port Increases Military 1 Efficiency in Spain kjJJACETE, SPAIN—American volunteers in the InternaU Brigade fighting in Spain have taken their love of •porta kibem. But since Franco is still...

...The members of the League, fans and Workers' Sports Clubs anxious to do a whirl and a Virginia reel are welcomed to come highstepping at the Barn Dance to be held Saturday night, October 30, 1937, at Zukers Hall, I 1th Street and Bergenline Avenue, West New York...
...Venezuela will invite the Giants to do their spring training next year or in 1939 in Caracas...
...Erfi^ New Y.rk TJnlsn City S P.M...
...The Vanguards, playing stiff ball in last season's junior circuit, have developed and added many more capable soccer men to their club...
...Although the Doc didn't mention sbsll equipment, there is no it that baseballs, gloves and bats «U come in quite handy—not t for the boys in trainng—but Sks* many American wounded a arrived at the hospitals since FtStent heavy fighting...
...B Sunday, Oct...
...Holds Congress HELSINGFORS, FINLAND... the merry tune of 15 to 2. At the next meeting of these two teams, though, it took the Cutters almost all afternoon to come away the winners 6 to 5. Glenn Cunningham to Hang Up Rwwriag Togs NEW YORK.—Glenn Canningham, the runner with lightning in his legs, indicates that at the conclusion of the forthcoming indoor track season, he intends to hug up hie spiked shoes...
...Finnish W.S.L...
...has only one recreational worker, Jack Roth...
...But since Franco is still cluttering up the beautiful Ub terrain with his fascist mobs, the boys are forced to use U, as a means of making better soldiers... City New Tsrk CarUtadt S P.M...
...By next »priar...
...a lad who reaches top honj* usually awarded tailor-made pcan cigs, chocolates or a piece pp...
...The upswing game between Davis aad El kin* and the Qmustico Marines had to be cancelled because the Loathe* necks were forced to sag off to Shanghai...
...24th, 1937 jm A Division Wti Oases* Y. C. I...
...28, the permanent fixture of Wrigi'ey's Field caught 100 games or more anbeen serving sixteen long years in the majors, twelve of which he has caught at lOO games or more annually...
...A colorful and handy feature for this season is the complete schedule of the E.D.S.L...
...warding parte of equipment asm picking them up piece by , it another kind of relay race (kt boy* in training...
...The l.LCW.U...
...Brills Bar Ksekba «¦»»¦ IX No.a Km CUT Qusens Berlin Canty > P.M...
...II New Yerk lt:» A.M...
...Teams of each division will play those ef the other division three times...
...What Priee Glory...
...R Sunday, Oct...
...Playing for company-dominated .industrial teams is not all easy pickings...
...The Workers' Club of New York will also have two strong teams battling for top honors in both circuits...
...50,000 to Washington State...
...Most of the credit for this book should go to League Manager Teddy Wetsensten...
...What Giles needs is some 18-year-old ball players that can fail to strike-out... the last league meeting, and alight revisions were made in the schedule...
...William Leroy Chadwick got a measly $1,537.60 for losing an eye in a hockey game and Fred Hoist collected all of $19 for medical expenses incurred after a collision in a soccer game...
...At skat time he hops* to receive a dsgraa of Doctor of Philosophy in physical education from New York Ueriversity...
...The old-time Lc potato race is a popular game, but pack equipment, rifles B hand grenades are used instead of the potatoes and the ip sacks...
...lOth, 1S37 Bbai Team TisWas Tessa Kefsrse His* mm A Division ¦An Csaaty I Vanguards Ftefcts I P.M...
...I your sports goods should bo sent to the Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy, 381 Fourth Ave., New York City...
...Hfc Le*«sa I Berxsn Ceanty II Unlsn City 1 P.M...
...The booters wearing the colors of the Sporting Club will be known as The Sportivo...
...On Sept...
...Up-to-date stadiums and week-end crowds of 50,000 are drawn to the games...
...The Bergen County Soccer Club is holding a real Country Barn Dance...»*rd» I'nlu Olr New Yerk 1 P.M...
...Perhaps this new nomenclature will give this strong outfit a little added zest— without any reflection on Brooklyn...
...m I Ysrktills I T. C L. • P.M...
...belts* I Uni.a City I FichU S P.M...
...17th, 1937 H ^* A Division ¦¦!«*• I Seartiv* I New York S P.M...
...When Chuck Dressen was bounced as manager of the Cincinnati Reds, General Manager Warren Giles got loads of applications for Chuck's job...
...69,500 to El Paso, Texas highschool, and Auburn, N. Y., high is indebted for $55,935...
...The Eastern District Soccer League will hold meetings (be first Wednesday in each month at Labor Temple, 243 East Mth Street, New York City, Room 17, at 8 P. M. sharp...
...Fifty cent* added to this sum would just about have bought a ticket to the World Series from the speculators...
...This material is tarailable in Spain...
...S P.M...
...Competition is more than 1 for there isn't a single one ¦ entrants who doesn't cherish nve luxuries...
...B Tsrk I Barges Csaaty I Qaceai...
...In| of the shot-put or discus, the use hand grenades when they 0 their skill in throwing...
...Bee , Bergen Ceanty Y. C. L. S P.M...
...Basra* II T. C.CT Uaiea City - 1 P.M> mm - B Division RpMtJ YerkrtTW SeraeaCstraty S P.M...
...The Barcelona Football Club, soccer champs of Spain eight times, beat all competition they meet in New York... Csaaty Bar Ksekba * Uaisn City * P.M...
...aV Y.rk V Ysrkvill* Qse.n...
...B Ksekba II, Fichtst, Vsasaerds II even...
...Clubs are urged to please attend and be on time...
...Gabby Hartnett, Chicago Cubs' catcher, has realized one of his ambitions...
...In the feature clash ef the Carnival, the Cutters Union of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers trounced Local 10 of the I.L.G...
...B Division Horsa Csaaty H Csrlstsdt I Vanguards 1 P.M...
...ia beautiful bound book form...
...Because of this they have entered in both divisions...
...B Division Be* Csaaty II Bar Ksekba II Fieht* 1 P.M...
...A special invitation was sent to the Workers' Sport League of America to attend -this congress, to that they might acquaint themselves with the Finnish work*eV siMsth ox*ssspBshta«at...
...B Sunday, Oct...
...nTWt II Serevst Csaaty H Y.rk,ills If* Most every trade-waioa in New York City is beginning to catch on to the idea of sports for their members...
...He has been doing more than ,a swell job for the Furriers Joint Council and helped build the Trade Union Athletic Association...
...A copy was given to every soccer player ia the E.D.S.L...
...has already started the formation of local teams, and practice is now in order...
...EASTERN DISTRICT SOCCER LEAGUE League Games for October NOT ON THE SCORE GAR E A golf writer for the Brooklyn Eagle, who didn't come out with his fellow sport scribe* now on strike, was picketed by Boston members of the Newspaper Guild while he was covering the Belmont Open...
...The team toting the colors of the Brooklyn Club last year has changed its name to Queens...
...Vice Jimmy Rubin, Local 40, Secretary-Treasurer...
...The new officers elected to the League are: Marty Cohen, Local 102, President...
...The Moody aggression of Japan in China has its repercussions even in U.S...
...Brill* n V»r.»nard...
...This equals the record held by the one-time catcher for the Chicago White Sox, Ray Schalk...
...The next week Paige and his team-, mate* took Taylor and {he National League all-stars to the r.iaeassa...
...Win, lose or draw," Louts said, "I'm going to quit...
...jtbtning~doe*n t strike Paige twice...
...Irving Busch, New York sen, ia charge of the six AmerI hospitals located around Saelt Spain, is an urgent appeal sports equipment for Loyalist aded...
...t N'w Y«rk 11 Sportiro 2 P.M...
...36,000 went to Alabama...
...The reason for the privacy was the prevalence of infantile paralysis at Fort Collins...
...The Workers* Sports Club of Yorkville entered two new teams...
...Y.rk n Y.rkrille U Vaacaards 1 P.M...
...Tsrk II, rusts I. Vbnsusres, Bar Ksekba II, ***b...
...A galloping aggregation of hooters will be represented ia both the A and B Divisions...
...Baseball, according to Venezuelan industrialists, is the national sport now...
...U boys are sorely ia seed ef M supplies, and the convalescent ssled in the hospitals need help , ia a recent cable received S Dr...
...The Union Baseball Carnival battened down the hatches ef the l.LCW.U...
...Soccer League Gets Under Way By H. R. W. Oliver Secretary Eastern District Sees**' League, WJ,U, The Eastern District Soccer League, sffiliated with the Workers' Sports League of America, goes into Us tenth year of workers sports, opening with tremendous turnouts and bang-up games which keep the fans on their toes at all times...
...Speed, sea, time and efficiency are the ftn which make the champs...
...Soccer League officially opened Sunday, October 10...
...At the rate they're going, sports In the big city will be a closed shop...
...Bar Kochba, another new contingent of harry footballers, also placed teams ia both divisions...
...The return of Local 143, Mt...
...The Young Circle League, realising the necessity for more strength in order to compete in the senior division, has placed its team in the B class for this year...
...Cunningham pooh-poohed the idee of becoming a professional...
...By November 6, the dribble and chest passes of the union lads will eeho through the gym af Stuyvesant High, 15th Street and First Avenue...
...The bans,' as would be expected, f with soccer honors, but fine] ¦gh reaching first base ia iabessball...
...12:15 P.M...
...Joe Louis said he intends to hang up the gloves after his battle with Max Schmding next June...
...Just a "handpicked" audience watched the bruisers go at each other...
...The Eighth Congress of the Workers* Sports League of Finland, an affiliate of die Workers' Sports International, will be held in Helsinki, Finland, November 21...
...They will see that eves ything ia shipped off to Spain in quick time...
...Will Stteiness, Local 10...
...1 P.M...
...Is, Busch pleads for tennis outvolley balls, soccer, ping-pong, a**, chess and checkers and ¦ything else that will help the p convalescing...
...Several new teams were welcomed into the E.D.S.L...
...Vernon, to the League, and the addition of the Milliners Union in an exhibition game capacity, has now boosted the Soccer League to eight units...
...Although basketball is ushered ia about the same time snow flakes sprinkle the sidewalks of New York, the l.LCW.U...
...B Division Mttadt 1 UnUa City II B.rrrn Conty t P.M...
...the former king of milers says ha wilt have been «limp sting for ssisse gruelling years...
...BbtsaH, Pickts, Uaiea City II sees...
...Because of the fine showing they made last year in the B Division, the Youth Sporting Club has been allowed to enter ha team in the stronger A league...
...Hereefter, he says, rscaning will be of secondary importance...
...There's nothing to look ahead to...
...At the last meeting of* the Basketball League, it was decided to have two divisions compete, following hut year's plan...
...young Texan and his Brooklyn friend, in training over L write that tedious and back-breaking maneuvers now Uthe zep and pep of a sandlot baseball game...
...Two youngsters had to go to the higher courts to collect compensation due them from injuries while playing for the Industrial teams...
...Petey Sarron, who defestd* his featherweight title agaiaut Hesiry Armstrong ia the Garden, October 29, is back in this country and rarin' ta ga...
...What's the use of a fellow fighting anymore after he's won the championship...
...Indoor baseball, all and horseshoe pitching are sost popular pastimes...
...has loaned $950,000 for new football stadium...
...Tin* Vanrasrds Queen...
...ILGWU Active In Fall Sports Widt Nkss hit* and tangles scrapped along with hot weather and sunshine, the International Ladies Garment Workers are now concentrating on soccer and basketball...
...The congress will be in session several day* in order to discuss the problems relating to the Finnish workers' sports movement...
...ken the training officers call off over the week-ends, the font then go in for organized anient play...
...The Spanish soccer boys are ia a class all by themselves, whipping the cream of America's soccer crop...
...The football game between Colorado Mines and Colorado State was strictly a private affair...
...Keytar* Potomac State was substituted for the gsuunhauu of American ptopcilj an foreign sail...
...31st, 1937 m A Division gBKsekka SaertUa Fiekt* S P.M...
...The U.S...
...N. J. I* Susveay, Oct...
...S P.M...
...The Workers Education Project on W.P.A... season...
...One of the applicants was a youth from New York who said, "From a business standpoint it would be a ten-strike to have an 18-year-old youngster to bead the team...
...a Johnny Taylor, wander boy of the Colored National League, performed the impossible by pitching a no-hitter against Satchel Paige and k<is Dominician Republic champs...
...A* for races, they're run in dashes, the body crouched, lying prone then wriggling on the belly...
...and a larger and more complete book ia contemplated for next season...
...Ka City n S C. Lsacas New York 1 P.M...

Vol. 20 • October 1937 • No. 62

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