Bukharin Is in Trouble, But the Dictators Are Not

Lee, Algernon

Bukharin Is in Trouble, But the Dictators Are Not By Algernon Lee gUKHARLV r o a,b 11 again—how seriously remains to be seen. Perhaps he will escape for the time by Mumbling himself before...

...The real killing was done by the Chambers-ef Commerce and the :\Ia nufactUl-er~ AS5 0 ('i a: i on~ 1(1n gbefore the nine old men a~r i ve d In toc scene_ \" <.'t , ;:omething signiiicant i.~ g oing on here...
...But the sects and factions do not put it ih this positive form...
...iJl February...
...Two aged women, sisters, went to the sacrificial altar the past week in the Greenpoint district of Brooklyn...
...The '.var transformed society into a barracks and the depression has uprooted millions of human beings...
...We are lucky, as compared wi& either Socialists or Old Bolshevfla in Russia...
...4 Window-Smashing D E R H A P S there were some just:ricatlon for Senator Key Pittman's belligerent speech on the Japanese foreign policy, delivered on the floor of the Senate last Monday...
...Few are trying very hard to solve the difficulty...
...But we doubt the wisdom, and fail to see the good, such inflammatory speeches can bring...
...It has not yet beeesst dangerous for as to talk fsaaS to our own people about their weaknesses and their blunders...
...The United States Chamber of Commerce in its periodical business review, credits, or debits, the President's action to the trouble the treasury is anticipating in placing its forthcoming huge financing program, and adds that "it does arouse the hope that the pumppriming policy may be drawing to an end...
...It's time for Mr...
...pageant will be staged, hb~ contemporary and satirieal, .~ ing the development of woDllill f:-om the amoeba or that half of' which went gaUopinll' off lea'" t he other half stuck hJ the mud...
...Lincoln absorbed the equalitarian ideas of this section but more than any other man knew how to present them in simple terms...
...must start at once...
...The "liberal" intelligentsia is afflicted with the general malady and a multitude of "left" sects shout their wares in the market place...
...has not tat power...
...Its expression is a House bill, already reported, and a Senate bill, still locked in committee, which aim to sever the threads of private interest considered apt to lead America into a r m e d conflicts abroad...
...They a ll fee l that unless rompetition can be checked, and " chiseling prevented" no prosperity can return...
...Here is a plain truth that naaai to be told: Just as any latest tendency toward Fascism in tafc eountry is being aided by all wat, in the name of Socialism or under any other mask, openly attack at covertly sneer at democracy, a* the power of Fascism in the world at large and specifically the Fascist dictatorship in Italy are today ftnding their best allies in this country —and not only among the capital, ists here...
...He was a subscriber to a number of southern journals and possessed a number of books and pamphlets which boldly asserted the "mud-sill" theory of society...
...The Conference OIl dill High Cost of Living baa ben...
...Of course, they have reference to Germany, Italy and Austria where the movement was defeated...
...International Woman's Da, .. be celebrated on March 15th so ~ hearsa l...
...I:1\", Two :1ll11dn:d rep .. e~el1 ta:i H' -" ()f W Onl <: 1:'" n r"all:zat i(Jll~;ltlC'nded , a s well :1, a ~ uud !lumber of inter,' ,ten !l 0 11 ~ d e Je g;lte~ " T he Conie:encC' was 0n Tra n ~ it Cnifica: ir,n \,"ilh LOll is \'"aldman , who :5 all a ut hor it \" 0 11 the transit questi on . as guest "peaker, It is impossible in this small space to gi\'e an adequate resume ')f Waldman's illuminating and in terel" t ing talk...
...That's all one can get from them except some stuttering about "reformism...
...The attack upon him may be prompted by either or both of two motives...
...We have read the gazettes of all of these sects and without a single exception the course we describe is the one they follow...
...Perhaps he will escape for the time by Mumbling himself before Stalin, confessing his sins and begging for mercy, as so many prominent Bolsheviks have done...
...to ea3i' :lP the a nt ~ - tl'\l": law:, 5 0 t ha t t hey ~ar...
...Their beds were heaps of rags on a bare floor...
...Had they been on the other side it would have been different, thanks to their superior knowledge...
...It all depends...
...x , The depression mania differs little from the' war mania of twenty years ago...
...In anticipation of delay, a bill enters the House to extend the present neutrality law for one year, with one addition...
...Died of exposure...
...Tat government has no motive to sop...
...This has been an excel1ll* means of becoming acquaintW with, a nd I_rning to work ~ variou!l women's organiutioal...
...And others await the death inarch to the sacrificial altar of modern capitalism...
...However, it will have to be something more substantial than the mystic assurance that ' 'you have not learned anything...
...I t may seem strange, but Mr...
...This philosophy of upper class rule clashed at every point with the lower class democracy and equality of small property holders, farmers, mechanics and laborers...
...Literature and the arts in general and the leisure to cultivate them depended upon the maintenance of a ruling class by a servile working class...
...Normal thinking is at a discount and queer dicks attract hundreds of thousands in support of "queer nostrums...
...Here one will find no iess than a doren sure "roads to power," each with a guide post so that we will not go astray- Forward, march—to the hodsegow...
...Of course they use all their inns, ence at Washington to prevents stoppage of this profitable was, But the sad thins is that their influence at Washington, instead cf being corr.batted, is being baehtd up by our isolationists and a goal part of our pacifists, who argot that economic sanctions are manly a substitute for war, that therefore they are something like was and must be as firmly opposed— who, accordingly, stand for the false "neutrality" which gives war materials to Mussolini and SBr profits to the duPorrts—and sit salve their precioas consciences bjr saying that Haile Selassie is no better than the Duce, which may in some sense be true, and that the governments of Great Britain, France, Czechoslovakia, the Low Countries, the Scandinavian nations are as bad as that of Italy, which is ridiculously false...
...The second desire, operating silently...
...Despite the fact :hat _h" S tl preme Court said mini...
...a sort of " I should worry" attitude, which makes for inefficiency in anything that requires punctuality, accuracy, attention to detail, and steadily sustained effort...
...Japan's unbridled aggression in China certainly deserves all the bitter criticism that Pittman and Lewis heaped upon the Nipponese aggressor...
...The transit u nificat ion plan now bf:jng considered, the women were \old, is a bad bargain fOT everybody except the transit companit!s...
...They are here agk ing the Supreme COUl...
...Every government-which pursues a nariboalisrie policy has to cultivate natVpnal verity, but this is particularly true of dictatorial governments...
...No official will admit it yet, but the atrat toward renewal of existing law...
...The women were urged to protest against this plan and to demand that the tran, it company workers be permitted freedom to organize...
...It is possible that Bukharin is to be broken, not only as a punishment for his own "sin...
...Dead of exposure...
...Roosevelt's action was that it was intended to signalize the withdrawal of the Government from the money-lending field...
...In this, as in many other respects, the Stalin regime becomes more and more like those of Mussolini and of H i t ! « - - - - *1— But Bukharin is too much of an Old Bolshevik easily to learn such new- tricks...
...They should like them because these remarks are supplying the motive power for the passage of the largest national defense appropriations in the peace-time history of this country...
...The authors of this philosophy of human bondage did not confine its application to Negroes...
...He and his parents had fled as poor whites from the old slave society of the South into the Illinois region of small farms, shops and stores...
...It is a fact that those who are insisting that private agencies can now carry on the financing for home building have the upper hand in the President's councils at present...
...Some observers saw in it a move on Mr...
...The sort of truth-telling which made him acceptible to the dictatorship fifteen years ago makes him a nuisance now...
...The Cotton Textile lnstitute is here a rguing that text ile mills be a llowed to curtail their own hours, ' to pledge themselves to observe ce rtain provisions of the old !\RA text ile code, to restrict hours of operation, and in other ways to curb the sacred laws of ~upply and demand...
...Some were executed by fire, some died of exposure, others were buried alive...
...the hope of profit, which sees vast possible loss should trade in war materials with belligerents be cut off...
...For Stalin, now that the original momentum of revolutionary idealism has been expended and now that the internationalist objective of 1917 and the f o l l o w i n g years have been thrown aside, this appeal to collective self-conceit has become an essential part of state policy...
...In other word s, business groups which during the troubled life of ~RA were protest ing that the law!' of :;upply and demand were :00 sacred to be touched by human !1 a nds , are now propos ing tha t they be permitted themselves to ta mper with those laws . Thel-e's nothing "Tong or impious a bout tha t. It 's jus: curious that when the Govern ment tampers with those ia w:, it b outrageous but is perfectly " .. und when busine~s:11e n :hem" e ives pro po*"'lnterfe r ing . The Suga r Institute has been pleading before the Supreme Court to a llow sugar companies w gee ,o gethe:' 'pn pri ces...
...On that occasion it wat insisted that Thomas must be noav inated before the platform had been even taken up for discnsstSS The candidate must be named first, and the platform made to suit hisv Now he says he will not accept the nomination until he has ten the platform...
...at 'I E , 1~ St., and you will be notifted "l1li to come for re...
...Their attitude is that of Pilate, who washed his hands and let the crucifixion go on * » * Unless Norman Thomas changes his mind between now and May— which would be nothing unprecedented— the Cleveland convention may be spared one of the feature...
...And what is his sin ? Why, in the government p a p e r I-vestia...
...Capitalism also exacts its human sacrifices...
...most I!uccesdul of the 80eialiIC Women's aet iviti ea aDd it II planned to have _sions montblT on various subjects within HI ~co pe...
...So Mary and Kate died in accord with the death ritual of some primitive peoples, died in the heart of "civilization...
...They assume that they have discovered some mysterious magic not known to European Socialists that will avert such defeats but they do not disclose the secret...
...But there may be another reason...
...a n-stage, and then the woman-tl meal-ticket - today'll phen~ stage...
...impo n a nt JU,, :tlb;: group" do not ;;cem to feel that way about it...
...Business generally regards it as so important that production and compet ition be controlled tha t to the support of the Sugar Instiw:e have come not only the textile manufacturers but the window g lass makers, the lumber manufacturers, and the Co ~sumer Goods Industries Committee...
...The gods had to be appeased...
...He was pressed by newspaper men at the time as to whether his action mean: the "ending of the emergency...
...Roosevelt to learn that none of his "moves to the right" ever did anygood...
...At the Capitol all hands agree that the bill is "very difficult to write...
...The inner State Department attitude is that existing law is better than a new bill which would be the President's hands completely...
...To realize his ideal of equality of opportunity on the higher industrial plane of today the Socialist movement is necessary...
...The later social forms of production that came with enormous concentration of finance and capital were beyond his ken...
...The conference decided to try to get at least 500 women to attend the transit hearing before the Mayor...
...What we want to know is what THEY have learned and to give us the magic formula which they have withheld...
...Of course, the militarists and those in favor o: increased armaments, along with those who see a "yellow peril" around the corner, will like the fighting words of Senator Pittman and also the silly remarks of Senator J. Hamilton Lewis about a combination of Japan and Russia to fight the Cnited States...
...ext on the agenda of the conference is a proposed mus .-dill protesting against the sal...
...His ingrained habit of "merciless criticism" disables him from being a good flatterer...
...and the Commodity Credit Corp...
...Late in Mareb a symposium OIl child welfare will be held and till many a spects of the question, f~ birth control to child labor, will .. treated by ex perU in their tleldi...
...as some observers believe, it was a move to the "right," in order to appeal to the conservatives, that "billion dollar gesture" wasn't worth two cents...
...Accommodating majority leader, Senator Robinson, introduced a "Fair Trade Bill" to g ive the power to big busines!' w do exact ly the thing they did not v.-an t the government to do under the ::\RA . .. .. • Neutrality LetJislatioli CERTAIN intangible signs suggest that the administration will acquiesce in abandonment of new neutrality legislation...
...But if It's a "Move to the Right" it Isn't Worth Two Cents— Big Business Wants o New NRA, to Be Run by "Big Business," Not by te Government — New Neutrality Legislation May Interfere With Profits, Therefore, No New Neutrality Law — International Window-Smashing by Senators Pittman and Lewis Pleases Militarists and Larger Armament Advocates...
...of activity there ia almoIJt • much for IOCDe of U...
...The President himself was very careful to make clear the point that it couldn't be called a saving, but it meant a definite lightening of the nation's credit burdens, and eased the minds of those in constant fear of new taxes...
...Roosevelt himself pointed out, only a bookkeeping transaction inasmuch as the agencies from which the authorizations were withdrawn did not plan to spend the money anyway...
...All Thorns and No Blossom The President Makes "a Billion Dollar Gesture...
...which will be held the lut...
...He decided to lop off a billion dollars of earlier authorization made by Congress now found to be unnecessary...
...It consigns millions to idleness and starvation...
...i This sum, in good part, will go for ships, guns, fortifications and ammunition that will be ob!lOlete v.-ithin a shon period but will bring big profits to somebody while itl...
...In spite of the President's own warning to all newsmen at the press conference not to exaggerate its importance, the story about the cancelled billion dollars made the headlines of all the papers and had a good psychological effect...
...As Senator Pittman was speaking, the House Appropriations Committee reported out a bill containing in e x c e s s of $375,000,000 for the Army, with emphasis on strengthening that military branch in the West...
...the economicallY-independent.wlllift...
...Big Business Wants an NRA COME may think that it was the ~ Supreme Court's decision in the Schechter case that killed the NRA, but the truth is that the Supreme Court was merely the undertaker to perform "the last rights...
...Far from there hein&' a...
...H U M A N S A C R I F I C ES P R I M I T I V E men often ottered human sacrifices to their barbaric gods...
...An omnibus resolution, copy of which will be mailed to anyone on request, was unanimously adopted...
...Mary Ann was 66 and Catherine was 68...
...Of course our great capitahsti profit by a trade which helps Mat...
...N0W • • • f or an interesting and ittpO I·t ant announcement, 'nil W o me n' ~ Committee for this yeaJ'lj ce lebra t ion of International WOIIa n ' ~ nay is going to do aomethiC i: has never before attempted...
...Roosevelt's part to appeal to the conservatives, and a move that involved, as Mr...
...U' is not posllible for you to ~ down Saturday and you wish 'to __ in the pageant, pleaae write .. Estelle Abramson, chairman ~ * Women's Committee...
...IT the United States wooU wholeheartedly cooperate with tat League of Nations—which at tak moment means with the Labor eat' Socialist parties in the deraoerslk countries of Europe—MussoSaft supply of oil, steel, copper, sad cotton would quickly be cut off, lis criminal adventure in Africa • (a crime against the Italian paoak just as much as against the Ethiopians) would became a dismal failure, his prestige at .iotas and abroad would be weakened, and the fall of his dictatorship would St brought within sight...
...In his First Inaugural Lincoln praised and analyzed this equality and held that opportunities should always be open to laborers to acquire shops, farms and other forms of property available in the upper Mississippi Valley which he knew so well...
...of which he is e d i t o r , he said something t h at everyone knows to be true and that has been said by thousands of Russians of every shade of opinion—namely, that an outstanding trait of Russian society is what they call Oblomovshtchina...
...Says John Bassett Moore, former justice of the World Court: "Such limitation is a blend of homicidal and suicidal mania"— homicidal in cutting off necessities from warring nations, suicidal in harming American interests and bringing America into war just the san-.e...
...He is out of step, not because he has changed, but because he has not...
...They shared an old black dress between them, to he worn by Mary or Kate when either ventured into the street on an errand...
...The objective of the two speakers, as far as it is visible to the naked eye, was to point out the necessity for increased national defense rteds...
...The chief difficulty lies in two desires, pulling contrari-wise, which leave the p r o g r a m for keeping America out of war just as it was...
...The assumption is that by an accident of history these sectarians were on this side of the Atlantic when the workers were defeated in three nations...
...reads the news account...
...Small farmers, mechanics, shopkeepers and laborers feared the expansion of slavery into this region with its individualist democracy based upon small holdings...
...The whole policy of the Moscow dictatorship has in recent years become more and more nationalistic...
...AST week President Roosevelt made a billion dollar gesture...
...L I N C O L N ' S P H I L O S O P HY IN trying to interpret Abraham Lincoln's social and economic philosophy it is necessary to understand the region in which he lived...
...but as a warning to others, as an attempt to check another wave of revolt within the Communist Party and the Soviet rags** Time will tell...
...They had lived alone Behind shuttered windows thick with the dust of thirteen years...
...Shortly there will come forth an appropriation bill for the Navy, bringing the total for "national defense," as estimated in the budget, up to the gigantic sum of more than $987,000,000, or nearly $400,000,000 greater than the sum ,actually spent for that purpose in : the year which ended last June 30...
...There were crates for chairs and a crate for a "dining table...
...And, on the other hand, after every such "move to the right," the "liberals" begin to doubt whether what they are getting is fish, fowl or neither...
...Unable to allow its subjects even the semblance of liberty, unable to assure them material prosperity, it can hope to win their support only by an unlimited dosage of what we Americans call "taffy" or "soft soap...
...was cited in support of this view...
...do ,- orne of the, th :ngs ~RA encou raged them to do . Except, of course, in this inHance they ,,,ould OlOt allow the public- through the Government-to have a ha nd in nxing th o ~e regulations...
...S O M E M Y S T I C " L E F T I S M" ONE of the curious phases of "left" dementia which afflicta all "left" sects and factions is a pretense by each of them that it has learned certain "lessons" from the defeat of the Labor and Socialist movement in a number of European countries...
...One w-idely published interpretation of Mr...
...they declare that all who do not accept their point of view "have not learned the lessons of Europe...
...solini to continue the slaughter...
...They continue the negative attitude of saying that their opponents haven't "learned anything...
...We still await the positive revelations of how workers are to conduct themseves in future crises and thus insure victory instead of defeat...
...Tha t. the suga t- men fee l, would be better t han leaving prices to be fixed by the law of supply and demand...
...It is possible that what alarms the dictatorship is not just the embarrassing consistency of one stiffnecked old-timer...
...But perhaps not...
...the Reconstruction Finance Corp...
...Of nights the sisters were heard crying, crying in the dim light made of old kerosene dips...
...After every such move came a terrible reaction...
...nan ufa cturing and" f!" ric u I t u:'e were local acti\itie...
...Women's Committee Plans Colorful Pageant By Gertru~ Well Klein F' lint: with the policy and pro- ! ' gram t)f the ~ "c iali ,t \\"nmen'" l 01l1l111 t tee to ~rre:lCl a~ far and , \\ide a" I)(t<;si bl e': a knowledge oi I :lie inrcc~ behind the hi~h :md :ll(Hl1lling t'o"t " f li\"ing, a C011 - t:IlU<ltioll .)i la"t Illon th's Cnnier[" Ilce ~, 11 the H ig-h Cr> -: .,f Liying \\":1 ~ held the (, t:l...
...Roosevelt's request not to attach any particular significance to the matter had the erfeet to increasing speculation...
...Much that Lincoln said and wrote is rightly quoted against the ruling cliques of today but his social philosophp could not and did not transcend the social order of Illinois...
...That was to be expected, There is no use in lamenting it, but to ignore the fact is to deceive oneself about all that is taking place...
...This theory asserted that workers were pack-horses whose subjection to exploitation was essential to any civilization...
...Let us hope ks means it...
...We want knowedge, not mysticism...
...The addition : Prohibit the extension of credit to belligerents...
...First is the- nopular resolve that warfare should be kept at a distance...
...These folk self-righteously fail that they' are not BA other petrBJtr Thank heaven, not all other peopli are as they...
...Its god is surplus incomes sweated out of workers by workless owners of industry...
...It sounds comical, but it may prove tragic for the old Bolshevik theorist...
...they applied it to workers in general regardless of the color of their skin...
...Thev are the human sacrifices offered to its god...
...For this the Communist party organ Prarda savagely denounces him and demanrls punishment...
...press such criticism, and our own marvelous N.E.C...
...The fact that the agencies aifected are the Home Owners' Loan Corp...
...that disgraced the convention at Milwaukee...
...The God Mammon, when offered a finger, wants not only the entire hand, but also the entire heart, brain, haunch, paunch and jowl...

Vol. 19 • February 1936 • No. 7

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