ROOSEVELT NEW DEAL FACES REVOLT IN SPECIAL SESSION Congress Becomes Battlefield in War on New Deal Laws By THOMAS R. AMLIE Progressive Congressman from Wisconsin |K his message to the Special...

...Fresco, while a friend of the President of the Republic, is very nearly fascist and already virtual dictator of more than a quarter of the inhabitants of } Argentina...
...The Chinese have outrun all expectation...
...The country's choice between right and left will determine the increase or decline of German and also -of Italian political influence...
...As reported out by the House Committee on Labor, the bill specifically excluded from the provisions of the law agricultural workers, workers in fruit and vegetable canneries, and local creameries, with the result that the bill would perhaps not affect more than three or four million workers...
...These figures and personal observations show unmistakably how great is the growth of German penetration ia Latin America...
...granted there that Hoover was a victim of the depression, and that Roosevelt may fall a victim to the forces that overwhelmed the late unlameated Republican President In my opinion, this does net follow...
...By W. N. EWER IS the Japanese Government get-* ting anxious to stop the war...
...ROOSEVELT NEW DEAL FACES REVOLT IN SPECIAL SESSION Congress Becomes Battlefield in War on New Deal Laws By THOMAS R. AMLIE Progressive Congressman from Wisconsin |K his message to the Special ses-» ef Congress en November 15, president Roosevelt asked for the enactment of legislation on four major issues: (a) a permanent national farm policy...
...Chamberlain's eagerness to reassure them, the Japanese are still uneasy about the possibility of a boycott, or of economic pressure of some kind...
...The probabilities are that a farm bill win be reported in the Senate on November 23, that it will be considered for a week or two, and that after it has been passed the filibuster on the anti-lynching bill will continue until the end of the special session, probably on December 17 or 18...
...On the contrary, it would be a bill without real substance...
...At that time the House had passed the anti-lynching bill, while consideration in the Senate was avoided as a result of a determined filibuster...
...but German influence has, since the beginning of the twentrteh century, rapidly expanded at the commercial and political expense of other nations, in spite of Great Britain's financial predominance and the special position of the United States...
...If he is to do all that, and to move on with a big enough striking force, he will need lots more men and lots more munitions...
...CO it was that.32 years ago vie-*^ torkms Japan sasd aaerasljp fa* peace because she dared not continue war...
...HEAVY PROGRAM SET FOR CONGRESS *1*HE situation is further compli-* cated by the fact that the present session takes op where the last...
...and war resources of the country were exhausted...
...c) the reorganization of the executive departments and agencies in the interest of efficiency...
...But I am not so sure...
...Ws baa been tempered by keen •¦pluurare at the Nazi attitude bjoards the Vatican and the Cath-Pfc question...
...The Nazi spy system worked efficiently, and soon any dissenters found it advisable (commercially as well as socially) to keep their opinions to themselves...
...No British newsreels or instructional firms ever reach Chile...
...The German community, except for the Jews, is almost solidly Nazi sad Nazi festivals in Argentina are ••ways well attended The Germans were much more methodical wangelists...
...It is a bit like the German-Italian play over Spain...
...If Japanese calculations in the North have gone wrong, in the centre they have gone still more wrong...
...The House Committee will probably not report a bill out until after the Senate Committee has done so...
...Japan was united, resolute, victorious...
...That is the worst of war and diplomacy...
...The numerous German Catholic religious bodies in Brazil are not quite so enthusiastic, but they unite with the rest of :heir compatriots in adoration of :he pan-German idea for which Germans in Brazil, one and all, are convinced that Nazism stands...
...If a national planning bill should be adopted at this time, it would not follow the lines proposed in the original Norris bill, which divides the country into seven regions, sets up a national planning board with the power to make plans and execute them...
...In the principal technical college, the Santa Maria Fun-dacion, in Valparaiso, all the teachers now have been recruited in Germany...
...a^QS for the Congressional elections of 1938...
...Every effort will be made by representatives from dairy sections to provide that dairy products resulting from government subsidy Of cattle feed must be used on the farm where they are produced...
...Are the Japanese generals, in spite of their victories, getting worried about the possibilities if it goes on through the winter and into the spring...
...GERMAN CENTERS SOLIDLY NAZI JUAZIFICATION was a much easier process than the corses pending conversion of the Ital-tsasAo fascism...
...Many of the Democrats who five jeers ago were loudest in their denunciations of President Hoover for political reasons, are now loudest- in their denunciation of President Roosevelt, but this time because they disagree -fundamentally with-his liberal tendencies...
...PEOPLE HEADY TO RETALIATE IN 1939 IN calling the special nssasaj, 'the President has not attemf*bd to dictate to Congress the «jad of legislation that he expects them to enact...
...But the Communist bogy is still uppermost and has not been offset as in Europe by suspicions of a rearmed Germany...
...Or they may only be meant to persuade somebody else that it is so...
...Provisions will also be included for the benefit of the corn and wheat farmers, but these concessions will be made largely to secure passage of the bill...
...Apart from their agricultural Colony of some 20,000 at Misiones, the Germans are not purely immigrants or settlers...
...Fresco are not those of the President of the Republic, who in his last message to Congress declared his confidence in the democratic -principles through which Argentina has reached her present position among the nations...
...It ia generally understood that, the House leadership has requested all committee chairmen to refrain from considering at the special session any legislation other than that requested by the President...
...Under the present Soil Conservation Act and the bill which will probably be passed, farmers will be paid for putting their land into grass crops that will inevitably go into competition with the dairy farmers of the country...
...And in spite of Mr...
...rDo these signallings grass Tafass mean that once mare fibs Je|*dsav armies, for all their victories, are n earing the end of their tether, bad that the generals are 1 siMl^ iRs) politicise ef the dang^ Witting war drag ee rate ' position is not so good...
...The $600,0000,000 that will be paid to farmers yearly will be paid out of the Treasury, from money raised by taxes, sale of bonds, etc., rather than processing taxes as under the AAA...
...i - PFFORTS to diffuse European *"* culture in Chile are made first and most effectively by Germany...
...Is histotr raysasaaarsfseif...
...Many of them expect to return one day to their homeland...
...NAZIS ACTIVE IM FASCIST BRAZIL '¦¦HE German population in Brazil * is probably not short of 1,000,-000...
...The world had watched with amazement the successive blows by which the power of Tsarist Russia in the Far East had been broken...
...But the German schools are much more numerous and cheaper...
...Mexican statistics tell the same tale of German infiltration...
...And even though they retreat now from Tazana the end is nowhere in sight...
...There will be considerable difference between the two bills as finally passed, and the real bill will be written in conference by the representatives of the House and Senate...
...Either, said the gaaisah, they must have another quarter of a million men, and another ?800.000.-000, or they could net go ess...
...In some ways the situation now is rather like the situation in the summer of 1906, at the close of the Russo-Japanese war...
...JAPS GASPING FOR WAR MATERIALS ON the face of it then, the Japanese were in full flood of victory...
...Since employees in most industries are working less than 40 hours per week and are paid more than 40 cents per hour, the bill in the form in which it passed the Senate would not have applied to more than 7,000,000 industrial workers...
...So it naturally tried either to postpone the Conference altogether or, if that failed, to lure it along the tempting path of trying to arrange terms: a game which can be spun out indefinitely if so desired...
...Enforcement would be extremely -difficult in any event...
...Tea fret afBteweea»<wadt*^b^aS TeBow River, as^^^^^^^^^^ his lines of communication grow longer: the problem of munitioning and provisioning his front line grows harder: the task of guarding the line needs more men: there is that ugly menace of the "Red" 8th Army on his right wing...
...There is no striking German **ade penetration in Argentina, yet Germany and the United States are *agsrded as the two countries in the van of progress...
...Since the Senate passed the Wages and Hours Bill last summer,1 this filibuster will not preclude the passage of a Wages and Hours Bill this session...
...teat to those that were given during the last year of the Hoover administration...
...Important diplomatic people, important journalistic people in Tokyo, are being told quietly that it may very soon be time to talk about peace: and that if peace were made soon Japan's terms would flo-t be very onerous...
...But the views of Dr...
...Manuel Fresco, Governor of Buenos Aires Province, has referred to Signor Mussolini and Herr Hitler as the "Saviors of Europe...
...The Japanese Minister in Washington was sent to ask Roosevelt "directly of his own motion aad initiative to invite the two belligerent* to cosne together for the purpose of direct negotiation...
...So strong did the German authorities feel themselves in Brazil that, early this year, they did rot hesitate publicly to call upon Germans of military age in Brazil to register for military service at the nearest German consulate, "whether they were Brazilian-born or not...
...German immigration does not bulk large in the great stream of immigrants, mainly from Italy, Portugal and Spain, yet Germans easily head the list of all non-Latin immigrants...
...And I can give three guesses: First, that it-is just a maneuver intended to shake the resolution and break up the unity of the Chinese Government...
...Their social importance has been greater than that of, any other foreign nucleus in Brazil...
...There is a large sprinkling of Germans in the upper and professional classes, though the majority belongs to the artisan ' "The Argentine Array is largely German-trained...
...that the calculation is that when these hints reach Nanking, some will want to listen to them, some will want to ignore them, that dissension and quarrelling and a weakening of purpose will follow...
...At the moment, the Rules Committee seems to be as determined as ever not to grant a rule for the consideration of the Wages and Hours Bill in the House...
...That is the second guess...
...Chances of the second and third may be small...
...Persuade everybody else to non-intorvene and to go on talking while you yourself intervene and go on fighting...
...But the obvious object of Japanese diplomacy is to lessen even that small chance...
...But we know now that in fact victorious Japan was at her last gasp, that her triumphant generals were insisting on peace, that it was she who begged Roosevelt to mediate...
...German propagandist films are shown frequently...
...Ninety-five per cent of Germans in Brazil are ardent supporters of the Nazi regime...
...South America Gets Dose of Nazi Poison ARGENTINA, BRAZIL AMD CHILE...
...An agreement was reached, however, whereby the opponents of the anti-lynching bill agreed that it might be considered after action had been taken on a farm bill...
...Battle of the Yalu, battle of Liao Yang, battle of the Sha-ho, capture of Port Arthur, battle of Mukden, battle of Tsushima...
...fight over wages AND hours THE Wages and Hours Bill as * it passed the Senate greatly modified the original Black Bill, which would have given an administrative board complete power to put into effect a 30-hour week...
...In recent years the British have waned in numbers, in wealth, in influence, in reputation, and the Germans have waxed in proportion...
...So there is my third guess...
...Alike on land and sea, the Japanese seemed irresistible...
...gave her high praise for moderation...
...If Congress badly bungles the task that the President has set for it, the President can mora yjgajjwistfr favorable considerstion...
...The bill as finally passed will be patterned after the Soil Conservation Act, rather than the AAA, which was held unconstitutional...
...They do not work as peons or ordinary laborers...
...IN Argentina there has been no * census "since 19T4, but the Germans are estimated to number between 60,000 and 100,000...
...It also provided for the establishment of minimum wages, but further provided that they should not exceed 40 cents an hour...
...As a matter of fact, most' of the speeches sow being given on the floor are strikingly similar in con...
...The German merchant abroad has, in Brazil at any rate, always been an "imperialist" Germans took care to foster in Brazil the sentiment that Germany had been scurvily treated under the Treaty of Versailles...
...The third—that Japan really is anxious for peace—may seem grotesque in view of the military situation...
...The dairy representatives, however, will lack the strength to force the adoption of such a provision...
...The Germans have found themselves strong enough to force Brazil to accept trade with them on the basis of the compensation mark, to the doubtful benefit of Brazilian trade, and to the detriment of all other countries trading with Brazil...
...The money will be paid not for taking crops out of cotton, corn, wheat, tobacco, etc., and letting it lie fallow, as under the AAA, but for taking it out of soil-depleting crops and putting it into soil-con-serving crops, such as clover, alfalfa, and other grass crops...
...Specifically, therefore, the bill will probably protect textile industries and furniture factories in the North against the cheap labor inducement that is being held out by many southern states in order to persuade textile and furniture manufacturers to move there to take advantage of cheap labor, long hours, and the absence of unionization...
...It will subsidize these same farmers in going into competition with other types of farming, where a surplus does not now exist, and in time make necessary a scarcity program of the same kind in other fields of agricultural endeavor...
...Nobody in Tokyo dreamed that for two long months a Japanese army of 100,000 men could be held in check outside Shanghai...
...Protests in the Brazilian press did not bother them...
...There are odd signs and signallings from Japan that suggest this might be so...
...The world was a little surprised that Japan should accept...
...wats out for JAPANESE *?*HAT much is a fact...
...England does not broadcast to Chile directly...
...There are a few English schools in the country...
...Which of the three is right...
...The arrangement is not an economic triumph for Germany, who has to pay more than would otherwise be necessary for her imports from Chile...
...Second guess is that these rumors of readiness to make peace were for the edification of the Brussels Conference...
...The special session is nsextty s means of starting the regular session six weeks earlier than would otherwise be possible, end it has enabled the President to force Con-gross to consider certain controversial measures during the first part of the session, so the* - the voters can take the attitude of their Senators and Rapt soon* stress into consideration when making...
...This depreciation has played havoc with the trade of other countries in Chile...
...They got their way...
...Planning in the seven regions would be left to the Army engineers, who in turn would request specific appropriations for each project from Congress...
...The German community followed...
...When President Theodore Roosevelt hi June, 1906, offered mediation, it seemed to the world as if Russia were being saved from catastrophe, Japan balked of further victory...
...MEED for A farm BILL 117ITH the bumper cotton crop of " 1937, and very little opportunity for the profitable export of any part of it, a farm bill becomes imperative...
...It seems practically certain, however, that nothing will be done about departmental reorganization, or the establishment of a system of national planning... South Chile much of the land is owned and farmed by Germans, much of the trade controlled by them...
...What does * it mean ? That is where the guessing must begin...
...If these people are to be prided for, it will be only as a resolt Of a continued policy of government spending, or the enactment of legislation designed to compel aWivatc industry to re-employ the major portion of those who are no% unemployed or will become se...
...a number of Argentine military officers are at present receiving instructions in Germany, and Potsdam is the spiritual home of many a South American General...
...The Nasi conception *?.g German church and the race gP.ejJ shocked devout Catholics in ggjpfc ssakerArgeBtiBe reactionary circles fonder of Italian Fascism than of German Nazism...
...The reserve...
...Soon after the Nazis teak office in Germany, German institutions in Argentina were ^Barged," largely through the elim-banUon of "non-Aryans...
...There it a nose of jubilance oa the Republican side of the aisle, because it is taken -for...
...NATIONAL PLANNING IN DANGER •TPHE parliamentary situation in * the Senate makes it unlikely that either the national planning or reorganization bill will be considered...
...the members will probably be given an opportunity to do little save approve or disapprove the conference report...
...Cultural influence is still very largely French...
...Germany increased her total trade with Chile in 1936 by 100 per cent, her imports by 70 per cent...
...The "export" mark has been in -greater supply than demand and has thus depreciated heavily...
...more anj more munitions, more and more money: and that if the available resources are not enough to satisfy their requirements it would be wise to examine the possibilities of a quick peace, since a prolonged war might bring collapse...
...The recent downturn of business activity has resulted in a concerted drive on the floor of Congress for reduction in government expenses and reduction ia taxes as a means of encouraging business...
...The late Captain Boem, formerly head of Hitler's brown army, served some years with the Bolivian army...
...German diplomatic and consular authorities throughout Brazil led the Nazi crusade...
...T is, then, within the bounds of * possibility that in 1937, as in 1905, the soldiers are warning the politicians in Tokyo that they cannot go on unless they get more and more men...
...The bill in its final form will aid cotton, corn, wheat, rice, and tobacco farmers to achieve that degree of scarcity which is essential for survival...
...Immediately after tsMtttet victory at Mukden in Marsh, General Kodama, Chief of Staff of the victorious army, had hurried heme to tell his government that the sit-uation was in fact critical, aad that the war must be stopped at once...
...The Argentina attitude towards g% Fascist and Nazi regimes of 5J°Pe is chiefly influenced by the ¦dislike of Russian Communism...
...Thus capitalism moves forward to new triumphs in the field of agriculture...
...Registration went on, and the penalty given out by German consulates, is loss of German citizenship, as well as a number of other disabilities if the defaulter ever finds himself in Germany, and certain pressure, "commercial and otherwise," while he is in Brazil...
...This Big Business Behind Move would leave the situation just about where it ia new, - » • *» I tive departments would resjLtt in a long sad bitter aWitOsC rh both House and Senate, and it*lf flaws* certain that such a measure cannot be reached in vie special session...
...If anything were done on the subject of planning, it would probably be a bill in form, but without substance...
...As to what will actually be accomplished, it should be borne in mind that perhaps 90% of the Republican membership and 70% of the Democratic membership are fundamentally conservative...
...During the last five years German shipping, which all but disappeared from Chilean ports during the War, increased steadily...
...From the viewpoint of the dairy farmers, the difference is vital...
...I believe that a severe economic recession is more likely to enhance than weaken the President politieaatjr...
...That is one guess...
...As it passed the Senate, the bill set up a five-member board that could provide maximum hours in any industry, but under no conditions less than 40 hours per week...
...The larger parties of the opposition sympathize with the parliamentary democracies of Europe and oppose both Nazism and Fascism...
...With the" opposition of William Green and a certain amount of wavering on the part of the administration itself, there is some doubt as to whether a sufficient number of signatures can be secured...
...I just don't know—or I wouldn't be guessing...
...regular session ended on August 21...
...FASCISTS POWERFUL IN CHILE Tr*HE German colony in Chile is * long established...
...In the meantime, the -special session serves as a sounding board and will pave the way for the consideration of equally vital legislation in the regular sessior beginning January 3. It seems certain that the present economic recession will result in an in eras as el-two or three million in the number of the unemployed...
...Its consideration, therefore, depends on the securing of 218 names to the petition on the Speaker's desk asking for the discharge of this committee...
...Yamagata, Chief of the General Staff and creator of the Japanese Army, Oyama, Commander of the Army of Manchuria, Were insistent . The army was desperately short of men snd munitions...
...b) a Wages and Hours Bill that would abolish ehild labor, protect workers from excessively low wages snd excessively long boors, and put an end to the practice of some communities which seek new industries by offering cheap labor...
...Which may throw light on the recent usurpation of dictatorial i powers by Vargas...
...In spite of the "compensation system" of trading, Chilean credits in, Germany tend greatly to exceed German credits in Chile...
...They were not disposed to boggle over details of any "Brown Shirt Terror...
...Germany does—German enthusiasm for the present Government of their Fatherland is not always spontaneous...
...If he crosses the Yellow River without leaving very strong forces to garrison Hopei and to look after the 8th Army in Shansi, it will be a perilous adventure...
...and (d) the establishment of seven regional authorities to make long range plans for soil conservation, flood control, and power development...
...Socially the Germans are of a class superior to the Italian, Spanish, and Polish immigrants...
...Russia behind the lines staggered with revolution...
...The majority of the Italian population of Argentina a probably still anti-fascist...

Vol. 20 • December 1937 • No. 49

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