Music Drama Theatres

Music Drama Theatres Revived of "Der Freischutz" at the Metropolitan Next Week Th. revlv.l of - D M wWKMVTtT g*«ia*y after-***, March 12. fill y. th* o*t*t»"dl*g t t m t a r t acst weak \Z...

...s-a FRIENDS OF MUSIC James Speyer's gift of ail organ tO Town HMI has made It posalbl...
...Charles Mather and othert...
...will he heard In *>"l recital thia aiaon what) ah* gives * • ! _ r e c i t a l of ihe season bJjTP* Hall...
...IfBlp ONEGIN...
...The play hat been staged by Letter Lonergan...
...She will be aaaiited ty PAUL HAYES and the DORSHA DANCERS and th* program for the ereaiat conlaine • number of feature* af *rtl*tic eilue...
...The Avon Comedy Four...
...Miacahua, th* Braslliaa Wire Walker...
...week, when A. Hi Wood* presents Mary N**h 1*1 'Th* Lady.'' "'" 'ft * She will be supported by Eijitbelh Rlsdon...
...Mask Note* At the fourth concert of the Music Settlement Association Sarlei oa the afternoon or March I t at Carnegl...
...and the T a l k i n g Seal...
...Wedaeaday evening...
...COQ DOR" u a mitlnee i t popular pete** *a fridiy with S a b i a l e e n and •WILLIAM TELL" o a Friday evening witk feralt* and Martiaelll...
...Th* performtnre will begin at 8lit Instead of Sift...
...Sunday afternoon, March 28, when St...
...fill y. th* o*t*t»"dl*g t t m t a r t acst weak \Z tb* antrrgrr'-- II will t... al Henry HUlar** Theatre...
...for lh* SOCIETY OF THE FRIENDS OF MUSIC to present Bach'* St...
...Other* will be Jack Ryaa sad Company, George Stanley and Slater, and th* La Mont Trio...
...Bradna In "The' Circa* Beautiful," other...
...Wolf, Saint-Saent and Brahm* •III be an the program...
...0* MARIE SUNDELIUS' debut rental program at Carnegie Hall on Sunear evening, will be * little heard aria •f Benin's, the flr»t performance of a "lot arrangement or a Handel aria,' •at Arietta rf'Appollo, from "Terpal'"•I...
...2, In G Major...
...soprano, Mme...
...some excellent ft'ArHfn "Tornish," Gilbert Emery's play at the Belmont...
...The overture will be a light one, and la addition there will be a jas* selection...
...Chab- j rl*r, Rh*paody, "Kapana... feature will be "The Hunchback of Notre Dame...
...Johns Passion there...
...The new organ, one of the Snett In t h . country, which waa dedicated last month will b . heard for the first time at a public concert at the next concert of th* Society of t h* Friend, of Music...
...The srrkcetra will be under Dorsha Dance Recital TkJ* Sunday, i t 8 30 p. at., DORSHA will giro a dance ie...
...JASCBA HE1FETZ will give hi* second violin recital Sunday afternoon in Carnegie Ball, when he will play tot Co*** Concerto In E minor (innone movement), Tar lint'a "Devils Trill," two numbers by Boulanger, one by Joseph Apt*** and piece* by Brahm* •ad Pagaalai, ViCrtlJftt ROHIIKO will give another piano re.ilal Monday evening, at Aetlila 1*11...
...Excerpts from "La Rol d* Lahore" will be played *• the overture...
...Lynwood Farnum, who prealded at the organ at It* dedication will play it again at thia concert...
...John'* Passion will be given for t h e first time In many year...
...He ha* chosen a group •f Chopin, Motart Sonata In A Major, Tsltea-Brahma for thia occttlon...
...Ralph Rings arranged the dance* William A. Brady haa pat "SIMON CALLED PETER" Into rehearsal...
...PALACE ^ Eddie Leonard and hla Minatril Bunch, Henry Hall and Cyril Kelghtly in "Leave t h . Women Oat" (debut In vaudeville...
...Radolph Men- | gelberg, "Symphonic Elegy," (Sr*t time ] la America...
...Mary Nash in "The Lady" at the Bronx Opera House Th...
...The organ, from which all mi no i notea will be barred thi* week, mill piny aynropated tunes...
...Paul Elsier will play the cembalo...
...Downle* Elephants, Harry Carroll'* Rare*, with Linda...
...STRAND The third place on the list of th* "I'amous Composer*" aeries at the Strand Theatre will be orcapled by Massenet, th* complete musical program being devoted entirely to • Selection of t h* composer's work...
...A new spring edition of th* revue It being prepared...
...Val and Ernie Stanton, Dot aon, Fred Hall and Company In a comedy playlet and other Keith act...
...LOEW'8 PALACE "FLAMING BARRIERS," (Jeorge Melford's production of *a origin...
...CABMEN" aa W*da*»d*y evening -tk aoarekiri lad Mirtlaclll...
...Brady la, staging tke place hlmt.lfThe Kept Classes It ii only that by force of cirtrumitances the captain of industry, or n more accurate wards the captain if insolvency, hat in recent time* •ome to be tlM effectual spokesman ind type-form of the kept clasge* a* veil a* the keeper ami dispenser of ;hcir keep...
...Meditation" from "Thai*" will he t h e violin sol., of Made lelne MacGuigan...
...i » 2 ! r M I to h e given hy RUTH "OfBJHAWN DANCERS at t h . Man- , •in • . t K * Afternoon of April 4, K,' i ; d u « ' Ik* first performance In ltd...
...Brandon Peters, Austin F*lrI man, Victor Morley...
...ERNEST HUTCHESON will give hi* Pit**, recital Sunday afternoon, at Aeolian Hall, BE PACKMAN will give another *Ua* recital, Monday evening, at Caratgl* Ball...
...The vaudeville act* that will be pre tented In addition to th* "Hunchback" will include "The Mutual Man," a oatact mailed comedy playlet, written by William Cary Duncan, and presented by a east of ten people...
...M a t "* t j a a . . h t l u t r i , Maria...
...Th* soloists will be Elizabeth Ret line rg...
...and members of Ihe ballet corps, under th* direction of 8. L. Rothafel, will l**V...
...A special midnight show will be given on Saturday, March 22 for th* ahowing Of "SCAR AMOl'CHE," Rex Ingram's production for Metro of Rafael Sabatini't novel...
...r k B f l h * H o D l l B d l » " B » " « '' „ ™«*l music specially written by ° , * S Wakefield C.din.n...
...BACBAUS will give hi* latt piano rttlial Tuesday evening at Aeolian BAIL A- group of Chopin, llrahma' Ski****y In B Minor, the Beethoven Soatta In E Major, will be part of hi* PpHp »**" IRENE WILDER give* a song recital »t Aeolian Hall...
...Bodaaiky will tawdaetOther . p e n t aaxt weak, ihe twiaMMk at lh« will bt ^ 1 WALsvCERB" aa Monday evi-kj, vHk Bwthaerg and Taacacr...
...original Empire Theatre rant and production will b . aeen at t h . Bronx Opera House, on Monday evening, for • n engagement of on...
...Th* Albtrtlna Hatch Ballet...
...Th* dramatization of Robert Keable's novel of th* same nam* waa mad* by Jala* Eckert Goodman and Bdward Knoblock...
...Noel Tearle will play Simon and Fried* Ineacort hi* been engaged to pUy opposite him 1B t h* part af Jail*, th* Red Cree* Bar...
...Battling Battler" at the Stlwyn...
...YOLANDA j MERO will be the soloist MARIE SUNDELIUS Metropolitan Opera soprano, who makes her concert debut at Carnegie Hall, Sunday evening Music at the Cinemas RIVOLI Theayutic program i t the Rlroll will feiture a "Syncopation Week...
...Hia* Dorah* ha* been connected with Pavlov> and Bothan«ra and took part a the Frits Krclaler and Caaunova htllet...
...Although Mme...
...Itery by Byron Morgan, will be thown at , I .new's Palace Theatre Monday, Tuetdap' and Wednesday of the coming week...
...Thi appearances are the result ef thousand* of request* which hav* com* from outlying cities where th* radio I* an important factor la th* community entertainment...
...Tully Marshall, Raymond llatloo, Gladya Hrorkwell and Hrandoii Hunt...
...Miss Boshko will play the Beethoven Sonata, "Appaaslonata," a Itrge Chopin group and her own coapotlUon "Ukraine...
...Sun•* at* been • prominent member th* Metropolitan Oper* Company "I seven yean, aa It happen* »he h i t *epo»«r*d before in New York In teltlL k >*B«CB LESLIE, contralto, will give "•'Postponed recital i t the TowB Hill • W*d**«diy evening...
...RICHARD BENNETT In T H E DANCERS" Will be t h e n u t attraction...
...Coils, make, hi* New York Zl** h f»<l »f t h . Rorheater I'hilhsrWiT April 7, at Carnegl* Hall...
...CHARLES STRICKLAND and hla Harmony Boy*, * t a n of Young's MillionDollar Pier, will be th* b i | vaudeville hesdliners...
...the "B*ttl, b*tll," from "Don fikvnuud," a group of German LlHer, SaaMaarlin selection* tang In the • • w a i , and an unusually Interesting yB*fU*k group...
...TBE B A R B E R OF SKV1I.I K" ..ill ke tmtl week'a "popular" Saturdty' sight opera witk Morgana and ToksU y**> At danday nlgkt* "Open Concert" Mae...
...Tckiikewiky, "Piaa* . Coacarto, No...
...on Satin day for a tOUr of several cities...
...Betkberg, 8*b*ni**vi and Kelntjnlt and Meaar...
...Miriam Lax, soprano, will sing a number entitled "Along the Mississippi," aided hy the Rlvoll Ensemble...
...Jack Otterman in "HI* Visit lo Hollywood," Eth.l Sinclair and Marie Caspar In "On the Long, Long Trail," Vaansor and Palmer, Th* Three' Arnault, Tb* Kltaroa, Mm...
...In addition to the twelve act* there will he a number of speclsl sdded features...
...ELENA GERHARDT will sin* the Schumann "Fraurnllehe und Leben" cycle aad a group of Brahm...
...The duet from "Herodlade" will be aang by Ruth Ard...
...Artur Bodjniky will direct th* performance...
...WILLIAM KENT ui/io shares the comedy honors with Charlee ttuggtts in "Mr...
...MYERS AND HANFORD, on their first tour of popular priced theatres, known aa th* Arluuuaa Vilentinot, will be the vaudeville headline...
...With the OrchestraS PHILHARMONIC Th* Pkilkaraioakt Orckawtra...
...Jacqueline Logan, Antonio Moreno snd Walter Hlert have the principal role...
...will be in keeping with the holiday tpirit...
...Martlnelll, Danla* ait Bohnen will sing for the benefit ef tb* Oper* Emeigenry Fund...
...At Interesting group of aonga, by l.liiek...
...Lon Chancy, playa th* dlffialt role of Quasimodo, the Hunchback...
...number ha* been ttagod by Mr...
...RIALTO In honor of St...
...I t f ? " 1 ' VERBRIK.GHEN will mike N * * York ippeiranc* • • eon- g > . * t •"* Minneapolis Hvmphony JJ^*'* « Carnegl* Hill on th* *v*^ » • * April it...
...Minstrel Days...
...Thle Sunday night's concert a r th* Winter Garden will be for the benefit of the Day and Night Shelter...
...THOMAS MEIBHAN In "Pled Piper Mtlone," BOOTH TARKINGTON'S original atory, wUl h a featured th* list half of th* week...
...BOOK-LOVERS," a musical fantasy by Joseph Santley, John Steel and Frank Tear*, all ef th* " M u l e Boa Revue," will be one *f th* fetturet la t b* Limb'* Gambol thi* Sunday evening, at th* Lamb'i clabhoa** la Forty-fourth ttreet...
...Patrick'a Day, Vietor Herbert'* "Irish Rhapsody" ha* been •elected aa th* overture, played by the Rlalto Orchestra, under the direction of Hugo Rleaenfeld and Willy Stahl...
...BOB EM E" on Thur»d*y orenlng Vita Berl aad Liarl-Volpl...
...Leonard Wllley, Ed I .a Roc he, Ludmllla Torelvk...
...Sunday afternoon, March * -I 'I ••OfcZ ROSENTHAL will give hit Stiff"*1 th* teason In Carnegie S *J««* w h « n will play SchaTgt r i a t n l * . Opu* 78, In G Major, | ^»»a*an'« Etudes Symphonlque* and * w * " P » p | | l o n . .» •MfDOR FUREDI, Hungarian vloUr» a w " " M r d recital In Ian Slv* hi* second recital in H « » . Sunday evening, March 23...
...THE CAT AND THE CANARY" AT THE SHI'BERT-RIVIERA T h * Cat and th* Canary," th* mystery play which had a run la New York l*lt season, will begin a weak'* engagement i t th* Hhubcrt-Rlvlera Theatre, beginning Monday evening...
...Nellie and Sara Kount in tongs...
...Capitol Theatre stair of broad-, calling artists, numbering over thirty singers, dancers and musicians, with B section of the orchestra, conductor...
...Hall, UNA RUBINSTEIN will Introduce to New York * new Sonata by Leo tt'elner...
...very much a s the War Lord of the barbarian raids, or the Baron of the Middle Ages, or the Prince of the era of state-making, or the Priesthood early and lata fi Christendom, all and several, eacM in their time, place and degree, stood out as the spokesman and exemplar of the kept classes, and served as the legitimate channel by which the community's.'' surplus product has been drained off snd consumed, to the greater spiritual comfort ex all parties concerned.—Thorstcin Veblen...
...She will also play a number of smaller work* Including the Pagantnl variations on the G string aldne...
...T h . Sixteen Hippodrome Girl...
...The program: M*Bd*l**oha'f Overture to "A Mid•ammeroigkt'a l r r ? » » " ; Wiga.r, Prelad* aad Lava-Death, from "Trtatsi aad l«.ld»", Trhalkewiky, "Fifth Bymphoay...
...Guilford, •aatei ina h>»* a a i M***r» Taacktr, S ^ a a a r f , aaaaaa, Rotator, Caber, tr*lr tad SckUfcL Mr...
...Ce'cell* Rndrllffe, Herbert Hey wood...
...The chours of the Society, trained by Stephen Towniend will take part, and the orchestra will be that of th* Metropolitan Opera Company...* revue noW at t h * Shubert Theatre, which begsn It* raa last Auguat, will be transferred to the Winter C*rd*n, heglnnlng Monday evening, March Si...
...Ihursda'y evening and Friday *f|*rnoon, ihe orcheilri, under the baton ef Mtugelbarg, will pity Bchebort'* "L'aSalabed Symphony...
...aaaer th* dlrocthm el Wiliest Mettgelberg, will glee * concert at the MelropeliUa Opera He***, Saaday afteraooa...
...HIPPODROME Marg* Waldron, the dancer, with a special ballet...
...Fortaaello and Clrlllin* and an Aesop'* Fable...
...Notes Equity Player* announce a change In th* time of the rite of t h . cartaia for the opening of "MACBETH" at the 48th Street Theatre, Satarday evening...
...He 1* supported by I'stsy Rath Miller, Erne...
...Charlee Cahler, contralto, GeQcge .Mendor, tenor, ?u*tav Schufir'ndorf, bariton* aad Carl Schlegel, bit...
...n, soprano, and Louis Dnrniy, tenor...
...Bryan and Broderlck with Sliver Slipper Orchestra and Tom Nip...
...Torrence, Norma* Kerry, Mlgtl de Bruller...
...Music Drama Theatres Revived of "Der Freischutz" at the Metropolitan Next Week Th...
...Paul (»* card aad l.a Torrcellla, will do a new "Cakewalk...
...The Reiaenfrld'• Classical J a u , too...
...Sh* I* well known in the naiicil world, having on different oceulons volanteered her services i t festrvila for Hocislltt and other instlluHaul she put on the Hind School P i gtail last year, danced at the Call and rw/ward bill*, etc...
...For the ballet music will be utilized "Gavotte" from "Manon" and "Aira de Ballet," interpreted by the Ballet...
...Vaudeville Theatres B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY B. 8 . Moss announce* the following program for hi* Broadway Theatre beginning Monday...

Vol. 1 • March 1924 • No. 9

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