The Home Front


Americana ?ooki and *???*? Chatter ¦ A Page - of Features i *lUe ???? tyiatii tjftnd everyone excited about the fact that two southern women .1 publish South Today, a first-class quarterly about...

...In a corner of" the room a large blonde girl stirs uneasily...
...Pay your cook more...
...What they have to say to other southern women is a revelation...
...In my opinion it is without any scientific value, dwelling always on the surface and being satisfied with the roost superficial questions and utterly hasty conclusions...
...There is Professor Clarhnundo, around whom the book revolves...
...of the cop- and the morgue attendant fighting over four cigars which had...
...It is some*lust cormkai whea he describes Friedrich List an the Unem...
...L. ? Kaplan's translation would seem to be good—occasionally pedestrian, but for the most part very spirited...
...the bus driver thanked her...
...and Time magazine's obituary, which lovingly tolls all the details except the fact that old J. P. financed Henry Luee in bis Time magazine venture...
...It's comeback time for Lehar...
...few know or are greatly interested in the fact that Chile is the only South American country in which the labor movement and parties, basing their-ideologies and policies on the aspirations of the workers, play an important and significant role in the government and social legislation of their nation...
...Rut taboo is the word for criticism in the U.S.S.R Russians who criticise are purged...
...Consider this description of Clarimondo's pupils, while that knocked-out character is happily expatiating on the quality of Latin verbs: "The girl with the blue bonnet Surrendered her virginity to her sweetheart, and now be doesn't want to marry her...
...Edward ????????????son...
...5. Spend a little time thinking...
...Thus the second largest group, the Socialists, prevented the break-^p of the Popular Front by the declaration that they would vote for Aguirre...
...of the Communists to vote for a candidate favoring the United Nations...
...The Popular Front collapsed due to this interna) conflict...
...360 pages...
...Verissimo is one of the most prominent Brazilian writers...
...University of Pennsylvania Press...
...The technique being, apparently, that you feel the body and if it's cold, you can safely call him "Buster...
...New York...
...hat apparently it was no-go...
...Be didn't eyewitness great battles...
...Transport system is at bad that it would be impossible now, even if Chiang were Wifling, to f?$M the weil-equipped First Army out of the North and string it around in time to meet any major Jap offensive...
...It's a good book...
...Bat I must take •JPjjj to a private home or a private club...
...NOTE: We asked Dr...
...Verissimo is not primarily intent on rendering us...
...for the abolition of the white primary...
...Some 10,000 copies gm away, and toe next edition, ol course, said: "Harry Bridges, West Coast maritime leader...
...Our favorite story in this connection is the one Alice Leona Moats tells in her new book of how one loud-mouthed Commissar in Moscow was boasting of the elimination of Russia's "5th Column...
...Negroes are barred [** restaurants, hotels, theatres in New York, precisely ae they aj[T»e editors of South Today give an elaborate account of the lr*ibMons of southern liberals...
...I need to ••favors of them...
...of Germany (p...
...and she wonders how she is going to pay her room rent at the end of the month...
...Fredtric Ewen of the School for Democracy...
...A firm stand taken by a southern lady or gentleman ""M™* t,1e ri?nt wav WUI bring immediate results...
...Find for yourself some racial project that fits your temper -ament and talents...
...Dorothy Brewster (of Columbia) resigned from the Club over its choice, and...
...Raper and Reid's Share, croppers All, Embree's Brown America, Vance's Human Geography ef the South----Get familiar with Odum's Southern Regions...
...Out of this abundance...
...Some of the Georgia papers now give courtesy titles in obituary notices but to no live one...
...Verissimo writes with verve, aad a lively feeling for the troubles and joys of mankind...
...Ronndnp;— Tbe Daily Workers first edition last Setur^* day hit the streets by 10:23 p. m. And by 10:2!» p. ?., seven editors bad hit the ceiling...
...Within these limits, however, Sr...
...P. Moreen as a Liberal" (s'hetp at...
...on a complaint charge of misrepresentation...
...Bat in the election of 1942, after tbe'death of Aguirre, a liberal president was elected in spite of the demise of the Popular Front, because with the invasion of Russia by Germany...
...I wonder whether tbe chapters on Education and Economy, for which be claims that they prove his point, are worth the- paper they are at in tod •n...
...William Power Maloney is still boiling over tbe Supreme Court's decision on the Viereck case he prosecuted...'s because the company has given a cease-and-desist order to th<f networks...
...A front-page editorial in the Doily Worker—actually!— puts the blame on . . . David Dubinsky...
...LovGr\Sfar-Timcs and Globe-Democret, has assembled in a volume of concise short stories the richest of his experiences...
...Very well...
...Work through whatever means you have, for the abolition of the poll tax for voting...
...WelUsley Wesley, Master of the South Dorset Hunt.—in the Glasgow Forward, Politics in the Andes By STEPHAN WAFT THE CHILEAN POPULAR FRONT...
...just the plain workaday lag man who chases fire engines, ofoen at pretty low pay, and never gets a chance to write his own staff...
...If you are unable to speak out publicly for racial democracy .. . there is still something which you can do...
...How it must feel to be jim-erowed .on buses, on street cars, in dining cars, in theatres, in elevators, in churches, in schools, hotels, restaurants, in the armed forces, in jobs...
...Ytt there.are 55,000 Negro colleg^ graduates...
...She has not found a job yet and at the same time she dues- not wast to interrupt her studies...
...373 pages...
...If your fsvorUe comedian wont crack any more about Pepsi-Cola (it hit* the— burp—spot...
...By Edward MvCrny Thompson...
...He saw the ttttte things...
...Mike Gold is conducting a personal boycott by plugging the new front outfit called the "Book Find Club...
...F:w white Southerners have ever heard an educated Negro speak a word...
...Negro health, adequate hospitalization, maternity centers are among the' South's most glaring needs...
...The bw driver /*j4*ed her to move...
...Old Gold scored 1 177,187 of an ounce lower in nicotine content and 0.39' - lower in tars, and capitalized in misleading full-pnge ads...
...2. (a) Urge every Southerner to stop using the words nigger, dsrkie, coon...
...or "Miss...
...By John Reese Stevenson...
...I could go on for page* quoting similar nonsense but I do not like to waste your time and mine...
...The book is an excellent source of- information, but it is greatly to be regretted the* it has, no alphabetical index...
...knows, all bus drivers must be sick of these incidents unless *re confirmed sadists.') LS"**pin*Beton Oer Own Doors ¦>T no Yankee read any of these lines with a feeling of satisfaction...
...But Clarimundo is the absent-minded professor to end all such, a dope, frankly, who doesn't know-enough to come in out of the rain, and the real people are all a little too stereotyped...
...An item was placed witb Winchell this week using "isolationists and Trotskyites" na s damning tag...
...Everyone in the bus was...
...His talk was sharp, but Stalin, Maisky & Co...
...The fellow-travelers have taken their cue and have goae out to smear the new Mark Aldanov novel...
...or "Mrs...
...Stop telling "nigger jokes...
...Out By MATTHEW LOW Cabmiasion 1· Moscow:—The Commies and fel low-traveler frame *·* are getting all riled about the vigorous counter-attack against the HeUywood-GPU film, Mission to Moscow, in various liberal, labor and independent circles...
...This week the Federal Trade Commission got after P. tor ill a rd...
...He tense human dramas that mahn a city cense to life...
...Robert Carse, etc...
...In the face of several government hearings, the Commies have always vehemently denied that Bridges was a party man...
...We are in New York...
...It was now the...
...The Negro woman said, she could T* on tne back seat because she was not well...
...Not the global re-* porter...
...iterati & Co.:—Elephantine Willie Randolph Hearst never fee...
...a? the prostitute wronged by two detectives...
...Just ? Reporter LEG MAN...
...Obviously Ebenstein's book leans heavily on the previous books of Franz Neumann, Em« Frankel and Maxine.Sweezey without paying any attention to the problems raised by these authors, and without even having taken adequate etsem tag* of the factual information contained in abase 'books...
...You can easily find many who are equal to you in education, intelligence, appearance, charm, ability, social poise, sensitive good breeding, ?' :% Subscribe to a Negro magazine or a Negro newspaper...
...The 18th Route Array has been concentrating more on Chiang's troops on its flank than against the Japanese...
...If you want more, send to Clayton, Georgia, for your copy of South Today...
...Or -took at such deep lneifMe into social psychology as "eveiy Gcrnuuu in barn an interventionist, regardless of his poHtieal creed and tbe time in which be is born" (p...
...The Festival was Europe's outstanding musical event before* the Nazis took, over...
...CENHOR VERISSIMO'S Crossroads is not to be.confused with the recent movie of the same name (William Powell, Hedy Lama it...
...China experts here reveal that Chungking's best troops are imineMHaed in the northwest, watching the Chinese Communist 18th Route Army there... al...
...Flying squads of comrade* were sent out to bag), buy, burrow or steal all the existing copies...
...Do you want me to return the book or may I keep it to find its due plane aiaong the Vanstt-tart type of our printed rubbish collection " The Brazil Story By HARVEY SWADOS CROSSROADS...
...It is the application of shock psychology to social problems...
...I am sorry that I lack the' space to produce every word from the text by Lillian E. Smith and Paula Snellmg...
...But this list of unspectacular deeds is followed by another eae of things to do which may require more imagination and more courage...
...she was later asked, "that the Trials eliminated the 5th Column...
...HILE is one of the countries least known to American tourists and students...
...1_ 1...
...Our favorite headlines of tbe week—on the cut in rayon prices: WOMEN'S HOSE CUMfifB DOWN!—and on a local WAAC who was getting on: ELLKl*-DALE GIRL MADE SERGEANT...
...The joker, you see...
...Write your present governor and tell him that you do not like Pascistic statements about White Supremacy...
...The Fifth Seal happens to be a biting story of the Soviet Embassy in Paris, and is a current Book-of-the Month selection...
...Write Gene Talmadge and tell him that you do not approve of either his race manners or of the Vigilante, Inc...
...How about sweeping before ¦ onr own doors...
...Thompson didn't see whole civilizations in turmoil...
...virile young Salustiano, who seduces Chiirita...
...Some of them are important...
...which tried to link The New Leader witb the Chicago Tribune.' It was written ?? the most untrustworthy Hollywood correspondent, Peter Furst, »hose copy was re-edited and by-line dropped in later PM editions...
...In the city of Porto AJegre, in the southeast corner of Brazil, live a number of persons from all walks of life, whose paths intersect from time to time, much as they do in the America of John Don Passes...
...Korngold and Straus...
...They're smearing critics with all rinds of fantastic labels...
...Commend those who do these things which you dbn't dare to do...
...Well, it's about time to tell a little story about ex-Ambassador Joseph ?. Davies that you won't find in your evening newspaper...
...Everybody knows that the mastermind suddenly discovered the truth about the Moscow trials not in 1987-88 when he was in Russia, but in Chicago in 1941 when it suddenly dawned on f him...
...Almost "everybody" knows "everything" about Mexico's revolutions and social and agrarian reforms, but...
...Your newspaper would he prettv dull without them...
...there is the nouveau...
...He has, as a matter of fact, been referred to (in the dust jacket and by certain book reviewers) as the "Theodore Dreiser of Brazil...
...I want them to write...
...or St...
...The book gives all the details how this Popular Front became possible only by the renunciation of the Socialist Party in favor of dm Radical Ajanre, as each component of tbe proposed Front insisted on its own candidate...
...of tbe town's domestic quarrels...
...It is tbe only Latin American country where Socialists, as we understand the term, are or were members of the government, a government which in many respects resembles the $iew Deal...
...Ambassador Standley will probably leave Moscow for home soon...
...b) Uee courtesy titles when speaking to educated Negroes or about them- - · · We can begin now in a small way by conferring upon Negro college presidents, teachers, ministers, lawyers, community leaders, artists 'the simple, decent word "Mr...
...small-town family—fat, foolish Ze Maria Ped-rosa, his pinchpenny wife, Dona Maria, and their luscious, crazy-about-Hollywood daughter, Chin-ita...
...Not long ago a southern woman from Atlanta was traveling in a bus to Columbia, ? — *'11'te man entered, saw the only vacancy to be a seat beside *^N*gro woman, called to the bus driver "to make that nigger move to a back seat...
...The Deiily Worker the same day quote Johannes Steel's diatribe against "anti-Davies defeatism...
...If it were not for hunting I should have nothing to look forward to when this business is over...
...that they are, in fact, right in line with the old southern tradition of graciousness...
...To the U. S. Minister in one of the three small Baltic states, Davies confessed that "now I understand" what freedom means, and that to be here after Stalinist Russia was like being in Paradise...
...We don't want to poke oar nose into . ****«d situations sooth of the Mason and Dixon line...
...When tbe Readers' Digest made its scientific tests of nil cigarettes, it exposed all of the advertising as equally phony, and all of the cigarettes as almost equally bad...
...An American edition of Austria's Salzburg Festival is shaping up for BrAdvay this fall with some top Viennese and other refugee talent that contributed to pre-war European culture participating...
...And here follows a story which throws a bright light on what ? Happening down yonder during these war days...
...are not known for beating around the bush with the Allies either...
...The army sergeant dreams of a lieutenant's gold braid, and suffers because he cannot understand primary equations or memorise chemical formulas...
...For a laugh or two, read Dorothy Thompson's column on "J...
...It is 'reported that a motion-picture will not be made of it...
...Obviously the number is arbitrary,- but there could have been a great many more or a great many less and tbe quality of the book would not have been changed appreciably...
...Hell never forgive Orson Welles for the powerful movie life of "Citizen Kane...
...Treat her with more consideration...
...The best thing that wo can do to diminish segregation in the South'is to do something about it in the North...
...Whenever you have a chance of not being segregated, quiifly take it...
...Smackdnb in a feature spot a sentence screamed out: ". . .· Harry Bridges West Coast Communist leader...
...All it manages to "find" are things like Max Werner, Egen Erwin, Kiseh...
...3. Write a letter to your newspaper suggesting that Negro jokes be avoided in its pages for the duration of the war at least, jjj&t courtesy titles be used for living Negroes as well as for dead ones...
...4 The history of the famous Popular Front i? particularly interesting and revealing...
...A thousand letters will make any politician hold his head...
...We also find in this book how the Popular Front began to split by internal dissension, because immediately after the Nazi-Soviet Pact in 1939...
...not in Atlanta...
...Shorten her hours...
...German economist in the middle of the 1Mb Century, who looked upon economics as an instrument designed to strengthen the military...
...all of which is old hat, ? ?» maybe transmission felt...
...We -cap learn where the racial pressure points are...
...Oxford U. Press...
...Such as sitting by a Negro on a bus or street oar, •? Standing by a Negro in an elevator...
...rffs novel's thesis is simple and its narration straightforward and entertaining...
...The men and women on school boards, in charehes, in luncheon clubs and other public- bodies are asked to stand up and . .tne'r part...
...Is it true...
...He is always held in small regard by the occasional mediocrities who manage' to pursue newspaper careers without ever stooping to acquire the basic fact-gathering experience of which- the lowly leg man, bless hin», baa sueh an abunduoee...
...The Patterson attorney has offered to settle for $28...
...His facts were wrong, his tone snide, and his politics obvious—he called the Davies movie—which, he claims, shows Trotsky meeting Ribbentrop in the Germany Embassy, and not even the GP4...
...U. S. and British forces are worried... non-segregation in the "armed forces...
...I have need of their 5j*lce- The natural thing is to invite "them to lunch or dsnaar...
...Thus Thompson wartes with affectionate recollection of, the felon who spent hie last tern weeks debating whether to buy a.„$43 sort from a feSew prisoner—and bought it in time to wear to haa hanging...
...For Sr...
...The American Minister asked Davies if he would report this to the State Department Davies said he would, and kept bis promise...
...grateful and /25*^' "^eny shewed their gratitude...
...He's filed objections with tbe press services for the emphasis given to Chief Justice Stone's criticism of his conduct . . . The OWI shake-up has begun, with the dropping of the Bureau of Intelligence and R. Keith Kane...
...The gray-haired fellow- is secretly ashamed of hawing to frequent a preparatory course at his age—he is thirty years old—but he needs a diploma in order to secure a liberal profession so as to gain enough money to sustain his enormous family...
...This political coalition composed of tile moderate "Badicals," "Radical Socialists," "Demoetatieoe," Socialists and Communists brought about in 1988 the election of the moderat« leftist president Pedro Agairre Cerda with 222,000 votes against the 218,000 of the reactionary Gustavo Ross^ho if elected, would certainly have turned the dock back in Chile's social and liberal history...
...At the time he thought Stalin's i regime was a regime of "terror...
...Write to southern radio stations urging tblit southern Negro colleges be invited more frequently to put on programs, that Negro speakers and artists, when announced, be accorded courtesy titles, that Negroes be invited to participate is the forums which many radio stations promote... schools for Negro youth (the only decent one is in Kentucky...
...And he* reply: "Russia is the place wbere the 5th Column eliminated everybody else...
...I see where the C.P.'s Juan Marinello has been given a Ministerial post by Colonel Batista...
...We can do this by reading a few books, now...
...We may »Ofe harm than good...
...The similarity went even so far that the late President Pedro Aguirre Cerda, elected by Popular Front support, was also called "that man" by his reactionary opponents who hated him as much as their correligionaries in the United States hate or hated FDR...
...That pah* youth who looks fearfully at the professor worts ten hours a day and earns a miserable pittance Sis companion with the downy face wears a worried look...
...He is thinking of his girl who rs waiting for him at the window for their usual pioaaic evening chat...
...who was a reporter on the St...
...library facilities for the colored race... fel uneasy and tense... that Clariraundo's projected magnum opus'is to be a study of the world, of which he obviously knows nothing...
...155 pages... the craned gunman who wanted to ???» a statement to the press, and, naturally, of the fires...
...Why did the Russians evacuate Kharkov...
...The other day I hinted that the slightest nudge would tip me in favor of reprinting their list of «hupfe, undramatic things which we all can do to lessen the strain if race relations...
...G. Write a few letters...
...the Communists started their campaign of defamation against Great Britain and the United States, while the Soofcnttsta strongly supported America's stand...
...Chile was also the only South American country which, during the three years of permanent revolutions in South Amtrica, following and caused by the financial collapse of 1929, had some revolts led and organized by workers and bad, for a short time, a "Socialist Republic, headed by a regular Socialist, the picturesque former head of Chile's air force, Marmeduke Grove, who is still the Leader of Chile's Socialist Party...
...through a cress-section of its population, tbe feci, ol Porto Alegre (which might just as well have been Dubuque...
...I am sorry to say that many statements of Ebenstein's show that he tacks the lahdnaan banal edge required to form aa origiaai opinion oat the subjects ha writes about...
...I got nudges aplenty—and, I am glad to say, .most of them came from the South... interracial group projects...
...Author of the origiaal seript waa Hamann J. Mankiewicz—who got into an auto crash in Hollywood baut week while high...
...Not next year, but now...
...He didn't cover infamafhnial conclaves...
...dared to tell that one!—"the first outspoken Hollwood movie of the war...
...You can always contribute a little money to Mr agencies working toward these ends, such as the Southern Workers Defense League, the Southern Electoral League (Rich-mond, Va.l...
...We can learn the names of the economic groups who have a stake in race tension and are exerting pressure to keep the white man and the black nan afraid of each other...
...dropped from-a suddenly-departed leading tifiaan...
...Pollock to review the Ebensteiii book, and received this note from him shortly after...
...foreigners eventually get their passports...
...the attitude at the Comunists again changed...
...Post-War Hopes 'JJ^HAT some people want—and why not: "There is scarcely an officer in tbe Arm}' who does not write home to say, "For goodness sake keep hunting alive...
...New Curents is the latest "front" magazine, oriented towards the Jewish public...
...h We can give ourselves a first-aid course on the South...
...Ebenstein's basic thesis that every major aspect of National Socialism dates back at least to the late 18th century and often to earlier periods of German history, is purely gratuitous, and does not improve in any way the earlier statements of the same thesis by Bruck or Gustav Stolpe...
...No lady need make a public spectacle of herself by doing them...
...A really vicious story appeared in PM...
...wealthy Don Leitao Lejria, his stupid, philan-tropic wife, and their Lesbian daughter Vera...
...That report is in the archives of the State Department...
...The Navy has finally called off those haif-deeen snoopers who have been shadowing Drew Pearson...
...The book 'has neither the qualities of a journalist's work because it lacks any first-hand impressions, nor does ti deserve to be classified as a scholarly beak...
...tyiatii tjftnd everyone excited about the fact that two southern women .1 publish South Today, a first-class quarterly about the soul and body of our southern states...
...Shoe rationing can't be so bad down there when Batista can efford to spate a Cuban heel for the cabinet...
...In the Convention which created the Popular Front the "Radicals" had 4»» votes, the Socialists 300, the Communists 160, the - Democraticos" 130 and the Chilean Confederation of Labor whose following was almost equally divided-between tbe Communists and the Social ists had also 120...
...THIS is a reporter's story...
...They keep repeating in the most persuasive ways that these' things are not in bad.taste...
...And although Danes, in the prologue ; to the film, boasts that the script wins based on hitherto undisclosed State documents, one dispatch he Wasn't dug up is the one sent from the Baltic...
...By Erico Veriesimo, M&omMam...
...This little book, which is packed with precise information and analyses not found in any book on the subject twice or three times its size, gives a short history of Chile's internal politics, the gradual, partly peaceful, partly violent, transitions from the rule by feudal oligarchies to the rule by the liberal middle classes, which they finally were compelled to share with the representatives of the laboring classes and introduce far-reaching social legislation in the interest of the latter...
...It was not intended ?? a review, and it is run here as sueh (with his permission) because of its general interest.} TO the Literary Editor: I have looked into Ebensteinv book "The Nazi State" and I wonder whether it is not too unimportant to be reviewed in your paper...
...The white woman from Atlanta, Wttly stood up, offered her seat to tbe white man and me deero "f^ee the Negro woman...
...He has no right to any shade of complacency...
...The «20·.000 libel suit against Walter Winchell by Cissie Patterson will definitely get under way Man-day...
...I base *** »f Negro friends...
...for non-discrimination in defense jobs...
...His main purpose is to attack academic sterility (Professor Clarimundo), and to contrast it with the richness and variety of everyday life (all the other people in the book...
...A small item for moat papers, but the Kaarst press black-headlined stories of "dangerous drunken driving" throughout the country...
...Editors include: Albert Kahn, Joseph Brainin (of The Protestant) and Prof...
...This Goes for Northerners 8. OEEK out among the Negro race a few individuals with *T whom you can become good friends...
...tVaenhugton Nates:—Ex-Senator George W. Norrie may eater ™ home-state politics with a seat in Nebraska's new unicameral legislature...
...the white man insisted, and everyone in tbe bus...
...How it must feel to be a Negro college president and have to walk up 22 flights of stairs in an office building to meet the white chairman of one's board because you won't be jim-crowed-int» a freight elevator...
...Hmt in Bad Taste MISS SMITH and Miss Snelling are, of course, southern women...
...He and his wife had taker a short trip to the Baltic countries, where he expressed his admiration over conditions...
...A free press is a great thing...
...Crossroads begins on a Saturday morning and ends on a Wednesday, and follows through, in a fairly detailed fashion, the lives of the protagonists in these few days...
...S.: That was just at the time that Nazi Chief von Ribbentrop arranged his meeting—not with Trotsky—but with Foreign Minister V. I. Molotoff...
...4 In conversation with friends, make a point of suggesting how ridiculous you think it is for southern whites who pride themselves on their manners to refuse to use the courtesy titles when speaking of or to Negroes.....Suggest how difficult it is for Negro mothers to give their sons to a jim-crow army and then be pushed around by us at home...
...There are too many characters...
...What about the cowardice of °*™birn men and women...
...Cbn-tributors: Johannes Steel and Albert Deutsch, those Moscow-Gold-Dust-Twins of the afternoon papers...
...By WiUiam Ebensten...
...dreamy, tubercular Joao Benevolo and his miserable wife . . . and -so on and on...
...Other facts that should be noted: the book was written a number of years ago and Sr...
...Occasionally the method simply runs away witb itself...
...Thinking how it must feel to ¦be a Negro in our South today...
...An incident which occurred recently in Atlanta...
...That U. S. Minister later received a copy of the Davies report on Stalin and the GPU...

Vol. 26 • March 1943 • No. 12

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