Byrnes Halts 'Teapot Dome' Deal, Moves to Probe Elk Hills Oil Scandal


Byrnes Halts 'Teapot Dome' Deal, Moves to Probe Elk Hills Oil Scandal OWM Action Follows Voorhis' Speech, New Leader Expose By DANIEL BELL The Elk Hills oil deal, exposed by The New Leader as a...

...Even the huge bribe of the present subsidy system is not acceptable to the war Profiteers...
...Hawaii, furthermore, is 1.500 miles closer to the enemy sad is the key military, naval, aad air stronghold ef the Paeans...
...Steel Workers' Ln">n, CIO...
...It mast therefore be conceded that the Americanization of the rViset (citizen) children has proceeded with at least the tacit consent, if net the active cooperation, of many of the Japanese-born parents...
...Underground water is seeping into portions of the field owned by Standard Oil, while the Navy's area is unaffected...
...Aay reader familiar with Am arise a minority groups will readily note that the allegation* of the Solicitor General against Jsps aeae Americans are, with slight modifications, applicable to any racial, religious, or cultural group...
...Serious shortages ia Iran, stool and rubber, s scarcity of fuel oil and gasoline, and s heavily-burdened carrying trade, nnsidsd by U. S. ships, all have combined to aaurasn business sharply...
...There, American citisens and ansae ef Japanese ancestry constitute a fell 37 per cent ef tap populstion ss contrssted with shoot one per cent of the Vest Coast main land population...
...The peculiar manner, readers hardly need to be reminded, was the sudden uprooting, the forcible ejection, and the virtual internment of 80,000 American citizens regardless of their loyalty, without due process of law, although it is admitted that not one of them has been guilty of or was even charged with treasonable activities...
...jrttJslSeinl interpreted, iftvsome important ipfeJtW as a direct challenge* to labor to get iate politics and pull its weight...
...The operators stalled, they refused to make counter-Offers, (hey wanted to throw the case to the WLB rather than bargain...
...No proof is offered for the basic allegations which are inferred from specious and outdated assertions...
...I think he is fighting by their side...
...This makes the Navy lease of even greater value to Standard Oil than his speech had indicated, Voorhis said...
...Ex-ujpt that Oumansky's record as an arch-con-•jirator' and his GPU experience make him tbs ideal man and Mexico City the ideal spot *» keep an eye on Soviet Ambassador Maxim Lftvinov, who, it is not" forgotten, has been living on borrowed time since May 3, 1939...
...If he needs a subsidy to kens him from taking a loss, he gets it . . . and to the extent ¦stead to do that job...
...Among the ether •neahers...
...Labor's lack of patriotism will constantly be harped on...
...He brings in his books and his esse sting costs are examined by the govern-¦eat...
...the Operators, but miraculously became transformed in the daily press as Lewis vs...
...Presbyteries bankers...
...The brief states that: "The classification was not based upon invidious race discrimination...
...eliminate Radicals and Socialists from the crucial Buenos Aires |iiin>faa1s1 elections...
...must struggle to reconcile these two very different phases of their lives...
...Roosevelt's " point of view boiled down to this eeeense • tfcst he was interested almost exclusively right now la a military victory in the war, that to attain this he needs the help of Big why O^sltjnfaer do something about it...
...The matter earn* to a head in a visit 4 the Labor Victory Committe to the White Hons* during which, it is understood, the group _*rftich comprised the top leaden of the CIO, ijfl and Railroad Brotherhoods—renewed their Xjoands that the President take the initiative withe matters of price coatee], antj-labor'legis-tjtfoc, wagest%tc...
...Maybe so...
...and a preliminary report was submitted K. Byrnes...
...ferent occasions to break relations nidi the Axis, is...
...But each Canadian businessman is treated on an indi-itisa] basis...
...American influences have affected these Issei (alien residents), consciously or unconsciously, directly or indirectly, since that time...
...But this was completely glossed over...
...The real conflict between the two ideologies, American and Japanese, is in the Issei (alien residents), for they...
...The serious refutation of all these dsn-geross inferences based on raee is Hsp-ati...
...The lack of Lend-lease material...
...We don't want strikes, but we are not slaves," she said...
...Van Dresser was issuing mimeographed leaflets in the thousands, addressed to: "Mothers and Wives of Enlisted Men...
...Van A. Bittner...
...The palsy-walsy tactic of sweet reasonableness is now definitely out the window and one nay lock now for a releasing of the/brakes which heretofore have kept delegations of in-Sgaant workers from invading Capitol Hill aad pounding eg Congressional doors and desks is ao uBceieM In ins...
...Roosevelt's own aerale remains high enough to afford a sense ef humor...
...Was Castillo lesing his bold...
...Mermen fat mats, aad even Waahhtgtoo lawyers...
...Until that time it had been a strict secret...
...2) Splits fat the Coastrvttrre-Reactionary Party, Concordaacia Nscionnl...
...It was shocked the next day to learn of the cabinet appointment of Jose Maria Boss, proprietor of the printing plant where three outopokan ^Naz^zhanta, jR lished...
...bitterness and resentment will be caxefuUg nurtured among soldiers and large numbers of middle-class persons...
...If tree, every allegation made be the SsBester General aheet >awwtrf»a ef Jspaaset extraction at the West Coast states is many times more applicable to Hawaii...
...And this hysteria reached from the highly-organized,1purposeful anti-labor press to frightened and resentful middle-class folk...
...Palace Revolt' Heads Off Elections, Liberal Anti-Castillo Protest By MATTHEW LOW The crowds massed into the square la fronts of the Case Rosada, Argentina's executive mansion, shouting "Long Live Democracy...
...Bet Hawaii had no evacuation, o» dsMhststsly dromons' ap race hysteria and instead, there, the citisens of Japanese origin are engaged ia vital defense work-There, the enemy actually IpmsHllj hi* dastardly attack, and American citisens of Itsnnass as tree ti— prosed their loyalty, la the words of Lien tenant General Deles C Emmons, Gonvnshdaat of the Hawaiian Depart- | Bent and Military Governor of Hawaii, Ameri-cans of J aptness ancestry are loyal citizens j who have "behaved themselves admirably'- and j have "borne their burdens without compltM and have added msterially to the strength of the Hawaiian area.* In .other words, in the very center of American military activities, the large population of Japsnese extraction does not constitute a peculiar people to be- classified and trested in a peculiar manner, but hwdrad serves to ¦tiiaajgihsii the defense of the area...
...And with it the seeds of Fascism have been sown...
...The Solicitor General contended in his brief and oral statements that filial loyalties, language schools, religious heritages, alleged unassimila-bility, and other supposed aspects of their life in the United States placed American citizens of Japanese extraction in a classification entirely apart from other minorities and justified a special category based on race, which category in practice provided less rights than that of enemy aliens of European race...
...The Castillo regime has bean under fire and constant pressure since its consolidation aftaf the death of President Roberto Ortiz just a year ago...
...The parallel is hard to ignore...
...Elk Hills is the same oil reserve that featured in the Teapot Dome scandals of the Harding days which sent cabinet member Albert B. Fall to jail for* bribery...
...He decreed "a state cf siege," announced his policy of "prudent until i umfr (which put the damper on Argentina's jrrnssjsji st the Rio conference to break with the Axis), and proceeded to...
...Soviet Ambassador Constantine Onmsnsky to become Soviet Minister to Mexico...
...The current subsidy plan is that of the flat tystem in which a two-cents a pound decrease ¦hi the price of meat is made up to the packers by a two-cents a pound subsidy from the je*trament...
...Byrnes Halts 'Teapot Dome' Deal, Moves to Probe Elk Hills Oil Scandal OWM Action Follows Voorhis' Speech, New Leader Expose By DANIEL BELL The Elk Hills oil deal, exposed by The New Leader as a new "Teapot Dome" scandal, has been halted by James, Byrnes, Office of War Mobilization head, we learn this week...
...The Los Angeles Times editorial said: "For the thousands who would call such men scabs, there are millions who would call them heroes...
...Electoral votes were piling up for the opposition in the coming September pojstcsu contests...
...Carter Goodrich, Alvia at Hansen...
...AH fixture labor grievances over wages and the cost of living will be immediately tagged with the patriotism barb...
...people can gat things by not asking for them...
...Arthur J. AH-mayer and Prof...
...This also rests ultimately on the alleged racial peculiarities snd follows the reasoning in .VfftB Kampf too closely for s liberal's comfort...
...In this crisis, the ranks of the miners have been completely solid...
...Mildred L. Robnett, mother of four children, wife of a miner, daughter of a miner, granddaughter of a miner, was saying: "My husband was burned in the mines when four lost their lives on April S, 1943, at the Star Coal Company, but he will risk his life to get/more coal to keep our soldiers fighting...
...St Ufcpr fnfcw ia OWM following the visit of AFL President Green aad CIO President Murray to the White House, where they asked for direct labor representation *n the puissant Office of War Mobilization, Mr...
...Even when the assertions of the Solicitor General appear to have factual documentation, as in this'ease, the brief describes conditions exjstBfS-ttjtjjs...
...Even German alien Nazi sympathizers have had recourse to law...
...U. 8. NM?' currently reports "60-year lows" in saf&praVef commercial activity...
...Such contradictions are not the only weaknesses in the Solicitor General's case...
...At *0t» hone af Atee Haark* in A&sgrhefry County, Mrs...
...But the anti-labor damage has been done...
...and hidden wage ctrts...
...Reaction Calls for "Scab Labor" In Frantic Drive Against Unions By MURRAY EVERETT Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—"Wanted: A Million 'Scabs'"—that was the editorial headline in the Los A/igeles 'Times" of June 3, as the reactionary press began whipping up a vicious nation-wide^ anti-labor fury over the coal, rabber and bus strikes.' "Scabs...
...According to Pearson, Under-Secretary of Interior Abe Fortas wrote a memo objecting to the-contract as a monopolistic throwing away of the nation's most precious oil reserves...
...Lewi*, Green and Murray should suffer the death of traitor: 'Hang by the neck until they , are' dead.' Shooting is too clean and honorable a death for them...
...Yet Canadian businessmen are doing well, and prices there 0* so much lower than here that it simply hnt funny...
...Now mere than ever, Labor must close its ranks and begin a systematic campaign to combat the old-time Peglerism that will sweep, the nation...
...Meanwhile, in a follow-up to.hit speech in the House exposing publicly this deal, Vcorhis this week called for a Congressional investigation of the Navy lease...
...Qs the surface it looks like a come-down for Ownansky—from Ambassador to Minister...
...It must be remembered that one of the chief factors affecting the Americanization of the parents have been the children themselves—in the reports they bring back frem their school life, their play, and their association with white American children...
...The Lewis strike is an amazing case study in political propaganda...
...Nor was it heard by the Communist Party, 4which passed out leaflets in Pottsville, Pa., "exposing Lewis," and urging the miners to scab...
...Adolph Held, president the Jewish Labor Committee...
...The Fortas memo covered the...
...Late this- week- the ranks of the coal operators split, with a large section of the northern operators- accepting Lewis...
...IN other words, the supposed conflicts in loyal -ties exist in the alien mind, if at all, and not in the Americanised, native-born citizens who are Americanising even their alien parents...
...For Over a decade fraud has ruled most of the elections, and democratic itwfttOttnns have had for the most part only a formal existence...
...While there is no suggestion of corruption in this present instance, the terms of the contract have been so outrageously favorable to the monopoly oil groups that Voorhis made his protest...
...The two references cited by Mr...
...Vice-President of CIO: K. C. Lindamaa...
...She also, brought forth a .letter in which he assured-.the Harlow family that he supported the UMW's battle...
...In the trying task before him, it B good to know that Mr...
...A "secret" deal between the Navy and the Standard Oil Company of California kave the latter company a complete monopoly over the 43,000 acre Elk Hills, the richest oil reserve in the United States and the second largest in the world...
...Last week's revolt prevents his sppesrance as guest of honor at the British Choaabpr of Commerce—end the pro-Allied ten-' dency ef his advance text' is said to have angered Castillo...
...That, of course, is an outstanding eatracurutie of the President But in this case, jMjfcnld seem nicer if the amusement could km beau more widely shared by the people, Mpfejl mcrala moat needs bucking up in these Jptojt high^.f^eaa...
...The contract which "turned" Elk Hills over to Standard Oil was signed in November, after two months' negotiations, it is now established...
...Long Live Freedom...
...Standard Oil," Voorhis pointed out, "is guaranteed all cost of production and gains a monopoly of this valuable field without any risk, financial or otherwise...
...The Army uprising of last -week oecured on the very dsy CfstUlo's ha^-pieked candid*te was to he noaiinsted...
...The mtiHaa la to he held ea Jane 12 at the Hotel Cimfilial...
...To a liberal it is ominous enough that the Solicitor General resorts to questions Me arguments, hat it is positively alarming aad a cause far profound concern for the safety of democratic principles that the contentions are fundament-ally based on species* inferences which hear uncomfortable parallels to the mala tracts of s bow aetortons valasas entitled Vn« -Keats...
...The liberal-labor forces of Argentine, have been working in the cold since the counterrevolution of 1930 (which was the sixth national revolt since Argentine broke awsy from Spain is 1810...
...There is no such thing i" Canada as a fiat subsidy...
...and in order to impose stssc-nve restraints upon them it was necessary not only to deal with the entire group, hut to deal with it st once...
...On April 26, it succeeded in re-electing the Radical leader, Jose Lais Cantile, as president of the Chamber, by a vote cf 76 to 54...
...Van Dresser was crying: "A striker is a deserter, a much more cowardly one...
...Even Costas, hi the recent period, seems to have been weaned away...
...South-era crackers, Republicans...
...The younger the group the more Active they were...
...This comment also raises the question of the validity of another contention of the Solicitor General, which is refuted by the observations of the Commander: the alleged hjojatatn of American citizens of Japanese extraction from normal community life...
...All along the West Coast in nearly every school with students of Japanese origin, Caucasian American students honored their friends of Japanese extraction with highest positions in their power to grant The number of student council, class, and honor society presidents and officers of Japanese ancestry were far greater than to be expected from the proportionate number of Japanese American students...
...Xh« most vocal of the visitors ware the CIO group, which probably has paased more resolutions of support for Roosevelt and the Admin-btration than all other labor groups put to^ler...
...prominent in labor and international circles, who are listed for the various sessions on "Labor and the Peace" and "International Planning in the Peat-War World" are: William Green...
...The full story of the deal wafltold in last week's New Lender...
...It became dear this week, as ministers were reshuffled in order to stabilise the coup d'etat that if any change in foreign policy or in internal Argentine affairs were to ha effected, it would be the result, not of a principled revelation, but cf the realistic opportunism of a new dictatorial cabah ,,Most observers were completely caught short...
...Amh efforts fell through...
...That scandalous situation was exposed two weeks ago by Congressman Jerry Voorhis in a speech on the floor of the House, but Voorhis's revelations net with a cold silence in the nation's press...
...And Mrs...
...The new Ramirez regime may shift foreign policy somewhat to favor the United States—American financial and economic support would brace the Argentine economy, sen protect its heavy stake fat foreign trade...
...On the basis of this report, Byrnes has intervened and ordered the contract held up, even though operations started November 20th...
...jjSetfX neither s popular Internal anrieang nat.a . basic national reoriontstioa with respect to the i Axis and the war has become aaJte evident...
...A reader need not be a W st sJi to wish to nsouire if the greed of certain powerful West>Ccest vested interest* which preAM by the elimination of tise competition from residents of Japsnese origin was not tbe reason why the West Coast Americans of Japanese extraction are a peculiar people ,It -matf M aeenetog to thecals* of thfe *«* ao> the parallel* between axM etf uieee eUBHHMttJai •ad t-waMMift.*^^dimtptWlm /op-Crosr Ceases** (ItVet Lseeer, AJHt If, ffn 1 w*ic* mrmtted svme^ossessss* o**r%% ?t tiIffSe, reyflaiiMu en tk* *4tumti*ni htejjdr tk* emmpf,} Movvrer, Carey, Agar At Rally for Polish Jews, Safe, June 79 A MASS MEETING to commemorate the heroic resistance of the Jews of w»teaw and to honor the death of Ssmul ZylgeBtojm, Polish-Jewish Socialist leader, he held Saturday evening, Jane 19th, ?:30 p. m., at Carnegie Hall, 57th St...
...Jasses Carey, secretary of the CIO...
...The issue started out as Lewis vs...
...This is apparently the logical follow-up of the Big Business sit-down strike tgsinst the war effort until all control on war profits it killed...
...But out In the smoky coal fields, the miners were solid behind Lewis...
...Roosevelt waa reported as being rather Mated at suggestions that the OWM include thrsct representation of labor, industry, and agriculture None certainly begrudges the President any gpawmem...
...Irish Cstholics...
...The upshot of the session, it ie Ire read, was that the President slipped the issue right back into labor's tap...
...have also been, keenly felt...
...A Urge number of the miners have their doubts about the political aims of Lewis...
...and «¦ Ave., under the auspices of the Jewish L-bor Committee...
...Vcorhis also stated that additional investigation revealed that the situation is "graver" than he had at first suspected...
...It would seem to he an internal j reorganization of the reactionary appa-rat us...
...VrSB other slleged justification tor the evaen-* ation which the Solicitor General advanced, incredible as it msy seem, wss that it was s form of protective custody to safeguard American citizens of Japanese extraction against mobs...
...The press treatment of the mine crisis is an ominous portent of what may be ahead...
...And Mrs...
...It may or may not be significant that AFL people did more listening than talking...
...Whole sness of the political machine were knows to be disgruntled...
...Canton S. Golden...
...Jwhrn I* Childa, Teachers College...
...If grouping all persons of s tingle rear as s unit and .singling them out is not racialism, the readers may well wonder what is...
...Labor leaders 009 stop strikes...
...the Government...
...Whatever Lewis did was against "the people,* What the operators did was "for...
...In Boca Raton, Florida, a Mrs...
...Fahy were from studies made in 1917 and 1924, a time, as the naval intelligence officer correctly reminds us, before aliens had opportunity to become influenced by America and before the growing citizen children coming of sge formed the majority...
...Danger Signal on the Minorities Front Gov't Brief Invoked 'Race Doctrine' To Justify 'Jap-Crow' Evacuations By JOHN DIXON FORD TPWO weeks ago, during the United States * Supreme Court hearings of the cases testing the constitutionality of the order forcibly evacuating all American citizens of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast, Solicitor General Charles Fahy defended the order on an ominous and questionable basis of race...
...V * " • * 0.sjo«ky to Mexico City—Why ? • Wswjhgtop is wondering what's behind the shift of former...
...On Jane 9th this week, Drew Pearson in his widely-syndicated Washington column broke the "veil of silence" and reported that Byrnes had stepped in to check the deal at the insistence of the Justice and Interior Departments...
...Washington greeted the initial seizure of power by General Rawfeon, who led some 7,000 troops into Buenos Aires (32 dead, 300 wnw*ataft*.#t "a victory for pro-Allied forces...
...when labor strikes it gets threats of being drafted < hue the Array . . . when Big Business strikes it gets a bribe to be nice...
...Capital Comment FDR Puts OPA Issue Back In Labor's Lap By JONATHAN STOUT WASHINGTON, D. C^T%jST*fiJte* fcffPy seen the end of a r'Tt'Wa^fiflfli i ill jp^Mnse—the notion that in the world of ffflfnlitik...
...It is startling to Snd that the singling out and the evacuation of a group on the basis of race is not racial discrimination, according to the Solicitor General...
...Cilamhis fht* varsity, will be the chairmen af vsrious Reservations should he seat to David Dabhssky, American Labor Conference am International Affairs, 9 East 44th Street, New York City...
...Mere ominous is the idea of penalizing th* entire Cup for crimes s few may summit Americans e traditionally found the concept of punishing a group of innocent people for the crimes of a few repellent to their sense of justice and decency...
...When Secretary of Navy Knox was apprised of the Fortas memo, he had his chief aide write a memo opposing Ickes, and both memos went to the White House...
...Three crises created the current tension which led to the collapse of Castillo, who Is now taking refuge in Uruguay: 1) A hena-neas stamp...
...If *e follow these inferences, Negroes* too are s peculiar people whe meet be treated ia a peculiar manner, aad eejaahVy peculiar are the Vermont Yankees...
...The realisation is causing chagrin in some labor circles where for months the weight of influence ha3 been used to keep down the numbers of workers' delegations with ideas of otseendmj...
...Szbu] Zylgelbojm ended his life two •tehs age in London in protest agahnrt «« indifference ef the world to the Nasi *«<lghter of Jews ia Warsaw...
...So the editorial preached...
...Communists welcomed the easp an*n ' "people's victory," and.ware eoisn«af evening by the new government's hquidsfttaa -af Lb Harm, the Stalinist paper...
...jjhaa two decades ago whoa the saajbiRy' or^llh* racially Japanese inhabitants were aliens and not the situation in 1941 and 1942 when the majority are American citizens...
...Another important question is whether Mexico City is to replace Moscow as the center in the "•stern Hemisphere from which the directive •tringt will tie the Communist parties- in North **n South America...
...Several months ago, thousands went on a dues strike against him...
...S) the resurgence ef liberal farses hi the | spring elections, and the posnibUty ef Radical-Socialist unity...
...In Canada and England the subsidy system used is that of the graduated grant...
...The basic accusation of wrong parental influence is best refuted by competent authorities, including one of the outstanding Naval Intelligence officers, who, unlike the Solicitor General, knew the Japanese of the West Coast at first hand through intimate personal association...
...Secretary of Interior I ekes learned about the deal...
...The month before the Radical candidate for governor in the province' of Entre Rios defeated the Castillo candidate in a surprising reversal...
...In substance, Fahy asserted that American citizens of Japanese descent, because of their race, are a peculiar people who had to be dealt with in a peculiar manner...
...In Canada, far instance, 90% of all middlemen are subsidised under their price control plan...
...Baptist mechanics...
...The House Appropriations Committee has already held up an allotment of $2,000,000 which the Navy promised to put up as its part of the bargain to put the deal into effect...
...How much more outrageous is this idea of punishing the entire group for hypothetical crimes which a few may conceivably commit in the future...
...Prof, af Philasephy, New York School for Serial Ween...
...Castillo had been Acting President since 1940, but he showed his hand openly only with full powers...
...Lieut-Commander Herbert Paul Muni...
...In a report, which appeared anonymously in a shortened version in the October .1942 issue of The Harpers Magazine, tits Commander declared: "The Americanization it the Nifei (second generation American citizens of Japanese ancestry) is far advanced...
...But most of this was never heard by the Congressmen and Senators M conference who were hammering out restrictive shackles on labor in the form of the Connelly-Smith bill...
...Drew Pearson in his June 8th column reveals that when Ickes took over the mines at the end of May, he saw the strike approaching andecalled in Lewis aad the operators...
...But there are times when that most opprobrious term in the lexicon of unionist vituperation is a badge of honor...
...In March, five months after the contract was signed...
...Lewis came,'so did Charles O'Neill of the Pennsylvania coat ¦Bhfcnr c—*~ counsel fof MUrksmSmrW^mwimm ->cai of the most vehement antf-New J)ealexs in the country—did not show pp...
...on their Congressmen...
...HarlownSffsWTO Ls*orEaitor James Wechsler a Japanese sword which Alec Harlow, Jr., had sent from the Pacific front as a prize of War...
...controlled by an absolute majority of Radicals and Socialists...
...The last Issei (alien Japanese) to enter the United States did so in 1$24—eighteen years ago...
...Argentina's war boom has Just about exhausted itself...
...same grounds as the Voorhis speech and The New Leader story, pointing out that for five years Standard Oil receives all the oil and' after that receives two-thirds of the oil, although it owns only one-third of Elk Hills...
...For example, in one paragraph the government brief alleges that because of filial piety, alien parents exert undue influence over their children, although a few sentences later it is declared that a "marked cleavage" exists between the parents aad the children since, among other reasons, the younger generation speaks only English...
...Oscar Jaeat, Emil Sieve...
...Noted Speakers to Address American Labor Conference A symposium en "The Eve ef Mharn ttea"—featuring Finn Mae of the Norwegian Labor Party, Osaei Baca, Sec'y Gen...
...of the lnfl Union of Msritlsae O*-cers (for Belgium), Paul Vignaax of the Catholic Trade Unions (far France) and Gaetane Saivemini, fanner Independent ¦ember of the Italian Parliament aad noted historian (for Italy)— win be a highlight ef the Imt annual meeting of the American Labor Conference en later-national Affairs...
...Raahec, it was founded upon the fact that the group ss a whole contained an unknown number of parsons who could not resdily be singled out and who ware a threat to the security of the nation...
...Speakers at the meeting will include: •Mfar Ansel Mowrer, journalist and columnist...
...The statements appear to ha bat a polite rephrasing ef the crude aad vicious ranting* of the West Coast race-baiters aad native fascists...
...The-Chamber of'Deputies, which has asked the government on three dif...
...The Solicitor General is obviously unaware of the conditions ' in recent years when the younger generation of Americans of Japanese ancestry participated increasingly in all phases of community life as normal Americans...
...But the military clique, led by Generals Ar-turo Raw sen and Pedro Ramirez who displaoed the fleeing President, Ramon S. Castillo, had made only a palace revolution...
...Within the Castillo regime, dissension has < C*etins«» Irani Page One) dolpho Mcreno, of the Buenos Aire* province resigned is) pretest against of Castillo's support fit tepftac ». P. Coatas for tag presidency...
...It hopes to recoup Business stability far the reBJHE Hemes, and stave eg any possibility ef ste^l-UW-Wftist tendencies among the ata?eTef the people . Ramon Castillo watches events from across aha border- The counter-revolution, too, devours its own children...
...Both memos, it is understood, were turned over to Attorney-General Biddle for investi-jetxin...
...ftnl'food middlemen are due to descend on wtsntofton next week to lobby against OPA iil price control...
...And it was ignored in the nation's press...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 24

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