The Home Front


A Page of Features Americana The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN f OUUD like to know what our readers think afaeot oar printing I, ,«« and punchy P<*m each weak. A running anthology strike....

...At best ft could 9t only the first in a wBtrl Of dancers through the mate of novelty...
...ton*, atfflten sMtef ffm vtashtngton, to all arobehfftty...
...The RepeWicsn party ha* jumped into the ring, wttt a OW brochure attacking the New Deal 'sponsorship' of the nlto...
...Creaked Prof...
...ateraahy did reveal, however, that "nssaabare of the Bevtsk ete~ baasy hsve found the picture ridiculous...
...wSL aJMam this mash is dear: that nobody outside the crack-brained ErnsiH Set realty believes the Moscow line abont ffittar-TTOtoKy...
...Seattle are cold to the picture, and to vaftoto cities the leading dailies have started editorial controversy...
...German?* 'Yes, sir," said the W^aalating...
...Let Karl Jay Shapiro dta ai hour some summer evening sfhotig the modest and demo.jg&aaanpriala provided by the Friends, and he will write quite j alike sort of elegy in a city churchyard...
...The generals them serves are rather sad petitKoe, with their self-made hate eenmn-oasry sUppiasj down over their ears...
...D UT how can a peopK thas entralhsd by tfk ° idea of change -lead »fth*r itselt or otffirs...
...Jsefore 1 get to it I want to make an emphatic exception...
...With high sett, Lewis do> buifks <he uplm ana1 p%fmntHropy ractets...
...Result: Mexicans now suffer s*ne*ag>< to lOeatoxan* oaght to have been plentiful and cheap, and 'Yankee ImanttoBam* ill-win is mounting____A that word... shake weeklies have no scruple* ahent searces ef snpport and n» principles to which loyalty has to be maintained...
...Sinclair Lewis obviously enjoyed Si Ming this book...
...It is just as Hhejy to to ana* m tove...
...Ho delights in collecting dozens of meaningless phrases that form the staple of speech for the rascals and hypocrites under akurveissn...
...Theirs are the JLhEue temples, theirs the iron acanthus and tha hackneyed jk« Ti* poor—God bless "em!—may be no better but perforce JEtte more decently "in intimate congestion," something as near J|p| accustomed slums as we can create in the city of the dead " JIbM hot squeezing all these grapes of wrath about graveyards Jkest Ijiving a constructive proposal at the back of my head...
...J .—— ne is even, pernaps, to De numDereci among those who feel that ardent wishing will add several cubits to tins stature of human society, - His knowledge of the literature on contemporary problems hi also surprisingly broad, however hv tent he may be on concealing every trace of pedantry...
...Where Seshjspe*jre> words, all our carcases furnish a democratic feast U scrths—there our crude class distinctions assume their ugliest jgW fj»> "owners of rent," having most money, can exhibit their Itsn* ia the most shockingly eye-fllling forms...
...With It Can't Happen Hire Lewis worked with <the newly-awakened awareness of the fascist menace...
...Tnte **m**^mW Kroet, hhyh mngty-mug of the press corps, repartal dEjto'dSr-item of—" "old Treukyite* New Dealers...
...PJhT is currently sertejRsehff the Packards' book on Italy, Balcony Empire...
...But what about J*nl What about the papacy and Italian Fascism...
...He ¦dWi S German officer, Col...
...tkis Xsaitatogt stffl b>-litres, were simply taken for s nice...
...On some such basis as this decent JJ*Pn of all religions, parties, drives can get together...
...e * Meat's Ia a Haass:—"A Rosenfeld by any other aadan...
...We must also find common ground f6r jP...
...One's duty and opportunity are to say so...
...Noth-Ztsst.l |W here n*8 application to the peaceful resting places ?j the Quakers provide for their dead...
...There is a foreign -language weekly, aad fat has two editors, «nd If I were yew I wealds't treat Mm any mate than t wenjf her He, yon see...
...But what of ah...
...I have often thought of it mm fbt up the nerve to talk out in meeting . Our cemeteries' 3 eyesores, btots, splotsches, stains, patches of ugliness, insults 3L is, aVnt cemeteries—all those the poet wrote about...
...But he had another mission that day...
...961 payee...
...where is laler...
...It ,ime when it will receive more serious consideration a labor'paper like The New Leader than at any r history, scist attack on civilization forced us all back to sturzo himself suggests the line along which the iyed: "Human personality must be the pivot of the "he totalitarian...
...another thing...
...It setens tslnKK Uill r progressive %ioek hanging somewhere around thfe Wplte Bonsa, and tads aew Byrnes' wer owtflt has got them steamed ate —where are the liberals...
...They should very much like to knew whether we expect to and a die "new world" the permanent things, good or evil, which have so far made up the human nan-verse...
...Cetuantet Wttt fMat SMsma informs that lots of diplomatic omcee are steaming abont the film, bat representations wfll not be made at the present ttefte...
...Of course Rugg is by no means unaware of difficulty and doubt...
...458 page...
...LT/t im . ¦ n M — -St:' ¦ : ¦ ¦ Sfr- n.r...
...Whtcl b tnferfuaate...
...ttett nan BHaf1* W Packards were expelled for sendtaf oat the I'earns IsVftMM was sick...
...We've felt that if the only way to get a French MfW ia to use one against the ether, so be it...
...Stalin shook hi.* hand and said: 'We shall be That was the high point of Soviet-German friendship af Maiauoka's departure...
...Every innuendo is followed by an exegesis, so that the reader's brain is not taxed in the least...
...Warner wound up in S gtn rbtody game, end the polittoal dternaatbha raged at the other and...
...There is no freedom—in fact, there is ¦ avflbation—without freedom of choice... anything like a true picture, ft It nelcewsary to in mind that millions of Chinamen are on our side lions of black men in AHA...
...Of coarse, we are committed In arilk far every baby...
...I wender if Luigj Sturzo will go along with me in trying, to JM basis for them that lies deeper down than the foundation ¦ •aaa if any religious sect, something that is older tha'h any j*"** religion...
...And have we-not therewith become aa change...
...tfc IVaaflgaVal ^aft em u» KCVlMaVC taVM V. Q IB* IB tne I » IRHUKf . of aa eye...
...Books and Writers Where Do We Go From Here...
...There can be no abiding peace or prosperity Or fyioai thing for any of u* unless our concepts include Hindus, ¦Jfanasdans, Buddhists...
...Ala* froat ataniaf Wf^MM that Cbastnntia Oumansky*s appointment an to»tot MdMepNK' is being linked with the Comifitom and...
...Warner has been deneOMelhg crtrJcs of ate Oavtaa Maeeow moete an *" Trotsky nas," and who should turn ap (at Else Msxwetrs tevtanttoa) tog Pgdatji Tnaaagii u end Ann* O'Hare MiOteasteh, both of wnoni Ml ana asm hard...
...m world desperately needs brotherhood, peace and tfoopera-¦p...
...Pal is that we move trucks and steam-shovels into the i except the Quaker ones—smash all the bad sculp-some useful purpose for the granite and marble, been leveled off except the trees—what spaces we Parks and playgrounds...
...Cbbnhns abd editorials are droapaa and restored at the drop of a franc . . . It's a depressing spectacle—think of it', if you have a loose sou lying around, you too can get into the struggle for state power now being carried on in the restaurants of the French colony...
...It stems only toe probable that these were queries of tremendous importance to Sullivan aad Wright, but that oar civilization in its entirety is not at all interested ih them...
...A Page of Features Americana The Home Front By WILLIAM E. BOHN f OUUD like to know what our readers think afaeot oar printing I, ,«« and punchy P<*m each weak...
...fbs labor movement, in most lands and over most of its history, jMjNht unity in simple and indisputable human needs...
...Or does he visualize the individsals of whom our forces linking for progress most of necessity be composed...
...Relatively little abne has gene by (as Rugg notes) since Sullivan and Wright discovered a new architecture...
...In defense 6t "human person-mobilized side by side all real Christians, nil the n-Greek-Renaissance civilization, and the labor 1 the world...
...To Luigi SturzO, of course, the Christian religion means (aa, brotherhood, sharing the goods of life...
...It II efpaflat aant tto dgf Moscow line will be rerouted to the coming patted thTuagn Oumansky*s office south ef the border...
...2vr«re '8 plenty of news of that kind around, but really sig-"Pft details about life in the Kremlin waited for Henry Cassidy, SLfja hew book Moscow Dateline is crammed with revealing 2J~*S3r • • ¦ One of the most interesting is the tale of Stalin's jPjkmg.of Jap Minister Matsuoka after the friendshrp-and-^^wjfaasion pact: ^J^Pan approached Matsuoka and hugged him several times ^•"¦t speaking...
...He MP*, around the tight little circle, shsking hands on all flPVgM then looked up as though seeking someone...
...Cartoon With Captions By NAT GLICK G1DEOS PLANISH...
...are attempting to abolish the will »f the individual...
...DueU, Shane el Pearee...
...Nothing arach happened...
...dropped mere than i few Wttk en fist daptegtatk importance ef the ventara...
...Meanwhile, the box-office returns from varioOs cities have MM coming in, and the fsirly good start the fihn made in early weeks is (tubbing badly VoH>ty statistics shew thst Pittsborgh, Ctoefti-ntti, Philadelphia...
...They hear us talk of a "new world" and a "new order" and a "new deal" but they have bean given little proof that we are in earnest about anything that stays put...
...At any rate, we may save to wait for history to dear up French polities to JMH* Africa, bat anyone who wants to can pick up aD the ugly details Of exile politics here...
...In fighting, as the entire labor movement does, for more ^ap^cdhlrors of Iffe and more even opportunities for human ajnsjsBjteV we are fighting for the deepest concepts of morel yi^ffie OflvHce, then, has exchisWery to do with our falfffhw to 'aptgilxe the word Christian in connection with the objectives of ¦I wOindsQfyfhe social reforms for which we fight...
...He catches the pompous vacuity that is the trademark of the uplift profession...
...farmerfy of the ltaWB,n»a> a taigiral m Tennessee, was the winner of Tk^Pr<>»r^^e',^Ufary^eanwas the ex-wife ef Carlos Contreras, the "^tXm^Sr af^tate^e... that deal shoaW happen to fall through, and along cam* 4 BV eral millionaire, well, the editors simply reconvert themselves, -slid—business as usual...
...Possibly they have bequeathed to as the opportunity to build a new economic order based on outer plenty and inner magnanimity...
...SaKatotal: They never imMjmmm thing to merit th* etpulston.** Arent thaw any sa*aVtHi|Jaaiks aroond that PM can seriattoe...
...aarties, labor organizations and business combinations...
...Gideon Planish, are ac-cemplished masters of bombast, which they will spout, for a fee, to airy audience and under any auspices...
...It can well serve as a supplement to.Stuart Chases's Tyranny of Words...
...Bam Remer...
...The Jobnatonhnn strategy is already at nnjrgjf Mexico...
...An« now th* taction is so set that the the tttan-trr wfH ahen all scripts not gtrietly "eetactaanaeeht...
...It aOpct too difficult to forecast in broad ooffiae the nature of Engnsh social reform...
...As I see the matter, the answer depends upon whether undoubted American genius, eager to harness its gifted individualism to social purpose, has created a genuine understanding of its aims —if, indeed, it has clearly denned aims...
...And which one it will he d%#ehdl net so nreeh on whether our hearts ere to tan r^jja-f QBbtbrh, to be sure, that is important) as oft wheOser we are 91 our right ptoe* !h thO Wwrht fMr Ott I have said all this, I faoey thai Pronator Kbgg would probably afree «n« Styt -ifa* asTanr fwsf" Well, the KMiWHIm k» ttft Bbw toeting as it should...
...If I could have been persuaded, he would have managed...
...To hundreds of afllioni of people Christian means white, and white means im-fMst...
...teJJaW ** any a GOP fine, which need to make tab Can>lto| resaM IBk Bat Waahtagton tarns up even queerer enas...
...Hel oot la the Pacific as a war correspondent...
...Some time age we gave fatal E*w1n FaBPi book, From Perry to PeaH Harose...
...l*m\,,ta ?rl* "Owen, ahoald hTukea one 1% tfsnv But I want to know what yon think...
...Se this department has been quiet ea the DeGeuilist-Giraudiet mesa...
...Hans Krebs, one of the man...
...What goes here...
...consumer-goods pinch came alone, Mm of the American big-boys rushed to Mexico, smmsdistetejaja*jtal||f at good prices ab possible production of teXtfism, gV**n, tfMfIhflL novelties, etc...
...Aa illustration may serve to make the point...
...The Btenr, mm*-traveter newatettor edited fey Ateert Kates and Mtetees* fl|lll, has fotdnd...
...Concede ail this, and with it RuggY demand that America seize the golden chance fop.lander-ship now being offered, it may be for aha last * and only time . And yet...
...PIOFESSOR RUGG is not a man of little faith...
...We may also agree that the struggle against the "Exploitive Tradition," which found its golden opportunity in the first industrial revolution, has been waged with heroic idealism by men to whom we remain deeply indebted...
...Ih the Wake of the "Mtosien":— There was a dinner party for ¦ Jack Warner the other evening...
...You probably didn't know that Stalin very rarely teJ"jPte a pipe, but is in reality a chain-smoker of cigarettes...
...The maps so* fftt*t rate: you can praetteaJly at* the Heer kashas on ansafgMMr ant feel the stops of the African wedi...
...iirisfion Factors 5 letters which came to us in connection with our tniversary, the one which I shall remember best is zo...
...SINCLAIR LEWIS has a keen nose for live, topical subjects...
...According to Lewis, they are the leaders of the eighth largest industry of the United States...
...It is true, as Rugg stys, that great creative genius has been at Work in America, widening horizons, opening up new lands, building" a worthier kind of house...
...And now we learn that under the guise of "labor leaders" a whole host Of Stoitatet spototonan in the Latin ooaggK...
...nW§t stiffly at attention in their long gray costs, and sp-•*2*flfil aim...
...But suppose we ask: What is a Bouse, and who lives in it...
...Abont this two or three things should be said—and said with th) wme sort of frankness which characterizes the admirable letter from Mr...
...Main Street, Babbit, and Ehmer Gantry answered a popular demand of the Menckenian Twenties...
...We are beginning to secmltta asasa production, hat not N ideas...
...They knew we beitove hi frsaflim of speech, ant thM w* prefer te Men all the^smetl at^Mft 5n*BtBa ggaaa( Tr SmjEEiT* lieves he eanai MW them ton, af.aafy he didn't have te ge ak ¦ g half bis to-cosse for defense...
...Most of th* liltftejj reviews trounced the book for iU "pro-faarism.'* B Tfsms, Btes authors wrote, "carried oot a social aiogjann...
...More than that, we ateW^V' with a few more Waldo FrankiaS trips to the south, aad tJHf leas Eric Johnstons—4inlng ap bif bwsiness killings to the jg«l> war period...
...With hhw, stramgaty tee ago, nto «saaaa# of the Peruvian Communist Party, whom the Co-ordinator also invited up...
...He asked for "a greater consider-pral and Christian factors of society...
...Gideon Planish is an unacademic introduction to semantics and propaganda analysis...
...ant will we insist ee selling al the milk eereetos...
...The moral factors we can omit from this $*Ma...
...In the first place, there is a genuine danger of anting misunderstanding among our allies if we insist too loudly *»t we are fighting for "Christian civilization...
...Theft "organisators," like Dr...
...And once again he has caught a bad sores pot on the body politic...
...cultivates s repatattoa far being aa "hoees* conserv.uv,'—bet he was s partisan ef MassiMai and France She is a eryatal-gssiag gneeeper who is prend ef prtathat the news before it happens"—tn fact, before it ever hiagsan Bow aM weenBee (ee We smew) have •aamatel trsahtsa...
...aatete ek^nenatosaha4Mln> aa^tehiabj^te^jgaHgan^^aCBaV rrWkwWBEti mmnkwOe t^aktrmBkmSL wit© wane* |WT^a9ll9flrw>iEaHb^aMPaVip JHb «isam aj|agtoaa*aa«aaeV aVeMsjkdsdt <e# set tfltshm eeewanah — ** ' "J figetaaa«Baeell aOeUeh ^ba> ^aanagh shaVX a^^L^saaaieaaaBv ataadahan AgaA sa^^^^A^u aawWaaeaea^aan ^anataaaaaaV —»na WT Rl me LCSV^l tuO 1 rUra "CTrr i!«JLCLUiJ It \MMTJWtOm gTTIaeV th» "sabot to *or order...
...They overlap in every possible way...
...Have the pronouncements which JjJ**»tfre out of Rome been as clear and courageous as those from Sf* onions all over the world...
...Be they have (by rc analogy with the Raasian situation where conservatism mmmmmf the toft wtesy) hares come to be dabbed 'trotolyTtosT ., ^ MM Arthsr Krock ore ft* the term .about with the sophistication of somebody who reads all the internal bulletins...
...And perhaps that order if actually built, would be the foundation of a lasting peace...
...Other race* and nations do not know whal to expect of us...
...In short, the bay facta Which Professor iugf has toft oat ef his box* ar* those whfc* n? we were conscious of them would give us the restraint and the realism to deal s*ugter*y with any opportunity for leadership which comes our way...
...But (to effectiveness is largely negated by the heavy borteesue qnaiity ef the writing, and the lack of air strong emetioTiel a^toedL The dtor-acters are caricatures without a trace of subtlety or complexity...
...The fight for the sacredness of persofiaftty nasses who have nought to do with either the ristian tradition...
...Ant tan prefto-stoaal KreaUto Set to Hoflyw^d took care ef tnt rant...
...The letter mastheads tnetaae the same dtottognished names of tru*toast * artottter, a Mayor, a Senator, a rabbi, a Matey, nn editor, ah M.D., an L.L.D., tnt a ewopie of fk9% Prom the fundi thus soffcltM, the sponsors aBbW them-seltes kandsome satoriMt and h%ft exanasd ac-cottfite...
...Let a* * very frank with ourselves...
...Briefly, the quantity builder aad not the architect seems representative...
...Stalin peered up sharply at the oncer's fare "Etf*rH.twice: 'German...
...Luigi Sturm's own !*W is known to all men...
...The whole book has the exaggerated tone aad technique of an editorial cartoon, with large-type captions to matt safe yon do not mhfs the extremely obvious implications Of th* drawing...
...The Peyroatons and Lemaigre-Dtmreuils who hover in the background are something less than BHpiiiiig...
...e - Literati ft Co.:—We expect oar contributors to bn steaWtt Af, subject they write ahent, bet Gflbert Cant sane hatei Mr little out of his why...
...Anneals for contributions are sent out to purchased lata of "suckers...
...By Harold Rugg...
...Sturzo mentions with approval, ap-2** to us forcibly when he suggested a quart of milk a day for ^^mhsbitant 0f the earth...
...As the weeks ge by the whole stair seems store ant *WH «r#gwsttog...
...Gideon Planish is a political tract that will make you thh?~twice before digging into your pockets to response to aa "urgent plea" for your financial assistance...
...So whea money Is cut off from one set or <-up porter*, the weekly fhhafcjA its editorial Stand—and lines up angles- for the aew Hue...
...including Contreras...
...And there are, too, India who, no matter what their attitude toward ire, are not against us...
...The record of the Christian churches in relation a fascism and Nazism is decidedly mixed...
...What delight the living can where the dead, after all, never had an especially Hssyea* thinks the ghosts will object, I hereby volunteer to Xs Gallup poll among them...
...He is not responsible if quite different conceptions are abroad in the world...
...I will not airy., in principle, but ia humdrum detain like pt use ant el and rules On any question to which they wools' appreciate a "yes" or a "no" we are sti aaiarj dumb...
...Everyone from Flat-ft to far Rockaway should vote yes...
...When the U.S...
...Consider for a moment what charms my ? woetl add to the borough of Brooklyn...
...Now he has tamed Ids satirical eye on the Big Names who smother us with hogwash via radio, press, pulpit and platform...
...Bat already a builder has appeared with the announcement that future houses will be so fabricated that anyone who tires of his can get a new one by return freight This suggestion is inspired ia part by the conviction that se much productive capacity will be lying around loose that it will be as much fun to build houses on the assembly line as it now is to manufacture automobiles...
...The* write js, tejrjasiSBHi for our anthology was much bolstered by last JP*5^J?.K*rl J*7 8h**ip0- "0w" here is a poem which i a burning issue under our noses...
...These men sponsor societies for the Spreading of Culture to the Eskimos, the, Safeguarding of Morals, the Enlightenment of Public Opinion, and the Maintenance of an Open Snap...
...And has Americs made ep its mind to sae that the peace te kept, ant as a slogan ee a War afan bet as a rwottoe, ham ill am, everyday eanearn...
...Ten years after this war is over, America will either he hated or loved as never before to its history...
...Bat does he map oat patiently the social terrain on which we shall have to hake our stand before the war ends...
...The Catholic bishops of Germany and *¦ Ol those of France stood up magnificently...
...Aad speaking of boots, aa* ksBl flgaatfWl ^HartaffaMaftgyHl, $t ttOt aWrtgwta^gw^daaap mt taaMHs> OeCa^at 0f W*jf 141 War II, aew being sept out by Greek Relief...
...Start in now...
...He even probes quite deeply, uncovering some of the confusions in basic outlook which now divide and haexper us...
...jegteMff tan s^swdJtoN-*^Ybgs wBhra we aft ft wvatt sasjsg OeM Ots ^JsJslSjlatot'^lJa^ tS rf^SsaSR AIv«| JtoU dJte^^un^-^-C' dhahaa^afiakAaaaaaiaW eaaaaVa...
...Any decent ghost weald rather ft eWaten playing over his head than to be weighed down with ,mfe hank of granite...
...LaBarca of Chile, will aeon arrive shown around...
...Men free 2_**ant and free from fear can select and develop their own TVPaand philosophers... k arefit we flt...
...Be-with insistent emphasis on one group or one belief seems **• hardly the Christian way of going about the business...
...Vice-]gj»Mttt Wallace, whom Mr...
...Has not, in *•*» tke papacy waited too long to declare itself with regard to the J*d» basic issue of this war...
...It would help them immensety htebjew enoid be sure we really believed...
...Our thinking must become Sghting...
...Evidently there is something fn too, that leads men to stand up for the same J^.Jjip JSturxo wants us to give greater emphasis to "mora) •* flntmn factors...
...if you can push your way past the scramble of fascists, aatt-Semites, millionaires, and fellow-travelers...
...JJ\rJ ft»d » a neighboring column on that page...
...And the pressure on the NYC administration was so stftt, llntt th* stfbway's recommendatioh* of the movie have been refty^ved ffoat s2 Ctrl . . . The Warner stadtos themeetvee...
...He proved his friendship by making a kindly Leader policies...
...The themes which eomiahto of*'-estfsa are them as ef luissflg WV study social phwsaians in the spirit of nany,*an who f^that what they learn teeny wfll aa P^ry^h^treUre—the aw reetemjiarary replaced by another before the week to eV^ Swtt^i^Bto (aVhfalt all fetiietVafcg^ ttgatt Btaa^fcAl leV*|Wt OC AaVta^-^gaatal K taaetftlgn...
...Random House...
...But he must account of realities...
...Chatter Inside and Out By MATTHEW LOW •The French Story: Gossip rnehes in...
...Rugg is a cap!rvating writer...
...By Sinclair Lewis...
...2*mat, democratic world must achieve unity in variety...
...They caajaarnuse what kind of society an oid people lftajk Jews will ebdafeVOr to create in Palestine...
...This wOei tha I litem eaeWlK sir-man special delivery—from Pearl Harbor...
...Bat "Mteston to Moscow* cbrtoftsty was a bar-rfbte enangh example...
...I am not trying to imply that these are separate...
...If I have nevertheless put the boon down feel ing that it hat left very important facts oat of its picture Of our World, Old reason may wan hi that I have lam than sufficient faith ia the immediate future of mankind...
...where the facts cant be » fed (except at the prise of a libel suit...
...the protests have been iWining wp and down tha tonnage, tegi gate we team thsd the Mexican gevernmeat has dropped im atea to sponsor She gusabri of Mission toMosoow ta Mesrjco CHy...
...This sug-rom a man who has every right to make it...
...e» -York...

Vol. 26 • June 1943 • No. 23

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