Drama Theatres

DRAMA THEATRES THE NEW PLAYS MONDAY DORIS KEANE and JACOB BEN-AMI will be seen at tha Thirty ninth Street Theatre Monday night in EUGENE O'NEJLL'S new play, "WFXDED," which it being presented...

...WALTER BROOKS, who staged ! "Little Jessie Jame*," "Shuffle Along," { "Lisa...
...A play •hould of course pay Itt own way...
...Supposing ahe ' I Bawik F^mL w e r e • ' • • " d n t r present play, "The Wm\\\m-^^ Shame Woman," thia play haa been r a n - W&ij ii...
...Of course h* hain't the nerve to die, bat slumps bark to hit dreiry yean...
...In "The Chiffon Girl" it ia "The Dew-Drop and the Rote...
...The book It by J. Hartley Manner*, the lyric* by Anne Cauldwell and th* music by Hugo f . l l x . _ [ MRS...
...The Poor Little Rich Girl" I* scheduled to run four week...
...Of course it I* not only alnee Ihe war that poor glrla have become Infamous, nor that poor lads hare dared to affront • noble...
...the lower rlo»«en presume to dream...
...SIMONE'S MATINEES AT THE GAIETY The announcement of Mme...
...Apostrophising her • * Bernhardt'* natural successor, Ruben declared that he would ronilder It * privilege to play with her, regirdlett of the role...
...DRAMA THEATRES THE NEW PLAYS MONDAY DORIS KEANE and JACOB BEN-AMI will be seen at tha Thirty ninth Street Theatre Monday night in EUGENE O'NEJLL'S new play, "WFXDED," which it being presented by the Directors of the Provincetown Playhouse (Ken fi^f'ZaiBaVBka* ^\ "e " 1 Macgowan, Robert Kdmond Jones and I . _a4aal...
...Note* The Aral ont-of-town performance of "VOGUES," the new Century Hoor Revue, was given In 'New Haven Thursday nlghl...
...nd will •« pre«ented by Theodore ll»inmertt...
...SWEET SEVENTEEN" will come to the LYCEUM Theatre MONDAY night, sponsored by JOHN HENRY ME ARK...
...She wa* frank to atate |Ow)j|»t&J_v „' '•, • that her remark* wer* actuated by 1 aaaaJtaaaSsf parely **IS*h motlvet...
...laaW Eugene O'Neill) in association with the SelH H '__'.!', wyna...
...and regardless of any de velopmonls...
...ELEANOR PAINTER IN "THE CHIFFON GIRL," AT TUB AL JOLSON M**ial comedy, whatever the elastic •ami may be ate etc bed to taciada, • t i l* so ma ny theatre goers t o deeply, that it might bo interestiag to Inquire late the source of it* power...
...e young U, x. e „ "Aalde from the fact, that the t n > „ K t r t , ^ „ a t p r W f a o f „ Burn* in "The Shame Woman, at portoalty to dlaplay...
...he knows it waa the ancient equivalent of t h e police court...
...It is a com- I edy by L. WESTERVELT and JOHN CLEMENTS Written j in cooperation with Harvey O'Higgins and Hariet Ford, with j a cast including Josephine Drake, Marian Mears, Douglas Wood, Isabel Leighton, Stanford Jolley, Charles Trowbridge, Grace Ftlkins, Jennie Eustace, and Edward H. Wevor...
...Tha company playa Atlantic City next week and the New York premiere la act for th* early part of the following week...
...DOROTHY BRANDON, author of "THE OUTSIDER," at the «*th Street Theatre, sailed today for her horn* In London...
...H* will conduct • School of Scenic Design and Product Ion which will do a l l t h* scenic production of th* threshold Players In th* Children'* Theatre...
...At Ihe u m e time Miaa Rlttenhoaae hastened to assure us thai she had great faith in t h t American Theatre...
...Indeed, oa* would imagine that moat Viennese . playwright* had not read of Bernard Shaw** gallant onslaught In Bailing...
...Without setting myself up *s a reformer in the theatre, I cannot refrain from deploring other phaaea of the American Theatre that aauld bear Improvement"and ihe proceeded to point out the more advantsgeout method* of th* continent...
...I" point Inaiinrei where the system Amaai'#< worked havoc...
...a production made by thi* organization...
...hia or her, vera*1S and at the age of 35, at the tlllty...
...Democratic taste may occasionally make one of the men, perhapt even the victor, merely a rich bourfeoiie, bat romantic, of course, with a triple r. Deaplle the fact that Bernard Shaw killed thi* peculiar breed of pluy, buried It...
...Into release of the cmotlona damned by society The spertator aeea him self dawdling luxuriously in the midst of beautiful turroundinga, natural and alive...
...The Gooie Hang* High," at the Bijou, ia...
...expensive liqueur* and expantlve damtela gush at hia approach...
...He is "lord of t h e ladlet, Sultan of song, darning devil, and shimmying Sheik of champagne...
...a> We fount) Mist Rittrnhoato very intelligent and keenly intereated 1B matter* concern >K the art* of the theatre...
...It it, then, by boldly appealing to those mold* of man which mott unchangingly require dream-aid, that muaical comedy stays ita hundred* of court...
...It will open In Boston in four week...
...The set-repressed product of our artificial society hs* hi* moment* of contemplative freedom...
...the baffled, bungling bourgeola ia hit theatre chair beromea a hland aristocrat...
...They draw men into delightful tacape...
...In thia country," Miss Rittenhoute went on, "oar leading actor* and actresses do not build up a personal following i t they do on t h e continent...
...J- T. S. CLARA EAMES will play Lady Macbeth with James K. Hackett at the Equity production of "Macbeth," opening at the Wh Street Theatre, Saturday How It Happened...
...But wlthla that kingdom ao many hav* reigned, that the caausl historian may peer and pry at leisure So far as i t t form la concerned, totalis...
...Since the pubI lie haa com* to admire h*r work in a H certain type play, it will naturally ex|H pect her to appear In a similar vehicle...
...Richard Rodger* i i* credited with the music, while Herbert Field* I* responsible for the lyric* and the direction...
...nephew of Arthur H«mm*r»te|n, T rrandso* ef 0**Bf Ilammeitteln HENRY TRAVERS in Bernard Shaiv'e delightful tale of "Saint Joan," now at the Empire...
...Notes THE THRESHOLD PLAYERS, who are giving an Interesting production of Eleanor Gate'* "The Poor Little Rich Girl...
...his ftlends think he meant the thousandt...
...and danced a j ig over the corpee (a -|ig he called "Anna and the Man"), It seem* to hav* • mott lifelike ghoat...
...V * ' Thi* year the school will offer Anthony Hope's romance, "Th* Prisoner of Zenda...
...In Lula Vollmer'* Folk Play...
...Since we have not even reached the stage ia this country, where we r an diacuta the National Theatre, it It n r e e n t r y that , t h * public Support the theatre"—but the point ahe make* la—"that in t he above instance the fact that itar* appeared In leading role* and regardle** of th* quality of the plays tuch playt were not lived from * apeedy retirement t e th* ttore home...
...Simone'a appearance at alx matineea at the Gaiety Theatre, si acting Friday, March 21, owea It* Inspiration to the graclou* tribute rendered , her recently by a group of artlata at a luncheon at the Riti...
...On the library thelf I know, there are some aixty volumes, each with five or more vaudeville*, i ll from the pen of h'ugea* Scribe (from whose name we derive the verb, to •cribble...
...Mia* Rlttenhoat* then went on to **y that , (he wa* opposed to a "»t*r" eyatem In l&fr&MleWm t k * t h " * t r * - M > " Rlttenhoaae proceeded 'jpjr...
...Miss Le Gallienne will appear in "La Vierge Folle" the opening play, Friday, through the courtesy of Gilbert Miller...
...Hi Wm wm hince the stage has had not pew play from him for a rouple of years t | * forthcoming JACOB BEN-AMI production of "Welded" is an event of exceptional interest and distinction...
...We atked her how It feels to he elevaied to a featured place on the program, waa ahe contented in that petition, or did the atplre to sttrdom...
...In the cast, be-Raji*-** Bides Miss Keane and Mr...
...ELSIE FERGUSON AND SIDNEY BLACKMER AT THE AST0R It was unnecessary for Zoe Atkins to place after her name the comment "from the Hungarian...
...They play continuoutly lo t he t i m e tide* of man'a nature...
...Ben-Ami, are but ' ^BEiggf . two other characters, portrayed by t 'in 1 afl a^SPaaafi Cooksey and Catherine Collins...
...It wa* therefore, not until after the performance that we were able to apeak with her...
...A papyrus manuscript that Fllndera Petrie brought from a pyramid telle of a man w*ho had been to court: hla frienda think he meana the king'* court...
...One ia by Rida Johnton Young...
...maids literally dance attendance on him...
...Falling In t h l i , the would have to reFLORENCE RITTENHOUSE m , ' n ' d U , " ' « * T e h , l c l f l \ ' ° ' n * h , .. in th s d,' rtr,o leo,j . t.h...
...If poisible, thst slit favor* both: there I* the recipe...
...The other i* "The Lion'* Share," by Mr...
...FIBRE I* now rehearsing in "HELENA'S BOYS," a new comedy by Ida l.iiblenaki Ehrllch, dramatized from a short atory by Mary Breeht I'oliii Harrison Grey I late 1* directing the r e h t r t a l t . Th* play will com* te New York la April...
...dealing with parely American motives, baaed on folk life aa examples of the American play which deserve Ihe full support of the public VIENNESE MOON "THE MOON-FLOWER...
...A play written about one hundred years ago, now running at t h e Provincetown, uaet that Joke...
...ha* formed hi* own \ producing company and will make hi* | first musical production daring the last i week In April...
...The Moon-Flower" (how* the dls••trou* effect* of t h e war...
...Jose Ruben will I appear with Mme...
...A moon, a balcony or terrace where nobility may rondeacend to •troll, a bed and a complicated aituatlon involving at least two men and a maid—or shall we *«y woman?—with Ihe suggestion...
...In ita material also, muaical comedy plays safe...
...Other plays from her extended repertoire will include "La Couturie de Luneville," by ' Alfred Savoir and "Le Passe" by Georges de Porto-Riche...
...Stardom Works Untold Evils FLORENCE RITTENHOUSE DISCUSSES A PHASE OF THE AMERICAN STAGE We went to the Coasedy Theatre for t h* tHtrpoaa of Interviewing Florence Rittenhoute, f>atared player...
...She pointed to Tarntah," "The Shame Wom*n," "Ban-Up," and *ever«l other pl*y...
...The Shame Woman...
...A merging e l thi* form with an offshoot of light opera, produced Ihe typo now to popular on Broadway...
...I N K n o w , o r *'x montlia, and from gSSBBU " r 0 " , ' n t Indications will be on the bnarda H^H by netit Chrlltmtl...
...Th* shame Woman" will be kept running, nor will they b« deterred from continuing their next production which will he announced later...
...Pupil* of the Benjamin School for Girls will present their annual dramatic performance at the Selwyn Theatre on March 23, for the benefit of the Free Scholarship of the New York Child labor Committee...
...Jot* Ruben, who wa* leading man with Bernhardt, deplored the fact that her Impending departure would prevent t he American public from enjoying the art that had made her t h e youngeat leading woman in t h e hlatory of the Comedie Francaiae, and firat In th* affections of the French public...
...In t rnih, we should be Inclined to call thi* • pre-war play, from the fart that the dream of the law clerk bid* him imitate the deham lui v of th* nobles...
...every musical comedy uses the tame device...
...have arranged' with Booth T*rklngton to do hi* "Monsieur Beau ehnlre" a* their next production...
...The eye demand* more of woman, and at the aame time, more than woman...
...Aa proof of thit, Mitt Kittcnhoute pointed to a long siring of playa daring the hut few years with start In the leading rolea that proved utter failure*, which confirm* her view* regarding the "starring" system...
...j Eva Le Gajlienne and Jose Ruben will be two of her cast...
...Having framed oar first Duration, Mlaa Kite in** needed no further prompting...
...the elements of Viennese comedy are distinct and unmistakable...
...th* first of modern poeta compare* his love to a rote...
...Certainly a deslrI able aituatlon from th* actor'a point of H view, but whit will happen when the I play haa been taken off...
...ant) that ahe ^HjjBfp^^BR viewed th* matter entirely from the ! BjaateS-^Mlfa actor'* point of view...
...I ALBERT BLISS, who for several yeara has been technic director of the i Jessie llohstelle Players haa joined l b* faculty of th* School of th* Theitre •nd Threshold Play house...
...In addition to exposed female*, therefore, the atage supplies brilliance and dash...
...It may be pointed oat that ihe recipe above (lust • • angel rake and devil cake differ In the amount of floor) needs hut a alight alteration, ai m e n shifting from th* nobility to She wealthy, ana t h* product it th* equally f*mill*r brand of American farce...
...Her first play will be "LA VIERGE FOLLE," (The Foolish Virgin") by HENRY BATAILLE...
...The financial victim of thia same aoclal order ha* hia t a t t e of wealth...
...of "rosy stik led Aphrodite...
...Daring aa musical comedies may be In many respects, they are In othert extremely cautious...
...In one of Ihe earlieat fragment* of ancient (.reek, a poet before Sappho speak* of the "vlolet-aweet In east...
...the artl.t frequently must reaasin Comedy, In en forced Idleness...
...Eva Le Gallltnne, starring In "The Swan" indorsed hit sentiments...
...Her answers were, ready, direct, and very lUoainatlai After telling aa that being elevated to a more distinctive place la the cast of "The Sham* Woman," while it waa a source of great ley, it I we made her feel tha responsibility of her work *• U s e Barn* more kagtja>4> aad...
...The production has been made under ^PJPPRr*^V the direction of .Stark Young, who recently ^mmmWB^^^ 9 represented the Theatre Guild in a similar PJtsjt| . capacity in the production of "The Failures" al the (Jarrick Theatre Robert Edmond \mLwfLW0^L$' Jones designed the scenery...
...Simone in the complete repertoire scheduled...
...Speaking for those assembled...
...Th* Shame Woman" la an sTT Equity •teeaetlea, CARLO AND SANDERS, lyricist «*/» compose, of "Th* Chiffon Girl," h*v* Written the *cor* of « new oper*"* which will be produced thi* «••*•*• It I* call.-d "Moon-KUt...
...SIMONE, the celebrated French artiste will give six matinees in French at the GAIETY Theatre, starting FRIDAY, March j 21, under the direction of George C. Tyler and Hugh Ford, through special arrangement with Edgar MacGregor...
...Th* laad of Wine, Woman, aad SOWS, I* ef coarse it* universal setting, whatever th* mere earthly location may t e e SB to he...
...It rs a tense drama of modern mai • p\ IHJ riage...
...HI* company I* called > Iaqnlth Brook* Productions, Inc...
...Th* revue tours the principal cities of the country n to Mlaa Delytda's return to London in the fall to appear in Ihe B*w revue "By...
...W* had teen the play from the front, and did not realli* that thia sterling 'artist, who live* the impressive performance, a* the yonng and life-eager Lite Bnrna and alto at the dti*IHa*l*ned prematurely aged woman, apendt exactly, two hoart and ten minutes continual acting oa the stage at every performance...
...George Tyler volunteered to relieve her of (II butlnesi worries while Hugh Ford offered tp ((slat In the ataglng...
...Juit *a Diane, th* girl from the lower classes who with equally raah dreamt bad become the mistress of The Duke, dared not leave her life of wealth and ease for toll with Peter, whom la that one night •he had come to love...
...Some of oar leading men and women of the profession have been Idle during the last several aeasona because Of lack of a "proper vehicle.' Mlaa Rittenhoute firmly believe* "that an artist renders the greatest measure of son ice to art ind the public by remaining In harness...
...RICHARD HERNDON has put "PEG0' MY DREAMS," the musical version of "Peg O* My H**rt," Into rehearsal i t the Belmont Theatre...
...All that tickle*, cajolea or flatten the masterwill that lurka in us slave men, it apread before u» In t h e amusing museum of muaical comedy...
...Mi O'Neill has twice won the Pulitzei PM flH prise for the belt American play with his jl p\ I f "Beyond the Horizon" and "Anna Christie...
...THE INDEPENDENT1 THEATRE, producer* of "Th* Shame Woman," announc* that they .And themselves la accord with the a l t i t u d e taken by the Shuheri's with regard to the Eqally all list Ion...
...comedy can be traced to t h* French "vaudeville" of a hundred yean ago— a brief play with songs interrupting the dialogue...
...Peter, a poor law clerk, dare* to fancy the life of the nobility, and when a amall legacy come* (o him, ventures forth to experience that life for a day, then— rather than return to hla humdrum drudgery—to die...
...DRAMATISTS PLAN TWO PRODUCTIONS The *ix American playwright* who compote the Dramatists' Theatre, Inc., —James Forbes, Cosmo Hamilton, William Anthony McGalre, Owen Davit, Arthur Rlchman and Edward Child* Carpenter, are announcing the production of two play...
...H HMffl H elded ' is Eugene O'Neill's last word in pV^r^H realism...
...color In rhythmic combinations, dance* that are stunts, waving lines of leg*, allure or affront the eye...
...The Chiffon Girl" auccetafolly lengthens It Into three minute- of stretched humor Muticil comedy is sale, though seldom •an...
...with » e a t t or aixty...
...To I Mis OV ISM" enter* upon II* last week ai Ik* Winter Garden...
...Mil* Rittenhoute doe* not want to be understood as holding a brief for the box-offlce...
...heap ap the ftcakueta and originality of her part it the first to reeaest a rehe*r**l to aa to avoid any possible laxity In t h e playing...

Vol. 1 • March 1924 • No. 9

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