Need for National Morale Corps Seen To Meet $80,000,000 Nazi Drive Here

Kingdon, Frank

Need for National Morale Corps Seen To Meet $80,000,000 Nazi Drive Here By Frank Kingdon Chairman, New York Committee to Defend America f ERMANY is spending at least eighty million ^* dollars a...

...The introduction of supplementary meals in factorlB has been followed by an increase in production and a marks...
...Mechanized warfare demands the fullest possible measure of supplies...
...Meanwhile, Mr...
...No one will claim that Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium committed any act -to arouse the ire of the Fuehrer...
...The OSes of Civilian Defense will work out the detaflai* plans of this participation, and all of us have a duty to be ready to act upon them Inclaasi* within this duty will be a demand that wt hats to conserve necessary resources, such as say, coal, aluminum, and facts of all kinds...
...At the conference there was presented a chart of recommended daily allowances for specific nutrients... the result of further developments, in recent years there has come to the forefront the vitamins...
...Democracy, on the other hand, which gives the appearance of disunity, actually unites its people, having no distinction between the ruling class and the ruled, between army and civilian, or between group and group...
...By the time war started in Europe, it had become apparent to all that it was Hitler's purpose to reduce to vassal state the world outside of Germany...
...To meet this our national government should immediately establish a Morale Commission with a budget comparable to that of the Nazis...
...Defense 4s the business of all citizens...
...Already they are invsd:ng uses the psychological front We have a duty te resist their counsels of division and to stand at one man for our nation...
...To be continued) Aid to Those Fighting Hitter Does Not Mean Compromise With U. S. Totalitarian* By Frederick F. Umhey Executive Secretary, Int'l Ladles Garment Workers Union ORGANIZED labor has from the beginning recognized the true nature of the NaziFascist philosophy...
...N. J. pLewis, Sphinx" IOHN L. LEWIS has ** long been the target of political cartoonists with his massive bulk —haunch, paunch and jowls, his overhanging bushy brows, and the shock 'of black hair...
...We know no such arbitrary distinctions between civilian and military as characterize the oldworld autocracies...
...Not more than one family in four secured food which would provide a diet rated as "good...
...Although there may be some debate as to the essentiality of certain inorganic elements, 12 may be listed at the present time...
...Lewis' quondam allies, ' the Communist wing in CIO, have been ' silent in speech and in print concerning . their attitude towards him...
...In spite of its facade of unity, an autocratic state operates to divide its people, setting rulers against ruled, army against civilians, and group against group...
...Secondly, no one caw know, until now, the eomplexity^of nutritional needs, or^fc great responsibility of nutrition to-health, which the AOS' recent research has revealed and is stiH revealing...
...Even if there is an adequate intake of protein, fat and carbohydrate, the body will not function well unless the vitamins and minerals are present...
...the heritage Laval and Vichy's old men are leaving those who were one the most liberty-loving people i abroad...
...The extension of aid to Russis *hfle she is engaged in this struggle does not that we accept the Communist philosophy sst more than our aid to Britain implies the aV dorsement of her colonial policy...
...But there is grave danger that they will provoke confusion and consequent division and paralysis among our people...
...Progressive leaders, too, want to hear from Lewis...
...Vitamin K is' necessary in late pregnancy to prevent bleeding in the early days of infancy...
...Cases of extreme vitamin deficiencies such as beri-beri and scurvy are not often seen...
...Many of the patients also presented other signs cf malnutrition...
...Nor doe) K mean that we must make alliances with **• American Communists...
...Was it gratitude for Hitler to attack Russia without notice or warning after all Moscow had done for him...
...R. M. Wilder, Mayo Foundation, Rochester, Minnesota, and Chairman of the Committee on Food and Nutrition of the National Research Council, who spoke at the National Nutrition Council for Defense...
...The food stamp plan has succeeded amazingly...
...wants to see these things delivered, what*** the means, whatever the price...
...The American worker wi» not be satisfied if the tank, the airplane or "» munitions which he made by his toil f...
...meat, grain, fish, sngarand nearly all foods which provide the vitamins and bonebuilding substances is turning all occupied nations into freak peoples...
...Europe has shown this problem to be se vital »)' the future of all civilization that American feai perts are devoting intensive study to the problesi sf nutrition... becomes a powerful factor in defending the nation as it keeps the wheels turning...
...I want to make clear the nature of the nutritional deficiencies which are probably the most common in this country and with which any nutrition program must be concerned...
...For this total war the nature of democracy is better fitted than that of the totalitarian state, for the citizens of a democracy recognise that the good of all depends upon the activity of each, and this conviction, once it is clearly accepted, means that the whole people act as a unit...
...For weeks they picketed the White House for peace...
...and that despite a so-called surplus of foods a great many of our people are not receiving the fare they need for strength of mind and body^' "Significant studies made by the federal government as long ago as 1936 bear witness that this mobilization of resources comes none too soon...
...Morale means the national will anirf to carry through the national program...
...Let me also refer briefly to the address at the conferee* by Professor H. C. Sherman of Columbia University...
...No matter what form the present emerges...
...Germany will make a huge effort to confuse and divide us by playing up the idea that he is destroying Communism while we are condoning Communism by aiding Russia...
...Lewis, The New Jersey unit of Labor's 'Non-Partisan League sharply told the Mine Workers' chief that it wanted to climb out of his vest pocket and decide policy democratically...
...Mind you, the same Senator Wheeler, itho only last March sent a message hailing th...
...bill under the auspices of the Communist-dominated Greater New York Industrial Council...
...It is the sub-acute types of deficiency which are wide spread and which are caused by this "hidden hunger" for dietary' essentials...
...Many of us starve from overeating as want* i from the lack of food...
...Need for National Morale Corps Seen To Meet $80,000,000 Nazi Drive Here By Frank Kingdon Chairman, New York Committee to Defend America f ERMANY is spending at least eighty million ^* dollars a year to undermine the morale of the United States, particularly to divide us in terms of un-American racial, religions end industrial divisions...
...IVILIAN defense in a democracy is not something separate from military defense...
...Moreover, the Communists here, on orders from Moscow, will pretend to be good Americans and will persuade us to receive the/n as loyal partners in our enterprises...
...Some of these substanecs have found mention in the newspapers, in magazine articles or over the radio...
...At one time man spoke of his food in terms of grains, meat, milk, fruits and vegetables...
...As chemistry developed we talked , of protein, fat, carbohydrate and ash...
...This can, be met and overcome only by the most scientific approach to public opinion...
...There are no non-combatants, end success depends upon the total mobilization of the entire resources of a natron...
...This is in contrast to the traditional European arrangement which sets the army apart as en independent organization under its own control...
...We must all he ready to do what we are called upon to &.» New conditions of warfare have involved gf, areas of experience in direct hostilities, so teat the civilian population has to practice new fa ties* and be ready for new precautions...
...The acting General Secretary of the Communist Party now has the audacity to tell us that "before Hitler invaded Soviet Russia, the war was' not properly the business of the United Slates...
...YJtflTHIN its own sphere, however, civilian defense covers three points—production, civilian discipline and national morale...
...Science has developed foods and diets which can wipe out malnutrition froe'j among the poorly fed one-third of the ^raerjfJU people...
...The next step is for the states, through^ State Nutrition "Councils, to show the housewife, hotel keeper^ restaurant keeper and others who prepare and serve food...
...It is well established that "lOjof these are considered as indispensable, they must occur in the diet, since"the body cannot form them...
...yitamin discoveries have made the front page from time to time, but the actual impact of the discoveries on our civilization has not been as great as has been the industrial progress based on scientific research...
...Doctor.—-Kingdon's suggestions here would help solve part of the problem...
...The estimate that something like one-third of our peosk are ill-nourished had its first scientific basis in studies 4 food consumption...
...After this hibernation, one of their first acts was to oppose the embargo amendment proposed by President Roosevelt Thereafter they opposed every measure which proposed aid to the embattled democracies...
...Although nutritionally inadequate foods will relieve the actual physical sensation of hunger they will not relieve what is called "hidden hunger" or "tissue hunger" for vitamins, minerals" and amino acids which are necessary for the functioning of the body...
...But this week labor went to town on Mr...
...American labor has steadfastly maintained its position notwithstanding the glowing reports on the new order which some of our medal-seeking emissaries brought back from Europe...
...In recent months a renovated FBI, under J. Edgar Hoover...
...Rickets in children haye practically disappeared due to the almost universal use of vitamin D in the form of fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil...
...We know no division of powers like this, Our armed forces are commanded by the President and directed by civilian Secretaries...
...On this front every individual is a cm...
...Napoleon once taaf that morale is to military strength as three a to one in winning a war...
...Those who believe these are horror tales win gat their evidence within a few years when countries Use France will be filled with warped and dwarfed children, Already French babies weighing two or three pesjsaS at birth and spindly, bone-twisted adolescents are gnawing at the future of the French people...
...They should not only strengthen morale here but carry the fight into Germany itself...
...We have a;J experienced the sensation of hunger, what one might call stomach hunger...
...Civilian defense, therefore, is not something apart from military defense, bat is complimentary to it in the program of total defense...
...This, chart gave the specific requirements for...
...Mass meetings were hurriedly called and resolutions wefe enthusiastically adopted, demanding "the crushing military defeat of Hitler and the defeatjof his friends in the United States of America, the Lindberghs, Wheelers, Hoovers, Norman 'Thomases and all other appeasing Munich men...
...Production is the aasjfeaM one job of civilians in a crisis, and upon {sgfl pends the whole effectiveness of the defense mrv gram...
...It is sufficient to say that the daily use of adequate amounts of milk, meat, eggs, fresh vegetables and fruits along with the cereal foods such as bread, which supply so much of our energy, will give ns these factors...
...Evidence to be presented to this conference should convince everyone that the nation is faced with a serious problem of malnutrition...
...They are...
...In the same sense, labor serves defense as it mobilizes its power to speed and increase production of essential goods...
...Civilian discipline means the organisaMas jfjj the personal participation of all citizens in tfca protection of the community...
...eggs and a portion of milk...
...Organized labor in America, the overwhehsing majority of it, has upheld the Presides* Is his policies...
...satirists have whooped *at the self-styled leader of 52,000,000 shrunken bellies buying a colonial house in West Virginia and trying a crash tony Alexandria society...
...Starvation and its effects in Europe highlight the abundance in the United States...
...They also know he is more anti-Roosevelt than anti-war...
...The table of- allowances is not in a form which can be used by the housewife in the preparation of nutritionally adequate meals...
...When a farmer applies fertilizer, that is, feeds his plants properly, and compares them with the plants of an unfed field he sees definite results...
...This can be satisfied with a few slices of bread and a glass of water...
...It reinforces the need for a National Morale Commission...
...The guardianship tL our national rnoraie is in the hearts of each-si us...
...IN Washington, on May 26, 27 and 28, of this year there was * held a National Nutrition Conference for Defense...
...takes, whether we stand on our ramparts la W* New World and keep on pouring munitions seS foodstuffs into the camps of the def»ocfwaw< or are compelled by the swift march of to intervene in the life and death *truggj** the democratic nations, there can be no I0***' that the millions of organized workers m AsMT| ica will not be found wanting at the eras** hour...
...resting place at the bottom of the Atlantic...
...V The fat which occurs in our food contains two and possibly three fatty acids which may be essential...
...This list of substances is by no...
...This means that factories cannot remain idle or be allowed to manufacture civilian goods at the expense of military equipment...
...It offers an opportunity for ns t» show our true willingness to serve our nation by the acceptance of these discipline...
...It is almost unbelievable that the insane pellagrin can be brought back to sanity in 24 hours by the administration of nicotinic acid...
...This can best be served by extends* unlimited aid to all forces fighting the Msd hordes...
...Production is the result of industry in action...
...More and more the American people sr» learning that our aid to the anti-Hitler to* cannot be effective unless we protect shipawn* by our naval forces...
...there is what the chemist calls "amino acids...
...War in our contemporary world is total war...
...Besides had they not all received solemn pledge of non-aggression...
...They actively induced and encouraged strikes in the most vital defense industries, seeking to create bottlenecks wherever they could...
...It remembered its experiences during and following World War I. Yet, as events moved rapidly on, it became increasingly* clear that the struggle between totalitarianism and our way of life could not be avoided...
...It is difficult at the present time to say how many of the substances called vitamins are necessary in the human diet but there is good evi¦dence for the necessity of an adequate supply of vitamin A, B-t or thiamin, B-2 or riboflavin, nicotine'acid, and vitamin C |<5r ascorbic acid, for the adult...
...If, as the isolationists say, Hitler has no designs upon this hemisphere, why has he taken a leaf from the Moscow book of technique and infiltrated his Fifth Columnists, his spies and saboteurs unto every country on the North and South American continent... least the pangs disappear upon ingestion of almost any kind of food...
...It is true that there are about 100,000 cases of pellagra in the South, but this represents a special situation which is being cared for rapidly...
...Ejave you noted how deftly that ardent advocate <Jf free speech, Joe Curran, changed his compass course, threw his helm hard a-starboard ancf zigzagged into the new party line...
...Other„vitaroins which may have some value in human nutrition are pantothenic acid and what is given a general name, : the anti-gray hair factor...
...Mobilizing our resources in this area we can beat Hitler at his most successful game, psychological warfare itself... iremoio stops ana ine ponderous biblical phrases...
...Yet when it served .his need, Hitler unleashed a torrent of hell from the skies upon these defenseless peoples...
...the G-2, military intelligence division under Brig...
...The vast masses of trade-uniooiiB of the CIO and AFofL have given no less «¦*•¦ siastic support to the administration's prof*" of far-reaching national defense...
...That the magnitude of this national t had not been appreciated before is explained by two fast First, for reasons largely economic, food conditions hs grown worse than most of us knew...
...It is written by Walter C. RaOMa, | Professor of Agricultural Biochemistry in the Coflsfl I of Agriculture, and Biochemist in Nutrition in the Net | Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station at Rutgers | University in New Brunswick...
...They have won the ' victories by first breaking the wills and d'iding tat minds of the populations of the coui-tries the...
...All but the ostrich-brained isolationists by this time realize that it is not merely democracy which is in jeopardy, but the civilized way of life...
...THE destruction of Hitlerism is and wills* * tinue to be the cause to which we dedSJS" ourselves...
...The war against Russia is as much a political move by Hitler as it is e military action...
...For young children and pregnant and lactating mothers vitamin D is also essential, ^whether it is necessary for the adult who has some exposure to sunlight is a question...
...In Paris, French babies are permitted a few ounces of milk a day, fwrn nvin tr troAiw rr 1*1...
...This is because the army in a democracy is part of the normal organization of the whole state and under the same parliamentary controls as the other activities of the government... comedians have had a field day with the rumbling bass voice...
...Although probably not absolutely essential tr^e most convenient form of energy food that we have is starch or other glucose formers, so we must include starch or glucose, or cane sugar, as one of the necessary substances in our diet...
...ifo^owing chemical compounds: arginine^ leucine, histidine, ¦lysine,,isoleucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophane and valine...
...means complete and many further discoveries may be anticipated...
...The contrast between our political machinery and that of the totalitarian states at this point emphasizes an important difference between them...
...These surveys reveal that in 1936 more than one-third of all families were buying food wh'ich could not provide a diet rating better than "poor"—by conservative standards...
...The criteria of improvement in most cases are less bodily fatigue, disappearance of mental disturbances and vague fears, an increase in initiative and better resistance to low 'grade infection...
...It was called by the President of the United States and was attended by 900 delegates from all parts of the country representing the medical and other scientific professions, the social ' service professions, agriculture, labor, industry, consumers and governmental agencies...
...We act aa one people, accepting our vaijous duties, but working together on en equal basis...
...The ouster of Axis consuls has barely skimmed the top of the E. Phillips Oppenheim type of organizations so characteristic of the Germans...
...I was told by a physician in New York that the clinical complexion of the clientele ia\a large dispensary changed dramatically after the food siarrrp plan was introduced in that community...
...Now, however, America must withhold nothing in the way of possible aid to Russia and to Britain...
...These i;are the substances which constitute our proteins such as ^m'eat...
...These actions in the last few Weeks have emphasized that the party line is not dictated by America's interests but is patterned on the needs of the ruling cH«e in Russia...
...But his job will be big enough if he concentrates on the underground German apparatuses here—the disguised bunds, the labor fronts, the "travel agencies" all the cleverly devised rings set up here by Ernst Bohle's department of Germans Living Abroad...
...After the adoption ©f the stamp plan, the appearance of more than half the patients^ieeidedly improved...
...They opposed the Selective Service Act and the Lena-Lease Bill...
...It is part of civilian defense for them to work out plans^for the satisfactory adjustment of their disputes without interrupting fa* flow of production...
...In the time of crisis th* nation has a right to demand that both management and labor unite for maximum results...
...Some serve as soldiers end some ee 'Civilians, but all are part of one national program organized and administered by the same elected officers of the people...
...Don't be surprised -if you shortly find John L. Lewis withdrawing his alter ego from the America First Committee now that his pro^Communist supporters have been forced to abandon their isolationist stand...
...They were all too close to the mouth of his cannon to risk anything so foolhardy...
...have attacked...
...The government's i n t e 11 i g enee .services have been notoriously neglected and under-f i n a n c e d. Informed persons are aghast at the ineffectiveness of federal counter-espionage work...
...The nature of this latter substance 'is not yet known...
...The Wheelers and the Lindberghs would have us believe that by isolating ourselves we can avoid the wrath and fury of that raving madman who stalks the corridors of the chancellory in Berlin...
...National defense is rooted in our determination, our courage and our strength of wilL Piet Ignorance Starves American Millions — Overeating and Undereating By Walter C. Russell Prof, of Agricultural Biochemistry, Rutgers University PARALLELING the development in science and engineering of the.last,25 years is the equally significant progress made' in nutrition research laboratories...
...Labor had every reason to fear that if war came, it might lead to a breakdown of labor standards, a curtailment of civil liberties and the usual dislocation of the national economy...
...The owners and managers of industrial plants have a duty to subordinate their own advantages to the requirements of the nation, and to turn their plants over to such production as will best serve national needs...
...Perhaps this is part of the work Colonel Donovan, recently appointed Co-ordinator of Defense Information, is expected to do...
...With this action by one of the few remaining active units of Labor's Non-Partisan League, the much-heralded move of four years ago for a "Labor Party in 1940 to Sweep the Country" goes down into the limbo of many similar attempts...
...The New Jersey section declared that the national chairman of the league had failed since its inception four years-ago to call a conven1 tion and set up duly elected officers, a . constitution and by-laws...
...How well we remember the hectic days of August, 1939, when his disciples went into hiding until they could find out the .new party line...
...As far back as 1934, when some sections of our community were inclined to hail Hitler and II Duce as constructive forces, trade unions in this country raised hundreds of thousands of dollars through its Labor Chest to combat the spread of those influences abroad...
...Can our isolationists really be so naive as to believe what they publicly preach...
...No one who knows 'John L. Lewis ever considered him a sincere isolationist...
...The Nazis have brought psychological warfare to a new ,ev*l of effectiveness...
...Lack of fats, milk...
...rpHE question is raised, "Is there really malnutrition in our * country at the present time and is this matter of nutrition serious business after all ?** Let me refer to the address by Dr...
...Strateav of Morale" '¦'HIS nation's easy' * going ways have al; ways provided ample opportunities, to foreign agents for unrestricted espionage and sabotage...
...calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, iron, copper, iodine, sulphur, manganese and cobalt...
...Was it not the gracious act of his, at that time, pal and buddy, Joe Stalin, which had permitted Adolph to loosen his gcesestepping hordes which were to strew the fields of Europe, Africa and Asia with carrion...
...We condemn Communism as vigorously as Nazism, and insist, that Communists are still servants of A foreign power...
...The question of morale is particularly im- portant in the light of the clash between Germany and Russia...
...Above all, American labor was aware that the rise of the "new order" in Europe would bring war—not only to Europe, but to our shores as well—even if not shooting war—surely a destructive economic war...
...General Sherman Miles and the Office of Naval Intelligence under Captain Alan G. Kirk, have been getting some results because of additional personnel and funds.' . As Doctor Kingdon reveals in this article, the German government alone spends $80,000,000 on its invisible invasion of the United States...
...innmmi«uiuuilinilllllllllllllllillimillll!l!lllll!|||||||iMllllllllll!!llllllll|]|||||IHI]||||lll|.|||:!li| "One-Third of a Nation" A CONTINENT of blind and crippled beings is Europe's future as German legions crawl further and further afield like a locust plague wiping out the crops and the men who sew them...
...But the change from a sub-acute dietary, deficiency may not be dramatic...
...When a person changes from a diet partially deficient in certain essentials such as minerals and vitamins, to one which provides these factors, the degree of improvement may not be very noticeable...
...Neither capital nor workers can be allowed to exploit the need of the hour for their selfish purposes...
...Our vast foreign language groups are a fertile field for this softening op process used in 14 other countries by Germany...
...This commission should command the services of the best psychiatrists, psychologists and sociologists in America, and these are the best in the world...
...Because of the importance of this wsrk, The New Leader this week begins a short serial Si food and nutrition...
...Those who know him, however, credit him with one trait above all others, he nurses his grudges, and he rarely forgets...
...Tamilies with incomes below a certain level must have assistance in tangible form if they are to secure the foods which provide an adequate diet...
...It results in bodily fatigue, mental depression, lassitude, vague fears, lack of initiative and lowered resistance to low grade infection...
...In Germany, for example, the armyhas always maintained its own independence of action, never yielding its power to the Reichstag, but acting directly under the Crown or the Leader...
...They are the...
...Immediately, what had been an imperialistwar was transformed into a "people's war, wagejl for the freedom of civilization...
...Our military1 services are an integral part of the machinery of the nation, made up of men who do not consider themselves in any way different from, the rest of us, men who are taken from our civilian life for a time and then returned to ft So while we naturally think of the army, navy and air force first when we think of defense, we nevertheless recognize them as our own instruments, distinctive only in the sense that their service demands duties of a particular kind from the citizens who are called into them...
...In addition one can name from 15 to "20 other vitamins which are not well known at present but may •'turn Out to be essential to health and well-being...
...Intensive research has made it possible now to list those organic chemical molecules and inorganic elements which are essential m.-the diet of man...
...IJLfHAT gymnasts and trapeze artists Joe ** Stalin has made of his followers...
...of aelf...
...Today, a large body of knowledge-is now ready for application in the field of human nutrition...
...When a physician administers therapeutic agents such as insulin for diabetes and sulfapyridine in pneumonia, he frequently sees dramatic responses...
...Harry Bridges, not being a seaman, was not quite as good in his zigzaggin, but he reached the same destination almost as fast...
...big Anti-War Rally opposing the Lend-Leas...
...Many of our people are well fed and there is little or no actual starvation...
...They are far too mas'* line-changers to trust them... our ordinary foods may be used to get these, factors for which specific requirements have been set up, and to: some extent, other factors which are thought to be necessary in human nutrition...
...reduction of accidents...
...Before its adopmm almost every patient was overweight or underweight ((And I might say that overweight is as common a symptom of malnutrition as is underweight...
...They are called linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids...
...Tktt will involve inconvenience and the readjusting of habits...
...We who supported ail-out aid to Britain were warmongers, Wall Street tools, aiding an imperialist war...
...Improving the nutrition of industrial workers have produced encouraging results in Britain, according to Sir Joks Orr...
...Their position, today is best represented "by' the viewpoint of men like Fredrick F. Umhey, executive secretary of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, -whose article appears here... protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B-l, vitamin C, riboflavin or vitamin B-2, nicotinic acid and for some age groups vitamin D. This table of allowances takes the place of a similar table prepared by the Committee on Nutrition of the Health Section of the League of Nations in 1936...
...I would like to be generous and ascribe their position to naivete, but I fear that their real motive is too sinister to permit that...
...Then came the unheralded attack on the Soviet Uni^n...

Vol. 24 • February 1941 • No. 30

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