Morrison's American Impressions An Historic Address by the Noted British Socialist

Morrison, Herbert

Morrison's American Impressions An Historic Address by the Noted British Socialist Reviewing the American Scene as He Observed It Following: a Whirlwind Three-Week Lecture Tour, Herbert Morrison...

...There well be right and there are substantia] reasons for it from the immediate industrial point of vle# of trade unionism...
...Just at this time I there was a sharp fight on the question of display of the swastika by German-American societies, and many had enough courage to throw the swastika flags out of their meeting halls for good...
...For instance, the Nazis are now very weak in such a strongly German city as Milwaukee, hardly numbering more than 50 party members...
...1935... fact, in violent' opp.>si-I tion to the Nazis...
...National offices are at 305 East 46th St., New York City...
...I have been trying to learn about your constitution—what the Supreme Court can do and what it can't do, if there is anything i it can't do...
...Schlosser, Lothar Wrnkel, Herm...
...I f you form that labor party, watch, it carefully...
...Prom the point of view of industrial trade unions, you are not entirely wrong...
...i The so-called "mission tf the Nazis in the United States'' has I an elastic context, but at the end of 1935 it was particularly bound up with the again acute question of German colonies...
...The new political and economic America, which is the result of the great depression, is beginning to concern itself with all manner of industrial questions concerning the workman...
...Before 1929, America not know what prolonged jfcnvaeak mass unemployment Spent You know it now...
...The Real Problem It must not be forced down theft* throats...
...It is the duty of any government to concern itself actively with the social and industrial and economic wellbeing of the mass of its people...
...If, witSAmerr .car...
...Meyer, ""Culture Director...
...It will grow...
...E. N . Sanctuary, who cooperates with Haegele...
...How are countries to absorb what they produce themtelves...
...Isn't it better to be in at the beginning M a WW help us prevent war which wilt drag you into it sooner or h\t^r...
...healthy constructive activities...
...By 1935 the Nazis had created such dissension among the German-Americans that in December of the same year two separate German Day celebrations took place in New York, one at Madison Square GarA*T> nn/i«r Haeffele and the other at St...
...I should like to discuss for a few moments the subject of cooperatives...
...H. F. Vollbehr admitted that he had spent several thousand dollars on anti-semitic propaganda, supposedly out of his own means...
...The acnteness of compe:ition in trade increases in order x> get rid of the surplus...
...Anyone who opposes the Nazis is called a Jew or Bolshevik, from Roger Baldwin to Governor Lehman and President Roosevelt...
...Your State used to concern itself with the economic interests of the well-to-do...
...It must come as a result of free understanding...
...Subordinate Organizations Edda Culture League Order Service (Storm Troops in uniform) Young Men's Groups Women's Groups League of German Girls The White Man's Association Nazi Opposition Absolute control is maintained over the Dawa and the United German Societies, which last comprises another hundred GermanA m e r i c a n organziations of al] types...
...Let that be' done...
...So we nurt possibiy generalize about the United States...
...It is all to the good...
...The first thing, the simple thing it that of political self-reliance of organized labor on its own feet...
...I have no official power, but I have a feeling that I have more power than the American mayors...
...I don't know whether I am wrong, but I suggest for your consideration,' ih evolving a new political policy, that you do not have your eye on the federal union of the State...
...The problems of enuntry are like an Infectious 2 « j a n d must affect the other l***"*8 of the world...
...It is a bigger Job than Edr*peans can tackle...
...particularly in the h»t century...
...It is no pleasure y at to say to...
...Lange, Aug...
...When they shall ssk me "What do you think of the Americans'", I shall ask them "Who arc the Americans...
...In -he meantime, the production of ivery country of the world increases...
...too much...
...This administration has engaged in more breaches of old American traditions than perhaps any other administration...
...It is vitally important not only to the consumer, as such, but to trade unions, that cooperatives should grow...
...It is s world job...
...Older German Immigrant* If so much credit is doe the Germans for their part in building op the United States, it belongs to Germans whose spirit the Nazis have entirely repudiated...
...g j f Herbert Morrison, leader JjHuLon County Council %cko mtyZmm tpe^ing at public man IfLjuB KHC^r tAe auspice* of the [School of Social Science, Mr...
...Once you start on the road ol state intervention, once you begin with the problem of social legislation, you will go on with that p o l i c y . If the Labor movement makes its voice heard and issues responsive and instructive pronouncements from time to time, it may be the biggest thing that will create labor as a force in the public affairs of America, and it will sooner or later take you further towards the ideas of Socialism itself...
...American Isolation Then, I have observed the American outlook on foreign affairs— the doctrine of American isolation, the fear of being entangled in European political and diplomatic affairs...
...All the problems which I have mentioned affect the trade unions...
...Within that field there is an enormous amount of helpful cooperation...
...The great variation of nationalist, the character and temperaMet of these states, strike me as |png simply amazing...
...Morrison's American Impressions An Historic Address by the Noted British Socialist Reviewing the American Scene as He Observed It Following: a Whirlwind Three-Week Lecture Tour, Herbert Morrison Hails Drift Towards State Intervention in Industry as America Enters Upon New Phase m its Social and Political Life—Urges Unions to Form Powerful Labor Party and Stresses Socialist Cooperation with Organized Workers...
...America forget the old days of per- EL* J ! r o s p e r ity...
...They knowvery' well how effective it can be in critical times...
...I make no observation as I to whether they are better or worse, but the absence of min- j isters from these assemblies—I j cannot grip it, somehow...
...many German-American societies all over the countrytook the bit in their teeth and celebrated German Day without swastika flags and Nazi oratory at all...
...The vital thing is not the problem of doctrines...
...For example, the "Weckruf und Beobachter" of Aug...
...It is quite extraordinary from our point j of view...
...The real problem-is to find a field and avenue far...
...The Nazi press branded them as traitors and drew up lists of "German enemies" in which were given the names and addresses of these anti-Hitlerite individuals...
...Anti-Semitic Propaganda Hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent annually on antiJewish propaganda, and tons of printed material are imported from Germany aad distributed all over the United States...
...The German soldiers fought for the North in the Civil War were, so far as they knew, fighting for the freedom of the colored race...
...They do not express themselves as boldly as that, but emphasize rather the services of the "Nazis" to the American nation... is no pleasure m m to go back and say that lit anempioyraent p r o b l e m in y*rlea is proportionately bigger y a the unemployment problem in PaatBritain...
...Build up from localities as well as from States...
...The State cannot stand aloof from the economic and social conditions—from the mass af the American people...
...The article exhorts its readers to heed the old Nazi phraseology: "Be the hammer, not the anvil...
...All these things are new developments in the American tradition...
...Only remember that this President win not last forever...
...If you let destructive elements US;it will take you years to get ahead...
...To those who may be the advanced elements of that party, my own feeling is that it would be a good thing to get the bulk of working masses in the unions into this thing...
...Let subject after subject be taken over by trade unions...
...I hope that this will be...
...That chapter of turning aloof from social problems has gone...
...I only say: have a social conscience about it...
...What Wl be popular in the West may not be popular in the East tTta the Middle West...
...The housing bill is largely the result of the wtork of the American Federation of Labor...
...I will say no I more...
...Ia Hitler Germany every last one of them would be in a concentration camp...
...One of the distributing centers of this literature is an office at 156 Fifth Avenue, Nfcw York City, which is managed by Col... President Green of the BjSBH Federation of Labor for E j u as chairman of the spon^Lfmrmmittee, and to trade union I. Socialist organizations who B kflaed to make his meetings H*i impression* of the United §gUt were of extraordinary inmfftt to those who attended the Euiet in the Hotel Victoria the S E f °? DaV- Following is important section of Mr...
...The trade unions are themselves taking an increasingly great part in public affairs...
...the President happens to be a "Master Mason" in the Holland Lodge, which for the Nazis means being an e n e m y of the state ("Weckrud und Beobachter," Aug...
...Nazi Organizations Split on Issufe of "Americanization," One Group Practically Claiming the U. S. as a German Colony and the Other Opposed to Use of Nazi Symbols as Bad "Strategy"—Huge Sums Spent Here for Anti-Semitic Propaganda in After the s p l i t in the Nazi movement in the United States *nd its reorganizations, it presented the following set-up at the beginning of 1966: League of the Friends of Xeic Germany L e a d e r s : Gissibl, Schnuch, Schuster, Luedecke, Kappe (editor of the New York weekly, Deutscher Weckruf 'und Beobachtre...
...You have "ft I get your national touch here...
...6an'i*n be indifferent to what is happening in the world...
...There is a itality about these states that f a i f t i c i a n s cannot ignore...
...Social Problem* Paramount This will have its effect on the politics of America...
...It will familiarize the trade union machine with the problems of government...
...This is an enormous country...
...The great need f or all *of you, to whatever aide you lufciill is as soon as the thing is settled more or lent, one way or another, to get back to some constructive helpful work...
...German-American Business League...
...Can you stand aside from the problems of the world...
...The sufferiiev of IfP soBntry never gives me pleas* » • America has get to learn— *m the teener it learns the better tPnnttae economic and industrial J^>*ng of one country affects •S ether...
...I should like to see their growth in America... the destructive critics get on with their job...
...The part you will play in world affairs is for you to settle...
...I cannot understand the separation of the executive from the legislative functions of government But it is a different constitution from ours...
...He returned, supplied with writings and instructions from the Racial Policy Office of the NSDAP...
...Local government is entirely different...
...The Socialists can do a geed job by helping the trade unions...
...There are many pttfbtt British origin here, but taotaai many people of other na'iemtjlni here, too—a very great Sanaa of them...
...National American Wm...
...This work on the point of social problems of American trade unionism is taking the trade unions to some form of independent mass political action...
...They have They may come back, but SI*1* n o t coming back permaiSXi Your great republic has states of Europe in havJ*j™*n the social order in which ' « more or less gravjj' 2*l»«nt prcbltm 7hs reasons jEJ* •nmef Jhe vast increase •^•j^Power of man over nature, Sa^Slf*** * a v a n c e o f produemif**w' t b * development of Jg"",cJ*>wer> of mechanical de• a a 1«7lLfe b y tke w o r k o f ton of skill, the work of the ae:ountant* and brain workers and echnicians—are increasingly beng done by mechanical means...
...In this case their anti-semitism is remarkable for it...
...Efvem rpoke of Kit impressions United States...
...Everywhere we were the planters of culture, the pioneers who cleared the way so that others could follow and reap the fruits of this work...
...In Great Britain there are millions of cooperators...
...It is not a bad thing that trade unions should direct legislative action and broaden that legislative action into wider issues of social policy...
...All this ncrease in production, of economic uttionalism, is creating an utterly mpossible economic situation,, unier which permanent, substantial inemployment is always bound to :haracterize your c o u n t r y and nine...
...The historic reasons for it are too clear and the crimes of European statesmen have given you justification...
...Morfjtrs'f address...
...He prefaced gTfjii rti by expressing hearty E f t * George Field, who teas in ' mmjft of the tour, the Rand School ^Sseiei ScicHce, the Jewish Daily jLmmrd...
...30, 1935... to evolve statesmen JJf aan lead the people in the way "2 * * B t *° R 0 * B n t the CTJintS E * » *** first requirement, is for JWwaaip of the world, as a whole gathering together of the Wa*s of the countries of the ! * • • • • ' H |f ©oaa Forever 2g"a thne for us to systematize * „ , B world of ours and make 5 P t l « itself...
...Union-Socialist Cooperation What I have been glad to notice is the spirit of cooperation that is developing between trade union leaders and Socialists who have a capacity for understanding and who have a desire to help...
...The moment labor in America is claiming a place in the sun...
...You have mayors of great cities directly elected by the people, with a great many powers...
...Only between 1936 and 1940 I would like to see something happen in the country— something big, something mighty, that will really open an important new chapter in the history of American labor—a labor party of worth...
...How different, probably, the U n i t e d S t a t e s would appear without the Germans...
...make it possible for all individuals to come in as members, provided that they accept the principles upon which that body is organized...
...Nazi Conspiracy to Introduce Fascism in U.S...
...ran the following under the head, "Our Miseion": For this land became great and mighty- through the loyal cooperation of its citizens of German stock...
...Nicholas Palace under Schuster and Schnuch...
...There have been disputes in the trade union ranks—arguments en industrial and craft unionism...
...These lings reflect some real differences gat must involve correspondingly •eat difficulties for trade union Zaanization itself . S f e n , I have found that the jHjfc idea that this was once i "sBbsh community and that it is tt&amentially British in char«Sat s< wrong...
...good luck to it...
...In these circumstance...
...It must come naturally...
...Before the Diekstein Committee, Eh...
...All these •nations enormously i n c r e a se pur p o l i t i c a l problem...
...Let that develop...
...Anti-semitism is an integral part of the propaganda of the Nazis in the United States...
...If there is a beginning of an American labor party, it will be no good for the Socialists to say, "You have got to* subscribe to this and that...
...I understand it...
...German inventiveness, German industry, German tenacity and German toughness have made this nation great...
...Even before this, German-Americans had stepped out in opposition to the swastika...
...If our ex peri-" is worth anything to you...
...Leader Werner Kuehtz, Nat'l Treasurer Karl Soika, National Organiser Franklin Thompson, editor of New York weekly...
...It appears to at that you are entering upon a W phase of economic and polit- S life...
...If ever you are to have a labor movement in this country which will hate power in public affaire, you can't every time say that "we have get to choose between the beat that We can find as things are...
...In memory of the first German pioneers to come to America, "German Day" is celebrated every year in all American "cities...
...Might I any this: let disputes rouse conflicts, but the real need is not to keep these things going too ' long...
...general ideas, yes...
...honesty and straightneae, of mind on these matters, you would g o plumb into these internatSbJuD consultations, America, instead of being a country that suffers .from an inferiority complex, would find itself on top of all these European statesmen...
...You have got to consider your immediate trade union needs...
...This breach of old tradition is, in my judgment, all to the good...
...building something...
...Very different pro; cedure and ways of going about | things as c o m p a r e d with the j House of Commons...
...I only ask whether you cfcn neglect the problems of the world...
...As for German songs, the one that the Nazis like to sing most ail goes this way: When Jewish bioed spurts from the knife Then everything's all right, Then everything's all right...
...Do not let yourselves be manipulated and stepped on, but lay on yourselves...
...Let them by all means put before their trade union brothers the ideas they hsve, put let them realize that there may be difficulty from the trade union side...
...I know that the cooperative movement observes trade union conditions...
...I hope that it will not claim a mere place in the sun but will claim to be the sun itself and the dominating factor in your government...
...It is not only an eaornoas country but in many gys an aggregation of counS. W e get it into our heads •at these forty-eight states ut only geographical areas, fbst is wrong...
...Under the same control is the Association of People's Societies comprising the following organizations, each of which is kept under observation by a Nazi fraction: German Veterans' League Steel Helmets (the American unit is the only one undissolved) German Legion German Ed da Culture League General von Steuben SocietyBronx ABC Knighthood Action Committee of German Musicians League of German-American Waiters Natural Healing Lore Association Hindenburg Youth Association First South German Sport Club First German Sport Club German Commonwealth for -Art and Literature The internal structure of thfe ast organization reveals its name is a camouflage, for it is articulat>d into: a ) Defense group (Storm Division) b) Political group c ) Homeland Regional Groups (members of each group all come "from same region in Germany ) d) Culture group e) Youth group Lenders: Anton Haegele, National Leader Richard Desseeker, Adj...
...From my •aatrstanding of American trade unioas, • that help will not be ••welcome/ provided the Socialist* do it as' brothers and not as superior persons...
...In spite of this, a few days later, he sailed for the Third Reich...
...It is a new angle of activity...
...The mm aronomic p r o b l e m before HBPaan, the real task of world J*am...
...They forget they are no longer in Germany, and under the protection of democratic institution* carry on unrestrained agitation...
...Yon | can't import a body of doctrine* from Great Britain — principles, yes...
...the German* who emigrated to the United States in 1848 and whose accomplishments stand first among the contributions made by Germans to the American nation were democratic revolutionaries fleeing political nbealntfana at home...
...I have attended a ses| sion of the Senate and one of the House of Representatives, in i Washington...
...You are going to have a very great difficulty in making' a national political party with'a nttn national political policy...
...At the time of this writing it seems as though the Nazis are actually claiming the United States as a German colony...
...I know the line you are going to take as trass unions in this 1936 presidential election...
...Subordinate Organizations: League of German Girls Women's Groups Order Service (Storm Troops in Uniform) Hitler Youth Ship cells (crews of Bremen, Euro pa, etc...
...I understand it...
...The first bible printed in this country was in German...
...It does not matter as long as you are doing things— a c h i e v i n g tiimitliliig...
...I contribute no profits to capitalism...
...Thus the "Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter" of December 24...
...It will be no good trying to impose upon the American trade unions...
...German fervour, the German song, German music, German sport have had a fruitful effect on American life...
...but their interpretation must be a problem for the nation itself...
...When I ask myself wmt an American is, it is not an May question to answer...
...Today, in America, the government concerns itself with the question of relief, with the problem of providing work for the unemployed...
...The idea, of the cooperative movement is that limited sums of capital are put together by workers...
...Consequently, j the trade unionist in his vitally important industrial field is affected by the same considerations which affect the politician in his field...
...There are very great differeaces in these" states...
...Local leaders in New York: Henry Hunt, Herb...
...23, 1935, attacked George Sefbel of Pittsburg under the headline, "German Enemy Number 2," because as president of the GermanAmerican Gymnastic Leagiee, he had advised all organizations connected with his to avoid contro| versies and to display no other • flag than the American, and to t i k e part in no meeting, parade or demonstration in which any other flag was displayed...
...He told the committee that he intended to give up his trips to Germany...
...A German Colony...
...that countries do not ganae prosperons because of dePjaeas in other countries...
...The first Germans in the New World came in search of religious freedom...
...A Leber Party You have all these problems "to face...
...We Must Learn i A nether thing has impressed itSttf upon my mind...
...Let them promote their own bills...
...Since jMi you have had in your great fprtsy a big, grave unemployJljnt problem...
...It can't be rushed...
...I leave it to you as to whether tkis doctrine of holding a l o e / ** right, and I would beg of AVner* icans to lose their inferiority ©onv plex on this score...
...Every American trade i union must take account of the ! different mental outlook of the j forty-eight States—and of the different nationalities...
...This is a field for American labor to explore...
...The basis of the cooperative is that you are charged cost and no profit...
...There are so PMJM, naliiimlil ii I owing to vast iflueigrtrion...
...It is better that they should lead...
...By Herbert Morrison •THE first thing that impress?-ga tat is the very great and complex problem thai faces anybody who proposes a trade union or new political party in Ametica...
...that it was bigger 1930 and 1931, when our jainr foyernment was in power W^nut Britain...
...These problems constitute your I problems...

Vol. 19 • May 1936 • No. 20

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