LOOKING AT THE WORLD By TONY SENDER Former Socialist Deputy in Reichstag Pogroms Lifted Curtain On Five Years of Horror Rigid Boycott Would Encourage Anti-Nazi Germans IT had gone on for...

...This noble woman who challenges the reactionary views of her class and ia rejected by a majority of only 6 votes in a total of 340 serves as an index to the rising storm which, let us hope, will soon sweep the Munich betrayers into well-earned oblivion...
...The comparison is very revealing...
...Let us bear in mind that in protesting against Hitler's Wfr Jewish brutalities we are also- protesting against his setnegt...
...Not satisfied with silencing the decent people among the Germans by means of terror and intimidation, .Hitlerites attempt to accomplish the same with foreign peoples, warning the foreign press to be very careful in reporting their atrocities and hinting at new reprisals...
...Mussolini became} anti-SeuBOt Russia fears war with Germany...
...The government-controlled German newspapers did not carry a report-of President Roosevelt's statement...
...And in this famous dnjsta «* October 11th to NANA, Duranty indicated what Busns esud offer* to overcome Nazi reluctance...
...A JERSEY CITY LESSON UlTLER'S 'understudy in Jersey City, through his Chief of Police, has defied a Federal Judge's restraining order against interfering with picketing by having picketing signs stripped from two union pickets, one representing an A.F.of L. union and the other a C.I.O...
...Walter Duranty, the Kremlin's ace reporter, man bps...
...make the BOfCOTT complete...
...The facts have proved that concessions to barbaric dictators can only have the effect of further encouragement to go on with the methods of violence...
...The "White Knight," a filthy fascist organ published in Charleston, West Virginia, displayed an article in its issue of August 15, 1936, in which the forged speech was reprinted in full with an exposition of its alleged authenticity...
...He is righteous indignais» ™JJJ if a Communist is deprived of a soap-box...
...After the Berlin-Rome axis was forged and Italy attempted a weaken England in the Near East...
...Did this "peace" appease the dictators ? On the contrary—the Munich triumph has completed the rout of all the more sober elements around the Fuehrer and has given the extremists full power...
...He said: "It is an old American tradition tbsa-^-;, man has his day in court...
...He also had the full eonsent of the people...
...a> Stalin even than Louis Fischer, revealed openly that laisia ? playing for a more intimate rapprochement with Germany, tads is willing...
...Stalin's freedom from national prejudice consists fat tab that he is just as willing to kill a Georgian as s Jew far dieagreeing with him...
...If the capitalist couBtrisi of Europe and America can be embroiled in war with Germany, she will be safe...
...The Stalinists are friends ef the Jews in the same way » they are friends of democracy...
...Today the Stalinists would bast m believe that they are ardent defenders of persecuted Jews Stan, where in the world...
...In /SSSjl defend and extenuate Russia's trade with Germany, lutet *tJapan...
...What is behind this policy of double-and-triple-cross...
...tomorrow cWbrch property will be confiscated and more Catholics and Protestants arrested...
...It is worthy of this great country to have President Roosevelt express, in such dignified and strong way, the nation's thought and feeling...
...We must understand that these acts of cruelty are - not the expression of a revolution or a counter-revolution...
...It ia merely another example of the approach of Germany under Hitler to a new barbarism...
...M soon as they control an organization, they attempt ts flaw by the most ruthless and dishonorable methods any aymmeA to them...
...Russia has never joined the international working mm boycott of German, Italian and Japanese products...
...Hitler's crackpots obtained the forgery from some little fascist groups in this country end it has been used in Naziland for several years...
...3N Any country but Russia...
...Six hundred thousand or more innocent, helpless people—a small minority in the midst of a race who pretends to be the best and the strongest in the world—hunted, beaten, their temples blown up, their shops destroyed and looted, fathers arrested an dtaken to unknown destinations, all Jews threatened with being driven out of their homes, deprived of their means of livelihood, food stores prohibited to sell to these unhappy 600,000 Jews of Germany-Austria...
...The- democratic world must recognize that there is no possibility of a compromise between culture and barbarism, between the bill of rights and the regime of the concentration camp...
...W***^ has he raised his voice in protest of Communist Psrtf_*^ against its political opponents...
...Interesting, tos, it tat fact that while workers throughout the entire world held indignation meetings after the Munich betrayal, none was reportei as having been held in Russia...
...It is like a man who has been guilty of abas* all sorts of monstrous crimes asking a medal because there » one type of crime he has not yet committed...
...Not only has* Russia failed to do far ismUL victims of Fascism what some capitalist nations have slnssy done—what is even worse, not a single demonstration of prates against Hitler's terror has been held throughout the entirt breadth and length of that vast country...
...Fritz Thyssen, the German multi-millionaire who financed Hitler, is enjoying a forced vacation in South, America, and the unspeakable Prince Starhemberg, owner of 36 castles and a leader of Austr o -Clerical fascism now crushed by Hitler, is an exile in Paris where he consults the "help wanted" columns...
...How often have I been asked: "How is it possible that an entire great nation submits so easily to the dictate of a perverted clique ?" No normal mind could imagine the ruthlessness of the methods of oppression or the thorough system of a secret police headed by the sadist., Himmler...
...HTHEY are shouting themselves hoarse for the Units...
...nm f. Two years ago American liberals organized a conneS*** defend the right of Leon Trotsky to an open hearing charges made against him at the Russian trials...
...at the very least, make the same demands upon "Socialist'' (?) Ritssia as they do upon capitalist America...
...For serfdom is the lot of all Russian victnu* est have survived Stalin's terror...
...The Nazis export their illiterate output embalmed in "'Mein Kampf," the book of a half-mad Austrian house painter, and accept the illiterate stuff of our own half-wits that comes down from the days of the Know-Nothing movement...
...Before the Rome-BerUa axis was consummated, Mussolini poked fun at Hitler's racial monomania and spoke proudly about Italian liberality to Jen...
...they did not inform their readers of the revolt of world conscience...
...Hitler's paper, retails the old story of a speech against Jews attributed to Benjamin Franklin in the Constitutional Convention...
...Popular rage over the brutal Jewish pogrom in Germany has also halted Chamberlain's policy of "appeasing" the Berlin terrorist...
...OTALINISTS answer such questions by boasting that tfflde *'-' Stalin, Jews are no longer subject to periodic pogroms at they were under the Czars...
...If, as it is rumored, Hitler ¦ tends to convert the Jews into serfs to work on canals, cations and roads, he will merely be* tearing a leaf out of^**** own book...
...The people and statesmen of this country felt the barbaric acts as an attack on civilisation itself, felt that if we leave barbarism undisturbed it will spread further over the world...
...He is silent—as condones it—when the Communist Party puts the finger JJ^jl cent men like Beals and Zack, who are imprisoned or deportation to Fascist countries as a result...
...TTHIS systematic deceit is found in the attitude not^?^ •* official members of the Communist Party but in the ?j2| of their fellow-travelers...
...600.000 people may soon be without food and shelter...
...LOOKING AT THE WORLD By TONY SENDER Former Socialist Deputy in Reichstag Pogroms Lifted Curtain On Five Years of Horror Rigid Boycott Would Encourage Anti-Nazi Germans IT had gone on for five and a half years...
...If any of our "best people" think of fascism here, our advice is to think twice...
...There is plenty of evidence to verify this view...
...The nation was also behind him when he called the American ambassador from Berlin...
...But most of these victims could not speak for themselves—either their mouthes were closed forever, or they feared for the liberty and life of their family...
...This was supplemented with the portraits of thirty prominent American Jews representing "the Jewish, Communistic and Socialistic control of our Federal Government...
...want Stalin to be given credit because he is not exactly ate bloody Nicholas...
...HITLER THREATENS DEMOCRATIC NATIONS A ND all this happened a little more than a month after the so-called peace of Munich, after the signing of the Four-Power pact which handed over to Nazi Germany new hundreds of thousands of racial and political minorities...
...NAZI-AMERICAN GARBAGE EXCHANGE ABERLIN wireless to the New York Times reports that the "Voelkischer Beobechter...
...Munich showed that English and French capitalism would not go to war except in face of a direct attack upon then if Fascist Germany...
...and when that pact becomes a reality, does anyone be?sn that the Stalinists throughout the world will still pose at itfenders of the Jews...
...It may be mitigated but it cannot bag even if the Jews are resettled in other parts of the world...
...they are the method of government of a minority against the majority...
...STORM AGAINST CHAMBERLAIN I OSS of two of three by-elections by Prime Minister Chamberlain in recent weeks shows the drift of British opinion from the Tory clique who helped to butcher Czechoslovakia at Munich...
...Tens of thousands of opponents of Nazi methods are kept in the concentration camps— new measures of oppression against critics have been announced...
...Recently, h* JJ"JJ the committee to aid the legal defense of Grynsspsa, a assassinaion of a Nazi official set off the latest outrage*^atmw* the Jews...
...We may add to these two the former Italian millionaire, Riccardo Gualino, exiled by Mussolini to his penal colony on Li pari Island...
...Not so long ago the Communist Party justified a massacres of Palestinian Jews by Arab bands, stirred wa aaa armed by Fascist powers...
...And the reaction was immensely strong—showing that all moral sanity had not yet gone...
...The Rev...
...Btsss * officially to break off all diplomatic and trade relations ¦*»> Germany—a preparatory war measure, that may lead te tat termination of every Jew in Germany...
...From the very first day of Nazi rule in Germany, human beings by the thousands, by the tens of thousands were tortured—most of them workers who had shown conviction and who were suspected of having the courage to defy the establishment of barbarism...
...We are prstsstig against the murderous liquidation of all groups whose oafr ftfj has been that they have fallen foul of arbitrary, diet*??!r decrees...
...Let us see...
...Not only Russian history but labor history mdj countries may be cited as evidence...
...classes of innocent citizens...
...A good case could be made out for the theory that the animal, the savage, and the child'mind have come to the surface in Nazi Germany while the civilized mind is exiled or seat to a concentration camp...
...the late Justice Cardozo...
...Just as important in the change of conservative opinion is the decision of the West Perth Unionist Association to seek a candidate to replace the Dutchess of Atholl, a friend of Loyalist Spain and an uncompromising foe of Hitler...
...We all feel the need to act quickly in behalf of those who would be lost without our help...
...Urgent measures are necessary...
...Heywood Broun, whom Ben 8 has well named the literary trigger man for the ComaewJ» Party, is a case in point...
...Iseeed, a) the time of the Ethiopian war, Russia skipped huge Cjasessss* of oil to Italy which went into the Italian airpfame» gat blasted the Ethiopian natives and later the Spanish IsysBgjT*' Today she still deals with Germany and Italy, streagum-ssg thteir economies while workers everywhere else try te weafess them...
...Perhaps members of this class have learned that fascism paralyzes their power as it does the freedom of the workers and that even exile or the concentration camp awaits them...
...If they are sincere, why do they net ant...
...And if it /was the Nazis who forced Jews living in the Sudetenland to crawl on hands and knees into Czechoslovakia, where they were not wanted, those who threw the small state to the wolves are at least partly responsible for the, terrible sufferings...
...In the old Germany before the World War, German universities, despite Prussian arrogance, were remarkably free...
...Felix Frankfurter, Sidney Hillman and others...
...Jews, like all others, ess survive in Russia only in so far as they surrender tbe'rifitim free thought, speech and everything else that defines the fist man and the free Jew...
...That is why the Communist Parties of the world have become the leading war-mongers in their respective wastries...
...Second—Finding a speedy solution for the settlement of these landless families in the mere thinly populated parts of the world where the climate and soil conditions permit it...
...Shjgfl the elimination of Hitlerism from Germany, nothing can sab the Jews but resettlement in other countries...
...He is the first to denounce la countries what he approves when committed in Russia...
...This would be a way of speaking to those Germans who are waiting for an encouragement in their most difficult position...
...Competent American historians have made an exhaustive J research for this alleged Franklin speech and no record of itj has ever been found...
...It was necessary that with wonderful unanimity this nation express its disgust and contempt...
...Set this by the side of the Nazi racial theory that "Aryan culture" alone is undefiled, that it is the carrier of all that is good and noble, and we are unable to account for this Nazi agreement to permit its holy creed to be defiled by contact and mixture with Buddhism and the cult of a nation ruled by an emperor who is descended from the gods...
...The New Leader warned that by encouraging Hague the A.F.of L. would likely prove a victim, and one of its unions has now suffered...
...One of the recent manifestations of the Nazi mind is the announcement that Germany and Japan will arrange for an exchange of their -respective "cultures" through study of the art, science, literature and sports of each nation...
...Many American scholars completed their education in German universities and many Germans came to American universities...
...Does Broun believe them...
...But if in the past few days there was one encouraging' and inspiring factor, it was the general reaction of the entire United States...
...i V • • * TO undestand it we must remember that in all totalitarian A countries the Jews and other minorities are treated as the exigencies of power politics demand...
...Only occasionally the outcry of the poor victims of torture penetrated to the outside world...
...This week we wefcaa Sidney Hook, philosopher end oefeor.] .. pis THE tragedy of German Jewry is one of the darkest ihasssa on our century...
...We cannot with good uuiuu ieswe j*** test against Hitler's treatment ?f the Jews and remsM about the six million peasants and workers of all thaeti g political opinion, and of no political opinion at all who ¦ ™* concentration camps in Russia...
...They denounce BttJssi and France for their trade agreements with Germany sadkk But they make no such demands upon Russia...
...Let us also remember that it was from Stalin that HiUn learned the art of uprooting and wiping out whole f^E9ij...
...Unknown is the number of those who had to pay for this resistance with a long martyrdom ending in a painful death...
...There are more pleasant ways ef committing WHERE THE NEWS ENDS By sidney Hook [Eageee Lyons is os fear...
...Willingness to rtmh concrete and humane aid in this direction is the acid Ss3E the sincerity of all nations that are now expressing eleqmm indignation...
...But besides that, we begin to understand the world challenge of fascism, the challenge to culture and religion, the challenge to all that is dear to a civilised world...
...This exchange of the scientific learning of the two nations has been replaced under the Nazi dictatorship with an exchange of garbage...
...But there is another aspect to this incident...
...Let us not fall back into in- ' difference before we have done our full duty...
...A minor outrage accompanying the greater one is the tttsam of the Communist Party to make political capital out of tbta of the Jews...
...Two years age the Dutchess wrote an introduction to a pamphlet on Germany's foreign policy as revealed in Hitler's "Mein Kampf...
...To many people these stories had seemed so fantastic as to be unbelievale...
...Gerald B. Winrod, a Kansas fascist, served this garbage to his moronic followers, and the Silver Shirts and other groups have used it...
...But is Germany...
...Our help may not come too late...
...He issued broadside after broadside agaiast^W'-»» signed letters accusing them of abetting armed intervetmas^tg Russia, and slandered John Dewey, fighting dean of Mjjfc liberalism...
...The truth «f ta» matter is that Stalin has killed thousands of Jews not bsetae they are Jews but because of their, ideas...
...a*sjmj|jS writers fo piocb-b/f for him...
...Talk of American traditions comes easily t«*S~ZjJk lips when it is a question of Germany, Italy, the dark or darkest Africa...
...Whether dictator Hague will get away with this remains to be seen...
...It was important that we show to each other and to the entire world, how deeply our feeling was shocked...
...It is an old democratic laaeti"* Fine words...
...Most of the stores have been forced to refuse to sell foodstuff to German Jews...
...Nazism is nuts...
...THREE STEPS WE MUST TAKE NOW BUT the .best that we can do for the sake of civilization is to help these helpless victims of a perverted regime that the world has tolerated for nearly six years...
...Three fields of action must be decided on: First—Immediate measures to provide the starving homeless with food and shelter...
...iXhis in a country where at tat slightest touch of the lash from the Kremlin bureaucracy, a?Hkwi of people "spontaneously" parade to cry for the blood of victual of judicial frame-ups...
...Most of the atrocities had occurred behind the high walls of the torture cellars of the secret State's police or the barbed wires of the concentration camps...
...Franklin, however, was • man with a cosmopolitan mind, and there is nothing in his voluminous writings to suggest the slightest trace of antiSemitism...
...1JOW can we make our protest reach those " * Germans who have suffered and still suffer for their convictions ? How can we make them feel that the civilized world does not condone the acts of the gang that calls itself government...
...They make e?ssstst .appeals for democracy so long as they are net in se*t**st...
...When will we learn that in face of a common danger organized workers regardless of their affiliation have nothing in Common with despots and despotism...
...They make us realize that the democratic Germany could be suppressed, but still exists...
...And we have to act quickly if we want to save their lives...
...But if we cony pletely stop buying German goods, if we refuse to put dollars into the blood-stained hands of the tormentors of Jews and Gentiles, if we .stop all trade with that guilty regime—these deeds could not be hidden by the government...
...The methods used during the last day's are not a sign of strength, but rather indicate difficulties the regime has to deal with— difficulties hidden to us by the most thorough censorship...
...They believe in democracy n* all except those that disagree with them...
...In thafr af"******, they used the exact words which Broun now quotes...
...TO EXPECTANT SUICIDES gEVERAL years ago an occasional American banker or corporation magnate returned home with praises for the German or Italian dictatorship but we have heard of none for a year or two...
...Today they steal the property of the Jews...
...NAZISM IS NUTS JAMES HARVEY ROBINSON once wrote that there are "four historical layers underlying the minds of civilized men—the animal mind, the child mind, the savage mind, and the traditional civilized mind...
...This was a searing indictment of the sadist dictator and enslaver of the German people...
...Third—Realization of how the same methods of persecution are being continued by the German fascists against all those who disagree with their barbarism and oppression...
...Now only, for a moment, the curtain was withdrawn and the entire world had a moment's glance into the face of bestiality...
...Such a government's rule can be maintained only by using all the means of brutal intimidation and permanent threat...
...The Stalinists in this country have added their voieet it a* pleas of decent Americans that Washington liberalise As oasts restrictions upon German immigrants...
...And so Russia has to play her other bsai What this other hand is, the record of her foreign relstisat sad trade with Fascist countries tells us...
...All civilized people of the world should collaborate to prevent a tragic end...
...Several months ego the A.F.of L. central body of Jersey City approved Hague's fight against the C.I.O...
...The decision was carried only by the narrow vote of 1 73 to 167...
...He bos levltes...
...They include Secretary of State Hull, Supreme Court Justice Brandeis...
...But they are ttraafd} silent about the still stranger silence of Russia in respect te tat refugee question...
...of all other religious and political minorities...
...Among other things the latt that "Stalin has killed more Jews in the last two year* tfcta Hitler has since he came to power...
...This forgery was also served t? the German people last March...
...JUJf^L Broun do...
...Goebbels announces a new decree cancelling all leases for apartments rented to Jewish families...

Vol. 21 • November 1938 • No. 48

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