Canadian Letter: Shipshaw Scandal Exposes Alcoa, Company Unions Grow


Canadian Letter: Shipshaw Scandal Exposes Alcoa, Company Unions Grow By A. ANDRAS Special to The New Leader OTTAWA —For the pest few weeks Parlia-ment has keen disenasing the United Nations...

...The press and the public were rigidly excluded...
...If it is saved, it will operate under restrictions and limitations, of coarse...
...They felt that every man should have his stake and his opportunity, which accounts in large part for our old public land policy...
...Hnii ¦ iterd not ?eatefent -enough .to foresee the marked advances in technology which would increase farm tenancy by leaTAvand bounds, facilitate' the cultivation of large Holdings by monopolistic absentee owners^ sncf^tractor thousands of individual operators off the land... torn decided the TlnTiT?B...
...FSA clients are paying back much faster than they sre borrowing...
...It is tested when one of Jehovah's Witnesses, Or a follower of Father Divine, or a Trotskyite Party worker comes to your door...
...It is worth while to analyse the more important decisions...
...Inestimable good would have been done the country if a unanimous Supreme Cpurt bad agreed on an opinion for the good people of the City of Jeannette...
...You need not receive him...
...We must tolerate even intolerant, turbulent religious groups ;in time they will mellow into tolerance and will be accepted by the community or sink into oblivion...
...Coldwell threw a bomb-* shell into the proceedings with his expose of the Shipshsw deal...
...Whereas all farmers increased production of dried beans only 6 per cent, FSA farmers increased theirs 34 per cent, and they produced 27 per cent of the total increase for 1942...
...refused to be placed in a defensive position...
...Even these ventures have certain advantages over the holding of huge numbers pi small tenets by banks and insurance com-^Mtrdai which farm them vicariously through paid supervisors...
...So also we frequently get almost hysterical over* something as traditional aad conservative as all get-out 5^J6Uanibtation in Washington fits better into the- pattern of life as esteemed by the Founding •Fathers than the Farm Security Administra-gpKffiMpWfar, it started lift as aft independent iijplTl to!1s|T'l]iii Resettlement Administration, on April 30,1985, and the ghost of the respectable conservative gentleman who was its first head sttH lingers about it Like the old horse, that BW*jJ0aayUy nt the hjw limb on the willow, ¦bj^.-s^soing it placidly lor years, we Amer-iea«*U$fa^i take fright a... fur 1937 named Mr...
...There are 880,000 such families, all paid up sad self-supporting...
...Aluminum Ltd...
...Child liber wffi B reduced and more adults employed tatafe raising the general level of earnings Tm station of the teachers, souse of tha assst exsiaaj in Canada, ¦ M_ha ffcni 11 ijjAJht m hsj, latieu itself JfJty Sh11 esemsatt the tttjan attached to ejMhMin many MMMaiafcstj improve the hndfy strained natMH unity...
...The loans prove to be moire productive than any form' of farm subsidy ever invented...
...But, More than that, these noncollateral recipients iof governmental benevolence, as they are often regarded, had paid more than their amortizations required them to pay...
...It is customary (although not compulsory) for ministers to resign their directorates upon appointment Mr...
...After fifty years of agitaoes tea...
...sassW a* churches be required to pay a seat P">#* They get protection from the state...
...This almost threefold increase has not been due to any special ability of Its management but to its ability to grasp the Canadian and other governments by the throat and the willingness of these governments to perpetuate this blackguarding...
...then that year's instalment is repayable only in proportionate part, both as to principal and interest Out of war contracts, then...
...Half of the cases Ismsjh to the federal Department of Labour far an-ciliation purposes have to do with union resj nitkm...
...Canada baa in effect added a -btitian Mimn*tk»iBmmmM$miM tan United Natsene an jfa o*fsy mm tad^smr ' sewn?ew^w*> ^Pen\an*> ^^^^^^^^^^j^^^^^^^^^j^^j^^^^^^^^^^ ^^w^an^smm^^ iLm^through JfcSmV las* yeerBrttnJn* was tJB) laai i is Instill and...
...Coldwell drew the attention of the House of Commons—and the people of Canada —to the fact that Mr...
...It's the Ota horse snd the willow bough aenht There has also been s tendency on the part o/ We> borrowers to get together in buying OS-ops, to pool their resources, and to purchase fsrtaawr food, or equipment...
...Management is deterataa to fight to the last ditch before it will yak labor the right to recognise, to recegmtist tsj collective bargaining...
...I* Urn ardor Jackson overlooks tha fact that aht seal had made him a censor...
...We could insist that they go to other institutions for their credit but they hack collateral and could get none...
...The Farm Security Administration tackles this job in a variety of ways, most important of which is the making of noncollateral or what are essentially character loans to disadvantaged farm families, in-order to enable them to* effect their rehabalitation...
...Coldwell has deuunjL royal commission to fully investigate tat tan...
...The loans are made only after a careful survey of the farm family, its holdings, and its farm, and home policies...
...But its salvation will at least demonstrate that we Americans are willing to make appropriations for the doing of useful social and economic work, provided we surround them with/sufficient limitations to prevent an administrative staff from performing the work with the highest efficiency, ti...
...The magnificent food-production records of these farmers in the Food for Freedom Program is well known...
...Whereas all farmers increased milk production only 8 per cent recipients of FSA loans increased their 20 per cant, 1942 over 1941, and contributed 86 per cent of the entire increase in milk production for 1942...
...Americans, believe in your right to ring your neighbor's door-bell!'' Freedom From Fear WITH this issue The New Leader begins s department covering the civil liberties front in wartime...
...Justice Reed wrote the majority decision and Justice Frankfurter, Jackson, Roberts and Byrnes agreed with him...
...but the poorw •* and denominations would be pushed V *»** and- perhaps ultimately eliminated Tt »* prospect we ought not to be indiflersM...
...The figures for eggs ware 31 par cent, beef 38, chickens 36, peanuts 88, soybeans 106,, and sugar beets 24...
...Justice Murphy, concurring, stated that freedom of religion has a higher dignity under the Constitution than municipal or personal convenience...
...Possibly an altogether new and usually more diversified pattern of land use is required of the operator...
...The war effort invariably takes second ens in the considerations of msnagement...
...Coldwell ******&XmmJtrk »utt maim ^i^, ties, tha government ergaaixatiea, fct IwT-mZ...
...TTHE Mho* day Mr...
...The behavior here revealed is not worthy of a place alongside religious preaching...
...the leans are contingent Upon this...
...Rehabilitation comes first and repayment second—just the reverse of the order when credit is obtained from commercial sources demanding full collateral...
...The reason we set a* we do about this matter la>^hat we •Americans also very much fear Government...
...He calk attention to this situation: Jesnnette is an industrial city of 16.099 inhabitants...
...wawwuns snnta bring- to Shipshaw anc toi what tiie implications are to tha p«y_7 CaniIs sand ef the United States...
...From 1930 to 1042 the Aluminum Company, owner of Shipshaw, has seen its assets rise from $126,000,000 to $860,000,000...
...It enable*" hundreds of thousands of such unfortunates to re-establish themselves as producing and consuming units in our economy...
...Itinerant evangelists, who preach through literature distributed or sold, Daagtos held, are as worthy of protection as are the well-paid preachers who disseminate their beliefs from the pnlpit...
...offended householders complained to the ponce and several Witnesses were arrested...
...position was well put by its House leader, Mr...
...Just why a people superficially so devoted to science as we are should undergo alarm when the experimental scientific method is used in the field of social science, where it must be used more and more to render these disciplines useful tools to us, it is difficult to say...
...b religious rights, aa Madison seH,lnV_* security only in "a multiplicity of esifc, »' have tax exemption for all churches ss*»• group like Jehovah's Witnesses might anal Why, asks Justice Frankfurter...
...They proceeded in a most Workmanlike way and fashioned us a Constitution...
...The company has recently placed $15,000,000 in preferred stock on the market Mr...
...McCarthy is also s director of power companies which hsve actively opposed the development of publicly owned power developments, particularly the St Lawrence Waterway project "This House should know," Mr...
...A man's home is his refuge, and he should be protected from such onslaughts and disturbances...
...While not suggesting that the repatriation should be used to counterbalance the Mutual Aid bill, the C.C.F...
...In the first place, what specific ¦**"J™f would a Witness receive for hii iknntol** $1.60 per day...
...Ia 1787 a group of our ancestors got together in Philadelphia to write us a Constitution...
...This is a third more than the total of such loans made during the same flscsl year...
...has token an opposite stand...
...sixty per cent on the Shipshaw power development...
...The Fire Department waa called ant to help the policemen...
...Any charitable, educational, professional, r*J"l or what-not that ia non-profit-makhsg^r...
...The writer is Milton Kenvitx, Professor ef Law at New York University Law School, and easoetato counsel of the National Ass's for the Advance-stent of Catered Peo-let, as...
...t^wFmTmFm^C aW©VO% ttosaw^Od TSXXwawinee at Quebec has recently fj|ntj a Httle closer to equality with the tea-province...
...sf th employers to meet with the union...
...The provocative facts in the cases come eat only ia the dissenting opinion of Justice Jefkaon...
...Ia the second place, churches ar* because they are churches, but because *•»«¦ not business corporations, because ,|jg .a*, organised for profit-making...
...M. J. Coldwell: "If it were a question of giving these to the common people ef Great Britain, t would take another view...
...On Palm Sunday the threat was made good: ever 199 Witnesses, ia mere than 25 automobiles, swooped down oa the town...
...Justices who previously constituted the minority, and brought a new alignment Ten opinions were written in the more recent cases,, taking up 66 pages of rather fine print...
...That was the cradle of our liberties...
...So, in line with that philosophy, an institution was at last established to help these unfortunates upon whom technical inefficiency was Imposed by poverty, or who were already being forced off the soil...
...Jackson analyses the literature distributed by Jehovah's Witnesses and concludes that it is unworthy af protection... of die opinion that it would enable the Canadian people to obtain ownership and control of its own resources...
...of merit in them i. a challenge to an not to become censors...
...Black pointed out that control to receive or reject callers must be vested in the householder...
...Distribution ef literature fat a constitutional privilege which may not be taxed (aniens the fee is only nominal ). for the power to tax stay he exercised in a way that would destroy tha privilege...
...Other stock manipulations have taken place, calculated to increase the value of the shares of original stockholders...
...Justice Rutledge had voted with the four...
...In this introductory article he Wsraont the basic viewa.ea civil Kharthis recently eisborted by Use Supreme Court...
...Aluminum has emerged with one of the largest power utilities in the world aad the largest aluminum producing facilities ia the United Nation...
...Up to the first of 1943 some 23.000 of these borrowers had paid hack a total of $3,000,000 more toon the installments due, their repayments being at a rate of ltt installments a year one 40-year amortisation plan...
...The' small operator found himself in an irresistable squeeze...
...Frankfurter argaes that tax-exemptat to-religious institutions unites church sat ska But suppose the state decided to tat tat an holdings of all religious institotiDns—whs would he hurt and which might be temanf The well-to-do institutions like (be lone Catholic Church, the Protestant afrJssfS Church and the Jewish Reform Tempto) wuh not be seriously affected...
...If you call a policeman, you are resorting to force...
...The F.S.A.—An American Way To Solve Our Farm Problems By T. SWANN HARDING If begins to appear as if the Farm Security Administration might be saved...
...This brings to mind a typical btondet at th) Labour Department Recently the Minister a> nou need that there were over 809 lahor-wanap> ment committees in Canada...
...While tha present provincial government W* prepceed no measures which haanjaot sated elsewhere for generations, it hdj bets, it Quebec, quite progressive...
...Britain, the U.S.A...
...The test of your democratic faith comes not when a Catholic sister or a Republican ward leader rings your door-bell...
...Ia 1942, FSA farmers increased their pork production 36 per cent over 1941...
...Since that is precisely the way in which we purchase public adoration, are departments, sewer systems, and sidewalks, or street lighting, it is also a little difficult to comprehend the hostility such mild behavior provokes...
...The necessity for following scientifically approved farm and home practices* is stressed...
...MOREOVER families so rehabilitated remain rehabilitated...
...They stand aoww*nt*s»s^f»tn Usaitod participation in the war...
...None of them come buck for more...
...way sjaw they not pay for it...
...For enough advance payments have been made to bring repayments up to 91 per cent of the total amount due...
...4ha family-size^farm Pounding Fa^bers'visualized-agriculture rather tuASf in'this pstterfi...
...The result is reflected in the company's stocks on the market Common stock rose from 65 a year ago to 133 in May of this year...
...ffjfS^i to the bast practice in the best ¦ Constitution itself gives no dcnnitica.^^, equally true ef the provision for th*Tl_ rise," «f religion ia the First AansJjnW...
...Canadian Letter: Shipshaw Scandal Exposes Alcoa, Company Unions Grow By A. ANDRAS Special to The New Leader OTTAWA —For the pest few weeks Parlia-ment has keen disenasing the United Nations Mutual Aid Bill The bill will provide a billion doTlsrs whereby Allies will be able to purchase trar supplies, including foodstuffs, in Canada in proportion to their needs and without incurring debt...
...THE opinions ef Justice Jackson aad 1 Justice Frankfurter, while tha meat plausible when rend superficially, are tha most disappointing when ersmkesd cam-' fatty...
...It is the only too familiar story of Monopoly and Cartel—exploitation of the country and the people by a power-and-money-lusting few...
...Indeed, if you put out a notice that salesmen and solicitors «re not to ring your bell, the law will protect your privscy...
...Ohio, which made it unlawful for any person distributing handbills to ring the door-bell or sound the dear knacker...
...It is significant that the set a> vmcial party Bloc Populsire...
...Their local head visited the Mayer and threatened to need the City with Witnesses more Witnesses than the police would be able to handle...
...The Farm Security Administration harks back to tbe old fajnilyrf i*e farm...
...McCarthy at ami the .men Mocking the development af (/to af Lawrence waterways as s public snterpra%«S New York newer authority also named Canna Life Assurance, of which Mr...
...ProrinaTal titan* in the near future wiH indicate wftther it tn been able to win the support of'the sunk...
...Tte th*"doorby aJehovah't Witoatofa^^ price to Pay for religious freedom ana.freedom of the press...
...One of the books distributed or sold is Rutherford's "Enemies," which vilifies religion in general, and the Catholic Church in particular...
...But large holdings of separately operated enterprises became common...
...The connection with the Canadian minister to Washington with the Aluminum deals has not been the least of the government's discomfiture...
...JUSTICE Frankfurter, one of the dissenters...
...The hyps*** that public interest is served by through tax exemption the free' axynto"^ citixens in activities thst stand iw«j»»J^ toe profit motive...
...Maybe, like old Dobbin, we need the "blinders taken off for a while...
...who were so zealous in calling the police to drive away frem their doota Jehovah's Witnesses, which would have said, in effect: "Americans must learn to practice forbearance...
...That this government investment in the integrity of the American character is warranted there can be no doubt Of course, there are alternatives...
...Konriut srtiele will appear aa a monthly basis... Umb> eeaaien Canada naa done- too much already...
...Tax exemption for churches way w» written into the Constitution, butJh**"^ practice of states and their sobdlMshml 150 years indicates a constitutional **?r/pi custom that cannot easily be brashes •***asj does tiw Supreme Court know wto**^ process" in the trial of s esse...
...Farm tenants who are buying their farms with Farm Security Administration funds do quite as well...
...Although baoaj eatwotod in the House, "till W^gmTwsjto> af ^>e erhete situation » tablet tnaerar atatmda would reveal greater iiipppil for them than their present numbers i iiiilrfftatonli risintb Canada in the main is stillsanpstaena of British motives in this war, •and Vie Government has msde no concerted |NT^rTWJrf BB With the discussion on the bill 1 was the Vexed fahttan of repatriation of British investments in Canada British capital-isU have always been heavy investors in Canadian industry and even now continue to draw interest on their investments...
...It is furthermore true that there is outstanding s non-interest-bearing British debt of $700,000,000 against which these repatriated investments could be applied...
...antra tion of labor organisation comes first TV anv paign for company unionism is atatngst tot ever...
...We could continue these people on relief at $800 or more a year instead of rehabilitating families for good for a total cost of $75, but businessmen would regard such procedure as fiscally insane...
...Vigilance on the Home Front The Supreme Court and American Liberties By MILTON R. KONVITZ QN June 8, 1942, the United States Supreme ^ Court, by a 5-4 vote, upheld the constitutionality of an ordinance of the City of Opelika, Alabama, requiring book agents to pay a license fee of $10 per annum, and transient distributors $5 per annum...
...Bat, under that Constitution, these ancestors of ours hogtied the Government with so many cheeks and, balances that Bevsridge of the Heveridgeiplan the other day chicled us Americans with being, afraid of government and of democracy, quite unlike the English...|o^ and illusions...
...On May 3rd, the Court again by a 5-4 vote, reversed itself and declared the Opelika and similar ordinances unconstitutional...
...But we are simply si lowing control of these great organisations by i group of private absentee capitalist* who hare erplcitod th* Canadian and the British people through the years...
...Opposition to it has come pnry from a small but vociferous group of isolationist members from Quebec...
...Farm families on relief cost the public at least $300 a year, and that is insufficient Complete rehabilitation of these families costs not more than $75 for alt time...
...Justice Douglas, writing the opinion for the majority held the ordinance unconstitutional...
...In s radio talk on May 26, Secretary Wickard announced that collections on rehabilitation loans for the year ending-June 30 next will total about $130,000,000...
...Use no force...
...putsory education has been instituted in (tan* This will mean that teas of thousands cf da dren who hitherto toft school •em.-UHtosto because af the young age at which theyuZ, withdrawn by their parents, will hare to stenj until age fourteen...
...The feet remains that one man with a tractor and a tractor moldboard plow can do as much work in 10 hours, on an average, as can be done with a one-horse walking plow in about 90 hours, a two-horse walking plow in about 47, and a riding horse-drawn moldboard plow ia about 83 hours...
...The results of this policy speak for themselves...
...wofl p» caotributer to leading law journal...
...calling cannot be prohibited...
...Hj^ • ; -'' The bill has won the approval of nearly ail parties in the House...
...We could ask them to repudiate technology and turn themselves into a sort of sub-human American peasantry...
...A combine, which is being adapted also for harvesting small grains and soybeans, makes it possible to haWest an acre of grain with from one-third to one-fourth the labor needed with the binder-thresher method...
...True, agriculture does not readily lend itself to large-scale integration in huge units, as in industry...
...At the time of writing, s large shsj nfl In Hamilton and eight steel mills ir...
...There is really no reason for us to shy at it every now and then and get scared...
...are ikiiana _ ttaacistnd with numerous power —iiissan * ' *wamsto»MWi|la to»*er sfirerprisea.*-- In nWai . all these facts Mr...
...Leighton McCarthy was ap to January of this yesr a director ef the Aluminum Company of Canada aad is still a director and vice-president of its parent body...
...The Founding Fathers made a great deal of equality of opportunity...
...The C.C.F...
...Premier Godbout has endangered hit f ntan a a considerable extant by his almost canst* endorsation of the war in this stronghtM u isolationism...
...It is true that in the course of its experimentation the Farm Security Administration has tried out forms of cooperative farming which bear rather more resemblance to ancient manorial agriculture than to communistic corporate farms...
...The conservatives in the House are opposed to any further repatriation, which is not surprising...
...Each home was visited by a Jehovah's Witness, and, if the householder would listen, a record was played ia which religion, especially the Catholic Church, was attacked as s racket Nstnrslly...
...From these it appears that t to stontial number, if not a majority, af ton so-called committees are aathhtg hot esaum aniens under various disguisss, The people who collected the informatics to the department simply dad not know tat dhhr ence and the companies canvassed dh) not teat j to be too enlightening...
...Is not the householder entitled to a degree of protection... need not e^en open your door...
...Events each as the "soot-suit war" in Lea Angeles, the increasing: racial tunsinn in Washington and Detroit indicates that nerves are becoming frayed and that resect to violence on the part ef sense groups may be to the •fang, fai these eases, civil righto mast he zealously guarded as one of the basic freedoms far which we fight...
...But use no wrath...
...and others...
...The Canadian government's hsanttenril to the Canadiajrbranch of Alcoa has been made through a special depreciation allowance of ever $177.-000.000 to be spread over the years 1941-45 One-hundred-per-cent depreciation is allowed an all capital expenditures for expanding aluminum production...
...Some of them ware quite successful...
...The total number of all farmers was 9,097.000 in 1942, while the number ef actively supervised FSA borrowers producing that year was but 463,914 or 7.6 par cent of the entire number...
...Then will at t greater degree of true literacy, net merely th ability to sign one's name...
...thoroughly isss-tionist has been growing apace This wjE rake itself not only provincialty but federally u wa\ since Quebec sends 65 members to toe Bean a* Commons, of whom not more than tec am tie-English-speaking • • » Sfrugole on tha Labor Front |"kN the Labor front there is unrest, tnisitsa and bitterness...
...Gab at tied up by strikes because of the refuse...
...Fret asm of the peaas exists not wary far the literature - worthy af Justice Jackson's approval hat far the literature, tea, that mstIsa hat eoatatioaal taw the quality af Rstherferd'i writing* at totally Urate van...
...exempt Such institutions may "h wealthy, big and powerful (for ssoaisst American Medical Association, ¦fgyfi-lV varsity, Mt Sinai Hospital...
...Coldwell has charged that shares were spread in limited quantities throughout the country in order to establish a semblance of vested interest among small investors, favorable to the continued existence of the company as a monopoly...
...Why should their rest be disturbed against their will...
...The Court in his opinion, has tied the hands of local authorities in dealing with a provocative subject * * • TSE Court also considered an ordinance ef the City ef Struthers...
...WattT lane this: tha absent...
...From the beginning of the Farm Security Administration's work to the first of 1943, 85 per cent of the total amounts due.on these so-called high-risk loans had been repaid on time...
...and Australia have also contributed advance payCoeaPnny of CtJS^^^v^1*^^^^' 090 at $ par,-ea*trt|ts lean Is tspaynelt In fafl only tf II 11J jstoj J iptoli tsj, | thereby is fully utilised in any of the years front 1941 to 1961...
...In one case involving an ordinance of Jean-nette, Pa., a license was required for canvassing or soliciting...
...Jackson points out that many inhabitants of the town work at night and must sleep in the daytime...
...At the same time it also upheld license requirements in Arkansas and Arisona...
...Vigilance en the home front is a vital nwrush/ those days...
...The ftgurt sstssf so thoroughly exaggerated that mvestojstos were made...
...Jackson also asks if the Court should be indifferent to the fact that here what paraded as religious ideology and evangelism was really obscene, commercial and abusive...
...Their significance ought not to be glossed over...
...Justice Stone, Black, Douglas and Murphy dissented...
...others were nob - In any ease they were purely experimental, and it is certainly no more heinous to carry on a social and economic experiment than to perform one in chemistry, physics, or biogenetics...
...They felt that it was an obligation of democratic society to help those who, through no fault of their own, could not readily help themselves...
...The implications are many...
...The minority, not the majority, are the real defenders of religious freedom, he argued, for, he said, by making religious institutions tax-free, the majority join together church and state and compel the state to support the church...
...Justice Black, ia his opinion far the majority, declared the ordinance unconstitutional, and stated that "door-to-door distribution of circulars is sasential to the poorly financed caaaes of little people...
...The C.C.F...
...In February of this year Justice Rutledge took the place of Justice Byrnes, and'soon after, the Court reconsidered these cases...
...In doing so it is operating conservatively in both s social snd s fiscal sense...
...McGarthpS Arthur W. Dnvis, brother of the ptn*aknir-j Aluminum of America...
...The borrowers are in a very real sense the victims of a technology too rigidly applied for profit and with insufficient regard to social consequences...
...They did just that too...
...Incidentally therefore, their exclusion at Hot Springs had the best of precedent) Tha idea was that the delegates to the Constitutional Convention would not talk to the galleries and the press, but would attend to business...
...Why, he asks, if church and state are to be separate, should not the former pay for the police protection it incurs T -, Ha answers the objection of Justice Douglas that the newer to tax may be used to destroy religion, by quoting the famous sentence of Holmes: "The power to tax is not the power to destroy white this Court sits...
...The answer is: no saorepa*v tion than any other person on the the eHy may charge hhn a fee, why stay »»» charge any visitor to the eity, who, ¦ s way, would benefit from the existence af s aw police force...
...That .would be utterly alien to our philosophy...
...Although the litigation to the Opt Mrs and other cases involved only Jehovah's Witnesses, a religious sect that peddled literature frees door-to-door, far reaching consequences ware involved for freedom of the press aad religion, as is evidenced by the ' fact that briefs supporting the petition for rehearing were filed by the American Newspaper Publisher* Association aad the ACLU...
...Some $900,000,000 have already been token over by the British government and sold to Canadian investors in order to obtain Canadian currency for war purchases, but there still remain over $1,000,-000,000 worth invested in such corporations as Canadian Pacific Railway, Canadian Industries Ltd., the Hudson's Say Co...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 24

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