Textile Union Supporting the Ellenbogen Bill

Textile Union Supporting the Ellenbogen Bill Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C. — The United Textile Workers of America and all of its divisions were tolly prepared for the public...

...To Probe Scob Agencies A resolution is pending before the Assembly calling for a legislative investigation of private detectives sad detective agencies en-tekf^'m-^Jateiness of supplying Bjo|r jMfr...
...This clause is of greater importance than all the other demands the union submitted...
...BMs^aoppatt of trade wniron-hteen strike in Los Angeles...
...There is never eaomptoyment among its imuskiii as ail work is shared smodef 8 or 4 day's work a week...
...The bill is designed to do for the textile industry what the Guffey set did for coal...
...Grocery Clerks' Union was recently toeteltod as a Workmen's Circle branch...
...oniJ Furriers' League Is Backing Strike More The Furriers' Trade Union League, which consists of hundreds of Socialist fur workers, has issued the following statement: "Our union is in the midst of conferring with the employers, for the renewal of the collective agreement which expires at the end of this month...
...l3,9K4o« December -...-- 14.23838* m January------------- 15.16&X7 February____________ !S.3l?Sp March...
...The local, chafes every Jewish bakery worker in Los Angeles...
...President McMahon of the Textile Workers recently discussed the program for the passage of the hill with Congressman Henry Ellenbogen of Pennsylvania, who is sponsoring the legislation...
...The union has reduced its entrance fees to one-half, $5 for mechanics and $2.50 for helpers, the special rate to be in force up to March 2. At elections just held N. Meyeroff was elected president...
...Officers elected were George Braverman, Financial Secretary ; Al Tishler, Treasurer...
...F. J. Gorman, first vice-president, upon his return from meetings in the South, where a discussion of the bill was held with leaders, left for meet-and that he was leaving for meetings in the East...
...Despite the fact that it sharply disagrees in many respects with the present administration and has...
...secretary-treasurer of the International Union, made known in an address to the convention of the Men's Hat Department 'of the Union, now in session at the Hotel Breslin in Mow York...
...effsee Workers Wm The lockout by three Bronx em: ployers against seltzer workers of Local 311, Seltzer Workers' Union, which took place six weeks ago, has ended with a victory for the workers...
...Zarrtsky called attention to the fact teat by merging the United Hatters of North America and toe Cop aad Millinery Workers' International Union into the present International Union tern years ago, tea workers in the headgear industry anticipated the need for concerted action which is now being sponsored by she heads of international unions...
...The tragedy is intensified by the fact that the distress imposed on unemployed adults has been extended to their families, adding many millions of dependents to the suffering decreed by industrial overlords who declare that profits for the owners of industry must have a preference over employ-m*at and.wages for the jobless millions...
...The building service workers demand a 40 per cent increase in wages and a 40-hour week...
...Jacket Makers' Strike Averted The threatened strike of washable jacket makers, Local 169 of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, has been -averted...
...This .bill is based on the establishment of uniform labor standards, thereby balancing competitive conditions throughout the textile industry...
...788,^R November'IIIII—II™ 11.672,187 Clares that if iaisoislsl 'tmm^W reaches normal the aaaximum number of the jobless that em be reemployed is only a little ever three million...
...This will place the industry in a mere serious condition than it was prior to the NRA, declared Gorman, whan the employers came to Washington and appealed to the government for assistance...
...Ste could SOS only 10 fast ahead...
...There were esst^date^and'lSaof tfbe* fixed by the International officers, prob-sMy early to ofayybbless Toll StiH Well ^ Over Eleven Million IHJF...
...This is a fearful prospect to be faced by the totes of the nation...
...tliltiaory Strike Goes On Although Supreme Court Judge Leary has refused to issue an injunction requested by the Millinery Union against Lesh Brothers on the ground that the firm has breached its agreement with the union, N. Spector, mtmegrr of the union, aoriaaas that the fight will go on, if necessary for two years, until the union has won a complete victory...
...10388*«96 WWarjr"™---- li.imm March _----- 123M^H E.m~IZ-mi~™ 13.004 OM -----u-l_ 13.372.6e8 July____.___----- 13,7924*S August --- 13^67,685 September__.______ :3.45&ft8 sOctdWe...
...Following is the A. F. of L. estimate of employment by mouths from January, 1929, to November, 1985: * 1929 January...
...The union and the association have agreed to submit to arbitration at the suggestion of Impartial Chairman Henry Moskowitz...
...The far workers' cardinal demand is the closed shop...
...The Labor Front ^^pj^te'a^phtest.lsaa, aad tee BE*1**«T!f^rtiiMr ** ** mmwm...
...are tnstasd to I slow death, because of breathing i alhss dost waste buildiog sv water. sli'sjaiau hnrnai at Gauley Bridge, i Wast Virginia, is expected as the • result of a bill haiSlloni by Conr soposted Shot Bteahart and Dennis . Co, tunnel 'contractors, failed to I psoitibi wotkssa Trtth peeper sofete ¦ devices despite the teat that the , soak that was drilled contained 97 . far cent silica and the atmosphere \ Met aw tbtek afllk dust teat work...
...Plumbers' New Agreement The Alteration and Plumbing, Steam Fitting and Helpers' Union has just signed a two-year agreement with the Master Plumbers' Association to take effect March 2nd...
...As a result a fratricidal war has all but consumed the energy and vitality of the fur workers...
...The workers' demands , should be clearly understood, i The major demand of the dress• makers is the institution of a sys• tern of limitation of contractors, . fixing piece prices with the jobbers, aad the bob of the scjoattne unit system of fixing piece rates similarly to thattoow effective in the coat and suit industry...
...At present, under the agreement now expiring, the employer may hire and fire at will with the inevitable result that fear of losing a job hampers union activity...
...The Governors of all the textile states have been invited to testify before the Labor Committee...
...Long have the fur workers been waiting for this opportunity to compel the employers to concede to these demands and the favorable time has finally arrived...
...A conference has been called of friendly organisations to meet Friday evening, February 7, for the purpose of aiding the laundry drivers who are' determined to continue their courageous struggle for bettor working conditions...
...9072, the National Textile Act, a bill 'to regulate wages, hours, machine load and other labor provisions...
...Up to a few- months ago, there were two organizations in the field...
...of *¦* Asaslgam^K?ee^aeh«Bg pretest to Governor McNutt Indiana against TWea,* Jewish Bakers' Local 468 ct JUfe Angeles is celebrating its twmwh anniversary...
...He said the campaign will be carried out from now on in a personal aad written contact with all members of Congress...
...JSpe .BgatstqMs t employment mrpbsed on rrnT-tions of working men and women in the United States by the continued refusal of employers to shorten hours so as to provide work for all and raise wages to create increased buying power for the masses is poignantly revealed in the latest estimate issued by the American Federation oi Labor covering unem-^g^^ttgn January, 1929, to The statistics, which are com-' teasJ^lQte^OO^aOa' control American industry, snd therefore work opportunities for the tellers, are responsible for an army of jobless working map, and women ranging from a low of 613,751 in Septem-bsr, lttB, jioV before the stock aSarkat crash, to a high point of 15,662387 in March, 1...
...d H ftttrPirs $ p oVXid B4j V-¦X*m w^ifSe*: ¦ Hsrirofcilojejl Union to cosMBoar the ohelroos of the two departments by which the men's hatters are separated from the cap aad millinery workers will ha called within the next few a isiiuplste laJMstrisl Satea in the headgear industry, Max Zarrtsky...
...n 1 TT if l ""^^ms* VOW snSf^ORl BUMe ^^^^^J^^^*sfa^4P^aofk Of 86 hours...
...ample grounds for strong criticism of the present union's leadership, the Furriers' Trade Union League, which is composed of hundreds of right wing and Socialist fur workers with a following of several thousand, has decided to put aside all differences of opinion -in order to support the union with untiring cooperation either by peaceful means or through struggle to gain the just demands of .the workers...
...From the 1933 high the out-of-work legions have ranged grad-ually downward, reaching a low of 11,448^S6 in October, 1995...
...11.842,488 November___________ 12.874396 December ____________12.759,628 1984 January---------—13382317 February------------ 12363372 March ---------- 12.420306 April ________ 12.008388 May----------- 11.710389 June-------------.— 11.7143J8 July----------- 12388^ August -----------~ .2.361,788 September .......--- !2.4»3» October _____________- 12JM8,8« November----------- 12380388 December____----- 123&838S 1888 Jauuary----------- IS.P&yifi February ------------ l*'*Vlk March--------------- lfi.60*,l?7 April ------------- 183783TT Man .....--------- 12388381 June____________ 12388338 July___________— 12,475Ag September...
...The organisation has communicated with Congressmen and Senators explaining the purposes of the' bill and about two h*"»-rrT replies have bean received to date stating in substance that the measure will he given serious consideration by the members of ConB Mr...
...The contractors ware building , the tunnel for the Kanawa Power Co., a no St Si an of the Electro Melalliirafeal Corporation, in turn a SPhaliUrj of the Wall Street . laipeiatinn, Union Carbide A Car-i hen...
...The only Aetked by which we to deprive the employers of the privilege of making workers bread-less by throwing them out of the shop...
...To Aid Laundry Drivers More than 300 members of Local 810, Laundry Drivers' Union, have- been on strike for 7 weeks...
...Secretary Rend of Local 662 dedans, that the drive will go on until sweatshop conditions will he ended in all East Side poultry shops...
...Saul Heizler, vice-president,, and Max Wilder, financial secretary...
...In addition to a 26% increase on the minimum scales and a 30-hour work-week, the union demands equal division of work and no discharge during the life of the agreement, i. e., that the employer shall .hot have the right to discharge workers at will...
...3,059,956 February _......------ S.118,696 March...
...Zarrtsky is one of the eight leaders of unions affiliated with the American federation of Labor who organised recently, under tee chairmanship of John L. Lewis, president of tee United Mine Workers of America, -tee Committee for Industrial Organisation, the purpose of which is to strengthen the position of the advocates of industrial unionism within the ranks of the Federation...
...De>oTas silicosis I A full investigation Of the f charge that 476 watfceus died aad I an istisaatiii 2360...
...Julius Shot man, Recording Secretary, and Irving Miller, Hospitaler...
...Another meeting Hfe te a SOMlrtl J church was raid-Hlto^BfAtttes aod two union men ekUdr^n, connected with the SouthPorofsky Protesvs Marti til Joseph S. Petefsky, assistant ^¦jSHpsSsiSa...
...2,560,810 April ..........------ 2,042,733 May ----------------- 1,753,812 June----------------- 1,4*7,233 July ----------------- 1,214,446 August -------------- 1,063,789 September ---------- 618,751 October -------------- 910,479 November____________ 1,948,856 December -------,---- 2,628341 1930 Ja^Bary^.........— - 3^^^1 Q^eber^--"""!-"" bS5',036 EOF3SS 1M1 Penary......~—II f^S^ Septentear""ZIII~"I" fit«*V0ot October------------- ?.4Mjm November------------ I0,4K)^g8 December...
...Opposition from the employers is anticipated regardless of the fact that the bill would regulate their competitive conditions and place all of them on a fair and equal basis...
...It has the support of the cotton division, woolen and worsted, hosiery, silk and rayon, synthetic yarn, carpet and rugs, upholstery, knitting and all other branches of' the textile industry...
...He said the unions .throughout the country had endorsed the bill and will be represented in Washington when the breakdown in code standards and the deplorable conditions in the textile industry will be explained to the Labor Committee...
...To tins end we call upon all the right wing, for workers to render undivided service to the union when called upon in : order 3* strengthen its arm to protect tee thousands of for surkaraaod tkote ucAmzgAD wnpsfcpg Jj^ SPECIAL convention of the \* q 1t...
...The right that the employer enjoys under the old contract: to discharge workers whenever he chooses, is responsible for the unbearable speed-up system that entrenched itself in our industry, is responsible for wage cuts, has converted some of the workers into veritable lickspittles, and is the cause of myriad evils from which the fur Workers suffer today...
...At the first conference, the leadership of our union presented a series of demands, each of which is of paramount importance to the thousands of fur workers in our trade...
...e^PM^ ohpo^a^cos^s Hdd l»©^oi ^WP»ltte takor movement hails Wlapsiteid decision of the IlliHM^** Cant which holds ^H^^jmA to |MstlEOuiie it it law-ttat Pis^ua Ihesttste^iw^^c^ ^^^^^Mk^^^va^ant strike tEttional Guard and has remained J*\ strike hy the Retail Food ^HB^ P^stea of esasSaord, Conn., Bsstores in Hartford and Meri-¦efcoteand Gretna* Sprtarfi*ld' flBSStflljl I inf...
...Textile Union Supporting the Ellenbogen Bill Special to The New Leader WASHINGTON, D. C. — The United Textile Workers of America and all of its divisions were tolly prepared for the public hearing before the House Labor Committee Monday, January 27, in support of 3LS...
...L : And in New York Three Hsj Labor Battles IN surveying labor developments in New York, the impending i strikes in the dress, far and build-i ing service industries are of major , importance...
...He said the union expected the employers to maintain a powerful lobby in opposition to the bill and that the ram*" would danonri open the influence of the rank aad file of workers in the United States to convince the Congress of the necessity of the bill's passage...
...Fortunately, the tragic division in the ranks of the far workers is a thing of the past...
...PooJlty Oryuoiiilloo Drive Poultry Workers' Union, Local 662, of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters' International, have in a two-week drive organized 25 stores .on the East Side...
...Taking advantage of tins exceedingly unhappy and disastrous situation, the employers, to appease the greedy and rapacious instinct inlimstit in the capitalist system, have exploited the unprotected fur workers to the fullest extent...
...l«.6823lT April -------------— 15.1*43*8 May —:----* 14.814341 Jane--------------- :3342«S July —--------- 18.4573*1 August ------------- 12,661,86 September —1_______ :l.8S8,«ffi Octobp...
...With the demands won, the union will be in a splendid position to institute complete control ie** our industry, where the fur workers and their families have been literally starving during recent years...
...The workers successfully fought against a wage redaction...
...Today the for workers have one powerful union and there is nothing on earth that the fur workers cannot gain through their united forces...
...The proposal, which will aSset 50,000 workers, was endorsed by the convention...
...Gormen said that if the bill fails of passage, conditions will demand another national ¦hilt, as the employers are taking every advantage, aad the tendency to destroy code standards will increase from time to time...
...23,415^FT8 November —i...
...uakmdons to dMth^by pars was broken up by an armed hsea oeasaassl to the county line valued tat Ufa...

Vol. 19 • February 1936 • No. 5

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