G., B. C.

Science as God A Review by B. C. G. SCIENCE REMAKING THE WORLD. Edited by Otis W. Caldwell, Director of Lincoln School of Teacher* College, and o Edwin E. Sloeaon. Editor of Science Service....

...Alfred A. Knopf publishes "The Diaries and Latter* of Otto Braon edited by Ju\ie Volgelsteln, with •» introduction by Havelock Elll...
...These pictures were afterward exhibited in the United States...
...Give them Love......divorce, scandals...
...There are, of course, many people who are not aware that the world is undergoing change...
...and Bill's stone blind...
...Buckland is brought to trial as a result of these charges and is found guilty...
...Longman's Green & Company have juat published "The Freedom of the Seas in History, Law and Politics," by Pitman B. Potter, associate professor of political science at the University ?f Wisconsin...
...So, too, American literature since 1851 (Moby Dick) is post-mortem...
...His recipe for running a successful paper is very simple...
...Among Julian's acquaintances in London is a writer of radical tendenciea, Henry Caf-fyn, who writes a series of article* exposing the editor of The Week...
...We have found a way of making use of specialists...
...Now, after nearly a year spent in civilization, I can begin to live onco more...
...These needs acience can supply not by inventing new machinery for killing our enemies with greater despatch, or newer and faster means of communication and transportation, or new and more powerful engines for tunneling the mountains or sounding the depths of the sea These needs science can supply only by becoming a part of our daiiy mode of thinking...
...W. K. 'Clifford...
...Caldwell points out, increase In knowledge means increase In power, and most of us may not yet be worthy of using power safely, not to say wisely...
...New York: Charles Scribner'* Sons...
...The following excsrpts are interesting: The founder of the German So-cial-Democratio movement, Ferdinand Lassaile, is a significant figure in v/orld history...
...He does not regret his banishment and when it is time for him to die he is ready becaune his life has been so full...
...We cannot help feeling a thoroughly cordial human interest for this correspondence, even' though we may not share Lassalle's Socialistic ideals, nor cherish any especial liking for his many-colored character...
...The author shows how human nature can be changed and how a world of human being* can be developed which is opposed to war, strife, greed and avarice...
...Our Daily Bread and Vitamins...
...Gabriete Reuter writes from Berlin to the Times Book Review of these letters...
...It were well for people to ask questions not merely about the sea-ions and sickness, but about government and war, about gasolene and aniline dyes, about unemployment and the cost of living, about taxes and profits...
...Gaer(« A. Doras...
...The common man, that is to, say, tha persAwhn is not particularly informed Tr skillful in any special field, rather accepts railroads and radio, electric lights and motion pictures, canned food and gasolene buggies, just as he accepts the seasons and sickness and sunshine and suffering, and aslu no questions...
...Her own world had cast her out...
...And he is quite right...
...The Extraneous Adventures of a Whaler," by the late Charles Boardman Hawes, gives a glimpse of John Boyle O'Reilly, the Irish patriot, when, as a young convict, he escaped from "the English penal colony where he had been sent...
...The book la worth the reading...
...We can get from science certain attitudes toward investigation into the unknown without all of us being scientists...
...Cornelis's opinions may not amount to much, but the readers of the Atlantic like them...
...His wife, Osa, has been with him on all of his trips for the last fifteen years—and she likes the adventures...
...We can get from science an acceptance of the fact that we are different—no two of us alike in ability, in needs, in religion, in political views, in tastes—without considering difference a justification for hatred, or for exploitation, or for whatever else we generally make out of our differences...
...He was cook, photographer and sailor, besides being a good companion...
...It is cleared up rapidly by Audrey's complete insouciance when she is confronted by the details of her wickedness...
...They also discover that their attraction for each other is more than jfters friendship...
...We ean get from science s realization of the fact that things are changing, and an appreciation, of the need for making adjustments accordingly...
...Eve's Lover," "Heart of the Wood," "Thief and Joyce," are especially good...
...It is now Julian's turn to buckle under and bear the burden of family support...
...New York...
...At the end Julian and Audrey come to the conclusion that after all this much-msligned younger gens-ration that can so successfully bliad itself to the ugly facts of life, cat face the music whe^necessary...
...By Martin Johnson...
...It is entitled "The Bride of God...
...The specialist may be merely a person who is inordinately fond of his hobby and manages to induce the rest of us to supply him a living of sorts while he pursues his flights of fancy astride his Pegasus, or Rosinate, or whatever he calls it...
...Bruce Bliven writes of the "Frightened Farmer" and predicts that the farmer will drop radicalism like a hot potato when he gets what he wants and affirma that the farmer is a blood relation of the conservative Main Streeter...
...International Public Health...
...This means the collapse of the Perryam riches...
...In every worker's home, in every proletarian hall, his picture hangs today beside that of Marx, his antithesis...
...Professor George H. Green, author of "Psychanalysis in the Classroom...
...Lassalle's Love Letters The correspondence of Ferdinand Lassaile with Countess Sophie von Hatzfeld is being brought out by a Berlin publisher...
...His many posthumous works are being magnificently edited by Gustav Mayer...
...A series of short stories that have appeared from time to time in Scribner'* Magazine...
...This is not to say that we should train every person to be a scientist...
...Martin Johnson first1came into notice through his being an assistant to Jack London when that novelist took his celebrated voyags in "The .Snark" to the South Seas...
...There is a powerful story by L. Adams Beck dealing with India of many years1 ago...
...Johnson was an all round handy man from Kansas...
...He wanders about the woods making friends with the flowers, the birds, snd the four-footed'animals, talking and philosophising with them and bringing happiness to those that are troubled...
...This presentation bids pause those of us who have dared believe we were truly American -in wishing to see such things as the Klan impossible in these United States...
...and some with the larger implications of practical problems (Our Fight Against Insects...
...In this one woman the impassioned youth saw the symbol of all who are oppressed...
...William J. Robinson's new magazine is an interesting and suggestive addition to our increasing group of periodicals for "people who think"—with paragraphs and editorials by Dr...
...He dabbles desultorily with poetry an.d play-writing...
...The author calls his subject one of the two or three most vital and profound questions of international, political and legal principle, being rivaled in interest and importance only by the question of the balanee of power, with one aspect of which it Is closely related...
...We can carry on because there are so many different specialties...
...Ita divisions—Poems: Prose: Wandering: Philosophy and Criticism— show that various types of his work are successiv/ly presented...
...All intercepted Bolshevik correspondence he read...
...His ability lies in the direction of literature...
...Perhaps a careful perusal of the penetrating "Conduct as a Science," by Professor Harry Elmer Barnes, will enable the anxious reader to discover a proper course in this complex world...
...Criticism of the Klan involves criticism of those ideals...
...The Magazines ATLANTIC MONTHLY The May issue of the Atlantic Monthly opens with another one of Cdrnelia's observations under the title, "Cornelia and Her Convictions...
...After his early death German Labor turned toward Marxian internationalism instead of his patriotically tinged communism...
...He has taken part in a midnight escapade which included pulling a chandelier out by the roots from its rightful anchorage...
...The Klan is a true hundred-percent American organization, deriving its principles, its methods, its spirit, from the Fathers...
...Johnson concludes as follows: "Ai I realize that I am at last off fof the wild^-ness, I feel like a msn recovering from a long illness...
...On arriving at the inn Audrey runs into some highly proper ladies who are neighbors of hers at home...
...There are a number of simple poems, more than adequately rendered in English by Arthur Guitermiin...
...This is a story for nature lovers and children...
...Martin Johnson, after London abandoned his trip, remained in the South Ses Islands and took moving pictures of the natives...
...The sprite has mingied freely with the wood-creatures, it has danced in the wind, it has felt the warmth of the glorious sunshine, and it has heard beautiful tales of the happenings on this earth of mortals...
...the correspondence with Countess* Hatzfeld, which has just been published, forms the fourth volume...
...Seligman feels that Lawrence's journey 1« a teat of society, that his poems and articles on America are a "challenge and an evocation...
...Science as God A Review by B. C. G. SCIENCE REMAKING THE WORLD...
...U, ...• D. Appelton...
...I forgot the book...
...The Modern Potato Problem...
...The relation of aeientiflc knowledge and of the acientht's specialism to the rest of us ia apparently a serious concern of the editors...
...And the Bishop said: "The ways of God are strange...
...Now I'm showing them the hostility that lurks in the American mind against Great Britain...
...Camera Trails in Africa" is a record of a recent trip there...
...Now York: The Century Co...
...It i* only when he becomet ia...
...Six months is about all he can endure... Philip Gibk...
...These essays are of just the kind that the layman needs as a guide to what science is doing, and that the scientist needs to tell him what other specialists are doing and thinking...
...only with him, the despised Red, the Jew, did she find protection, aid, elevation and a profound, knightly, reverential affection...
...These articles and a number of others of equal merit combine to make the May issue of tht Atlantic one of decided interest...
...announce "You Can Change (Though You Wont)" by Chas...
...Juiian, on the other hand, comes home to luxury...
...the humans who dwell out in the great world...
...Lassaile succeeded, furthermore, in freeing the Countess from the spiritually narrow point of view of her class, in making of her a perfect disciple and a spiritual companion on the daring and hazardous paths of his ideas...
...Feed 'em the elemental emotions," he says...
...In thi* we largely agree with him...
...he Will not ha* ft that tha sun is a, ball of'gas...
...their comrades' blood has bought New right to breed an honored race...
...We ean apply thla product of scientific thinking to our institutions, to our conventions, toi our formulas...
...During the war I kept the home fires burning with hatred against the Hun...
...New Ye>rk: E. v P. Dutton & Co...
...Un-fcrtuntely, there are so msny superlatives as to awaken a smile, on a subject that is deserving of more serious consideration—Lawrence is an important figure, despite his admirers...
...He hears of the love of man for woman, of a mother's love for her child, and it is the linden who tells him the story of Christ who loved all humanity...
...NOT THE SANiE BY SIEGFRIED BASSOON The Bishop tells us: "When the boys come back They will not be the same...
...Wandering" might have been more aptly named "Search,** for in the books digcussed In section we find Lawrence seeking through Europe (Aaron's Rod) and Australia (Kangaroo^ for an environment with which he will be in accord...
...This glorification of Lawrence, his implicit identification with "the Saviour," betrays more of Selig-man than it portrays of Lawrence...
...Seltser: 1924 $75 In this volume the work of Lawrence is effusively praised, and catalogued rather than analyzed...'ll not find A chap who's served that hasn't found some change...
...Electrons and How We Use Thein...
...They challenged Death...
...As poets—not mobs—make civilization, Mr...
...Ben Ray Redman, critic, essayist, and translator of Jean Giraud«u^» "Suzanne of the Pacific," has become associated with the editorial department of G. P. Putnam's Sons...
...For aa Dr...
...1 HUMANITY The April issue of Dr...
...His father wants him to become a journalist, but he despises his father for stultifying himself from an editorial chair for a large salary...
...Well written, but slightly old fashioned, they are extremely entertaining...
...This necessitated giving up his country "living" and settling in a London slum until work ofnsome kind can be found for him...
...The book is filled with quotations from notes, speeches and articles by Soviet leader*, and the official Bolshevik press...
...It is about a flower sprite who has been baiijifted from the kingdom of sprites because he has dared to look at the sunshine...
...In spite of the revolutionary movements of his tjme, it was by far not sufficiently mature for his ideals...
...jib' * ^ Untrammeled Youth A Review by MARGARET B. FEIGENBAUM HEIRS APPARENT...
...New York: Doubled*;, Page & Co...
...And in the verbs of the last sentence lies the difference between the author whose Insight startles us (the Thackeray, the Lawrence) and the author who is forgotten as we live with his characters (the Fielding, the Joyce...
...New York: Thomas Seltzer...
...There are several references to further reading after each essay, and a useful index...
...Ferdinand I.aRsalle met Countess Hatzfeld, who was to become his life's companion in the highest sense, when she was 41 and he an unusually mature Jewish student of 21...
...That is to say, we should all be better off if the habit of asking questions were cultivated as part of our attitude toward life, instead of taking for granted everything as we find it...
...It is illustrated with a wealth of wonderful photographs of wild animals and African scenery...
...To him, if there was ever a place called God's country Africa is that spot...
...J" The book is delightful reading and adds another success to ths lengthening list of achievements of this great journalist and novelist...
...From "A Cook's Point of View," by Anna Alderton, is worth reading as it gives an entirely new light on kitchen work in the places of the mighty as well as in the big hotels and restaurants...
...By the combination of all these contradictory qualities nature made of him the prototype of a dictator rather.than a leader of the proletariat...
...Yet Studies in American Literature "alone, is a foundation for a new American critical literature," Through D. H. Lawrence we shall'rise again...
...But now ?hat the world has discovered aclence, what are wa going to do Krith it, or about It...
...Furthermore, that the nature of the Klan's activity in attaining its ends has always been the method approved by the leaders in American Government and by the great patriots...
...they lead the last attack On Antichrist...
...Not that all questions would find their answer...
...Most people did pot discover aclence before the war...
...One analytical observation Mr...
...volved in a hopeleu love tangle aad wishes to forget that he allows himself to be taken on as a reporter...
...With an understanding born largely of his own experience, the author is able to portray the hidden psychological depths of character, in its efforts to adjust itself to the chaos we call civilization...
...Camera Trails" is one of the best recent books on Africa, and>it is well worth the reading...
...The book is both informing and Inspiring...
...Deadly snakes, cobras, adders, the dreaded Mambas—are not, to his mind, half as destructive as civilization...
...When I can't get a good divorce case I send out young men to discover private scandals......Then there's Hate—I encourage Patriotism by making them hate the enemies of their country...
...but some of them know stories of the lives of...
...It giveR us an odd sensation to read such a collection of letters that were never written or planned for publication—to see suddenly appearing before us, in the brightly vivid colors of life, people who died half a century ago—to watch the depths of their "being, unveiled only now—to penetrate into the proud, reserved hearts that, during their public careers, they sought to hide...
...and it should be a aerioua concern of the scientists as well aa of the rest of us as well...
...The author of thi* book served with the Military Intelligence Department of the General Staff, U. S. A., during the war, and later on was an attach* of the London Embassy reporting to the Peace Conference in 1019...
...furthermore, memories of other studies of living writers should make us tolerant of adulation...
...tThe wood-folk tell him their tales, mostly about their fellow creatures in the forest...
...One feels that they will make good in their particular share of the battle of life and hopes that the marriage they are putting off for some, future date will not b« too long deferred...
...Particularly interesting is this historical survey of Llewellyn Hugher, "In Defence of the Ku Klux Klan...
...Wallace Smith, who did the illustration for Ben Hecht's "Fantasius Mallare," ia the author of a book called "On the Trail in Yellowstone," for which he himself has made the decorations...
...We can get from science a realization of the mutual interdependence that js implied in our differences and in our specialisations—interdependence of specialists, interdependence of population classes, interdependence of peoples...
...Some questions, as we have learned, are indeed with--out answer, at least in the form in .which they are frequently put We need from science, aside from the many remarkable and useful applications to our material comforts, our health end our recreation, a certain tolerance, a certain freedom from mutual auapicion and hostility, a certain liberation from fear and superstition...
...Putnam will «oon publish "Th* World of Today, th* Marvels of Nature and th* Creation* of Man, edited by Sir Harry Johnston...
...and while it is not quite dilute enough for "everybody" to read, it would be well if everybody who can did read it...
...The Meaning of Evolution...
...A pretty tale, told lightly enough for children and yet very much a book for grown-ups in its moral and philosophical implications...
...Where people ask no questions, whether because questioning is discouraged and discredited, or because they see no questions to ask, ignorance arfd ¦t stagnation and superstition prevail...
...On Lawrence D H. LAWRENCE...
...Johnson is now in Africa—will be there for five more years or mors making pictures for the Natural History Museum...
...Captain Arthur Mason, who is becoming famous for his sea stories, gives an excellent bit called "The Fog...
...At the end of Kangaroo, you remember, the hero (and the author) left for America...
...His friend, Audrey Nye, has been expelled from her school for having been in the same riotous revel...
...The book contains some fifteen essays by specialists, some dealing with comparatively recent discoveries or applications of science* (Oasolene as a World Power...
...for him the fight for her freedom became the revolution against the tremendous power of feudalism, and even against the Throne...
...The United States has gone to war four times with the object of establishing on firmer foundations the freedom of the sea, yet the subject has nqt until now been treated in the light of all these great conflicts...
...Poor Jim's shot through the lungs and like to die...
...and an authority on tha new psychology, has written a new book dealing In a popular way with the workings of the mind...
...It represents the only great coherent effort now being made to achieve the ideals of American history...
...Thii is no plea for a transfer of Mirship from the many gods of old Wa new deity...
...It is illustrsted with eight new maps, and aa a whole ia a valuable addition to the vast amount of literature on Soviet Russia...
...for they have fought In a just cause...
...and we carry on onjy as the different specialties somehow dovetail into each other (to change the figure) into a pattern that approximates human life ^fj^sejy enough to be liveable...
...A significant figure in the book is Victor Buckland, the deposed editor of The Week...
...and there must be many others who, while recognizing that things do move, sre unaware that Science has anything to do with the transformation...
...And Bert's gone syphilitic...
...Notes on Books and Authors Messrs...
...H* shows that while Buckland, the editor, was posing as a patriot and philantropist, he was defrauding a gullible public bylheans of money prizes and methods "that have beea fraudulent in effect... is merely a collection of snapshots showing that the world in which we live is by no means a finished entity, but something in process of making, and that Science is responsible, at least in considerable measure, for this continuous remaking...
...The professor's analysis would do any Klansman credit...
...and dared him face to face...
...His peculiar logic permits him to spend money so earned but he can not bring himself to accept the posi tion that is offered him on the mm p»per...
...There is one ghost story, entitled "Lost," which, according to the late William James, was one of the best ghost stories he h*d ever read...
...From what we know of science and of persons, that were an impossible task...
...The flower sprite learns that amenpr human beings there is an emotion knewn as love...
...By Alfred L. P. Dennia, Professor of History of I Clark University...
...Gifted with genius, profoundly cultured, a philosopher admired by scientific authorities, a fascinating orator, and n fanatic agitator, he was yet a lover of the good things of life, extravagant, aristocratic in his bearing, with an untemably domineering spirit and an equally untamable will power...
...A^thrilling drama in itself is the history of these suits, interrupted by months of prison sentences...
...He says he can not stand our so-called "civilization...
...Audrey's real problem is settling down to support ber whole family, her father, a clergyman, having become convinced that his lifelong devotion to the faifh of his fathers had been, a mistake and that the Roman Catholic religion is the only true one...
...Professor Green's new book deals in a clear and popular fashion with tha workings of tha mind and should hold an interest not only for students but for laymen as well...
...They start home together cheerfully disregarding the fact that it will be necessary lot them tq put up at an inn overnight...
...George H. Green, B.Sc., who wrote "Pychoanalysii in the Class Room," is the author of "The Mind In Action" which the Putnams are Issuing immediately...
...They immediately and inevitably misinterpret the situation and spare no time in bringing the sad tale home to Audrey's parents...
...some dealing with broader educational or philosophical aspects of science (Botanical Gardens...
...It is to b* published shortly by Putnams...
...Chemistry and Economy of Food...
...It is called "The Mind in Action," and is published by Putnams...
...In the meantime Audrey, whose blitheness in stepping over disagreeable situations was a by-word among her friends, is the only one who can possibly tide the family over its misfortune...
...He pointa out, among other matters, that the French fondness for Russia was long due to the fact that most of the French editors and many of the politicians were on the payroll of the Czar as recently revealed documents have proven...
...Now, if we all had the same specialty, the game wouldn't go...
...Otta Braun wa* the »on of the well known Socialist and Feminist Lily Br*uu...
...and not a desirable one...
...For George lost both his legs...
...There is room for a new survey like this every year...
...all these are directly traceable to the patriotic Fathers of our country, and are carried throughout the lives of its leaders since...
...the war put science where it could not b« overlooked even by the statesmen, who are of all people most akillful in ignoring the fact that the World does move,—more skillful •van than the churchmen...
...By Herbert J. Saligman New York...
...By Mrs...
...It is by Stuart P. Sherman, professor of English at the University of Illinois...
...We're none of us the fame," the boys reply...
...The story does not devolve around this situation...
...The paper he serves, The Week (Horatio Bottomley's John Bull in thin disguise), has a tremsnaous circulation and ita owner is a men of great power feared by hit employes and lauded by all who read his editorial page...
...The only science Lawrence recognizes is life itself...
...Robinson, who is capable of a hearty indignation...
...2 00 This is a Ule of th* "New Youth" untrammeled, carefree, irresponsible, yet with a strong code of honor, that arts as a sheet anchor in time of need Julian Perryam decides to "send himself dowii" from Oxford to save the authorities the trouble of doing it themselves...
...Seligman emphasizes: that Lawrence's bookn "embody the pilgrimage of a human soul in the modern world...
...The present volume is made up of material used in a series of addresses given by various specialists at Columbik University two years •go, somewhat edited to flt the general plan of the work, and supplemented with numerous illustrations end a large folded chart containing a vast amount of information on the history of science and invention through four thousand years, in a very compact form...
...It is important, however, that ordinary folks, all folks, should ask questions, because only so can they both make the best use of what science has already achieved, and encourage the further growth of science...
...In whatever mode the scientific knowledge of the time permits, physically, psychologically, psychoanalytically—the former portrays his characters, the latter allows his characters to betray themA Nature Tale HEAVEN FOLK, bjF Waldemar Bonsels (Author of "Maya, the Bee"), translated from the German by Adele Szold Seltzer...
...He shows how the aims of the Klan: (1) Assimilation of immigrants, (2) maintenance of white supremacy, (3) condemnation of all radical (non-conformist) activity, political, economic, or social, (4) eradication of prostitution...
...For one thing we can learn from science ia the inner meaning and remote implications of division of labor...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 18

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