Mayor Hoan Gave the Patriots A Constitution Day Proclamation

Behind the Scenes in Washington By Benjamin Meiman Our Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON at last decided to join other nations in the "nnited*f ront"or the international "collective...

...We have signed, along with 62 other nations, including Italy and Ethiopia, a treaty in which the signatories have condemned war as an instrument of national policy and have undertaken, .each to all, to settle their disputes by none but pacific means...
...Minneapolis, Police Murder By Algernon Lee IT has been rather depressing, within the last week or ten days, -to note' how many persons condone the murder of Huey Long or appiau-de it as a heroic and idealistic act...
...Of social theory he had no more than Hinky Dink or Bath House John, but he did have the gift of gab and knew how to use lit...
...Presidential Secretary Marvin H. Mclntyre told them the Government's interest was solely in the hands of McGrady...
...Its role, however, is contingent on the ability of Mr...
...M,ore likely r wota give them a new lease of Hfe...
...To be eligible for allotment, PWA projects must meet these four conditions: 1. Average annual cost per man given employment must not exceed $860...
...When Local 1260 of the American Federation of Labor started its present drive, and the local organizer Benjamin B. Goodman talked about calling a mass meeting in some large hall, many skeptical eyebrows went skyward...
...We must demand mere taf more...
...2. Projects must be let by contract before December 15...
...The next day they found him frozen to death...
...during the Christmas rush, far into the night and on "the night before Christmas" into the dawn...
...They tackled from the women's angle, the consumer's angle, the many evils which the trade unions were tackling in their field...
...They declared that the Constitution— especially the Bill of Rights—had been destroyed...
...rFollowing the end of the World War, hundreds of anti-war Socialists were in prison...
...These are, the stores which were picketed .last Saturday...
...GRAVEDIGGERS BUSINESS is on the upgrade throughout the country, only five states being an exception to this when August of mis year is compared with August of last year...
...3. They must be located in areas where there are sufficient people on the relief rolls to furnish the necessary labor...
...Gas is very much concerned regarding the constitutional and legal aspects 6f municipal ownership and...
...Behind the Scenes in Washington By Benjamin Meiman Our Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON at last decided to join other nations in the "nnited*f ront"or the international "collective bargaining" for peace...
...Not even the names of the cities are to be disclosed until the sites are acquired...
...In other words, the dogmatist makes a fetish of an idea and becomes a bore...
...They worked all hours...
...Roosevelt and the officials in charge of the program came the decision that the Works Progress Administration, under Harry L. Hopkins, will have charge of the work-relief drive for four months beginning in December...
...The utility robber barons, curiously enough, are not concerned about the loot they annually take from their subjects...
...Different methods give rise to differences in organisation and tactto...
...If you...
...He first reviewed the steps the United States had taken up to that time...
...Constitution Day came...
...Hereafter only those nations which give our goods this equality will get the benefit of our minimum tariffs...
...It was opened...
...Oar Own Little War: Work-Relief A TEMPEST which has been *^ gathering for several months broke around the work-relief program last week, but cleared away before the mediative efforts of the President...
...These persons are of course not Socialists...
...The figures show that there can be a business revival with that many workers having no assurance of work...
...But with the assistance or the Consumers' League and the League of Women Shoppers, the meeting was called...
...However, the so-called radicals.who approve the Tunisians murder are neither Socialists nor Communists-nor Anarchists...
...j5 assassination of Mussolini or ^ Hitler tomorrow would net weak* the hideous movements that tSfe represent...
...Good, clean homes at reasonable rentals are to be made available to families unable to own their own homes—families now living in tenements and slums in the larger cities...
...Either labor or the team must win complete control" . Out of this struggle, the aatS» sees that "The fiam'vieaerr # rest with the side that coa|r»f* government" This js tat...
...Last Saturday pickets were placed on duty around .the stores which have increased working hours since the collapse of NBA...
...The conferees returned to their discussions and the new truce was announced...
...It is up to us, particularly our Women's Section, which I know will want to be of whatever help it can, to put in a few'licks for the exploit-"' ed department store workers...
...A Tariff Battle With Germany A HIGHER rate of duty is to be charged against all goods "made in Germany...
...While eschewing intervention Uncle Sam is anxious to add his word for prevention of war in...
...I am giving you here the names of the stores which have increased hours and which therefore are not on the Union whitelist, if you get me: Saks' Fifth Ave, Saks' 34th Street, McCreery, Oppenheim Collins in Brooklyn ,and Natron...
...Failure to secure equality of treatment for American products in Germany forces the United States Government to retaliate...
...Socialist Party,' Chicago, 16 pages...
...The rest was easy...
...War maniacs were still running amuck and free discussion was regarded as a ciime...
...The Communists have pretty consistently condemned the tactics of political assassination, though it must be said that, their glorification of mass killing as a revolutionary policy has done more harm to the working class movement than ever did the old-fashioned Bakuninist "propaganda of the deed...
...No properly disciplines police force, under rsaaoasWy intelligent command, needs to set ia this way...
...The organized workers demand tiie 30-hour week...
...They are just rattlebrains, who hang on the skirts of one movement or another, who have no patience for straight thinking, who are never sure what they positively stand for, but who are always passionately against something or someone and are always clamoring for "action...
...7 heNewLeader Book Cornel NOTE—All books .reviewed in: The New Leader can be ordered through the Rand School Book store, 7 East 15th Street, N. Y. C.< ! f- | THE UNIONS AND THE SO-CI A LISTS...
...Who would deny that the Constitution still lived ? That was the high mark in post-war fetishism...
...Germany, in answer to American protests of discrimination, argues that it is forced to favor imports from countries which buy an equivalent amount of German goods...
...Out of an all-day conference at Hyde Park between Mr...
...The President indicates that this week he will appoint the new bituminous" coal commission called for by the Guffey Coal Act...
...One may interpret certain social, economic and political situations in accord with the idea of class struggle and never use the phrase, while the dogmatist may use the phrase again and again and throw no light whatever on the problem which he discusses...
...To many who have big stakes in American capitalism that document is the Bible of the Bourgeois State...
...On September 12 Secretary of State Cordell Hull formally called attention to the solemn ob- j ligations the quarreling nations j had incurred on signing the Kel-, logg-Briand Pact...
...On with the struggle 1 Voters are to approve or reject the proposal for a municipal power plant in New York City when submitted to a referendum in November...
...A packed haB—Manhattan Opera House—was the response...
...They fancy that the killing of Long was an effective blow against fascism...
...High hat statesmen gathered at the holy box in which the Constitution is preserved...
...In the August number of Harpers, Stuart Chase wrote an article on the "Parade of the Gravediggers," in which seven experts, each considering the problem of recovery, approached it from seven different points of view...
...Long was a pretty typical American product...
...Each gave up...
...To criticise it, to suggest its alteration, is regarded as a sin against the holy of holies...
...Housing Program Speeds Up PULL speed ahead has been or* dered by the President on the Administration's low-cost housing program...
...It wi 11 be a -fight to • finish...
...Many organizations were protesting against the actions of the ruling classes and their agents...
...Under the conditions which prevail in the world today a threat of hostilities anywhere cannot but be a threat to the interests—political, economic, legal and social —of all nations...
...Both want to gain for 'the .working people the largest possible amount of the wealth which labor creates...
...We believe that international controversies can and should be settled by peaceful means...
...This shocking incident galvanized into action a group of liberal and radical women, among them the well-known Socialist Florence K e 11 e y, and they launched the National Consumers' League...
...America has been selling more goods to Germany . than it | has been buying, due, at least partly, to the boycott on German made goods carried on in this countryFETISHISM AND SCIENCE Jl STATEMENT by the Teachers' Union last week ** referred to the obsession of Communists regarding the "class struggle dogma.'' We refer to it here because of its general implications in the labor and Socialist movement...
...What of employment...
...The disturbing tiling is that the shooting of Long has bees excused or praised by persons who call themselves radicals and imagine that they have some kind of "social philosophy...
...Blatherskites we have always with us, unfortunately, and their follies need not give us much concern...
...Farm machinery, automobile production and machine tools all show an upward trend, the highest level of industrial operations and earnings in any period since 1930...
...It is a phrase for the dogmatist, not a schientific idea to be used in interpreting the forces of complex change in the past and present...
...What more could one ask...
...Out much more terrible which we see at work in It*?2 in Germany...
...Hopkins, as head of WPA, advocated projects involving less coat for materials, and has maintained such projects are necessary if work is to be obtained speedily for all the employables on relief rolls...
...There are only two serious errors in this notion...
...His alleged, and It seems very pros, able,, that...
...Certainly, as.consumers we can help...
...Now, concluded the Secretary of State, this Government feels that the time has come for further express on of its attitude: "The Government and people of the United States desire peace...
...That the watch on the Potomac has not been entirely uninterested in what has been going on between Italy and Ethiopia is evident from, Mr...
...That is essential if any large number of the jobless are to be employed...
...4. They must be completed within one year of December 15...
...Consolidated Gas has started two court actions listing twenty-three reasons to block submission of the referendum...
...On the contrary, if we add the 4,000,000 workers temporarily employed by the government there are still 11,000,000 workers who have no jobs...
...Front time to time ever since efforts have been made to better the conditions of department store employees through organization, with but indifferent success...
...In the first place, Huey Long was not a fascist, and the sort of thing he stood for in the South is not fascism nor anything like it...
...It is obvious that all that is holding other stores back . is fear...
...It was after this casting of the United States influence in the balance for peace that a real united front began to form in Geneva...
...To call him a fascist at...
...Some of the stores compel their employees to give up their newspapers before they go into the store for fear union leaflets are being smuggled into the store in the newspapers...
...Maybe-it was a blunder...
...The way to get rid of lract at and of gangsterdom—twD v*j different evils which have' ou cursed this country—and the w»j to safeguard America from tat possible rise of fascism, which a yet does not exist here, mast'a fall into panic fear or hysterica* fury, certainly not to try to ^ pose lawless violence by hwm violence, individual or coUscths, but to strengthen the paikm forces of progress on both the aj...
...Africa, in Europe, or anywhere else...
...The tardy France and reluctant Russia joined in the parade...
...He was neither more nor less than a corrupt aad ruthless "practical politician," equally ready to appeal to mob violence or to employ • professional gangsters if either would serve his personal ends...
...Nor are they Communists...
...Why the delay...
...Its authors are regarded with that veneration that religious fanatics pay to the saints...
...Since the meeting les than a week ago, nearly two hundred inquiries have poured into union headquarters...
...Late Saturday night it looked as though a strike of a half million mine workers was inevitable...
...The court refused an injunction against the Government...
...The increased production does not reveal any marked inroads upon the jobless army...
...They seize upon an idea and make of it a fetish...
...The New York Times index of industrial activity ia up from 80 to 88 per cent in seven weeks...
...No Peace Yet ia Soft Coal Field AFORMULA for peace is till apparently lacking in the soft coal industry...
...Let us see...
...Organizing Department Store Girls ly Gertrude Weil Klein PORTY years ago the department stores used to employ little boys to help deliver packages...
...j# the Socialist Party, or of a| labor party of which the Sock** would be a part...
...who is field organizer for the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, and is national chairman of the Socialist Party, bases his arguments on the common goal of both movements...
...Finding no other way out they telephoned the summer White House at Hyde Park...
...Ickes to fulfill requirements Outlined at the conference...
...The union hit upon a weakness of half-baked "radicals" that is a half-century old...
...James Walter Carter, a stockholder in a Washington coal company bearing his name, filed suit in the District of Columbia Supreme Court attacking the law's c o n s t i rationality...
...The largest turnout of retail clerks the country has ever seen came to listen to a long list of labor people and consumers' representatives urging them to join the union...
...At bis ummer home in Hyde Park President Roosevelt appeared eager to tell reporters that be fully approved the action of his Secretary of State... has been due to difficulties in getting sites at reasonable figures...
...the financing of a cityowned plant...
...The social scientist uses it as a means for research and interpretation...
...The newspapers, depending for then- very lives on department store advertising, will print very little, if any of all this...
...And while we are on the subject of lawless violence, wt nurkt for a moment turn oar attentfca from Baton Rouge to Miimispulh Fall and definite information s not yet at hand, and me shock beware of-snap judgments...
...The old story of the non-organizablity of the white collar worker blocked the efforts to organize department store salespeople...
...Local steps are taken by 16 coal companies to prevent enforcement of the Guffey Act, which the operators claim to be unconstitutional...
...Looks good, doesn't it...
...Before the program is completed—next year or the next—the Government will have spent more than J300,000,000 in this, its most ambitious building enterprise...
...Socialist papers had been thrown out of the mails...
...Contracts expired Sunday night after representatives of owners and operators bad spent a large part of the week trying to reach some solution...
...The Government's first move to defend the law was made Monday, wher Assistant Attorney General John Dickinson riled a brief contending the suit was premature...
...the " toe Communis splinter parties, whs agree with the Stalinites ia their drin a wreck any movement of the sorters which .they ea»not control went deliberately abostJ U aabarass Thomas E. Umm, m* Farmer-Labor mayor ot&aeetnolis, by provoking a eoaaVt wttk the pones...
...Hull's tatement...
...There it was...
...Property owners have shown a tendency to "shoot up" the price when they learned that the Government wanted their land...
...The legal battle has already begun...
...The joint conference at operators and union representatives was deadlocked...
...In the second place, fascism «*»> not be stopped by lott&ig g2 leaders or leading fascists...
...On the job of the unions, K*SW* writes: "Our guiding priacis* must be the one so clearly set forts fifty-four: years ago in the nresav ble to the constitution of the Aawican Federation of Labor: "A strip gie is going on m ay the salsa* of the civilised world between lbs oppressors and the oppresses;* struggle between the capitalist as* the laborer, which grow* 'Sf intensity from year to year, aadwffl work disastrous results to the tiling millions if they »are act cd> bined for mutual protection tat benefits.' "As this struggle sharpens, ttaf can be no quarter given .Forspf to yield would mean one step e*eb ward after —other until' lasifff crushed as it has been in CtuinijP Yes...
...But eves sj'-oat Jfc true, it is not enough to justify or excuse What took place...
...wast to help in any other way communicate with Local 1250, 266 West 14th St., N. T. C. CHelsea I I dS*96fidsw Baton Rouge, Private Murder...
...For example, the class atruggle becomes a dogma to be repeated over and over again like a religious devotee reciting a catechism which he has memorized...
...It is an important difference between Communism and Socialism...
...Some of these are just blatherskites, who like to hear t h e mselves talk, and who, if the whim had seized them might just as well have been clamor ing to have some of Long's foes burned at the stake in reprisal for the murder...
...A new pamphlet by Leo Krzycki...
...So Uncle Sam has had to move secretly in acquiring the land needed...
...litical and the economic field The* who uphold democracy without »gj if s or buta and who at the its* time stand wholeheartedly v* the movement of Organised i^shr are doing what lies in their potato get rid of the sort of thing tan Huey Long personified sad aba* forestal the danger of tat pj worse thing that ia rightly csibi fascism...
...Once, a tenyear-old boy, shivering in his thin clothes and too exhausted after a day and night's work to go home, crawled' into the delivery cart to sleep...
...Last week President Roosevelt himself admitted that with the best that can be expected, 26 per cent of the jobless will never return to work...
...Officials say...
...A fetish celebration was staged in Washington that was revealing...
...Some of his ugly features were specifically Southwestern, but essentially similar figures have been known in ail parts of this country farther back than anyone now alive can remember...
...Although the dispute did not flare into the open until but week it has been smouldering ever since the Administration decided that projects must be planned on the basis of an average annual outlay per worker of $1,140, including cost of both materials aad wages...
...Of course the Hennefjs County grand jury has exonerated the mayor and the chief.*** more evidence than wt have tan to exculpate them...
...He now owns or has under option 72 of the 96 sites needed, including those for sixteen projects approved by the President last week...
...No matter who the mayor a the police chief is, shooting oast a crowd—certainly in the nam unarmed—with such effect asw kill two and wound several teas is a thing that cannot be defense* on the ground that, the crowd est disorderly...
...Speeches were made...
...The exploiters object...
...After the initial drive, the Public Works' Administration, under Harold L. Ickes, is to play a more important part in the employment effort, reaching its full momentum next June...
...Criticism has been widespread at the failure to get these projects going...
...It stopped Edward F. McGrady, assistant secretary of labor, and single-handed stood off that national strike for at least another week...
...MORE FETISHISM k NOTHER form of fetishism appears this week in the general worship of the Constitution...
...Hundreds were in jail and millions were muzzled, but there was the Constitution...
...For the fifth time President Roosevelt has been compelled to step into the breach, asking aa extension of pending wage and hour agreements...
...But there » truth » the sayings that some blasis) are worse Chan crimes an* am the road to hell is paved "i'Hsjp intention...
...In the struggle for the emanci- , potion of Labor, what are the roles to be played by the political and the economic arms of the labor movement* Leo Krzycki, who has spent most of his life working within both movements, answers in the newest Socialist Party pamphlet, "The Unions and the Socialists," Krzycki...
...A committee of producers is urging the appointment as chairman .of General Johnson, who is retiring from his job as Works Progress Administrator for New York City...
...The struggle is on...
...To wear a muzzle was considered the highest state virtue...
...miss entirely the true nttq...
...Ickes, as head of the PWA, sponsored the more costly projects, holding that the expenditures for materials indirectly reduce unemployment, while at the same time resulting in more worthwhile projects...
...Our defense must be aSJw fense...

Vol. 18 • September 1935 • No. 38

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