Germans Told Hitler Leads to New Catastrophe

Germans Told Hitler Leads to New Catastrophe §atjeJ-Democratic Manifesto. Widely Distributed Through Underground XTIwili ^ "t Orertnrow of Bloody Nazi Scores Treaty...

...David Dubinsky, president of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, and Max Zaritsky, president of the Cap and Millinery Workers' International Union...
...Herbert M. Morrison, distinguished leader of the powerful British Labor Party, will open his American lecture tour at Mecca Temple, on Wednesday...
...The Interstate Conference is th« spearhead and rallying point for the genuine Socialists of this country and we are with you to the finish and we have no doubts that it will be an successful finish...
...Som e day tate will produce «g|ink fcarvest...
...Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of%s.merica...
...As comrades know, the Oregon organization was compelled to disaffiliate itself from the national organization after the adoption of the Detroit Declaration of Principles because the declaration entailed grave dangers in Oregon, which has a severe criminal syndicalism law on its statute books...
...QTATE organization* and groups representing^spore than half of the total national membership of the Socialist Party held an inspiring two-day session last Saturday and Sunday at the Rand School, 7 East 15th Street...
...Department of Justice , aa...
...The resolution unanimously adopted by the conference, indorsing the regular -New York State organization In this week's primary contest, declared that a victory for the regular organisation would be -a triumph "fpr the forces in the jprillipt Party that are committed % democracy and Socialism as disgjguished from' the dictatorship gad Communism which the left wing Thomas group has sought to fasten upon the Socialist Party...
...In Amsterdam, Holland, a worker may obtain a modern, upto-date apartment of three roams for three and one-half gulden "a week, which is about $2.45 in our currency...
...and an Executive Committee which includes: George E. Brown, David Dnbinsky, Morris Trinatone, Prank Gillmore, Michael P. Greene, Sidney Hillman, Andrew f. Kennedy, Thomas F. McMahon, George Meany, John Mulholland, James C. Quinn, T. A. Rickert, Waouh P. Ryan, B. Charney Vtadeck, Edward J. Vohs, Wm...
...New Leader DirLner Will Be Notable Labor Event When this issue of The New Leader reaches its readers outi side of New York, the New Leader Dinner, on Friday evening, will be history...
...Judge Robert T. Dewell has granted the renewed motion of the defense for a change of venue in the case of the State of Florida against three policemen charged with kidnapping which resulted in the flogging of Eugene Poulnot and Sam Rogers and the murder of Joseph Shoemaker...
...It was admitted that the company has subsidised movies by millions of dollars...
...Building Trades End Union Row WASHINGTON, D.C.—Final set " tlement of the differences which split the Building Trades Department of the American Federation of Labor in two groups for 18 months was made here when representatives of 19 building trades unions formed one Building Trades Department, elected officers and approved a plan for settling jurisdictional disputes...
...Not only outstanding stars of stage, screen and radio, but many leaders in social?educational and economic life of the nation have offered their cooperation in order to insure the complete success of the undertaking... as well...
...Wages are fall¦fc Prices are rising and food ¦lpjes are dwindling...
...Of sixty-two prospective^ jurors examined, thirty-three were disqualified because they bad already become convinced of the guilt of the accused and ten more were disqualified for other legal reasons leaving nineteen who, after challenged by both sides, were also eliminated...
...In the meanwhile the executive committee of the conference will keep in close touch with the situation in all States and direct the preparations for further struggle...
...Socialists Rally To Rescue Party From Disruption s...
...Unemployment continues to be bad, but they are making progress in meeting that probi em...
...In addition a G?neral Committee consisting of about 200 labor.leadair* is actively helping to make this huge affair an outstanding Communists Aid Cops in Tampa Flogging Trial Distribute Circulars Falsely IJnfcing Victims to Communist Party and Aiding - Prosecution ; Shoemaker's Special to The New Leader ¦pAaWA, Fk...
...Buffalo, April 26, and Boston, April 28...
...By this act he violated not only the Treaty of Versailles but also the Treaty of loearno...
...They are called" upon to asiani responsibility for the destruetMgrf their liberty, the murder of W????Ji, the horrors of coneenbaHcn camps, th...
...He explained that this is done through secret stock ownership and coercion, through loans and debts, and that, the "independenjr •obey orders when A. T. 'cracks the whip...
...J. W. Williams of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, was elected president and M. J. McDonough of the Operative Plasterers' Internationa] Association of the United States and Canada was elected secretary-treasurer...
...An income of about a billion dollars a year flows into headquarters in Wall Street...
...The homes have every modern convenience, including radios with a centralized installation, and all that is necessary is to plug in and get a program...
...He was a member of the Socialist Party of Vermont for two years, 1932-34, but withdrew when he realized that the party candidates had no chance of carrying an election in that state...
...In my survey of conditions I found that almqst universally European workers enjoy protection against unemployment, sickness, invalidity, and old age," Harrison said...
...Dear Comrades:— "Greetings from Indiana to the loyal Socialists in conference assembled, who are fighting for the principles of democracy...
...The change of venue was granted after a venire of jurymen was exhausted and six men qualified to serve had not been selected...
...As the result of this program the slums were demolished and housing facilities were provided for thousands of families...
...More Protection for Labor In Europe, Harrison Finds America Far Behind in Social Legislation, President of Brotherhood of Railway Clerks Reports Upon Return from Geneva WASHINGTON, D.C.—Workers in Europe are far below our economic standards, but they ; are *t&, -advance -of ?Aiataics w attestions ccmcerrring social justice legislation, George M. Harrison, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Clerks, said in an address from Washington over the Columbia Broadcasting System...
...We are at any time ready to cooperate in an endeavor to clarify the Socialist movement of America, and when there is an organization on a national scale, formed or perfected, that is based upon the principles of International Socialism and democracy, we are ready to affiliate with such a group, but with the old Socialist Party of the United States under the present leadership, with their conglomeration of ideas not in harmony with the principles of democratic Socialism, we have no desire to have any further dealirgs...
...2U* Lahoratory-Certined CrawH| Ckithes are 100^ union-made ffewelOjf, union-sold...
...Upon his arrival in New York City on April 14, Morrison will be received by Mayor La Guardia at City Hall...
...Witter is sowma hatred of Ger¦aiy...
...In the two weeks that remain it is believed that every seat in the vast hall will be taken, with a possibility that the last comers cannot be accommodated...
...The arbiter would determine if such claims had been disposed of by past decisions and no past decisions would be reopened...
...Ths*e who vote for tisi know not what they do...
...Perhaps one other question would be of interest to my audience...
...The and power of the entire JBJW *re being mobilized against SV*0* country, which is being . brio m creasing impoverishT"*'byfti deswuctive economic pober...
...uniSsjseratic and commits the party tosasHical policies injurious to the Is?ahst and labor movement...
...To Protect Other States Steps were also taken by the conference to protect the interests of State and other party organizations in the election of delegates to the national convention and their seating at the convention...
...Ger•wte tearehing toward the abyss u tee accompaniment of military ;.*jgteadjae shooting of 'Heiir m_ least friends has Hitler made jw Germany ? None...
...Federal Communications Commission in its sensational investigation, corroborating proof was presented showing a wholesale policy of firing workers while dividends stayed at prosperity levels...
...I know it struck me most forcefully, and that was the large housing program which has been and is being carried on in Holland...
...The local Socialists will now have a hard time trying too convince the unions that they are not working with the Communists...
...The organized musicians, through Pres...
...Simply because we wish,to inaugurate socialism peacefully, gradually, sanely, by education and by use of the voting power...
...They are granted old-age annuities and their conditions of employment are comparable with those in our country, although I find in that field, as in industry generally, that their wages are relatively lower than in this country...
...It was another meeting of the Eastern States Conference, which met last January and expressed bino uncertain terms'its sharp disapproval of the suspension "of the charter of the New York State organization by the National Executive Committee, and launched a campaign in the party for a return, to Social Democratic methods...
...if he wants larger quarters up to five or six rooms, the rate goes up proportionately...
...having as its aim the jjhsfsssaatioa of the profit system ff> s Socialist society through ossjseratic processes...
...Not the capitalista, the newspapers, the democratic or republican parties—the deadliest foes of sacialists are their supposed brothers "under the skin, the communists...
...To our friends in New York, however, we issue a final invitation, as we go to press, to come to the dinner, which will be an outstanding event in the life of the Socialist and labor movement President William, of the American Federation of Labor, wal be there to deliver the principal address...
...Called on the initiative of the State Committee of Massachusetts, the conference was attended by delegates representing that body, the state committees of Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York and Rhode Island, Local Bridgeport, embracing the great majority of the party membership in Connecticut, and the Finnish and Jewish Federations of the party...
...Socialists believe this to be the wrong way to go about it.' " "I make this statement to clarify any misleading information that he may have been a member of the Communist party...
...Chicago, April 24...
...Reports were presented ateo by delegates from the various states and groups represented at the eoaf?rence and expressing the determination of the membership for whieh they spoke to win the fight for true Socialism...
...Who are now *» enenues of Germany...
...Even the so-called independent telephone companies are dominated by the octopus, Bickley declared...
...Unemploy*** is again on the ascendant...
...O. Fogleson, H. W. Daacke, chairman, Emma Henry, State secretary-treasurer...
...Most of the hearings this week, however were taken op in picturing the enormous stee of the A. T. and T. "In no other public service is the industry so completely dominated by one company," testified J. H. Bickley, chief accountant for the II «)Mlin> ?HIISII ' According to Bicktey, 3C T. and T. is the peak erf a holding company pyramid, consisting of many "layers" and including 193 corporations...
...Hitter te spec¦tetteg upon the fear of a new war • He part of the peoples and he bfassbling *'ith peace...
...The same day, at 10:45 p.m., be will speak over the coastto-coast network of WABC and the Columbia Broadcasting System...
...But he has deprived the peopk of any voice to determine this,-policy...
...The resolution condemned the Them as group "for forcing a priajsjy fight on the Socialist Party aHjsw York at a time when its faim sod energies are required 1st te constructive struggle to Met » stronger Socialist moveMat uuMSghout the- ceanrry.'i - - On ausdsy afternoon the conMSSt ||purned in a body to ahead s^primary rally of the r?galer New York State organizaCoeterence Program lenue adjourning, the confersy liisppted the following proMais of principles and policies to ii .pressed for adoption at the jjjPJJg national convention m "r*K*/e stand for the repeal of teytrolt Declaration of Priadate because it is nnsocialist...
...Many of the A. T. and T. branches, it was shown, extend into Canada and other countries the world around...
...Among the distinguished leaders of American labor who will join with leading American Socialists in paying tribute to the man whom millions of British workers regard as the neat Pi winrMinister of the British Empire, and the first who will have a clear-cut parliamentary majority, are George Meany, president of the New York State Federation of Labor...
...President William Green of the A. F. of L. praised th...
...It is believed that the Klan which has played an important part in the crimes committed is not as strong in Bartow as in Tampa...
...J?l?*9 •**¦* 'or the adoption of SBH1— calling for the enactgft** isunediate labor and social SF?*» te raise the standard of Hworkers of America and "SgpJ elimination of unemployw?*°«' the preservation of civil J^T** «ed the protection and exof the rights ef organised ^g*ye-favor the immediate enr** •* » Constitutional Amendai to enable the national govSjj* *• embark est a program control and economic planar -essentia r to the welfare of American people...
...Both sides would have opportunity to file briefs, and those claimants who failed to appear at the hearings would be eliminated...
...ravor the adoption of a Itfsnttiaa of principles based -jtlPr*** poBtical and economic ^raaization of the A me r i c a n SSrkers...
...He will pay hurried visits to the two Eastern cities having Socialist administrations, Reading, Pennsylvania, and Bridgeport, Connecticut, and return to New York for a farewell banquet to be tendered to him by the Socialist and Labor movement of this city on May 1. Numerous invitations received by the Band School of Social Science, which is arranging his American tour, for speaking dates west of Chicago have had to be rejected when Morrison made it known that his stay in the United States cannot be extended beyond May 2. In the large gathering that will assemble at Mecca Temple to welcome him on his first appearance before an American audience will be the executive boards and officers of every important trade union of this city, numerous labor fraternal organizations, and branches of the Socialist party...
...All-Star Benefit For Labor Chest THE Committee for the Relief and Liberation of Victims of Persecution in Europe, organized recently by the Labor Chest of the American Federation off Labor, and the Central Trades and l^abor Council of New York, has completed preparations for a gigantic All-Star Benefit at the Madison Square Garden, on Sunday evening...
...All of the broadcasting companies have signified their desire to cooperate, and within a short time the committee will announce a list of artists and entertainers which will set a high mark for this type of endeavor...
...HNPfe are pledged to the fol^«psrty policies: J2" Opposition to the United ?W» far any purpose with the JgJ^ists and Communist ®Vrw»«tion Jo the admission Jggtesarty, individually or in of their splinter organizations, "e—Opposition te the advocacy of armed insurrection or violence by any member or group within the party, **d—The extension of party activity and propaganda in all civic and public matters essential to the welfare of labor and the social interest, "e—The establishment of a closer alliance with the labor unions and the cooperative movement on the basis of cooperative action with a view of promoting the all-essential unity of Socialist ideas and American Labor...
...indictwot of the Hitler regime and a call for its overthrow, was widely distri bated in Germany through 'Et?siiIninni channels...
...Communications of greeting and encouragement were read also from the Jewish branch of the Socialist Party of Cleveland, the CityCentral Committee of the Jewish Socialist I Federation in Chicago, and the New Leader Club of Chicago...
...AH unions would be notified of claims...
...He was Samuel Rivin, who expressed his sympathy with, the work and purposes of the conference when he voted for the resolution, adopted unanimously, expressing the support of the regolar New York State organisation in the primary contest of April 2nd as against the secessionist left wmg headed by Norman Thomas...
...Make your reservations immediately, so that you may participate in person in this notable event A full account of President Green's address and other speeches to be delivered at the dinner will appear in neat week's issue of- The New Leader...
...Keep up the good fight...
...The Committee is headed by William Green, President American Federation of Labor...
...Railways State-Owned "What struck mi most singularly," he continued, "was the manner in which they have dealt with the railroad problem...
...i was demonstrated in it manifesto addressed to the animili people by the Executive Committee of the German SocialBemccratic Party, seated in Prague, fas manifesto, a scorehint...
...State convention in Waco on March 15 was steamrollered in true left-wing fashion, but now more than ever are the real Socialists of the State determined to carry on and fight for democracy...
...HfGef is leading Germany to Sell ulUuu...
...i '"¦ lite plan fer adjusting jurisdictional controversies pi Ov Idea that mechanics remain at work where jurisdiction is in dispute, pending arbitration by an arbiter, preferably a Federal Judge...
...Contact with the party organization in Washington is being established...
...Holds 2-Day Session More Than Half of Party Membership Represented at Meeting of State Organizations, Federations and Groups...
...Following his appearance in New York on April 15, Morrison will appear in Philadelphia on April 17...
...There was a housing program inaugurated at the conclusion of the World War to relieve unemployment...
...The 'New Leader has become America's leading Socialist and labor weekly...
...Condftions are now badly disturbed because of recent complications growing out of the action of Chancellor Hitler in Germany and I should not undertake to forecast what may develop in that direction...
...The adherence " of other State organ i ?ation s and party groups will be sought, so that when the conference meets again in Cleveland it will be the expression of the will and ideas of the overwhelming majority of the party membership, as it already is of the majority...
...w treaties prapseed by the «esse the sharpest distrust...
...On the state-owned railways the employes are civil servants and they have a permanent status and are not subject to periodical unemployment because of * recessions in business as we experience in this country...
...Reports were presented, showing the valiant fight being waged in Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin and other States against the party disruptioniste...
...May the day soori dawn when all real Socialists will again be in a united party...
...It is expected that in addition to the States, federations and groups now affiliated with the Interstate Conference, the meeting in Cleveland will he attended, among others, by official representatives of the State organizations of the Montana...
...Socialist Party of Indiana, Inc., State Executive Committee: George M. Larrair, C. E. Bond, George J. Lehnert, Martin O'Connor, Hattie M. Hodges, Edward Henry, George Stallwood, Dr...
...In addition to telephone service and manufacturing, these concerns buy and sell stocks, bonds and real estate, prepare and place the kind of propaganda known as "advertising," make burglar alarms, movie sound equipment, operate metallurgical plans, railWays, subways, cables and dip into other interests too numerous to list here...
...On Saturday the Interstate Conference heard the following communication read from the Indiana comrades: Greetings From States "Eastern States Conference, "New York City...
...Dear Comrades:— "Texas has just had a f?llfiedged sample of militants in action...
...joined the commission this ila in examination of evidence (fc possible prosecution en eria4pg charges...
...If daims had not been settled, bearings would be held...
...Decisions would be made within ten days of submission, whenever possible and binding on all unions...
...It was decided to bold another session of the Interstate Conference in Cleveland, O., immediately preceding the convention of the national convention...
...had not deigned even to answer the eommunicajgjon addressed to it by the conference in January, demanding the restoration of the Now York State organization's charter...
...pater has marched troops into itili Jlh melend...
...and Joseph P. Ryan, Joint Chairmen...
...It reflected itself in the decision of President Green to head the list of sponsors, in the warm approval that met the announcement of the tour from trade union leaders of various states throughout the nation, in the scores of requests that have come from every part of the country for dates, and in the decision of numerous New York organizations to suspend other activities on the date of his New York appearance in order to hav...
...hawford not only make>, Craw...
...The present national leadership of the Socialist Party of the United States with few exceptions, have proven themselves unfit to be the advisors of a proletarian movement and have only demonstrated the caliber of old party politicians...
...The work don* at the convention of the Building Trades Department will be of great value to the entire organized labor movement...
...This time, :tea, they will join the stronger 1 •¦P»-the camp of the others, "Germany's 60,000,000 are conSPM* by 1,000 million...
...proportion as the difficulties *aspe are increasing, the incutente to foreign adventures gains "¦tegth...
...So detrimental has it been in its effect that in order to counteract the public reaction, the brother of Joseph Shoemaker was obliged to issue the following statement: "My brother, the* late Joseph Sbemaker, was not a member of the Communist party at the time at his death and never had been...
...May your deliberations bring forth a movement that will be the means of again unifying all the real Socialiste in the United States...
...g» a the policy which Jhe : asrsasa people are called upon to iSSSJli^Js the election of March 2T...
...The comrades of San Antonio join me in greeting and congratulating the conference...
...The test JieeadBsted'by the United States ¦"•tag Company, Inc., nationally jfyaa group of scientists...
...During the two weeks that Morrison_ will spend in the United States he will have time to visit only a few of the many cities whose labor and Socialist organisations have requested speaking dates...
...There can he no law, no order, no •esce where treaties freely entered ¦Be sre violated on flimsy pretexts...
...They know but one slopJoWN WITH HIS REGIME!** •Word Tops $40 Clothe, in Special Test jav a sensational point-by-point ¦sa?uai?son of Crawfcud__Clothes jfjfc'©) against three makes of ¦afni priced clothes purchased at g many reputable-* retail shops, fceajfwrd scored highest...
...Joseph M. Weber of the National Federation of Musiciana» and Edward Canaran, of Musicians Union Local 802, are busily engaged in providing outstanding musical talent, and aiready have arranged for, a symphony orchestra of 150 musicians, organized from the leading symphony orchestras...
...Military mnsic and shoutBPtT?e?!' are intended to muffle *te.rebellious murmuring- of the ¦"tettea and disinherited...
...We stand fur the reversal of 0* setioa of the National Execute C«BUttee at Its Philadelphia saetiag of Jsnaary 6, 1936...
...W9 demand the seating at the wtet-ef the national convention **» heU in Cleveland of the dele»• selected by the regular NeW ** State organisation, so recogWt hef ore the action of the Executive Committee st "'j^E.'.y* favor the setting up of ^•¦tienal Executive Committee 9 «suonai officers representing pacati ment ef the membership *w w«nut ted to s program of J*** ti»* Socialist Party along 'SS****' iines rather than pro**f factions and factional ad"•^¦iiwtttiin the party...
...Limbach, of Pittsburgh, secretary of the Interstate Conference, presented a report at the outset, stating that the N|E.C...
...The elimination of jurors was accelerated by Pat Whitaker, defense counsel, who questioned jurors as to their views on communism which frightened many of them into explaining that they had arrived at an opinion as to the guilt of the men on trial...
...The Interstate Conference .will seek also to make possible the return to the party of the eomrades driven from the national organization in Indiana and who, for the time being, maintain their Socialist identity under the name of the Socialist Party of Indiana, Inc., a name they were obliged to assume when the National Executive Committee sought to usurp power in Indiana by court injunction...
...The Socialist Party of Indiana, Inc., has not, nor does it now, seek a peace pact with national officials in whom we have completely lost faith...
...The people are called Sah to judge bat cannot do so, otatuse they are forbidden to bear ^testy-two years ago...
...7~ Interstate Conference in New York Sounds Call for Mobilization of Loyal Members Agi net Left* Wing...
...Big Reception Planned Here For Morrison Trade Union Leaders and Socialists Will Greet British Labor Leader on Arrival — Green Heads Committee...
...William English Walling and James C. Quinn, Joint Secretaries...
...Unable to deny the facta, Pre...
...Matthew Wol...
...but I discovered on personal inspection of the homes of a number of the ¦workers that if the head of the family is over 65 years of age he gets a special reduction of 30 per cent in the fixed scale of rentals...
...Under the cries S^B^^Hpfrom the unthinking S OMBiM unrestricted submarine etat?sfrfaeught America into the t?aJa'sf tJermany's enemies, and ftawSf forced the catastrophe of }S|g ¦ 'Wfmhti and aisled, Germany ssgto Kr?er's leadership is marehlab-e* a new catastrophe, even W??k than that of 1»18... Detroit, April 22...
...Secretary Limbach announced that in order to make possible the adherence of State organizations distant from New York who could not elect delegates in time to take part in the deliberations -of the conference, regional conferences will be held in the Middle West and West, preceding the conference to be held iji Cleveland...
...The action of the representatives of the building trades organizations demonstrated the fact that the organized labor movement possesses the ability, the resourcefulness and the power of self-control to settle difficult, vexing problems by negotiations, through mutual agreement, within the family of organized labor...
...It defiproves that a man need not Uff more than $18.75 for clothes **** the good looks and durability «fftf *40 kind...
...Abraham Cahan, editor-in-chief of the Jewish Daily Forward...
...John Fitzpatrick, president of the Chicago Federation of Labor...
...Altogether I it was a typically dastard move of those who don't care a hang about winning this case and upholding civil liberties and would rather further their own unscrupulous "strategy...
...James D. Graham, member of the N.E.C., was requested to represent the Interstate Conference at the State convention of Washington called for April 4. To Contact Oregon Efforts are also under way to bring the Oregon organization back into the party fold...
...nationali«t'fjiaagog.r threw Germany into ••J?JJ* War- It deceived the etuuBpFwms...
...Comrade Morrison will be welcomed to America by a committee of sponsors headed by William Green, president of the American Federation of Labor...
...That the voice of Hitler wm not tbc only voice heard in Germany M last Sunday's fake "election," lulled to fri ve approval te his foreign policy and program of reIpianieirt...
...trades unions for their settlement of differences and said: "Building mechanics throughout the entire country will give hearty approval to this action and will gladly embrace the opportunity accorded them to unite and work together for a common purpose to advance and promote the economic interests of those employed in the construction industry...
...Per Democratic Socialism The significance of this objective was expressed in the program set forth by the conference at its inception, when it resolved to become the point of concentration "for the greater part of our membership who desire the uninterrupted continuance of the Socialist Party ss an-expression of democratic Socialism and as aa organisation administered through democratic procedure as against the policy on the pert of our present party leadership, acting through the National Executive Committee, to I permit the infiltration into our party of Communist principles and Communist methods and party tactics...
...Of all the countries of Europe, there are only two where the railroads are privately operated, and this condition has developed because of a long and unsatisfactory experience they had with private ownership and operation...
...if successful, will destroy the party nationally... order to develop a program that promised success the national government passed legislation providing foe the organization of voluntary building and loan societies...
...An ambitious program is being provided...
...The present investigation had ite origin a year ago when Senator Burton K. Wheeler forced through Congress a $750,000 appropriation for the investigation...
...Meta Berger Removed From Socialist Campaign for Favoring Russian Communism MILWAUKEE...
...May 3. Tickets, priced from $1.00 to $5.00 are already on sale at the Committee offices at 3 West 16th St., New York, and at all trade union headquarters in the greater city...
...The circular which was admittedly put out by the Communists and signed Section 1, District 25, Communist Party, was a very bad blow to the prosecution because if tenied to link up the victims of the floggings with the Communists who are in bad repute here as everywhere else...
...i~*new Franco-Russian alliance is ¦» work...
...James Oneal, editor of The New Leader, and Louis Waldman, New York state chairman of the Socialist arty, will represent their respective organisations and institutions in greeting the leader of the world's outstanding Socialist and Labor party...
...The "G-men" were aS in to follow up testimony Jt?B A. T. and T. with undera??l rackets through its wire efBB to a nation-wide network of Sorav race gambling manipulators...
...Similor Program in England "England has undertaken a similar program and I was given to understand from people with whom I discussed this question, who ought to know, that the housing program in that country has had more to do with the revival of business than any other thing they have undertaken...
...That the fame which Morrison has won for himself in England, and the place which he has come to occupy in the ranks of the Socialist and trade union movement of his country have preceded him is evidenced by the keen interest which the announcement of his coming to America has provoked throughout the labor movement...
...The resolution declared that a victory for the regular party organisation in the State of New lark "will contribute materially to the preservation of the Socialist =TUfty in other states and in the sation, where left wing groups, Hai and abetted by the Commutata, ire engaged in a campaign ehfcfc...
...We heartiky commend your efforts and the splendid fight you are making in the interest of^ Social Democracy...
...The procedure would be as follows: Only international unions would submit eases to the arbiter...
...Financing of Program "The national government provides 50 per cent of the capital, the local or city government provides 45 per cent and the society makes up the remainder of five per cent...
...They have quoted literally many of the statements and the general purpose set forth in the tentative program, so that now the movement for cooperation with the unions, which was gaining acceptance, is stigmatized as connected with the Communists...
...He driven Soviet Russia into the *** of France, just as be has Prance, by bis rearmament, §te the arms of Soviet Russia...
...Widely Distributed Through Underground XTIwili ^ "t Orertnrow of Bloody Nazi Scores Treaty Break Socialists Denounce Viola_ tion of Locarno Pact and Expose Fascist Govern! ment't Disperale Gamble With World Peace...
...Its growing army of friends throughout the country will watch with interest ita twelfth anniversary dinner on Friday...
...Some Judge Will Preside The case has been set for trial in Bartow, Polk County, which is about 50 miles east of Tampa and will begin on Monday, April 13...
...Only fools will "•«ve that they will move a finger wbelpjBitler Germany...
...The whole world is united in taaiaaudag this treaty violation...
...their governing bodies attend the meeting at Mecca Temple on the evening of April 15...
...The manifesto declared: littler demands that the Ceraso peopk give approval to his later...
...Those *8e*iie- clearly, those who have *ggf* and, refuse"to bend their M$f,fcrceive but one wiy out for wfcfclay...
...Algernon Lee, president of the Rand School of Social Science...
...As the Tele" phone Trust continues to be hauled over the coals by the...
...e ent Walter S. Gifford of the fun company took refuge ia "affbi...
...IX the presence of the largest delegation of Itrade union and Socialist party leaders who have ever united' for a common purpose...
...and Max Zaritzky...
...execution of the Wpjeat, the rewarding of the ftfWy, the entire horrible shame of tSS^Wiswn regime of violence...
...Regarding his attitude toward communism, I quote from a speech made in Vermont, while a member of the Socialist Party in 1934: "'The communist party of America is the bitterest enemy the socialist party has to contend with...
...Meta Berger, widow of late Victor L. Berger, was removed from the Socialist Party campaign on Thursday because of her public utterances favorable to Russian Communism which embarrassed Mayor Hoan’s re-election campaign...
...A total of 530,000 employees in 1929 were reduced to 325,000 in W34, representing A. T. and T.'s contribution to the jobless army...
...George Field, who is in charge of the arrangements, reports that orders already received from these organizations have disposed of about one-half of the available space in the Mecca Temple...
...which Germany had voltartarily signed with France and labium in order to save her unity sad free the occupied territories...
...The men were arrested by the police who later released them to a gang that took them outside the city limits and tarred and feathered them...
...Some day ¦* *ffl tese the gasse, and the GerIMf?ptepk will pay with their ,j?fter three years of Hitler rule ^stjeany finds herself on the verge IJpaancial ruin...
...We all wish we could be there in person and take part, but since there are too many miles between us we hope that this letter will adequately express our comradeship and solidarity...
...The loans advanced by the governments are on a basis of four per cent and extended over a period of 60 years...
...B. 0. Vladeck, member of the New York Housing Authority...
...Washington and other organizations...
...Harrison, who had just returned from Europe where he represented the United States on the Governing Board of the International Labor Office, discussed labor conditions in Europe...
...Limbecs Reports In addition to the officially designated delegates, the conference was attended also by representatives of a recently organized state, conference of New Jersey Socialists opposed to the methods and policies of the present National Executive Committee, and a representative Of the state committee of Montana...
...Judge Dewell will continue to preside aver the trial in his own court at Bartow from whicTf - he had been called to Tampa after Judge Petteway had disqualified himself on the ground that he was a candidate for governor...
...Many here assert that Whitaker's motion for a change of '¦ venue was a bluff to give him a' point for an appeal, but that he never expected or wanted the motion granted...
...He had no political affiliation other than his own organization, "The Modern Democrats' at the time of his death...
...Probe Uncovers Monopoly of Phone Trust A. T. & T. Shown to Be Peak1 of Holding Company Pyramid Cowering 193 Corporation* — Has Billion Dollar Annual Income...
...The Communist circular, moreover, was a piece of brazen plagiarism and practically reproduced a tentative program Tampa Socialists had drawn up in order to secure the cooperation of the A. F. of L. unions' in a united effort to get the election laws amended...
...How can a business, am know all that is going on in aan a vast concern...
...This eliminates y usual intermediary profits...
...Communism wants direct action, that is, forcible overthrow of the government...
...Gilford «?ri again and again...
...Shoemaker subsequently died as the result of his injuries...
...English Walling, Joseph N. Weber, Matthew Wol...
...which Jsaeaded the charter of the New •VfeState organisation without Wfwring charges or granting a Ml to the duly constituted «¦r?srt SUte organisation...
...The conference of last Saturday and Sunday, presided over by Comrade William J. Van Essen, of Pittsburgh, revealed the great progress made sines the but meeting in rousing and organizing the party membership against the dictatorial rule -being imposed upon the party by the present national U^derabin ,*0d .the IFVTlm mination to bring the party back to Socialist fundamentals...
...Famous producers, such as Shubert, Harris, and George M. Cohan, and leaders among the organised actors ike Frank Gillmore of Actors Equity and Ralph Whitehead of the American Actors Union have likewise proffered their support and that of their artist membership...
...William Plampin...

Vol. 19 • April 1936 • No. 14

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