Jobless Army Grows as Recovery Lags 100,000 March with Socialists on May Day

Jobless Army Grows as Recovery Lags 100,000 March with Socialists on May Day Labor Indicts "New Deal" And Private Industry for Failure to End Depression Scathing A. F. of L. Report Charges...

...Unless the Wagner bill is passed, Furuseth said the NRA had better not be renewed...
...Most states have adopted the "adequate diet at minimum cost" of the U. S. Department of Agriculture as the food budget they hope to attain, bat nearly all all considerably below it...
...In our efforts to save relief costs, we are wasting human lives...
...As the two divisions joined the masses, the broad avenue presented an inspiring sight, the whole street being filled with marching and singing men and women for routes up and downtown, red banners tossing in the breeze, the fifty or more band...
...and they cheered when they wanted to, and paid their respects to William Randolph Hearst when they passed his building, quite like college boys and girls at a sports event...
...Workers bear the brunt of this concession to business...
...These interests have had the audacity to serve notice on Congress and the President and the people that if this program of reform is abandoned, they will put twenty billions of dollars into active work that will make jobs...
...Socialist locals and other organizations, coming to Madison by automobile, train, bus, truck, afoot, and by the hitch, hiker's route...
...The United States Chamber of Congress, the NAM, the Newspaper Publishers' Association, all have joined to put an end to this proposed legislation...
...Labor - Committee ordering...
...A aureau of old age assist-1 aacp...
...Delegates from "Toledo criticized the resolution as not strong enough but President Green and Matthew Woll, secretary of the committee, defended it as one of the strongest ever adopted by a labor meeting...
...There- are other legislative measures now before Congress of farreaching importance to labor, but of transcending importance to labor's rights and to national recovery is the Wagner labor disputes bill...
...Of the payments to institutions, 82,687,000,000 has since been repaid, and $728,000,000 collected in processing taxes refunded a large portion of the farm benefits...
...We can either keep them an starvation wages or plan to give them Jabs on decent pay...
...It is the old struggle," Said Furuseth, so weak from illness and operation that he could barely stand, "the struggle between the House of Have and the House of Need.'' The program of the conference was set forth in a resolution in the form of a statement presented by a committee headed by Arthur O. Wharton, president of the International Association of Machinists...
...The strike movement in the automobile industry, begun last week with the walkout in- the Chevrolet plant in Tojedo, is assuming proportions, as the workers are determined to force a showdown on the fundamental issue of the right to organize through unions of their* own choosing...
...Business progress in the last two years has not been enough to scratch the surface of oar unemployment problem...
...This does not appear to be an excessive burden...
...the last eak reached the spot just past six... build roads and eliminate grade crossings...
...There were thousands...
...CINCINNATI.—More than 2,000 ^ workers of the Fisher Body and Chevrolet motor plants walked out on strike here last Tuesday in support of the 2,300 employes on strike in the Chevrolet shops in Toledo...
...When the increase in living costs is accounted for, the total increase in "real" monthly income of workers and farmers in two years (February, 1938, to February, 1935) was $471,000,000, or 15.6%, including relief and benefits...
...What is the prospect of finding work in private industry for those oh relief...
...In only one of 34 precincts was the food allowance adequate for health...
...Helping tig Capitol . What has it cost the Federal Government to save banks, railroads, farmers, workers...
...Union spokesmen declared the strike was in sympathy with the Toledo walkout...
...On the other hand, FERA, with funds wholly inadequate to meet this national catastrophe, has made genuine efforts to raise relief standards from the pitifully low levels existing in many places...
...The Italians were a wonderful sight to behold...
...The Administration's first effort to create jobs gave us CWA, with an average wage of nearly $55 a month and jobs open to any unemployed worker...
...They wared their red pennants, they saag their songs, and they quite esptuiSft fue day—which was as it Tilts i j stationed at 72nd street at the* marchers turned into the Park anted that it took more than fear hours for the parade to pass...
...Green in Militant Meed President Green opened the gathering with a fighting speech...
...another 2% taken each year would repay the entire debt in a period of thirty years...
...The cost of paying interest on this entire debt is about $1,765,000,000 per year, or 2% of our national income in times of prosperity (1929...
...they want jobs at a living wage, not part-time relief jobs at subsistence pay or below...
...They measured the financial and ignored the human cost...
...the worker on relief must prove his destitution before he can get either job or dole...
...The Socialist party is distinctly on the upgrade in the state...
...As the workers began filing out of the two plants in this city, large crowds outside the gates cheered and applauded...
...Is the relief budget adequate even for subsistence...
...One of the most interesting of the sections, though by no means the largest, carried the banner of Local 1, Ministers' Union of America, affiliated with the A. F. of L. Among the marchers were such devoted comrades as David M. Cory, L. Bradford Young and other popular Socialist workers . and, members in good standing of the Labor movement...
...Continued on Page Three) there was a monster demonstration in the city, to impress the legislature with the widespread demand of the people for the bill...
...It was a great day for Socialism... provide electricity for 5,000,000 farms...
...Up to March 31, 1935, Federal Government expenditures for business institutions amounted to $5,677,000,000, for farmers $1,480,000,000, for the unemployed—including part of the drought relief to farm families— $5,366,000,000...
...It was a demonstration of determination to fight on for the cause of- human emancipation despite all obstacles, despite all attempts by the enemies of the workers to divide them and split them into warring -camps...
...FVETHOIT.—Friday.—The" total number, of employees affected To^npan^a^^o&u^^a's e^infatei< .hare today at TT.WO, as a result' of the closing of throetngre plants...
...In New York, about half the unemployed are already on relief...
...They will pay onion wages and win work a thirty-howr week... give families "stranded" cm poor farm land or dead industrial areas —nearly 19/000,000 persons—opportunity for a better living...
...A Fine Union Section It » hard to say which labor made the finest showing, Rup in front was Local LL.G.W.U., the Ladiesworkers, with Joe Tuger of the Local, marchfront as proud as a drill taking his charges out irst dress parade...
...Millions of people will depend am government work for several years to come...
...Today the whole trade is ^"apletely organized, and the girls **me °Ut in ful1 force to tel1 the WSf- They made a lovely picture, gT*4 a11 ^es, Negro and white, BPjos in their best, wearing neck,*»•* «f their own making, each K**am a different color...
...Wage rates were reduced (November, 1934) from a 30 cents an hour minimum to the "prevailing wage," which in Southern states means 10 to 20 cents an hoar...
...The Connecticut Senate -concurred with the House in unanimously passing the Old Age Pension bill, providing pensions to persons 65 years of age and over, who are without means of support "on a reasonable standard of health and decency," who have no person legally liable, and able to support them, are citizens, and have been residents of the state for at least five years preceding application, but making aliens eligible if the Federal government grants funds for them, if they are not in jail, and if they have paid the old age assistance tax to the full extent of their obligation...
...This was followed by the FERA work program, with an average wage of $26 a month...
...Relief 'rolls include substantial and responsible citizens...
...followed by branch after branch, and they were followed by the children of the Workmen's Circles schools, led by Philip Geliebter, head of the education department of that great organization...
...We have paid for these essential tasks at a relief wage so low that it means slow starvation for large numbers of the relief population...
...Every issue of the party's weekly, the Wisconsin Leader, and successive weekly broadcasts over WTMJ...
...Producers are holding back because of uncertainty over legislation in Congress, over enforcement of NRA through the courts, over the situation in Europe...
...Labor Accepts Challenge "This is a challenge, and we accept it...
...indeed, long after the concert was over the divisions continued swinging uptown...
...following them the girls in blue fftbts and shirtwaists, with red neckbands, each also with a red M|~ Been far up the avenues, they jEft hearty cheer* as they passed % ¦Directly behind them came the SeJskst party division, headed by unh veterans as Algernon Lee, ¦Re H. Goefoel, Lena Morrow John A. Wall, Edward F. C**ady, William Karlin, Bertha JBBailly, Morris Berman and jHnvef the noble Old Guard who -IJNtapt the Red Flag flying for * many years that the memory •I *»n runneth not to the conf/*t...
...These —g to a brand new trade, md two years ago there was merev the hope that they would be or*nbted...
...was an inspiring, a glorious demonstration...
...The JanesviHe plants employ 2,600 workers...
...Consumers are spending income accumulated, however, and preliminary reports show Easter trade 10% above last year...
...The tax referred to is a threedollar head tax levied for each person between the ages of 21 and 65 (this latter will be changed to read 60 years, by an amendment which has been favorably reported out of the Judiciary committee, on a promise exacted by the Socialists...
...Business plunges ahead only when sure of large profits...
...dynamic leader of the Italian Waistmakers and First Vice-President of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union, grand marshal of the parade, was chairman, and he introduced Norman Thomas, Louis Waidman and Isidor N'agler, who delivered brief addresses, which were wildly cheered...
...slackers" and "stool (Continued on Page Five) (Continued from Page One) pigeons," sprinkled the talks of a long list of speakers...
...Furthermore, our national government has a task to perform which could give work to several million of our citizens...
...Pension payments will not exneed $7 a week per person, and .Aliaarai expenses are not to exceed |H8...
...If this country surrenders now to this demand of the big interests, led by the 'manufacturers, then democracy in this country has perished forever...
...The danger lies chiefly in this: We have no plan for refunding our national debt...
...While FERA has made definite progress in lifting relief levels in sub-standard areas, pressure from business interests has influenced the whole relief policy, driving relief wages downward until they permit only the barest subsistence...
...The strike was called after officials of the two plants had rejected an ultimatum by a committee of the union demanding signing of an agreement drawn up by the workers and threatening a walkout in event of- refusal...
...J. R. W. Maguire, labor representative on the Regional Labor Board at Chicago, told the audience that unless the Wagner-Connery bill goes through he will resign his post...
...yet they are essential to national progress and welfare...
...The provisions of this bill are intended to re-state -Labor's Bill of Rights and to make them effective as applied under modern conditions of industry...
...favor| ably reported Socialist Assemblyj man E. H. Kiefcr's FVoduction | Corporation Bill, the central feature of the whole Socialist legislative program...
...The Socialist Party .won a striking legislative victory when the Assembly Committee on State Atj fairs, by a vote of 8 u^l...
...Jobless Army Grows as Recovery Lags 100,000 March with Socialists on May Day Labor Indicts "New Deal" And Private Industry for Failure to End Depression Scathing A. F. of L. Report Charges Government Has Lagged in Efforts to Cope with Crisis—Scores Sabotage by Big Business —11,500,000 Idle—22,000,000 on Relief...
...There was the Workmen's Circle, headed by the veterans Baskin and Weinberg* and Rothman...
...toe irst divisions of the LL.G.W.U...
...the other starting in the Thirties and Forties, consisting largely of the unit* of tfce International Ladies' Garment WdYkers' Union and other unions, the two great divisions uniting on E%hth avenue for the march uptown...
...Should Congress fail to enact this legislative measure, it will be an evidence that labor was misled by Congress when Section 7-A was originally enacted and that labor's right to trade union organization does not, and is not, intended to compare with the employer's right' to collective action through organization...
...Mokes 7-A effective "Our experience during the last two years has made it imperative that Labor's right to organize, to apply the principle of majority representation, to collective action and collective bargaining, must foe definitely declared by Congress instead of being left as it has been to the constructions, interpretations and evasions which we have experienced under the administration of NRA...
...The report reveals the little progress made toward recovery, failure of the government, ails) taged by big business, to meet the requirements of tike unemployed and the larger economic need*,of the nation, and the futility of further efforts in this direction unless they are baaed .M^m/fr'' prehensive planning and a.daisy mination to raise the standard* of living of the people...
...What Prospects...
...It was then* day...
...The favorable vote came only a day after more than 2,000 people jammed the Assembly chamber in one of the most remarkable legislative hearings in Wisconsin's history to demand the passage of the bill...
...William H. Black, president of the United Automobile Workers' Union, Local 19,940, sister organisation of the anion which called the strike in Toledo, declared that the stoppage was "a 100 per...
...But there was a note of sincerity and deep seriousness despite their gayety and laughter that made people realize that marching on May Day was no mere lark for them...
...Some even fall below the "restricted" diet...
...Text of Report The full text of the report follows: Our relief population today numbers 22,000,000, or more than onesixth of all persons in the United States...
...At the very least, 1.500,00* American children are being under...
...T^ii'^i''i'_j?is>i" tries will eater into direct competition with private iaehtstry, gooes...
...Thus workers on relief are not permitted to rise above bare subsistence...
...There was rousing applause at this and several other points of the address... was the i tassses of marcher*., the workers who had declared May Day their holiday and who celebrated it in their own inspiring way...
...thousands took up the song and the avenue rang with the inspiring words...
...We can either keep them on starvation wages or plan to give them jobs at decent pay...
...And it will be their triumph...
...Consumer buying power, 4J»e basis for production and jobs, has -risen but little...
...the Standard Statistics index, which stood at 78.6% of normal in February, has fallen to 67.2%, preliminary for April, and is slightly below lsst yesr...
...There were painters in overalls, and jewelry workers, butchers and bakers, and a grand division of millinery workers...
...Floats and banners and placards proclaimed the sentiments of the workers to strengthen their unions, to-fight for their immediate objectives, and to use their united power in the relentless war upon war, upon fascism, and upon capitalism until these evil things are but evil memories...
...It was reported by marshals of te various divisions that many flrkers dropped out after waiting Bers for their divisions to start...
...After pointing out that the National Industrial Recovery Act actively1 assisted employers to organize but made no provision for Federal assistance to labor in its efforts to organize, though it did declare labor's right to organize •through Section 7A, the report said: Definite Action Required "From the beginning of NRA labor discovered that Section 7A was of little or no protection whenever employers were opposed to the right of their employes to trade union organization, .or the workers were insufficiently organized to compel employers to recognize their right to organize...
...The National Resources Board has outlined work necessary to free our resources for the needs of our population and for business enterprises: To reclaim 250 million acres of land from drought and duststonms...
...It was ( predicted that any farther attempts ' on the part of automobile manufacturers to extend the lockout may brjng the spread of the strike movements on a scale that may I surprise the employers...
...ft is possible that if arrangements for a simultaneous start of all the ¦visions were physically possible, ¦ore marchers would have been in Sao...
...Years of tinemployment have exhausted their resources, driven them to relief...
...The clerk of Assembly was flooded with thousands of petitions, and the printing presses ran overtime supplying more petition blanks and additional Coming as it did almost immediately after the *—*-""g showing in the spring alee*inn, when Glenn Turner polled 218,258 votes for Supreme Court Justice, the favorable report on the Kiefer bill has had a notable effect upon public sentiment in the state...
...last year the rise in living costs wiped out the income gain, and "real" income in February, 1934, was 2% below February, 1934...
...Industrial production this spring is lagging...
...its relief payroll supports more than our five largest industries combined...
...Entering first simply as a MeJM of the farmers or weraeea/ielssy have succeeded in gaining the attention and respect «f mas*/ groups, and then in into ulssl them in Socialism and farwsh*g locals...
...This will eventually lift production...
...Inspiring Italians The Knitgoods workers appeared in sweaters, the men in white and the girls gay and pretty in red...
...A SCATHING indictment of ** private capitalism and its failure to cope with the problem*, of the depression, together with an exposure of the weaknesses and inadequacies of the New Deal, are contained in the regular monthly report of the country'* economic and social condition published this week from Washington by the American Federation of Labor...
...BB only orie dissenting voice, a gaWrable vote to the Senate on ptijesidont William Green of the Ijunurkan Federation of Labor calls**liu>-conference, which was made |§Of representatives of national ppHaternational union*, state fednations of labor and city central PHn...
...Already the FERA, AAA and other government agencies have performed essential emergency tasks by stepping in where buying power broke down to distribute products to those in need: 1,010,600,000 pounds of food, or 2% of the nation's food requirements, and 188,000 bales of cotton or 3.4% of cotton requirements have been bought from farmers and distributed to the unemployed as canned meat, floor, potatoes, blankets, piece goods...
...A recent study in a typical small city shows that 60% of the unemployed have been out of work from 1 to 4 years or more, and 29% more than 8 years...
...It was a demonstration of magnificent unity, unions marching side by side with, the Socialist party nod with auxiliary bodies of the working-class movement...
...Strikes and shutdowns now affect eleven plans manufacturing automobile parts - in seven cities...
...The position in which American labor now finds itself requires definite decision and action by Congress, for class distinctions are being created...
...It must stop...
...Private business has failed to —irrtslri the task of national rehabilitation and development bees ase it saw little profit in this far itself...
...Belief costs have been doubled because the unemployed were not permitted to produce for their own needs for fear of competing with private business...
...This measure is intended to give to labor the effective use of its right to organization...
...At Central Park At 72nd Street the marchers turned in their banners and entered Central Park, where a fine concert by Kakenborn's Band was given on the Mall to those who arrived in time...
...Continued on Page Four) nourished, permanently handicapped far life...
...Our state and local debts amount to about $20,200,000,000, a total of $49,000,000,000...
...The Neckwear union also had a float with a gibbet to which hung Adolf Hitler (in effigy unfortunately), with the announcement that the union would be happy to apply the necessary neckwear without charge...
...Our debt per person in the United States today is less than at the -end of the war—$240 in 1919 .and $228 today—and less than that of Great Britain (which is $844) or France ($506...
...He had called labor leaders together, he said, because he believed in his duty to let Congress and the country understand that labor is "terribly in earnest...
...Our first great relief effort was to save such institutions as banks, railroads, etc., and relief to workers has not yet equalled the large sums paid out for this purpose...
...Automobiles and steel and rubber and other mass production industries have conducted a drive against this section...
...Business plunges ahead only when sure of high profits...
...Income of workers -and farmers has been increased by government relief payments and by the slight rise in business activity... is intended for all time...
...The government spent $1,500,000,000 in 1934 to keep these people slive...
...Wis., as a result of shortage of transmissions formerly manufactured1 at Toledo...
...Jan conference directed that a auutant drive be started on behalf ' of;the Wagner bill and action was bama as soon as the meeting adJsnmott Representatives of state laser Federations launched the fight •yetting on their Senators and Congressmen anddemanding favor•Ms setfen on the Wagner raeassMtedWegations was that of Ohio, ntidpll Senator WiHiam J.Bulk'"¦¦¦-lilor is here to demand that aHHpM and Representatives sup¦jBHfte Wagner bill...
...A five-day week, a seven and one-half hour day, time and a half pay for overtime, and double pay for holidays were among the union's demands...
...Circumstances require immediate and determined action," the resolution said...
...The latter walkout has (Continued on Page Four) been in progress since the week before...
...It embodies Socialist principles, hot it was drafted with a view of being passed, net merely for propaganda...
...It will be a waste of time, he declared, to go on making decisions that cannot be enforced...
...The marchers were gay and happy despite their long tramp uptown, many of them alter waiting for hours for their divisions to get into line...
...there was the fine Paole Zion organization, with their youth...
...being almost aa large as last year...
...Because of the vital importance to national recovery, of equality of rights and of opportunities among wage earners, as well as among employers and other citizens, labor's representatives in national conference assembled, call upon the Congress of the United States to enact the Wagner Labor Disputes Bill so that validity and effectiveness may be given to Section 7A NRA...
...Belief policies have grown oat of the emergency...
...Younq Socialist Guards Possibly the most inspiring sight of die entire parade was the deHKssent of - the Socialist Red Guards...
...There is no indication of any large rise in em ploy meat this fall...
...Business interests have been permitted to drive down worn relief wages to a level of mere subsistence, in some casta as low as 10 and 20 cents aa boar...
...The heart of this program is the Wagner labor disputes bill," Green went on...
...I0O.000 working men and WorBerr marched in what was declared by "'-trained observers to have been New'Yofjk's greatest May Day demonstration...
...A later mined Conference From "the very first, the confer¦ fam, left no doubt as to its feel|bpt "Hurry reference to labor's ibjjjatence on passing of labor legs *~8Hf Was enthusiastically cheer**• Bkrase- such as "revolution," ^*bbjry...
...2 per rent less than it was a year ago...
...Local after local, headed by the New York Joint Board, marched in solid ranks...
...Warning against the danger of fascism unless labor is protected in its right to organize was sounded by Andrew Furuseth, veteran chief of the International Seamen's Union.of America, who said that he had only one brief bessage...
...they want independence, not domination by case workers...
...Millions of people will depend cn government work for several years to come...
...Until recently, relief has been viewed as a temporary problem and not a social responsibility...
...of those able to work, 66% held their last job for 5 years or more...
...The relief population of the nation is now 22.000.00...
...At Columbus Circle the marchers were directed to the sidewalk of Central Park West, where they continued to "2nd street, giving that aristocratic street sights and sounds it had never before seen.' The red banners beside the green of the park made a beautiful picture...
...The demands included wage and hours readjustments, guarantee of seniority rights, sick leave and collective bargaining...
...The hosts of labor marched through New York's streets srhging and cheering, j laughing and singing again, stepping proudly to the inspiring strains of the International and the Marseillaise, displaying their united might to hundreds hi thousands of spectators lining the streets, many, of them cheering and shouting words of solidarity...
...It differs from the Epic proposals in that it does not propose to set up a separate society of unemployed, pee...
...The parade was in two sections, one starting at 15th and 16th -street, including the huge battalions of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, the Socialist Party, and other organizations...
...there were belt makers and cap makers, pants makers and white goods workers (a mhmomer, that name, if one is to-judge by evidence in shop windows...
...Instead, clever lawyers and big interests have turned that section into an instrument of persecution, and men by thousands have been discharged because they thought that Section "A meant what it said...
...The day of bullying and bulldozing and persecution must come to an end...
...prospects are good for" a healthy pickup is business next fall, but no indication yet of a rise large enough to reduce unemployment...
...The Amalgamated division was a glorious sight...
...Company unions were savagely attacked, Chairman William P. Connery, Jr., of the House Labor Committee saying: "Company unions nine times oat of ten mean a bunch of stool pigeons whoareceive favors from their employers to doublecross the workers...
...Most cities give grocery orders, not cash, for food...
...If this is the situation where relief is most adequately administered, our relief population is clearly in serious danger...
...Since 1929 our national debt has increased from $16,931,000,000 to $28,817,000,000 (end of March, 1935...
...On the one hand, Chambers of Commerce, business and financial interests with no real understanding of the human problem of relief have protested against large government expenditures...
...For over a year State Secretary Al Benson, assisted by a corps of volunteer organisers, has been busy forming...
...Many of those now coming to relief for the first time—from 15 to 25%—are professional men and women, clerical workers, managers of industrial concerns...
...The income of farmers is toda...
...Of the families on relief, 83% have at least one member able and eager to work...
...reached the Park at 1.45...
...tens of thousands...
...Private business has not undertaken these tasks because they bring little profit...
...Coathwed frees Page One) net the nrara skew...
...It was a demonstration of magnificent spirit, college and high school students, many of them with their books under their arms, fraternizing with shop units of many of the unions...
...inside was a loudspeaker, and those who rode, sang the Bandera Rosso, the Italian Red Flag, and as they came to the words Viva Socialismo...
...The purpose was to begin jOI aggressive fight for the Wagtail'0, renewal of the NRA, the IfP0c 30-hour week bill, Guffy- coal {Mgalation bill, old age pensions faarnnemployment insurance...
...We hare spent to save life leas than half of what we spent to iasfiij life in 1914-1919...
...Only three people appeared in opposition, one representative of the United Taxpayers' League ' and two representatives of the i Communist party...
...Big Four, the Cutters' Local, turned out what was probably the biggest division in the parade, with the exception of Local 89, the Italian Dressmakers...
...f The conference directed that copies of the statement be presented to the President, all members of Congress and to the labor movement throughout the nation...
...In the City of New York, where relief budgets are at practically the highest level in the country, a study by Mayor LaGuardia shows significant facts: 20% of the children in relief families are undernourished...
...first a group of perfectly trained young men in blue shirts sad red ties, each with a red flag...
...Even then he cannot get a full, time job but may work only long enough to complete the bars subsistence budget set by the ease worker, although this may mean only one week's work in four...
...Conflicting purposes" and sabotage by business and industrial interests "with no rami understanding of the human problem back of relief" has interfered with both relief and recovery...
...It is their battle...
...Thirty-Two Nationalities One local of dressmakers called attention in a striking manner to the fact that international solidarity to them is no mere phrase...
...In spite of small employment gains, relief rolls have been increasing rapidly...
...As Socialists everywhere know, militant groups of W^eikm* SBM farmers who have had a little ea> perience with party workers seam form the habit ef coming U tJw party for ipBSBWa, educational help, organizers, aad aoaiisffao vice, and this soon *farms ard|aj|0 j which draws them into the party...
...Relief is quite insaeaaaf, with workers kept down to a bare subsistence level...
...In very many cases, relief budgets do not provide for rent and provide inadequately, if at all, for carfare, household supplies, personal incidentals...
...It is not designed to meet the present national emergency only...
...The time is not for words...
...SlKMti*q > Solidarity It...
...Consumer power has risen very little...
...This bill is sometimes mis-called Wisconsin's Epic Plan... build 1,500,000 low-cost homes for workers...
...undaf the supervision of the ¦HflRHMPt is act up to administer the set, Applications for pension .nut M»Ml*win*°ctobe^"rt Socialist Bill Reported Out In Wisconsin Mass Demonstrations, Notable Propaganda and Educational Work Bring Results— Kiefer Bill Backed by Labor and Farmers, By Andrew J. Biemiller ~~9peeM lo The New Ltdder ILjADISOX...
...but that came from a Senator whom he did not name: "If the Wagner bill is not enacted, then we shall find ourselves on the road already traveled by Italy and Germany...
...A survey this morning disclosed that more than 19,000 workers are affected...
...Congress supposed when it passed that section that it was giving labor the right to organize at its own choice, and in its own way...|Jpiito*a<«<rtoii Correspondent "SJjIpBINGTON...
...Business vs...
...Relief wages affording a decent 'standard of living might make workers unwilling to go back to subsistence wages of private industry...
...These men and women want work, not doles...
...They were a sight to thrill the workers and to throw terror into the souls of the foes of labor...
...Chevrolet and Fisher 'Body plant* closed at Janesville...
...The Kiefer bill was prepared and introduced as the Socialist Party's main legislative item...
...What kind of people make up our relief population...
...Human Relief Conflicting purposes hsve throughout hindered us from adequately meeting human need...
...The principle "no one shall starve", is not an adequate basis for national relief policy...
...The new $4,000,000,000 work relief program now specifies wages below the prevailing rate...
...In a national jp^HHjkjfjee here which revealed sb undertone of bitter resentment it the failure of the Roosevelt AdSnsasiration to make good on its amuse* and pledges to the workaW, organised labor demanded that fungi iiiii at once pass the Wagnei -MiF disputes bill and other pending labor legislation...
...What is relief doing for its members...
...nearly half the houses lacked the necessary sanitary facilities...
...The legislative hearing developed into a stirring demonstration, and it is universally admitted that the show of strength back of the bill won over seven Progressive party Assemblymen to vote for a favorable report...
...This means that millions of those on relief most expect to remain on relief rolls for several years...
...Those who ¦Hb) support labor in this stand ¦^Baoon pass through the exit PHpoint in the-, battle for the PHper bill was gained while the HBsrence was in session, the ¦¦ate... ear efforts to save relief casta we are wasting human lite...
...there were the fighting I.W.W., and the various "<splinter" groups...
...The closing of the plant was regarded by union workers as an inexcusable attempt to bring pressure to bear upon the striking employes in the other two cities...
...Congress must declare that the wage earners' right to self-organization is in every way equal to and as necessary as the same right so widely applied by employers with governmental approval...
...The legislative hearing followed a caravan to the Capital, a Petition on Wheels, it was called, representatives of hundreds of thousands of labor unions and farm organizations...
...Also among the International were the various sports clubs, their winning soccer, baseball and basketball teams in costume...
...Studies in a half dozen cities show that many of these newcomers—from*28% in Detroit to 59% in Omaha—are seeking relief for the first time...
...It was a united, a wildly enthusiastic demonstration, of Socialists and trade unionists...
...Clothing allowance, which was reduced from $11 to $4 a month (per family), has not been enough for decency, greatly handicapping those who seek jobs...
...The number unemployed today is almost the same ss last year—about 11,500,000...
...There was the L.I.D., mostly students from the local colleges and high schools bearing placards proclaiming what schools theywere playing hookey from...
...At the very least, 1,500,000 American children are being undernourished, permanently handicapped for life...
...The rate of illness has increased M par cent...
...It was a great day for Labor...
...In labor circles the strike was regarded as another indication of the determination of the workers organized under the American Federation of Labor to force a showdown in the long conflict for union recognition and establishment of genuine collective bargaining in the industry...
...This bill is designed to revitalize Section 7A of the Recovery Act...
...Luigi Antonini...
...Two Republicans refrained from voting and the one negative vote was cast by a Democratic member...
...The new $4,000,000,000 work relief program' now specines wsgas below the prevailing, rate...
...National Labor Conference Demands Congress Adopt Workers' Bill of Rights Grest Meeting in Washington Called by President Green Insists on Passage of Wagner Industrial Disputes Bill, 30-Hour Week, and Social Security Measure...
...Lowering Living Standards Not only is his wage forced to a bare minimum...
...The Socialist party division HMtUtded delegations from scores of ¦neohes, most of them with ban***•» but it was noticed that by *"tps majority of the Party memhers were with their unions, either *» officials or as rank and file nwikeij which again was as it Mould be...
...Continued borrowing with no plan for repayment weakens Federal credit...
...How have relief families fared on these budgets...
...Even when prosperity returns, we shall have a large number on relief unless adjustment* are made to offset the increase in workers' productivity and replacement of workers by machines during depression...
...Announcement of the strike in Cincinnati, following close upon the walkout in Toledo, brought a declaration from officials of the Fisher Body plant here that the plant, employing 9,000 workers, would be closed pending adjustment of the Toledo and Cincinnati walkouts...
...It was ¦ a demonstration of strength, of power, of determination...
...Political observers assert that it has an excellent chance of passing both houses...
...There is something beautiful about the spirit of Italian workers...
...More than a million eases have been added since last July...
...The strong showing for the bill before the Committee followed weeks of intensive work by the state office of the Socialist party...
...Innumerable locals of farm or- j ga nidations, anions, and the Wisconsin Workers* ConuaitsBe, militant nnsmsjeyed nrnniiiMiini, Committees called oa their ] they dm not see'"'to se^jrf <ke biff men would be returned next election who would...
...and peppy gh»Jiok>koff dashed up and down •*«Wg them as they sang their songs...
...its fate then will rest with Governor Philip F. LaFollette, Progressive...
...riding for their own needs bat eat off from the rest of society, as Upton Sinclair's plan dfci... locals, pepping up old ones, offering the help of the party in farm or industrial strike situations, aad his work la bearing fruit...
...that is, we have added $11,886,000,000...
...More than l.OOO.DQft persona have been added to the relief rolls since last Jui...
...before one division was j ¦ a float with a prison in which were the figures of some of Mussolini's victims...
...The metal stamping manufacturing plant of: the Murray-Ohio Company at Cleveland was also shut down...
...Auto Walkouts Grow as Labor Press Demands Strikes and Shutdowns in Eleven Plants with 19,000 Idle, Foreshadow Bigger Conflicts in Industry...
...It Woo o Great May Day...
...There, on the Mail, a sea of faces greeted the musicians, and for a brief period, toe May-Day speakers...
...All the big interests that have sabotaged Section 7A of the Recovery Act," said Green, "have joined together to stop the enactment of the reform program of the American Federation of Labor...
...for with Section 7-A in its present form, it would be an instrument of oppression...
...who were the center of the show, and they knew it...
...rt Among the principal points-eta - phasized by the report arc...
...Relief budgets were supplemented with meat, cereals and other foods bought by the AAA in the surplus reduction program and by subsistence gardens, where in many states families on relief raised from 40 to 100% of their green vegetables...
...We have spent to save life less than half what we spent to destroy life in 1914-19...
...cent walkout...
...Placards p r o c 1 a imed that there 32 nationalities among the members, and attractive girl members sat on the float in the costumes of their countries of origin...
...A study by the Milbank Fund shows that, where depression has seriously reduced living standards, the rate of illness has increased 60...
...Increasing need and the effort to improve standards have raised relief payments from $60,000,000 monthly, when the FERA began in 1933, to $197,000,000 today...
...The sun shone and the skies were blue and the breezes were balmy and the marchers were happy...
...In addition, closing schools were kept open and 37,000 teachers given work, 100,000 college students aided, important research projects, such as the Census of American Business, carried on...
...More than one-sixth of our population is now concerned in the relief program...
...I~ehind them came the newlyl***«mstd flower workers, members same local union, now on strike, all wearing colorful flowers of their own making...
...Barely has the Central Park Mao, scene of so many Summer evening concerts, seen such an enthusiastic throng...
...This is a large sum but less than we added during the World War ($22,500,000,000...
...Age Security Law Is Adopted by Connecticut - ly Abraham Knepler l_|ARTFORD...
...Unions, Party and Youth Combine In Greatest May Day Celebration Most Impressive Parade Ever Held in New York Brings Hosts of Socialism Into Streets in Colorful and Dignified Display of Labor's Hopes and Power By William M. Feigenbaum IJXDEfc cloudless blue sjrie», beneath a sea of red lwnnefs tossing and snapping in tiie brisk spring breeze, close- to...
...relief families cannot choose what they eat...
...If he finds a part-time Job in industry, his relief allowance will be cot...
...blaring revolutionary music, and the sidewalks packed with onlookers...
...Industrial production is lagging, being now slightly below the corresponding period of last year... is very inadequate...
...Yontii Proudly Marches It was a demonstration of youth and maturity, the children of the Workmen's Circle schools and the Socialist Young Falcons marching with grizzled veterans of years in the labor struggle...
...The hearing itself had to be held in the Assembly chamber, the largest hall in the Capital, the east room was jammed, with hundreds standing in the aisles and more hundreds turned away...
...The number of unemployed-im now 11.500,000...
...It was believed that unless some action is taken by the automobile magnates to meet the demands of the men that the strike will spread to other cities and may eventually lead to a general conflict for anion recognition and improvements" of wage and working conditions in the entire industry...
...It wan their demonstration...
...All this gain came before February, 1934...
...the most popular radio station in the state, were devoted almost exclusively to building up support for the bill...

Vol. 18 • May 1935 • No. 18

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