New Deal Halt Hits Labor Laws

New Deal Halt Hits Labor Laws FDR Bans All Social Legislation Until Next Fall Election "Brain Trust" Site idle— Wage* and Hour Bill. Highway Act, Planning Projects Are Doomed. Special to The...

...Since it began publication early in 1924 as the Successor to the New York Daily Call much water has run under the mill...
...In addition to these there were Mussolini's broadcasts and good will flights...
...It was expected that broken men held in prison, many of them for many months, would again stage a performance in human abasement by "confessing" that they are "fascist dogs" and degenerate scoundrels and ere this issue of The New Leader is in the mails such stories will be cabled from Moscow...
...liberal and progressive groups in both houses are aghast at the President's intention to stall on social and economic legislation until June when Congress will adjourn...
...The committee at its first meeting chose Mr...
...Again we were vindicated... 1936 the number increased to 239, and in the first nine months of 1937 there were 235...
...The New Leader was also among the first to forecast dead sea fruit for the Russian "experiment...
...The President is also being scored for being influenced by those "New Dealers" in Congress who come up for election in November and who refuse to put themselves in the position of having to "defend" before their constituencies, new reforms and legislation...
...Not even Hitler's knee-crooking press has issued a clearer call from the Lower Silurian...
...This declaration came after Stalin had revived the dogma of "world revolution," implying a change in the "party line" by which the Communists are* to work for the overthrow of the democratic nations...
...At the same time another committee representing the defense of Leon Trotsky and supported by B. Charney Vladeck, leader of the Labor Party in...
...It should be understood abroad that most of the vital food supplies, cigarettes, bandages and hospital supplies and ambulances come from the International Federation of Trade Unions and the L.SJ...
...This will displease the Communists, who have been trying to curry favor among the people by permitting and encouraging four- and fivehour work-days while millions of refugees, and soldiers went hungry and without the proper clothing Labor Internationals Aid Since anything less ,than complete withdrawal of war machinery as well as manpower supplied by the Fascists to General Franco will not mark any change in the military situation, the English by exchanging belligerent rights to the rebels for an ineffective "withdrawal of Italian volunteers," will win the war for the insurgents unless the Loyalists receive immediate aid from the trade union movement abroad...
...Only, we don't want to 'fight her...
...Every friend who appreciates its value should neglect no opportunity to get new readers and get them without delay...
...One speaker was the president of the revolutionary tribunal that was to try the accused...
...L.S.I, officials report hundreds of thousands of tons of foodstuffs are already on their way to Barcelona, Madrid and Valencia...
...and Columbia and other private facilities, or to build and operate radio stations to broadcast to foreign audiences...
...Trotskyist) forces have been reconciled by the liberation of some of their faction who have been imprisoned ever since the Communists exacted control of the prisons and free range of the G.P.U...
...V * In other words, England had done in April exactly what she Warned Japan for doing in July...
...Elias L. Ta-rtak will preside at the discussion...
...If, as is suggested, this blast from the jungle is no more than a frank expression of a thought current among the cloisters, it has more Ass one significance...
...Lobar International* Act In Europe, Sir Walter Citrine and Walter Schevenels of the International Federation of Trade Unions, Louis de Brouckere aad Frederich Adler of the Labor aad Socialist International, cabled Moscow saying that previous "trials" raised grave doubts of the "justice" of the present one...
...TOMES IN FASCIST CAMP *fV* no' were 1,01 afraid," said Lord Halifax to the House of *^Lords, explaining the surrender to Hitler and Mussolini...
...On Tuesday the President publicly scoffed at a report of "little business...
...requests and openly told the small storekeepers and manufacturers to "help themselves...
...It is recalled that permission was given four attorneys from Germany and Belgium to represent twelve accused Social Revolutionists "tried" in 1923...
...This has been true of every "blood purge" that has been staged by the dictatorship...
...SarAbe to some of the strange and often provocative distortions and jarblings that appear in the cable despatches of our newspapers...
...Most of the Administration planners, the former Brain Trust, are chafing in idleness with leas to do than at any time during the past five years...
...Pro: gressives and liberals in both hous! es, led by LaFollette, Maverick and | others, are already planning a fight ! .to push the New Deal in a direc! | tion which will amelioriate the eon| ditions created by the unemployment of 13,000,000 to 16,000300 ; i workers...
...I can lick him with one hand tied behind me back...
...on, "Is There a Conflict Between Democracy and Planning...
...There are also bills now before Congress which would authorize' the establishment of governmentowned stations for international broadcasting...
...AssemBrenner announced his in- I traduction of a joint resolution intended to modify the rigid provisions of the Public Welfare Law by requiring that at least 50 per cent of home relief allotment be paid in cash...
...The Notoriaeu 1*23 Trial It is doubtful whether the Stalin dictatorship would permit any international committee to attend the "trial" even if it were held later...
...Labor Party Fights for Important Bills at Albany Demanding the enactment of •"•Dies that include creation of Mtate- Consumers Department, a 5** "runaway" industries, conytwn of a yardstick power and extension of the State's |***W»pation in writing Workmen's Y**penaation insurance policies, *¦* Rose, State Executive Secre** «f the American Labor Party, y week singled these out as immeasures being fought for J*e Labor Party members of the *** Legislature...
...Realizing that Loyalist Spain is merely a pawn in the international diplomatic game now being played by Prime Minister Chamberlain of England and Mussolini, Republican national and Catalonian leaders are concentrating the energies of -the country preparatory to a do-or-die test which will either smash the Italian-Nazi-Franco armies or the rapidly growing Republican forces...
...To these strains of graveyard music begins the overture to •the collapse of the British Empire and the complete fascistization of Europe...
...Eventually there will be a reunion, a greater, better informed and more powerful movement of the organized workers...
...While Prosecuting Attorney Dewey is fighting to retain "blue ribbon" juries with the support of the Republicans, the American Labor Party is opposed to these special courts and on Tuesday night Louis Waldman, member of the State Executive Comhxttee, broadcasted a vigorous critic'sm of these courts over Station WEVD, All Spain Unites To Smash Franco's New Spring Drives Socialist, Syndicalist and Communist Unions Call Truce in Answer to Negrin's Plea for Internal Peace...
...Protest against the "trial" of 21 more former Communist leaders in Russia developed this week in this country and in Europe...
...Later the Russian attorneys assigned to the defense were also compelled to withdraw and one was exiled for protesting against the proceedings...
...New Leader Fights On for Labor Movement and Democracy WITH this issue The New Leader celebrates its fifteenth anniversary...
...A noted writer and lecturer, he is associate editor of "Common Sense" and director of the National Survey of Potential Product Capacity...
...We shall try to be worthy of their continued trust, confidence and support...
...It began a policy of united fronts and moved on to inviting the Trojan Horse of Communism to enter its ranks...
...The "superhighway" will probably bg whittled down to a few "special service roads...
...Far five years The Mew Leader camavout in a period of "unprecedented prosperity...
...The latest outburst of his homicidal frenzy compels some more ftsa usually distressing reflections...
...fHE New Leader has fought for * democracy, labor solidarity and democratic Socialist ideals and will continue to fight for them and we extend hearty thanks to all who have helped us in the years of trial and struggle...
...later that day he continued bis attack on "government interference with business," and oa the New Deal's progressive legislation...
...E. K. Burlew, administrative assistant to the Secretary of the Interior, and John W. Studebaker, Commissioner of Education, and others in the foreign office section of the State Department...
...His speech will be delivered aMhe Rand School, 7 E. 15th St...
...Anticipating this, General Franco is sending hundreds of thousands of men, planes, tanks, big guns and technicians supplied by Germany into front line trenches for the projected drive from Teruel to the Catalonian coast, before the new intensive campaign of the Labor and Socialist International sends enough food and munitions over the French border to hold off the rebel onslaught and blockade...
...Even the trans-continental bill which was to work wonders with the "recession" is doomed by the Senate sub-committee...
...i 1. If the men that engineered and led the Bolshevic coup of October, 1918, were indeed the rascals, knaves, liars, poisoners, sssassins, they confess themselves to have been, how did it happen that none of the American and English applauders of that san- , tainary outbreak never suspected the true nature of the deed and as doers...
...Next Spring Will Decide It is definitely felt here that the next three months will be the most crucial ones of the war...
...2. In the back of the mind of every democrat has been always the thought that when the great clash comes for the preservation J* the democratic principle, Russia would be an efficient ally on ¦* side of democracy: But is there any confidence to be niaeed * a country absolutely dominated by an apparently reincarnated ••heapierre...
...Again we fought an uncompromising battle...
...n Let us hope that this final and indisputable revelation will at least check somewhat the habit into which diligent propaganda has led some of us of speaking of "the great English democracy...
...The Social Democratic Federation was then orpltaed out of the members who Mdl got compromise democratic, fcnr*°" It is growing in vari« states despite the terrible iiaa».bflicted by a reckless and jStit pobcy pursued by the leader?p SI the -old organization...
...We knew that the capita-list system of production must break down as it had broken down on an average of once every thirteen years since 1819...
...Even then the attorneys had to stage a 24-hour hunger strike to compel the dictatorship to let them leave Russia...
...For the first time a United States administration is going after the long-range streams of broadcasts shooting out from lofty German and Italian directional aerials, sending powerful electrical voices into New York, Chicago, Mexico City, Rio, Buenos Aires, Santiago and other large cities...
...At the same time the Buausj struction Finance Corporation renews its activity and its hag* loans to heavy industry: While industry is being subsidised, the unemployed are being ignored...
...W« shsfl continue this policy of (fpaajtism to attempts to reconcile tW fsBdsmentali conflict between OBoeracy and dictatorship, confifcst tkst the future will vindicate it h the past has justified it...
...And if he offered to help could democracy trust such **'p from such a source...
...When it cones to wielding the stone hatchet, he is the |sy for my money... exchange for Russian munitions and technicians...
...bless the troupe now performing on the British stage see dumber saHumb they know this perfectly well...
...They know the whole stunt j^Ktt another fnkeecnd that mnf agreement Mussolini im return may jBia about British interests in the Mediterranean he will throw out a the window tomorrow...
...But The New Leader was a voice in the wilderness...
...Investigation Committee The official action, which occurred when President Roosevelt appointed...
...IF the supply of bullets holds out and the patience of the Russian People does not break, Dictator Stalin seems fairly sure to attain to « completely purged Russia with nobody but himself daring to squeak...
...21 Slated for Death In Latest Stalin Purge New Soviet "Trial" Draws Speedy Protest from Labor Organizations and Intellectuals Throughout World —American Liberal Group Asks Stay...
...Plead for Delay A group headed by Will Irwin, Oswald Garrison Villard and John Haynes Holmes, this week urged Alexander Troyanovsky, Russian Ambassador to the United States, to cable Moscow to postpone the "trial" for' six weeks and permit an international committee to attend the proceedings...
...And if they were so completely fooled then, what reaass have we to think they are not as badly bunked now about this * ¦heat everything eke...
...Keep the masses in ignortnee that we of the Better Orders may rule at ease...
...Orders have definitely gone out to Franco from both Berlin and Rome to try the last drive during the spring whether he feels sure of success or not...
...As evidence of Roosevelt's backi tracking the left wing of Congress points to the meeting on Monday of the President with Bernard M. Baruch, considered the suaveat and most competent mouthpiece of big business in the country...
...f Well, then why do the press associations' and the correspondents, jpl and fictitious, continue to take seriously this tiresome old farce...
...the past forty days...
...fad oi Wooa-Hour Mil This means the end of the wagehour bill, the government planning project and other New Deal measures which Roosevelt said were vital to the country's recovery In 1936...
...THE NEWS REEL By CHARLES EDWARD RUSSELL WHEN one considers some of the queer birds that are employed as W educators in this country, the marvel is not that the American ^joeational system is so rotten but that it is not worse...
...The New Leader lived to see the Socialist Party reap the experience of the Farmer-Labor Party in 1923...
...These broadcasts are designed to convert the nations there to fascism, or at least to alienate them from democracy...
...Roosevelt intimated this much himself this week when he told associates that few new measures would be passed until after the elections...
...S,'o theory of government without democracy can lead to y*"»g but disaster...
...These are the men vis have furnished the ideas far the Government recovery measure...
...In the meantime, the F.C.C...
...s. Whoever gets the answer to that little question will have the key tethe whole international situation...
...One day before the "trial" began the Associated Press carried a story from Moscow quoting the Soviet press as denouncing the accused as "despicable reptiles" and "hirelings of fascism...
...All this is done wifhout publicity or fanfare which wrecked a Communist shipment of trucks into Spain last month...
...We're not afraid of Italy...
...In the face of this information even the violently opposed Communist, Socialist and Anarchist trade union leaders have called a truce in reply to Premier Negrin's appeal for unity...
...The speed with which Germany entered the South American field is revealed by these figures: in 1934 the Argentine rebroadcast 89 relayed programs from Berlin...
...Ft what is the use of pretending that Japanese imperialism ¦» hideous and hateful but English impeYialism is of the bond of Christian fellowship when one is exactly as black as the other and ¦ostk have exactly the same origin...
...Which is that ruling class in England has at last fallen off the slack wire and landed in the Fascist camp, where its sympathies have been from the first... extort false 'confessions' from the actors in order to destroy, morally and physically, Stalin's political opponents...
...The repeated "blood purges" in the so-called "workers fatherland" are alienating the sympathy even of many intellectuals here and abroad who had formerly been ranged with the Soviet Union as an interesting and worthwhile "experiment...
...But I think I hear me mother ceiling...
...Although this is reported only by what seems to be usual-, ly authentic Scripps-Howard sources, the administration is doing and saying little to deny the charge that it is waiting to see which way the wind blows at the polls...
...In the meantime we shall continue to support every legitimate struggle of the workers no matter by which side it is waged...
...From the Communist Party publicity which this writer has seen one gets the impression that all of Spain, including the International Brigade, is supported by them...
...has granted temporary use of the four PanAmerican short-wave channels to General Electric and the WorldWide Broadcasting Corporation...
...He then gave to the world this glittering gem of academic wisdom: "Call this aristocratic, call it undemocratic, if you please, but the salvation of democracy rests not in temporary majorities in a ballot box but in wise thinking and wise leadership on the part of a few qualified...
...From now on not only the munitions industries but all businesses involved in the manufacture of clothing, food, and other necessities will be put back on a threeday shift of eight hours each...
...It declined to be influenced by sentiment, intimidation and misinformation...
...A complete study of the problem of international broadcasting has been promised, which will include this country's first official investigation of the propaganda inroads made in Sotrth America by foreign i broadcasting facilities...
...The attorneys had to finally abandon their mission because every clause of the written agreement which induced them to undertake the mission was broken by the Soviet authorities...
...a, what...
...We helped to save the party organisation in New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, Indiana, Massachusetts and a few other states while the opposition disintegrated with its remnants being taken over by Communists...
...The Farmer-La borites resented our refusal but the convention vindicated our position...
...Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—As predicted in the last issue of The New Leader, President Roosevelt and the State Department made the first moves this week to combat foreign radio propaganda both in the United States and South America, when they set men to work to determine the success and methods of Nazi German and Fascist Italian propaganda activities in the Western Hemisphere...
...unable to finance the war much longer, and he must pull his men out in order to save Chamberlain's face in England and play the British rapproachment off against the Nazis in Central Europe...
...According to some of them, the President is withholding the "goahead" signals and will wait for business itself to bring back "prosperity" to the country...
...the City Council, Professor Franz Beaz and, several other eminent men, declared that the "trial" will be another "well rehearsed theatrical presentation based upon the ability of the G.P.U...
...From its inception ssit fought for a united worker dsss...
...K:tk* same time A.LJ...
...The collapse was no surprise to us...
...The New Leader has also consistently opposed any united front with the Communist movement and warned of disaster that would come to nonCommunist organizations that ventured on this policy...
...That was in the period before the Bolsheviks broke the spirit of their victims and induced them to make revolting "confessions...
...And there -is always Amritzar...
...Mussolini is...
...The New Leader is far from being selfsustaining...
...When the committee reports, Roosevelt will decide whether to i use the N.B.C...
...The New Leader occasionally carried articles and editorials warning of coming disaster...
...We lost that battle but won the war...
...From the Russian border to Moscow the attorneys were greeted by hostile demonstrations and in Moscow thousands of fanatics filled the Red Square to hear Communists denounce the accused...
...McNinch also heads the Federal Communications Commission...
...a committee to study international broadcasting, was preceded by unofficial broadcasts -in Spanish and Portugese from the National and Columbia Broadcasting systems...
...Roy North, deputy third assistant -postmaster general...
...McNinch, chairman...
...He can't let go, he can't risk a failure in hhassaalt upon Spanish democracy because he exists entirely upon hj^ pafege and defeat for Fascism in Spain would stagger his prestige vat deadly blow...
...They feel that the smooth talking big business men, like Baruch, have won him over to a "don't disturb business policy...
...Last week Ambassador Troyanovsky told a City Club audience in Rochester that the Soviet Union is "backing democratic nations" and that Russia has a government of "Socialist democracy...
...Once more, where shall we begin with our quarantining, Mr...
...Special to The New LmOUP* WASHINGTON, D. C—If signs are being correctly interpreted ay well informed circles here in the capitol, the New Deal has not only bogged down, but is ready to dismantle moat of its machinery and President Roosevelt is doing the dismantling...
...On the committee, are Attorney General Cummings, Harvey B. Otterman and George H. Butler of the State Department...
...The committee is working fast to enable the government to begin to offset fascist propaganda as soon as possible...
...We do not know...
...The importance of the group's work can be gleaned from the positions of its members...
...m One of •she weirdest of these desiccated pedants, a Theodore H.Jack, declared by the announcement to be president of an institution called the Randolph-Macon Woman's College, told the graduating class at George Washington University last week that educational opportunities in this country ought to be restricted to » small select group of superior persons, and that what was most needed was "an aristocracy of learning...
...Apparently, the 21 accused in Russia are doomed and the "experiment" is to again be bathed in human blood...
...When the convention adjourned the Farmer-Labor Party was a wreck and its remnants were booty in the possession of the Communist Party...
...So unless Franco can crush Republican Spain, which is really united for the first time since the outbreak of the war, before this summer slips by, the rebels may have, to go it alone while Hitler, Mussolini and the British Tories make Central Europe another Spain...
...r5tad what a beam of light that would throw on dark places...
...Jack to be Minister of Propaganda and Cave-Man philosophy...
...SS|ay troops that Mussolini may withdraw with his right hand he as* replace with his left...
...Liberals Hit Backslidinf | Progressive Congressmen are asking if the election of men like Van Nuys of Indiana means a tread i back to pre-New Deal days...
...Phy do they land up the American press with their tedious tripe about pfe Just why...
...Bt.of the wreckage this lesson, certain and salutary, is apparent, flgtr** adulators of Lenin accepted a theory of government without "Mcracy...
...that .these statements show that the verdict had been agreed to before the "trial" began...
...It may mean the abandonment of the nation to a policy of non-interference with business, which will return, in effect, the Hoover-era psychology...
...The New Leader lived to see peace sentiment grow in both camps and to see it gather impetus because of the new depression...
...In 1932, the Socialist Party under the influence of an incompetent "leader" began to forget the above lessons...
...Bat anyway, should we have a totalitarian state in America, I nominate Dr...
...Harold Loeb will address the Rand School Forum Saturday at 2:30 p.m...
...We had and we have Mail on both sides of this brothsi> war aad we have sometimes km aunmderstood by both, but wt ksnr and still know that in the lost **» peace and unity must am Otters with no official manWHtosmk for either side may fan the flames of hate, not us...
...Special to The New Leader BARCELONA...
...Hark from the tombs...
...Besides its indication of a rather astonishing napathy with essential Fascism it explains why the famous Harvard High Bat tends always to be higher and why there is declared to be w increasing segregation of an American Brahmin caste...
...The conference failed and the struggle was renewed but the conference will again meet...
...His Grace of Halifax may find it easier to convince the English-speaking union of his glorious valor than to conceal from the rest of the world the most poignant fact in the surrender...
...Oa the same day Baruch ewaunned his attack on liberal legislation and demanded the removal of "burdensome taxation from industry...
...Defense Minister Indalecio Prieto and other cabinet ministers have decided to put an end to the short hour week which certain elements in Loyalist ranks have insisted upon...
...Over 1,300,000 lost their jobs during...
...Peace views continued to develop and the warring organizations met in conference...
...We do know that there has been no instance of a perpetual split on a large scale in the organized working class...
...It still has a hard struggle before it...
...It helped the needle trades unions in the perilous period of a death grapple with Communism in 1925-1927 and contributed its small share in saving them from disaster...
...Loeb is author of "The Chart of Plenty" and "Production for Use...
...Finally, we make an earnest plea to all our friends in all organizations we have served to do their utmost to get subscriptions...
...1935 they totaled 145...
...his was followed by economic collapse and disillusion...
...Recovery from'that febrile delusion will be a great sign of mental convalescence to cheer the heart of any sane observer...
...The President urishes u» to "quarantine" nations that do these things...
...It should be remembered that the Russian press is a government agency and...
...Progressive and radical organizations in this country have been urging this move for more effective United States broadcasts to South America, especially " in recent months, because of the progress made by Hitler and Mussolini in developing programs for South American consumption...
...The $250,000,000 just passed to finance the WPA for another short period is merely a drop in the bucket when it is compared with the number of jobless...
...Government Opens War On Fascist Propaganda May Establish Federal Broadcasting Studios to Counteract Woftw Germany and Italy...
...You must go j^fc to the Thirteenth Century to find its parallel...
...BUN the unfortunate conflict "broke in the Labor Movement «e declined to rub salt into the pgtBf wounds...
...T/here will be none in this country...
...REPRESENTING the Socialist Party it also opposed the invitation of the national Farmer-Labor Party to attend a united front convention with the Communist Party in Chicago...
...Even the dissident P.O.L'M...
...Relying upon sound interpretation of economic and historical forces, events in Russia have verified its position and justified its policy...
...I ain't afraid of-him," said the school boy in the old story...
...President j | Roosevelt has promised to act immediately, the committee reports...
...On M^wjff Baruch visited the White House...
...ENGLAND IN APRIL, JAPAN IN JULY TTHE disadvantages of this censored cable news service were S sharply illustrated last week by the discovery (though the Cairo, Egypt, Egyptian Mail), that last April British troops had invaded South Arabia, forcibly annexed to the British Empire a region of more than 100,000 square miles, put over it a British governor and borfbed and killed Arabs that objected to the invasion...
...A SHAM, A FRAUD AND A SWINDLE AST bargain or agreement between the Fascist government of Great Britain and -the Fascist government of Italy, purporting to provide ¦T the withdrawal of Italian forces from the Fascist army now stranffaf democracy in Spain, will be a sham, a fraud and a swinJle...

Vol. 21 • March 1938 • No. 10

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