White House Stand on Connally Bill To Determine Labor Support of FDR


White House Stand on Connally Bill To Determine Labor Support of FDR By JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON, D. C.-iln the light of it* possible results what may wail be the fateful decision of 10 years...

...Roosevelt sftaktsl an invitation from the "OPA Labor-Management War Activities Committee...
...The decisive defeat administered the Communist Party in its attempts to gain admittance to the Labor Party should end for the time being any attempts to revive the "popular front" notion in England...
...a. • The story that Russell Potter, former head of the New York OPA, resigned that post because the local organisation was being taken oner hgjfra ITmmiinttir Party uigaaisatten is simply So bunk...
...Fry's remarks on Europe were amplified in the opening sessions by a group of ffiilSjisfia labor and intellectual leaders including FtaB Moe, member of the executive Committee Norwegian Labor Party...
...Near the close of the sessions Varian Fry called on Raphael Abramovitch...
...None questions that Lewis slight enjoy sticking his thumb in Roosevelt's eye, bet the above theory leaves completely unexplained how all that maneuvering could have been engineered fay Lewis despite the fact that he does not control the Tories ha Congress, the Democratic majorities in either House or Senate, the Democratic Administration, and certainly not the Democratic President...
...4. Gives of its loyalty and support to an Administration which, while holding wages down to the level of May 1942, has net kept its pledfre of price control with the result that the only sacrifices in this war are being''made by labor on the home front and its flesh and blood on the war front...
...It, in effect, breaks the no-strike agreement which Labor voluntarily made at tee antbreak of the wet...
...Mowrer, Corey, Agar at Rally for Polish Jews, Sat, June 19 ^ MASS MEETING to commemorate _ the heroic resistance of the Jews of *»mw and to honor the death of Simul *N»e»ojm, Polish-Jewish Socialist leader, r* he held Saturday evening, June 19th, •»> a. m„ at Carnegie Hall, 57th St...
...Howard Smith of Virginia), passed by Democratic majorities in both Senate and House unopposed by a Democratic Administration, and signed by a Democratic President...
...More tenable as a theory, perhaps, is the conclusion of careful observers that what the President does about the Connally Bill may depend very largely on what Lewis does about another coal miners walkout, and that the motive will be to pass the hot foot back to "Mr...
...former member Italian Parliament, and Professor Oscar Jazi of Oberlin College...
...TWlaoB pointed to the fact that business men easing into WPB are required to sever their assiiimi connections...
...The most important event of the convention was the victory of Arthur Greenwood over Herbert Morrison for the all-important post of party-treasurer As in a complex political party, with many organized "blocs" and varying motivations, there is no single reason for Greenwood's victory...
...Or will he permit it to become a law without his signature...
...about 18,000,000 barrel...
...long and protracted negotiations led to the appointment of Joseph D. Keenan as vice-chairman in charge of labor production, and Gtinton S. Golden as vice-chairman in charge af manpower liaison...
...and SlZ*"- nnd'r the auspices of the Jewish Committee, ^asskerg ,t tht meeting will include: "g*r Ansel Mowrer, journalist and 2™"H*»t...
...Will he veto it...
...ace Labor's friends...
...Therefore a monopoly has . been given to the Standard Oil Co...
...William Green is ehairmsn of the American Labor Conference on International Affairs, Datii Dubinksky vice-chairman sad Varian Fly ssm-retary...
...Navy's share of the cost of operation will, it is believed, be equal to about 5.500.000 barrels of oil during the first five-year period...
...is to receive for a period of 5 years the entire production, with no obligation topper the Navy saponins whataoeur daring that "This will constitute giving to the Standard Oil Co...
...Even that democratic right is denied Labor by the bill...
...It is, therefore, nothing abort of alarming to discover that last November an agreement was entered into between the United States Government generally and the Navy specifically with the Standard Oil Co...
...Under the Consmfiy Bill, however, tan War Labor Board is stweaneanp- restricted to eon-f ormiag to the terms of the Wagner Acs which does not permit tao awarding by the gjaatii This, in affect, snip ate I si case of the two legs an which the no-strike pledge has stood ao iar...
...Omer Bseu, flai I el si J General International Union of Maritime Of...
...S. Ambassador to Soviet Russia, returned from his second visit to Josef Shake last week to threaten the American liberal-labor critics of his 'Mission to Moscow' movie...
...Monopoly control has increased, not decreased, a, the result of the war...
...they also voted to maintain the electoral truce...
...Bet the Standard Oil Co...
...But on specific measures there has been increasingly stronger criticism of the official Labor Party position and Grenwood has voiced many of these criticisms...
...Standard Oil would at the end of that owe to the Navy approximately 18,000,000 barrels of oil...
...The first of these points is that it is apparently a fact that ground water is seriously encroaching on those portions of the Elk Hills field which have been held by the Standard OH Co., thus reducing the real value of these portions of the field...
...Will he sign the Connally anti-labor bill...
...The matter of this contract is certainly est Which comes within the jurisdiction of the Beset Public Lands Committee...
...Paul Vig-naux...
...Fry paid especial tribute to Szmul Zygielbojm, Fetish Jewish leader who com mi ted suicide in pretest over the lack of action in saving the Jews an...
...In the large then, Greenwood's election can be attributed to a strange marriage of the more militant critics of the Labor Party and a strong bloc of anti-Morrison trade unions...
...and reconstruction...
...This haa base expeamol in the granting by the War labor Board af maia-trnaar* af-eaeasBestjakp said similar anion sener-ity clauses ia ks awards...
...Walter Reuther, Jaissa T. ShotweU aad Matthew WolL...
...of Calif orate...
...American labor, looking enviously at the •Plot) in the British government of such men as Attlee„ Morrison, Bevan, Alex-g*e, etc., should remember that British labor P* political party of its own...
...White House Stand on Connally Bill To Determine Labor Support of FDR By JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON, D. C.-iln the light of it* possible results what may wail be the fateful decision of 10 years of the Roosevelt Administration awaits the pan stroke of the President...
...a member of the executive committee of the American Labs* Conference and one of it* active leaders, te say a few words...
...On the other hand the portions held by the Navy appear not to be affected by this encroachment of ground water, and therefore to be inherently considerably more valuable from the standpoint of oil production relative to Standard's holdings than has been recognized by the terms of the contract In the next place, I am convinced from figures which I hare, seen that under the terms of this contract the...
...It fa) those words "exclusive right" that are the meat of this whole bitter net...
...Five days later Drew Pearson in hie syndicates "Washington MeeVy 4te-Roand" confirmed The New Leader's story...
...StiPolsinj *** Wkea e CIO leader aaggastaa that She ' to worry sheet frirais...
...If they 'Wfm *o have the latter, Nelson said, they fetid have to come in as government officials and not as labor representatives...
...trees toft labor circles here wish the peaegMwae feSnvwo* hr asTatr ef^bewnV dateaoat Skat tee A ammettratiea had aot raised a finger to step rt There waa a aSase that executive betrayal had keen added to Isgkdailis aassentonilis One explanation of Mr...
...Every independent, every small oil company, every competitor of Standard, is that out from sny opportunity of having a part ia the development of this greet field...
...Under the terms of this contract, the United States Navy and the Standard Oil Co...
...was given the exclusive right and privilege of developing tike Eflt Hills Navy oB reserve hi California...
...Morrison's main political strength has long been in the London Labor Party...
...But it was no soap, 'tt was on that rock that Walter Reuther, •to bad been the favored candidate for the CIO pat, withdrew...
...This I am informed is several times the ordinary cost of processing in the industry, "MOT only for five years but as to the future *^life of this oil field this contract provides that the Navy itself can get no oil from its own reserve except by selling it to Standard snd then repurchasing it And this means, of course, that Standard will have complete control of the marketing ana disposal of all this oil...
...The moat unfortunate aspect of this fine art of political feuding as exemplified by Roosevelt and Lewis is that the oakf victims are the 12 to 14 million organism] and the 30 to 40 million unorganised workers of the nation...
...The afternoon session, chaired by John L. Child* of Columbia University and a msmear of the A. F. of L. post-war committee, beard Carter Goodrich, chairman of the Governing Body of the International Labor Office, Alvin Hansen, special government consultant, sad Arthur Altmeyer...
...Golden is assistant president at the Units* Steelworkers of America, CIO, of fMehPtofTanrray is president, fCh|srs|»uWe«nce lies in the announcement Bpi hsOr wiB be operating vice-chairmen in-itead of consultative officials...
...Labor's role in the future peace conference was underscored by Mr...
...It is pointed out that Lewis picked his spot with Machiavellian cunning...
...There is no doubt that there is an active current of opinion in the Labor Party that has been restless over the Government's growing conservatism and the lack of a clear-cut Labor Party position on vital social reform measures, such as the Beveridge Plan...
...Prevailing opinion here believes John L. Lewis deliberately baited a Tory Congress into paasiaf the Connally Bill on the theory that it would put President Roosevelt on the spot and lead to splitting off die Labor support for 1944...
...Bat the strength ef the Tory current running da C*p4k4 gai would take^so kjadly to so •"SinTlfisjpfljtr^nwglff"'*ni^tflrTP*n fft nTman food proUcsns as it took to the equally simple and direct proposition that the pontic has an even better right to knew the grade of the food it ia buying as has the wholesaler or retailer...
...as direct representatives of labor, he °Wn0P* t**ra nice offices and he would con-3t s%S> from time to time but would not give B& active operating role in WPB...
...This would entitle the Navy to two-thirds of such oil and the Standard Oil Co...
...NeanTnte to say, the TJFWA kdbot oaoaM bane tipped off the CP...
...At the same time, much of Greenwood's voting strength came from the bloc voting of Ernest Bevin's union, and Bevin has been the strongest supporter within the Labor Party of the National Government "gn-slow" plan regarding social measures...
...That the intent of the bill a to shackle Labor end oat dona he power to demand a ss.es 10 shake is made further dear by the definite terms ef the nwnoaart act which specify that strikebound pteate seised by the govevaatent moot be returned to their owners within SO days after (ho strike is broken Apparently the Tories did net trust the Mew Dealers with the power to seise aad hold pUnts where an anti-Labor omnia* U astght instigate a strike to order to break the tenon...
...is supposed to be for the purpose of financing exploration costs, bat It is doubtful that those coats will amount to more than a minor fraction of that figure...
...The current extension of the coal miners contract ends tomorrow at midnight...
...A labor leader can't do that, they ^SjhjeMa<tidSas^e>4eam: elimb to achieve union 9Sunp- And a labor leader who steps out altlJffMJA take a govsntmsnt job, can't 'MUJiituVto Step down on his return...
...Mteeor is going to need many more, doxens flpueeas more...
...Adolph Held, preaident *• Jewish Labor Committee...
...Therefore under the terms of this eta-tract the United States Navy wfll he Is • position where M wfll have to hoy from the Standard OH Co...
...Since then the anger of outraged Labor has had a chance to percolate through to the ivory towers of Washington and the certainty has lessened to some extent, though not enough to make a veto seem possible...
...The canners *md packers had friends on Capitol Hill, be roaatoosd the CIO Leaser, the farm lobby bad ha friends aa the Hill...
...Fighting liberal Congressman Jerry Vearhte bad exposed this deal fax a speech to the Hesse nearly a month age...
...They will then owe some 12,500,-000 barrels It fat my great fesr that all the oil in Elk Hills will have to be virtually exhausted in order for Standard to complete the repayment ef those 12.500.SOO barrets...
...But Greenwood has had a strong personal following and his ouster from the Churchill Government brought him much sympathy...
...The labor men pointed out tat business men can go back Into business spr the war either with their former com-Iris* or others where they would be in equal jhaand...
...te one-third of it in the xone which has already been developed...
...The New Deal Inner Guard is con rimed and, apparently, has porsnaded Mr Roosevelt that he is the real leader of asaartrsn labor, and that the latter wfj follow kirn in r»e* and net their union leaders...
...And it has same merit only to that extent because it is undeniably true that much of recent Labor action by Ike Administration and bp enters no longer Be* in the sane field of sound industrial relations tut has largely become a stytenlagjnsl jiiubhnii wtth ell sorts of unstable emotional overtones...
...prior to the signing of this contract and that those lands are deeded to the Government under its terms...
...chairman of the Federal flaasrlty Agency, discuss the economic problems ahead in post-war readjustment...
...whereby the Standard Oil Co...
...There is no equality of sacrifice...
...v ' "It is true Oaf approximately one-third of the landa in the Elk Hills field belonged to the Standard OB Co...
...sf^JPf'tfif jfte Jaaji ni ever the cesntry have begun telling the story of this hage "Profit Grab...
...a situation in which the worst anti-Leber bill in a decade was introduced by a Democrat (Senator Connally of Texas), made wane in the House by the incorporation of" the even more vicious terms of another Democrat (Rep...
...In return for this, however, the Standard Oil Co...
...h the developing problem of the relations ¦Ms...
...vrthest that company assuming sny risk vhsan> ever, financially, or otherwise, as to si future exploitation of the Elk Hills field...
...i am neither an attorney nor an expert in the oil industry...
...Greenwood, the minority leader, has always been more effective than Greenwood, the minister, and these sharp attacks brought Greenwood ^ wide support...
...This is ardently believed in New Deal Inner circles particularly...
...The significance ef these reports—largely unmentioned in America—is that both stress the need of a unified and coordinated National Ministry of planning...
...I 4 feed question is why the Government can't bay the rest of the beef production ana tee sad vegetable jacks far tike civilian public aad at on* stroke* solve the price control grehloa* aad wipe eat alack amrket Small retailer* have raised their puny voice* aa Capitol Hill in favor of the idea of the Gnooromant baying the total agricultural production of the United States at fair prices to the farmer and gruvsai and then torn the .products over te normal trade channels on a fixed price basis which would cut out the war profiteering, the price control problems, the evasions of OPA regulations and would ensure a fair distribution ef what is available for civilian consumption...
...Where to find the officiate to step into such sarrernment poets for labor...
...V,- i » • * 'Tsrfirmy has ordered 45% of the beef kill .Jfc'.lear, set aside for military requirements...
...labor and government, this is an ele-¦tst which will demand greater attention...
...An easy explanation is that Greenwood had the support of "left-wingers," and that they backed his "anti-Government position...
...The higher significance of this situation fits in the fact that although labor has long daauneed its proper place in the direction ef the war effort, a sadden compliance with it would pot organised labor in a dilemma...
...The removal of Potter, an A. T. 4 T. official, was demanded by CIO loaders in Washington because he bad tat nod over the New York OPA labor division to Saul Who, who is strictly from Browder...
...Voorhis, at ear request, wired The New Leader full particulars and we nan the story is oar Jane 5th mama...
...Capital Comment By JONATHAN STOUT JWASHmGTON./irtCTc^firming thCre-psrt in this space two months ago, WPB Chairman Donald Nelson this week announced the sjaointment of two labor vice-chairmen in the #ar Production Board in an effort to appease labor's demands for an active role in direction at the war effort...
...Before the House and Senate passed the bill,' the American Federation of Labor stated that it would work for the defeat of every Congressman who voted lor the Coonafly Bill whether or net it became a haw...
...When Mrs...
...That is...
...Nor do I know ef *"» Committee in the House in which I would hs* grontor confidence so far ss its courage sat effectiveness in probing to the very hotter* ¦ tins ai tuation is concerned...
...it * * SUBSEQUENT to my speech on the Floor I continued my attempt to get to the bottom of the facte about this contract In addition to that seme rather strange things have happened...
...oat against the contract...
...Labor has MS able ambassadors, such as the AFL's •* Watt, Frank Fenton, Boris Shishkin and IsCKrsJim Carey, Clint Golden, John Brophy...
...At the same time, the large bloc of miners votes under Will Lawther, which has been allied with Communist forces, supported an independent candidate W. G. Hall against Greenwood and Morrison...
...What we hope can be achieved in our conference,"* he said, "1* a first approach to the problems involved and a serieas attempt to work out certain fuDdsnsestsl principles, designed to form the basis of farther research work...
...For it was for the purpose of preventing Labor's announced retaliation against the Tory Congress that the bin now contains a clause making it a criminal offense for any lobar union to contribute funds' to political ttgealte tions...
...Gsetsao Salve* mem...
...Bat tho IfiMe-Browder kennel crop are getting atete egfjteet around the N.A.M...
...The vote was 1,951,000 to 712,000, but 600,000 of the latter total came from the Mine Workers Federation which is traditional rightist but is playing a political game of its own under the shrewd guidance of Will Lawther...
...I neglected, however, to take account of the fact that throughout this contract Standard, which under its terms to operate the entire field, fat to receive payment for Navy's 94 per cent a hare of the cost of operation in the form of oil...
...Standard Oil Company will receive a considerably larger percentage of the oil from the Elk Hills field than it should ia right and equity be entitled to...
...The keynote of the parley was «truck by Varian Fry, secretary of the conference, in his opening remarks...
...marketing snd sale of sB the oil «*asaissQ-« the largest remaining oil reserve in tJSe wtstp United States, ™ STORY OF SCOOP THE Hawse Public Lands Committee thie week heaps* a msMfct fawissnfijtion of the Elk Klls contract between the 1 Navy and the Standard Oil Co...
...Therefore, Standard will not have to psy that amount back...
...at the oil company's option, it can make payment in its own refined prod acts at the going prices at that tine, "la ether words, the Navy is te advance te Standard oil belonging to the Navy worth approximately I2t.-OOOOOe far a S year period at a* Interest charge te ' the all company, and is te give te the oB rasa pa ay the right to make repayment over an extended period of time in its o»a refined products, thea iieabHng the company to compete as a pert of its repay meat all the profit involved through its whole operation of producing and refining the oil...
...Don't miss It...
...Os psge two, a New Reader "montage" show* the evolution of the story...
...Speaker, one of the greatest dangers to true freedom in America is monopoly control of national re--ources...
...those days than in honest labor circls...
...Green who related the steps taken by the A. F. of L. to Study postwar needs...
...I urge with all the vigor at my command tee* this Committee undertake without delay •» *" vestigste with the greatest taorooghpem *g ceeitrset which in ray judgment suntr gives to one major %H company a coatpie" ¦aanoemly of the exploitation, a***8...
...I wish to re-emphasize once again that free the language of the contract the Nsvy itant can get no oil from now until the end ef that from its own oil reserve except by telling fit share of production to the Standard Oil Ce...
...I stated that since Standard ia to be given all the oil produced in the first five-year period...
...What lies behind this is the insistence by Kelson from the beginning that if the two men -akSjhi...
...Under his directorship, the vital Scott and Uthwatt reports, dealing with the utilization of tend and reconstruction of bombed areas, were made...
...Informed opinion here believes that if the coal miners, lacking a contract, fail to go to work Monday morning President Roosevelt may seise the opportunity to sign the bill with the expectation that the country will put the blame on Lewis...
...educational director Trade Union Lssfne of (French) Christian Workers...
...Standard Oil fat to receive 36 per coat .of all the oil produced under the terms of this contract Next I wish to correct one statement in my speech upon,the floor, but which leads to another consideration of greet importance...
...My office has been in receipt of a number of telephone calls from persons refusing to give their names but demanding to know where I got my information about this contract Incidentally, the principle answer to that question ia that the contract speaks for itself and as I have stated, it is my opinion that even s layman's reading of it will make clear what its major provisions are...
...Furthermore, the Standard Oil Co...
...not only receives a monopoly of the right to develop and market all the oil in this whole "treat reserve, but it receives other concessions of the most far-reaching- nature...
...He stepped off she plane (sentimentally named 'Mission to Moscow') and expressed shock st 'the abase the fits was taking.' He promised, as eae reporter quoted him, to take the stamp asd reveal names.' He darkly hinted that *s sensational story will break in two weeks which will make the opposition sorry.' "One sensational story, herewith, is about to break...
...It reveals names...
...Many of these people, including Greenwood, are not ready for a political break and on the clear-cut motion to end the national coalition voted with the party executive...
...3. Gives itself voluntarily to a no-strike pledge and wage freezing under a Little Steel formula without similar equal restrictions on the most scandalous War Profiteering in the history of the United States...
...of Navy oil...
...Q|*ernment will therefore buy almost half •» Wei consumer beef produced this year, wflevtrnment is buying equally large por...
...Tho reciprocity g ism tori Labor under that egret meat Bar its ne-ttrik* pledge is mat its noises would be secure against the attacks of aati ash a-employers...
...Only then did she discover that the invitation did .nag come from OPA but from the OPA Labor-Management War Activities flisaaaitoii of the United Federal Workers of America The committee had left off the BTV* kakei, which might have tipped off Mas...
...Members of the Executive Comnmlttee are: Raphael Abramovitch, David DabtJafky, Clinton Golden, William Oremm «eorfs ;IBt6»* risen...
...And in the February Commons debates over the creation of a Ministry of Town and Country planning, Greenwood was effective in his criticism of the Government and its substitution of a weak resolution for these important reports...
...is to receive a royalty of 60 per cent of the Navy's share of wet gaa to pay for processing...
...But even a layman's reading of the terms of Subcontract reveals provisions so far reaching, so sweeping- in the degree of monopolistic power granted to the Standard Oil Company, and in my opinion so clearly ^favorable to the'people of the United States that I wuld not refrain from apoahins...
...It will be with us after the war in aggravated form...
...denude the labor unions of their leaders far inch a purpose would obviously be out of Ote question...
...Louis Hollander...
...Big Business* had ate friends on the HiU Wham, he asked...
...ef onoat security against nasi taker attack the as sB.it* In the conspiracy clauses the Connally Bill gees beyond taking away anion security, it makes possible in positive terms the wrecking of anions sack as wae don* to tho Betters ttttettaadanal fdtowieg the infamous Diabmi decision by the positive harnstmsat el atmsgi suits which could bleed the unions white...
...An analysis of the Connally Bill shows clearly that it is more than an anti-Labor bilL It is in fact a key section of a complete economic and political (traitjacket for the Labor movement...
...Zylgelbojm ended his Bfe two «™V *«° in London in protest against ¦j...
...Roosevelt's silence as his own lieutenants aad floor leaders in Congress whooped the bill through was that the President hat become sensitive about the ridiculous charge that he is under Labor's thorns, and that he took a hands off attitude in order te prove his independence ef labor...
...Both reports have been shelved by the government...
...An illustration of what Mrs...
...Lieut-Commander Herbert Paul Muni...
...Green's speech was broadcast over the NBC network...
...leader iiataSil*Mr...
...payment to the Nsvy ess only be atast fav oil...
...Mfferencc of the world to the Nasi of Jews in Warsaw...
...origin of tho invitation...
...and ia practical terms anilines that agreement, for obviously all bent tho guarantee...
...NEXT WEEK: The Mew Lessor will publish «a exelasive story, presenting documentary evidence that, the Da vies film whitewash ef the Stalin regime involved a political sad moral hypocrisy of scandalous proportions...
...Green emphasized the AFL's support for the Wagner-Murray-Dingell bill which welds our social security system into a cohesive national system and stated that fair labor standards must be maintained in all nations...
...Several of the addressee will be printed in forth coming issues of the New Leader The statement by Professor Salvemeni appears in this week's issue on Page 6.) A luncheon session, presided over by Prof...
...Successful Parley Spurs Work of Am...
...Bat three weeks ago The New Leader told this story across its front paces—while the nation's press was silent...
...Mitts Sushis' around madly trying to get labor people to- sign petitions in support of Potter...
...Labor Conference More than (00 persona, representInfi, a esaise-eecuon of New York's iatsllectsaiaaj^lSjaffi aasV met last Saturday in the first annual pfiftsn^hi the Americas Labor Conference on International Affairs, at the Hotel Commodore, sad heard leading representatives of European labor movements as well as American labor leaden and government officials discuss the rote of labor in the poet-war world...
...The most important single result of the British Labor parley was that although the Coalition principle was approved as a wartime necessity it was made clear that the truce would end immediately after the war...
...at prinS again controlled by Standard that same oil « Hs byproducts...
...There is a ceiling on crude-oil prices so the company hs protected, but there far at present no ceiling price on gasoline fixed in the contract or elsewhere to protect the Navy or the Government, or the consumer, in spite of the fact that the Standard Oil Co...
...This 1*0,000,000 advance to be made by the Navy to the Standard Oil Co...
...The President has until next Friday midnight to sign or veto the Connally Bill...
...Insf* tried to drive home the fact that labor ¦tent can't be compared to business organi-asttens...
...Keenan is on leave from Us post as secretary of the Chicago Federation af Labor, AFL...
...Roosevelt arrived, she found herself on a speakers' platform loaded with Communists...
...Either gtaadard will assign to Navy one-third of the one-third of production which, under the contrast, will belong to Standard, or eiee...
...Roosevelt that The Pritllit snapped back with qao-teiteas from the Gallap Pell ami ether...
...vatastarfly , . agrees to mske payment in some other way...
...ia guaranteed ail end of production fat the Elk Hills field Far i Standard can deduct such costs from Navye share of the oil...
...It fa farther shviuss that since what Standard purchases from Navy its akart ef the oil there will be s credit on the hooka ef Standard to the Nsvy, snd antes a careful evamhaation ef the contract reveals that unless the Standard Oil Co...
...Emil Rieve, Vice-President of the CIO, presided...
...rsther then from any at its competitors the amount of oil eseal t» Navy's share ef Elk Hills prod actios It fat not necessary to remind anyone etsa remotely familiar with the oil business that when the contract speaks of "market priest ia crude otl"\it fat speaking of prices effoetitaw controlled by the Standard Oil Company Finally under the terms of this ceo tract, the Standard Oil Co...
...Roosevelt meant whan she ran tig* tori the Communists for misrepresenting themselves was afforded Washingtooian* several days ago when Mrs...
...It was this tacit promise that secured a large vote for the Coalition now...
...James Carey, secretary of the *XlLV*b A- Bittaer, Steel Workers' r™"1...
...under this contract, can apparently develop and produce gasoline from this oil reserve just about as rapidly as it desires...
...No asm said: Ia the Wfcfim Haas*, v Jerry Voorhis Writes - "Behind the Elk Hills Oil Scandal" By Congressman JERRY VOORHIS SOME weeks ago I obtained a copy of the contract between the Navy and the Standard Oil Company, of California whereby the Standard Oil Company was given the exclusive right of developing the Elk Hills Naval Oil gaeerve in California, the largest oil reserve in the whole world, with the possible exception of one In Arabia...
...The all-important paragraph in this contract, however, is the following one: Navy hereby grants to Standard the exclusive right and privilege, subject to the conditions hereinafter provided: (1) To drill for, mine, extract, remove, and dispose of the oil, gas, and other hydrocarbon deposits ' in or under said lands, together with the right to red rill arid repair efg, wells thereon and to use all property thereon belonging to the Navy, j I am no oil expert and am therefore not in * position to judge the technical details of this contract But it is apparent on its face from the language just read that it gives to one of the largest of the major oil companies of America a monopoly of the largest reserve in America...
...I find, however, that there were a number of points which I did not see at the time J made my speech and which J should like to mention briefly by way of recommending that Congress go further, snd more deeply into them titan it is possible for me ss sn individual to do...
...Forgotten Documents "Joseph E. Davie...
...I ike difference is the positions of Reuther u against Keenan and Golden is that leather is an elected leader of the rank-and-file, wfiereaa Keenan and Golden are the hired, albeit able, assistants of elected feeders...
...A week ago informed observers here were certain that the President would sign the bill...
...When a minister in Churchill's Government...
...posed af tea ceantry's teg labor leader*, vteibsd the WhHe Haas* recently te place API...
...Fry paid homage to the heroic men and women in the armed forces, the millions of European persons laboring in ska Nasi slave factories, and the miHions of Jeers in Poland who are being exterminated system-atically by the Nasi murderers, Mr...
...and the fact is that labor has not yet devel-M S corps of able and trained labor am-¦SStdora to delegate to such roles...
...Ob the floor of the House of Representatives I said in mart: "Mr...
...The Communists acknowledge Churchill more as their leader than any Labor Party figure...
...fleers, speaking for Fejf*fr workers...
...worth approximately capital at BO interest ¦hesiln^B^'^*"^ -&JS$S?^ "Seen after the 5-year period la op, t if ajasmrt to the Navy for the 18.000.000 barrels of ofl Just referred lev will be made in one of two ways...
...Looming as the moat probable of all is that the President's decision with respect to the Connally anti-Labor strait jacket is that it will not be made on the just merits of the case...
...Bat the bill does mere...
...Another moat noma la sartk malsisttlon is that Mr Roosevelt's Palaee Guard has persuaded him that be Uses not need the active basking ef the labor anions to mat e fourth term...
...Viewed from a larger perspective the Connally Bill is part of a trap in which Labor: 1. Give* of its flesh and blood to the firing lines of the war without any voice in the national councils that direct that national effort 2. Gives of itself and its skill and {labor in the production of the means of carrying on the war effort for ourselves and our allies without any voice in the direction or planning of that production...
...And the following week papers ever the country he gas printing the "news"—although many papers "buried" the story in (heir financial pages...
...Furthermore, it is to be noted that the only oil which wfll be credited to Navy under the terms of this contract fat the difference between Navy's 64 per cent share of production on the one hand and an amount of oil equal to 64 per cent of the cost of operation on the other this cost to be obviously entirely hi the control of Standard Oil for it wfll, of course, carry aa all the operations...
...It will make, net the opposition, but Joseph E. Device very sorry...
...are to share both the nim>SH of operation and the oil derived tWej&wae on -the basis of the oil-land value held by each...
...the fish and vegetable packs...
...Although Greenwood has been more sharply critical of government policies than the other top Labor Party leaders, most of those in the so-called "left-wing" (meaning those influenced by the Communists) have been the most enthusiastic backers of the Coalition policy...
...That explanation makes sense Only in a psychological context...
...British Labor Rebuffs CP, Pledges End of Coalition After War LONDON (by Cable).—The British Labor Party, meeting in Whitsuntide conference this week, reaffirmed its wartime stand in.favor of a Coalition Government and emphatically restated its opposition to totalitarianism by rebuffing the attempts of the Communist Party to gain admission to the Labor Party...
...E. C. Lindemann, heard William Green, President of the American Federation of Labor, emphasize that domestic and international objectives are linked and that social security at home must accompany social security abroad Mr...
...5. And now, to make it impossible for Labor to stir a finger to get out of the untenable situation in which it finds itself, a Tory Congress without an effective step having been taken by the Administration to prevent it has passed an anti-strike biH-which makes it a criminal offense for labor to do more than pass futile resolutions about the situation...
...It ia estimated that for the first five-year period this will amount to something m execess ef 5,000,000 barrels of oil...
...at Standard 'a posted price for oil, snd then beys* back again from the-Standard Oil Co...
...It fat again my great fesr that as time gees sn we will find these costs isc reasi a g for one reason or another asd that the amount ef oil to which the people af the United States snd their Nsvy wfll be entitled wfll became a smaller and smaller quantity...
...Greenwood was mainly in charge of the reconstruction plans...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 25

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