U. S. Fascist Leader Seeks Support in Congress, Confers with Reynolds, Rankin


U. S. Fascist Leader Seeks Support in Congress, Confers with Reynolds, Rankin Paganelli, Antisemite Chief, Boasts of Washington Contests By GEORGE SHORT WASHINGTON, D. C—Pro-German pressure...

...Congressman Rankin is now campaigning for a Senatorial nomination, which he hopes to get within a month...
...j A few weeks later representatives of 19 I railroad labor organizations began.taking strike i- votes among approximately 1,200,000 members after the carriers had rejected their demands for 30 per cent pay increases...
...She has great reserves of men and material, Her general staff has never yet shown either recklessness or miscalculation, whatever Hitler's political stupidities may have been...
...Only last week the Board certified three new locals for AFL's International Longshoremen's Association, carved out of Harry Bridges' Longshore and Warehouse Workers Union, CIO...
...The famous Leipzig trade in fur.trimming and dyeing has provided London with a new industry employing some hundreds of men...
...During the weeks he has opposed and delayed such defense legislation as extension of the draft term...
...Under legislation passed shortly after Hitler's march into Poland, says Prince M. Carlisle in the New York Times, the United States government was authorized to accumulate stockpiles of strategic materials which are imported...
...These units were at Tacoma, Anacortes, and Port Angeles, from which ports the AFL can now start new waterfront organization drives...
...Coordinator of Petroleum Conservation Harold Ickes is printing rationing cards while refineries in Texas and the Midwest are worrying over what to do with their excess supplies of motor fuel...
...The suspension of raw silk supplies means the undercutting of an industry normally doing a retail volume of $450,000,000...
...Among the new productive enterprises which have found their location on the government's trading estates are plants for the manufacture of plastic goods, buttons, brushes, sip fasteners, leather goods, knitted wear, silk-printing and electrical equipment...
...A similar story of bungling can be told in scrap steel and pig iron...
...ft Was quite natural that the difficulties en-tountered by the Nazis in Russia should have iroused widespread satisfaction in England and Ac United States, coupled with hope that the Saaiar.s would continue to exact heavy tolls in Sn* and equipment from the invader...
...When Czechia was invaded, he explained: "Hitler went over and took land in the way that sometimes the boys in Texas and North Carolina used to move a fence with the aid of a shotgun, instead of doing it legally by the way of a surveyor—that's all that Hitler did...
...CIO won...
...This is an sf-rmp.b'ttant fact which the British and Amer-Utns most keep firmly in mind if they are not d be diverted from the basic, determining truth hat Hiller must and will be beaten not in Rus-ia but on the seas and in the air...
...The Minneapolis Dunne Brothers, who swung their teamsters into the CIO, were rebuffed" this week by the' Minnesota State Labor Relations Board, which denied their union certification as bargaining agent for 300 striking truck drivers in the furniture lines...
...y>ile the resistance displayed to date by the W Annies has proven, greater and, so far, *We effective than had been expected by mili-|& eKperts, there is no reason to fly now to were put at $2,029,000...
...The columnists reported, that the two men had talked "labor peace" . . -. and New York union circles buzzed with rumors of an AFL putsch by Hutchinson which would then give control of both U.S...
...Ex-Congressfan Thorkelson of Montana is also planning a comeback in the November j elections and is setting up his political machinery now...
...In 1929, the . latest figures available show that the average monthly wage of 1,376,266 employees attached to the railroad industfy .was $110.33...
...He intends to make Washington the headquarters for his Fifth Column organization...
...This came to 11,465,000 barrels of crude oil...
...Paganelli is an intimate of Joe McWilliams, James True and others in the same category...
...Bob Allen and Drew Pearson have frequently scored- newsbeats...
...When these reserves become larger during September and October, many of these refineries will be forced to lay off large numbers of men—because "of too much oil...
...Note: As The 'New Leader went to press, word came of a Marine and Shipbuilding Workers stoppage of 16,600 men in the Kearny, N. J., yards of the Federal Shipbuilding and Drydock Company...
...The votes showed a comfortable lead by Thomas...
...After sharp debate came the test vote, and the forces of Walter Reuther, Dick Frankensteen and R. J. Thomas—some reporters wrote of them as the Hillman bloc—carried the convention by 1700 to 1200...
...Whitney charged these advertisements were propaganda designed to prejudice the pubUc oh wage negotiations with the railroads...
...Had the poll been limited to writers, copydesk men...
...The result will be determined by the numbers of reserves and the amount of equipment the Russians will prove able to throw into battle as the Germans press their thrusts against Kiev...
...LONDON.—A report by Lord Lytton, chairman of the Aliens Committee, highlights the treatment and status of aliens in Britain today...
...Ob Tyneside, upwards of a thousand British workmen have been given employment in a new and flourishing plywood and veneer industry...
...For his defiance of the National Mediation Board and the Department of Labor Christoffel received a congratulatory telegram from John Lewis...
...It was not until last week that President Roosevelt signed the Cole Bill, as a result of which work will start shortly on pipe lines from Baton Rouge...
...November and CIO -national convention are not far off...
...Last week it forced the House to...
...The big question is to what extent the Soviet irmies will remain in being: and able to continue (Sitting on new fronts—on the Volga or the Urals—Bhould they be forced to abandon the so-etfled Stalin line...
...Director Michael Widman may leave shortly...
...Some circles charge, 'the New Jersey publishing house is assuming the propaganda duties of the German Library of Information...
...The blame for a silk shortage rests squarely first on the Federal government and then on the Office of Production Management...
...Most of the capital for these new enterprises has been found by the refugees themselves, either from fusd* already invested in Britain or brought oat of Germany in the early days of the Nasi terror...
...Next year looks even better...
...Most important of these is Senator Reynolds of North Carolina, former sideshow barker, alien-baiter, Vindicator chief and, by the unbroken and unwritten law of seniority, now head of the strategic Senate Military Affairs Committee...
...Between June 1 and July 15, when it had already become apparent that events in the Orient would shortly reach the crisis and military stages, the administration permitted 14 Jap tankers to leave for Japan, with 1,250,000 barrels of oil from San Pedro alone...
...Flemish and Walloon weavers, victims of an earlier religious persecution, established valuable industries in Britain...
...Broadway was blacked out for a half hour Tuesday evening when Local 3 of the International...
...There is a factory producing all kinds of leather and fabric gloves at the rate of 400,000 to 500,000 dozen pairs a week...
...Some of these can be treated and transformed into aviation and motor fuel oil...
...To CIO this would be the third strike...
...Crude oil, gas, oil and distillates, heavy fuel oil and lubricating oils are to be exempted from the presidential ban...
...Refugees in London Use Reich Skills to CreateNewlndustries By NERtERT TRACE...
...Reynolds went to Europe in 1939 and later commented in the Senate that "Hitler and Mussolini have a date with Destiny...
...But this does not justify the conclusion that much greater sacrifices will not have to be made by all peoples struggling against the Nazi menace before the liberation of mankind i* achieved and the foundation laid for world reconstruction on the basis of enduring peace...
...Meanwhile, seven AFL strikes were recorded, with more than 11,100 employees out, and 16 CIO strikes, which made 10,250 idle...
...Here are gome details'of the way in which victims of continental persecution have found employment and have created new industries and trades: Nearly a hundred refugee undertakings, capitalized at not less than $2,500,000, have been started by bodies of refugee workers on trading estates established by the government some years ago as a means of relieving nnem-ployment in depressed areas...
...What do the warnings of these British lead-°* mean ? They may well imply the expectation *»* Germany may complete her task in Russia •whir* few weeks and then turn her attention h the West once more...
...To get scrap, even the Bethlehem Steel Company is digging into markets as far as Mexico and Cuba...
...Largest Union in U. S. By VICTOR RIESEL With most of the country's top labor reporters concentrated in Buffalo, space and headlines on union news went to the Auto Workers convention this week...
...Some 125 rail lines, taking in 99.1 per cent of the nation's mileage then told the trainmen that they^would not meet wage increase demands, which they said would add $900,000,000 a year to their payrolls...
...For the time king, however, Russia must continue to rely Mtt exclusively upon her own military or-jsaation and resources...
...He is not an auto worker but a national CIO organizer assigned to-the Ford drive...
...This growing scarcity is now rapidly becoming such a threat to the key steel industry that ways of tapping hidden reserves of scrap steel and bringing it to steel centers are now being almost hysterically discussed in Washington...
...Moscow and Leningrad, and, above all...
...Charges were made that the delegates were elected unconstitutionally...
...Thomas had the Ford local to thank for this control...
...What did the German people really do to the American .people that we should Hate'them for it...
...Contradictory as are tfe communiques from Moscow and Berlin, it is rrident that tremendous losses in men and ma-Isrisls have been suffered by both sides...
...Her sailing permit was first canceled and then renewed...
...With Madden comfortably kicked upstairs into the somnolent Court of Claims, President Roosevelt will continue to take the Board out of labor politics by naming a successor to Smith...
...a very considerable price for his invasion of Russia...
...Substantial economic benefit* are among the rewards of British enlightenment and tolerance...
...On both points, particularly the latter, we prefer to exercise a very' great reserve...
...Despite the Thomas-Reuther control, Addes will not be opposed for re-election...
...Estimates for this year were put at $2,029,000...
...Making use of his franking privilege, he distributed through the mails large amounts of his un-American material...
...turn down a conference report on the Connally bill which would, have given President Roosevelt specific authority to seize strike-bound plants...
...Through his 'control of J. Warren Madden's vote from 1935 to 1940, Ed Smith had a working 2 to 1 majority at NLRB...
...The preface was written by George Sylvester Viereck, a registered Nazi agent, who represents the Neueste Nachrichten in the United States...
...It's foolish to oppose them, so why not play ball with them...
...Already processing and manufacturing plants are closing down...
...Label this a Jewish war, a war brought about by international Jewish bankers...
...A constant headache to the Unitefl Automobile Workers is Harold Christoffel and his AUis Chalmers local...
...But there's little humor in the situation of the silk industry, the silk retail industry, all the allied women's garment manufacturing trades, and the Army and Navy...
...hot shower baths', etc AFL-CIO Set for Fight on Ed Smith's Labor Board Post...
...Ex-Congressman John C. Schafer, undaunted by his recent defeat in the Wisconsin elections, is' building a secret organization which he hopes will be t^e focal point for anti-democratic, anti-Semitic feeling in the United States...
...This confirms information received by The New Leader that the isolationists admit that all other propaganda' has failed and that the only potential weapon left is an open drive to characterize the war—which has taken a toll of \14 nations—as Jewish inspired...
...Her ability to do so flmsfully will determine the outcome of the Me as far as Russia is concerned...
...5. Development of opportunities of employment in the camps...
...Last week this wire was produced as evidence of Christoffel's prestige when a majority on the credentials committee of the UAW sixth annual cenvention refused to seat the Allis-Chalmers delegation...
...The fact is that while the Red Armies have fought with great courage and tenacity, their general movement has been one of retreat and there is no indication that they will prove able to develop a counter-offensive all along the line such as would compel the Germans to abandon their comparatively slow biu\ none the less impressive gains...
...Last week CIO sounded the opening gun through a public letter from Phil Murray to all affiliates urging the launching of a national CIO drive to force Smith's reappointment...
...In the East, 100,000 gas stations already have discharged scores of thousands of night workers—because of lack of oil...
...Richard T. Leonard, a member of the Thomas-Reuther bloc in- the United- Auto Workers, was appointed co-director of the huge Ford local...
...For let there be no mistake: neither England nor the United States are in I position to exert any appreciable direct influence upon the development of military oper-tuons in Russia...
...given by OPM officials, one of which was that the cost would be too high...
...Brotherhood of Electrical Workers switched off the lights on the Great White Way as part of its general strike to compel the Consolidated Edison Company to employ Local 3 electricans and dissolve the Consolidated Brotherhood, termed by Local 3 a company union...
...Silk was specifically mentioned among these, but no silk went into the strategic materials reserve...
...The book's cover carries the legend "A Flanders Hall America First Book...
...It employs nearly 300 British workpeople, all of them trained by four refugee experts...
...UAW will play an important part in national CIO politics and the convention points the way . • . either control by George Addes, a straight Lewis man, or control by Reuther and Thomas, who will refuse to be stampeded in November when the Lewis-for-CIO-president boom hits its stride...
...Silk may make the girl friend's legs...
...Almost incredible is the oil situation...
...Since President Roosevelt's order permits exports on the basis of normal quantities, Japan can buy about the same quantity sbe purchased here in 1940...
...Buffalo Convention Reveals U.A.W...
...He has maintained close contact with George Paganelli, editor of the violently anti-Semitic Christian Defender...
...Britain opened her doors to the victims of Nszi oppression primarily for humanitarian reasons, but the same kind of thing happened centuries ago...
...In addition to alien internees, there are hi Britiah prisons about 500 aliens of all nationalities who are "detainees," that is...
...When labor works together in Congress, it has shown that it, can beat any legislation it bucks...
...U. S. Fascist Leader Seeks Support in Congress, Confers with Reynolds, Rankin Paganelli, Antisemite Chief, Boasts of Washington Contests By GEORGE SHORT WASHINGTON, D. C—Pro-German pressure groups are concentrating on uniting Congressmen in both houses behind an openly anti-Semitic drive to discredit United States foreign policy...
...Hitler will be defeated by the consistent, intensive action of the democracies of the West— wherever such action may prove necessary—or he will not be defeated at all...
...This publication is openly pro-Nazi...
...and that he will soon start for the Middle West on a speaking tour...
...Both AFL and CIO opposed the measure, offered as an amendment to the Selective Service Aet' Meanwhile, work was stopped or held up on defense projects for all or part of last week by 23 strikes involving more than 21,350 employees...
...Sundry answers were...
...It is expected that Japan, will be permitted to continue to buy oil here by paying cash and moving it in her own ships within certain limitations...
...SLRB said their strike was illegal...
...Should the Nazi generals succeed in reaching their military objectives, including Moscow, by the end of September, as they well may, they will have accomplished in some three months what Hindenburg and Ludendorff could not achieve in three years, Then would come the painful disillusionment in the West of which we warned when we pleaded against reliance upon Russia as the instrument of victory over Nazi Germany...
...2. Overhauling of medical arrangements in such camps...
...Like his pro-Fascist associate Rankin, Schafer while in Congress made a practice of inserting anti-democratic and anti-Semitic propaganda into the Congressional Record...
...Federal blunders on Oil, Silk and Iron Scrap Cripple Defense, Wipe Out Millions of Jobs By EDWARD LORfNG WASHINGTON, D. C.—Collapse of important industries, among them the $450,000,000 silk retail trade, rationing of important fuels and raw material, and continued appeasement of the Japanese may shortly shut down thousands of factories and throw millions out of jobs...
...Of these five tasks, the first three have already been accomplished and the other two are now in hand, and are being held up net because of government opposition but through administrative difficulties, and in the case of the last-mentioned because of - lack of accommodation, materials, etc In the camps, according to Lord Lytton, earlier conditions which were "regrettable but inevitable," have been removed, and improvements have included the establishmnt of canteens, libraries, baths, schools, recreation rooms...
...It cannot be denied, whatever the outcome in the battle of Russia may be, that the Russian people have already contributed much to that victory...
...Twenty-four and nine-tenths per cent of all workers received less than $600 per year (1939...
...On the evening of July 24, 1941, the big Japanese tanker Daini Ogura Maru sailed from San Francisco Bay with 4,500,000 gallons of California crude oil...
...There may be much color copy for the afternoon press in the rush for silk stockings...
...According to Paganelli, Congressman Rankin advanced the following formula for keeping America out of the war, the Hour reports: "'Blame the war on the Jews...
...The majority opinion revealed that the Board was slowly doing a plastic job on labor's face...
...labor federations to Big Bill and Big John, a tough combination...
...But bets are that the Railway Mediation Board will intervene and effect a compromise...
...No reserves were ordered...
...When they are, UAW membership will hit over a million to become the largest and most important union in the country—a political force not only in the midwest and the pacific coast, but in national politics as well...
...The big test for the Soviet armies appears to be approaching...
...During the past year UAW had added some 310.000 men...
...J.), pro-Nazi publishers, issued his "We Must Save the Republic," Congressman Stephen . A. Day ' of Illinois is the most recent to be exposed as part of the pro-German bloc among the isolationists...
...by the capacity of Russia's economy and transport to meet the needs of the critical situation...
...Exports of scrap iron and steel from the United States hit a record high of 4.5S3.700 net tons in 1937, when Japan was beginning her drive in China...
...The National Defense Mediation Board has settled 50 labor-management disputes, involving 713.-50O- workers, a survey reveals...
...Under discussion were plans for promoting and consolidating anti-Semitic sentiment in the United States, and the use of this tactic as a political weapon against Roosevelt's foreign policy...
...Practically unknown until Flanders Hall, Scotch Plains (N...
...Viereck also edited the German Library of Information magazine, Facts in Review...
...Some observers are pooh-poohing the reports and pointing to the establishment of a 30-maA committee to coordinate the organizing drive of' CIO's United Construction Workers in the MtnneapoKs-St- Paul area...
...On the same day, July 31, a majority of the Board, consisting of Chairman Harry Millis and William Leiserson, ordered a secret ballot election at an unimportant New Orleans warehouse...
...Far from justifying any optimism concerning immediate prospects, the fighting in Russia makes it more necessary than ever for Britain and the United States to maintain a cool, realistic conception of the tasks before them...
...Early this year Christoffel turned out to be the enfant terrible of UAW when he called out his men and sat tight for 79 days while nearly one-third of all defense production was held up by stoppage in the Allis feeder plant...
...A run-off election to decide whether a CIO or an AFL union shall bargain for the 5,600 employes of the McCor-mick works of the International Harvester Company will be held this week in Chicago...
...Louis to New York and Philadelphia...
...Even more fantastic at this moment is the fact that Japan is still likely to obtain more crude oil during the coming months unless there is actual fighting between Japan and the United States...
...All factions in CIO were carefully watching the auto delegates...
...A nation-wide drive, similar to last month's aluminum campaign, may shortly be launched for the collection of light iron and steel scrap...
...The rurmber of strikes was the same as in the previous week, but employees involved increased by about 7,000.' Most important new stoppage was that hr New" York City,where striking electrical workers held up construction jobs, but sent men back on defense projects...
...Germany remains immensely powerful...
...Meeting in Chicago this week the AFL Executive Council countered with the charge that Smith was "and still is the mainspring of the Communistic group which almost succeeded in making a mockery of the law which was conceived as labor's magna charts...
...persons against whom, in peace time deportation orders would have been issued but who cannot be deported under present conditions, etc The Aliens Committee, Lord Lytton pointed out had aimed at achieving five objects: L The aborHion of alien camps under canvas before the winter...
...Paterson officials are desperately trying to avert shutdowns for fear of throwing 5,000 persons on the relief rolls...
...In other words, the fringe groups are being left out...
...For the- first time in, years there is actual strike talk in the yards...
...Sees War Won Only by Invasion Of Western Europe By MALCOLM HASTINGS fie great battles in Russia appear to be mov-ar to a climax...
...Elsewhere in wartime Britain, refugee enterprise has developed the manufacture of uie» chanical toys, optical glass, and general glassware production...
...William Leader, head of the Philadelphia Hosiery Workers, reports that some of the 10,000 silk workers in bis region were "already on the streets...
...The spectacle of Stalin liberating the world from Hitler as against democracy emancipating humanity from both would make a mockery of the sacrifices already made and yet to be made by the peoples of the world, includ-ing the people of Russia...
...He has become notorious for the virulence and Nazi sentiment of his publication...
...A similar warning was ut-'••d by Herbert Mgrrison, Labor Minister for W»e Security, who spoke of the trials await-1 fte British people in the coming winder...
...While fkf Germans have not yet attained their ob-(aetives of Kiev, Odessa, Leningrad and Mos-trv, and -the Russians continue their stubborn uxl costly resistance—costly to both sides—it is ifear that the Germans have moved closer to their aims and may, before long, register their HKonrplishment...
...Pretg Secretary, British Trade* CcrKffr*§t LONDON (Passed by the Censor).—Refugees from Nazi Germany found in Britain not only shelter and protection, but opportunities) to employ their experience, skill and labor In many industries...
...I am glad to be able to state without the least hesitation that I am absolutely against the United States waging war for the purpose of protecting the Jews anywhere in the world...
...Last week their Merry-Go-Round column reported' that John Lewis and Bill Hutchinson were through slugging it out "and had met secretly in New York...
...A $500/K>0,000 defense the othej- extreme of believing that the Germans have been stopped and that Russia is about to play the decisive role in the tremendous task of smashing Hitler...
...Total income for the fiscal year ending in April was $1,543,189.26...
...Back came replies from the five railroad brotherhoods, representing men in engine, 1 train and yard service—"contrary to false impression created by railroad propaganda, railroad workers are not well paid...
...We firmly believe that Nazi Germany will ultimately be defeated, but the job of accom-Plishing its defeat has only just begun...
...Ed Smith dissented...
...Churchill * obviously trying to puncture this illusion then he warned in a recent address in the House of Commons that the.danger of an in-•ttion of the British Isles in September was ml, and that the British masses must be pre-Wd for an ordeal greater than any they have J*t encountered...
...look pretty, but it can save lives and keep the enemy off the coasts...
...This may prove possible many souths from now—depending upon the progress 4 American, rearmament and the course of qents.elsewhere, in North Africa, the Far East nl in the battle of the Atlantic...
...iWe repeat what we said at the outbreak of the Russo-German conflict: there could be no ¦ore dangerous illusion than the belief that this «rar will be decided on the battlefields of Russia, rhia illusion is dangerous not only because of its military fallacy but also because of its inherent political pitfall...
...From- reliable sources it is learned that Flanders Hall is preparing a series of books by well-known Americans, following the pattern of Congressman Day's book...
...The Congressman is said to have 'joked with Paganelli about the fact that New York East Side Congressman Mike Edelstein had dropped dead on June 4th as a result of replying to an snti-Semitic speech Rankin had made on the House floor...
...At the end of 1940 it had fallen to about 10.600...
...Some 500,000 aircraft hands, and hundreds at thousands more in allied auto and plane fields are still to be organized...
...La., to Greensboro, N. C, and from Texas via St...
...This shaped the entire form of labor drives during the half decade...
...However, publicity men and leaders of one isolationist bloc feel that it is too late for such a campaign now...
...But of more immediate importance than even these sessions of the union apparently destined to become the largest single labor organization in the United States, was the drawing of battle lines between AFL and CIO over the reappointment of Ed Smith to the National Labor Relations Board when his term expires August 27...
...Flanders Hall has published "The Hundred Families That Rule the Empire," by Giselher Wirsing, editor of a Munich newspaper, Muenchener Neueste Nachrichten...
...One usually authoritative source reveals that Paganelli held conferences here last week with Representative John E. Rankin of Mississippi and ex-Congressman John C.- Schafer of Wisconsin...
...reporters, etc., the Newspaper Guild would have lost something like 202 to 80...
...A $500,000,000 defense and reserve fund is in the making...
...4. Establishment of a mixed camp for reuniting internee families...
...In the five yean between 1935 and 1939,Sexports of scrap were 16,473,750 net tons, of- ^rftjch 8.387,700 tons—or 51 per cent—went to Japan, and 2.140.00 tons—or 13 per cent—went to Italy...
...Already important decisions are revealing a Board swing from industrial union election to polling by crafts...
...43.8 per cent earned less than $1,200...
...The Hour, an anti-Fascist news-letter, reports that when Paganelli returned from Washington to New York City, he boasted to Fascist intimates about conferring with anti-democratic politicians at the capital...
...It then became apparent that the leftist opposition led by Secretary-Treasurer George Addes had been safely isolated by President Thomas' consistent 500-vote majority...
...Minnesota has a 30-day waiting period, and the Dunne's switch from the AFL to the CIO invalidated the original strike notice...
...Although work will be stopped on one cruiser, six destroyers, two freighters and three oil tankers, the union had the support of most of the labor and progressive movements—especially those sections who were familiar with the records of energetic Johnny Green and Phil Van Gelder, two- of the most responsible labor leaders in CIO...
...More than hat: if Germany is to be defeated, it may well >e necessary to land great armies on the Euro-teen continent—in France, Spain, Italy and else-there...
...More vital was the fact that Harry Bridges' ILWU is involved, and that, Millis and Leiserson found that the work of the receiving and shipping clerks is primarily clerical and that they therefore should be excluded from the unit of employes to be voted...
...of whom 15.500 were non-Nazis and the other 4.000 aliens who were either dfinitely or suspected anti-British...
...It is used in parachutes and cannon powder bags...
...Senator Reynolds is not the only Congressman attempting to cover pro-German isolationism with a revival of "Jew-war" propaganda, now that Germany has invaded Russia...
...The battle of Russia is but a grandiose interlude in the drama yet to be played upon a bigger and more decisive stage...
...Washington observers expressed no surprise on learniifg of the Senate Military Affairs Committee head's conferences with Paganelli...
...With a paid-up membership of 528.413 and with contracts covering 982 plants and 703,760 workers the union is second in the nation only to John Lewis' Mine Workers...
...He told Paganelli that he hopes to enlist the support of large numbers of World War veterans...
...3. Separation of Nazi and anti-Nazi internees...
...As re-Bjdj Russia, her real test fs still ahead of her...
...One morning some weeks ago A. F. Whitney, president of the Railroad Trainmen Brotherhood, noticed that the western railroads were flooding small town and agricultural newspapers with paid advertisements...
...In an interview carried by Hitler's own newspaper, the Voelkischer Beobachter, of February 5, 1939, Senator Reynolds is quoted as saying: "What business is it of ours, of the American people, what form *of government Germany, Italy, Japan or any other country on earth has...
...There is no indication that such shipments will not continue in the form of crude oil—on which there still is no ban...
...The number of enemy internees, German and Italian, was about 30,000 at the war outbreak...
...It is learned that for the last nine months, silk interests sought from government officials an answer as to why silk was not acquired under the stockpile legislation...
...Flanders Hall is now playing an increasingly important part in the network of Nazi propaganda in the United States...
...This is a result of the blundering arising from the large scale inefficiency, jurisdictional squabbling and red tape in Washington's 45 top defense boards and bureaus...
...A total of 175,000 jobs are involved in the situation...
...Once accomplished, CIO's 'United Construction Workers would have a base to raid- Hutchinson's AFL construction unions, . . .But rumors of- s Lewis-Hutchinson conciliation persisted...
...The corporation purchases 300,000 tons of scrap steel each month...
...In many instances, sections of the native Fascist fringe have succeeded in influencing ¦ important legislators...
...Exports of motor fuel to Japan last year amounted to 3,256,908 barrels, more than double that of 1939...
...Between 4,000 and 5.000 aliens were sent overseas to Canada avi Australia before the transportation policy wa» canceled...
...Nylon may prove a - substitute for silk in parachutes, but there is no substitute for the ingredients of powder bags...
...The administration knew for months previous to the late July order .banning some oil to Japan that such actiontwould be taken and that the Eastern seaboard would be hit...
...Hitler has been made to pay...
...Perhaps the next three or four weeks will tell the story...
...After permitting Japan to drain for years the United States of theae vital steel ingredients, the administration has suddenly learned from its priority expert* and from leaders of "the steel industry that the shortage in scrap is greater than that in aluminum...
...In pro-Srtion as the Russian'• resistance appeared to <Hen, however, there developed a noticeable sanation in Britain and the United States to sfr largely upon the fighting in Russia as a •Mon of the problem of the war...
...Industry representatives countered with an offer to finance the stockpile themselves, but no answer was given...
...Spread this around the country and our battle is won...
...Only exception in recent months was the New York Times case, where the AFL editorial writers were refused a strict editorial staff election...
...Lewis' war on Sidney Hillman has hardly begun...
...No provisions were made...

Vol. 24 • August 1941 • No. 32

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