BREAKING IN "THE OUTSIDER," at the Ambassador, with Katherine Cornell ' Pleasantly Poignant and Llonell Atwill Agreeably Domineering Do or I ion* •peak louder thin wards? t o ssys the...

...FRIDAY MATINEE "HEDDA GABLER," Ibsen's clsssical drama, will be put on by the EQUITY PLAYERS, at a series of six special matinees, beginning FRIDAY, Msy 16th, at the 48TH TSTREET THEATRE...
...Margaret Irving and George Moore...
...Dave Seed and Ralph Austin...
...Ralph Rlggs and Kathtrlne Wit chle...
...BERTHA KALICH In her old role...
...Morris W. Ankrum, Lelghton Stirk, Edward Butler ind others...
...They must suggeat MASS...
...Mulroy, MrNeece and Kldge...
...Ckarie* Poit and Nigel de Binder, will be tke attraction Monday, Tuesday and Wedneaday of next week at LOCK'S Palace Theatre...
...Ii being prepared for uae in the Third or Democratic Convention Edition of the Winter Garden rtVtrt, "Arllsls and Models...
...t o ssys the snelent lew...
...The peculiarity, of the play la that the charactera are ao balanced, the antipathies and eympathiea ao played upon, that it aucreeda in making ua heltew—and even like thla outsider who forces hia way in...
...Marion Saki, Charles McNaiigh ton...
...There will be elmoltaneoua performance...
...Two brief examples mny make'lhla method clearer, in Art III there is » mob, of 32 persons...
...Qulntin Romero aid the Harry Martoaa va...
...She ahowa ua a* man treating a beautiful patient...
...the Fouler Girla...
...Archer and Belford, Bob Archer, Burn* and Klaaen, Fred Whitehouae and Lill i a n ' s Doga...
...Vivian Holt and...
...Throughout the scene every movement of the •aaa la effected by a turning or swaying of the body...
...Elnsted, and Dudley Dirges as Teaman...
...RIVERSIDE Yarmark, Margie Coate...
...Georgca Dnfranne...
...J. T. S. GILBERT AND SULLIVAN REVIVAL PLANNED t.ill.rri Miller is planning a Ulbcrt and Sullivan revival next aeaaon...
...Arthur llHmiiierstcIn, p. Kay < niii-.iii...
...Olive Valerle...
...or The Woman may brace heraelf againat one edge for strength in her fight against the man...
...ZOO night rua...
...a _____ II hi I VII REUBENS, who Ii known at among tha tiniest dancers on tha s t s g e . baa joined "Artlita and Models" at the w i n t e r Garden, She baa appeared with Al Jolnon in "Bombo" and In "Tha Pasting Show of IH2J... the Hippodrome, New Amsterdam Theatre, Metropolitan Opera Home and Manhattan Opera limine...
...At leant...
...The Kreutser Sonata" was written by Jacob Gordin and adapated by Langdon Mitchell...
...for the National Vaadavllle Artlita will take place Sunday night...
...Mary Actor, Pat O'Malley, Raymond Hattoa and Warner Oland have tke principal rolea...
...Harry Will* bout...
...Prom that moment the scene is built up...
...Yvttte and her New York Syncopatera...
...bat riviIllation today Is ao hurried that perhaps la the ruah s u n hate little tine to o b s e r v e their fellow*, and judge a man hy what he ahauta about himself aa they scramble hy...
...Applied psychology in the form of propaganda, especially ita awire emphatic forma, the newa column* and the radio, broadaide and broadcaat word*, worda, worda, to loag and large that he who runa may read...
...Cook and McElbert Moore...
...Willie If oils LOEWS PALACE Joaeph Hergeahelmer'a "Wild Orange*," with Frank Mayo, Virginia Villi, Ford Sterling...
...y "PLAIN JANE...
...M i l i. KIM'S PROGRESS... con " nection with Tolstoy's novel of the same name, but/both received their inspiration from the ssme source, Beethoven's "Kreutser Sonata...
...In hia present vehicle he plays the part of an old musician who early in his career w o n an international reputation as a composer of note...
...Tha B. P. Keltk act* will include J. Francla Dooley and Corinne 8alea In "Will yer Jim...
...Hayden, Dunbar and Hayden...
...The subscribers of the certificate are l ee Shuherl...
...while he standa with all the confidence of a director pounding out his ultimatum with his fist...
...late *tar of ''Shir-, lee," will head the vaudeville end of the bill...
...The Miller revival ia Hated with a big eaat...
...McCarthy Sisters...
...The cast includes Edwin Maxwell...
...Between them ia a table, an ordinary table, yet potent in Ita suggestions...
...not a foot moves until the climactic moment when they ail awing around and up the ataira on which they are massed...
...with that patient strapped to her bed...
...The Volga Four, Ruaalan aingera...
...Jimmy Barry...
...The cist includes Cliude King, Miry Kennedy, George Riddell, Cornelia Otis Skinner, Arthur Alberteon...
...Manart Kippen, Clelia Benjamin, Engle Sumner, Burt Chapman, Ferike Boros, Graham Lucas, Charles b a i l s , Myra Brooks, Helen Jackson, Francis Sadtler, Jeann* Wardley, Robert Hutchinson, John Rogers, Daisy Lucas...
...The first two announced were "Proceailoml," hy John Howard Lawaon, and "The Mountain," hy Eugene O'Neill...
...will be among the vaudeville attractiona...
...Thank You Doctor...
...The part of Hedda will be played by Clare Fames, Mar gallo Gillmore as Mrs...
...Thli la the third American play which the Guild hai promised for next icaaon...
...The play open* MONDAY night at the RITZ Theatre...
...Myrtle Leonard: the Ringling t'ircua troupe of performing liona... of the Casino de Paris in "Innocent Eyes," takea place ut the Winter Garden, on Monday evening, May I I , •'Artists and Models," will he moved lo another theatre...
...PALACE Mrlntyre and Healh...
...Miller revived the opera* eucceasfully at the St...
...rank Harat and Eddie Vogt, La Bernieia, Murray and Al,lan, Jokn Barry and Company, and other B. F. Keith aria...
...Another attraction for Monday, Tnoaday and Wedneaday only, will be the official Hint pirturea of the Floyd Johneon va...
...Morria Schlatter bonta...
...Roblnaon'a herd of performing elephanta...
...i The play ia founded upon a novel by Burton Stevenson, writer of myatery stories...
...THE MAN WHO ATI THE POPOMACK" will come nptown to tha Punch and Judy on the aamt night...
...NEW MANAGERS' BODY INCORPORATES On i In- application of Attorney William Klein, Indue Phillip J. MeCook, Justice ni the Supreme Court at the court-house Tuesday, approved of the certificate cf incorporation of the Manager*' Protective Association, Inc...
...The big east includes Joe Laurie, Jr., Lorraine Manville, Jay Gould...
...will be revived by LEE SHUBERT on WEDNESDAY evening at the FRAZEE Theatre, with MME...
...This table and chair, with a window high in the'rear, are all the acenery added to the actora . . . . By such devicca aa theae, Slmonaon and the othera of the new school concentrate attention on the performera and on the conflicting emotion* of the play, and produce tho.chief effect* of a background through the absence of scenery...
...Lawrence Weber, Crosby Galge and A. II...
...J. T.J...
...Beginning Thursday the Broadway will have the exclualve New York - preaentatlon of the official fight pictures of the Bartley Madden va...
...It has, by the way... an Interestirff informal talk af tke Garrlck, discussed the method* of the new director and acenir artist, employing the acta of "Man and- the Maeaes" to illuatrate hia point* The new type of acenery...
...Jackie I'oogan In "A Boy of Flandcra...
...Ibarh'a Entertainere...
...he aenda everyone elae out of the house, preaaea a paaaionate klaa upon her proteating lipa and stills her agony into a hypnotic sleep - - m i which the curtain falls...
...BREAKING IN "THE OUTSIDER," at the Ambassador, with Katherine Cornell ' Pleasantly Poignant and Llonell Atwill Agreeably Domineering Do or I ion* •peak louder thin wards...
...Incidentally, the hero waa eacaplng, thinking her atlll lame...
...Then we are told everything i* quite reapectahle and admirable, becauar on waking alx hours later the patient ia cured of her lameneas, and tella the hero ahe lovca him...
...and Mra...
...Lyrics by Phil Cook...
...a new musical comedy with the book by Phil...
...It will m i k e a preliminary out-of-town tour for two weeka and open In New York during t h e laal week of Julie...
...Richard Herbert Lorenie stands for the first names of Lew Fields' three sons, Richard, Herbert and Lorense Fields, the co-authors of their father's play...
...baaed on Ouida'a "Dog of H a rid e r s " will he shoM n beginning Thuraday...
...Clyde Cook...
...Neville Fleeaon and Ann Greenway...
...London New York'a laat (illbert and Sullivan revival »«« at tha Park theatre in 112*, when the American Social* of tUaiera had...
...the attitudes of the two, and in the table between them...
...When Florence Rlttenhouae, ten yeam ago, tamed down a promising ponition as a school teacher to follow the more a l l u r i n g career of an actreaa, ahe Incurred the d i s p l e a s u r e and u n i t ed opposition of tha Philadelphia K i t t en hoiisen...
...Music by Tom Johnstone snd staged by Walter Brooks will be presented by Louis I. Isquith and Walter Brooks at the NEW AMSTERDAM, Monday night...
...J The staging and direction of "Hedda" is by Robert Edmond Jones, and the scenes are designed by Woodman Thompson...
...every detail being provided for, every action considered, every movrmant meaau red...
...A more striking illustration of the new scenic preparation la la Act I, wher* the main conflict ia between tha woman (representing tha people) and her hatband (repreaenting the State...
...hia brought "out a library . edition Of "The O u t s i d e r . " the plly hy Doroth) Brandon notr at thp AnI h a s s a d o r . | The benefit performance...
...HIPPODROME Jack Donahue...
...Notes THE THEATRE GUILD will produce next H U O B , "They knew What They Wanted,'' a play by Sidney Howard concerning Italian-Americana In California...
...I t i . n i , i inii...
...The cast includes Sain White and Eva Puck, Betty Weston, Jules Jordan, Frederic March, Noel, Eleanor Rowe, Louise Kelly anil Jerry Devine...
...May Cory Kitchen, Ralph Locke, Lew Christie...
...A sketch "Picking the Nominee...
...ahe proved her cure by running after him...
...i. I...
...When the woman atarta diaappolnted back, after hoping for a pleaaant greeting, a chair ia ready to receive her...
...In the excitement of the cure (more easily Imagined, I fear, on the Wage than in life) and In the triumph of "the outsider" over the Ineffective phyalrlana, we are expected to lake the hero for a big-hearted miratie-workcr whoae eccentrlcltlea add to hia charm...
...Five yeara ago Mr...
...Hearing a thing ao often, without opportunity to contradict or to verify, bringe belief...
...Roland Young ( s t a r r i n g in "The Beggar on Horseback"), will play Judge Brack, and F r i t s Leiber (now playing in "Two Strangers from Nowhere"), ia cast for Eibert Lorborg...
...Francee Arma...
...Mom on I Broa...
...The ban raised again si her ten yearn ago, wai only recently roe moeed, when a namber of tha elan came* to the Comedy to see Mils Rlttenhouae in "THE SHAME WOMAN...
...thi.< aeema to be the theory of Dorothy Brandon, author of "The Outsider...
...In the Next Room" at the Bronx Opera House The Bronx Opera Houae haa for ita a t t r a c t i o n beginning Monday night, Winthrop Ames' and Guthrie Met I in tic'a production of "In the Next Room," written by Eleanor Robaon and Harriet Ford...
...OLGO PETROVA IN "THE HURRICANE" AT THE SHUBERT- RIVIERA Olga f'atruia In "Tha Hurricane," will b* the attraction at the BhubertRlvlara Theatre for the week begin l i n g Monday evening...
...Beginning with a bare stage, the director goes through t h e action * f the act...
...he considers the climactic moment, the forrea that are then in opposition, and the background* of wall, furniture and light that will most emphatically contraat these forces...
...OI.I.A I'ETROVA In "Harrlcine" will be the following attraction...
...Coacia and Verdi...
...Helen Carrington, Lester O'Keefe, Alma Chester, Dan I lea ley...
...She presents a hero whoacta like a bear, a butcher, a bounder, and a bully—and »ho tells ua he'a merely a geniua...
...All thia is not physically performed, but ia suggested in...
...THE NEW PLAYS MONDAY "THE1 MELODY MAN," a new comedy by HERBERT RICHARD LORENZE, will bring LEW FIELDS back on Broadway...
...Lloyd Nevada and Company...
...Claude and Marion...
...a comedy drama by II Harrlaon Orkow, goea Into r e h e a r s a l on Monday... this the alta while the dominant man towera above...
...will be moved from Uie Punch and Judy to tha Bayea Theatre Monday night...
...STmeneon revealed, ronalata in aa little artificial acenery as pnseibleithe performera themaelves are thia aettlng...
...It was staged by Harrison Grey Fiske, Kslich's original sponsor...
...Vaudeville Theatres B. S. MOSS' BROADWAY I Thr program at B. 8. Moaa' Broadway Theatre for ncit waak will have aa tha principal acreen feature, the Hiat Now York ahowlitt of a new l ni veraal Jewel production, entitled "The Righting American...
...for across a table a treaty may be arranged, an underatanding arrived at...
...They obtain thia impression of solidarity snd power by an almoat motionless trnalon...

Vol. 1 • May 1924 • No. 17

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