Minnesota Farmer-Labor Group Calls for New National Party

Minnesota Farmer-Labor Group Calls for New National Party « T . PAUL, M i n n . — S t e p s for the formation of a national gjjfcd party have been initiated Ky the .Minnesota Farmerr^ abor...

...The new agreement was reached after a three months' conference which failed to harmonize differences up to May 1, when as the result of the deadlock a strike was scheduled...
...Negotiations were renewed at the request of Secretary of Labor Perkins, and finally a compromise was reached...
...It is a conference of people carefully selected, truly representative, who are known to support the idea of a new party in general, but who are also known to have widely diverse views on how and when it should be organized...
...The conference will be conducted in the spirit of striving to unify all labor,- farmer and progressive forces, including those not directly represented, in the building of a broad, genuine FarmerLabor movement...
...H. L. Russell, a former policeman and now an employee of the city water works, swore that he had heard cries of help and then saw defendant John P. Bridges holding his hand over Poulnot's mouth in a car that drove away from the police station...
...The conference, according to the gpB, is not to consider the matter l i e third party presidential-ticket §ff 1936...
...These profiteers indulge in provocative luxury, thus adding fuel to the ire of the workers...
...When refused, a dash occurred which was ended by hastily called military forces...
...4. The union demanded a sixday, 30-hour week...
...Russell declared that he withheld the truth from the police investigating committee because ''the attitude around the station was that if anyone did tell the facts, it would go against his holding his job...
...The new agreement provides the seven-hour day to become effective during the second year of the contract, contingent upon elimination of the bootleg coal racket which, it was alleged, costs the operators more than $4,000,000 annually...
...The call, which has been issued to approximately 85 persons, reads at fallows: The Minnesota Farmer-Labor Association, by decision of its March convention, invites you to paramos te in a conference to discuss : prospects for a national Farmer-Labor Party this year...
...A Republican victory is the worst thing that could happen for this nation...
...this aim in itself will be a guarantee that most careful consideration will be given to aH viewpoints, with decisions arrived at through discussion and agreement rather than by that of a mere majority vote...
...In addition to the sentences already reported in earlier issues, the following sentences were passed by the special fascist tribunal daring the month of February: Guernanth \ ) i n o , a clerk, sentenced to 24 years imprisonment aa a MCommumst...
...Minnesota Farmer-Labor Group Calls for New National Party « T . PAUL, M i n n . — S t e p s for the formation of a national gjjfcd party have been initiated Ky the .Minnesota Farmerr^ abor .\ssociation...
...We taoogat it most effective to limit dm conference to seventy-five or eighty-five persons, authoritative spokesmen for labor, farmer and progressive organizations, which mil be .held at the Hotel Mor...
...The budget of the educational department for the past year was $75,000...
...He advocated a •political united front with the elements in the Socialist Party represented by Maynard Krueger and Norman Thomas...
...It would throw the United States in the international field with those force...
...There is also a prohibition against textile work being performed in tenements, basements, private houses, and in "any building not a bona fide factory or mill...
...Defense Lawyer Stirs Prejudice In Flog Trial B A R T O W , Fla.—Fat Whitaker...
...Rogers emphatically denied these charges...
...Vittorio Foa, brillant young lawyer and economist, to 15 years...
...Compulsory trading at stores • operated by employers is forbidden, as well as compulsory living in a house rented from employers...
...Its objective would be "an economy of abundance rather than an tetaomy of scarcity, an order tmieh could pass along the benefits of increased production to the great masses of our citizens, and i |p defeat of war and fascism...
...The case of Dr...
...For clerical and office employees the basic work week for fixing minimum pay is 40 hours of eight hours per day...
...It contemplates, how0mjr, the formation of a national Pinner-Labor Party, the objecgres being to aid the formation of jaaal and state Farmer-Labor pargat...
...Official attempts to induce the workers to sign up as volunteers for the African war have failed...
...Following is a summary of the new agreement: 1. Present wage rates will be continued...
...17 workers from the district of Reggio Emilia sentenced to a total of 102 years imprisonment...
...Even the slightest move on the part of the disgruntled and war-tired workers is mercilessly stifled...
...The worker Giuseppe Taucer senteced to death and shot in Rome...
...0 The treasury of the International than $495,000 was spent on strikes and organizing work over a period of ten months...
...The organization has 216,000 members, representing an increase -of 18,670 members since June, 1934...
...The operators demanded a five-year contract...
...Miners Strike Is Averted in New Pact H E strike of over 100.000 a n t h r a c i t e miners was defin i t e l y a v e r t e d last week when officials of the United Mine W o r k e r s of A m e r i c a obtained concessions from mute operators in the hard coal fields of eastern Pennsylvania...
...Massima Mils, young post and music critic, sentenced to 8 years...
...An attempt to cast discredit on Rogers was made when Whitaker asked whether he had associated with "Nigger -women" and had been fired from a filling station job, although no attempt was made by Whitaker to furnish proof on these points...
...Though he felt that not much could be said in favor of the Democratic Party or of President Roosevelt, Browder said that the slogan for this campaign must be "Keep the Hoovers, Landons and Hearsts out of power...
...which has ?aerf a c a " ^ o r a conference Bprescntative .of labor, farmer gad progressive o r g a n i z a t i o ns ifcroughout the United State> IP be held in C h i c a g o on May 30 and 31...
...five workers charged with "menacing and endangering the technical leadership," were turned over to the military authorities for a speedy trial...
...Judge Dewell "admitted these questions over the objection of the prosecution...
...In an attempt to impeach the credibility of Poulnot, the defense attorney asked Poulnot whether he Had urged relief workers to strike for higher pay and regarding his opinions on Soviet Russia and social equality for whites and Negroes, and a long series of similar questions during the course of a two-hour cross-exsmination...
...ia Chicago on Saturday and Sunday May 3* and SI...
...It is given power, after adequate inquiry, to establish minimum wages and maximum hours "for various occupations and classes and of skill," with the provision "that there shall be no discrimination on account of age or sex of employees performing substantially the same or similar work...
...The arms of the conference ean be briefly stated as follows: ( a) Aid in the formation of local and state Farmer-Labor parties...
...Right to Strike A significant provision of the measure is the one regarding strikes...
...From Milan comes a report telling of immense war profits <by speculators and manufacturers while labor's share steadily declines...
...the original plan, a pet idea of Mussolini, called for a full battalion of more than one thousand student volunteers...
...The miners held that this would bring about re-employment of 40,000 men...
...The measure includes a provi- ' sion which declares that "employees shall have the right to i self-organization, to form, join, or • assist labor organizations, to bar- i gain collectively through repre- j sentatives of their own choosing, : and to engage in concerted activi- i ties for the purpose of collective i bargaining or other mutual aid or , protection...
...Most of the Fascist-minded people in this country are either in or gravitating around the Republican Party," Browder declared...
...Originally the miners asked a substantial increase while the operators demanded a reduction...
...August© Monti, well-known poet, author and labor educator at Turin, sentenced to 5 years, merits special attention...
...The bill prescribes $15 per week as the minimum wage "for all 1 common or unskilled labor and all clerical and office employees with- : in the industry...
...Sam E. Crosby, another defendant, was seated next to the driver in front of the car, he said...
...Contributions to labor and communal causes amounted to *100,000...
...He urged intensive, aggressive organization from the left to "prevent this administration—and what will probably be the administration for the next four years— from surrendering to reactionary pressure...
...that are making for war...
...Four workers at Milan seatenced to a total of 45 years imprisonment...
...The bill creates a National Textile Commission with broad powers to regulate the textile industry in the interest of better labor conditions...
...A number of wellknown practices used by anti- . union employers to prevent workers from exercising this right are prohibited as "unfair labor practices...
...The same is true of the students...
...Only one hundred students have enlisted in a special military contingent composed of student volunteers for Africa...
...It reads: "Nothing in this Act shall be construed or applied so as to interfere with or impede or diminish in any way the right to strike...
...All textile goods manufactured under the rules regarding wages, hours, work conditions, and other regulations established by the Textile Commission would be required to carry an official label or stamp to identify them as made in accordance with the Textile Act...
...injurious to fair manufacturers and frequently to consumers, are banned...
...b) Preparation for active participation as a national force in furthering the election of local, state and congressional candidates...
...Basic 35-Hour Week The 35-hour week and 7-hour day is set up as the basis which the Commission shall use in determining minimum wages, with time and one-half for overtime...
...2. The contract will last for two years...
...Perelli, a former public official, and his son sentenced to 8 years each...
...In this category is included the refusal of an employer to bargain collectively with the representatives of his employees...
...Michele Giua, famous technologist, sentenced to IS years for refusing to take the Fascist taathers oath and keeping in touch with his son, an anti-fascist living in Paris...
...John W. Scott, who attended Poulnot the morning after he was flogged, testified that Poulnot's body below the base of the spine was "as raw as any piece of beef you've seen in a butcher shop...
...The agreement is definitely a victory for the union, which compelled the employers to recede from their demand for a wage decrease and other unacceptable counter-proposals...
...It has 220 locals and has added 14 new locals to its roster during a period of six months...
...c ) The unification of labor, farmer and progressive groups for the building of a national Farmer-Labor Party...
...A number of unfair trade practices usually included in cut-throat competition...
...and Joseph Shoemaker, resulting in t h e latter's death, continued to p l a y upon the j u r y ' s prejudices by injecting irrelevant matters like radicalism and racial e q u a l i t y in his remarks...
...You should understand, first, that this is not a delegate conference in which one or another group can exercise dominance...
...Italian Workers Wages Are Cut But Protests Bring Arrests TURIN—Mussolini's hand lies heavy over Italy...
...Addressing a convention of the Communist-dominated American Youth Congress in New York, Browder said such action had been planned at Moscow, but it was too late to carry it out in 1936...
...The International has a staff of 116 paid organizers and has 31 directors and supervisors engaged in educational activity...
...3. The operators agreed to a more complete "check off" system of collecting union dues and assessments...
...It would mean starvation for the unemployed, union-smashing for the employed and further deflation for the farmers...
...Communists Drop Plan for Farmer-Labor Party The Communists win not try this year to prolan** the formation of a national FarnaVr-Labor Party in the United States, according to Earl Browder, secretary of the Communist Party...
...A Powerful Union A recent report by President David Dubinsky of the I.L.G.W.U...
...The agreement provides for some form of equalizing work...
...to the General Executive Board reveals some interesting figures about the astounding growth of that union...
...After the arrest of his friend, Dr...
...Confronted with new wage cuts the workers of the F I A T motor plants near Turin complained to their department heads...
...Textile Bill Is Favorably Reported W A S H I N G T O N , D. C — T h e C o m m i t t e e on L a b o r of the H o u s e of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s subm i t t e d a. favorable report on the E l l e n b o g e n Bill, described a?- a measure "to rehabilitate and stabilize labor conditions in the t e x t i l e industry, prevent unemployment, regulate child l a b o r " and "'provide minimum w a g e s , maximum hours and other conditions of employment in the said industry...
...The new contract also includes a provision for establishment of a joint commission for stabilization of the anthracite industry...
...All those participating were arrested...
...Giua and his wife, he took care of their two little children...
...to aid local, state and conpmtionsl campaigns and bring together all labor, farmer and gtagrtssive groups...
...A statement issued by the association explains that the new party •will seek fundamental changes in gar social and economic order atther than palliative reforms...
...chief counsel for the p o l i c e m e n charged with kidn a p p i n g and flogging Eugene P o t i l n o t . Sam Roger...

Vol. 19 • May 1936 • No. 20

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