Gould, Gerald

"SAINT JOAN" AND BERNARD SHAW By GERALD GOULD , Mr. I t r u r l Shaw (trs* dramatic .hap, to m _ It* fr**l<*< of human theme* j aaaaa aiaia the moat search. _ ^ hajnt* o*eatlo*ja. The...

...Bat at aay rate haataalty earn be incited to try...
...James Parker Coombs, as Mephlato, impersonates the spirit of evil...
...A ll » art t»*an, aoTadaya, If wo Mil Uts*r lb* one or the o t h e r T tkin briaft out la tha af fcl* play, tfc* diOcaky la i*i bat only poatponod, by af It Into terrno of eaomera >afT...
...n-A it brought J*,* M l - e n t and death, )cat a* * • » vthtt bronrht her...
...Labor tin ions and f arm ers' organization*, if they ere worth while, are on the Job 886 day* • year...
...The prologue which precedes the un folding of the picture embodies the theme of the story...
...It doia not In tha Itaat atfect our Judgments or emttiens tbat a particular prophecy waa probably not uttered on a ptrtlealtr occasion, the point la that If ht had btea uttered it waald have expressed permanent truth...
...Then we get treachery tnd dlahoncr...
...distant horizon...
...It It doubtful whether humanity over will learn It...
...Tb- medieval mind belt kl *Wer«.vely dieting nt.'at* Hi aaaale •» the owe alia and dtvil* h Ha otaat... for their own purpose...
...Mr Btretrd Ph*w, of courae, though " aatthtlaked bla rep-jtatlon among -> ntklaktng at 1 acotTer, h* It in • 4 I deeply rd'.^teia man...
...and In It.i wtrthlp there it always the rettrvttlon that If they came t f i l n It would again destroy t linn...
...They can control their party and finance their party without leaving it to tha professional political politician...
...March 9 and 23 and April 6. 1923...
...It u n *ii leeeoa, Mi t profound OB...
...Bat with none of that are we wt the lament coat ceraed...
...nj prctumtbly In Ufa neither of Lkena wat to far-lighted...
...There will be alx Saturday night concerts at Carnegie Hill, beginning on November 8, ind t»r't>e Sunday afternoons in the ssme auditorium, beginning on November 16...
...Oeelp Gabrilowitach, Mem run i.etihard...
...Music Notes Mme...
...but, likt tht Republican party, in that act it would become a machlnt controlled by politicians and business men for their own endi...
...Which la to be repeated next year...
...It might win temporary victories...
...Five Sunday afternoon concert* will be given in the Metropolitan Opera House, the flrat being on November •• The series of ten concerts for atudents will begin on October1 2* at Carnegie Hall, and the Brooklyn concerts will take place aa uaual at the Academy of Mualc, beginning on November 2. FRIENDS OF MUSIC PLANS FOR NEXT SEASON For one of next season's concerts of the Society of the Friends of Musk, Alfredo Cssella haa reorcheatrated the miqor piano concerto of Chopin...
...Artur lioilan<k>, musical director of the Society, haa rescued i n old Schubert work, "Lebenaturme," from oblivion by orchestrating It and arranging it in suitable form for preient day audiences...
...but to treat t rtauntically doea not rr.ean u tke facta and reveal tha rotha heart of them...
...I *J BOt enough" even to at^ j _M Pttrlot'a atancllng among hit «"•*-* aenp!*, Tha Engllah burnt «T " M ret fit -political ntcettlty" oti i . " ' 1 *"'' bldtout axcuta through tgN for faltehiod, murder, »kJ-V...
...But if thik group remained only a third party having no organic relation to Labor unions and farmers' organizationi, it would scarcely be worth the troublt of bringing it to birth...
...But last of :.ll we get the whitewashing of the innocent by the dfskpneit...
...Tha) good people who joined tha Progressive party meant trail, bat they could not keep politician* like Roosevelt and tha rich men like Perking end Munsey from using the...
...And to we rone to tha tare o; thia bit of imaginative creation of Mr...
...May 11, there will he a concert for the benefit of Child Feeding in Germany under the auspices of the American Friends' Service Committee...
...If heresy really means eternal damnation, and If it can really bt wiped out by the brief torture of the ittnea...
...The pianista -hai will appear are WHIUea Bachsua, Alfred Cortot, Carl Friedberg, who will play a new concerto for the flret time in America...
...Tha only third party with a chance of enduring success la on* that rests for financial support not 'upon the good will of philanthropista 1 and business man seeking a new hobby, but o n the support of Labor union* and farmers' organizations...
...t t may go cn to "esplnln" away -I tha talittt tad marly ra, all the PMatrt and tratadera...
...An outgrowth of the T h e a t r e G u i l ds work la a society Just organised Independently af the Guild far tha sole purpose of cooperating with the Guild and furthering Ita efforts In every way p o s s i b l e . They have Jast been Incorporated under the name of "Theatre Guild Society...
...No wonP "r, ahiw could not keep tway " g lb* abject of Joan...
...Shaw mt'.-ea a l l tke people who wronged Joan In Ufa pn'.ce her In death—-on condition that eh" doet rot come to lift again...
...In Town Hall...
...meant when he exld that poetry, In the ttnae of Imaglnatl-e creation, waa moie nobly aerlo is than blot iry, In the ttnte of t i t mere recording of fact...
...ugly, extremely wellI tomcwhat enoperatinsly 1 - mxmlnm wtt young, beautiful, •Jt*—f r i g h t e n e d of detth h/»_™*'• "^rttea waa Burrounded 5^"J**_Itcl~le...
...they challenge the comfortable habit of Intellectual and moral sloth And In contequence the guirdlant of authority alwsj't think It right to flout and a lay them...
...The mualc Is by Harold Arlob snd the book by Otto Harbach...
...Here is tha point, for bare tht hlrtcriral gicsee ever into the philsacoltleal, the toraforal into the eternal...
...William A. "llradv's all-star revival of "Leah Kleechna," will close Ita engagement at the Lyric Theatre, S a t u r day, May 17th...
...These recitals, seven In number, will be held on Monday evening!, J s n u a e y It and- 3«, February » and 2.1...
...When everybody used to aay that Mr... fact, tha Tier oxpreeeed by it U exsctly, without any exaggeration whatever, the view exprataod la the "Batrlotic" play of "Eiary VI...
...LYNNE FONTANNE and ALFRED M M will play the leading role, ia Molnar'a comedy, "The Guardsman...
...Bat what both of them really fear It tht claim of .he individual Judgment to Lei Itself up agalntt esUhuIthed authority...
...Then wo get the condemnation of the innocent by tht oMut...
...Is the ides that opbtlpas csn be stamped out by torture and fire...
...The Danctr'a Gaild, to Include i l l the p r o f e s s i o n a l d a n c e r . In concert, mualcal comedy and other productions la ths United States, i« being formed to give a leaaoa of disc** each year...
...Now that every.ody...
...kas to* mack historical ataae to suppose that hletory caa ewer ba fall and tree, and aa ba la content to ba wise after Ue event, without troubling himself excostively about w h e t h e r the charaetcra to whom h* attributes gar'.Iculxr eharacterlatica or opinions are likely to hare really polsttcd them...
...To decent tad thoughtful people today, the Idea that kamtn beings will be condemned to physical torture for all eternity, in punishment of a mere opinion, by an all-wise God, i t slatply revolting nonaenae...
...The whole hiltory of American ntw party movtments prove* thia...
...Bet Sacra"H tJalch...
...that paradoi, like to many ptrakM haeomt a pfatltnde...
...Join'a Jndgea really did- believe her to be galKy of hereryi they really did believe that it waa je»t and necetaary to burn heretics...
...Charles Cihier aft Marie Sundelias— are to sppesr with the orchestra...
...admit* him t* lie a great irtmatlit, he aeem* to trouble very little about either rharartericatlon or dramatic development...
...The voire* "Sjl caaaa to J O M 1B UM aeeic - ktU...
...8haw waa merely a deb.ttr and could not construct * play, he waa putting farward each naoterplecet of ttage technique et "You Never Caa Tell" and "Candida...
...In the political interests cf tke King of France who had...
...The mualc theme of the episode In which she dsncee ie Sarante'i "Romania Andaluxr," played ai a violin aolo by Eugen Ormandy, concertmaster of the orchestra...
...Yolanda Mero, Ely Ney and (.ulmar NOrast...
...Is not the conflict of good with evlli that Is s comparatively simple matter: we all go wrong In it, but at lestt we all know whera ws In it...
...She will give a few performances in Paris during the Summer snd will mske an Australian tour In 1924-25...
...The success that l i a s been denied to third party moyements in America la being adlaved by genuine Labor partial Iff Europe and Groat Britain—partus retting on human need*, parti*/ with Immediate program* and great idea*, parti** whose vision of the next step 1* clearer because of their vision of...
...Shaw'a... sesson...
...but that It the tubttatet #f Ua ligament, and it dttpote* •I eat itrtke of thexgUb peyr'.iologlral "nthmtloBc" w°..ic'.i a;ek to apply the tent of an abt'.re-t trlene* to the aerlai •reolems of mankind...
...MUSIC PHILHARMONIC ENGAGES SOLOISTS Twenty-feat eoioists have heeo engaged by the Philharmoau Orchestra (or Ha concert...
...Tragedy Is the c o n i : t of good with good—the tog of two opperlng ideals...
...B%»- hai act himself to enforce Nor agate, I jthlnk, I* Bis aula preoecupatlea historical...
...It destroys, them became it In afraid of then) they are trounles.:ir'" felt, who ippetr proud and unpletrint because they put up their Individual Judgment igilntt t h t accepted codet of the majority...
...Sliaw'a eipre me achievement aa driatittei, wit, or poet...
...a t in the U H of the Republican party, i t sueeeeded, it haa in a vary ihori time fallen to the level of mere lust for office...
...Scipioae Guldi, Cecilia Hanaen, Erna Rubinstela and Efrem Zimbalist, sad the celUata sre Pablo Csssls, Leo Bchali .and Coraeliue Van Vllet...
...It ia not ray province here to dlaraat the acting or prettnUtloa of hia play, notable in many reapecte aa theae were...
...which t h e Theatre Guild will produce as their o p e n i n g bill next season, about the middle of October...
...Ions tw tha phraatola~y of
...that Bhakeepoar* did not > play, but ht touched It Witagc...
...aaoal of aa today talk b tt*a4aa«it Inetlnrf, and complete*, —1 tta...
...aittturt—bat tha French, d N * ' ~ i aavtd, bttrtytd and abanJ J _ M '*r tbt meaner motive, of jij^J...
...Joaeph M. Galtea la r e h e a r s i n g "A Trial Honeymoon...
...and tha language of "Saint Joan"—except where It ednatsto of Joan'a own actual recorded words— dote not rite to anything like the level of "Heartbreak House...
...The Society of the Friendi of Mualc will give I aeriei of piano recitals next season in sddition to Its orchestral snd chorsl concerts...
...Nor can I honestly profeat ta And In "Saint Joan," what ao many well qualified to Jade* have found there—Mr...
...But what we have to fact Is thit both these ideat were held unqttttlonlrtgly by'men whott unielflchBtie and integrity were beyond dltpute—ar.d who hold then with I deeper eafaeataet%of convl-llcn thin mott people ever bring to anything...
...If we Itaaa...
...The solo-' 1st will be Artur Bchnsbel, who will play sll of the pisno sonatai of Beethoven...
...That waa whs}, Artatotlc...
...but her clrenmSocrateav too, had a prll " ^ * * " » *wlne taetructlon Which "•"•hi not dt-obe...
...Round the Town,'' the new Intimate revne which Herman J. Mankiewiei and S» Jay Kaufman are teoa to produce at the Century Root will open In Newark on Monday -for a week's run at the Shubert Theatre...
...Tho phen**»ttkar oaTnlhood tro not unlyu* *_***» Wctptiona...
...Granted their premises, their conclualora are even difficult to avoid...
...aaceiH» looa^ • r J divided p a r - •aaawww-—- -—, bat doea that Srlng aa a n y i Ue heart of tha problem 7 n , B y s * r i s * of goad and evil remain, taj rt*t a a t t n or woman in I n e p l r ed II jo oat •Infla-handed a g a l n a t t h e , cMraalleaa af tha hard we ad 11 q u e r n •d it—Or t o whether tha i n e p l r a - Uej II diviae, ID t h a t It la fnll of Milt, or alabaJkal, In that It la fall •J — b tie pathetic trial aetn* In the akr aa* tha Judge* aaka Joan jrfu, ale la aura, that tha voire -Ik* dl* bilieve* to coma from Gad ^ a ni actaally come frost bar own Inutlottloa...
...Wt can imagine tha formation of a third party by a lot of folks rtsoived to elaan houaa at Waihlngton...
...and 4Mgh ht hta made many, excur...
...THE LABOR PARTY By NORMAN THOMAS A third party might b* or toon become the r armer- l . a b o r party f o r which Wt art looking...
...Thy Name ia Woman," the action of which is laid in the Spanish Pyrenees...
...The tragedy of Jocnf It not that her p e r s e c u t o r s r/ere bad men v ho hated her goodneao, for they wire not, but that they were gocd men who thought there ccuM be no goodneea eavo their own...
...There Indeed It tht ptrpetuil Irony...
...L In in ironic epilogue Mr...
...Pavlowa sailed Tuesday on the George Washington for London1...
...They know what their member* want- Thay know how far political action can help In Retting what tha workers want...
...1 bt wat making a conceiiion *i nationtl prejudice 1 hut Vol1 wm'.f on tht anh|cel...
...tet repliea (hit of count II re-ci Iron ker own Imagination— hew, nvt through that, ahould God tact...
...Thay might ganarata •normoat enthusiasm and l i n g "Onward, Christian Soldiers," or tome other hymn with aa much caal a* t h t P r o g r t i i i r t i in t h t y t a r 1912...
...and eent ho* forth bar a*a will to lead tnaleo fate tka coanaoilora of blaft— h— i l r l n * . aa ah* believed, or ad, at her Jodre derided...
...Bat the guardlsni of authority are NOT right [ It, It the lonely proletting and crusading tout that It right...
...Jotn—and It It » h » i ? r ' , M l s J i upon Hhr fctr glory—wat pitl' *?' " la anailng what an a n d p l t l f u l n t a t of t o m a mind*, and g r e a t t t t . VI.," Skakttpear'a " * lb* laa*l!B,M taw* had ,„ • » » » the g Jj*t thrtalela play of "Henry printed among Shakes!.._ * • ' _ » » retrettnted i t a Tulgar bargainer with the devil...
...we may label her roleet and 'iallm "Mte-taggcstlon "; wa rr ay repBt bar M a "cate" in the medical Mm...
...hit Jdhat la tlwayt eaaentlalty poetical, " • t 1 irtt, many yeara ago, wrote *' him aa a romantic, people amiled...
...It it not faltt klndneti, It it not almost cowardice, to refrain from burning ptople alive...
...The Bchola Cantorum la to participate on two occasions...
...Josephine and Else Klrpal will appear in song duett, Richard Singer at p i a n i s t . Leon Brahmt will be the tenor and Gelflut the nutlet...
...the priest feart tha wcaktblng of tht Church and the com.'r.g cf Protest anium...
...ObIk* It a romantic...
...Wt have not lotrnt t h t t leoaon ytt...
...V.'e may NT that Joan 17m neurotic...
...Thay might support La P e l l t t t t (who It a trutr Progressive than Rooaevelt ever thought of being) with the fervor with which the Progretiivet in 1912 supported tht picturesque Colonel...
...And, again, it might not...
...tnd equally revnltIng, equally nonienaical...
...botraytii her, deVtared the original trial to have beta cbrrapt, wtt In fact a _»ss of corruption itself...
...oldest opera, "Dido and Aeneai," presented for the first time In America this season...
...of Kurtpe...
...eitar Che tame mtiWi bit at the end of tt we htvt ttt owMtd, and cannot on f.ieet linet talaa, whatacr arrh "nturotit" It or batta* lottramtat of God...
...It Ii possible that when she lands In the United States in October, en route to the Antipodes, s h e will mike a limited number of appearance*:—' Tuesday afternoon...
...Notes l.eon Volterfa, proprietor a n d d i r e ct or of the Caalno d* P a r i a . mad* reaervatlona for tho premiere of Mletlagaett In "Innocent Eye a," at the Winter Garden on Monday, May 19th...
...cowartV tltth...
...Nat t h at I ajaarrel with hit picture of the kindhearted bat pig h e a d e d Engtlehmsa, who tineerely be'lcve:, that Joan MUST ba tgainat God becaure ahe to against England...
...those who go to sot "Saint Joan," whatever they think of the language or the construction, will come away moved by the thing In It which ha* moved the noble lntellltjenee and generout heart of its creator—that central problem of aainthocd...
...CAPITOL 8. L. Rothafel has prepared s program of Spaniah mualc at the Capitol Theatre to create the appropriate at• Biosphere for the Fred Niblo production...
...Because many r e q u e s t s received from players now In Broadway productions for s professional matinee, the Solwyna have decided to give an Invitation performance af "Spring ( l e a n i n g" on Tueaday afternoona...
...The Capitol orchestra, guided by the bston of Dsvld Mendoxa, oenductor, opens the program wtlh the "Caprleio Espsgnol...
...who will also play the harplscho>d, Nicholas Meat aer, who will make hia Brat American tour next sesson...
...Thlt Isrinevitable... •Mm which It filthy from tt and, had Bat even that NethinR It abltr In Mr...
...Another of Mr...
...To it individuals should be admit' ted,as in Great Britain,it" they share it* pur poses...
...There will be twenty psira of Thursday- evening and Friday afternoon concerts it Carnegie Hall, beginning on October H and IT, reapectively...
...Miatlngaett' until the caijne to thia coentry laet rail waa the s t a r of hia Gestae ale Parts...
...Bodanxky'i arrangements will be England...
...I quote In accurately Inm m hearing...
...Caeella will play the piano part him •elf whtn it ia presented on November 21 in Town Hall...
...The atateomaa feara t h t overthrew of the coming of nx' onaliam...
...than hi* dramatic demonprtelitl* thit point—that...
...Moral enthusiasm, oppotition to graft, even a theory of taxation of land valuta or of monetary reform, havt not proved enough to create a party genuinely devoted to the common good- Either the movement hai disappeared, been oapturad by one of tht old parties, or if...
...Shew Ir.tlolt that wkereta the ocetetiaatical c (itrt which condemned Joan wat, according to He llghte, sincere, the tubtequtnt oae which...
...A auite for orchestra by Scarlatti which has never been heard In New York will be featured at one of next season's concert...
...The concert scheduled for the Philharmonic hss been rearranged slightly for next sesson...
...The spirit of Woman is impersonated by Doris Mies...
...Ne, what could ht quarrelled with, If one ware a aflcbJar for pedantry, would ba the long ar.d exceedingly l&ttreotipg trgaBttBt bttwttn tke Earl cf Warwick and the Bishop af Bets vale at t o the future political development...
...Firs:, In Shit p'ny, we get il,e ruth of tnthualxcm Bad of rat aculoue sueceta... might, likt tbt Republican party, become a flrit rather than a third party...
...John Amaas, Brit Bute of the orcheatra, will again be heard aa soloist st One concert, sad three lingers—Sophie Breiliu, Mme...
...Tragedy, i t Hegtl ttnrht...
...Myrt Hess, Wanda Undowike...
...Bone critic* hart aaitttly declared t k i t character ftrrlcel...
...The violiniata engaged Include Carl Flesrh, Samuel Gardner...
...The prologue closes with i dramatic episode by Martha WllchnUrki...
...and will produce the new musical comedy at Allentown, Pa., on May I I , snd bring It to a Brosdwsy theatre about a week later...
...and nuet bear toma y far lit preaent ihapa...
...It Ur...
...Bat it U BOt t h e COBJtftl OA* BbBt Nr...
...and call themselves "Theatre Guilders...
...Humanity alwayt dettroye lit talnta and always worehlpt tht...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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