Tampa Kluxers' Whitewash is Expected

Edson, M. E.

Tampa Kluxers' Whitewash is Expected Conduct of Case Reeks of load Politics from Grand : jphry >»d Lawyer to the ExpectLightSentence Murderers Expected to Be Pardoned After Conviction on Second...

...Bloomfleld declares that it is now possible and practicable to completely protest workers in hazardous industries from dust particles...
...The conference was notable foi the participation of Norwegian representatives, this being the first time tor 15 years that the Norwegians have taken part in inter-Scandinavian labor discussions...
...It will be recalled that, for a period immediately following the war, the Norwegian Labor Party was affiliated to the Communist International...
...I have already written in The New Leader of this history of the Reading movement and I do not have to repeat it...
...The Na-tional Labor Relations Board announced that it would appeal as soon as possible the decision handed down by Federal Judge Merrill E. Otis in Kansas City j holding the Wagner-Connery Labor Disputes Act unconstitutional and enjoining the board proceeding with its announced hearing in the case of Majestic Flour Mills of Aurora, which had been cited for alleged violation of the unfair labor practices section of the Wagner Act...
...He is the Huey Long type and has been making pseodp-esdieal talks interspersed with scriptual quotations, denouncing the "selfishness and greed of the Wk intrenched privileged who have gotten control of 90% of the aational wealth...
...and a decision by that Court me*^ be reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States...
...have repeatedly announced the inflexible determintion of the workers organised internationally to support every means at their disposal the sanctions against the disturbers of the peace...
...This can only he done, however, by hard work, keeping umlaut ¦ ingly after them now that we have them started on the ran...
...FIFTEEN MILLION MEN AND WOMEN OF LABOR RISK LIVES YEARLY SYVER fifteen million American working men and women employed in manufacturing, mechanical and mineral' industries are compelled to jeopardize their lives and health and suffer innumerable accidents because the high-salaried executives who dominate American industry refuse to install available and up-to-date methods for controlling dost...
...There were Yipsels — not singing unmoveable devotion tb some "leader" but devoting themselves to their party...
...By J. Henry Stump Socialist Mayer of Beading THE Socialist movement of Reading appreciates the big responsibility it faces in the coming months...
...An important item on the conference agenda was the attitude of the Northern countries' to the League of Nations and the problem of peace...
...Waidman denounced the concealed advocacy of violence by the sponsors of the Detroit Declaration of Principles, and added, "i denounce that advocacy as concealed insurreetionutm without the courage of the V ipse Is to express it...
...We hope that Socialists throughout the country will take up the •ame work in the same spirit and follow the same methods...
...A large delegation of New York Socialists, and Socialists from Philadelphia, Pottstown, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Alleritown, Pittsburgh and other -eUies, will attend the inauguration, as well as a Jubilation mass meeting at 7:30 in the evening at the City Ball, after which the City Boll will be opened for public inspection and visiting with the newly installed officials at their desks...
...They also only reported a fraction of the votes cast for the opposition...
...Stamp was elected Mayor in 1927 with a full city administration that included the veteran James H. Maurer as City Com-<mis«i«nert..an4 for four years Reading had an administration that stood as high as the Bridgeport and Milwaukee administrations...
...One aspect of the situation is that there was no conceivable reason for the policemen and imported Klansmen to have any grudge against Shoemaker, Poulnot and Borers, but they were certainly sired by the sinister moneyed interests that control the city...
...Willifm Karlin followed, with an address recounting the history of American Socialism in its conflicts with advocates of force and violence, and he concluded with an appeal for financial support for the Party...
...It cannot endorse force and violence and remain a Socialist party...
...Otis' Decision To Be Appealed By Labor Board Government Body Wants Quick Decision by Highest Court on the Constitutionality of Wagner Re-lations Act DecisJonlsDenounced Unfair Practices Outlawed by Lew Include DuMinn nation Against Unions, Interference with Legal Rights of Employes...
...The Anti-War Committee of the L.S.I...
...meeting in Paris on December 17th, urges tiie League of Nations and all the Member States, at this decisive moment for the Covenant and the peace of the world, to adhere firmly to the application of effective sanctions against the imperialist aggression undertaken by Italian fascism...
...We have made our movement an integral part of the labor -movement, the labor movement has become an integral part of our movement, and the result of these policies- is two representatives in the legislature and a Socialist administration of the sity...
...there were leading officials of the trade Union movement in the hall to show their solidarity with the Socialist Party in its battle for democratic Socialism...
...The Speakers Other speakers who added to Lee's eloquent words were Fred Sander of - Syracuse, who told the tale of disruption in his city...
...ry are again upon us and they* ire asking what the Socialists >f Reading will be able to accomplish...
...The methods of dust control include local exhaust ventilation, which is one of the most effective methods for protecting the workers, wetting the dust at its source, isolation of the dusty operations, and the substitution of non-dust-producing or harmless substances...
...Mayor Chancey has posed as a champion of justice by removing his asinine Chief of Police and "personally taking charge of the Police Department, and the investigation," but every one knows that he is in it as deep as the others...
...and that I shall uai—i ||jssa>llh the ansae enthusiasm as ever, and with a g^^d beliefjn Uie fatore of Party Members In Great Rally At Cooper Union 1,500 Pledge Loyalty to Their Party in Notable Gathering Sunday — Algernon Lee Makes Historic Speech...
...This is the inevitable conclusion drawn from the report on dust diseases and dust control recently made,by J. J. Bloomfleld, sanitary engineer of the United States Public Health Service...
...It was pointed out that the Board's regulations provide opportunity for review of the recom-nendations made by the Examiner at the initial hearings...
...The Act itself mokes the Board's...
...The last few years, howevei have witnessed steadily growing tendency on the part of the Nor wegians toward orientation towards the main body of The' international labor movement...
...The cigar factories are the principal industries of Tampa, and if We could inaugurate a nationwide boycott of Tampa- made cigars it would make things hot for them...
...Long after they join the ranks of the anarchists or the Capitalists, we will be fighting the battles of Socialism...
...We are trying to press the drive to drag out the real perpetrators of this crime, the "big shots" who pat up the money to have it done and are now paying lavishly to keep their hirelings from telling who they are...
...It was unanimously agreed that the labor movements of tiie four countries should induce their conn tries to take ar...
...No one can |stop us...
...Waldman States Issfl I Referring to the Utteafl ence then in session, he declared, "I condemn it as treason to Socialism...
...Close to $900 was contributed...
...in War for Democratic Socialism...
...his brother, .Tom Whitaker, and Wormy* and mH who are notorious "red baiters" and reputed- to be prominent, with title Whitakers, in the racketeers who rule the city, and also in the councils of the K.K.K...
...The L.S.I, and the LP...
...In fact, without the aid and cooperation of the trade unions and without the* sympathetic aid and cooperation of the Socialist Party in many years of the economic struggle of the workers there would be no Socialist administration in Reading in this New Year...
...For the second time this important industrial city will be ruled by workingmen elected on the ticket of the Socialist Party...
...many votes were really cast for the opposition...
...JY|OVED by devotion to their party and their cause, stirred to action by the maneuvers of secessionists and would-be splitters who have sought - to throw the Socialist ranks ¦ into confusion, the members of the Socialist , Party in ^Jew York braved the increment weatheV of Tasf'Sunday' and turned out in impressive numbers at a great Cooper Union loyalty meeting, called to hear reports from members of the party's State Committee, then in session...
...The election board was the tool ef the political machine and permitted gross violations...
...Labor Will Find Way To Secure Justice By William Green President, American Federation of Labor Special to The Sew Leader WASHINGTON, D. C—The decision of the Federal V. judge la Kansas City holding the Wagner act unconstitutional has created a feeling of disappointment among We cannot ¦aaWcasboi to the legal lack of the court nor or lafal principles...
...Fhey are restricted and hampered >y the state legislature and it will equire strong labor ami Socialist telegations in the legislatures to weak down these restrictions...
...Stressing the fact that if industrial leaders would apply current knowledge in controlling dust these fifteen million workers would enjoy longer lives, have better health and meet with fewer accidents, Mr...
...rubber stamps the promise of Norman Thomas to his Yipsel friends to revoke oar charter and thus bring confusion and disruption into the Socialist movement the responsibility rents squarely upon the shoulders of Norman Thomas...
...and the I.F.T.U...
...The keynote of the meeting w&s struck by Chairman Lee in an address that is destined to become historic in Socialist annals, (tjom rade Lee's speech is printed in full on page ? of this issue...
...The Socialists of the first three countries control theii governments...
...Whether enough people will rally to the support of the Socialists and their allies to clean out the Augean stables here, remains .to be Seta, The help of The New Leader and the many loyal, comrades throughout the nation is much appreciated sod we are hopeful of making a great advancement.in our em ganization and achievements towards Socialism...
...It is therefore no surprise to see the names of Eli Witt and Woodberry, two of the largest cigar factory proprietors, as the principal bondsmen for the accused men...
...If the N.E.C...
...The unfair labor practices by employers which are banned by the Act, include: 1. Interfering with, restraining or coercing employes in the exercise of their rights of seH-organ-ization...
...It cannot enter a united front with the Com-munists and remain a Socialist party...
...The Social mm, of the .V»J» party members in New York was not placed in their hearts by a charter granted by any National Executive Committee...
...Oneal told of the new dogma of an "all-inclusive party" now being urged by Norman Thomas,.and showed that it spelt disintegration and disaster...
...Charles Solomon was greeted with tumultuous cheering, and he responded with one of his characteristic eloquent speeches, summoning the Socialists of New York to increased service in their cause...
...Readers of The New' Leader may be assured that we intend to apply Socialist principles to the utmost within the limitations of power cities have in Pennsylvania...
...The probability is that Miller Stevens, C. E. Jensen and Homer Roberts were sets-ally elected to office in the met •election, but the election was stolen by the Chancey gang...
...He was told by the police that he had better ring up 1104 more en his tally and keep his mouth shut...
...A hallo-, vote is at present being taken by the trade unions, with regard to this question of international connections, and it is confident!} anticipated that the result will b< an overwhelming majority in favor of linking up with the trad* unions of other countries snd that the new year will see the Norwegian trade unions affiliated tc the International Federation oi Trade Uniorfs...
...T " - - We hope the court's decision will be set aside by the Siaaeauo Court...
...5. Refusing to bargain collectively with representatives of employes...
...It was placed their by conviction, and it will remain there by conviction...
...By M. E. Edson .Special to the New Leader JPAMPA, Florida:—The Grand w'~JttFy, which was ^chosen at fee Spring term last year has feme good jobs of whitewashing, but did not quite dare to let the criminals go scot free...
...It teems likely that some of the men charged with the crime will be liven light terms in the penitentiary (and pardoned by Governoi Shafts in a few months),-just to sppme public opinion...
...They have before returned indictments ¦gainst them all, second degree murder...
...The Laval-Hoare proposals are based on the old principles of the imperialist policy of conquests, they give the aggressor, acknowledged as such by the whole world, the prise of territorial acquisitions and economc spheres of influence as a reward for his cynical breach of the Covenant...
...quest is to be condemned and repressed or whether the world is to return to wars of plunder and pillage...
...Though Norwegiar Socialists quickly found it impos sible to submit to the dictates o Moscow and were not long in* severing connections with the Comintern, they have never yev joined op with the Labor and Socialist...
...Robert A. Hoffman of Buffalo, in a spirited speech, told- of hii work in Western New York in melting the bolters face to face, and defeating them before local after local...
...In addition to the city administration—which includes, control of the Board of Education—the Socialists hate broken into county office for the first time and hold several places ia important county boards...
...The Board has proceeded no 'urther," the statement said, "than .he calling of a hearing to examine he facts . involved, both ae to . vhether the company is acta airy ngaged in interstate commerce and whether it had committed unfair labor practices as charged by its employes...
...Green's threat to remove the national convention of the A. F. of L. threw a scare into be a mere effective weapon...
...It was only a fusion of the two old parties on common candidates that defeated Darlington Hoopes for county judge and several other county candidates...
...Socialist Hope To Guide City Of Reading New Administration to Rote City in Light of Ideal, of Their Party and Their Movement...
...This Hi conspicuous effectively mobilise its non-partisan voting power at the ballot box, All World Labor Demands Curb On Italy Labor and Socialiat inter, national and International Federation of Trade Union* Make Strong Protest Against War...
...Slush Fund Being Raised It is well known that the cigar manufacturers are in league with the gambling and liquor racketeers to keep down any working class, or even decent independent political movement...
...cease and desist orders review abia in a Circuit Court of Appeals...
...As they had gone to gates expense to steal the nomination of the White Municipal Party from the McKay faction, it naturally infuriated them to have to pay for it to be stolen a second time...
...CABALLERO PLEDGES INCREASED WORK FOR SPANISH WORKERS IARGO CABALLERO, leader of the Spanish Socialist Party and trade unions, just acquitted of charges of high treason growing out of the revolt of October, 1934, pledged himself to continue the struggle for Socialism, in a message to the Labor and Socialist International...
...Until this critical . occurrence the corrupt politicians and gangsters have bed' the people of Tampa cowed and hopeless, but it seems possible that' having now overdone it, the decent people may awake and arise to establish democracy end decency in the city...
...Immediately after his aquittal Friedrich Adler, secretary,, and Louis de Brouckere, secretary of the LS.I., sent him a message in the following words: "We learned with great pleasure that after so many terrible sentences justice has triumphed in your trial...
...The other defense sttorneys are...
...The election of 1935 was a sweep fully as impressive as the landslide that reelected the Mc-Levy administration in Bridgeport, every Socialist on the city ticket being elected, and all county candidates carried the city as well...
...Crowds Throng To Reading for Inauguration Mass Meeting at City Hall Monday Night to Follow Swearing In of Officials in the Morning...
...No man or group of men will ever atone for the wanton destruction of the Party...
...Under our governmental system the fault lies .with State legislatures, which ' consistently and persistently refuse to pass the necessary laws to protect working men and women from occuptional hasards...
...Our task is not easy and we will face difficulties, but we shall do our best to reflect credit on the Socialist Party of the nation and use the power placed in our hands, wisely and intelligently for the welfare of the working people...
...But for the first time the Socialist administration will have back of it a majority of the voters, for the Socialist victory of 1927 was by plurality vote...
...The question of closer political cooperation between the two main productive classes of society, workers and farmers, was also discussed, and it was emphasized that a development in this direction contained the greatest guarantee for the mo*ates«*«e of democracy...
...Otherwise they might squeal and tell who their employers sane...
...ration and to the extent permitted by state laws, giving the masses m administration that will consider their welfare, that will*be (humane and efficient, and guaranteeing the workers their constitutional rights...
...active part in positive work for peace...
...j>ARIS.—The Anti-War Corn-mittee of the Labor and Socialist International and the International Federation of Trade Unions at a meeting here, at which Louis de Brouckere and Leon Jouhaux presided, adopted the following manifesto:— [ . A fateful hour for the League of Nations has -arrived...
...The Party cannot endorse the principles ef dictatorship and remain a Socialist party...
...Reading is an industrial city with thousands of workers organized into , trade unions, and they carry on the struggle from day to day to better the condition of their members and families...
...If the National Executive Committee revokes the charter of our state organization we will still remain the Socialist Party of the State of New York...
...Louis Waldman, who rose froma a sick bed to attend the meetij of the State Committee, ^ greeted with affectionate entM asm, and be responded witjfl and spirit that brought thfl crowd to its feet cheeringH and again...
...Which carries a 20 year to fife imprisonment penalty if convictedit also removes the trials from the circuit court, the judges of which are reputed to be unsympathetic to such evil doers, and puts the eases into the criminal court, sf which Petteway hi the judge...
...Our Socialist administration will be...
...Charles W. Noonan, grizzled Socialist veteran of Schenectady, who reported on the work of sowing dissentions in his town, and James Oneal, whose analysis of the "militant" aggregation and their program aroused alternate applause and laughter...
...The League has to decide whether its Covenant is to become a reality whetherwat this historic moment Mt^»te*>|B «f ejp...
...Vtawtje^ues for Defense '^BnlBWt irt1'" "11111 * »* ^ef notorious Pat Whitaker, whe Ins been making speeches before Towneend clans as a means of ical ambitions...
...Many have expressed wonder that they should be so furious against a political movement -that only polled 10 per cent of the vote, but we do not know bow...
...To this Caballero replied: , "I have received your telegram, in which you congratulate me and send me your greetings on my acquittal in the trial "Yen may be tea arts...
...Should oar hopes foil to materialize, however, in this highly important case, labor will then be face to face with the stern fact that under the Federal constitution as interpreted by the courts we cannot write the social justice principles embodied in the Wagner act into Federal low...
...Other matters discussed were the question of the 40-hour week and methods of dealing with the problems of unemployment...
...It took a fusion of the old parties to defeat the Socialists in 1931, but at the very next opportunity, in November 1936, the workers removed the disgrace of four years ago...
...that I shall continue to work for the aims which the Socialist Party aad the General Union of Warkera have placed before rhasaeelvae...
...We know of one precinct where the single votes counted were about 160 for the modern Democrats* and Socialists and about 100 for Chan-cey et al, but when they counted the bundles of ballots, as many ss 19 rolled together, the result was quite different...
...2. Dominating or interfering with the formation or administration of any labor organisation or contributing financial or other support to it...
...The money to import the brutes from Orlando, •no to pay for their defense, as veil as that of the subservient po-neemen charged with the crime, has been raised by the interests they served...
...By Reginald Spink ^)wr Ovni Correspondent QOPENHAGEN...
...The Otis Decision Although the Wagner Act prescribes definite procedure by the Labor Board, including a review >f the Board's orders by the Fed* »ral Circuit Courts of Appeals, Judge Otis ignored this procedure, .nd despite the fact that the Labor ioard had not even heard the ase, declared the entire Act «it-¦onstitutional on the ground that it exceeded the power of Congress Lo regulate commerce amoyg the :tatc8, and enjoined the Board' • om holding a hearing on the omplaint...
...Shoemaker kept a tafly with a counting do-, vice, and found that 104 more ballots were reported in one precinct than voters...
...and LF.T.U...
...It will then become the duty of labor and its friends to find a way by which this can be done...
...Norwegian membership of thi Labor and Socialist Internationa is generally ' regarded as being only a matter of time, as actually the Norwegian Labor Party now stands four square with the Social Democratic Parties of the othei Scandinavian countries...
...The Board also said the Act it-" elf provides for appropriate recourse to the courts in regard to the Board's orders, all of which are subject to judicial review...
...There is no doubt 4 big slush fund being raised for their defense, and every artifice will be resorted to to free them...
...Norway Plans To Rejoin World Labor Body Helaingfors All-Scandinavian Conference Prelude to Reunion in L.S.I...
...Special to the New Leader DEADIN'G, Pa, — The second * Socialist administration headed by Mayor-elect j. Henry Stump will be inaugurated Monday ; morning, January 6, at the City i Hall...
...the governing and sympathetic ally of this struggle of the toilers to improve their lot...
...Yorkers should understand that .municipalities in this country, do lot have the powers that municipalities have in Great Britain...
...3.' Discriminating in regard *b employment' terms to discourage or encourage membership in "any iabor organization...
...4. Discharging or otherwise discriminating against an employe Cor filing charges or giving testi-¦nony under the Wagner Act...
...We realize that the eyes 3f the workers all over the" coun...
...For several weeks we have been planning to meet -he problems that confront us to insure a successful administration...
...The Chairman at this point introduced Abram Hershkowitz, Amalgamated Clothing Workers' official, who had just been named to run for Assembly in the special election in the Bronx, and who received a warm welcome from the audience...
...Helsing-fors, Finland, was the scene of an important conference recently, when representatives of the Socialist Parties and trade union, .orgauirations of DeiirrraA, Norway.--Sweden and Finland met to discuss questions of policy...
...It -was furthermore agreed that one of the objects of the labor movements must he to mobilize, through their international organ-tactions, the resources of the international working class in support ef the League of Nations in its endeavors to check peace-breakers, and to demand that tuch endeavors be put forward with all possible energy...
...The conference has an added significance from the fact that it wis attended by Scandinavia's three Socialist Prime Ministers, Johan Nygaardsvold (Norway), Thorvald Stauning (Denmark) and Pet Albin Hansson (Sweden), who made radio speeches that were broadcast in all four countries...
...We shall apply Socialist theories to municipal government as we lid during our former adminisr...
...sad be has acquitted every case against those affi Hated with the florrnpt city government gang...
...In announcing that Judge Otis's diet would be appealed, the Labor rtoard stressed the point that it 'iad made no decision under the Vet in Majestic Flour Mills case...
...We heartily greet yen -in the freedom of which you were so long deprived and hope that we shall soon see yon again in person in tiie Executive of the Labor and Socialist International...
...Bat the real feature of the meeting, the spirit and the meaning of it was/the presence of over 1,500 party members whe rallied to the defense of their party ia the moment of Ha greatest need...
...The historic old hall, from whose platform Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cooper, Eugene V. Debs and Ben Hanford, Morris Hillquit and Victor L. Berger had so often spoken, rang with the cheers of party members for the cause to which they had dedicated their lives...
...He aroused a burst jf laughter when he read a letter from Jack Altman, telling him, "You are no longer secretary of Local Buffalo...
...It was a rank-and-file meeting, a meeting of working- men and womenv There were notable speeches by Chairman Algernon Lee, State Chairman Louis Waldman, Charles Solomon, ' and members of the State Committee...
...Tampa Kluxers' Whitewash is Expected Conduct of Case Reeks of load Politics from Grand : jphry >»d Lawyer to the ExpectLightSentence Murderers Expected to Be Pardoned After Conviction on Second Degree - Charge Following Sadistic _ Killing of Shoemaker...

Vol. 19 • January 1936 • No. 1

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