Mid-West Report - Isolationist Forces Menace U.S. Role in Peace


Mid-West Report - Isolationist Forces Menace U.S. Role in Peace By L. M. BIRKHEAD t\tUivH<U Director, Friend* of Democracy •T'HE overwhelming weight of sentiment re-* gsrding the problem* of the...

...agile a demsgogue ss Browner can «»tria|» himself from bis present position...
...The recent decision of the general council of the Trade Union Congress to allow the civil servants to affiliate with it has raised a huge controversy...
...Awl tare eeetk»8 of the liberal world have arrayed themaelvee w^W...
...The same beans were sold to consumer* at $3 a basket...
...The extent of the probe has...
...In the best clubs, the talk aatasfly refiart* tha Hitter pobxacai lam so that there is an indication that anti-Semitism may become a powerful political weapon again** ths traditionally libera...
...They are not in the war, however, to the extent of cooperating wholeheartedly with the necessary rationing regulations, and so far they are not in the war to obtain a practical and constructive lasting peace...
...Vital machinery and d lines have been wrecked...
...e' #¦ • LEGISLATIVE INDIFFERENCE AND IG-i NORANCE: Tfc*a* is ¦ u i Hili wsw/sjmhls feeling among many Middle Westerns that their Senators may not be entirely sound on foreign ejH^JwHw^ ^^Bw*' ^^PBJK^ •flBJBf^U' W^(^J ^V^BJ*^ i^BPJ^ ^Pp^flRs:' ^B^jpJP feel that way...
...who has reversed himself once again in the last fortnight) that nothing the Daily Worker prints, ear anything the Stalin-ists here hi the labor movement ,' are do tag, differs see ista frees the Tom intern period...
...The total tonnage currently being dropped • over Nasi Germany fat exceeds the Luftwaffe bombings of Britain even in April of 1941...
...w« had expected some one to begin osay...
...The church statement pointed out that it us time when the nations ef North «a* ***» America sr...
...W wto a war on the military front without asm (due to the Middle Western attitude) of why ning the peace ^ Unless the people of the Middle * est asm...
...Dais-berg, Essen, have suffered what London never knew...
...The rationing regulations are the principal basis of the complaints against the Administration and if the Administration is defeated at the polls next year it will be because of resentment against rationing and not because of the conduct of the war or the foreign policy of the Administration...
...Says France Speaks...
...But black and white are never the only colors in the spectrum, # physics or in politics...
...In fact the most depressing evidence I received was of the pTsffw^r^u<p^"to*ti»»- stand and sientoMi...
...Have the bombings been decisive in any way...
...And issues, personalities, aad old-time grievances are all likely to give life and fire to die sessions...
...Many groups in the party have been profoundly disturbed by the new so-caned "intelli...
...For djk thing he wilt have a hard time divorcrng Mp> - self from his uisnisunwii of the Bed**** system, with its esc*M*j*ent piecework ev phwhatien in American deserts* plants...
...am tomato, f*pa Mr...
...A few years ago...
...Tan Feeu-fk "Freedeat" TTHE Protest*ritCatholic debate en toe ssk ef <-* "Protestant missions" 1* Soettt Aaw»w» threatens to flare up again and ******* <**>* proportions In many South American countries (Ail**tee for exempt*) the Catholic church k s mm church supported out of stone tax fanes lewd oa the whole population...
...For some time it has been apparent from the cautious and veiled statements of the Socialist Party in London that the leading ideas advanced by de Gaulle and several persons in his entourage were characterised by an authoritarian flavor...
...For the move is a direct . challenge to the 1927 Trades Disputes act which prohibited civil servant unions from taking part in partisan politics, or affiliating with the congress-Leading personality around which much attention is to be centered is fiery Herbert Morrison, Home Secretory and member of the War Cabinet...
...not been revealed as yet and its Is not known whether the com-mittee will go after the bigmid-dlenien such as the Dairy Trust which reaps a harvest by paying low prices'to farmers and charging high prices to consumers...
...Churchill, may cent for a good deaL-The remarks which Mr...
...Particularly outspoken wag Bishop Woods of Lichfield, most prominent of the kegfe*** to urge the snaring ef Rome...
...be aroused, there will certainly be —inlt sgslaet the war aad it win he a rusiiaw against ear effective pertieipetiea is UW...
...To emphasise his point, the South Carolinian cited n recent experience of his' own...
...reauW tiouox the effectiveness of such r-opaganei when the Government caught up wrtt t leading Mid-West Japanese prvperandet and the public was shacked to realise test he had had the support of some ot tha most distinguished citizens it the H)s*k West The job of combatting this isolationist ss> rlment is important and must be done...
...Only a few rails have been made in Eastern Germany by the Russians...
...3—Anti-Russian agitation which also may be Axis-inspired, i 4—Shocking ludlff*ren*f to what hfiddta Western U. S. Senators are saying aad ignorance of the basic tendencies in Congress...
...The French Socialist Party in London has opened s vigorous and emphatic fire against these statements...
...rf the hierarchy hi right...
...PROSPERITY: To all outward appearances, 'the Middle Wast is enjoying the greatest prosperity to its history...
...I have Ma*ers*aa/sngk evidence of prosperity at any time or any place, even during and immediately after the last war...
...of the Middle West don't know what their Ian stars have been saying, what they as* doing, how they voted and what they stand fee...
...Spiritually, the Middle West may at present be incapable of winning a "People's War" and a "People's Peace" because of: 1—An astounding and softening tide of dollar prosperity which is inconsistent with sacrifice...
...Old-time grievance likely to come up sharply is the renewed campaign to enlist the Postal Worker...
...opponents are readily admJttlag that the Conservatives Ire playing a shrewd hand -by recegn i zm g a lefties tendency spang electorate with the prssgea of troops coming home to accentuate the stiH swoffV* tor Gearahto^saw' %to Cswfsseec^as^ a^ -wsrakeg ¦ iiielimi, Disrate...
...Geeeld L .M...
...Wkwr U. S. Lekor Soy* Caf...
...Fulmer said efforts had been made to hold the farmers responsible for the plight of the consumers...
...Leading issues, as reported here earlier, may welt he the move to affiliate the Communist party...
...There Is No Democracy Without Political Parties...
...Bat th* qmtion is, d* the de Gautt* forces stand for a clearheaded grass-roots liberal policy...
...They can claim they are net Fascists, but they arc Fascists all the same...
...The ehnrch te* » aflM • large landowner, and the hierarchy is hake* organically to the ruling regime...
...Jeelww el • petegetives the ehnrch ha* fought the aftestek meat of Protestant ptoeelytyhig isiisiasi I* to** countries and in scene cases has ktvoted hun-ential gpvei smsiU aid-Now the General Assembly of the (Btittersf Presbyterian Church hi the United Stews to) protested to the State Deportment whet it mtea "the current ef oft ef the Berne* hssienmy • deprive the Protestant churches of their rifja to propagate their faith in Latin Assam re se ths alleged ground that sueh Activities i* ptermsssey Roman Catholic countries prove a h|*ir*sm a the "good neighbor policy...
...No part of Germany outside the Rhine-land has been bombed regularly or heavily except Bern...
...Anti-RuMtian Agitations This has become widespread and the resulting prejudice is aot based upon any documentation...
...the heaviest period...
...The tenor of the remarks on the floor of the House, when the bill was passed, was such as* to indicate, that the kid gloves might be coming off and some heavy slugging be on ahead...
...Those men who are new criticising were the same men who in their respective parties, played the disintegrating role they are denouncing now...
...The interest of the people in the postwar period appears to be purely academic They are in the war so far as giving up their boys to Uncle Sam is concerned...
...Commenting en ***** "A* far se th* American laker *»'•«*¦* is concerned, it is difficult to see hew, esse ss...
...AJthough toe article lacks polemical style end doge aot single out any specific individuals, it indicates sharp lines of distinction, and a reading between the lines is simple...
...Hampton P. Ful mer, Democrat of South Carolina...
...Morrison Seeks Leadership of Party As British Labor Conference Opens Special to THE NEW LEADER LONDON, England...
...Peters from the station district...
...The ostatma* being asked are —Can there really be victory through mere air power...
...If this weight of sentiment, which now produces the confused prejudices in Congress, is permitted to have its inevitable effect on continuing Congresses, the result may be a very unhappy position for America in any future society of nations, for it will certainly sabotage any practical measures for global planning and international cooperation for the improvement of all peoples, including our own...
...Fur dexmfas */Mar_5 n*i eofesooM *ecni*T^>te-*aW| T-^M toJsfan!^" *t*mP^k ^ ofsyawa' ^^gfcWJ j*Tete^^'th^mmg°^ crer ewf J*^^SJL?r& Asaertew «*w %^*keken*kei |" ' apwwi...
...fighting for foadsMU*t*Llxi **¦ "it is deplorable that the leader* of Ce^** skwaid he so far out of step to propose A* *ke> dening ef this principle ef religions Bbart/ fc» which men ef both nmsrirei are gteiaf ** lrses...
...Senators hear meetly f res the- onranhwc lationists and from very few oU^rF^ t esd Aaneriee First erewst the Mothen towalT ^^^aS^^^oi ttnJeS dition, it is necessary to reach the start*,, condueipa that we may be spending flax h3 of our young people asm biHJom of dalhws...
...They are vague about it...
...Is the kept on the faaehrtaT ** * Congress to Probe 'Middleman' Gouge of Farmers, Consumers Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D- C — The "middleman," bane of consumer and farmer alike, is going to be investigated by Congress via a committee headed by Rep...
...Tha k • matter on which CIO waders a*y« mais-tained silence because 'they feel it is none ST their business...
...Those who believe in the reconstitutioa of political parties sre without any possible douht democrats...
...has reconstructed itself underground and proclaims its aeberenee to full democratic principle...
...J» nninl...
...The destruction has been immense...
...He recently shipped to Washington, he said, a "beautiful lot" of lima beans...
...The recent communique which listed the May 27-28 bombing of Essen ss the fifth raid raised a problem...
...Workers' effi-(V set morale) has been lowered from the Pfyakal fattgae of lack of sleep, extra the fighting of fires, attentive reader will note that always the samp names appear—mostly in the Ruhr district,, with isolated ,rald#?on Berlin and 1 . I 1 1 ¦ Munich...
...Bat this was net * matter ef poScy—bet ef marksmanship...
...however, and so he preheat...
...Aasericn* ^CUCH * restrictive and unsound me—• compulsory grade-i_jeling fcnd fiat ir*9<i oansamer goods, particuUrly food . •»•¦ «^n|»*tety change eur American way «T Ufo —^rederm C. Heini of the B. J. !«>*• testifying before House snb-commtOse...
...Could it he that "the world's most heavily bombed city" has not been knocked out of the war despite more than half-a-hundred biewe...
...by Cels^O?*?hW^toea,S5...
...we hems U get" he said, the «M order may be tewelsre, th...
...the stakamset ea> tinned, "in insmting that Protestant wssmel sfcnwld cane* in Latin America harass* Pit's) taau are in the minority m those country aha •aaakt <f*^|i>^*ciy1*' Konu>i CaskekV *ssp> the Fee test mat Syned ekeswed that Ht* CamF lie Hwrnitky has knew**) taken ape* *** # grave responsibility hi thus muredncing am dkes ¦ire elements of fftfrisnitm...
...Mem-sen addressed to the Fabian Society this Week may be taken as direct consideration of this problem...
...Another disturbing element has keen the attitude of seme of the GsuTlist underground groups, which display the antagonism towards the old democratic party system end proclaim that de Gaulle must be the political leader of post-war France...
...Grain's article, published hi the newspaper France in London on April 24 snd reprinted here by France Speak* is titled...
...Half the consignment werrt to a chain store for which he received $1.10 a basket, the other half to two commission houses, one of which paid 45 cents, the other 65 cents a basket...
...a Twentieth Century Fund study the ¦ B|ii*||^fflg«*ptto»-tribution costs, and found that Clippings and Comment By DANIEL BELL THE struggle for the future of France has largely t-*n 6U«w»«d ifta»w-ii#illliiiill|f^ of de Gaulle and Giraud as the con^cta** P«rnorialilifi8 of liberalism...
...Also, they are buying bonds and cooperating with civilian defense...
...ANTI-SEMITISM: Vicious anti-Semitic sen-timents are expressed now not only among the crackpot organizations—Silver Shirts, folhmmm **B*v...
...The disasters, ef course, have been farfig...
...It is doubtful that, there, wad be any notable effect from^the has no factual, reasoned basis ^J^f^f**^^ have no factual, reasoned basis for changing its- mind as a result of the dissolution...
...People who never before had an opinion spat wsw or ths other about Jems as a group, now parrot the anti-Semitic "line...
...Those who de not accept this reconstitution are not democrats They are wittingly or unwittingly Fascists...
...If Italy's capital was the home ef the Chore* and the storage house ef Renaissance culture, it is also the headquarters ef Fasxhnm, dotted with military targets ef key rem falls* i. The Vatican, on the west hank ef the Tiber, is far removed from II Dwee's adsssslstlstlis walkings, sad more than two miles separate St...
...I. eVsopa't Cnow including H arold J. Lasfci...
...Columnist Rsymend Clapper arrived in London from war-tense Sweden and was amazed to hear w sit spued sentiment against the bombing ef enemy rivilisn centers...
...M peace, • • • T5AT the situation is not without poaeiafSw of correction is evident from the two ehaaae> of opinio* which hare already taken plam <a*V recently...
...Fm« Ho F»r« J*ro the Fryieg Fa* rXSQRGl DIMITROFF wee the ctoei defaudani Mks th* Reichstag ftp* trial...
...Chief opponent is Amur Greenwood...
...A careful surrey of the uninformed political opinion in the Middle West removes all of the mystery as to why isolationists m Coanajami still are isolationist...
...Morrison is a candidate for the important post of Treasurer—in practice and by tradition the party's leader...
...ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT for weeks and months Bitter's German Defease Kates have feared and expected aad fought the air-power ravages of the Allied bombers...
...Smith, Geanai- B Winrod...
...During three years, Vichy prop age ads has asphyxiated a public opinion lacking the oxygen of liberty...
...Ask them what pi ru,isswsi —name a few of the leading industrial or fiis —t wS$l tSim^Lir prmaaT foanwt'ef mind thry wonld faff to oppose see*, depravity...
...The result is that rationing is causing considerable irritation among the people and they manufacture their own scapegoats.^ 'the Jews, our Allies and Russia—thus falling easily into the Axis propaganda trap...
...he* another haw by the tan...
...I^isrifsn natbpda...
...Irritation over the regulations of the OPA is so strong that, unless the Middle West can be toughened up and enlightened regarding the necessities of, rationing, it is probable that any Congressman could make himself solid with the Middle West by violent attacks on any official at the head of OPA...
...2—Isolationist skepticism regarding tht practical influence, and vigor of Jspeasat propaganda gave way to sudder...
...htUli The Giraud forces undoubtedly represent the old line, shellback and stratgftwteea Catholic groups of France—nationalistic, patriotic and conservative...
...the mast recent of GaulUst grouse such as the new group Resistance (prociaimT* de GanBe the political lender aot «Str of the resistance bet of the reconstruction...
...Tank factories, airplane assembly have bee* rained...
...We may as well face the ugly facts and take counsel among ourselves on measures which may be taken to awaken the Middle West out of its unfounded and rather fatuous belief in a purely national victory to which we may be able to point with militaristic pride in our future school histories...
...1—Anti-British sentiment, once eery' strong, died off dramatically after the American reverse at Kassenne Pass asf the speedy support from the British wbiek many Mid-Westerns believe saved the tg, uation...
...The predominant tone was one of disgust with the old party system in France and a recurrent theme of the need for a "national front" in France that would embrace all tendencies...
...This trend expressed itself hi iirwmiats seen as the one issued farther on, where, among unionists, appears the authoritarian tendency ef seas* resistance group*.'' The regular trade union movement, the C.G.T...
...on that basis...
...Browder reals ft is his...
...Per taaryReuth*r-^rey^and othet lesaeoMl purged from tha organized labor trnvsmegt As if those were not enough lost eames t. defend, the Otmynrojriat Pwrty hen now decided to dictate American Federstiec of Labor policy on the recent *p*iieatipB neat by John L Lewis to raanen wish his I'mpi aline Workers to the* sraumhwrnan...
...Th* study of our distribution set-up is a job that has long beer sorely needed...
...Unfortunately, evidence accumulates thai this is not se nearly the case...
...Owe eevar erases te be amazed hew many liberals •aether spokesmen get take* in by every Mas new maneuver New...
...l(^e]k$*^<^li^ Xiehigaa State Industrial Union CeuscH, % largest in the country...
...Por example, a major complaint is that the Jews are- buying control of properties...
...It has been made painfully evident to me that this point of view, narrow aad isolationist, symbolizes the great weight of Middle Western understanding of the war...
...The farmer, however, is as much the victim of middleman profiteering as the consumer, the South Carolinian stated...
...They wowM take the attitude: "It serves them right...
...Precisian" net "mercy" is the order for the AH Force...
...Isgwllj esd 9 %fouk intolerance Lovers of denmereey e«f principle for which free men are fight : * " - w...
...Some of his examples are illuminating: * Farmers today ass getting two cents a pound for potatoes, but consumers, when they can get them, have to pay from 12 to 16 cento a pound, Fulmer pointed out...
...These ideas were brought into th* open by Pierre Brossellete, former Socialist spokesman, snd were shared by Charles Vallin Croix-de-Fes leader who joined the de Gaulle movement...
...Elizabeth Dilling...
...While we are cheering for Beveridge snd gszing on pretty Pictures of the new houses and •aw school...
...The clearest expression came in an article by Felal Gouin, Socialist deputy, and Vice-President of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party, who after playing a great role in the resistance movement, arrived in London several months ago...
...the story gees, the Communists are "independent," free of the K remiss Bee...
...This seems to be the lull before the storm—the Laser Party's annual conference opens this coming Monday...
...The only organized eBort »ith regard to "Ml ii-" sihariar k» aenswft the isolationists, who agitate against weaai fedAfaVClOB, aa^faUBsVw VFaMSM % ® ^* Bawftfl L. a\IMa we**eSmgnano\^^ sftltnTTseest it At ths same thaw these is much nnrsasanii discontent with Congress, based not upon specific policies, but upon a widespread belief that Congress has its eye on the next election instead of running the war...
...Is Germany taking it...
...gent opportunism" of the Conservatives...
...Bet the will to believe, the liberal love of illusions, is an old affair...
...Churchill s speeches and the a*n*V lent objective presentation of facts by the, British Information Services aiso hav»esn-tributed greatly to the shift of op mien...
...so why . can't we all work together in ems sappy family...
...Bet hew assay could remember the names of his two Bnlgarum co^Weadants Tsaeff and^Pepoff t *Wwith^ the over Dhnitrehfs signature we new*ssern'tamt Tan en* snd Popoff came with Dmmtroff to Mensem bet were arrested subeeqaently as p ro voeateu r s end isswJdewed...
...Union in the working-class movement...
...Jeter Cater spoke of the vital necessity of Socialization of industry as the basis of s sound post-war economic existence...
...Dent, Doric*, Laval, Hen-riot, Bergery, have repeated and repeated again that political parties have been responsible for the deficiencies of the state, and / that their rivalries, egoism and lust for power Have been the basic elements of defeat...
...Nevertheless it is true that all in all something ef this day to day rrrUciss* ef politoral organizations has found its way in the minds of many people...
...Meanwhile, as the pounding ef PaAtalleri* in the Mediterranean continued to soften ap the Italian defenses, some Allied civilians were striking a curious note...
...Apparently pitching his article on several statements that have appeared in La Marteillaice, Ganllist newspaper la London, Grain speaks out sharply: "The separating line is easy enough t* draw...
...Role in Peace By L. M. BIRKHEAD t\tUivH<U Director, Friend* of Democracy •T'HE overwhelming weight of sentiment re-* gsrding the problem* of the war and the peace is unique in the Middle West While it it true, as so many Middle Western leaders hare insisted, that dollar for dollar and man for man, they equal if they do not surpass the Eastern Seaboard in war determination, it is likewise true that the smug complacency of the Middle West implies a shocking menace to the hopes we cherish for a constructive and collective world peace...
...aL—but in the SO oafaj beat circle...
...In fact, the agitation may increase to such a? sntesrt wis* attempt to prevent ss free* setting daw** at the peace table with' the Russians...
...2—The planned divisible results of Axis-inspired anti-Semitic propaganda...
...Large parts of the Reich do not know what a real , alarm is like...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 24

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