Besieger Describes How They Held the Fort in Pittsburgh WE print the following atery in full and without editorial ekanget because of it* graphic and (UtoMed deicHptlon of m remaskable...

...That much geed will result from this meeting waa the belief of all present who were -sincerely interested in advancing the economic and social interest of all labor...
...Besieger Describes How They Held the Fort in Pittsburgh WE print the following atery in full and without editorial ekanget because of it* graphic and (UtoMed deicHptlon of m remaskable ekmpttr in tko kiolory of ike fight to got decent conditions for the unemployed...
...They were prepared for the insults of several hostile social workers who take complaints of relief clients and make every effort to get rid of the patient as quickly as possible...
...Loaders of Siege The executive officers of the lesyrue—Robert Lieberman, chairman, and J. F. McCarthy, secretary—have been very active ever since the siege began...
...A radio wa* obtained and on 8a»u*lag...
...The Daily Worker of Jan...
...4^M-Iaa Police attempted to remove eke unemployed from the building, but were unsuccessful, as member* of the Unemployed Citizens' League (UCL), determined that their demands be heard and considered, insisted *e staying until satisfactory answer* were given...
...Ml** Hanson refused even to consider their demands, The police, upon hearing the story of these stout-hearted) workers and seeing Mis* Hanson trapped in falsehoods, decided the committee was justified ia Its da* mands...
...For several days before the meeting, it was generally known in Harlem that' the Communist Party had laid plans to disrupt and destroy this meeting...
...night a dance wa* held, Sandwiches and coffee again comprised the bill of fare...
...It was only with the greatest effort that I and the hall committee, composed of trade unionists and FIAte* Q% '¦"¦¦¦B ASeteW^BaVB^BsfcaMMaB*^ ' step of the meeting the Communists tried to block our work but were prevented...
...Plana were mapped out for the writ-being of the "squatters," the name selected by the newspaper...
...This was truly a genuine demonstration of working class splidarity and a perfect example of the spirit which has been displayed continually for over two years by members of the UCL...
...I called the attention of the audience to the fact that the Communists are ao devoid of principle and so utterly out of genuine sympathy with the plight of the Negro race that they would even publicly oppose a resolution againat lynching...
...Six women and eight men com* posed the group that took possession of the reception room and pre* pared living quarter...
...She then Insisted that the UCL be recognized, informing the interviewer that the UCL committee was now her representative...
...The group was entirely isolated from the outside world, apparently, but officers of tho league were busy contacting the mayor, who had heat furnished and visitors permitted...
...fWith nearly 4,000 Negro and white workers assembled in Rockland Palace Sunday afternoon for a serious consideration of the economic plight of the Negro workers and to formulate plans to make Negro Harlem labor conscious, Communists deliberately and insistently sought to turn this epochal event into an incipient riot, operating upon the belief that because the Negro worker generally has had no extensive trade union experience, he eeuld readily be made an unresisting pawn of Communists...
...Only through level heada and nerves of lea by members of the committee was certain tragedy averted...
...officially opened the meeting, Communists who had planted themselves in the forefront of the hall began their disruptive tactics...
...Sacrifices Made Great sacrifices have been made by every member of the league involved in this affair, whether a "sieger" or on the outside committee which is always endeavoring to better conditions for those inside...
...No Heat...
...But the little warrior was not to be fooled so easily and insisted on staying in the unit until the demands of the UCL were granted...
...ANOTHER great Communist "victory" .has curdled with the receipt of information that the Communists have been allie* of fa-cists in union affairs...
...On Sat* urday coffee pot* and an electric stove were brought In, with the few blanket* relief patients have, and the group began preparing for a long drawn-cut fight...
...Such is the spirit of UCL members in Allegheny County...
...j J Santa Claus Enters On Sunday a Christmaa tree wag placed in the comer of the room, lit waa trimmed with cutouts of plain paper, seme of the decora* ttons being a picture of Satite Glaus, delivering a special deliver* mcsasge which said: "Deer Friend, I'm sorry, but the ACERB does tick believe In Santa, and we out'off your relief," with comment by the artist, "Such I* the fate of the unemployed " ¦ n On Sunday evening friends and relatives vl.itod the "sejnattert" and the experience* of the ink three daya were related...
...Lieberman has spent most of his time on the outside, contacting those sympathetic toward the unemployed and carrying on a running fight due to conflicting orders in the, police department...
...If not busy typing a tremendous amount of correspondence for the league, this member keeps busy typing songs which are composed by the "siegers...
...At 3:30 Sunday afternoon, when Noah Walter, secretary of the Harlem Labor Committee...
...The league went into action and an emergency order was delivered to the home the following day...
...New songs mere composed, blackboards were utilised and classes were conducted in ceo* nomlcs and English...
...Temporary Peace All during this exciting and never-to-be-forgotten time officers of the league were busy and again reached tha mayor...
...Picture, if you can, "a girl, with no previous connections with any working class organisation and only sub-conscious of the fact that there is a class struggle," spending many hours every day cooped up in a "bughouse," contacting relief recipient's, obtaining information on the most cruel and Inhuman treatment that can bo accorded human beings, sitting up until the wee small hours of the morning pounding out typewritten data for a voluntary organisation...
...Member* ef the UCL pointed to a sign on the wall of the reception room which reads "THERE WILL BE NO MORI OFFICE HOURS ON SATURDAY.'' "Siege" Started Fourtoen members of the UCL started- a liege, vowing not to leave until their right to repreeent fellow workers wa* recognized and every person on relief in Allegheny County received full allotment of food, clothing and shelter...
...The regular routine assumed its normal msnner until the relief officer came on duty shortly before midnight...
...The station is known as the Penn-Butler Unit...
...The "sleg•rs" have bean here 236 hours and tore la not a visible sign of any»e deslHlrg to loavo until sari n granted, ^Jst^ffiffiftflfo LETTER CONDEMNS ATTEMPT TO BREAK UP MASS MEETING TO THE EDITOR, LABOR SECTION HPO those remaining few comrades * in the Socialist Party who still harboi the notion that there can be a united front with the Communist Party, the exhibition of Communists at Sunday's historical labor mass meeting in Harlem should serve to indicate the futility of this hope...
...and a member of •"eats in Pittsburgh wtfl boar AU i On Tuesdsy, Christmas Day ths committee had a turkey dinner with all the trimmings- and side dishes...
...Her name is Louise Dabrowski, member of a family refused relief because "the father did not save the money he made...
...Thi* built Asm ma nimflei ¦ isfciansihnl Vttm$m*Mtmt\>9 111 terrible stress the most experienced in the class struggle may break . down...
...Working strenoualy morning and nigh ever since, her spirit has been an Inspiration to everyone staying here...
...During the time for resolutions, Jamos W. Ford, leader of the Communist Negroes, rose in bis seat, saying that he was opposed to the adoption of a resolution against lynching which I had just concluded reading...
...Next week we thall continue the narrative with a itory about the results of this hiettrie "siege," PITTSBURGH.—History is being made In Pittsburgh's old McKee School, which building is used as a district relief office by the Allegheny County Emergency Relief Board (ACERB...
...This little girl, a recent applicant, for membership in the league, accompanied her sister to the unit on December 21' and again explained to the interviewer that her family was without food and the baby without milk...
...It is remarkable that this "smane^^prenTained-intact...
...About four on Christmas morning peace prevailed...
...There is only one fly in the ointment...
...weakly interview* on regular earnplaint* with supervisor only...
...Our arranged program wta carried out, Every spenker delivered hit address which was received with wild applause by the audience...
...J^Jt^^^llC ft, Oe^^^^e^^^d|^a^sL "Rank and File" Leader Turns Out To Be Fascist...
...I asked him to be quiet and, incidentally, saved the interrupter from rough treatment from the audience, whose opposition to the Communists was manifest from start to finish...
...It ia expected that from •Jaw to gise simitar maeting* will be erraiejri...
...They eapleiaed the esoecs of the sKestton...
...Father*, mothers and their children nut end parted with mingled feeling* of joy and regret...
...At every turn, however, they were defeated by the alertness, the seriousness and the loyalty of the assembled mass of Negro workers and their white friends...
...The side door of the reception room was barred end anyone who did succeed in getting out could not return...
...After dinner families came in and congregated 'round the Christmas tree...
...Peterson dyer» scored another victory, tremendously strengthening their recent strike gains," we lead, "by electing Charles Vigorlto as president, and other rank and Ale workers as officers of Local 1173 of the American Federation ¦jf Silk Dyers...
...Finally he pulled his gun and shoving it into the face of one msn shouted, "I'll All sou full of lead...
...Anthony Ammirato, reactionary president of the local, running for re-election, was snowed under, The election eerved greatly in eoneolidating the membership for the firot time behind a union leadership which will enjoy their confidence...
...The election victory is an answer in a most emphatic manner to the slanders of the A. F. of L. and Socialist Party leaders and of the Lovestonites that the Communists aim to disrupt the trade unions...
...The table was set In the reception roonT and words cannot describe how welcome to the "siegers" was the feast after living on "bologna...
...A Pitttburah camrado battling tide bv tide with the other joblen worker» on relief kept.a running diary of event* and **nt ue thi* human document...
...iei Hanson, social worker in charge of the unit, immediately placed » riot call and seven car* of police arrived at the scene...
...McCarthy is living in the reception room at one of tho committee, receives and answers corespondences from there, having a well-organised, efficient office force composed of the siegers, who worlohour after hour at night doing the necessary work of a powerful organisation...
...This is in full accord with the local board's methods of dealing with those in distress—when relief patients are not being evicted they are either starved or fro sen to death...
...Officers of thojkwgu*, paying port leu l*r attention to this danger, immediately celled the...
...Coffee wa* made in a member's noma and "jumbo" bologna sandwiches vtare brought into the building...
...This policeman, usually a pleasant chap, but full of Christmas spirits, proceeded to create teror in the building, first, by informing the group that no visitors would be permitted and "no doughnuts or coffee" permitted...
...Is it any wonder that the relief board has been forced to admit time and again that "we don't know where the UCL will atrlke next...
...This was furnished by members of the league...
...turned ' off and no food permitted to be brought in...
...When the unit opened Monday morning the siegers had roped off their section of the reception room . with benches, covered with blankets...
...7 carried a story under an eight-column streamer head on the front page: "RANK AND PILE DYERS WIN IN PATERSON...
...The story, under a Pateison date line, "Special to the Daily Worker," tells of the smashing defeat of officials of Local 1173 of the American Federation of Silk Dyers with the aid of Communists, who were readmitted to the local after their dual union failed...
...At the same time the workers were pressed on every side by a hostile Melloncontrolled relief board, which stopg at nothing—even attempts to frame officers of pressure groups—if they have an opportunity to smash organised unemployed and crush the worker in order to save a few pennies...
...At the conclusion of my opening address as chairman, a Negro Communist rose and began to harangue the gathering...
...One young girl, just out of high school and one of the most gallant fighters in the league, must be mentioned...
...Morale Heightened Karly Monday morning, with nerves on edge from* terrific mentel strain, lack of proper food, Ices el sleep end the natural reaction which sets In even under lees try* ing conditions, morale reached Its I lowest point...
...A photor*' rapher took picture* which were published...
...i f. After being refuaed admittance by the police at first, officer* and member* of the league Anally were able to enter...
...There was dancing and singing of workeds' songs, Christmas carols, etc...
...No Feed On Christmas eve the committee was informed by policemen assigned to the building that no person would be allowed to leave the reception room where the group has been living—which meant tha* human beings would not have access to the lavatory...
...It is vary Interesting and worthy of note ,that difficulties with the police up to now and ones follow-1 ingesn be traced directly to wage-1 slaves of ACER...
...With conditions continuously growing worse, hundreds of persons on relief gathered at the relief office one Friday, demanding recognition of org&niaad anew, ployed cemasltteea, dally Interviews on emerawney eeeaplalate end...
...He turned out lights all over the building and then flashed them back ¦gain and again, threatening the lives of the occupants...
...One striking Illustration of Miss Hanson's deceit is that she naid "they can go home and ceme back tomorrow...
...No vis, iters could enter...
...Also, the fact that this is a new experience is not to be overlooked, as never before had workers, forced to live no relief, undernourished, faced with evictions, the danger of serious illness and uncertainty •bout their families, been able to keep possession of s relief station for such a length of time...
...The NSW LEADER hem previously printed a new* story telling of the arrest of the 14 eiegert and their lubitquemt imprieoument and discharge...
...no . messages could be sent out or received, and even worse, the host was...
...Failing to do so, these disciples of Mellon waste no time calling a policeman who is j at their beck and call to have every worker removed from the building, especially those who have enough backbone to fight for rights...
...Viwgito is a member of the local Republican Club and of the Clrcolo NadoneJs, e Peterson fascist group...
...This article Is being written in the reception room on a borrowed Remington typewriter...
...Vigorito, hero of this "great" Communist victory, happens to be a notorious fascist who the previous Friday had been refueed the opportunity to epeak with G. K Modlglianl In Peterson because of his well-eatablished fascist sympathies...
...group together end outlined plana I ncceaaery (o make ike battee a tee* 1 eessfel one...
...Monday not many clients, entered the unit and tho "squatters", had an opportunity to catch some muchneeded rest...
...The reaction on the part of the audience to this was remarkable...

Vol. 18 • January 1935 • No. 62

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