Public Housing Program Urged On President

Public Housing Program Urged On President National Conference Report Say* Private Enterprise Cannot Build Homes for Two-Thirds of American Families. Federal Aid Urged Profit Motive Cited u... made in the future, the budget is balanced...
...Of special interest is the increase in the country districts...
...Warns: Danger Ahead Insist National Government Alone .Can Cope with Grave Economic Problems to Meet Changing Circumstances...
...We must reassert the delegation of the law-making function to Congress...
...A program of public works to cope with unemployment...
...Their claims are wiahtoi thinking that wilts under factual analysis...
...We welcome this further test of strength...
...Made just after his re-election in 1864, one passage is timely in tliis period when the philosophy of democracy is challenged by Bourbon and Bolshevik, by Fascist and Reactionary...
...Not all of these who seceded had registered last week, but if they should, the dual organization would have about 22 per cent of the State membership...
...The enrolled Socialists rejected them then...
...But a meeting called by the Social Democratic Party in Reykjavik agreed unanimously to reject the Communist request...
...The laser P a r t y Issues Waldman's statement follows: " W e are, of course, gratified at the manner in which the party membership in our state registered their approval o f ' t h e action of the state committee which they themselves elected less than two years ago, and which reflected the line-up on the factional fight in this State...
...Urges Amendment of Con* stitution to Stop Usurpation of Power by Judiciary in Nullifying Social Legislation...
...To •scape violent remedy w« must | work sat ways to govern under changing conditions without abasdoing our domocratic institutuins...
...The masses in Lincoln's day confronted a great crisis...
...H E movement for municipal low-cost housing took on added momentum when a report by Evans Clark, economic adviser'to the New York City Housing Authority, was made public in which be declares that public housing by municipalities aided by federal government subsidies is the only way to provide decent jk'me quarters for about twoA r d s of the families in the •mired States...
...Ibis is a serious situation...
...Socialists of repairing comfJSdy the severe losses suffered • s result of the 1934 uprising sat placing the Spanish Republic •more solid foundations...
...It urges the states upon which the application of sanctions most directly depends, not to hesitate any longer before taking the necessary initiative...
...the report recommends that "the faSera...
...In France the greatest hopes are raised by the courageous action which is being carried on with growing success...
...The secessionists threaten to go into the spring primaries...
...El Soeialitta, chief Socialist ortsa, resumed publication on Deesmber 18...
...E X P R E S S I N G s a t i s f action with the fine solidarity displayed by the members of the Socialist Party in New York K'ity and the State of New York n opposing the frame-up of the state organization by the National Executive Committee with its intent of handing the organi zation o v e r to the small minority of "militants," Louis Waldman, state chairman of the party, early this week declared that the party members will go into the primary contest next A p r i l with equal confidence that the Socialist voters will defeat the "militant "-Communist alliance t o capture the Socialist Party...
...Even the limited attempts at housing construction attempted by the P W A , which has donated 45'"r of the cost from federal funds, have met with a barrier erected by Comptroller General McCarl's recent ruling that inasmuch as the law does not specifically state that rents may be based on less than construction cost, the government must fix rents sufficiently high to defray the government's total investment...
...Following is the statement issued by the two internationals cor.| cerning action tal*en at the meet! ing...
...Included in the demands of the left bloc are: Amnesty for all political prisoners arrested in connection with the workers' uprising of October, 1934...
...In the present crisis dictatorship again rears its ugly head...
...A new Parliament consisting of 473 deputies is to be elected...
...In previous elections Iocs unions have endorsed Socialist can didates as individuals and en bio' after the ticket was named...
...Even a Nazi newspaper is thus obliged to confirm that among the true "Northern" peoples "Marxism" is advancing and has every prospect of gaining an historic victory...
...The subsidy by the federa' ssnr&ment, the report suggests should consist either of a loan to •mar the entire cost, or a combination of an outright grant of onehalf of the cost and a loan from Srisate sources to cover the balsam...
...Lincoln said : " I t has so happened, in all ages of the world, that some have labored, and others without labor enjoyed a large proportion of the fruits...
...Biaoraey seems to have reached a dead level with eleven millions jobless...
...We knew that once the issue was once they could appreciate the fundamental distinction between those who regard the Socialist Party, aLoyal Members Prepare for Contest as Overwhelming Majority Back Party Against Secessionists in New York...
...Additional demands include various agricultural reforms, main* tenance of the separation of church Sad state, and extension of seculai smools...
...Alternatives ia Election tthe domain of foreign affairs left bloc's platform demands dkser cooperation with the League St Nations in the maintenance of •arid peace...
...I t has been announced by Anders Nilsson, the secretary of the party, that during 1935 the party succeeded in increasing its membership by a further ten thousand, so that at the moment it has 340,000 members...
...In the 'sixties a handful of slave owners revolted to establish a dictatorship of ruling class whites...
...What is at stake is the life of the Spanish Republic...
...The registration^ according to the decision of the NJS.C, was to be used as a basis for a special election to be held for the election of a new state committee, to replace the one whose charter was revoked...
...Special to The Sew Leader I ONDON.—The National Exeeutive of the Labor Party has again refused to accept the affiliation of the Communist Party...
...Federal Aid Urged Profit Motive Cited u Ob' stacie to Low Cost Dwellings— Joint Action by | U . S. and Cities Favored...
...Whether the national organization will go through with the election, in view of the poor showing made in the registration was not certain...
...It has made the issue very clear: vested interests can be protected, but human -ights cannot have equal proteetion nor can new needs be met...
...Not all of these who seceded had registered last week, but if they should, the dual organization would have about 22 per cent of the State membership...
...The application of the Communists has been pending since November 29...
...The quickest possible conclusion of the war in Africa without concessions to the fascist aggressor is the most urgent demand of the working class in its struggle against fascism and in favor of peace...
...Clearly Congress must be authorized to make laws to promote the reneral welfare and to promote the social welfare of all our citisens...
...Meal recently the court overruled the A A A with three justices dissenting...
...P r o t e c t i n g Vested Interests "The Supreme Court has told as that our Constitution is not flexible enough to permit us to have the aws we need today...
...That attempt at dictatorship icas defeated...
...With the entry* of Amos Lesheupon the scene as the first Socialis* County Commissioner, and wit> two Socialists on the Prison Board the old gang fears that thf auditors' disclosures and the bun gling efforts to make good aft* the fat is in the fire has definitely killed their hopes for future harvests from the county's polities...
...This brings the number up to 495...
...the full text of which jusf reached us: #S> y j "It notes with great satisfaction | that world public opinion is de: manding with increasing vigor and | success the application of sanctions I and a solid organization of collecI tive security...
...Our economic advancement and our social progress depend open an early solution of this pr sole as...
...Waldman declared that a checkup of the final figures made since last week disclosed that in New York City the secessionist group consist of 781, out of the 3,124 members in the city...
...Waldman declared that a checkup of the final figures made since last week disclosed that in New York City the secessionist group consist of 781, out of the 3,124 members in the city...
...I t draws attention to the fact that the system of- sanctions provided for by Article 16 of the Covenant imposes upon each member of the League of Nations precise and strict duties, and especially the duty to come to the aid of <*a country which might be attacked while carrying out its duties as a member...
...The National Executive Committee is as firmly convinced Sf were their predecessors that say weakening in the Labor Party...
...Rhodes, a Socialist, in keeping wjth the tradition of his party to await the action of the caucus had made no public statement of a desire to be a candidate...
...This emphatic statement is a complete answer to those who issumed that the postponement of inal consideration of a proposed constitutional amendment by the Executive Council until its spring •ession indicated either abandonee r.t of the proposal by indefinite •ostponements or half-hearted supoort...
...Whether the national organization will go through with the election, in view of the poor showing made in the registration was not certain...
...Without federal action these fields are left te Individual initiative...
...I am confident that they will do so again on this occasion...
...government should make anfcrtinlial sums available over > g f c period to responsible local anhbe housing agencies for projects Jstjaieat high technical and social afaaaUrda...
...A Serious Situation ^resident Green concludes: "Only a national authority could egulste industries m the Inlet cots •f all the people or enact effective •oeial welfare legiaution...
...Its text was published at that time...
...It was even possible to provide for reductions in taxation amounting to 20 million crowns...
...J^EADIN'G, Pa...
...Socialist International Demands Oil Sanctions Against Mumolini 'J'HE joint m e e t i n g of the Bureau of the Labor and Socialist International and the executive of the International Federation of Trade Unions, held in Paris on January 16...
...From all parts of the country the formation of new trade unions is being reported...
...In the staf less thanJ.00 seceded...
...Lincoln belongs to the working people, not to 'he financial spiders and industrial magnates and 'heir politicians who sing his praises...
...The registration^ according to the decision of the NJS.C, was to be used as a basis for a special election to be held for the election of a new state committee, to replace the one whose charter was revoked...
...Consider the following utterance on the conflicting claims of capitalists and workers : "Labor is prior to, and independent of capital...
...The curteat claiaia of the Committee for aesssskk Recovery and other agencies that low-rent housing can at produced by private initiative, essa with mortgage insurance and other gaversmentSl stimulation am inceaable...
...Lincoln was the author of other statements that working people should remember...
...In the opinion of the National Executive Committee, however, the victories of the fascist dictatorships were in part facilitated by the campaigns for Communist dictatorship that preceded them— campaigns which effectively split the working class movements and rendered their overthrow possible...
...It had been suppressed far more than a year...
...I t calls upon the League of Nations to apply with their full force the sanctions provided for in the Covenant of the League of Nations against the crime committed by Italian fascism upon international law and elementary humanity...
...Socialists See Primary Defeat For Splitters Loyal Members Prepare for Contest as Overwhelming Majority Back Party Against Secessionists in New York...
...This is wrong.- and should not continue...
...J And what would the American Liberty League say of Lincoln's statement in his First Inaugural 'cgarding the right of the masses to even abolish 'he Constitution if this becomes necessary to Promote their happiness f Lincoln said: "This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it...
...In 1920, the present Communist Party entered the primaries for the purpose of capturing the party for Communism...
...Berks Democratic pie-countepoliticians were also dealt a ter rible blow last week when forme1 Sheriff Victor L. Goodhart aske< permission of the court to returr to the county $6,999.42 which h< admits he has retained since he lef office four years ago...
...There is growing sentiment in Congress favoring the federal subsidy plan and a vigorous campaign by labor may in the near future win for the workers of America, at least one-third of whom live in miserable, wretched hovels, ar...
...The Social-Demokraten of Copenhagen reports from the capital of Iceland, Reykjavik, that the trade union movement is growing by leaps and bounds...
...Moreover, the loans amounting to 300 million crowns, which were taken up by the government to enable its crisis policy to be carried out, and which were originally intended to be redeemed in seven years, have been paid off at once...
...In spite of the great sums expended by the government for promoting industry, and especially for developing social insurance, expenditure which is also to...
...Martial law "^SSmsfMMb fn tRe Jistricts where A OSSSS92 in force, civil liberties were ismtahlished in considerable asanas, the Socialist and trade onion halls reopened...
...Dress Strike Green Demands Averted;Garden Congress Curb Meet Monday Supreme Court Indications were as we went to press this week that the threatened strike of 105,000 workers in the dress industry will be averted...
...British Labor Again Rebuffs Communists Party Executive Reject* Their New Application for Affiliation—Cites Record Of Disruptionism as Reason...
...Agriculture is to be regulated by the local government—but what state can control the grata craps or markets, the cotton crops or cotton exchange...
...Because both of these problems involve factors extending Seyond the jurisdiction of say single state, state regulation is ineffective...
...Green minced no words in criticizing the court as "not responsive to current trends and needs" and declaring that "we of today face the fact that the Judiciary has established itself as the- final legislative authority, nuluiytngjasra such as do not conform to the personal philosophy of the majority of the Supreme Court and modifying the intent of others by judicial interpretation and application...
...In these circumstances, the National Executive Committee is UP* able to accede to your application...
...I f they have failed, it has not been due to either a lack of finances or to ample propaganda...
...Would Harm Democracy "Moreover, the National Executive Committee cannot fail to take note of the proclaimed fact tha' the present application for affilia tion is but an evidence of the deviation in the tactics which have been pursued by the Communist International in recent years, and that affiliation is sought, not for the purpose o f promoting the Labor Party's declared policy and program, but,- cm the contrary, to utilize party facilities on the phstr form, in public conference, and hi the party press, to displace the* essential democratic and Socialist character and substitute a policy and program based upon Communist Party principles...
...E X P R E S S I N G s a t i s f action with the fine solidarity displayed by the members of the Socialist Party in New York K'ity and the State of New York n opposing the frame-up of the state organization by the National Executive Committee with its intent of handing the organi zation o v e r to the small minority of "militants," Louis Waldman, state chairman of the party, early this week declared that the party members will go into the primary contest next A p r i l with equal confidence that the Socialist voters will defeat the "militant "-Communist alliance t o capture the Socialist Party...
...f a c t o r y for the left bloc will '•an that the Spanish Republic • B continue to exist as a democracy pledged to a comprehensive Segram of political, economic, soqSI and cultural reconstruction...
...I t is noteworthy that even the Frankfurter Zeitung, in an article on the coming elections in Sweden and Norway, was obliged to state that "in Sweden, as in Norway, it will be decided whether the Social Democrats will secure the absolute majority in Parliament...
...A victory for •SO itft bloc would have a salutary •fust* upon the internal party strsggie in that it would inspire afl dements to constructive effort •atfc in the party and in the gov•maient...
...The Iceland Communists have been suffering one disappointment after the other...
...received and discussed reports from the Socialist parties and Trade Union National Centres in the various countries on the struggle of the working class for j peace, and also considered the .mernationa] situation in general...
...The electoral campaign has proaMH under conditions much inidjKojdl O* compared with, tho-e ffccfe existed after the collapse of ?e ISjO rebellion...
...It challenges the democracy which Socialism and Organised Labaf have tjqpght fa l&$Q#ffjkf4pj&de* struggle* % A "lost speech" by Lincoln was recently recovered...
...It calls, in particular, for the immediate application of the embargo upon oil...
...Ir other localities, where Socialis' candidates are less strong than ir Reading, unions have endorsed in dividual candidates on all ticket1 without regard to partisanship...
...Public opinion in Great Britain manifested itself in =uch a magnificent manner that the Laval-Hoare Plan was frustrated...
...At the same time the Social Democratic government was able to lay before the Riksdag, when it reopened, a budget which bears indisputable testimony to the success of the Social Democratic Party in revtiring industry...
...After a series of new conferences between the Dressmakers' Union and the employer associations involved, an agreement was reached with, the Affiliated Dress Manufacturers, the "inside" employers, on the major issues...
...plum orchard...
...I f the policy of the government upon vital questions affecting the whole people, is to be irrevocably fixed by decisions of the Supreme Court the instant they are made, the people will have ceased to be their own rulers, having to that extent practically resigned the government into the hands of that eminent tribunal...
...the masses of today confront another one...
...Indicating that to produce MSB of $6 a room monthly the istsrest rata on a loan covering the entire coat would have to be nat greater than nine-tenths of one sa* cent, the report contends that asm a low interest rate can be •Stained through insurance by fader*!, state or city governments Submortgages on the projects of 4tt authorities, or » y government Suarantees of interest and prinsSsal of such bonds as meet high •tsadards of safety...
...ijLjejS internal situation in the SMkuist Party may be cleared up sUsr the election...
...On that occasion is waa clearly stated that the fundamental difference between the democratic policy and practice of tne L*bor Party and the policy of dictatorship whack the Communist Party had been created to promote, was irreconcilable...
...Reading Unions Endorse Rhodes For Assembly Trades Council Urges Nomination of its Socialist President, in Office for Eight Consecutive Years...
...With the "total loss of less than 1,000 left wingers of the state organization which has nearly 4,000 members Socialists are gratified at the answer which the New York membership had given the N.E.C...
...They can distinguish between Communism, even if it is of the milk-and-water variety which the Socialist left wing advocates, and social democracy...
...It emphasizes, in pari ticular, the success obtained by ! public opinion in the two great I countries whose a t t i t u d e must make the greatest contribution to the repression of the Italian fascist aggression...
...While it is the policy of the Pennsylvania Federation of Laboi to work aggressively for the elec tion of legislators noted for theifidelity to trade unionism, labo: bodies seldom take a stand in favoof specific individuals before part> caucuses...
...Their convictions will be sufficient to protect the party from the paeudo Communists of today...
...They now hope to save some of tbiir lost prestige by establishing a united front with the Social Democrats...
...It is clear that the Federsion is preparing a careful draft >f an amendment which will fulfill he demand of the labor movement hat careful study should precede he draft lest it be subsequently ised to defeat the aims of labor, "he last convention of the A. F. if L. directed the Executive Conn* il to draft a constitutional amend* nent and have it submitted to Congress...
...The union has rented Madison Square Garden for Monday afternoon, when a report will be presented to the workers by their leaders...
...defense of political democracy, such as the affiliation of the Cess* mnnist Party wesdd imply, wessj inevitably assist the forces sf reaction, would endanger oar existing liberties, and would retard the achievement of Socialism in this country...
...We knew that once the issue was once they could appreciate the fundamental distinction between those who regard the Socialist Party, as a party which advocates democratic methods and those who would use it as an instrument for insurrectionary and dictatorship tactics, they would overwhelmingly support the regular party organization...
...opportunity to live in decent, healthful homes free from sickness, crime, disease and delinquency...
...In addition to a specific constitntional grant of power to Congress to legislate for social welfare...
...That future is our present...
...Victory for the rignt bloc will encourage the forces of monarchhm and reaction in their countersfnlutionary purposes...
...The agreement with the Affiliated was to serve as a basis for further discussions during the weekend with the other four employer associations, representing jobbers and contractors...
...The primary election will be held on April 2. We will submit, if the secessionists so desire, our case to the judgment of the enrolled Socialist voters on that day, as we have submitted to the membership...
...Their membership has increased by 5,000, and has thus for the first time exceeded 20.000...
...It was considered by the National Executive Committee of the Labor P a r t y at its meeting at the end of January, and the following reply, signed by J. S. Middleton, party secretary, has just been sent to Harry Pollitt, Communist spokesman: "The National Executive Committee had before it at its recent meeting your letter applying for the affiliation of the Communist Party to the Labor Party...
...To secure to each laborer the whole product of his labor, or as near-/y possible, j* a worthy of any apod govern...
...R I N G I N G demand for a constitutional amendment to enable Congress to legislate for the general welfare and for curbing the power*"of the Supreme Court to declare acts of C o n g r e s s unconstitutional "is made by William Green, President of the American Federation of I^abor, in a strongly worded editorial in the currant "Federationist...
...History of ether natieas shows hat when goverassiisfijuiismss too -ifrid to meet i lisiigSSS^Ui ids rere'ution breaks the fifradlocfc...
...a minimum wage law, a lair pnonibiting discrimination against union members and the recent enactment providing for pensions iar . p i * » r -pfSOtmS continued: "When the Supreme Court overruled Congresa oa the NRA...
...Swedish Party Girds for New Election Fight Special to The New Leader g T O C K H O L M —The Swedish Social DemcKrratic Party haalready begun its preparation^ for the elections which are v take place this year, and in which the Swedish people will be called upon to give their verdict on the work of the Social Democratic government...
...Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can excercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it...
...With the "total loss of less than 1,000 left wingers of the state organization which has nearly 4,000 members Socialists are gratified at the answer which the New York membership had given the N.E.C...
...Precedent was broken by the Federated Trades Council last week when, in a meeting attended by ^fifty delegates representing 25 local unions, the Council voted unanimous endorsement of Georgt M. Rhodes, president of that body for eight consecutive years for elcetion to the General Assembly...
...The $11 minimum monthly rental per room, which even limrtedSrridend corporations such as Hillside Housing in the Bronx and Boulevard Gardens in Queens exact from tenants, is sharply contrasted with figures from the Real Property Inventory of 19S3 showfaftaat one-third of all the tenant S I '^ijEpf could net pay more " f l i p l i t be brought down to SsWaaB teas far has been able » sefciere it area a modest profit is « t « s e | » - t a f i a to give our city skiat dwellers decent, healthful lames, 1 says Mr...
...I t points out once again that no compromise with the aggressor, but only the strict application of international law and an exemplary rebuff for the peace-breaker can deter other aggressors...
...We do not believe that the enrolled Socialist voters can be confused any more than the party membership was...
...A victory for the lefk bloc, it is expected, will lead to the formation of a radical coalition government...
...In the years that have intervened the Communists have continued their efforts to confuse the enrolled voters...
...The laser P a r t y Issues Waldman's statement follows: " W e are, of course, gratified at the manner in which the party membership in our state registered their approval o f ' t h e action of the state committee which they themselves elected less than two years ago, and which reflected the line-up on the factional fight in this State...
...Both David Dubinsky, president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, and Julius Hochman, general manager of the Joint Board of the Dressmakers' Union, were optimistic that a final settlement, satisfactory to the workers, would be reached...
...The 8atreme Court has declared that Cessrresa cannot enact law te promote <orial welfare or to regulate industries...
...Full Consideration" " A f t e r full consideration, the National Executive Committee came to the conclusion that no circumstance had arisen to justify any departure from the decision registered by the annual conference at Edinburgh in 1922, when, after a lengthy discussion (in which you will remember you took part), a similar application for affiliation was rejected by 3,860,000 to 261,000...
...The two I n U. nationals call upon all their affiliated organizations to redouble their efforts, as the vigilance and determination of the mass of the people are more necessary than ever for the re-establishment end consolidation of peace, in spite of the underhand maneuvers from so many suspect quarters...
...66 This Country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it'9—Abraham Lincoln HTHE artist portrays Abraham Lincoln contemplating the future...
...And wliat should a government dof What Socialists would do if they had the power...
...the struggle between democyy and fascism in Europe, Sun**Jfs election will mark a very Cportant development...
...Reviewing the successive wnSttoa by the court of labor legislation, including two child labor laws...
...If Mussolini's aggression were not suppressed, there would be little chance of escaping in the near future from an act of aggression by Hitlerite Germany and militarist Japan...
...I t cannot protest too strongly against the abuse of the great and complicated problem of the distribution of the raw materials of the earth—which must be solved in an atmosphere of peace—as a pretext for prolonging the war against Ethiopia and still less for giving the peace-breaker a reward in another form...
...The report, which has been subedited to President Roosevelt by Ac National Public Housing Con...
...coal, iron and steel...
...Confronting each other in the contest are two blocs, one consistnig of monarchists, Catholics and other conservative groups, led by Gil Robles, and the other embracing the Socialist*, syndicalists, bourgeois radicals of the left, and Communists...
...The Council's action came as s surprise to local Socialists, who will meet in Odd Fellows' Hall or Sunday, February 16, to name congressional and legislative candi dates...
...K destroyed our agencies far patting the unemployed to work...
...Reinstatement of government officials and employes dismissed for participation in the uprising or because of their radical political sym pathies...
...The prospect was that the controversy would be adjusted, with the Workers assured of the conditions which they consider essential for the protection of their interests...
...In the staf less thanJ.00 seceded...
...Lincoln said: "It has long been a grave question whether any government not too strong for the liberties of its people can be strong enough to maintain its existence in great emergencies...
...Row much m o r e than th< $6,999.42...
...Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed...
...It is a well-known fact, of course, that unemployment has considerably diminished...
...Thus, questions of proS)ma and tactics, now the subject si factional conflict, would assume •SSStsry importance beside the PSeneal tasks that will confront OS...
...Such a tjetory will probably force the resitjastion of President Zamora...
...Irenes, emphasizes that "private Sipital cannoUnd will not furnish i tw dwellings for the great majority of American families who eenito: afford to pay more than an s w a g e of 15 or $6 a room lassthly...
...In both cases it almost seems as if this will be so...
...The Shop Assistants have established the hitherto largest trade union in Reykjavik...
...The federal govern•aat should step into actual cononly after a default on its SMgatiosM because local agencies *r* setter equipped and setter infa «ae4 about their local housing Already \here are twenty states "•ad the district of Columbia which pasnad laws authorizing the •a^ablishment of local government ysaing authorities and twenty•jr*D cities in which such agencies •»Tt been set up...
...which Goodhart now ad mils he haa in his possession atayed in the pockets of forme* sheriffs and former officeholder during the many years the "ring" held sway...
...Realty Interests The Clark report will stimulate* effarts to enact into law the proby Senator Robert F. Wagner *"*"* permanent housing program federsriubsidies to provide • « m e s for . low-wage workers, ••alty Mtarests and the United mates Chamber of Commerce are ™ttting that the government J"ft t*m the idea of subsidizing 5"**- bousing projects and instead finance contractors \and •Jakers by insuring mortgages up J*.W% of the cast of construction...
...Not even Norman Thomas' efforts to draw a 'fascist' herring across the trail will divert them from their purpose or confuse them as to the issues...
...We have no doubt as to the outcome...
...This will not be the first time that the enrolled Socialist voters will have been called upon to make this distinction and to i n d i c a t e where their sympathies lie...
...The SBtienal executive committee resassted Caballero to withdraw his sasssation, but thus far he has dsfBaed to do so...
...y° the other hand, Secretary I ekes, 2 » o r d . G . Tugwell, resettlement y ° » f a f r a t o r . and the United g * Conference of Mayors are ,JVJ* aupport of the public housing program...
...The Social Democratic women's organizations have also increased the number of their local groups by 65...
...These are limitation of contractors, direct jobber responsibility for wage and work standards and establishment of an arbitration board to adjudicate disputes during the life of the agreement...
...In due accordance with the experience of Labor in the other countries in Northern Europe, participation in government is not hampering the advance of the labor organizations in Iceland...
...On the other hand, there are inSjrssl difficulties in the Socialist Party, which continue to interfere •Ah the rehabilitation of the move- rt Largo Caballero, leader of party's left, wing, has resigned asm the party chairmanship...
...Many other tadfcal and Socialist publications Sm reappeared...
...Crucial Vote In Spain tovBe Held Sunday Special to The Ti'exe Leader M A D R I D . — A n election of crucial importance will be hefd in,Spam on Sunday...
...We are opposed to Fascism as we abhor Communism, inside the party as well as out...
...I t expresses its solidarity with the young Italians who have been forced on to the battlefields and all the victims of the bestial war started by Italian fascism, without distinction of color or camp...
...And internationalism.7 Here is Lincoln's advice to working people: "The strongest bond of human sympathy, outside of the family relation, should be one uniting all working people, of all nations, and tongues, and kindreds...
...Nationalization of the banks, a minimum wage law, and establishment of an arbitration board for settlement of industrial disputes...
...I t is true that fascism has conquered power in various European states...
...Effective action in the present conflict between Italy and Ethiopia might be irremediably compromised if the Powers, and more particularly the Mediterranean Powers, were not determined to offer a common resistance to a sudden attack upon one of their number, and if the collective defense were not adequately prepared in advance...
...But voters who enroll under the Socialist emblem do so from the strength of conviction which cannot be altered by propaganda, no matter how well financed...
...N o events which have taken place in the intervening period have served to reconcile that profound political distinction...
...It condemns with the deepest indignation the inhuman methods of fascist barbarism, which gives itself vent in deliberate and murderous attacks upon hospitals, and upon the sick and wounded...

Vol. 19 • February 1936 • No. 7

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