N. Y. Socialists Declare War on Usurpers

N. Y. Socialists Declare War on Usurpers 1300 ft* Party Rally Here Pledge Support to ReguIbj* rarty cnrganuauon— No Registration'with Doai Group. JAMMED to the doors, with % petty members...

...and by the same majority adopted a motion to disapprove the action of the N.E.C...
...These betrayers of democracy and the high ideals of tbe Socialist Party, tod by Norman Thomas, have after several years' flirtation with Communists and party wrecking, finally skewed up in their true colors at tbe meeting of the N.E.C...
...They will destroy themselves like all Communists over the world...
...SSotmg, its lack of principle, ethics and democracy and Oneal ggd the failures of Norman •puts, wrecking the old New IlCk Leader, the L.I.D...
...B. Charney Vladeck, manager of The Forward...
...instead of being the servants of the party membership hecomes their masters, and then autocracy rules...
...Sam Perimatter, manager of Local 10 of fee International Ladies' Garment Workers...
...The chairman and the secretary are hereby empowered to invite such other State Organizations and Federations affiliated with the Socialist Party as are ready to cooperate with this conference...
...If Tories and reactionaries immediately holler that this is a concession, that this amounts virtually to a dictatorship over Reading by the trade unions and the workers our answer, scorning to debate the accuracy of the charge which is in question, is that we would rather be ruled by the Reading Federated Trades Council than by the Berks County Clearing House, the anti-labor Hosiery Manufacturers' Association or the Chamber of Commerce...
...For nearly a - half century the Socialists Of America have been organizing, agitating, and educating among' the masses to be prepared to meet and combat humanity's r*aimen enemy—Capitalism...
...The new administration, while its members are all Socialists, cannot be called a Socialist government because under our present state and national political and economic set-up the principles of Socialism cannot be put into operation in just one city or even a number of cities...
...I N spite o f the very coki weather and travel made difficult in the snow-covered city, about one hundred loyal members of Local Buffalo came to the membership meeting last Sunday...
...and also demanded the restoration of the New York charter...
...Thomas J. Ceenrod, Idaho.—"We do not think of the ThomasBrowder debate as promoting unity in the party and with organized labor...
...The large, modern and attractive hall at 483 Main St., on the main stem and in the heart of the city, was the scene of a cheerful crowd of good-natured and harmonious Socialists undismayed by the threat of the destruction of their party...
...He had not attended party meetings much, but with the situation cleared in the party he expected to attend more often...
...The spirit and determination of the rank and file to carry the struggle against autocracy in the the Socialist Party of the Stat* of New York, in meeting assembles at Beethoven Hall en ThnrsMj, January 16...
...As stated before, we have weathered many storms, so we will weather this one...
...We hereby endorse the decision ef the State Executive Committee litirti W l l S | the members ef the party not u register with the se-caBed pre* visional State Committee appointed by the National Executive Com...
...Long live The New Leader...
...Their absence was largely responsible for the fruitful and harmonious meeting...
...If such is the case, I would not hesitate to throw him out of the party.0 G. W. Bnefcmester, Oklahoma,— "I am more than glad that the disturbers have taken themselves oat of the party of kicked the party out from under them...
...voted to mstal minority fgjK over the members in New f^jmc City and in the state and iji&rweTe out in force to express Wg resentment...
...When the meeting opened, the only ones missing were a dozen or so ultra-"revolutionists," a preacher and his church coterie, two so-called labor leaders discredited by their own unions, and a couple of college boys and Y.M.CA...
...1936, that we heresy condemn and denounce the actios of the National Executive Cab* mittee at Philadelphia in suspaaV ing the charter of the Stanrw New York, in ousting the Mb constituted State Committee, all in naming a so-called in in liisaal State Committee, and we kersey pledge our whole-hearted seppart to the duly constituted State Committee of New York...
...During these troubles Local Buffalo lost 20 members, 9 of whom were expelled for the advocacy of communism...
...James Ones!, editor of The New Leader...
...Nearly all party members in Maryland are beginning to see that the assault upon New York State by the N.E.C, if allowed to go unchallenged by the membership, means that democracy in the Socialist Party is dead, that no State organization is safe, and that the N.E.C...
...The disruptive left wing, with which yen contend, is much the same element that is destroying the party in so many sectors...
...Friday evening the State Executive Committee met and by a vote of 7 to 1 the action of the N.E.C...
...Indiana.—"Congratulations on the gallant fight yea have made to keep fhe principles of Marxian Socialism before us...
...Comrades, are we willing to stand idly by and see the working class betrayed and the labor of nearly a half century east to the Winds, as if it were junk dumped tote the hands of a group of irresponsible secessionists...
...Vladeck said that Marx had warned the movement against the lumpen proletariat but today the real plague is due to the "lumpen intelligentsia" created by the depression...
...The gathering adjourned to partake of a goodly supper prepared by the women comrades and the crowd sang and ate...
...was emphatically disapproved, and the committee demanded the rescinding of their action...
...THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED, that this conference of duly elected representatives of the State Committees of the States of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New York, Maryland, Rhode Island, and representatives of the Finnish and Jewish Federations, representing a total membership in good standing of 9,2.14, meeting in Interstate Party Conference at the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City, condemns the aforesaid actions and decisions of the National Executive Committee as illegal, unconstitutional, dictatorial, undemocratic and contrary to the best interests of the Socialist movement in the United States, and constituting a usurpation of power...
...Among them were all the veterans of our Buffalo party, comrades who have given a lifetime of service and devotion to onr movement, and working people identified with trade unions and fraternal labor organizations...
...Our local consists chiefly of working class comrades...
...The "militants" had circulated a rumor that James H. Maurer had repudiated his denunciation of the N.E.C...
...West Philadelphia Jewish Socialist Verband has adopted a resolution denouncing tile N.E.C...
...and beit further...
...The dictatorial action of the N.X.C...
...Joseph L Smith, Ohio...
...in the colK the capturing of his student agaaization by the Communists, fjpnig oh the wrong horse in the aUnsis Miners' fight, and now hacking a split in the Socialist Party...
...Maryland Hits at N. E. C. Action On N. y. Charter State Executive Committee Blow at Party Democracy and Self-Rule by Membership...
...This was achieved after the "Reverend" revolutionist and his congregation had been booted out of the party...
...Build the Socialist Party and get such for The New Leader to help build it...
...The new administration can, however, properly be termed a workers' government, a labor government, because what laws are in effect for the municipality and what laws can be set up for just Reading will be enforced and made operative according to the dictates of the labor unions and their memberships...
...Letters from Our Readers LOCALS, branches and members of the Socialist Party in tbe various states who are flooding the party office and The New Leader with statements on the party situation and denunciations of the N.E.C...
...In the November elections the vote increased nearly 1,000...
...which appeared in The New Leader two weeks ago...
...A few excerpts from this material, however, will be printed from time to time, so continue to send them in...
...It is no accident that almost all of the Socialist officials installed last week are also trade-unionists of long and revered standing...
...Revoking the charter of New York is an unjustified and unwarranted attack upon the intelligence of the majority of our comrades and an unconstitutional attack upon democratic procedure and Social Democracy...
...The Fur Workers' Union shares part of the headquarters and shortly other trade unions will meet under the same roof...
...No militant tactics for me...
...Abraham Cahan related how at the Paris Congress of the L.S.I...
...Nominations for officers for the ensuing term were made and without dissent or contest and with affection and esteem the whole crew of old officers were re-elected for 1936...
...Robert G. Risk...
...Tammany raid on New York State are urged to be patient...
...gan naafcnaV of the Philadelphia Mliiai of the N.E.C...
...Abraham Knan, editor of The Forward...
...Special to The New Leader BALTIMORE...
...Another letter from Maurer was read at the meeting which appears in another column...
...Louis Hollander, manBper of the Joint Board of the •selgasiated Clothing Workers...
...At the conclusion of the business meeting, August Claessens of New York City spoke at length on the history of the internal party difficulties and the events leading up to the recent actions of he N.E.C...
...Feinstone related some amusing incidents of the united front in a few unions affiliated with the United Hebrew Trades, citing one where it had been effected between several Communist groups and that the allies emerged from a meeting with bloody noses...
...and demanded that it be rescinded...
...Kissfing, Ifitoeis.—"Let all of the disrupterg go...
...for its unconstitutional action and for having "encouraged an act of secession.'' It demands a reversal of the action...
...RESOLVED, that this conference calls upon the National Executive Committee immediately to rescind the aforesaid actions and decisions at Philadelphia, affecting the New York State organization...
...in suspending the charter of the largest state organization in the Socialist Party, namely New York, without charges being preferred, brought prompt action from three party divisions in Maryland...
...in good spirit...
...The Jewish Socialist Verband, ike largest branch in Local Baltimore, after hearing the report of Morris L. Polln who attended the Philadelphia meeting of the N.E.C, without a dissenting vote, condemned the action of the N.E.C...
...and he it further RESOLVED, that should the National Executive Committee fail to rescind its aforesaid actions and decisions within thirty (30) days from the date of this conference, then this Interstate Conference shall be reconvened by the secretary on a date to be fixed by the chairman and the secretary to determine such further action as may be deemed necessary...
...The meeting began with reports of the past year's activities by the Executive Secretary, the Organizer and the Treasurer, i n d i c a t i ng steady progress and many successful activities in spite of the internal difficulties caused by a small group of disrupters...
...Excellent contacts have been made with the labor unions, aid was given in their organization work and a number of trade union officials are also active members of Local Buffalo...
...You are taking the proper cause...
...Daniel F. Downey, Massachusetts.—" Be assured of the full cooperation and support of Local Methuen...
...T. H. Plam pin, Texas.—"It does not seem possible that Thomas would use such little judgment as to align himself with the militants for persona] glory or to satisfy his animosity...
...at this crucial moment, Wish the coiiapae of Capitalism dragging us down into a mire of poverty and want in a nation filled with plenty, we find our movement being betrayed, sat by the rank and file, not frets the bottom up, but frees the top down by some of the very high ofeetahi of oar party whom we have in the past honored and trusted...
...Perlmutter of Local 10 of the I.L.G.W.U...
...instructed the state delegates to fhe Eastern States conference to bring that action to the attention of the delegates...
...Buffalo Party Gains Members And Votes Organization, Rid of Disroptkmiats, Consolidate* Ranks, and Moves Forward Along Constructive Path—Holds Fine Membership Meeting...
...JAMMED to the doors, with % petty members standing in the ptfrside antes and others packed kt the rear of the hail, the mass jMfcmg of Socialist Parti r mem| ^ in Beethoven Hafl Thursday •B^of last week brought about O30 members to the meeting...
...delegate after delegate came to him and asked what had happened to the party in this country...
...And now...
...Every refer| j s to the decision that party Mhbers would not register with usurpers and thus ratify the K^patlon was greeted with •fers of, approval...
...Let your actions at this membership meeting tell the world in no uncertain terms that the Socialist Party of New York will not tolerate dictatorship, or rule of minorities, or permit the democracy of our movement and its high ideals to be crucified on the altar ef ego and hero worship...
...The S.E.C...
...We, too, have long been disgusted with the pseudo-intellectuals and extreme parlor pinks...
...in Stinging Letter flte feU*wfmm+r mas sen* by Conrmd* Maurer to be read to the moat matting of New York City greeted with To my^e!iraaas^,New^rork in Membership Meeting Assembled: I beg leave to greet you with a short, but important message...
...The local has sent a protest to the LJ5.I...
...and its attempts to wreck the Socialist Party of New York...
...He congratulated the Buffalo comrades on their fine r e s i s t a n ce against these efforts and complimented them for their harmonious condition and their good record of activities...
...Workers and Governments By David S. Schick Editor of the Labor Reeord A N all-workers' government, comprised of successful candidates of the Socialist Party, took over the government of Reading, Pa...
...Mandelson declared the Yipseie were with the party and this brought cheers from the youth on the floor and in the gallery...
...And then, to heap insult upon injury, they cry aloud for harmony, but demand harmony at their own terms...
...He was also of the opinion that Thomas is a man who is convinced by the per• son who speaks to him last...
...Abraham L Niesenbaum...
...RESOLUTION ADOPTED BY THE EASTERN STATES CONFERENCE W H E R E A S , without presenting any charges to the duly constituted New York State tadutiittee, and without giving fhe State due opportunity to answer ami appear, an- required by fhe Socialist Party National Constitution, and in defiance of all pleasfor unity, the National Executive Committee at its sessions in Philadelphia took action and made decisions to suspend the charter of the State of New York, appointing a provisional State Committee, and ousting the duly elected New York State Committee ami-Officers and the duly constituted authorities of its subdivisions...
...Following the reports, the orderly business-like business meeting of Local Buffalo proceeded smoothly and efficiently under the chairmanships of Charles H. Roth and Martin B. Heisler...
...I know that no real Socialist will stand idly by and allow real Socialists read out of the party and our organisation wrecked...
...Comrades, this turmoil within oar party is most deplorable especially to the oldtimers who have weathered many storms, especially during the World War, who by self-sacrifice and a life's devotion to the cause, have proven their loyalty to the party...
...There were no points of order, interruptions and squabbles...
...J%t meeting was the first of its ghlracter to be held since the KJE-C...
...Max Sfftsky, president of the Cap and sfthnsry Workers' International Galon, had intended to speak but safe, word that he was detained by * conference with the emj p i atari Scare N.E.C, Jjaftinsi ill told of the N.E.C...
...Do two thigs...
...stay with it and we will succeed...
...At a general party membership meeting of Local Baltimore, which: has about 76 per cent of the state membership, an overwhelming majority defeated a motion to approve the action of the N.E.C...
...We cannot print all your protests and resolutions, however much they are appreciated...
...Louis Waldman made a spirited address which brought enthusiastic responses from the audience...
...Waldman analyzed the contradictions and the usurpations involved in the action of the N.E.C...
...mittee and pledge ourselves net ts register...
...The questions followed the speech by Maynard Krueger at the Congress...
...Hewever, 120 new members had been admitted during the same period...
...n s Feins tone, secretary of the HaiUa Hebrew Trades, and Joseph Ipdelson of the Y.P.S.L...
...in Philadelphia on Sunday, Jannary 5, 1986, when they officially recognizee a rump minority group of secessionists in New York as the official Socialist Party of New York and outlawing the regular majority organization and membership of the party...
...Tjgernon Lee, City chairman, was jtji iiinin and the speakers were gifce^Chairman Louis Waldman...
...and declared that no party member would stultify himself by registering with the rump committee set up by the N.E.C...
...If there was a time more important than any ether when the Socialist Party skaaU face the common enemy of the toilers in one solid united front, that time is right now...
...Hollander of the Amalgamated was of the opinion that Thomas would make a fine leader of a choir and that if the mass meeting was attempted with the "militants'* in control of the government it would i be held in a concentration camp...
...declared that Hollander had made his speech...
...Maurer Assails Dictatorship Of N.E.C...
...Over $300 was contributed by the members to the party chest...

Vol. 19 • January 1936 • No. 4

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