The Truth About the United From nitroff's Arguments Are Answered Said Dtmitroff; "It must further be borne in mind that if general joint action -with the Social Democratic parties , and...

...But does the united front represent a j; threat to the peasants, the pebfy traders, the artisans, the toiling^ intellectuals...
...Had the Communists supported the Socialists and the Republican parties instead of' uniting with the Nazis and monarchists in the Reichstag and in the provincial diets against the Socialists and the democratic republic, had they supported tile republican cabinets, the Nazis would not have come Into power in Germany...
...A united froat with the Communists would make impossible the creation of whatjhw4a^ always regaroed aa the prcHmtnary conditions for the emancipation of the working class...
...We declare frankly: We want unity of action by the working class, so thai the proletariat may grow strong in its struggle against the bourgeoisie, in order that while defending today its current interests against attacking capita], against fascism, the proletariat may he in a position tomorrow to create the pre, li mi nary conditions for its final emancipation.'' We need not argue long on this particular point, for we know fall well what the Communists consider "the preliminary conditions" for "final emancipation" of the working class...
...But listen, we have repeatedly declared: We shall not attack anyone, neither persons nor org ah i stations nor parties that stand for the united front of the working elass ~ against the class enemy... we know: aV^feMihJ clique, luppittakh M aWll erties and free trad) Mhtjfl and concentration Csattrwirl era, peasants, SoeinUrjtVl Communists who jfljgw'JB to Sunn's tone...
...reactionaries aad fascists...
...Thia it y« more than t*« fE Socialist Laboi *b*m aioae...
...The Cemamnlsts, as we have seen, admit frankly that they do not believe in democracy wad *s* their aim is the establishment of a dictatorship through violent revolution...
...Contrary to Dlmitroff's assertion, the experience in Germany and Italy has shown that the fascists had won the support of the peasants, small tradesmen, intellectuals and even of large sections of the working class largely because of their fear of the "Red danger,'* 'which both Hitler and Mussolini had utilised to good advantage...
...Scandinavia, Holland and Czechoslovakia, where the Socialists have been brilliantly successful in keeping fascism in check, as elections in recent months have so well demonstrated, are so emphatically opposed to a united front with the Communists...
...Very welL Hasan Social DemoKe coalition govuroB> Was not the ¦((Democratic Party Km...
...The Socfalis* parties have never eatstrkd rajsHtsaa *3th bourgeois parties preaching dietator'¦Mp y mmm *> «to vmocratic institutions of a country...
...we will 'criticize' you, L a. wo will continue our effort* to destroy you...
...Said Dimitroff: " 'Social Democracy is for democracy, the Communists are for dictatorship...
...PoHcy of Coalition Said bimitroff: "'We cannot form a united front with the Communists, since they have a different program,' says a third group...
...The examples of Hungary, Italy, Germany and Austria have demonstrated that as between Communism and fascism these masses turn to fascism...
...In other weeds, the policy recommended by Dimitroff is that the Socialists emit their places in all coalition governments of which they are now a part and clear the road for the entry into the vacancies of...
...It must further be borne in mind that if general joint action -with the Social Democratic parties , and organizations requires that the . Communists exercise serious and ambstantiated criticism of Social ' Democracy as the ideology and practice of ems* rnllshorarhm with the btwisyii, and aaJirfakiy explain to »e Steal Democratic ' wurfcsrs in a comradely way the program and slogans of Com'¦ munism, in countries having Social: . Democratic i—-T|it~*" wa task, is of particular IsipsrlsWl B> the ' straggle far the united front...
...Anc ^ aat, in conform¦aniit falsification HH!J:^p!fne|es Of mighty armies ¦apt International ¦Kit which DimiBs/nr* quite negligEeHhe most recent b^the Communist Hjnyu* world (entBmmeeeat a total mm...
...In February 1932, when Hitler W*e...
...The German Communist WHhelm Pieek, whom "Stalin entrusted with the delivery of one of the most important programmatic speeches at the seventh congress of the Comintern, declared in conclusion: "The road we are taking is the creation of a .proletarian united front, the creation of trade-union unity, -the creation of a people's front of all the tollers, the creation of a united revolutionary party of the proletariat on the tried theoretical and organisational foundations of the teachings of Msrx, Bagels, Lenta aad Stalta...
...The interests of the working class, of democracy and Socialism demand that the Socialists keep away from the Communists...
...These are revolutions by violence and the dictatorship of the Commanist party, which they term euphemistically the dictatorship of the proletariat...
...In July 193*, six months before she advent of Hitler to power, the Central Committee of the German Communist party made public a manifesto declaring that fascism was already in power in Germany anyhow and that fascism could not be destroyed without first accomlamhiag the #e*traeti*a of the Social Democratic Party and of the Socialist trade omens...
...The aaswer to this is given by the Communists fpafl namely, that tha' olMjfl serve as a mama* fm*P>*)gfl grooai for a C«*ttMfjhtjf|H and ¦ Soviet oirtststakia...
...And Hk in eonformanaast falsification, '. fin Comintern are h n» Russian Com¦j^aaanhershin- ofl bmaser a country the^gk*^, pSM^the^toternaieem in ita struggle fcja- lawsti hi fcH't wfth Mease ¦C re^aftnf^s E, aficial" organ *oi t>)>.....i declared ttlhwau is the end* Bnae heatifc fad...
...already moving to assume power, Willi Mnenzenberg, one of the principal leaders of the German OaiiMimiiiit party and one of Stalin's chief agents in Europe, declared that "any bloc or affiliation even for temporary joint actio* in individual campaigns by the Communist party with the Social Democratic Party sgaimrt National Socialism <HitlerWm) would forever amaradit the Ctawniit party in the eyes of the broad working masses...
...The Communists should have thought of a united front with the German Socialists before the advent of Hitler to power—aa honest, sincere united front for the defense of liberty and the republic as was urged by the Socialists...
...What are the facta...
...I Said Dtotooff: "'Let the Commeaisanl democracy, let them aM its defense., then we ah»D VI Jor a united fleet.' f*W reply: We are edhaf euis tf ¦ democracy, file denoencj* toilers, the awst ednshrtealI racy in the world...
...This is also the Communist policy in the United States and Canada...
...We make no such proposal for the time being...
...No, the united front J» a threat to the big bourgeoisie, the financial magnates, the Junkers and other exploiters, whose regime brings complete ruin to all these strata...
...In England, the Scandinavian countries, in free Belgian and elsewhere the Communist struggle against fascism consists largely of attempts to rouse the masses1 against the Socialist ministers and leaders of the Socialist' parties and trade unions as a means of destroying these organizations and capturing the masses for Communism...
...i»*us is that the iswamai could not Mb Victory of faspsjshad fought like Esbnjie reason that ¦rat hsndfuL They Armies J* mighty armies -pUt International jji flf which Dimijre quite negligI to the most recent j the Communist Lgk all Communis* Mi ta< world (outd apreaeat a total J tfMOO...
...The resolution adopted by the Comintern after Fleck's address declared: "Now, when a political crisis is maturing in a number at countries, the gtost important and decisive task facing the Communists is not to he content with .the success achieved, but to march forward to new: sMfffiasifB*, tp extend contacts with the working class, to win the confidence erf millions of toilers, to transform the sections of the Communist Interuational into mass parties, for the Communist parties to secure influence over the majority of the workug shuts, and thus to ensure the -conditions necessary for the .victory of .the proletarian revolution.'* IF ^$i^S&%AlXy INT ERE.STE D IN TEE DESTRUCTION CKF FASCISM AND THE CREATION OF UNITY WITHIN THE WOHRING CLASS THEWORLD OVE*, HE WOULD, AS A FIRST, ESSENTIAL ACT RELEASE ALL "RUSSIAN SOCIALISTS AND, DISSIDENT COMMUNISTS »TOW IN XAJLS AND CONCENTRATJION CAfltPSHE WOULD RESTORE CIVIL LIBERTIES IN RUSSIA...
...Said Dimitroff: "Some say: 'To the Communists , the slogan of the united front is ¦t merely a maneuver.' But if it is a ..maneuver, we reply,-why dont you . expose the 'Communist maneuver* by your honest participation in a united front...
...He recsp3 itulated the arguments of the So<eialist opponents of the united - front and tried to answer them...
...And what Were the results V The reply to this is that the two democratic parties with which the Social Democrats were in coalition until the mat moment of the participation of the Socialist...
...We have combined snd shall continue to combine our readiness to march jointly witsj the Social Democratic Parties and organizations to the straggle against fascism with an irreconcilable straggle against Social Dsmeirmy as the ideology and practice of compromise with the bourgeoisie, sad eonseqaeatly also against iny peaatrsti** of this) ideology fid* sttr owa Ml|p» , "Patiently, step by stop, we west make it easier for the broad lessees to cethe^over to the positions of Communism...
...A redding of . the Communist organs in tie* country wHI prove this to he true...
...The Communists would not hear of any such united front...
...tanas, rra ft wi...
...The Communists, however, do have this as their mala purpose...
...The ew***-Se*ering government ta Prussia, eeatroHsw by the Socialists wad the .dome, eratic parties, weald not have united with the Masts sad monarchists en the eve of the Nasi onslaught to.rating amen that government in the Prussian Diet...
...Recall b»E Austrian Social Democratic sM said the same thing* with R ence to tike small Aostmi K munist party...
...Communist policy and ideology make for the destruction of democracy and liberty and for the triumph of fascism, as has been amply demonstrated in a series of countries, notably Germany...
...therefore we cannot form a united front with the Communists,' say some of the Social Democratic leaders...
...But what does Germany's experience teach ? Did not the Social Democrats form a bloc with those -better' allies...
...which would include even hour-: geois and ultra-reactionary organizations...
...But at the same time it is our duty, hi the interests of the proletariat and its cause, to criticise those persons, those organizations, those parties which impede unity of action by the workers...
...TK0 unity, revolutionary cohesion and fighting preparedness of '.'Vie Communist parties constitute most valuable capital which bej Vmgs not only to us but to the , entire working' 'class...
...As long as Communists remain Communists there can Be no united front with them...
...It did not...
...Perhaps the moment may come when Stalin will be compelled to dissolve the Comintern, to give liberty to the Russian workers, peasants and intellectuals, and to create a "people's fromV*" in Russia, similar to that in France...
...As to "led Danger" Said Dimitroff: " 'If we establish a united front with the Communists, the petty bourgeoisie will take fright at the 'Red danger' and will desert to the fascists,' wo hear it said quite frequently...
...For this reason the Labor and Socialist International has been compelled to turn down Moscow's latest united front maneuver...
...It is interesting to dyell at some I length on this portion of Dimi•: troffs address...
...Dimitroff himself admits it in his statement of tha porpose *f the united front and til* Communists prove it by their actions wherever there is a united front, In France, for eammple, or where Socialist groups have entered hate united Motion with the Communists, as in Aastris, Coalition Question Moreover, Socialist parties eater into coalition only with bourgeois parties that stand for -democracy...
...Second, also ia Germany and Spain the Socialists wage not ngpresented in the gowrtmont Jar, quite soaee taaee before the advent of -the alasahsai aad reactionist eg...
...ernment in Pruasis, the largest and moat important of the German states, occupying more than two-, flsirda of the territory of jfierIf the Socialists of Czechoslovakia were now to leave the intensely democratic coalition government of that country, President Maseryk would be compelled, much against his will, to invite the fascists of the so-called "Heimat Front" in German-Caechoslovakia to enter the government in place of the Socialists, because the "Jtteimat Front" is the second largest group, in parliament...
...Recent rumors that some such development is to be expected emanate entirely from those left-wing Socialists who make the wish father to the thought, and we have ample reason to suspect that these rumors are being deliberately circulated by Stalin's agents, in true Communist - Macchiavelian style...
...if you do not...
...Broning's government in Germany, the last parliamentary government, was an entirely bourgeois government...
...And: "If we Communists exert every effort to establish a united front, we do this not for the narrow pur1 pose of recruiting new meusbeia for tlte Qsentmtfflot parties...
...First, the Austrian Socialists had not been represented in the government for ton years prior to the victory of fascism...
...demoralization Into the Socialist ranks sad to divorce the working ¦ ¦—is from the Socialist parties...
...Consequently it is as clear as daylight that participation of Social .Democratic ministers at bourgeois governments Is not a banner to fascism...
...H sides this, it most apt be f*am that the Bsaaaaahe •araji bmt Britain are net Fpuuenands ofworkLaane af the world piips, are Section* Laaat Jatemottenoi, ¦ggyaf which is the MManat which has ¦si vktory and roles ppst af the (lobe...
...Said Dimitroff: "The .bourgeois-democratic parties are better allies against fascism than the Communists,' say the opponents of the united front and the advocates of coalition with the borgebisle...
...Said Dimitroff: jm " 'But the tiny CoraraunidK ties do not contribute anyud| participating in the unitedB brought about by the Labor ¦ say, for instance, the Labor K of Great Britain... the government fought to the last against Hitler's coming into power, while the Communists throughout the history of the German Republic fought to destroy it...
...A masted front with the Communists would be the heat way of promoting the destruction of the Socialist and labor movement and the growth of fascism...
...This i« m more than the JMehwa atoae...
...The faD of the Braan-Seyerwg gov...
...It is an undeniable fact that even today many Germans of the middle classes continue to support Hitler because they fear (erroneously, we believe) that his downfall would lead to seizure of power by Communists...
...those who seek to build upon the idea that making appeals to the social democratic Free trade unions or to other reformist organrzAUQNf Jftvb emJ LEAD TO *JfVa9>Qp9 When FrWrka Stampfofl of the Berlin Vsrwiru...
...These dew countries— France, Germany, Poland —¦ are countries whose internal situation has an immediate, direct effect upon Bassian national policy and interests...
...Because they were not represented in the government the fascists and reactionaries succeeded in fitting all government offices with their own' agents, which, to tan, made U easy ultimately for the fascists to seize power...
...Nor must the fact bo lost sight ot that the tactics of eh* smited front are a method if convincing the Secsal DtSOKrawc wortes-s Ifr illlil il * ~M **- - ii imii I In Mm n "*# mqect less** ex use correctness ox the Communist policy and the incorrectness of the reformist policy, and that they are not a reconideology and practice...
...vwe must strengthen the Communist "parties in every way snd increase 'their membership for the very ' reason that we seriously want to strengthen the united front...
...Sat 1 capitalist countries wt defti shall toil Hunt to defend' evn of boat gsemdernmratic ¦ which are being itUckMsl cism aha homrsots maam cause the interacts of aa] struggle of the |Hlia*M dictste...
...we must first and foremost make clear to the SOCIALIST workers," wrote THE central organ of the german communist party, "that we already have a fascist dictatorship and that it is an illusion to believe that the social democratic party and the free trade unions are organizations for anti-fascist struggle...
...Were the Socialists to conclude a united front with the Communists they would thereby throw into the arms of fascism not only the majority of the peasants and farmers and of the urban middle classes but also a substantial portion of the unorganized working class...
...The GommiBnit Tr tional, August 1, 1988...
...In other words, the Communists say to the Socialists and trade unions: "if yon conclude a united front with as, we will let you alone...
...WiWmfl the whole popahafm, snrnfl pioaage, and sf m» (****)¦ thereof to'hV»'l»taf^r^ and^ the mjstimi sf Mil by exports*** in all other J tries, partjeajarfy cism to power, how the (51 liberties...
...Were the policy recommended byDimiteeff to he applied also in...
...In his address Dimitroff tried to , show that the Comintern's new' < call for a united front with the . -Socialist* is not merely a maneu, ver, but that the Communists are ., really sirtoere in seeking to bring ..about a united front of the work, era against fascism throughout the .wettd...
...Communist Slander Campaign Those leaders of the Socialist Party in ail states of tine Union who are opposed to a united front with .the Communists and say so* clearly and unequivocally are being subjected by the Communist party and its press as never before to a vitriolic barrage of slander, character assassination and misrepresentation, while the militant faction and its leaders are courted by the Communists with wow of sweetness and encouragement The Communist press is cultivating in every way possible those in our '.JMty who by their tactics are heh> tig the Communists in their determination to carry dissention and , rain into our ranks...
...By their presence in the government tjsn flsriplists _pahf) U tommaihif far the fascists to eater...
...But no indications Of .any inch development are to be observed as yet...
...But are we offering you now a united front for the purpose of proclaiming the dictatorship of the proletariat...
...sshjliit parties and Wemt entire world Bpppiiiii boycott ¦rf Germany, aha ¦fesjses* af RaaaU KB Ma rammer rial ¦ha, taroaghthe ¦«aiWd the CesafcommUles to e*~ why are^thare ¦Jpjgaaaat MaaeeBaall this is very 1» Sear of Nasi Gern^sot to interfere Revction hi to form a united pi Communists, we fcatthdraw from the' ¦fertkmary and fasHHI enter the gov¦phe Social Demo1 hading cabinet posts ¦smtries...
...1 son there was Baas^fmj stop Hitter, tmiy terrible events ft Ssfat Moscow Coa*1**ttt Isji permits HsofflsWMel* tory of fetch* ¦ Osna not led, ai was patiM Social Dtmsemcy, man* action and a oaaaWepai situation, hot mat, on the fascism in Qmiawy and tory of Socialism in Om Union have lei to the bu of tire Soddftst hrtemati( to a revival of ate ft*al labor movement finoBgh world...
...Belgium and other countries, the only result would be the rise of the reactionary parties to power...
...Were not the Hps in the same govKtouTgeoisie ? They Kmc participation of ¦taaeratic Parties in ¦b coalition goveru¦m countries prevent fascism from attacking the proletariat...
...The Communists themselves haveblurted out the true character of the united front 'for which they aim...
...And this * what the Communists call a revolutionary policy- " '{KmitroJTe speech, representing the guiding lam prescribed by Stalin for the Comintern, shows again haw devoted the Communists are to the defense of democracy aad what their "struggle* against fsiuiem" really amounts to...
...Were the German Socialists now to conclude a united front with the Communists, who declare frankly that their aim is the establishment in Germany of a Soviet dictatorship (see Walter's speech in Pravda, August 9, 1935), they would only pity into the hands of the Nazis and fascism...
...The same must be said with respect to other countries...
...gaa of *» Social Da] Party, awst to to* U*tM m Bads*.m U* t£f «afl wffh tb*'78sva* jMpfl he prevail apm MM* WM the leaders of Ha Gsrssal victory of fascia* intoaJ eviuble aajrhet...
...But you yourselves say that your program differs from the program of the bourgeois parties, and yet this did not and does not prevent you from entering into coalitions with these parties.'' to this Socialists reply: The bourgeois parties in Europe who participate with the Socialists in coalition governments do not seek Theiclfr to* carry dhuamthni am...
...And whit H events shown ? It was not thai trian Social Democratic PsrH proved right, but the any Asm Communist party whim m right moment signalled the ¦ danger in Austria and rnlwsm the workers to straggle...
...Said Dimitroff: "The Communists attack us,' say others...
...What Is the reply of the opponents of the united front to this t claim, ashed Dimitroff...
...For this reason and because of the experience cited above, the great Socialist parties of England...
...As already demonstrated, it ia only in a few countries that Stalin: is ready to sacrifice for the moment tiie Communist "line" as -the price of an anti-fascist "people's front...

Vol. 18 • November 1935 • No. 77

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