Kirkpatrick, George R.

FALLIN OR FALLOUT By George R. Kirkpatrick WE WtTf right W« «r» tekntiftciliy correct And we a r e right MOW. Ia oar analysis of eapitaliat saf e t y , *v*n in anticipating tha...

...Evan so, this much Is rather in the category of past sctivitl«s> It Is hardly a hint of what tha old parties m i ) ' be expected to do, should they be returned t o power next November, and not a scintilla of which Intentions will creep Into their platform...
...All tbit had to b* done...
...1„ th* days alter the Civil War, rtp tha auaatiaa of resuming specie yfyaacet was to* theme of seemingly audi*** controversy, Horace GreeKy said a wiH word—"The way to fwuni* is to resume...
...Many of its moit prominent leader* including the late Prime Minister, " B i l l y " Hughes, were expelled (rem th* Labor party for their advocac* of Conaerlption...
...Collecting the Rent At the end of the year when the landlord came from the city to collect the rent he marveled greatly over the improvements and he slapped the yeung man on the back and wrung his horny hands and said he was the best tenant he ever had, snd if sll tensnts were like him it would be a pleasure to be a landlord...
...Just than a big touring car came rushing down and if the farmer had not quickly grabbed the fairy and pulled her in the ditch ah* would have been k i l l e d . ' When the fairy had recovered from her scare she said to the farmers "You have saved my life, therefore make one wish and it shall be granted...
...For sitting in a* a member of the cabinet, he wa* surely not to •rmple-minded a* to fail to *•* t h* dirty work hi* confreres put over...
...Th*y have made large investment* In candidates for officer judges far lifs and public service commissions for th* corporations...
...Nationalist Prims...
...The working class of tha civilised world now begins to understand the outlines of the workers' past, the fundamentals of the worker*' present problems and and t a s k s , and begins to Intelligently read the warnings and guide-posts for t h e workers' safe, sound and swift development and self-protection for t h e t h r i l l i ng years looming vast and deep with meaning, with freedom with inspiring increase of justice—right ahead of us...
...The working class of America— now about to enter the political arena a* a class I That's new—new, dangerous and disastrous for the capitalist class...
...For the best solution we offer a silver platod bale.of hay with lace trimmings *s first prize...
...To welt until th* *t*nch wa* such i s to compel him to drive hii friends out of office cannot curry favor with any one...
...Coolidge ipe*k ingT Hadly a* th* vice-president who was...
...Those of u* who d o not with to tee our whole civilization go down in red ruin have a great and difficult duty to perform—to guard the door of our minds against patriotism...
...With this philosophy We can and w e do explain Social D« velopasent, We *re not surprised and we ar* not now surprised—because, using a sound philosophy, w* could foresee end ws now foresee...
...Coolidge speaks it Is hard to tell whether It ia as the recent vice president, the acting president or the would-be president...
...In February the Labor party won a t a by-election a ssat which has hitherto been consistently anti-Labor, largely owing to the growing split between ths Country psrty and t he so-called Liberals or Nationalists...
...Where they today make thalr millions, they count on reaping billions...
...If the existing system of production for profit were superseded, at least as regard* fundamental raw materials, by a system of production for use, there would no longer be so much money spent on bribing newspapers, schoolmasters, professors and parsons to extol bloodshed under the name of patriotism...
...The diipoaition to form herd* it...
...FRANKNESS IN POLITICS By J n i | i E. Cohea Wilting hie portion of political revelation...
...The "rata," w the...
...No longer are the w o r k e r s lightless, sightltse, guideless, leaderless in t h e dismal swamp of ignorance...
...P. S.: My second article was »sd« slmost unintelligible by typographical errors...
...The soil had not been manured for many y e a n * The house looked as woe-begotten as a discarded umbrella in a n ash can...
...Mistake* are not fatal...
...FOR YOUR SCRAP BOOK Under this heading, Ths New Leader will reprint excerpts from hooks, ancient or modern, that our readers should he glad to htsp' for future reference...
...When Mr...
...The situation is most extra* ordinary...
...They already hav* a strangl«hold on Mexico, Cantral and South America...
...and hence now: / A new era dawns...
...The recent elections in South end West Australia have both resulted In Labor victories- In Tasmania, Labor hat been in power since the beginning of the year, while the Queensland Labor Government Is now in its tenth year of office...
...Thus the good man got nothing from the golden blessing but the bumps, and bruises inflicted by the falling nuggets...
...Tha farmer is now again in revol against the interests sad, as th* Labor party, at any rate in th< States, it now awake to th* n*ce* l i ty of drastic land legislation, is likely to resume his support of L« bor..« Tha land policy of Labor ia baiec first on the effective orginlsation of the primary producer for th* p ur pose of makcting his produce with out the intervention of the middleman, and secondly, oi) progreiilvr and value taxation with th* object of expropriating th* big landowners...
...It might come to be understood that patriotism is the blackest crime of which a man in our age can be guilty...
...But w» hsd got out of the habit of teachI g * • A B C 'of Socialism, It la high time for us to take up this •very-day elementary work, and do it whs double, energy, to make dp for HA time...
...THE situation amounts to a crisis...
...ROAD BLAMED FOR WRECK Washington.—In a sizzling report U tin Interstate Commerce Commission, W. P. Borland, Director of the Commission's Bureau of Safety, Warned t h* Union Trection Company of Indians for a wreck on its line, near Ingalli, Indiana, last February, resulting In the'death of 18 pas•engers and the injury of M other...
...LABOR SWEEPING ALL AUSTRALIA Melbourne.—Four out of the six Australian S U t s s are now governed by Labor...
...It is kindness indeed for the aenator to confess to completely...
...An organisecannot grow except when it is anting...
...If They Were Fraak Just imtgins how the platforms of tha Republicans and Democrats would read if they said what they -tally rottndpd to d e f hnaVsWlfc* mas who waa expected to be »** retary of th« nary writing tha plan* ta tha effect that tha %u\A0fm reserve waa t o ha s o i l ta n \ , § m scrupulous fnend...
...THE trouble springs from the interlocking of two evil...
...Now, therefore, a t last, the • working class begins t o guide itself and protect itself—not in confusing anger and blinding rage, but by t he s t a r of reason, fact, knowledge...
...Hence he ranted a farm from a city man who owned many farm* but who wouldn't farm on a bet...
...Unfortunately, the national herd* are utilized by ruthless and blood-thirsty business interest* in their contests| this is praised under the name of competition...
...For this creed it is worth while to suffer, and indeed those who have it must suffer, for persecution is as bitter as in the daya of the Spanish inquisition...
...I have slaved diligently all my life to increase the fruit of my toil and thejittebme from my labor...
...And only extraordinary diligence, courage and tact, extraordinary clearness of vision, clearness of purpose, and clearness and cleanness of methods—will save the workers' new inspiring effort from disaster—utter disaster—in this country...
...And now, in this thrilling present, in this dawn of tha new Era, what than we, tha Socialists, dot Sit down and rock ourselves to sleep in dull and dangsrout pride and vanity?—chloroform ourselves with flattering self-compliment...
...Tha* is why they have never put into t l e lr platforms what they\ e n e e t to do...
...The block system ws» not in operation...
...J No longer are the w n r k e r i helpless in hopeless ignorance...
...This I* their actual plan of Iniquity...
...But irf the very suffering there ie happiness and a promise of better thing* in the lima to come...
...They are about to indenture Germany sfor a long apprenticeship of servitude...
...k Thsnks to these efforts he trebled theWncome from the place in the course of time, but as the landlord trebled the rent also the result was not so you could notice it as far s s the not income of tha, good tenant was concerned and he gradually resigned himself to the fate of remaining a tenant for the balance of his life...
...but an uncUsrtaadiag that something fundamental Is wrong, wrong with the dominant purpose of the present order—an understending of what is wrong and what fundamental means and fundamental methods and fundamentally sound leadership are necessanj* in this crisis in American politics...
...In that case public opinion might be changed by the operation of reason...
...x Landlord's Joy When the landlord came again and he beheld the bumper crop raised by his tenant his eyes filled with tears of Joy and he was so overcome with emotion and gratitude "that he boosted the rent another 10 per cent...
...They hav* mortgaged France...
...So, if Mr...
...No longer ar« tne w o r k e r s tongueless, in voiceless despair...
...Every Socialist on guard!—busy snd glsd that th* working class begins to move and that our work, our Party, our guiding philosophy are pricelessly necessary— now...
...The (Socialists...
...THAT — precUely that — would keenly please every dollar- lusting looter on earth...
...You see, comrade, w* have a philosophy, • really sound aocial philosophy...
...And when the crops wer*-**harvest*d it was even as he had expected for where one blsde...
...So all that winter, while his neighbors were hibernating, he hauled loads and loads of manure from tha nearby town...
...H* csn brag that he intend* t o loot the federal fund* as they have oarer been looted before...
...We msy apply that saying to our own problem tt rebuilding the Party...
...The outhouses leaned away from the wind and the barn was so full of chinks, cracks and yawning openings where clapboards s n d Shingles used to be thst the animals begged, to be left on the outside for the sake of keeping warm...
...Sine* 1923 the exceptional condttioaa which had diverted our energies have largely passed away...
...But unfortunately, whij* doing the** things, we gave but very little attention to expounding th* basic ideas of Socialism...
...For just a* the Increase of the cow belongs to him who owns the cow and not hTmwhb feeds the cow so the increase In the productvity of land belongs to him who owns the land...
...That is why they have always done entirely different from what they professed when they mad* their appeals for th* suffrage of the eltisent...
...The accident waft a head-on collision between two tnterurban esrs on s single track...
...Even in Victoria, which has never had a Labor Government, except (or a few days, and probably never will have until there is a redisricting, there are signs of a change...
...Imagine tha a*> pirant for th* **cr*tary*hip of fl» interior telling that h* planned to squander th* public deeialn t a a n moat aetfish privat* Interest...
...Farmer Bumped and Bruited And it happened *ven so...
...Readers are invited to ofer selections for considtraUon...
...If Old Peril...
...WW funds, all experience tesches list th* Psrty can always get the Mtdful money if i t deserves to, snd eildom otherwise...
...Pepper is Mr...
...Intelligent readers will readily admit th* validity of hit accusations againtt th* two old partial...
...Thus it went on from year to year...
...It i* net so with whst we call party machinery...
...THE TENETS OF TENANTRY By ADAM COALDICGER One* upon * time there wee a pdtor but honest young fanner who decided ta farm for a living...
...The same tendency is apparent In New South Wales, where a Nationalist Government has been in power f o r two years with the support of the Country party...
...S OCIALISTS, hi fact, stand before the world today jealously acknowledged to be t h a most studious and the best informed international group in all t h e hundreds of millions of t h e world's working class...
...Thi* k< part of the larger duty of pursuing truth...
...If we wish to in crease the Party's membership snd strengthen its finances, we must begU...
...Three-quarters of a hundred years ago the crowned and the gold* lined tyrants of all Europe instantly sensed the Socialists as th* enemy, armed then (*s armed now) with knowledge of the workers by the workers for the workers...
...He blurt* out a whole raft of charge* against th* old parti**, which th* Soclaliits mad* before we went to war, while we ware at war and since the glorious war was declared over...
...helping tenant farmers without disturbing tenantry are requested to mall their solution* to this paper...
...In Australia, of course, Labor Governments are no new thing, but during and since the war Labor, axcept in Queensland, has gone through * period of depression...
...Disaster is also inevitable—unices the new effort is steadily penetrated and pervaded with understanding-, understanding' wide and deep, not simply a mere child's understanding that "something is wrong...
...lna|fin* th* wonld-be attorney genera declaring that ha proposed Co us* the worst detective-crooks as spte* against h*n**t men, that h e wa* going to make what plunder he could out of letting his friend* break the law, that all manner of luetic* had a price and that he w** especially concerned in smashing th* constitutional rights and legal tafeguard* of organised labor...
...nationalism cannot survive without^ false beliefs...
...I mean, that we should view impartially any dispute between our own country and another, that we should teach ourselves not to believe our own country morally superior to others, and that even in time of war we should view the whole matter aa a neutral might view it...
...But the poor young farmer was thrifty and ambitious, so he set about with hammer, saw and paint brush until ths place knew hardly, itself any more...
...Apd now, at lastijat last, we, the Socialists, are also increasingly appreciated—by the workers of the whole world...
...Are R*tara«d Best of all i* th* opportunity Car the prospective »*cr*t*ry at th* treasury to admit that ha ha* b**a picked to save his multi-millionaire associates a* much of their unearned swag as possible...
...Being as thoroughly unpatriotic a* tha rest, he has no us* f or th* man who want to war to risk their live* that h* might pile up his enormous fortun...
...Where I wrote "patronising 'radical' •news," i t was printed "patroniting 'radical' success," which made no •MM...
...Are they other than *o many empty words...
...Tha rii* of th* Country parts wa* alio a serious blow to Labor which had hithirto had tha support of the "mail farmers or "cockles' owing to their violent dislike of t h* big landowner* or "squatters...
...Th* name of the author and the titl* of ths hook from which ths selection it taken mutt accompany each contribution...
...On the one hand, mankind have a proncness to groupfeeling, that ia, to the formation of rival hard*, each of which believe* that the destruction of the other would be to it* advantage...
...The sooner we do ttifc 0* sooner we shall begin to l*t new members and keep them...
...Seeing it, he Should have demurred right then and th*r...
...This is a charge mad* and stereotyped by th* Socialist Party...
...Will ha urge that they boait of what t h ty intend to do against tha p e i p l it For, as parties, t h * two old birds are in business for peep...
...Minister, has to far managed to hold his composite Government together...
...Th* farmer pondered long about what he should ask but finally he spok* up and said...
...Any time Senator Pepper want* to s t a r t something, let him offer to tell what his party and tit* Democratic party are bent upon doing to this nation if they can, without interference, get their finger* eh Its threat...
...But a t tha n e x t election, dus in 1026 — if not before—Labor, which is already th* itrongest single party in the House of Representatives, is pretty certain to regain power...
...AND the Socialists of the world have developed that knowledge, the Socialists have interpreted that knowledge, and the Socialists have spread that knowledge which is now urging apd guiding the workers of the world to vast new policies, new programs and n ew achievements in the present splendtd dawn of the new era for the worker*, t h* era of knowledge...
...by doing the kind of work tor which the Party exists—doing it as w*U s* our pr*»«nt force* permit, and thereby gaining power to do it *»«• better...
...However, he reckoned he could recuperate his loss by improving the productivity of the soil...
...To see is to foresee...
...Bat In what capacity is Mr...
...The farm procured by the good young man was badly run down...
...And, of course, the Democrats are equally modest about announcing that they have similar designs...
...Coolidge it talking as the prospective candidate of the Republican party, he mutt expect to be judged by hit record in the cabi n e t What he now say* h e may consider a* sag* to himself for entirely private use in th* hereafter...
...It waa to th* effect that kit party had bean guilty of some grave mistakes, that some of its leaders were tainted by oil and other contraband commodities, and that a good physic would not hurt th* old body at all...
...And they are eager to contest with England or Japan for world-scattered possessions...
...For well the masters know that with their vast numbers, welded together with consciousness of class, with freedom as their goal, guided, not by a fad, not by a fallacy, but by a sound philosophy—they, the workers, can 'sweep the Held and triumphantly demand Justice...
...General Manager Nkholl of the read was scored for his Inexcusable attitude, which was reflected by other officials and employes, said the report The commission's investigator declared that "if an adequate and properly maintained automatic train-con-, tml device had been installed and in operation upon this road, this accident would in all probability hsve keen prevented...
...of grass grew before there were two, and where two t a rs of grsin grew before there were four...
...Now?—when we are n*ed*d more, even more, than ever before...
...The first thing is to realise that KM task of organisation is not someBung apart from and independent of the task of propaganda...
...Austria is their chattel...
...rocking ehair for usf Now?—just now when Labor needs and seeks mare light...
...The eanator delivered th* "keynote" speech to the Maine Republicans...
...He also Joined cooperatives and marketing association* which enabled him to procure better prices for his product...
...The new effort is Inevitable...
...Industrial freedom for the goal and knowledge for the guide— these are the supreme contributions of the Socialists for the new era...
...Sleep now?—Just when th* great day opens for which w* have dreamed and toiled for long, long years...
...A man who murders one man with hit own hands is executed by the law, but a man who, by preaching patriotism, cause* million* to kill million* is universally respected and has statues put up to him when he dies...
...Will he go so far a* to iay, inasmuch as that is th* case, th* part i a l shall now turn about face and put into their platform* what they have don* against th* nation...
...were called, war* received by the op position with open arm* and helped to form the Nationalist Coalition which obtained majoritiee In th* Commonwealth and molt of thi State...
...in a loot* sense, instinctive, but their rivalry need not take the form of war, and ia capable of taking form* that are beneficient when a luperior authority make* war impossible...
...In the field •J mechanics, it i s true, w* first construct s machine and then set It to work...
...No one doubts It, who knows what is going on...
...They assume that th* openings for exploitation at home and abroad are to be multiplied manifold...
...It I* th* truth...
...But what about it...
...Pepper and Coolidge Going hand in hand with Mr...
...Thl* has been th* work of th* Socialist...
...P. S.—persons who know of any method ft...
...Now when Labor begins to get up off his knees and look boldly into his master's cruel eyes, not flinching, not afraid, not meekly, not even respectfully, but glaring Into those hate-filled eyes with infinitely more courage than at any other time since, seventy three years before Christ, the heroic Thracian slsvs, Spartacus, organised a mighty army of the proletariat and for two years defied and defeated the masters and defeated the armies of the vast Roman Empire...
...For if th* mssses do not understand our fundamental principles, they will hsrdly understand our application of those principles to current national and international issues...
...Aa it is laid in Scripture, "This ought y* to have don*, and net left the other undone...
...They expect the snowball of their wealth to become an avalanche...
...But all I succeeded In doing was raising my rent...
...f a r at least seven yesrs w* hsve greatly neglected our primary funci p e - t h a t of making direct and general Socialist propaganda...
...His good housewife also put flower pots In the windows, planted rose vines on the little porch snd spsded up s tulip bed In the front ysrd...
...We warl busy combatting militarism, defending civil and political liberties, interpreting th* war and the revolutionary events in Europe...
...FALLIN OR FALLOUT By George R. Kirkpatrick WE WtTf right W« «r» tekntiftciliy correct And we a r e right MOW...
...Aaaealag the World Particularly do they look forward to annexing th* rest of th* world to their domains...
...During a psrt of that time we were, indeed, int*n»*ly active...
...Therefore I pray you to let gold nuggets rain on my place that I may procure enough wealth to escape my landlord before my days are done...
...But while th* good tanant was still busy gathering the gold nuggets in the field the landjord came along and ordered him to haul them to the railroad...
...But alaa he had no farm to farm...
...And today by tyrants we are more hotly hated than ever before...
...Mueh of what we 4*1 was right and necessary...
...The young man kept on improving th* productivity of the soil through the knowledge gained from experience, th* study of scientific farming, animal husbandry, horticulture and a number of other well meaning but misguided sciences...
...What shall we do now...
...They have found knowledge...
...Therefor* every cunning ssduction, every artful confusion, every resource known to tyrants, scoundrels end prostitutes will be stealthily used to wreck th* rank* and plans of the workers' new army now about 40 march upon the political field of battle...
...Ia oar analysis of eapitaliat saf e t y , *v*n in anticipating tha graat capitali* World Wat—and in foreseeing tha death of faith and ta* rise *( deadening hatred* and the mountains of lie* that now weigh down the world wearing the proud nam* "diplomacy"—right in fere, teeing the present world-wide drift ef eapltanem staggering to it* col- , lapse and self-destruction—in all this we were right and we are right...
...This was not th* first time th* senator played doctor...
...If we can learn to serve truth, to be truthful in our thoughts, to avoid the flattering myths in which we like to disguise our passions, we shall have done what we can to save our world from disaster...
...Where I wrote "forwsrd awch," it was printed "forc*d g i r c h " Th* guilty composites snd Ms proof-reading accomplice will nave to do overtime in purgatory to W for this...
...It I* time a*j quit discussing whether It can I* rebuilt, when it should be rebuilt, why it needs rebuilding, and go to i work rebuilding i t We shalrfecsl Mara Just hew t o do ths job in the prtce** of doing i t No doubt we lhali make nustake...
...Empty Words What mora then of the utterances of Senator Pepper...
...Would hat that sound Invitingt Senator Pepper's mild confession will hardly inspire his Republican friends to b s quite so frank...
...The second prlre consists of a bathed wire sofa pillow ornamented with sand burrs...
...And when he got through complimenting him he raised his rent 80 per cent for business is business, snd everybody knows that a well improved place is worth more then s neglected o ne It pained the young man greatly to be punished for improving and beautifying the place...
...J u s fortunately the Labor party, ham pared by its predominantly Industrial connections, ha* somewh* neglected th* interests of thf farmer...
...But no one assumes either party will acknowledge It And no one expects Senator Pepper to draft It Into a platform for presentation to the Republican convention...
...Where I wrote "Nationalist-Socialist," there was jrtated "Nationalist-Pacifist," which i | a contradiction in terms...
...Inaction is...
...Cold to th* R*scu* m • One night when the poor but honest young farmer returned from the sick-bed of his seventh grandchild he s aw a fairy standing In t he middle of the road...
...In Ute Federal arena, S. M. Bruce, the present...
...Senator Pepper declare* that neither old party stand* for what it t a n or tayi for what it stand...
...Th* only man who make no mistakes are dead man...
...snd ignarsntly think: "Our work—it is finished...
...He will probably have l o t s of chances to continue so to play...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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