The Home Front ON LOOKING FOR A POST-WAR SANTA CLAUS, OS HOW TO LOSE A GENERATION FAST . . . By WILLIAM E. BOHN Ifcarltomfw^^ Ip all set to write about pmtet eaesrihiad Jtscy'a toy...

...Flubdub was at a loss to explain her husband's action...
...A curious fellow-trsveling outfit with Corliss Lamont, Vito Marcantonio, Mike Quill, Eda Lou Walton, Harry F. Ward, Max Yergan, et.aL, have sponsored an exhibition of Nazi-banned books...
...Having burned our fingers more than once, we can now tell you to discount most War Production Board rumors around...
...The bosk-hen pesos ports: The Early Church...
...It closes with extracts from Heywood Broun and Gilbert Chesterton, both converts to the Church in their maturity...
...But that is really not what I started out to say...
...Whatever notions we may have about toe realities of Oriental situations, we all agree now that exploiting imperialism should come to an end...
...But if...
...321 Overlook Street, Bronx—or maybe it is Brooklyn or Queens—shot—or perhaps^ hanged—himself during the night...
...I iterati & Co.:—Frank Lloyd Wright, master *** American architect, is in a broil with federal judges and draft boards out in Wisconsin where some of his workshop students are being publicly attacked for their pacifism...
...A New Deal," which was the closest literary progenitor of the New Deal...
...3.50 TPHE compiler of this anthology is a gifted * writer and a keen critic...
...But, dear friend in Newark, it will be far from being a "Christless night...
...Qir William Beveridge and Tiny Tim:—Human *^ beings are strange...
...Was "Economy of Abundance" gave expression to a whole trend that is far from having ran its course...
...The preface states that some of the authors chosen were saints, some were sinners, some were artiste and poets, some historians, others "manifested a passionate dissatisfaction with earthly experience and ought to find the road to the land where the mystic dwells...
...Twentieth Century fund...
...Augustine, St...
...Indignant notations, taking umbrage at criticisms of Stalin and the Communist International, were indelible-pencilled in the margins...
...Current is the story of the coming struggle for industrial 'power between Aluminum and Steel...
...so the matter drops...
...In' business, each fellow is supposed to be out to get all he can...
...Looks innocent enough, but there's little to it What it probably is: a ¦care-story placed by Bethlehem, owned by the Mellon-Alcoa interests, to get to U. S. Steel...
...A second lousy, lost and voluble generation would he toe much...
...And we have ware because poor men battle to sate rich men's greed...
...Apparently, madaening+y chaotis typhoons hsve an "eye" down their middle whore the air is as "smooth as silk...
...Deware of Pem-Chriateaaa Bkdammmmaeat :— ¦r And this reminds me of what happened after toe last war...
...Diverse as the extracts are, it is easy to recognise the band bast untie* rhem...
...The OWI » sponsoring a magazine called Victory to be circulated freely abroad as anti-Axis propa-"tanda...
...The book presents part of the answer to their prophecy...
...The theory of war presented has no relation at all to the facts...
...But the BBC was trying to instruct Italians, not Indians, in slowdown technique...
...Our hearts still warm to Tiny Tim and the heartless Scrooge reformed by visions of Christmas Past...
...Much to their embarass-ment the Public Library has included in the showcases various titles by Leon Blum, Andre Gide, and Leon Trotsky, so often abused as "enemies of the working-class" and "devious pro-Hitler stooges...
...And from Hollywood came the news-that daughter Mimi Chandler has been given a contract, an avowed "smart move" on the part of the industry, desperate to "acquires good friend where good friends are scarce...
...Finally they caught him: A young Kremlin-minded enthusiast who had dedicated his all to the preservation of Stalin's fair aame...
...What be sets out to prove is that oar national resources in men, machines and raw materials are sufficient to provide every American with a generous minimum of the good things of life...
...Royal Leonard...
...These he measures tinder five headings, food, shelter, clothing, health care and education, presenting in each case- a "budget" of goods and servings required, with an- estimate of what it would tea* in the way of additional manpower end materials to fill the budget...
...Leonard knew General Claire Chennault from of old in the United States, and pro votes us wtth more information about this amazing leader of the American Air Force* in China...
...Modern Creative and Critical Writing...
...He sends a snooping reporter...
...There 'never were so many hearts beating in unison...
...Dickens represented the sympathetic, civilized imagination of an awakening world...
...But that hasn't stopped Harry Lundeberg from •terming into Washington and seeing to it that toe Bridges crowd stops the raids on his own maritime union, the S.U.P...
...He is now pounding out a sentence far the workhouse...
...If there is a starry-eyed soul left in the world who thinks that the CP, or the Daily Worker, or The New Mane*, is fit to live among liberals and progressives, his brain is pumping-water...
...Leonard became a setter American citisen in China, and reading Leenara's hook caa teach many of us at home to be better American citizens...
...The introduction by William.Lyon Photo*, the author's preface which suggests toe wag te use the book as a gateway to the* vast literature of which it is but a fragmsat, and toe biographical notes on the authors ami their works, round out a very useful and inspiring volume...
...It is a brilliant little book...
...Professor Phelps points out that the third quarter of the last ""jFtVl saw many false prophets go out into too-teMM confidently asserting the approaching death of the Catholic Church, even of Christianity* llfcs iarge number of these cases the wish was fMkr ably father to the thought bat, as Browning wrote: "I must survive a thing ere I knew it dead...
...Those years ia China, seeing people I admired and respected struggling for the very -things I had always taken for granted, gave me a new perspective," he explains...
...Back fighting where decisive issues are being determined...
...In the nature of things, they must make war on every civilized tendency...
...Wonder what hell make of Claude Rains in the picture...
...She is already petulant because she can't see Saint Nick riding the war clouds...
...The Daily Worker this week let loose on Wechsler, and professional hatchet-man Milton Howard made a special point (for certain people to see) of referring to him as "an ex-Communist...
...It ia rather a sad promenade, for Junior failed to get toe sled— or skates or skis—for which be had asked Santa Claus...
...But all exhibit scene phase of the varied interest in faith, in prayer, in God...
...The Dickens security sesame doesn't Work very well...
...My guess is that the result will be mixed and, for the most part, unsatisfactory...
...The present volume, whiehc is to* seeond in the series, presents a new and convincing proof that poverty need no longer bright America...
...Sense and Censors:—The stage and screen battle over censorship is developing into a national free-for-all, a brawling melee which cuts across a whole host-of issues and special interests...
...We could wipe out poverty and stiB have tea —ilaoS ealgh workers to produce comforts, luxuries sad p*#fcV works...
...On the other is gentleness going hand in hand with understanding...
...And now Governor Lehman is to serve as Good Neighbor-in-Chief to all the world...
...But now we have the Beveridge Plan...
...Looks like most of the dramatic .fireworks we're going to be...
...And in this country we are polishing up our own version of it...
...Human understanding newer came as near transcending race lines as it does now...
...That, no doubt, will come later ia the series...
...In large part it is a new version of (and gives full credit to) Harold of Potential Prafee* Capacity, to* mSmtemt vattdtey of widen is new beteg peseta kg"*** w&r production jrT^yrfsm But tht ^tffi rimtj fetum* 1M& Mi tptat- % tew aiteasmV ihmhari, test ****** SmtmSiL far toe easaeteedfcve barium* men was flter we must tighten our belts after the war...
...Mercy has no place...
...I can write better than that myself...
...Freda Ut-hjg...
...The Stalinists in the past haven't hesitated to put the finger on people that way (via a well-placed whisper), but here the job is out in the open...
...Newman, Pasteur, Merrier...
...Christmas represents everything which the dictators are against...
...By analogy-only good nations have a right to expect to draw down good gifts from war's Christmas tree...
...Thomas Aquinas, Alfred the Great, Dante, Cervantes...
...QOYAL LEONARD, who can ride a plane as thoroughly as a cowboy rides a broncho, was personal pilot to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang during the crucial years when China was fighting the Japs unaided...
...It was Chang who raised the Kuomintang flag in Manchuria in defiance of Japan, uniting all China under the banner of the republic...
...In a Hitler-ruled world, there would be no Christ child in the manger and no Santo Claus in his sleigh...
...Reason: maybe U. S. Steel will bite, and let Bethlehem get a large share/of current steel "war contracts...
...in respect for man for toe sake of God...
...They seem to think that if Roosevelt and Churchill give the right turn to the rudder, we can sail straight to heaven...
...It it not a thing of today which shall be gone and forgotten tomorrow...
...Perhaps it is not, after all, such a heartless and un-Christmasy world...
...We have spent billions to feed toe people of other countries...
...I have been defending Santa Claus at-toe symbol of civilization...
...There is One'poet-Christmas feature which I can never rub out of my mind...
...On Christmas morning, father James went walking with son J immie...
...If there were ho war, if we all knuckled under to Hitler—then it would be a Christless night...
...There is nothing ephemeral about the tradition unfolded in these pages...
...Stuart Chase can make even iteatotim sparkle and glow...
...we ueuit disaster many times worse...
...They are simply reverting to childishness, to the naivete of the Dickens period...
...Wendell Willkie hi Turkey and in China felt that he was among human brothers...
...On the one side is haute force coupled with punishment...
...and was a factor in the new Lowell Mellett order on checking all future movie scripts...
...It has become part ef the legend that attaches to this incident toat the Communist armies were the prune mover*, and the light thai Leonard can throw on this affair is therefore of toe utmost value...
...It is ages old but ever now...
...Leonard went to China to become pilot for the-young Marshal, who had been driven from Sfancnutia by the Nips...
...The Early Banaiinsii, Be-ligious Humanism, An Expanding Faith, The Nineteenth Century and After...
...But in his thinking it took a miracle to give little Tim a roost goose and a plum pudding...
...Wrong, brother...
...James Senior fingers the few coins in his frayed pants, goes home-and then Mrs...
...Leon Trotsky's The Revolution Betrayed (three copies) ;» Angelica Balabanoff's My Life at a Rebel (five copies...
...Only last week it spoke of "the sad remembrances of liberal and bourgeois democ• racy," of "we who fought the...
...Chase dees not tell us in tots book how to mattes** full employment...
...It seems quite natural for him to have undertaken and completed the task of presenting this collection of Catholic writings and, in a few instances, of statements by non-Catholics about Catholics and things Catholic...
...The Middle Ages...
...Paragraphs were censored...
...Surely a pebjta-spinted military leader of his Mature could be put to use on behalf of Free China...
...James Gibbons, Baron von Hugel...
...They pass a store with those bright things on display...
...LeeaafiTk account of the little aid—in fact, toe fitter* fere nee — which the American fliers received from their own country, should make us dosmo repentent over the blind, harmful policy we followed during those years when China fought alone, and we supplied the mutual enemy of Chinese and Americans alike The downright stupidity and bullheadness of some of the State Department people is here revealed one more time...
...There"* no heavenly peace Till aw vow war* shall cease...
...We eeold ease* «•* "budget" with our left hand...
...They, are beginning to win...
...It is precisely" a century from Charles Dickens to Sir William...
...Meanwhile the picture bigwigs don't intend to get caught in a fade-out...
...116 pagr...
...The book opens with St Luke's account of the Nativity and the eight Beatitudes from the Gospel of St...
...The Thornton Wilder-James Joyce literary controversy has got readers and writers all excited, but the press is dropping it...
...Sample reason: Times' critic Lewis Nichols wanted to do a piece on it, turned to Joyce's Finnegan's Wake, the alleged source of the Broadway hit Skin of Our Teeth, and— couldn't understand it...
...They partake of the beast and the angel...
...He's where at man of his vitality belongs...
...The enterprising journalist gets hold of Jimmie Flubdub and finally reconstruct* the tragedy...
...The*, ia more enesgee, meow genaiesltj a toe matte of this war then we ever had in peacetime...
...An American in China By EDWARD HUNTER I FLEW FOR CHINA...
...This sort of composition has a very happy result...
...You may not have noticed—on December 26th you will always see in the papers tiny items like this: "James Flubdub, 31 years old, of No...
...But he does offer a challenge to the business community to produce the plenty toat will be waiting to be produced after the war...
...Ami too many Tiny Tims are left dinnerless...
...The studios, on their own part, don't like any of it...
...battle to sate rich men's greed...
...Indians who tuned into the BBC shortwave radio are blinking with surprise over the explicit instruction on how to conduct a campaign of passive resistance...
...There will be a people's revolution, followed by the century of the common man...
...For selfishness they would substitute charity...
...Some liberals are writing and speaking as if only s couple of hard-headed fellows stand between us and paradise...
...In his introduction...
...To anyone who has followed Chase's writing in to* past ami to* writing of some of the other members of...
...This is not the brightest hour in the world history...
...To some extent we will get some of- these good things in some places...
...He is organizing an international set-up designed to rush food and clothes and medicine from places where they exist in plenty to- spots where folks suffer for lack of them...
...Edited by Georoe .V...
...Pearl Buck ia the shining child of this bevy...
...It is from J. J. Neiss, «ho belongs to too Newark, N. J., quick-on-Ifce-trigger contingent...
...In troubled times like these, when man hahnlri the earth -encircling anguish that results from selfishness and hate, when they am fathering the bitter fruits of uncontrolled late for power while other men the world over as* saaotafyiag their lives by death in s noble cause, it ia well to have oa hand roioeteomi the* can direst oar thoughts and assuage our grief...
...For they become parts of a world based on love and hope, fragment* of a lite whkaVeaa an everlasting meaniag...
...getting is coming up not on the screen—rbut behind it . . . * * * Tie Fourth Estate:—The Commie offensive against PM's Ken Crawford - and James Wechsler has wasted no time in getting down to dirty fighting...
...Then along comes my Newark cor- ' respondent and says it's a Christless night because there is war going on...
...By Oapt...
...Thomas a K era pit, Pascal...
...Too many Scrooges never dream—or they forget their dreams on waking...
...Vladimir Hurban, Czech minister to Washington, flew to England the other day to confer with Eduard Benes over the Habsburg affair...
...It was his book...
...Man cannot mil a spirit or a faith aaless those who bear it themeelvas destroy it...
...I can imagine nothing more tense—and scientifically enthnattteg—Shan ate account of how he wee caught in toe eye- of a typhoon...
...ante Claus would have a considerable transportation problem if he undertook the transfer of the food which has gone from here to Britain or to' Greece or to North Africa...
...Across the Seas:—Kurt Schuschnigg, Aus-" tria's fascist chancellor who played the wrong horse, has been moved from his easy Bavarian confinement to the Nazi's hell-hole hear the Rhine, the Kassel concentration camp...
...which distinguish the works of1 men proclaiming a spiritual experience...
...For faith in power they would risk everything on mercy...
...No doejbt with malice aforethought...
...but some fifty books have bton defaced and'destroyed...
...We like the idea, but have lost faith in it...
...The N. Y. Herald-Tribune, -surprisingly enough, is running about the biggest battery of criticism against Darlan Diplomacy in the country...
...The first of these short dollar books, entitled The Road Hp Are Tnarelling: 1914-1942, was a survey of the economic and social trends that tomight the worW to its present bloody state...
...I am all for international cooperation, for planned security, for universal law and- order, for freedom and the end of - exploitation...
...The nations—American, British, Russian, Chinese, Indian—will get somewhere near what they deserve...
...Manchuria and block the path of the Chinese revolution...
...Chang Hsueh-liang, as few people remember any more, was the young and nationalistic son of toe oidtime warlord Chang Tso-lin, so long used by the Japs to keep a tight hold on...
...John, St...
...his school, there is little tost is new in this book...
...490 pp...
...But this incident of toe Ston-fu Ithhmpgeng m only part of the fascinating book, which includes as thrilling a story of air adventure as esavhs found anywhere...
...and hosts of good people are expecting from it the ajwdaal good that they can imagine...
...The Hitlers—end they are by no means all in Germany—combine the essence oft all toe Scrooges who ever were...
...Then an editor smells _a human interest story...
...Maritime Chief- Emory Land, following the stinging rebukes on his anti-labor cracks, has jumped to playing ball with Joe Curran's NMU...
...John Dry den...
...PM's Ralph Ingersoll is now moved up from a second to a first lieutenant handling public relations at a Massachusetts army camp...
...Even the good saint is supposed to give presents only to goad children...
...I refer to the suicides...
...There-are some people in D. C. ¦who are quite terrified at the notion of a merely "temporary" Darlan—the French diplomats who resigned from the Vichy Embassy hoping to go to North Africa...
...Inside and Out IN WHICH A KREMLIN GREMLIN GOES TO JAIL AND A NAZI MEDAL COMES HOME TO ROOST By MATTHEW LOW Kremlin Gremlin:—It was all very mysteries^ *"*> Something very strange was happened to the New York Public Library's Russian ¦action...
...And Ha presents a glimpse ef a public works program that "could rebuild the whole eomtorj in towering splendor oner toe nest decade or two...
...fI am more icesei sight now than I ever wad since I began to take an interest in public affairs...
...The prophets are dead but not the Faith...
...When the WPB leaks an idea there's some pretty catch to it...
...of toe "budget...
...We see in too ia trials of the worst war fteat ever was...
...r The "Morroccon station at Rabat which I the OWI, following Milton Eisenhower's hop to Africa, is now using is toe notorious Radio , Maroc...
...I gave you the privilege of reading the charming morsel exclusively for toe theological, ideological, snnropt|ogical implications of toe winged ants...
...There's no question, they say, of following an American line on war matters—what they're afraid of is the high-minded blue-noses getting their feet in the door...
...It is quite different from the works of fjttton or Ogden Nash...
...Flubdub fails to understand his strange action...
...Canta Claus Lehman:—And did this man from Newark ever think of Lend-Lease...
...Try this on your ear: _ War-toni night, Chriskless night, r Sky <» bright with fire's light...
...Leonard tells us simply, without frills, what he saw and heard, and what he thought about it, and thus provides us with important details to help us judge what took place, and the aftermath...
...for such slaughter there ia no need...
...In war the stronger kills the weaker...
...According to Leonard's version, Chang Heueh-Hang himself was behind the kidnaping, and it was Chang's idea to force Chiang to adopt and follow a policy of resisting Jap encroachments by force of arms...
...It'll be a slick-paper bi-monthly, and strangely enough will carry advertising...
...Variety was also in an uproar, lumping all the developments under "Censors Sharpen Axes," and expressing particular anxiety over the reentry of Joe Breen (who has powerful political friends) into the Hays production code picture...
...His description' sounds logical, rings true, and warrants study...
...But the people who believe in mercy and understanding didn't curl up and die...
...285 pages...
...It was picked up by correspondent Larry Le-Sueur on Nazi battlegrounds near Stalingrad, and according to LeSueur, .who has just returned, the medal was to be the reward ef some Nasi here on the defeat of Russia...
...Foch, and Wilfred Ward...
...Walter Krivitzky's In Stalin'* Secret Service (four copies...
...A war I can- stand...
...Books on the Soviets came back with pages missing...
...gTUART CHASE has done more to popularize the major trends of American social - progress in the past dozen years than any other writer...
...This, in turn, has peeved the OWI (why not U. S. censorship not* Spanish censorship...
...From the capital this week came the word that Senator Happy Chandler is moving up in Washington inner circles...
...They sometimes sink so low...
...Benes sees Archduke Otto and his Danubian dream as a real menace, and a special obstacle to his plans for a Czech-Austrc-Polska union about which he is now conferring with Churchill and Eden...
...Eugene Lyons' Assignment in Utopia...
...He kept his eyes and ears open, had an open mind, too, sympathetic and fair, and the result is an adventure beak that presents a much clearer picture of history than do many history books...
...Red flag because . it did not belong to our race," and of how this *ar "will give-birth to an aristocracy...
...I might quote these, things, to show you how writers sometimes set down notions without stopping to question their truth...
...Among the volumes liquidated were: Andre Glue's Return From, the UJSSJi...
...Hitler and Mussolini were both poor fellows who organised poor fellows to go after something for themselves...
...Some U. S. papers gave prominence to the news that the British Communist Party has petitioned the Labor Party for membership...
...Books and Writers Manifesto Against Poverty By ALFRED M. BINGHAM GOALS FOR AMERICA: A BUDGET Of OUR SEEDS AND RBSOZRCES Bv Stuart Ch—e...
...Even a fairy tale that was somehow felt to imply a slight suggestion of,'Russian dissent was purged...
...Said Wright: "Were I born 40 years later than 1869, I, too, would be a conscientious objector...
...Generosity is out of place...
...There is a warning, ef course...
...Precisely while the Nazis are murdering men, women and children in Poland, Sir William Beveridge is presenting a scheme which will take care of the entire post-war population of Britain...
...an avowed "poor, corrupt French official" who switches from side to side as the North African tide turns...
...Then all of these starry-eyed innocents may be expected to turn sour and join a new Lost Generation...
...We JLost (two copies...
...mrii.r.iaXe,.* rry,, g-rmeaapjfrlasi —.,^,......—• g nfLijtiiilijjj-rriil • naaeaiisd^eys tiaugateesd hvPetea...
...He became a sideline participant in an incident that became one of the most important in China's history—and the history of contemporary tunes—the kidnaping of- Chiang Kai-shek...
...Jesus Christ and Santa Clans represent ideals which stand straight against the drives of both...
...What a span that is—how much has changed!—how great the improvement...
...They . are fighting back...
...Toe read- away tor a while—and toon yon aay to yourself: "Gee...
...Chase so far over-proves has oaae that he lets the reader beeome aware of an immense surplus oapaetey ke*ste| the need...
...The radio has carried the tales of suffering across all toe seas...
...They started wan to sate their own greed rather than that of any rich men...
...The fight tea* is being put up in this war by people toward whom we had became supercilious—the Chinese and the Greeks, for instance—has helped see a* in our place, give as a new pesasmsews* abates a* out of the softening process that made us so unprepared for the aggressor Where is the author aew...
...Paul, some of the inspiring prayers from the Canon of the Mass and, among others, extracts from the writings of St...
...Bombs are still bursting, but this is how things stand: Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls is still held up by the Franco business...
...U were unfortunate if, for his patriotism, Chang Heoeh-liang's rows ad were to he the ill-treatment wateh the author says be is now reserving...
...The Home Front ON LOOKING FOR A POST-WAR SANTA CLAUS, OS HOW TO LOSE A GENERATION FAST . . . By WILLIAM E. BOHN Ifcarltomfw^^ Ip all set to write about pmtet eaesrihiad Jtscy'a toy department—when along comes the IWlowing on a postcard...
...The London Daily Herald, official Labor organ, didnt even mention the business...
...The Dream...
...That German Iron Cross which FDR handed to John O'Donnell, mean Daily New* sniper, at the Washington press conference last week, is a "hot medal...
...Government in Business" described the extent to which American practice, tons highlighting a debate that is Now, in the series he is writing for the Twentieth Century Fund under the general heading saV Wm* see War Jm*V he hi gator back to te inter- ate aarlmt work, as a base -from which to project an attainable futore...
...Ton see, because of the fires of war it is a Christless night...
...If they behave Well- enough, they will get security, democracy, liberty...
...Christmas is our greatest seasonal symbol of civilization...
...How much we get ef any of them anywhere will depend on how good we are...
...His work as an author, editor and teacher has stimulated Catholic thought in America...
...Equity this week grew editorially violent on the Catholic church pressure which almost bounced Native Son off Broadway...
...General Charles DeGaulle has asked for a special showing of the movie "Casablanca...
...Read Cardinal Merrier on Patriotism or, to cheese ante- ea*v otoer, Henry Logan Stuart's ttotcripnoa of toe "Divine insanity of the task" which the Jesuit Martyrs in North America set themselves, and the grim duties of too aeesemt day will assume new meaning, and eaa he performed with saw hope...
...Poor own...
...Washington Notes:—The War Department is W considering the -creation of a Nisei unit fa the- U. S. Army—American-bom Japanese (not, however, to be used on the' Pacific front...
...As a year-around Santa Claus he will have behind him the power and wealth of the greatest nations of the world...
...If we dont put those ten million to work in private or public enterprise, if we dent go beyond minimal standard* of Irving, if we dent solve the parades tost brought us low in 19*8...
...Thomas Mal-lory...
...The H-T's Walter Lippmann and Ben Lucien Bur-man, recently returned from French Africa, are leading the attack...
...Unlike the staffmen who were interned at U. S. expense with the Ambassador, they're in a pretty bad financial fix, and toe stronger the Admiral gets, the better off they'll be...
...In between are St...
...It is a proud list, inspiring to any person with a religions mind...
...It was the son who largely made it possible for Chiang Kai-shek to capture North China, and unite China Proper under the flag of Free Kuomintang China, by refusing to fight him at a crucial moment...
...Rains plays the role of...
...that's not civilization-— that's lunacy...
...The people of China and of India still have much to complain of, bat they never before seemed as dose to us and as important as they do now...
...adxdt persons believe in Santa Claus...
...Walter Winchell, who dropped his column and broad-oast, to rush off ojy "a secret official mission" has turned up in the Naval attache's office in Buenos Aires...

Vol. 25 • December 1942 • No. 52

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