and the SSater fee . . . The easy-going, and Sometiatos free-ansl .as«J conduct af the Americantosd Mexican gfif% distasteful re many older Mexican imrojsrrSBta And however much younger isdys may pit Ufa, they share at toast the edges of this attftaajt towards the gomgs oa ef "thctr" girls...
...Only when increased taxes for police service raise their "labor cost" do business men have reason for complaint...
...His search for them is not within a well regulated market, and the market supply is restricted, though net rationed...
...toon "the...
...The four years following the last war, first 1019-20 which were years of boom snd inflation, and next 1921-22 which were year* of depression, raises the question: whet fundamentally explains the postwar boom test time end whet fundamentally explains that depression to 1921 to 1022...
...let us say stocks of goods by retailers, wholesalers and mass manufacturers all along the line...
...But the conditions under which he trie* to gain this self are each that it will not be the old self of hte Amass town...
...They are all Men together' Military comradeship is cemented by the deprivations of Mars snd the indulgences of Venus...
...Much can be done to by-pass and even idealize the sailor's urge by polite institutions provided by society matrons USO's...
...BQOaohody respected ia ths latopsMtg shoahl ease the guilt by building a Bert Oeb and giving it toot to the Mexteaae...
...It provides a rdativdy impersonal selection in a money nexus...
...In-order to meet the moral "golations of the market it is usually necessary *st all money items be disguised...
...rv'f* Race lines and distinguishing dress segregate a Mexicsn quarry for him...
...But the price goes down...
...this mass unemployment, that no matter how welt wo build political insutsuou sack as a world federation built on the United Nations—aw matter how snaad those - political institution* are bulk they will all go te esnaaa if we fail te solve this fundaments' prelim of man *n*mptoypcat aad world-wide dapreastoa...
...Mills ha* written a* extrsordi**ry esssy shot through with bril-lisnt insights tote the A mericaa scene...
...about S billion dollar* ia 1919-20...
...Bat he "praettear: da something to ease the immediate toaaesa and get tats preea attention away from Oar City, snd restore Our Navy Trade, bat seat disrupt Ow Hsoamgs sad the way we ran Oar Masm^hf, If immediate problems demand practical sn-swers, houses of prostitution under adequate medical supervision and segregated for soldiers aad sailors oa leave might he licensed...
...even testates are now to A very large extent war industries and, of coursey workers will 'be employed in large volume in the textile industry under peace time conditions, but, at any rata, it is quite clear that th* magnitude of the task of reemployment at this time is enormously aisalei than it was at the end of the last war...
...by the figures which I have cited: we shall have in the msnaf•etartog isdaatry at the end of that war...
...la term* ef msrmy it ram sboot 8 billion dolters...
...Mobile, New York, Detroit and elsewhere is no sudden burst of "Hoodlumism...
...3: The Motives of Mexican MlXf to Texas, California has the largest number of Mexican immigrants of any state: 418,000 in 1940...
...A certain amount of petty crime is the price good people must pay for having tins work done chetply and for keeping minority peoples minorities...
...They are replaced by military discipline pemfeta-ated by large freedoms which he feels he meet make the most of...
...a^KVtel*lmM^dk#k ^ - Bws^tP^BPBQ mam* ^ U\WmmW9^MJMjMm^ t D-Oqy 'TWERE has ' keen aa avalanche of srtidee to prsctic ally every magaxine fat the eoantry easy onesto read, we warn »k *aij»5r tirt^stert Bet it kete ttos> tltoae»*wg^t^a^i Periiciatts atawtfl BwVia**l*a*9 CyCwflaa* ^JJJJJjJjj^ naaifil..' -------- •-=-' -""Hi'1!- ** • The* article Is haeed w» 4* mjfimfitipt Cshferencs hefd istoskl^' Obnrto fwtar* tos*cs^*Tfcl*New^lte^e^ The New American Jitters The Sailor, Sex Market and Mexican By C. WRIGHT MILLS Si fesrst pa' California . No Be*** muter, to^»to,,w >f..' PottaoaUi hay mmckat^ntera, Y rmalqmtora f« tooustov,^ [// you go to California Don't toko e pood looking woman Because there are many panthers Who may take her away from you.} Folksong ef Mexican Immigrants...
...Indeed, tt is s rather serpHslat fact the* the price m flatten which we STawtoniid to World Wee L aartiietoity If w* aatoeeawbt by ape rl|lii.lMals...
...hfllk, mmtsmrntsts, before we get into the war and after taw »ar -so cer as* 1 Oust thst u certs* tor ***u*as**vt kr*n ar thsmd amm *a^a^**fl t*s maaaw attmaT'ffne*B*a*h*' ^^^¦W^^a «¦»* ww *» ¦** >"< mmr - ttiiadisn to at the end of this wsr t"ales* we are wiRtog to retais owr rem<^sT*roa^ersHm period »e skill d terser .. thst we, after saving steeled to prevent rateuo* dsrinr tto war, will *s«e sno* ** *' gigantic toflertoa after the war...
...The quickest way to turn a Mexican girl into an image of the Madonna is ft r a Msxioaa hag tb see bar with native American ssfkr...
...When violence involves "white people," soldiers or civilians, attention is turned on the Mexican...
...2: The Social Psychology of Soiiort aa Leave HOW does the young sailor on leave for a night in Los Angeles feel...
...s ' Oaaeht ef • Crteli MOW when I tell you in the boom year ef *^1920 we had quite sn extraordinary inventory accumulation, the total aw sua*** te only three "billion, and in IPS*, when w* bad an extraordinary teventery sccumutettea it amounted te only 3.2 billion, you can eee bow vastly large the inventory accumulation was in 1819 and 1920...
...As soon as the sex problem is not handled either as s strictly commercial proposition or as s thoroughly personalized arrangement (the middle-class "dste"1 . competition for girls ia this society can quickly turn into riots...
...Before the wsr started w* tort-*, little ever lt.»*«.*se em-played ha menatarlariag...
...The export surplus at the end of the lest jaar ran bet warn three and four billion doiteto « year...
...then group lines are drawn and the situation becomes a riot Such emberraassaeate, as relative skill st dancing, can become precipitant...
...Csaaateeis* damhto*, we ca* be sure will rsa very high rhteUme—at the end ef the war.' They will play eve* « bigger role fit relation to ear ' expanded economy than was tree at the end of the teat war bees use ef the aefeiiw* eV-maad for automobiles aad hoasehold eanip-m*»t and all that kind ef thing and te tob are* for several wear* tto demand wwf kfdit eertaialy oetrea any capacity of the Indus try te supply tluM demand...
...bet men and women rearrange their mutual availability...
...They often inwrPe an exshange of sex for money but they aren't called prostitution...
...And, what good is sex if the other* don't know about his experiences...
...And these-five areas are the expenditures for Consumers' Durables, the expenditures or the m-vestasent that business made in Inventory Ae-cumulatron...
...White* and Negroes both are sitting on finder boxes end the tiniest spark* are setting Vast, explosions...
...Basic antagonism in "the American Dream" have presented themselves in such a way as to be temporarily discovered by newsmen...
...the magnitude of the-rslrrmtnt problem, aa I hare already indicated roegkiy...
...All the racial segregation, and job frastra-tioBj aad cfaas a*tagat4se** latent ia the city feretod.au tadaspenaaajfe backdrop, the sags* ^JsaTft^ tarn sits mkmltTZ a map of Ss Assjcam, ^-ee'Ti^asgAl' to^eatoeTtus.'X s5* the .trveta ml the district...
...God makes about one woman, for every man...
...So he goes with • crowd of other aa flora...
...about how much one can team from naPtory, and particularly with respect to economic history...
...These Latin Americans, along with some 75000 Negroes, do snskilmfl dirty work for the democratic citizens of Los Angeles...
...that they tors his uniform off him in pabAc places...
...It Is only in this sense that the trouble in Los Angeles is a domestic issue...
...He is net sJfiMwad ths luxury of "fraternity spirit"—only of "hoodlumism...
...Overt sex troubles seldom "cause" either of them, although they may be "the last straw...
...Within the limits thus ira-¦o**d, the market behavior varies in the tech-Bkr°e by which erotic wares are presented, by rate and urgency of transactions, the market T«loe of types of men and styles of women, and •oon...
...They are "fee," and maybe even subtle feelings ss well a« money and sex sre exchanged...
...T^'Inventory anmnwrlation at the end of~la* lent war played an enormous rete and weei'to tait...
...We had in the test war only 4 million...
...The merchant's interest, as a merchant, in the military population near his city is commercial: Soldiers and sailors may die for their country, but for a while they are a direct source of profit for business met...
...TAw Majfairaate of f*e Probtem Il/HAT can ire learn about what happened at n the end of the mat enuf I am ihiitiwl...
...I thmk it te quite clear that the automnbrw industry baa a capacity ts t0k%t^t9tt^kW$W Hi the United States with a brand tmfram'M four years, so that one most not think of this deferred Lernand a* testing ever a atoaal 1 Jd more, bra use I think it is quite lill WkTUkp is not the ease...
...In War, demand for sex goes up...
...In World WarWoL H We have uwsVrtahsai * gigantic conversion of our entire economy to war purposes in a way that we did not no in the last war...
...Ths existence of the older McvtrSas' attitude makes easier the defense to them of the actions of ibc second generation...
...We •haft agaby****f that this time and we can be sure in this area also there will be genuine scardties sV-WelMtoi so we win have price Inflation unless we continue the price controls and, the rationing m the food area...
...It' wp not deepen his respect far' law that Wta ,a o/Ws...
...To the extent that he is "at home" la the armed force*, the sailor or soldier feels - "**w* ia to* owe heatetewa...
...It is routine...
...When one adds other fields trke transportation, the inflated and expanded government war agencies and the worker* in the military force*, it te quite dear that the' magnitude of the problem is very great • • * Taw law*} ad f be Posf WHEN we leek beck at the end ef the last wsr, one can divide the problem into certain period* first the period of reconversion snd readjustment, then an interim parted which followed that which wee, to the last wax, * period of deep unemployment, aad then, finally, a period of improved conditions following this period of unemployment...
...I wbnld go farther and any that if we aapsied no better in the future than we hare hi the past, te csnajasr these terrifle dsprassisns...
...George Peel) But such scripts are needed and used only ^by more refined couple...
...For the offkisls, eirilten a*d amlitary...
...The script for young men, and women, written by War, becomes irresistible: "Who hoe not beheld fair Venus te her pride Of nakedness, all alabaster white, In Ivory bed, strait laid by Mart hie side...
...of bounds...
...We fed that Prof...
...On the Negro side, rampant discrimination, a vsccilating government policy, snd de-pressed living have fused into * deep, smouldering anger, On the'white side, the loosing of traditional ties and "more*," the Pjal[tJaeMlllj of men, the nervosa****, hjffl&afeirc and frustrstions fostered by the wsr combine to create tension and friction...
...The trouble ia Los Angelas...
...lonely," partially militarised serf...
...We shall have at the end of this year SO million employed in war industries...
...in Business Equipment and finally Con-straction...
...The "Sex Market*\ is not necessarily aa ex-rfkit money market, but it may be...
...And there ia something rather illurainating about what happened at the end of the last war With respect to the special problems that will confront us at the end of the war...
...Tee broad antagonisms are involved: Ci-'abaWMlitary, and Racial...
...Metropolitan race riots do not follow the pattern of rural Southern lynchings...
...But the competition for wemen .is periloudy channelled between native American soldiers and "colored" civilians, especially if the women invdved are also ethnically mixed...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 26

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