Hapsburg Move, Rumors of Italian, Nazi Army Deal Stir War Aims Issue


Hapsburg Move, Rumors of Italian, Nazi Army Deal Stir War Aims Issue 'Otto's Legion Scored By Austrians, Czechs By MELVIN J. LASKY Is Otto of Habsburg on the road back to the throne as Emperor of...

...Henry, it was reported, replied: "The War Department is not concerned with the happincs* of a few individuals...
...Now Standard Oil denies that certain processes, held by one cartel in which Standard is a member, the Catalytic RefiningAss'n, were involved in the contracts of Standard and I. G. Farben...
...It remains to see what action Mr...
...Guido Zer-natto, widely-hated leader of the Fascist Heim-wehr...
...Eberstadt's scheme apparently was balked by the President's plan, an-Mttnced late this week of appointing Mr...
...The principal figures mentioned are von Brauehitseh, von Bock...
...republicans have learned something from his tory—neither Urtier nor Habmburc '" .....IHillllllltlltlllttllllliniinmtltlHUIIIlHIIIlllHmiltllMHIItlMIMIMIIllHlltlllllllllllllllHimilltlimintlllg The political crisis which has now broken out in the press over the role of Otto of Hapsburg in Central European affairs was foreshadowed in The New Leader of August 1: "Reactionary Austrian Groups Seek State Department Recognita for Dnke"Otto...
...Chronicle dispatch from Stockholm as transmitted by AE, stated that General Zeitzler, former chief of staff of Genera...
...On the other hand, both Hitler and the Gen-' erals are aware of the lessons of 1918 when the Generals sacrificed the Kaiser to save their . caste...
...Poles, and Yugoslavs, all of whom at one time formed oppressed section* of the Austro-Hun-garian Empire dissolved in 1918...
...Edouard Daladier and Georges Mandel, French rightist leader...
...Strong resent-' ment among officers was da-scribed following the out-''spoken and curt dismissal...
...Biddle might find it advisable to , inquire on this matter.- ? The Board also referred to Valtin's "eavei-ing loyalties...
...McNutt may be going back to his job in the Federal Security Agency, but there are some who say that, as a result of his failure to make good in the big Manpower Commission job, he "ain't goin' nowhere" in »44...
...Whatever the answer—and sooner or later if ought to become known—the only ones who received the news of Valtin's arrest with undisguised joy were the Communists and their fel...
...Such honored leaders of govern-ments-in-exile as Eduard Benes and Jan Mase-ryck are already on record with respect to the grave danger...
...For instance, its report was so worded that newspapers in some instances headlined the story with references to Valtin as a "Nazi spy " If anything is clear beyond doubt it is this: that Valtin accepted service in the Gestapo on the specific instructions of the Communist International and that he reported to the Communist International immediately upon leaving Germany...
...that it enjqys the support of the British government...
...again to nower in Austria is-prob ably much more accurate than the young ma...
...It is known that conservative groups with some influence in Allied councils fear "revolutions" in Europe...
...A story in the November 14th Christian Science Monitor by George Pate, dealing with German emigre groups in the United States, has this to "Say about Bruenmg: "Dr...
...There is strong support for a.Catholic-\ conservative government, headed by someone like Marshal Badoglio, which would oust Musso...
...Biddle might inquire why were the dice thus loaded against Valtin in the re...
...General Haider was one of the earliest Nasi sympathizers in the Reichswehr and was one of four generajs in charge of planning and equipping the German army for the second winter in Russia...
...A mere handful" was a reliable estimate of the numbers of Austrians who could be recruited -by the new Military' Committee for what is already being called "Otto s Legion...
...This may be an Allied maneuver to harass Hitler...
...The inclusion of General Jodl in the Mirror story is puzzling and may be due to sloppy handling...
...That this is an Allied "war of nerves...
...Louit XVIIl was possibly tbe most reactionary of the Bourbons, and headed a regime characterised most of all by reigns of terror, conspiracies and assassinations His brother who succeeded him was even worse and was finally overthrown by the popular revolution of 1830 As Friedrich Adle...
...Through it runs a broad vein of bitterness and anger unusual in official documents...
...Needless to say, this is hardly a war aim of either Washington or London...
...This is war and we can't have minor matters brought up during wer...
...always wanted a strong Gertnas state in central Europe oriented townrdi Russia: that is Stalin's protection against thi democracies which he has never fully trusted and a bulwark against aggression towards thi Soviets, a Russian nightmare and bugaboo foi the past twenty years...
...and turned down plans for expanding output, piled up this week in testimony before the Kilgore Committee in the Senate...
...A fourth London story is even a little more devious...
...Can it be that the pro-Communist group in the Department itself, after long delay, has won the fight on Valtin...
...This group, in sharp disagreement with the Association of'Free Germans (a democratic group led by Albert Grzeeinski) is becoming more popular as a result of its constant claim...
...After the committee left it was announced the hearings wools be held in February...
...Eberstadt's current powers in WPB are enormous...
...POST OFFICE CONTINUES BAN ON THE MILITANT The Post Office ban on The Militant, weekly-newspaper of the Trotskyite Socialist Workers Party, is still in force, The New Leader learns...
...The spectacle of a Habsburg looked on with some favor by the United Nations constitutes a profoundly disturbing factor in Central European politics...
...It is not our aim to destroy Germany, for it is impossible to destroy Germany," aad "It is not ???- aim 4o destroy all military force in Germany . . . it is inadvisable . . . but Hitler's army can and should be destroyed...
...Herriot, and Other Democratic Leaders ? AST week we reported the dangers to Largo Caballero...
...The Committee brougbt figures showing that last September 80,00· women were employed in Detroit war indllsCrfk* Of this total 100 were Negroes...
...2. An anti-trust department investigation of Chemynco, direct American agency of I. G. Fraben...
...Therefore, the Allied leaders decided to recognize the government of Louis XVIII, and three days later Napoleon was swept from His throne by a general revolution We should learn from this example...
...But on November 6, in a speech at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Soviet Union, Premier Stalin brought up American and British leaders sharply by describing it as the task of the Red Army "to destroy Hitler's army and its leaders" but "it is not our aim to destroy all military force in Germany...
...But the topper is that McNary is on record as having voted for clotures 11 times on previous occasions—one of them on a bill to aid migratory birds...
...against cloture (which would limit each Senator to one hour in debate on the bill) was that it would deny the minority its rights on "the last citadel of democracy...
...Nelson is handicapped by the fact that he has had his turn at bat and didn't look like any Babe Ruth, and by the additional fact his star in WPB waned the day when, under Army pressure, he named Eberstadt WPB vice-- chairman...
...Tbe editorial ends by saying that the mediation would meet with favor in the Vatican, "if Germany is sufficiently weakened...
...Genera] Franz Haider was ousted as . Chief of the German Army I General Staff...
...Zernatto w-as among the signers of a Catholic Manifesto on post-war problems...
...At the same time t number of German Generals have always op pose.: attacks on Russia, in line .with Bismarck': policy of alliance with the East...
...There is the distinct danger that the struggle against Hitler would be seriously hampered if even the suspicion should arise that Hitler's defeat would be followed by a monarchist restoration...
...Therefore, the United Nations should act as trustees for a democratic France...
...The Republican argument in voting...
...Certainly as Frenchmen, held by Germane, they are prisoners of war...
...See Vatican Mediator Of Italian Situation By DANIEL Mil A barrage of rumors within the past week have spread stories of dissension within the ranks of the German General staff...
...Does he have arty political or even sentimental bese among the Austrian peoples ? Ha...
...Efforts to trace the man have failed...
...The Wll was curled to a crisp when Senator Charles L. McNary, Republican Minority Leader, led ten Republicans including himself into support Of the tory vote against cloture which would have stopped the filibuster against the bill...
...That actual dissension hag taken place...
...What We Can Do to Save Caballero, Blum...
...The "findings" of the Board of Appeals on Valtin's case add up to an exceedingly curious document...
...Over the past year rumors have revolved about the names of von Braach-itsch...
...No evidence at all anywhere, according to a check made by this writer, can -be cited to show that Otto of Habsburg could be useful to the Allied cause even as "a temporary expedient...
...G. cartel were to be thrown open royalty free for war production, and were to be made available to all, U__S..producers at reasonable rbfaTBes after the war is over...
...touched Austrian soil in 25 years), he...
...leader of Hungarian terrorists in Serbia, who has been rewarded by the Hungarian puppet government with the re-«etablisbment of the expropriated Habstmrg crown-estates in the conquered parts ef Jugoslavia Otto, however, educated in Catholic institution...
...And now he ha* even offered a new strategy for the conduct of the war, which one Congressman read into thi Congressional Record...
...The fact that poll taxes deny the majority its rights in eight states of this democracy made no impression on them...
...The United Nations need today « constructive war policy...
...busses to and from camp, and the appointment of Negro officers regularly assigned to line duty .with tile, regiments...
...Ironically, Valtin's detention as "a dangerous German alien" interrupted his work in selling War Bonds for the Treasury, on the basis of fervid and effective anti-Nazi speeches...
...These are the rumors as they accumulated during the week: The Swedish pajfer Trots Allt, as reported by the Office of War Information which released the story, printed a letter purportedly smuggled out of Germany describing how Col...
...A London...
...Evidences on how large industrial interests represented in the War Production Board, prevented use of new methods, which would be outside the control of these companies...
...As Ferdinand Czernin...
...McNutt'has two strikes on him because of the smearing he got for his labor conscription plan...
...The Board, however, brushes aside the essence of the baok, which is the author's soul-searing escape from the fanaticism which made him, from boyhood up...
...One of the major effects of a decision favorable to Standard would be to freeze .out companies like Goodrich that are intent on entering the synthetic rubber field, and to bar other companies in the synthetic fuel line...
...er is that fit only for Nazis ?) Result: Two of the top sergeants hare been demoted to privates...
...It is utterly extraordinary that our Department of Justice should accept the Stalinist hypocrisy as "evidence...
...On the other hand it may be a gesture by* Hitler towards some sort of political warfare by testing out the reception...
...Generals von Bock, Jodl and List had been dismissed...
...We know that the American government is concerned with the lives of these men and will do everything in its power to same them...
...At the moment Eberstadt is way out in front and the eleventh-hour effort by Nelson and ljcNutt to stop him is not given much chsmce of success...
...The "findings" amount to little more than a rehash of the facts in Out of the Sight, facts familiar to at least a million readers of the volume...
...The Austria...
...Naturally the Communists and their motherland would try to pin the Gestapo label—and any other discrediting label—on a man they want to destroy...
...in the United States favor a Habsburg restoration as a wall against "left-wing revolutions" on the European continent...
...Such minor matters, for instance, as democracy...
...It continues: "The Vatican would probably envisage a Mediterranean settlement affecting Spain as well as Italy...
...1. The possibility that Senator Bone may reopen hearings of the Senate Patents Committee...
...of ? Habsburg flirtation...
...The action of the authorities was based on findings of the Board of Appeals of the Department of Justice—the same Board, incidentally, which "cleared" Harry-Bridges in a famous decision...
...Standard Oil seeks to void anti-trust consent decree...
...Ickes ss* control of manpower.] Wer Aims aid Germany...
...negation of political morality.' Some members of the royal family are taking their gamble on Hitler's side...
...Finally, in 1921, the Allies arrested Charles and confined 1 IV » >^ w»w^ · -m^ him on the Madeira islands, where he died soon afterwards...
...Austria, "a perenma...
...The November 7th issue was ordered destroyed...
...The current shakeup, which is authentic coming aa it dees after the Darlan deal, may have precipitated a crop of rumors with no actual political import other than simple newspaper hashish...
...Ironically enough...
...The Detroit Citizens Committee, outgrowth of the Sojourner Truth Housing Committee, left Washington Monday after buttonholing Federsl officials for jobs for Negroes in Detroit's war industries where manpower is desperately short Before the committee left t#vn...
...The German generals may feel they have more to fear from the United Nations than Hitler...
...Ford at Willow Run employ* wives ot white workers drafted, but not wive« -* Negro workers...
...nterrmtionslly-famer socialist and leader of the Austrian Republic told this writer this week...
...The issue arises on question No...
...McNutt was in the fight because he thought Eberstadt was trying to move in on the manpower situation...
...Some cafe and Washington cocktail gossip spread this story which is also picked up by Johannes Steel, a constant sieve on these matters, and the Overseas News Agency in a story by H. Wishengrad...
...the only Austrian on the staff, has been closest to Hitler...
...Tibor Eckhardt, now associated with the Habsburg...
...Your immediate response to the invitation of the War Dept...
...They hoped at first in vain...
...More than that, the Board went out of its way to misinterpret some aspects of the situation...
...Neither is it a secret that within the Department of Justice this case has been the object of subtle and not-so-subtle dispute between officials sympathetic to the Communists and those opposed to the Communists...
...A Hapsburg regime in Austria, a Badogllo-monarchist rule in Italy, a Franco in Spain— these are to form a strong South-European Catholic bloc against a Czech-Polish alliance which would lean towards the Soviets...
...Word has just reached here of an incident at Camp Lee near Petersburg, Va., quarters of Negro troops in the 9th and lUh Quartermaster Regiments...
...Such demands are not likely to get a response, or do any good, until, as in the case of the Second Front propaganda campaign, certain diplomatic steps are first consummated...
...The Murray Body plant, for insta*SA has trained 600 Negro women, has employes* none...
...Aspirations of Archduke Otto to form an Austrian Legion are not sincere, are only part of a propaganda for his own welfare and not in the interest of freedom and democracy...
...in the main, non-technical men in their own fields and that for information and advice they skirted ¦ various government agencies, such as the Bureau of Mines and turned instead to private groups as the National Academy of Science, many of whose members are on the payrolls of the companies...
...Bruening and his group wish, with the understanding of the Vatican, to bring about the fall of Hitler and—together w-th a section of the German officer corps, clergy and Catholic-controlled heavy industry-e^to arrange a negotiated peace and take over the government in Germany...
...With Trotsky and Krivitzky properly killed off, Valtin is now the man whom they hate most...
...Take your pick...
...The one fact that must be remembered is that all stories from abroad pass through a censorship, and each country passes what it wants to pass...
...And finally, add to your dossier of the "war of nerves" a statement made by Soviet Premier Stalin in his speech coinciding with the African campaign two weeks ago...
...For instance, the allocation of all of our resources for war production is supposed to be in the hands of a Requirements Committee made up of representatives of the Army, Navy, Maritime Commission, Lend-Lease Administration, State Department, Board of Economic Warfare and Office Of Civilian Supply...
...would never allow the German generals ? to entrench themselves as a class and raise a new, powerful army...
...This issue is the third consecutive issue denied mailing privilege...
...His arrest was made by agents of the FBI...
...Then Talleyrand had the chance to explain to the Allied tears that unless they showed the French people a positive hope for the future, the revolution would never come, because revolutions must have a positive goal...
...There are several discrepancies in the story, dated November 19, tbe most important being the statement that General Jodl replaced General Haider as chief of staff...
...Bock as another, on the question of tactics around Stalingrad...
...its dosed ties with the Vatican and its numerous but generally little known contacts with rightist circles of American big business interested in the New Germany...
...Why ail this hot emotion about a man who did a classic job of exposing totalitarian police methods in Germany and in Russia...
...Is there actually a "Generals' Strike," or is it another Hitler Peace Offensive...
...It was for the Communists that he committed a crime in California, for .the Communist...
...Apparently he faces the prospect of internment for the duration of the war...
...The assistance of your committee," Stimson's letter to Otto stated, "in recruiting volunteers for the Austrian Battalion will materially aid in the success of this unit...
...in Belgium, and having lived in England and Canada ? deprived of citizenship in 1919...
...sided with the United Nations In recent months he has acted with greater confidence than ever before, posstbly at the encouragement of certain high circles...
...Capital Comment By JONATHAN STOUT Washington Correspondent, The New Leader WASHINGTON, D...
...Prime Minister Churchill amplified this further in a public address in which, speaking of future wars, he said: "We intend to take ample pretention to prevent its (the war's) renewal in any period we can foresee by effectively disarming the guilty nations while remaining suitably protected ourselves...
...It was a gay birthday party in New York last week which toasted young Otto as "His Imperial arid Royal Majesty," and it was made even gayer by the reading of a letter from Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, addressed to "Otto of Austria," a royal salutation, acknowledging the formation of "The Military Committee for the Liberation of Austria...
...In the American army and navy there have been frequent replacements, the most significant being the recent installation of Admiral Halsey as chief of Pacific operations shortly before the Battle of the Solomons...
...the tool of a ruthless dictatorship posing as a "idealistic" regime...
...Although Secretary of State Cordell Hull has issued a statement to the effect that Otto had no status except that of a refugee in this country, anxiety and protests have been mounting...
...Editor's Note: Mr...
...He seemed a bewildered man because, in addition to labor's oppo'sition, he got no support from the President, the Army or anybody else...
...Otto is an ardent Catholic...
...This is the time for the United States to declare, according to international conventions, that Blum, Herriot, Daladier...
...1: What shall be done about a defeated Germany with a view to making impossible a Third World War in another 20 years...
...The lead editorial states that a separate peace could be negotiated with Italy with "the goodwill and even the mediation of the Vatican" and says that "it was rumored recently that the Vatican had been consulted with a view to studying the possibilities...
...The November 21st issue of the paper has been withheld by the Post Office...
...A third story, reported,by UP, quotes the London Sunday Dispatch's military expert as having inside information on a split between Marshal Goer ing and General Rommel...
...And it was Catholic priests in Dolfuss- and Schu-schmgg-doniinated Austria who gave Otto honorary positions, the only political headway a Habeburg made in post-war Austria...
...Biddle ssyill take in the Valtin case...
...That these rumors are trial balloons by conservative forces here to test public opinion, based possibly on a split in the German Generals, but possibly, too, on a split in Italian fascist ranks...
...and deportation to Germany thereafter...
...Under the "negotiated peace" all patents that figured in the Standard-I...
...von Kleist's First Panzer Army, had succeeded von Haider...
...According to the Overseas News Agency Belgian sources said that German superior officers inside Belgium had recently expressed criticism of Hitler's strategy in conversations with Belgian friends...
...The junta story followed the shakeup and may be mere speculation...
...Army's newly-organized Austrian legion...
...Russia' ha...
...The New Leader correspondent pointed up the possibility of "reactionary, discredited politicians swinging back into the saddle on the basis of influence in Washington salons...
...It is no secret that they have never relaxed in their persecution of the man...
...Charles I who had succeeded Emperor Franz Joseph to the throne in 1916 fled with his wife, the shrewd and iron-willed Zita, who has always planned Habeburg politics and is now in this country', and Otto, his eldest son...
...j 0«* .victory- i ? t h e air, w a f ti ng .in -fronTNorth Africa and the Solomons, is reviving ia some circles renewal of demands on the White House for a precise statement of our war aims...
...Thus, with Britain openly committed to disarmament of a defeated Germany, and Russia ? Openly committed in opposition to such a Policy, there will be no meeting of minds on the United Nations' war aims, and no possibility Of giving them precise formulation, unless the President's diplomatic maneuvers prove successful...
...Hitler has isolated the Generals or the Generals have isolated Hitler...
...and the others are prisoners of war, and that they must be treated as prisoners of war under threat of corresponding treatment to Axis prisoners held by the Allies...
...Richard Schueller, economist, prominent for his association with Mussolini...
...The same Stalin regime killed thousands of political enemies in years of blood purges on the pretense that they were "Gestapo agents...
...The same story reports wide sabotage at the Krupp works...
...this may ? a Russian tactic of further dividing the Germar generals on the subject by promising a Germst army after the war...
...Obviously Valtin was merely trying to indicate the animus against him on the Russian government's part by reason of his renunciation of Bolshevism...
...There is no France to protect, these men...
...Reuters reported that Ciano and Mussolini had quarreled...
...These men are leaders of the world democratic straggle and their fate is intertwined wit* the military and political warfare which is now going on...
...Re-member that some of the reports are from London purporting to be statements from a captured German General...
...sc long as "the United Nations are prepared to allow tbe best elements in Italy and Spain to remain or rise to power...
...All Eberstadt needs to become the most powerful single individual without benefit or limitation by ballot is to obtain control over manpower...
...It was in 1918 that the Hahsburg family went to Switzerland as political exiles...
...That there may be disagreements is one thing...
...Despite the levity, one point should be • stressed...
...Of a different sort are the stories concerning , Italy...
...One point in that speech does not conform to anything previously said by Churchill or the President...
...A bill to regularize his residence in the United States, introduced by Congressman Jerry Voorhis, is pending before the House Immigration Coaiimtiee...
...The story detailed the movements of the monarchist groups in this country, particularly the Otto-Zita strategy in enlisting the support of Senator Claude Pepper and Congressman Eberharter for an Austrian legion...
...One clever catch in the situation is that the Office of the Petroleum Coordinator, which is influenced by the major oil companies, recommended that a group of companies enter with . Standard into a cross-licensing agreement on certain processes...
...Their aim is to establish conservative governments in power...
...Totalitarians Behind Attack on Jan Valtin By EUGENE LYONS Jan Valtin, author of Out of the Night, was suddently taken into custody on November 24th on a long-pending deportation warrant...
...That there is real tfbubfeT hut not among Hitler's generals but -.he Generals of the »atel-lite armies, Rumanian, Hungarian, etc...
...The Vatican would be concerned about the maintenance in Italy, no less than in Spam, of a political and social order that reflects the Catholic traditions of those countries...
...its launching of rumors—thus far unconfirmed by fact—that it is in constant touch with the Reichswehr opposition and especially with the so-called "party of generals...
...and Archduke Felix of Austria, Otto's younger brother, who has also been associated with Tibor Eckhardt, reactionary Hungarian nationalist, leader of the so-called "Free Hungary" government...
...The gist of the wisp is that a' European businessman—or Danish industrialist (pick again) arrived here by clipper several weeks ago to prepare the ground for .a negotiated peace...
...in the restoration movement, played a leading role in the Hungarian opposition to the monarch...
...All decent, democratic-minded Americans will resist the Communist campaign to hurl Valtin back into the horrible night from which he emerged...
...The Standard Oil publicity campaign is helpful not only in whitewashing its past policies but also creating a~ favorable public opinion in the light of two new developments on the agenda which might put the spotlight on Standard anew...
...The AP quoting "diplomatic sources" in London reported a die-agreement between Hitler and General Jodl as one faction, against Generals Haider and...
...he e. substantial international following...
...There have been various shakeups in the German army over the past year with no direct political significance being attached...
...An Exchange Telegraph Agency correspondent at Zurich reported from "exertmely reliable" reports that Mussolini had gotten in touch with former Nationalist party leader Luigi Federzoni...
...It has not been pushed by its sponsors and by Valtin's friends outside Congress on the general assumption that no action would be taken against him during the war...
...young Otto has no...
...General Haider, and the older block of "Reichswehr" generals...
...In the Atlantic Charter enunciated by Roosevelt and Churchill, and subsequently subscribed |i.1qr Stalin for the Soviet Union, the eighth point declares it our intention to disarm completely the aggressor nations...
...The Austrian Labor Committee strongly denounced the "reactionary intrigues of a small monarchistic clique...
...The report said that Badoglio, with the approval of King Victor Emanuel, Grown Prince Humbert and Count Ciano, approached the Vatican to take the lead in mediation...
...Leeb and Rnndstedt...
...terrific rear™* battle is being fought here by War Manpower Commissioner Paul V. McNutt and War Production Board Chairman Donald Nelson to clip the soaring wings of Ferdinand Eberstadt, former Wall Street investment banker who today '•»lready holds complete power over America's ,war production...
...Otto recommends himsell a? Emperor of Austria...
...Who is Otto...
...Similar sentiments Have been recorded among Hungarians...
...Julius Deutsch, and Wilhelm Ellenbogen, three leaders of high standing in the late Austrian Republic, "Any appearance of monarchist or fascist elements in the planned Austrian special unit is bound to provoke the strongest opposition of the great majority of the Austrian people who are in favor of the Republic...
...There are three major sources for the current crop of rumors : Swedish newspapers—old planting grounds for these stories...
...Eight Negro top sergeants presented the Camp's commanding officer, a Col...
...Two more rumors cropped op after this story was written...
...Why did the Department report follow...
...Turning to the London rumois: An AP story reported here quotes a "responsible'foreign diplomatic source" which says that an "important junta of .aristocratic German military leaders has begun to isolate der Fuehrer ih order to establish themselves favorably-with the Allies in the event of a defeat or stalemate...
...His "Gestapo spying" was a deliberate - trick to obUia reiease ?rom *H isier s torture J chambers and to learn information for . use , ogatswt the Nazis...
...The same report quoted Rommel aS confiding to a friend in Berlin that he had received "had equipment, inferior food and supply shortages...
...The *ote against cloture was 41 to 37...
...According to the statement issued by Friedrich Adler...
...Perhaps the most revealing touch in the report is tbe passage where Vaitni's wards are quoted to the effect that "the Russian government" regards him as "one of the moat important spies of the Gestapo...
...he could have remained at liberty indefinitely on that basis...
...The editorial states that Allied refusal to meet with Mussolini would meet with sympathy in the Vatican...
...Reporte indicate that many leading French democratic leaders may face the same fate: Leon Blum, Eduard Herriot...
...The trend of affairs is in a reactionary direction and it looks as though labor has completely missed the boat...
...Among them is Archduke Albrecht...
...A second story, and one more widely circulated, started in the London Daily Moil whose military writer quotes General von Thoma, a Rommel assistant recently captured, as saying that "Hitler has ruined the Reichswehr...
...Lawrence Cramer, secretary of the Fair Employment ' Practices Committee, promised them to cfB hearings in Detroit next month...
...decisions are yatfjk come on the mailability of the November 14th and 21st issues...
...But the manpower hardly looks like a winning ticket for either Nelson or labor...
...It is reliably stated that Nelson has changed his attitude towards labor representation in WPB and is now prepared to bring some labor men in, hoping perhaps for labor support in keeping control of the war economy in civtrhm hands...
...It should be noted that a struggle has been going on for some time between the "political" generals and the military or old-line.generals in the German amy...
...General Zeitzler, the new Chief of Staff, is known as a Himmler man, and is looked.on askance by the older Reichswehr crowd of von Braucht tech...
...All di-patches from abroad an- censored...
...I am certain that the Austrian nationals in the United States will seize this opportunity to serve our common cause...
...The story dovetails with the London junta rumor and the oftspreac one that has popped up here and around for over a year: that a Hitler defeat would mean the Bolsheviaation of- Europe and that German generals are willing to agree to occupation of the Reich by the western allies...
...implying thereby that he had switched from Communism to Nazism...
...The tone, to put the matter without beating around the bush, is that of an attack rather on a judicial verdict...
...In his writings, his lectures, his work with our government, his everyday life Jan Valtin has shown the special lqve for democracy which only converts can feel with such intensity...
...But here is some more concrete detail fcn another situation: Germany's Balkan allies are restive over the ·' situation and defections are likely...
...President Roosevelt, in the role of umpire, is maintaining a public sftence while endeavoring by diplomatic measures to bring the two together...
...Valtin was at liberty on bail Had there not been some strange pressure against him...
...Several ; Hungarian officers have been arrested for • equipping...
...Hapsburg Move, Rumors of Italian, Nazi Army Deal Stir War Aims Issue 'Otto's Legion Scored By Austrians, Czechs By MELVIN J. LASKY Is Otto of Habsburg on the road back to the throne as Emperor of a restored Austro-Hun-garian Empire ? That is the question which has been anxiously raised this week in various international, labor and liberal circles as official recognition was given to Otto's American entourage of fascists, reactionaries and royalists now banded together as recruiting agents for the U.S...
...Public opinion in America and Britain took for granted that disarmament of a defeated Germany wis a settled issue...
...This policy is em essential condition for a speedy victory- We have for thi« idea a geat historic precedent, the immediate histqfic predecessor oi Hitler was Napoleon...
...9 Kilgore Committee shows how monopolies balk new processes in war production...
...that the Allies may be playing a war of nerves is still another, the actual existence, however, of a "General's Strike," as the Christian Science Monitor play-: fully termed it, is somewhat unlikely...
...The varying possibilities are these: • This is a Hitler "peace" offensive to revive appeasement circles and split the Allies...
...that he engaged in a score of dangerous adventures" for the Communists that he joined the Gestapo...
...A story this week in the London .Veic Catholic Herald outlines the pattern this might be fol-' lowing...
...The meaning of this, as it was read in Washington and London, is that Stalin is looking toward establishment of a German Red Army, probably to arise in the hour of Nazi collapse, to take over control of Germany and perhaps of all Central Europe...
...New York, too, is the source of some weird stories...
...In allocating our material resources, this is the committee that "cuts up the pie...
...The Swedish dispatches are insistent—and their stories date from October 30—that General Zeitzler replaced Haider...
...Caution: distinguish fact from rumor, goes:-from quoted and verifiable statements...
...with tears in his eyes, pleaded with them to believe him that the labor conscription plan was the President's idea...
...That apparently is the price it must pay for disunity...
...Even if his sudden apprehension was considered necessary for technical reasons, there was nothing to prevent the Department from setting bail immediaTely and releasing him, as it has done in other cases...
...But it is also known that some conservative circles in Britain and some authoritarian clerical circle...
...chairman oi Austrian Action, asked this week: "Is it really worth while shedding their blood to get out of the fire of Hitler into the frying pan cf Guido Zernatto and Otto Habsburg...
...is deeply appreciated.' Among the members of Otto's committee are Hans Rott, right-wing monarchist...
...Governor Cuthbert Olsen of . California, acting on the advice of a large number of Americans of every political persuasion—among them officials of the Department of Justice—had pardoned Valtin in connection with old charges against him in that state...
...Catholic leaders, leaders of the outlawed secialist-syndicalist movement, and former Premier Vittorio Emanuele Orlando with a view to forming a new government...
...tbe Communist smear-formula Of calling him a Nazi agent...
...Henry, with a petition requesting the appointment of armed Negro military policemen with full powers, no segregation of troops in camp although recognizing the necessity of continuing segregation- in she town of Petersburg, no segregation of troops on...
...Senate Probe Raises Monopoly Issuer By MURRAY EVERETT Following an extensive publicity campaign, with wide distribution of lavishly illustrated brochures, Standard Oil of New Jersey moved last week to break the restrictive holds of the Department of Justice consent decree on its patents formerly held jointly with I. G. Farben...
...According to this version, it is a little vague whether...
...The parallel as t< what would happen if the Habsburgs shouk really com...
...Editors of The...
...That was the substance of the story reported by the AP...
...The reason for Roosevelt's silence lies in a fundamental issue between Russia on the one hand and America and Britain on the other, expressed in official pronouncements by Churchill and Stalin...
...reliable diplomats" in London...
...The action of the Department of Justice, while wholly legal, is mysterious and difficult of explanation...
...It failed to understand and to take into consideration a conversion and a personal enlightenment which no unprejudiced reader could doubt...
...The ejear fact about Valtin's career, until the time when he saw the light aad abandoned the Soviet cause, is that he was unwavering in his loyalty to that cause...
...Field Marshal Milch was described as the prime move of the anti-Rommel group...
...A Daily Mirror story' added the detailr that in addition to Haider...
...Fanatic consistency would be a better description than "wavering.-" Again Mr...
...with which he is known to have cooperated in tracking down dangerous subversive elements...
...Twice Charles made incursions into his former realm, and was repulsed...
...Von Thoma is reported saying that the German generals resented Hitler's and outside encroachment...
...Yet, Eberstadt's power is so great already that on his own say he can countermand the committee's decisions, and put into effect his own...
...Among Republicans who followed McNary's lead were Hiram Johnson, William Langer, Ger-f aid P. Nye, and Henrik Shipstead—all five of whom are on record as being opposed to poll taxes...
...Littjp comment is needed or this historical fantasy, and the new "revolutionary" strategy which Otto deduces...
...the leaders of this group, von Fritsch and von Reichenau, have died...
...This would open the processes to a limited pool which already knew them but would conflict with the consent decree that gives any company the use of the patents...
...Shall we permit this blood-purge technique to distort American judgment and influence American action...
...purpose to destroy Russia as a state and all Russian military force Stalin said...
...lini and repress Socialist and underground elements...
...In the main- a .military council Of Hitler and General ? eitel and Jodl have been the supreme, arbiters, comprising .a body known as the OKW...
...Militant state that the Post Office has given no specific reasons as to what has been found objectionable in those issues...
...Answer.ng Hitler...
...and "mysterious visitors" within the United States...
...can nave imagined when he demanded: 'Wi should learn from this example...
...Where did the pressure come from...
...The Habsburg aspirations were then concentrated in young Otto Habsburg policy has been called by Wickham Steed, the well-known journalist who lvas lived ir...
...The junta story may have been culled from tbe thin air, or may be part of Allied propaganda to sow dissension in tbe Hitler forces...
...No mention is made of Myron Taylor's recent visit to the Pope...
...This is , an extraordinary piece of slander...
...And there is some credence to stories— coming from totally different sources than the Berlin stories—that some sort of negotiations along that line are under way...
...When the Allied powers in the winter of 1813-14 invaded France, they hoped for a revolution of the French people against the tyrant...
...Monarchists, the point out, never played any role among Austrian people since the end of World War I. The Czech-American National Alliance has also issued a sharply-worded protest, asserting that it "stands emphatically against the forming of an Austribii Legion under the leadership of Archduke Otto Hapsburg...
...Yugoslav guerillas with arms...
...Hungarian 1 Defense Minister Karl Bartha resigned in protest over Germar, demands for more auxiliary ! troops to be sent to the Russian front...
...In Rumania,-Premier Ian Antonescu was reported to have dismissed recently 15 generals (apparently half the army staff...
...A second rumor by the British news agency Reuters quoting a dispatch from Ankara reported that a separate peace movement had been started under the leadership of Marshal Badoglio...
...As an interesting footnote for 1944, it is-reported that McNutt called in the labor members ef WMC's Management-Labor Policy Committee and...
...the remaining six hare been dispersed to other camps...
...An actual Junker plot to overthrow Hitler would be dangerous" to the United Nations because it might bring an immediate split of ! Allied forces and lend encouragement to reactionary groups that would be willing to work ' with the Junkers...
...A month later, women's employment in Detroit jumped to %%r 000, of which 100 still remained the Negro figure...
...The Catholic element raises the question, as regards Germany.of the role of Heinrich Bruen-ing, former Catholic chancellor who now teaches at Harvard...
...Though there are groups in the Allied ¦ nations that might be receptive to the German . generals, there are strong pro-democratic forces which, remembering the experience of the last ' war...
...All that can be done is to outline the alternatives and weigh the evidence on each, although little of the evidence can be conclusive...
...OOP Kills Poll-Tax Reform Hope of freeing the thousands of disenfranchised American citizens—both white and Negro—in eight Southern states died for at least another two years when the anti Poll Tax bill was killed in the Senate this week...
...The interesting fact disclosed by the Committee is that the WPB $-a-year men are...
...Little accurate information is available...

Vol. 25 • November 1942 • No. 48

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