Britain Ready to Sacrifice Britain Ready to Sacrifice

Britain Ready to Sacrifice Portuguese, Dutch Colonies Tories Willing to Divide Africa To Suit Hitler's Imperial Plans By BERNARD MOORE Assistant Foreign Editor of the London Daily Herald. The...

...Wilson tried isolation for three ETjnd we were drawn into the World War...
...In 1934, those same units produced 84.2 per cent of the cigarettes made in the United States » » » f*EBTAIN conditions in the cigarette industry are indicative ff agreement among the manufacturers," says the FTC, in a statement much too mild for the facts...
...Meantime, we babble isolation and amtrabty, although the Nazis already have trade and "cultural" ¦BBS in Latin-America and have their agents in the United HrJitii " * Lincoln said in his debate with Douglas that the United States eooH not remain half free and half slave, that it would eventually Blame all one or all the other...
...This was an early prediction , but a ten-year depression has verified it...
...By JAMES ONEAL ===================^ or T9E Munich catastrophe and the fall of Canton constitute a turning point in world history that is of vital concern to the United States...
...I have a very shrewd suspicion that something similar is in the wind now, but the chances of its success, I believe, are small...
...AJ|OREOVER, the United States has tried to counter Nazi radio *" broadcasts to Central and South America, but American broadcasts have been drowned out by German and Italian stations...
...Or are the Toledanoites, bitter in their hatred for Leon Trstsif, ready to sacrifice Mexico's former liberal tradition, and permit **¦ citement to anti-semitic pogroms as the first steps towards etssmt the ex-Bolshevik leader, if he's lucky enough to escape aJhn...
...And then in a gesture to which the entire radical---mast movement should doff its cap, and which the Conamaieta won't appreciate, the Socialist Party, warning Daladier that it won't join in an attack on the Communist Party, argot tht CP...
...LONDON.—Hare you ever seen a hen, after a dog or some other strange animal has penetrated into the henroost... clear, suspects the part his country may be called upon to play, has boldly announced that Germany's colonial claims are no concern of Portugal in view of Hitler's declaration...
...And in Africa the same activity is apparent...
...THE two most popular members of the Royal Family—the Duke and Duchess of Kent—are to go to Australia,, where, the Duke will -fill the office of Governor-General...
...The result...
...Her worried companions are Belgium and Holland, the only other small Powers to have colonial possessions...
...Salazar, the Portuguese Premier, who, it...
...Their respective areas are 374,000 and 322,000 square miles, and they represent Germany's heaviest losses, both territorially and strategically...
...Are the Toledano-Stalinites already following the line hid down by Walter Duranty in a recent dispatch from Paris in vhieh he boasted of the number of Jews killed by the Kremlin hi to** —a dispatch which elicited no denial from Moscow and which o*» interpreted as the groundwork for a rapproachement with 9* Nazi government...
...For there are three countries in Europe that are looking askance at Germany's colonial demands, and Portugal is one of them...
...New "cultural missions" from Berlin^ are arriving in Vert Cruz every day, all bent on converting the Mexicans to the Ifc* program...
...the methods of quoting and the terms offered by the manufacturers are substantially the same...
...Has the employed tobacco worker of today benefitted by this amazinf technological advance ? On the contrary, the average fulltime employee in that industry is receiving a wage 20 per cent below the 1923-25 level...
...pursued in Germany as late as 1982, when, barely three months before Hitler became Chancellor, the Stalinites went into a joint strike committee with tht Saru aad worked with them until November 8, in an outlaw strike which was called against the municipally-controlled Berlin Transports, tion corporation to tie up the city, bring chaos, and embarrass the Social Democrat-Center democratic coalition just before tin vital election which gave Power to the National Socialists...
...He is driven to a greater cnasment program, adding a billion more dollars a year to the debt...
...And Dr...
...Not only is there a precedent for it, but the precedent actually concerns Angola...
...If it perishes there, it may survive here, but we will have for it...
...Amazingly enough, the pro-StaUnite unions controlled by Teledanos have said nothing...
...In 1914, plans had already been perfected for the distribution of Portuguese West Africa, a distribution in which Germany was to have participated...
...If democracy perishes in Europe, we will share responsibility for it... so they must find "something just as good" to offer...
...That is the positive side of the case...
...One is too prone to think of these colonies simply as the spoils of war handed over to France and Britain as prize...
...Communists are being warned that the C.G.T...
...France and England sink to minor influence on the Continent and Russia is pushed out of Europe...
...last month . and which today are gnawing, like intestinal poison, at the vital forces of the Labor movement...
...Moreover, We are caught in world ties of commerce, m codes, international radio, postal services, cables, congresses IT science, labor, agriculture, etc., international treaties, copyright agreements and cultural contacts—and we talk of isolation...
...The "open door" is slammed shut except to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, who are admitted to a share in the Japanese booty...
...The next few grim months will tell the story for democracy on the European continent...
...It is significant, too, that Mr...
...And so far as they can do it, the Big Four are going right along the same old way...
...AFRICAN COLONIES UNDER LEAGUE MANDATE AND from South Africa has come to London Mr...
...And for those very reasons the question of their return is one of acute embarrassment even for those British leaders who are anxious, to do something to meet Hitler's demands...
...There is the Dutch Empire in the Far East which would be a tempting bait indeed to Germany but, in German hands, would bring smashing to the ground the whole British Far East defense edifice constructed with Singapore as a "base...
...SEy the barbarism that threatens all Europe also threatens ^SJjicgh the back door of Latin-America and we still talk of i-ojation...
...Small-time newspapers which generally carried little advertising copy are suddenly blossoming out in new formsu and increased size, so that it becomes evident that they're kit the jackpot on some nation's subsidizing machinery . The Nazis are also having little difficulty putting newspaper columnists on the regular payrolls at high salaries which v* provided in Berlin...
...It is all the more necessary because some of the brood are becoming venturesome and nurturing adult ideas of independence...
...Madison tried it for three years ¦J^as then dragged into war...
...These three know that there is a strong move afoot to offer the Berlin Cerberus a generous sop, to try to satisfy Germany's colonial demands, not by returning Germany's former colonial possessions, but by offering her "something just as good...
...The members of the Royal Family are being used, in timehonored fashion, to cement the bonds between the Mother Country and members of the British Commonwealth that were so nearly tried during the European crisis...
...Axis Over the ArH^ff Nazi Threat to latin America Makes Isolation Suicidal Policy for U. S...
...Since the day last week when the Jaws were bansW aboard the Hamburg American steamer Orinoco, the rides* anti-Semitic campaign, bolstered by funds' from the Genass legation in Mexico City, nas hit a new tempo...
...Revelation of the conspiracy caused a diplomatic scandal that seriously endangered relations between Britain and Portugal, a scandal that was emphasized by the fact that shortly before Britain had re-affirmed her centuries old alliance with Portugal...
...Emphatically no...
...Compare thia to the clean-cut successive victories of Paul Faure, general secretary of the Socialist Party, who on the same day defeated a popular Radical Socialist in the Saone-et-Loire by 600 votes, despite the heavy opposition from the big guns of the Daladier cabinet Appeals have gone out to the French Communist trade union chiefs to quit their tactics which almost split the C.G.T...
...Hoping to prevent a French civil war, Blum struck first and publicly told the Flandinclique that the Socialists, and the Labor movement led by Jouhaux, are aware that the stooge fascist fronts of/ Doriot, who left the Communist Party not very many years ago, and De La ¦ Roque, are being watched and won't be permitted to provoke note ea Armistice Day...
...AND" what of South West Africa, formerly Damaraland and Great Namaqualand...
...The wholesale and retail prices are uniform...
...Vila 1911, the Tobacco Trust was ''dissolved'' by the U. S. Supreme Court...
...American JJLrT of isolation under Harding, 'Coolidge and Hoover helped {^jBOoverish Europe and make possible the rise of Hitler...
...Sflgmi barbarism, with all of its appaling implications, moves dovty across Eastern Europe...
...Responsible South African leaders have made it clear that they will oppose tooth and nail any attempt to make them hand over to Germany territory on which South Africa has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds, in which many South Africans have settled and which would give the Union a Nazi neighbor...
...of totalitarian governments are inseparably tied up with *3r"«feilo*»phy, their armament programs and their drive fgTH*^ ' • • » ¦M) istei'Pret all this in terms of the old imperialism is ridiculous ^HS for us in* the United States to meet it with the empty Sfcoon of other decades is to wash our hands of responsibility Srwhat is happening...
...The manufacturer got 2.61 cts...
...The Nasi dictatorship is demanding a return of the German colonies lost in the World War...
...Their policies, economic and military, compel the most gigantic armament race in all history...
...The Japanese military clique has transformed-Japan into a totalitarian state and the capture of Canton and Hankow is followed by a warning to the western powers that she is to boss all Asia...
...Strange thought it may seem, his disposing of other people's property is not unknown in diplomacy... is Toledano who speaks for Stalinism in and Central America and no amount of whitewashing *7 Communist Press in the United States can cover the fart **+ * section of the Comintern is condoning anti-semitism...
...It is an irrepressible conflict between two systems, and it a tragic that an old American myth of the late eighteenth century sbV determines our thought and action...
...Party workers have been keeping a close watch on Paris and Leon Blum's recent public statements are evidence that ' the Socialists are on their toes and wont be caught napping should Daladier weaken under pressure from ex-Premier Flandin, who now is the front for the Nazi — Comite de Forges—financial block...
...Can we remain, figfefl from the titanic struggle between ideas and systems 3w...
...Isolation is stupidity...
...And just listen to the Dutch Foreign Minister: "Never, never, will Holland cede one square inch of her territory even to serve the chums for expansion of another nation," he said a couple of years ago...
...It is Toledano who is now responsible for the significant stt* with which the Mexican Federation of Labor is calmly vbjJJ anti-semitism in the nation below the Rio Grande...
...In past weeks newspapers have featured pictures of Gennar Nazi leaders to such a degree that it became impossible to' opet your favorite daily without having Hitler, Goering or Gosbbsks leer out at you...
...With these thorny problems to be solved the moment Hitler formally presents his claims, it is not surprising that the British Government should be looking around for some way of avoiding the issue altogether...
...What has become of the other 39 per cent...
...In 1848 Marx and Engels declared that capitalism had "conjured up such gigantic means of production and exchange" that it is "like- the sorcerer, who is no longer able to control the powers of the nether world whom he has called up by his spells...
...not yet come ad' the Supreme Court, denounced the decree as not destroying, or much abating the evils of monopoly...
...This is true...
...Skr**0 tried it for eight years through embargo and nonSteesrse policies...
...Whatever may be Toledano'» motive, it should at all ***** ** remembered that he's Stalin's new white-haired boy imttmUti * deliver the Central and South American trade uv-iom mows****j} over to the Kremlin, despite the opposition of the Socialist to which he has sworn allegiance and from which he has ******* valuable financial and organizational aid...
...Briber we will cooperate with democratic nations or we *? Ight dictatorships alone in the Western Hemisphere...
...The King and Queen themselves are to pay a State visit to Canada in an effort to tighten the bonds between the Dominion and the' Mother Country, thus fulfilling one of the more useful functions of the British constitutional monarchy...
...Herr Hitler, himself, has declared that only those colonial possessions taken from Germany after the Great War interest him...
...The part South Africa is designed to play in the defense Of the Empire was made clear during the Italo-Abyssinian war, when simultaneously with talk of closing the Mediterranean came the development of Cape Town as a naval base and a first-class port for the ships normally passing through the Suez Canal...
...Louis D. Brandeis...
...First noting that the returns of these tobacco companies on invested capital were 26 per cent greater in 1936 than in 1935, and that the production of cigars and cigarettes has gone up 53 per cent since the base period of 1923-25, Senator Wagner says: "ftESPITE this huge increase of 53 per cent in production, there are only sixty-one workers in the industry for every 100 employed in the former period...
...And that is precisely what Britain is doing now...
...The FTC gives figures which show that Brandeis already had his aggravating habit of being right In 1910—the year before the teust was "dissolved," the units afterwards put into the Big Four jjompanies produced 83.8 per cent of the cigarettes made in the Jjnited States...
...Portugal's parlous financial situation, it was confidently hoped, would compel her to default on the service of her foreign loans...
...Germany's most important former possessions in Africa are Tanganyika and South West Africa—the former under British, the latter under Union of South African mandate...
...We A&kw from the continent which we helped to wreck...
...It is too easily forgotftn that the mandate over this territory is held not by Great Britain, but by the Union of South Africa—a fully self-governing Dominion with the right to vote at Geneva...
...The same thing is true of the world...
...f!!jjfc» Is stupid...
...Salazar,' the Portuguese Premier...
...The diplomatic papers leading up to the Great War, the tenth volume of which was published a few months ago, throws a revealing light on this particularly shabby period of diplomatic history...
...Department of Agriculture has certified that...
...Capitalistic enterprise," said Mussolini in his speech in November...
...w 9a are a part of the world's economy and civilization and the BjhIiTi fate is our own...
...And a? that, the tobacco farmer was much better off in 1934 than he was two and three years earlier, in 1831 and 1932...
...The New Leader's Chief European Correspondent...
...MAY HAND OVER BELGIAN LANDS 11'HE idea is roughly that Britain and France, to avoid losing * their own mandates, should try to sell part if not all of Belgian Congo and Angola to Germany...
...Tanganyika occupies a key position on the Cape Air Route, something, by the way, which did not exist during the Great War...
...It is clear now that in some circles the possibility of persuading Belgium and Portugal to do a deal is being seriously discussed...
...European democracy struggles alone and we ¦ prepare to fight alone, but the three fascist powers cooperate...
...This would require the consent, naturally, of Belgium and Portugal, and the optimists who support the scheme think 1) that this might satisfy Hitler, 2) that the consent of Belgium and Portugal could be obtained...
...In another place, the FTC shows hpw the Big Four raised their wholesale prices on cigarettes in 1931, from $6.40 to $6.85 per 1,000...
...As industry stagnates in each country and millions of workers are hurled into destitution, a "controlled economy" in one form or another appears in the modern nations...
...He failed...
...Austrian and [^^EJ5ovakian—and the Trade Union International and Labor Specialist International have already* been seriously weakened...
...A more arbitrary use of industrial power cannot foe imagined...
...No nation can live a life immune from other i .tjgjjun...
...Possession of these colonies would place the Nazis within striking distance of South America by aircraft while Nasi commercial penetration and radio propaganda in that region is even now extensive...
...leaders won't tolerate tactics which the CP...
...The only hope is that the totalitarian regimes will collapse first...
...The trade wars which the totalitarian dictatorships are waging are also deadly...
...Even the authors of the Munich Agreement are a little diffident about that...
...Oswald Pi row, *** South African Defense Minister, to talk about the colonial question and, just as important, the problems of Imperial defense...
...On the other hand, the expenditure of increasingly vast sums for armaments threatens the collapse and national bankruptcy of the nations...
...IE Let's work to end the fatuous talk of isolation and face grim %ink Seen How "Big 4" Boosts Prices Of Smokes By GEORGE L KNAPP *r*HE fight of the tobacco grow* ers to evade the provisions of the wage-hour act has once again highlighted the cigarette situation, the Big Four Monopoly, and the low pay of the workers in the industry...
...possibly of the world...
...In fact, they are held under mandate by the League of Nations, the mandatory Power being responsible for the tutelage of the inhabitants, whose well-being and development, according to the League Covenant, is a "sacred trust of civilization...
...Any change in the mandate must be approved by the Council of the League of Nations...
...w 1 * * PURTHER result...
...The possibilities are limited...
...CoZeration would include pooling of economic resources and finances, Mteomic sanctions, and common international policies, ^^y^aiilriil Roosevelt is to be credited with seeing the ultimate laager, but each time he pointed it out he was answered with <Z?5d isolation drivel...
...The rude intruder who disturbed the Empire roost has been driven off, or rather has been' bought off, and the eld hen is speedily gathering her ruffled family together...
...fkey unite and democracy divides...
...The trade Wff...
...These are located in West Africa, and the demand is prompted not only by trade considerations but also as a matter of military strategy...
...This, paradoxically enough, was regarded as a windfall by the British Foreign Office, which foresaw that Portugal would be forced to hand over her colonial territory, which, incidentally, she was unable to develop through lack of funds> in lieu of payment...
...TPHE former colonies, in fact, are not at the disposal of the * mandatory Powers nor of the Allied and Associated Powers, as Japan claims...
...The Federal Trade Commission found that in 1934, the average package of cigarettes cost the consummer 12.96 cents...
...and the Department itself was doing what it could to lighten the trials of the farmer Sho for two years had received for is tobacco crop scarcely enough to .pay for the fertilizer ' he had Bought to raise it... which he announced the corporate state, "finding itself in difficulties, falls like a dead weight into the arms of the State...
...Private firms in the democratic nations are compelled to compete not with other private firms but with powerful governments which, through rigid exchange controls, barter, subsidies, and other methods, crush private competitors...
...She squawks and flutters at the moment of the invasion, then, once the danger is over, gathers her scattered brood together, ' clucking comfortingly to her chicks as they nestle beneath her warm wing...
...The autarchic system is economic nationalism carried to the (ConUnued from Page Four) kIL limit," reads a recent New York Tinea editorial... change its attitude and assist in collaboration assent allXeft parties...
...and The farmer who raised the tobacco got 1.49 cents...
...The dismemberment of Czechoslovakia removes the Sudeten barrier to the flow of Nazi barbarism eastward, eventually bringing other peoples under the dictatorship of Hitler, whose final aim is the conquest of the vast Ukraine wheat fields in preparation for Nazi conquest of the Bolshevik dictatorship...
...and with the people fearing war more than they fear a possible fascist putsch by (he WsrU War veterans supporting Daladier, the French Socialist Party faces a winter which may prove fatal to the movement and the French republic as well...
...In other words, Leon Blum, despite constaat C.PTsabotage while he was Premier and constant attacks oa the Socialist leaders in recent official Stalinite pabhcstJasa, is calling on the Communists for political honest} before they repeat their political tactics which first split the Genua Labor movement, then destroyed the Reich's Social Demegaty and permitted Hitler to crash through...
...Semitic movement in Alsace-Lorraine, Doriotfs fascist Prtnefc People's Party and Colonel Francois de La Rocque's French Social Party with headquarters in Paris...
...That is why in Empire affairs now there is a unwonted agitation...
...Pi row on his way to London passed through Portugal, where he had long talks with Dr... the beginning of the French Revolution, Washington tried . fj„„ He failed and left office a bitter and disillusioned man...
...Roughly, it was separated Into four of its important original parts^—American, Liggett and Myers, Reynolds and P. Lorillard...
...The prices of Big Four cigarettes have been substantially uniform for ten years, and price changes have been almost simultaneous...
...Wild charges are flaunted in the press, bath on the riffct and in newspapers sympathetic to Lombard© Toledano'a leftwing anions, one pro-Stalinite sheet is a ceased of going oat of its way to indict "Jewish bankers" whenever possible...
...If Europe is conquered by this barbarism, -Sarin have to fight it in the Western Hemisphere._ » Tfhree powerful sections of the German labor and Socialist .fXtaaent have been crushed by it—the German...
...Fhappened in the_ United States in March, 1933, and three weeks ago the French Minister of Commerce declared the advantages of a "steered" economy...
...It is a case of either build against them or surrender to the totalitarian chiefs...
...The negative side is this: Were Tanganyika to be in German hands, it would present a constant menace to Kenya, which would be sandwiched with Abyssinia in the North between territories controlled by the two Axis Powers...
...On this basis, secret negotiations were carried on with Germany as to the exact division of the territory- The trouble was that Portugal knew nothing of the proposed transaction...
...But the point is that the voice of Britain or of France is only one amongst fifty or so...
...There has been more than one hint that if the Union were pressed on this point, secession from the Empire might follow...
...jae tragedy of Europe may soon be our tragedy...
...The Rome-Berlin-Tokio alliance of dictatorships is enormously strengthened by these events and: democracy is on the defensive all over the world...
...i "Has the consumer benefited ? On the contrary, he is paying the same old price for his smoke...
...They will, it is now revealed, cross the unguarded border to visit the former Biritish colony of the United States, where British diplomats and trade negotiators are already striving hard to bring about a closer community of thought and interests with Britain...
...It is **'*^..v 0f closed and controlled economy, the one form of * 4-rghjp that affects communications between States and a* so decisively that it cannot be an internal affair...
...For a summary of the situation at present, one may quote Senator Robert Wagner...
...New evidence that Communist tactics and philosophy are but one shade removed from Fascism was seen in this week's special elections when a Fascist, Charles Vallin, captured a Paris district, which in 1936 was almost entirely Communist...
...Always ready to demonstrate, and est upon his workers to protest a government act, Toledano, MeSBStt Federation of Labor chief, hasn't even" tried to explain his negafi" attitude on the government's sudden toleration of anil siinithn This is the first instance of denial of the right of asyhnt h •Mexico...
...The Commission found further that of this sum, The Federal Government got 6 cents in taxes...
...The trouble is that, although there are elements in the British Cabinet in favor of meeting the German demands in part if not in whole, the handing over of the former German colonies is fraught with grave practical'difficulties...
...There remain the Belgian Congo and Portuguese West Africa or Angola...
...Touchingly, the Australian Premier has expressed his appreciation of the interest thus shown by the King in Australian affairs, but the Australian Premier knows, too, that that interest is not merely altruistic...
...The distributors, wholesale and retail, of tobacco and tobacco products got 2.72 cents...
...MEXICO VEERS CLOSER TO NAZI AXIS A STRANGE spectacle the world was treated to last weak ikt ¦** it saw a semi-fascist little island nation, Batista-ittW-Cuba, take in 21 German-refugee Jews who had been refused asyhnr it proletarian Mexico by President Cardenas...
...In those earlier years, he was almost completely at the mercy of the Big Four...
...But it is the controlled economy of the dictatorships, Germany, Italy and Japan—especially Germany—that gives us most concern...
...In 1934 ,the bidding of the companies making 10-cent cigarettes had made a distinct betterment in price—the U.S...
...Ry Dick Reynard Workers Abroad i ' ——aawm> ggyTTH the drone of Nasi Messerschmidts and Italian Saveis* "Sand Fiats drifting ominously across the border from treacatorn Spain, with Nasi money pouring in to subsidize an an...
...It links Kenya with Northern Rhodesia, being the last link in the all-red route from Cairo to the Cape... is Tskd** who is permitting anti-semitism to force its way into the 1*^ ican continents...
...For some time the Duke of Gloucester has been in Kenya and Tanganyika, where the Englsh settlers are growing more and more restive over the insistence of Germany's colonial demands...
...It aids Nazi barhsriam and opens the door to its eventual rule of the Western fleansphere...
...That, alas, it can be fairly argued, is not practical politics just now...

Vol. 21 • November 1938 • No. 46

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