Socialists Will form Two More Cabinets In Week

Socialists Will form Two More Cabinets In Week leJgisn and French Parties Wffl Head Coalition Gov-eminent. —Vanderveide P and De Man Mentioned y jnr irbbiii Rexists Gain Ground Rite of New...

...The high spots of the convention were: 1—Expulsion of the New York Old Guard, with a msmbership of 3,000, frem Urn party when the convention voted net to seat it* delegates aad approved the sas-pension of the' New York charter by the National Executive Committee...
...A Socialism that is not democratic, that it content to put its heck under the heel of dictatorship, is for us a monstrosity, a betrayal, an intolerable self-contradiction A dismal chapter is closed—no, not yet closed, far beads...
...1. Minority groups in "militant" states in some of which we have half or nearly half of the members...
...However, Senator Barton K. Wheeler of Montana, chairman of the Senate Committee which put over the original Guffey Act and which will also handle the new bill, announced tiie' issues involved were too...
...Indiana and Oregon were also sure to approve the .principles of the federation...
...Right wing delegates, disgusted with the proceedings, refrained from participation as much as possible, conscious of the stupidity and futility of it all...
...of London and Hillquit, has found a new body...
...The Socialist Party has probably had its last national convention...
...Negotiation of the will go down in history ssjpa labor's epic struggles...
...wMisWfS 4s^4B...
...To uninformed spectators it presented one aspect to those concerned in it quite another...
...When the Supreme Court wiped out the Guffey Act, which undertook to set up a "little NBA" for the bituminous industry, five of the judges—Sutherland, Van De-vanter...
...Belgium gPlr*t ripe to become a second '"^g*8 government of Premier Paul jit* fc«|aast which, has now re-jBW Pat into execution a num-proposals contained in I w»P* "an reconstruction plan has resulted in a 40% drop ^^^PSsyment...
...Socialists Will form Two More Cabinets In Week - leJgisn and French Parties Wffl Head Coalition Gov-eminent...
...I think it would- set a precedent which would plague all of us...
...Thomas himself indicated that he was for it but desired to defer action until after the campaign, when it will be submitted to a referendum...
...Recommending abolition of this post, HoOn, reporting for the committee on constitution, explained that it was purely honorary and could be dispensed with...
...we final standing' of the vari-fc parties as compared to their ¦neer strength is as follows: ¦ ForNow marly Paluts _ 70 78 i*»>hcs _-,_ 68 19 apsis - 28 24 Hfa-- 21 0 J*ain...
...were Norman Thomas, Maynard C. Krueger, Daniel W. Hoanv Powers Hapgood and Darlington Boo pes...
...Berger aad Hillquit lives bow hi the Social Democratic Federation The party of Micky Mast, Mas Delson, Jack Altman and Norman Thomas is hradad for the scrap heap, the scrap heap where reside the remains of the S.LP...
...Loyal Socialists Plan New Parly Social Democratic Fedora-tion Launched aft Cleveland aa Instrument for Reconstruction of Sooal* a aSt iim ¦ mm ¦ ii i 1 SW A mm ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ist m o v eroen i in /virjonca SLP History Recalled Militant-Commumst Aft...
...3. State organizations...
...Two main streams took their inexorable course from the convention: First* FeTBsaUam of the Social Democratic Federation as the basis of a sew, seaad Social Desaeerattc-Labor Pasty in America...
...Moving expenses and MpMr losses of transferred istflj'1 will be paid...
...S ~* with the centralized policy control, the convention ^Hided the repudiation of g^eoelidge and Daniel by **» °Wn slates re-elected ^?»the NiC...
...grave to be summarily disposed of...
...We' made important concessions along that line in the National Recovery Act, bat we in-insisted that labor must have the right to organise and that some thought must be given to the interest* of -the consumers...
...dM nourrced by Richard Fr»r.k*o*w»* general president of thMgjFJ Newspapermen Hold Meeting In New York Guild Delegate* Itepresent-ing Every Section of the Country Attend Convention—A...
...The Socialist hrty's seats were reduced by 3 Sat the Liberals lost one...
...The New York local voted 4 to 1 is favor of joining the A. F. of I* inasmuch as delegates have been •tasted on the issue of affiliation ¦ "accordance with a resolutidn saat-ta all locals and chapters by gtr^ational Executive Board, ft is believed that the convention's decision will be a direct reflection of the sentiment of organized newspaper workers...
...All tests showed that the overwhelming majority of the delegates were for the united front with the Communists...
...I do not believe the people of this Uuuatry are prepared to approve' a 'price-fixing bill for the coal industry, unless it contain* ample safeeuards for the consumers sai* the workers...
...ftessocroey Sflfecjuarded -Vow .agtanding the fact that SBsecracy is apparently wall in-Ussefced politically in Belgium, to rise of the fascist Sexist Party which captured 21 seats at lb very first entry into an elects...
...Let the Dybbuk have the old one...
...Franz Daniel Saft»*v re"**eeted a member, dey ™ defeat in Pennsylvania ^at,*^*1** to the eonvention...
...We MSB to 1938 and 1940, and to the building of what shall no loaf* be a propaganda group under the outward guise of a pert> but in sober fact a political party—no, the political party—ef the working class...
...Socialists are confident that the S, D. F. will have more members within a year them the Thomas party...
...Thomas Wins Nomination But Wrecks Party Sornasi>ansou>tstiFenVa-ad^ WU1 Rally More Than Half of the Membership...
...We send greetings to Socialists throughout the country who approve our declared methods and aims,' and we invite them to participate in our work...
...On with the struggle for liberty, justice and plenty for all...
...For us...
...Speoial to The New Leader CLEVELAND, -rr Following the decision of the "Socialist" convention seating the tninority "militant" delegates froul New York Stat*, the Interstate Socialist ConfeYerice met in the Hotel H oil en den and dissolved...
...George L. Berry, president of the International Printing Pressmen and Assistant*' Union...
...This Federation starts with close to three thousand members in the State of Near York, the Old Guard State Organisation, whose charter has been revolted by the National Executive Committee and wivose delegates were not seated at the convention...
...ana that "inside of six months the Social' Democratic federation will have in its organization more than \haif of* the present members of the Socialist Party...
...Nor was there any discussior on the question of the war resolution, covering the most crucia question now confronting the international Socialist and laboi asovement...
...In the three to are-year sera* group the cash allowance ii no-months' pay...
...Adoption of a resolution estab-aAjng the De Leonist principle of oaeisiist interference with the trade —Jans and laying the basis for the ¦Btf—"t of "cells" and "nuclei" B'l*bor organizations...
...I The provisional executive committee chosen consists of the following: members: James H. Maurer Pennsylvania* chairman...
...We rely for the attainment of our aims upon the use of democratic methods...
...We could insert .in those charters provisions which would protect labor and the consumers...
...A lew years ago ts*w«1*» suggestion of aa Sgillia*** prelect the workers is sa saw and gigsntic industry faar** suffe rings coincident S* as*-aess mergers weald.asar*** "laughed out of court" * •» employer ia the ls*jir the caeaaasasa laiuiWawwa merged any of their tana** the employees wet* as a matter of course, to** the brunt of the horde...
...hc*s No employee's wages wW stn...
...fwS^hha^ Within forty-eight hours after the court's decision, the substitute bill was introduced, eliminating the labor features but retaining the other previsions...
...not seeking prestige or leadership, leaW only to help promote the political consciousness of AaawP Labor, its self-reliance and solidarity, its.forward march...
...I—Adoption of a crude plat-farm, couched in terms unworthy of the finest exposition of Socialist (nought such as graced party plat-farm in the past...
...duced if, as the result of ta solidation, he is placed on i'a paying a lower rate, "Coerdiaatioa Allowee*Displaced employees will be fat coordination allowances raagH| from 60 per cent of their ntti for five years for men in the* year service list down to a "m* stake" of two months full watt for men with less than IS rnooflg Service...
...This is no time to rush pellmell into an undertaking which may seriously retard economic progress for a generation...
...Two years of work by Thorn** and his executive dictatorship has thrown the party into factional convulsions and he is just realising that it is hopelessly split...
...As s result of the recent elec-Istfs in Belgium in which the So-ashst Party emerged with the trees: representation in Parliament, it is expected that it will arm a government probably with faule V'andervelde as premier or psibly Henry De Man, the vice-pesiden* of the party...
...16 8 Pianists _ » g **aeervelde Floys Faudits _j&sracterising the Bexists ar Tf&scist danger," Vandervelde gP**d that "a forceful energetic PPg wfll be necessary...
...Somebody with a sense of-humor named it the "Unity Committee...
...Massa-gasejm, Maryland and Rhode ¦assi, whose delegations, with few "¦Wrtions, voted against the •jettaatioa of Thomas...
...Divided on all important questions into Thomasites, Trotskyists, Lovesonites and crackpots of various descriptions, the convention was a rapidly revolving mass of confusion, inclusive in its majority of everything except clear-headed Socialists* The hitter sat back viewing the antics of the "all-inclusive" party and thinking how best to extricate themselves from continued association with a party which has degenerated to the level of a political department store with departments galore...
...Leon Blum, French Socialist leader, will head a coalition cabinet marking the Irst time a Socialist has been u the head of the government since the establishment oi the raird Republic...
...Hey-wood Broun is now the president of the national organization and Jonathan Eddy is the executive secretary...
...Onward toward the Cooperative Commonwealth...
...their fight for shorter hours and higher wages...
...Thirty-nine of the WO* m in Eastern territory, at » * West aad Southwest, and B s the Southeast...
...reparations by the N.E.C...
...The nme-teenth national convention of the Socialist Party adr journed here Tuesday evening after a four-day session, split in several directions, with the party obviously doomed to extinction—to give way to sjkw, genuine Socialist movement...
...These ^included states like Illinois, New Jersey and Ohio...
...On this point the convention jSt the door wide open to the aaatinued infiltration of the party Pft Communists...
...At the option of the eapWyM, a cash lump sum settlement aa...
...Instead of increasing the Party-vote over the 900,000 received by Thomas in 1932, his vote will fall far below that" figure, and will hit new low levels...
...Thomas's nomination was opposed at the convention by the entire delegations of Connecticut, headed by Mayor Jasper McLevy, of Washington, Maryland, Massachusetts and most of the delegates from Pennsylvania...
...V^v s~^{ We are confident that, as these principles of democratic1 labot Socialism come to be understood by the working classes, they will meet hearty approval and that greet numbers of men aad women of the middle and professional classes, actuated by a sense of justice and humanity as well as by resentment cgainst the evils which they also suffer under the capitalist system, will give them loyal support...
...WASHINGTON.—The principle that the railroads must protect workers whose jobs are eliminated by consolidations and mergers, which is embodied in the agreement signed between the Standard Railroad Labor Organizations and the carriers, is not only a sweeping victory for organized labor but marks a new chapter in the history of industrial relations in the United States...
...Vitally Impertoet Ciaew This clause in the agrees**' ¦ considered vitally importtiit...
...For a moment the ostensible victors exulted, but for a moment only...
...contest, is considered an omi-tK sign...
...The calibre of the discussion on the floor, insofar aa there was discussion worthy of the name, was beneath contempt...
...the three thousand expelled and many groups that hare caw out with us...
...Second: \Tk« esthreak ea the floor of the convention of the bitter factional differences which divide the left wtag fate the elements of essrfssMd TmSSSSB "centrism...
...He pointed out the following types that can be affiliated...
...The convention abolished the office of national party chairman, a post which was graced for the past two years by Lee Krzycki...
...Senator O'Mahoney of Wyoming has suggested a way out and is urging his plan to compel all corporations engaged in interstate business to take out Federal charters...
...These men will hold it-employment, free...
...Inside of six months, the Social Democratic Federation, founded in Cleveland, will have in its organization more than half of the present members of the Socialist Party...
...Some will disaffiliate from the Party at.onee and come over to the Federation...
...TMW*' ing of such s pact is asp**' dented... the faces of Connecticut ^^•aehusetts... mefce the charters of such oraa effort by left wing members *f She NiC, with the approval af Norman Thomas, to bulldoze the right wing state organization sf Washington...
...Coupled with this was adoption of a resolution designed to shew the world outside that the party MBudiates armed insurrection bat ^aafly containing no unequivocal —podiation...
...We reject the idea of dictatorship, in whatever hands it might be lodged and for whatever purposes it might ostensibly be used...
...the shift in relative voting shengih placed the Socialists in »* position of the largest parlia-¦¦tary group thus displacing the •ftriics who hitherto were the Pwty...
...From Indianapolis in 1900 until Milwaukee in 193...
...Waldman Declares in Convention Summary...
...It was shown still more vividly by the different bearing of the two parties, once the decision was made...
...Still others felt it necessary to go back to their states and call state convention* where final action can be taken...
...He declared that his delegation must go back to the state to report but that he would be with us if he had to resign from a party-dominated by Thomas and its followers...
...including the Socialists, CatssSes and Liberals, won a total a! aB seats as against the anti-^Mpfeatie .parties consisting of toasts sad .Communists who won » sesu...
...Freed from assodabe* with confused, undemocratic, 'and therefore essentially as-socialistic elements, we are setting ourselves to the arduow b» worth-while task of awakening, enlightening, inspiring and or ganizing our class...
...With this goal in view, we strive lor every possible betterment of the condition of the masses through extension of public ownership and through social and labor legislation to relieve the workers from poverty, ^overwork, unemployment and other evils resulting from the system of private ownership and production for profit...
...The new Social-?™i«try is expected to proceed sW»k* w^t*1 P^**1* *or catabat-fjj> aeonomid crisis which will S^j*0 the foundations of de-5**e?r- '"he advent of a Soci&l-*X2time in Belgium will be an "J"* strength to the cause of 3k J^S picture now stands, Socialist minority govern-3*" h the three Scandinavian J^8' »nd the adveat next 2vj* 8tK-:aiisx regimes in France afz^Py1- high hope is felt for 5Jg|?**aanee of peace and de-«J^P«)d through them the HaBPn* toward Socialism...
...Similar "ids are being prepared against *assyhaaua, Connecticut...
...A group of delegates who presented a pacifist JJjolatior...
...The discussion which followed resulted in approval of the program mentioned above...
...The original soul—the soul that is associated with the names of Berger and Debs, of Hanford and Harriman... paid to him and he gust m all rights to re-empl*>Tna4 sit Under this plan, men eat i m IS years' service can getkJKnV diate cash equal to one year* til pay...
...but more particularly labor: In my opinion we should take a little time to study this problem...
...gNsed to revoke charters H**'L'r it may find it necessary w^lMaeive, the rule of the party ?y**hy...
...Maurer is a disciplined Socialist and, of course, will act in unison with his state when it make* It* final decision...
...Vander-¦da was formerly the president sj the Labor and Socialist Inter-3B>*I and De Mas la a* outSaStttg economist.whose plan for ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ SBstaadmg Importance is tif ftet that the parties now rep-wsfted in the encumbent coali-om government and committed to H aeansnsni i of democratic in-(Brstfecs...
...By that time, most of the Old Guard members will be out of the Party, so the results of such referendum become a foregone conclusion...
...People Wilt Not Approve Another Senator said: "This is an employers' bill... appointing a committee of nP commissars with wide powers * *wstch" developments in all gae states, the dominant Thomas-Bwhig faction on the N.E.C...
...They have formed a political alliance wi^h the LaFollette Progressive Federation which reserved the right to support President Roosevelt and in all p»«habiliey-u«ll do so...
...Clear indications at the convention were that the Social Democratic Federation will have the support of fully one-half of the old Socialist Party membership The other half, aa the convention revealed, has begun to tear itself to pieces...
...against New York...
...Two to three yet men can get six mental' pay a cash...
...Montana and Washington are among the states approving Social Democratic principles but they will have to decide their course in a referendum or by state .conventions...
...hospitalisation and other r-gka...
...Tenant Farmers' Union Calii Strike in Eastern Arkansas MEMPHIS.—The Southern Ten-•ant Farmers' Union on May IS called its day labor member* ir three east Arkansas counties out on strike for higher wages for chopping: cotton...
...A bright chapter has just begun...
...rhth the Washington and Ore-t0B organizations now face raids dsriiar to that carried out by the *f-C...
...The goal at which we aim is the social ownership and democratic control of all productive wealth which, under private ownership, serves as a source of profit to its owners at the expense of the toiling masses...
...We stand for the extension and the improvement of existing democracy and for, defendmg it against attack from ^hate^^aGfe^sltir aTftfaVnig^cosn...
...Together with the 16 ¦eats of flemish Nationalists the ifawHioc will have a total of 46...
...beginning with New York with about 3,000 members...
...The Declaration of Principles, "revised" without revision at the last moment, was not debated at all...
...It was then reconstituted as the Social Democratic Federation, set up a provisional executive committee, issued a statement* regarding its principles and policies, raised a fund of $520 in cash and pledges, »and decided to immediately tike up the work of organization fh the various states...
...g—The nomination of Norman ssjagjts for President, with George Nelson of Wisconsin as his run-ping mate, accompanied by a synthetic demonstration of en-taasuuun...
...The rote of the membership waa X841 in favor of the I—Hillydilation and 973 against Aiehwas short of the required ssavthlrds' majority necessary to sjssnd: the Guild"s constitution...
...Edward J. Vols, president of the International Photoengraver* Union, and John Brophy, director of the Committee for Industrial Organization...
...The gains of the extremist pntiej were made mainly at the ¦assse of the Catholk Party, *to lost 16 seats...
...from each state as it is organised and a permanent organization will be established at a national conference to be held later...
...What shall it be called Sena Democratic Party, Labor Party, perhaps by yet some aW name...
...Devere Allen and Alt'* opragne Coolidge, the- two Scouts of the "PuhreaT who aP.Sr.lsadmg part in theSfevoea-Ejrftiae New York charter, are 2™*° <rf this committee of WF" Both Allen and Coolidge defeated in their states as a!*****8 to the convention...
...Mayor Jasper Mc-asked that his vote be re•.Jgfctking these states in their fgttt of the New York^01d were- also delegates from TPmington and Montana...
...Its position in the oW party differed from that of ether delegations that supported New York...
...George Rhodes of Pennsylvania, Max Raskin of Wisconsin, and Max Delson of New York are the new members...
...Thomas and his "militant"-Com-munist allies controlled the convention...
...the Cameo Theater on Tuesday, June 2nd, at midnight At the Cleveland convention of...
...Chieftains of other labor organisations are not impressed by that argument...
...William Green and John L. Lewis have been invited to address the delegates but it is uncertain whether they will be able to attend...
...The delegates will be feted at a luncheon on Friday afternoon at the Astor Hotel and at the annual benefit .dance which will be held in the evening at the Manhattan Ball Booms, Eighth Ave...
...he declared war em the New York Old Guard and worn his Pyrrhic victory at Detroit...
...This pact, the first of its hind ever negotiated to cover an entire industry and one which ranks among the largest .in the nation, is considered a remarkable achievement...
...Francis, Crittenden anc Cross counties—three of the larg-I est in the cotton-growing seetior i of eastern Arkansas...
...its record, through days of prospering growth and days of persecution and disaster, was a very splendid one...
...Lester C. Coy, Ohio...
...immediately upon adjourn--tjsat of the convention, •appointment by the N.E.C...
...Those in the one to two ye) class get six months' wage* | they take the dismissal sllseaa instead of coordination booh If the men with less that's) year's service want imasht cash, they can...
...established application will be made for affiliation with the L.S.I...
...Teamsters' Local 138 to Hold Annual Meet The Teamsters' Union, Local 138, will hold its annual conference Over the Decoration Day week-end in the Hollywood Country Club, Livingston Manor, New York...
...In the United States there is no justification for a resort to insurrection and violence nor for any open or veiled propaganda in favor of or preparation for such action...
...get it on theh* of five days'' pay for each ana they have worked...
...James Oneal, New York...
...Among those who are scheduled to address the convention are Charles P. Howard, president of the International Typographical Union...
...WASHINGTON, D. C—Sen-tiraent in labor circles is accumulating against the new Guffey bill, (which eliminates the wages and hours provisions but gives the mine owneVs a free band in fixing prices...
...Socialism is the outgrowth, the continuation, the matured form, of that age-long struggle against class rule in which the working class has, generation after generation, been.the moving force...
...Railway Labor Wins Payment For Lost Jobs Agreement With Carriers Requiring Ample Compensation for Dismissed Workers Marks Historic Victory—Pact Sets Precedent...
...These carriers *» S> peeted to sign the pact Wat «* but in the meantime none sf* signatory railroads a* sl**> nate with them unless thrfJP* employee-protection, spuujesl w the Standard Railroad Labor Organizations, is providsA^** ^A-tota*-af tag csrrienraai ¦ labor organization* rttas* * pact...
...Special to The New Leader CLEVELAND...
...There is nothing in it for the workers except the ¦ suggestion, that if the basses' profits are sufficiently large, labor will get decent treatment—that is, if labor is strong enough to demand such treatment...
...There was no dissent from this opinion...
...This ,aot 3top the convention from X^**ng them to the NJUL...
...What does matter is *het* will be a workingmen's party in body and in spirit, and BW we shall be in it...
...Thus also the technocrats sat down at the round table which went round and round on the way to the revolution...
...where he has applied for but does, sot yet hole] membership...
...However, -he 4s known to be seriously disturbed by the failure to provide safeguards for the workers...
...I 10—Meeting of the newly elected o.E.C...
...trans po rinds...
...To cover thej dap at Pennsylvania, Daniel stood as a candidate from Tennessee...
...President Green of the A. F. of L. has refrained from issuing a statement until he .has had an opportunity to go over the new Guffey bill with members of the Executive Council...
...Perhaps it is just aa well...
...The Socialist Party is dead but the Socialist movement goes on...
...Oneal will report to the Labor and Socialist International' of the events that have occurred in the old party and of the organisation of the S. D. F. When the permanent organization is...
...thronah^S agreement, a status approxhe*sa> that of property and *—arj...
...Butler, McReynolds and Roberts—held the entire law was invalid because it attempted to regulate the hours and wages of t^^^U«bS»-J|iogha& j*?k«o) was ItaeenstituSonal but maintained that the reft of the act, includeflg the price-fixing provision, should be sustained...
...The New York Socialist delegation met an hoar before the conference began...
...Supporters of the new legislation were at first disposed to rush it through without hearings and with only perfunctory debate...
...A democracy that does not grapple with social problems and aim at social emancipation is for us as obsolete, imperfect, unsatisfying thing...
...A New Chapter Begins XA/HAT took place at Cleveland last week-end was not only * * the ending of a long nightnutre...
...Right wing members of the committee succeeded in postponing action until the state organisation m Washington is given * chance to adjust the alleged eomplaint...
...We shall cherish proud memories of what the Socialist Party Once was...
...Outwardly the left wing majority, made possible by support of Wisconsin's ultrs-opportunist oel-egation pursuing ends etf its sum, and the packing of the convention with delegates representing paper locals, won a victory over the New York Old Guard and its right wing ' Actually, the party emerged from the convention in a state of complete chaos, no longer **Bn » respectable skeleton of a unified political body...
...Auto Workers' Xoc*Is,t* Merger With AFofU*r DETROIT.—The props**** merge the Automotive W * Workers* Association wWI * United Automobile WorkerrO** affUiated with the A. F. of WJT been approved by eight unrts of the A.I.WA...
...Vanderveide P and De Man Mentioned y jnr irbbiii Rexists Gain Ground Rite of New Fascist Party in Belgium Calls for an Energetic Policy—Democratic Parties Far in the La* _ BRUSSELS.—Next week the ° Socmftst Parties of France sad Besrium will uke over the nuns at their respective governments...
...Carriers are required t*a)*J| days' written notice te>eafi2 who will be affected by eaSBC tions, and within 30 days */•>«* notice conferences most hi Jul between representatives «f w men and the management **, chinery is also set up to sans any disputes regarding ai f placement of employees...
...Industry . Objected to those provisions and wrecked the NRA...
...Illinois, Ohio and New Jersey will be the first minority states organized which will give us six states within a short time...
...One thing is certain, the course of the new movement will not be that of the Socialist Party of today...
...The party mt Debs...
...It gives the operators all the benefits of stabilization, including price-fixing and exemption from the anti-trust laws, but compels the workers to depend entirely on their economic power...
...In reality, his attempt to conceal his and the Party's stand on the united front, will disgust his own radical followers...
...In every Left-Wing State, Ohio, New Jersey, Illinois, California, the Old Guard Socialists representing approximately half of the membership fax each state, have already signified then* intention to affiliate with the Social Democrats...
...the organisation held in 1935 a recommendation was adopted by a vote of 76fc to 47% that the Guild should seek affiliation with the of Ik' and a referendum was aatborised...
...The entire AmS?j labor movement is proof-4 "The human factor in thrajt road industry and human #jS have been given...
...Now, for the first time in American history, condhiossHg ripe for such a party to arise...
...Lee and Oneal of New York were elected to bring in a statement of the principles, aims and policies of the S. D. F. and a larger committee was chosen to report upon the provisional machinery of the new organization...
...Only through such socialization of capital can the exploitation of man by man be ended and a free and classless society ushered in...
...Launched As Instrument For New Party Social Democrats from New York and Other States Combine for Action to Rebuild Socialist Movement...
...Daefsrssis Precedent "Now, certain coal -operators . have wrecked the Guffey Act because of the labor provisions, and are demanding that in the hew legislation they be given a free hand...
...He.won a nomination and lost a party...
...To the outsider all that appeared was that the convention approved the act of the national executive committee in expelling from the party a full fifth of its organized membership The Militants and their incongruous allies triumphed and the New York Old Guard went down in defeat—or so it seemed...
...Some Were even under instructions to remain in until the convention closed...
...there are nearly twice as many whose symposia are with us and who only wait the suitable moment to jof|sj in our cheerful and busy new home—a chapter not yet cloud, but rapidly drawing to a close...
...For one, I am not prepared to go that far...
...Opposition to Thomas "Whilt the Socialists in all of these states will be the basis of new State organizations, the Social Democratic Federation will seek new adherents and try to enlist the support of organized labor...
...EaiIroads which aa* SSTtiet n the agreement agree not to o> ordinate with any carrier wUi has not signed the agraaasatlt" the latter provide* tb* ssaag* tection guaranteed by the au»-tory reads...
...AFFILIATION with the American Federation of Labor is the dominant question facing the third annual convention of .the American Newspaper Guild which opened on Friday, May 29, at the Hotel Astor in New York City and will" continue in session until June 2. About 125 delegates from seventy Guilds representing every section nf the country have been elected on the specific issue of joining the' organization which is the spearhead of organized labor in the United States...
...I "The Standard Railroad Labor Organisations have again blazed a glorious trail in industrial relations...
...Then an-alien spirit entered into it, and the strife of two hostile wills tore and tormented its frame...
...We have no one to honor," said Hoan...
...Doubt, distrust, and ill concealed dissension prevailed in their own ranks...
...Leon De Veae, president of the International Stereotypers and Electro typers Union...
...All right wing delegations and visitors agreed that a new situation faced the Social Democrats...
...Earl Browder, general secretary of the Communist Party, who was in Cleveland for the convention, was able to return to his eentral committee'in New York with the report that the aim of the Communist Party has been aehievod...
...How different the reality, was shown by the frantic efforts made by the majority leaden to bargain with their slated victims, to bribe us with a division of seats if only we would make a gesture of submission...
...The closing hours of the convention revealed the tragic position to which the Socialist Party has been reduced...
...The States of Oregon and Indiana, now disaffiliated from- the Socialist Party, are invited to affiliate with the Federation and very likely will do so...
...The eastern states, each aa Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Maryland, are all Old Guard States...
...On to the building up of a genuine party of Socialism...
...F. of L. Affiliation Is Dominant Question...
...Telegrams of greeting were ordered sent to the convention of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the executive board of the International-Ladies' Garment Work-ens' Union meeting in Los Angeles, to Theodore Debs, James R. Maurer, and Abraham Caban, editor of the Jewish Doily Forward...
...Edward C. Thompson, New Jersey...
...This marks a t—st]—v toric development in the ajsAsv tion of principles of esSE bargaining and of an euaea* philosophy long evolved as* pounded by organised labor,* The agreement runs ta*a*> years and does away HstgJtZ necessity for enactment «f «-Wheeler-Crosser bill...
...dictatorship over the party in line with DeLeonist-Communist policy...
...The Socialist ideal reflecting labor's needs and aspirations will find new vehicles for its advancement and realization...
...On all such questions Thomas refrained from taking the floor, fearful apparently lest he disturb the equilibrium of his "all-inclusive" party...
...He pointed out by the "militant" method of electing delegates in that State an Old Guard candidate receiving ITS votes was defeated and a 'militant* candidate receiving 119 votes was elected...
...Before the day was over every observer was- remarking on their anxious and dejected looks...
...In ether words, it is,practically the mine owners' bill...
...Other important matters that will come before the convention include action on a report of the Wisconsin News strikers, amendment of the constitution, consideration of a dues increase, election of officers and establishment Of a dismissal bonus rate...
...Waldman then, for New York, reported on the program which those whose hands were free could federation of Socialist organizations to include those who could now join and those who were free to join later...
...others will work in close alliance with it...
...Algernon Lee, New York...
...This committee will be enlarged by a membe...
...Connecti-east a unanimous vote against *• aominee...
...H The platform, the most mediocre ever adopted by a Socialist con-eoation, was voted upon with nc attempt at debate beyond a feu crackpot suggestions and generalities from the floor...
...Wa Id man's statement follows: "Neman Thomas realised his ambition to be a candidate for pre-3'-lent of the United States for the third time on the Socialist ticket, but he sprit -the Party from coast to coast...
...It was split in at least three different ways...
...and 34th St They will also see a preview of "Green Pastures" at...
...The work of destruction pursued by the Communists in the generous encouragement and snspsrt they gave the so-called "militants" through the Communist press and in every other possible way was, indeed, crowned with ¦aeesas at Cleveland...
...Labor, above all, now knows where Thomas stands on this question...
...K 4__Approval of the present ^-airoca^ Thomas policy favoring ¦sited fronts with the Communists _- "specific issues" while promising 10 reiect a political united Asst...
...decided to "reorganize" the state if it failed to real filiate...
...We are immediately taking up the task of education and organization for the noble ideals and aims of the democratic Socialism of the world...
...At the meeting of the new National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party on Wednesday, they appointed three members, Coolidge, Allen and Hbopes with broad powers to handle the Eastern Old Guard States who, though opposed to everything the Convention did and to Thomas as a candidate, did not {yet disaffiliate from the Socialist Party...
...I OUIS WALDMAN, former New York State Chairman of the Socialist Party, who participated in the founding of the Social Democratic Federation at Cleveland, upon his return home declared that Norman Thomas "has won a nomi> nation but lost a party...
...Others re-elected to the N.E.C...
...The members of the executive committee in the East together with an action committee will meet soon to map out the work of the S.DF...
...Labor Frowns On Substitute For Guffey Act New Measure Designed to Fix Prices Without Protecting Wages and Hoars Considered as Favoring Employers...
...Important problems like those of the Farmer-Labor Party and trade union policy were dispatched with- "debates" which made a, political kindergarten of the convention...
...We were, we are, we shall be Social Democrats...
...Morris Herman of New Yjork was chosen provisional treasurer and G. August Gerber secretary...
...failed to get their pro-SkU to a vote...
...Justices Brandeis, Cardoza and Stone, in an opinion written by Cardoso, refused to pass upon the legality of the hours and wage provision but made a stiff argument in favor of the rest of the law... will pass by the clerical exhibitionists and careerists who think xif the Labor and Socialist movement as a musical instrument upon which they can play.any tune...
...2—Establishment of an NXC...
...It was also the dawn of a new day...
...We are not yet a party of national scope in the full sesst of the word...
...Social Democratic Federation Statement of Principles *pHE party which we now launch stands for the long accepted purposes end methods of the international Socialist movement, the purposes and methods for which the Socialist Party of the United States stood from its inception until within die last few years it was invaded by unsocialistic and undemocratic elements, diverted from its true path, and led to disruption and ruin...
...The "Unity Committee" "Thomas's desire to defer formal approval of the united front with the Communists may appear to be good politics, but it will ioo\ no one...
...Thomas Convention Splits In Left Wing Row...
...That matters but little...
...Adding to the gayety of the spectacle of bewilderment and confusion was adobtion, with a small portion of the delegates voting, of a resolution introduced by a technocrat from Wisconsin...
...H. E. Cohen of the same city said that the Bohemian federation with its weekly, the Lithuanian federation with its daily, and the German branches will join the S. D. F. Provisional Organization Van Essen and a number of other delegates of Pennsylvania had left the convention because of the seating of the New York "militants...
...President William Green of the A. F. of L. expressed his personal delight at the outcome of the negotiations and declared the agreement will be an inspiration to all of the* country's toiling millions...
...William Gold is, president and Sam Schorr, manager, of the union will report on the progress made by the union during the past year and propose plans for future action...
...And the vanquished, the expelled) Seldom has there been a council of comrades at once so earnest and so enthusiastic ae the gathering that night in the Hollenden Hotel, at which the Interstate Socialist Conference was dissolved and the Social Democratic Federation of the United States was brought into being...
...Trotsky Cewssmneai...
...The Party will pass into history along fcvith the Socialist Labor Party and other radical parties which held the stage of radical propaganda for a period, then passed out of the picture...
...arrce Faces Doom in Effort to Force Dictatorship on Organization and Disrupt Labor Unions...
...The former was out of the party and the others were still in...
...agreement had bean signed...
...For 'years the U. S. Chamber of Commerce ; and the National Association of Manufacturers have been clamoring for legislation which would free industry from the restraint of the anti-trust laws...
...2. Language federations, the Jewish, Finnish, Jugoslav and Italian, which constitute national bodies...
...The conflict which for four years divided the New York Old Guard from the heterogeneous elements combined, in the left wing assumed nation-.wide proportions and sealed the doom of the Thomas organization...
...The intellectual degeneration of the party, whieh began to make itself manifest before Milwaukee and reached a new low in Detroit, struck bottom at Cleveland...
...The strike announcement war made by union Executive Secretary H. L. Mitchell, who said the+unloti is demanding $1.50 for a 10-houi day in St...
...The committee summoned before it delegates from that state on complaint of "militants" ind spent several hours in * labored attempt to prepare a "ease...
...The crisis came some months too late far • to havd a fully formed nationwide organization and a pna-dential ticket this year...
...They realized that, like William Wilsdh in Poe's weird story, by striking what they thought a deathblow at their antagonists they had in fact destroyed themselves...
...In other words, they are attempting to put over their original demands...
...On nearly all important questions of policy and program not much more than half of the convention took the trouble to vote...
...Oregon withdrew from the party afier adoption of the Detroit declaration...
...Such is new the dts*s*ts« 4t*» of the "sll-inclnsive party" which Norman Thorns* set eat ts bnlM when four years ago, at M0-»a uke...
...Cleveland and After...
...0 BSfagal of right wing delegates to vote for the nomination of Tawnsn and clear manifestation by the socialists in the convention that they could not square it with their Socialist ^conscience to jrote for the party's chief wrecker...
...The Communists invested their representation from I to 9 and the Nationalists from 8 a 18...
...8*»-eral railroads, mostly in the awtt-•astern territory, had s**eet» ixed the carriers' comafi**) * represent them during tb* **"> tiations...
...of aoounittee of three to "super-**TasT(v«TopTBents in"right wittg-' aMMand groups whose con-taaaf affiliation with the party sssisw been rendered impossible...
...The United Mine Workers approved the measure, largely on the theory that it will atop "cutthroat" competition and thus create conditions which will assist the workers in...
...The convention had the "amendments" read in a manner which made it impossible for the dele-gates to follow the alleged changes, and the "revised" declaration was then railroaded to e vote...
...4__The adoption of a purely toukyist declaration on war in §ae with the Detroit Declaration af Principles and completely oat *i (uu-mony with the declared "j^y 0f the Labor and Socialist —ttrastional...
...All the-artificial attempts at whipping up enthusiasm did not prevent these important states frcm registering their decisive opposition to Thomas and his candidacy...
...Party Hopelessly Split Jim Maurer was reported as sayiRg that he would not bolt the ticket nominated in Cleveland...
...Seigel of Illinois said our comrades there were ready for the new organization...
...R. Kirkpatrick, California...
...A threat by the N.E.C, on a aotioa by Thomas, to wreck the »rganization of the Socialists in Oregon unless that state reaffiliates with the party immediately...
...A striking feature of the convention, commented on by delegates and members of the press, was its extremely low cultural level...
...Loves toneisan, old-fashioned D* Leon rum and bourgeois pacifism...
...We stand shoulder to shoulder with the organized wage workers and working farmers in their economic struggle, and we call upon them to sever their connections with parties which uphold the capitalist system and to organize themselves to use political as well as economic action for the advancement of their interests and for ultimate universal emancipation...
...S—Reaffirmation of the Detroit Declaration of Principles Wj$h vague "ajnendmenre" designed to placate the right wing from states other than New York, but which leave the spirit and cnbstanee of •the declaration natal tered...
...Wisconsin, though nominally with Thomas, is really out of the picture in the national campaign...
...The N.E.C...

Vol. 19 • May 1936 • No. 22

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