Women to Fight H.C. of L. At City Hall on May 14th

Women to Fight H.C. of L. At City Hall on May 14th A CALL for a monster demonstration at City Hall on May 14th has been issued by the Women's Conference Against the High Cost of Living...

...Sunnyside Branch 2. at a member's house...
...A study class In puliljc speak Ing Is held Friday et-enings at S p.m...
...Saturday, May 4th, the first National Conference of Young Circle League branches will be held at the New York Center, 11-15 Union Square West...
...Speaker will be annouittrtl...
...pn»ir.tiog gainst the high cost of living will sl.ortly be held in a larKr hall...
...Wetlnesclaya .\J1 at 33 Oraiigc-St...
...The j same hand as last time, stage and radio I stars, dancing til) two...
...The Women's Oiiiitnlltr.- of the Flatlmsh Culture Center are not so much Interested hi this question as they are in IhHr bridge party in lhe party hradiiuartrrs, 1719 Ave...
...St the Prospect Ave...
...towI band...
...May 3, jl 8 p.m...
...National Confermrr .if Y.C.T..A...
...National Confe-renee Ounce, •rponsored joiirtl> by the National Youth i Committee and the Brooki>n Orgaiti/a t tlorurl (Council...
...Lectures lilted below are under the auspices of Education Committer of Socialist Party...
...FRIDAY, APRIL 26 Manhattan Adrian Gambet—"Political Confusion in America...
...8:.'Mi p.m -Installation of the Avalous, Ur...
...ggaaaD-sbout-town will dance and kaadl intil dawn, and the girl S(t will have the time of her S^Pfc- a cost easily reached by m ajost deflated of proletarian Building Service Men T« Celebrate May 4th Lstsl 32B of the Building Servist ahapkryers' Intel-national Union sill idf its first anniversary ball st toeklsnd Palace, 155th Street aad Sghth Ave., Saturday, May ft Goi Csrrin^ton's Famous ordkWUa will furnish the music for Upper Wert Side Festival Friday, April 26th The Upper West Side Branch, noted for the excellence of its social affairs, particularly the Comrade Ball, win initiate the Spring season with a Gala Festivity Party Friday night, April 26th...
...Raskin, general secretary of lhe W.C...
...After a highly successful forum season which gained us manv new mem...
...This, also, will be the seventh Y.C.L.A...
...Business meeting of Branch One Friday, April 26, at 6 p.m...
...An exceptional program of entertainment has been arranged and will star the Rebel Arts Puppeteers, the Cacophonic Band,, guest artists, and Levy & Nathan...
...w> are closing Sunday...
...Among the other activities of the conference are house-to-house canvassing and the circulation of the petition, 5,000 copies of which are ready now for distribution...
...George ll.Goebel will Im* ,,«.rst speaker at the second forum un Iwla...
...But we most earnestly request your favorable reply...
...Ellas Lieherrnan...
...Mid« ood-Wriiiht«n Waasen's L'alt.—A literacy eveniug will lie held Friday, April 2«, at 8:.T« p.m., jit 171» Ave...
...At the last meeting of the conference it was decided to call upon all affiliated organizations to turn their next meeting into a public meeting on the high cost of living...
...At this moment there are Memorial Meeting: for Patrick J. Murphy A memorial meeting will be held in honor of the late Patrick J. Murphy on Tuesday evening, May 14th, in the Burnside Manor, Burnside and Harrison Aves., the Bronx...
...map will likewise participate in their special crlebralions...
...April 28, with Ellas Tartak...
...MidwMd Karaas.— The first of a series of live lei tun-s by August Claessens on "Social Attitudes" win begin Sunday...
...i2tt Stuyvesant Ave...
...1XCTURE CALENDAR* (All lectures begin at 8:30 p.m...
...I: Wias Tartak will speak on "Hitlerism 2l«H...
...Music for dancing will be provided by Lew Sandow's Orchestra...
...i Branrhes at the new Center...
...226 E. 10th St...
...His topic w ill be "Breakera Ahead...
...in Its special celebration md concert at Palm Harden...
...The text of the letter and peti.ion to Mayor LaGuradia follows: "The undersigned organization consists mainly of housewives and mothers to whom the high cost of necessities — especially food—Constitutes a near, if not a complete, tragedy...
...Jama iea.—David I...
...The Center Celebration The New Center of the Young Circle League was officially opened-Saturday evening, April l.'t...
...132 jointly with the LiutirV club of Br...
...A fine installation program has been arranged in celebration of the event...
...who wlli speak on "llitlerisni 2IMW Y'ears Ago.'' A weekly syst< m of collection of dues to enable tin comrades tu keep in g<MMi standing will be installed shortly...
...r ol itu- City Youth Committee.: Successful Conference of Branches in Manhattan , - On Monday ceiling, April 15, a conference of Workmen's Circle branches was held in Manhattan with 70 branches represented, which was the highlight in the camnaign of the Action Committee oi the Workmen's Circle for th'i Young cinie Lcofcue...
...Ilerenlierg will lecture at headquarters...
...Meeting of the Manhattan Organizational Council.— Rch«'ar&sil of the Clwms Group...
...important work...
...All members of the Bronx County organization are expected to present to do honor to our departed comrades, who gave so many years of devoted service to the labor and Socialist movement...
...Eleanor Sehachn...
...4th A.D., 2U4 E.B'wav...
...52»d St, and then -Join the main line of march...
...Plays, skits, mass recitations, puppet shows were all featured at this affair...
...bei s as well as about .'Hi subM-riptioits for The New Lender...
...Thr audience's laughter and their frequent burst of ap-' plause were sufficient indication of the screamingly amusing good time they had...
...4—Speed the public works, especially slum clearance and housing...
...Ith Street...
...A s pec i a I i neeti rig of the State Uillllliiltcr will l>r held ill Ntm York fin Sunday...
...branch meetings Thursdays...
...1.—Outdoor meeting Tuesday evening...
...Shcva Zuckerman, Sid (j...
...in particular, to plan for the establishment of large district organizations throughout the country...
...Brooklyn Max F rankle— loth A. D., 0018 Day l»arkway...
...APRIL 28 Manhattan Elias Tartak—"Hitlerism, 2lKiil Years Ago and Today...
...Section ol Bebel Arts, under leader•hfp of Ph...
...unless ithrrwisc specified...
...Admission 25 cents, Midu-oAd Women's ( smmittee.—f,ul Ijertson or Sims, which...
...Chatauquu Players, and the I.C.G.W.V...
...helsca Branch, WEVD Sta...
...llranches 1088 ant...
...This will be the rourth installation of a branch in Brooklyn since January 1 and points to fine development in a section of NewYork City to which organization efforts have only recently lieen applied...
...I. Steinhardt, Irving M. Knobloch, Edward F. Cassidy, August Claessens, and James Oneal...
...S—(hi Friday evening, Xt»rrt*iaS.mVry llapparKirTsrtnfStoxe on "Swiallil ami Ci«»p«native Movements in the tutted states," at (ill Ltira Ave...
...April :«), Sieltiway and .lamalca Aves...
...Bronx David I. Aah*—"I^ibor and NHA...
...m 2*r4 A.O.—One or thr fen big danPrs I of the year is being run by the Wash I intcton Jirights liranch on May I. Ail who atierxierr or hear-1 ahf>ut our last {(Isnrr have rushrd to buy tickets...
...The National Youth Committer or the Workmen's Circle has arranged for a supper conference to-follow ttir after- | noon session of the National Conference, which will be addressed by the most prominent members and officials of the Workmen's Circle...
...3—Establish public markets for the distribution of milk;, meat, coal, and other necessities...
...at « p.m...
...Brussrl, is being organized...
...28hY will cross the Hudson and hike to Alpine, V J. Monday...
...The Women's Committee will supply their famed home-made pies, cakes, sandwiches and delicacies...
...The hardy ^rekjr will leave the East Side [XT...
...AH on the canvassing committee must come down for tbi...
...The rapid growth of 32B has had few parallels in the local tabor movement and a big turnout at the ball is certain...
...Tin lecliiic Is under the ausplres of the branch and W.C...
...art H :J» pjn...
...We therefore 'request Your' Honor to grant a hearing to the conference delegation for May 14th,' noon, or any other day of that week more convenient to you...
...The speakers will be William B. Mahoney, General Organizer of the A. F. of L., Jacob Panken, Judge of the Domestic Relations Court...
...Kiaxs l«h A.D...
...Creturr hy I...
...In New York City the Y.C.I.A...
...Branches On the day before the formal opening of the VVortiuen's Circle Convention...
...Queens Astoria Na...
...Calendar for Week of April 28th • Sunday, April 28th 2 p.m.—Class in Socialisin at the Y.Cla-.A...
...National Conference of Y.C.L.A...
...7th A.D., 789 Llsnu : e "ward Rod»eTa-^»Th<»-Career igprjs.*' Lower 6th A.I...
...I»riKmts go lo tin Crnler...
...Ailliiisslo'i¦ 4sV...
...I Xrr I lent etitertoinnieist...
...fi p.m.- Vatiun.il Coiiferriire Banquet...
...tW-18 Sew York illv 1., on May 7 at 8:.'W p.m...
...1 -l ipse!, hail prue...
...on "Cor rent Utopian Notions...
...Delegates from all parts of the country will formulate more effective organizational and activity programs, and...
...liraneh 6SA...
...lioonrs 112 114...
...April 29th 8:30 p.m.— Meeting of the Intermediate AetivrW.s at th«- new Center...
...Plans for the demonstration, which will be discussed in Room >08 of the ePople's House, 7 East 15th Street, Saturday, April 27th, include calling upon all of these groups to circulate a petition which jmbodies a part of the conference's Ten Point Program, and to send i letter to Mayor LaGuardia, ask.ng him to receive one delegate on May 14th...
...Chicago, Philadelphia, New Jersey, the Southeast and other sections of 'the Y.C.L-A...
...5—Increase and improve medical service and lunches for children in schools...
...ears Ago anil Today Mosephus* ami 'Oppermamis...
...chairman of the National Youth Committee...
...644 Y. at .".;J6 East !H3th St., Brooklyn...
...2—Introduce legislation to enable ' the city to own and operate for the benefit of the people the power plants, the telephone service and other public utilities...
...The conference was preside...
...May 4th i 11 a.m...
...t 15th Street, New York City, and agreed on certain constructive objectives which we desire to place before you...
...Topic this Sunday viil be "The Individual anil Society Introduction to Social i'sycholoaj...
...Opening publk forum in new headquarters with Nathan line as guest «peaker v*as a great success...
...fit &dkious purchaser will reyjfefcisany unusual bargains...
...New York City Manhattan 4th A.[>.—l-2xecutive Cominiltee will meet Tuesday at 9. Uur to the Jewish holidays the canvass of enroiled voters has been at a stand-still, 1ml will lie resumed Sunday morning...
...over by I. Annapolc, rh.i:ri.ian of th- A>-ti .it Committee...
...iood and Hud" Ith-Hth A.I...
...Harry W. Laidler—"A Manned Socictv...
...A short musical program will prerede the lecture...
...A.D., 3230 llaiiibridgc Ave...
...I'lght groups of the unci i iph*y rd In N a s&t% u Cuuu t y ha ve united and will afllliate with tin Workers Aflianet of America w hich was i»ripiuUed at the recenI Washington conJTercnce, State Co in m i ttec...
...FRIDAY, MAY 3 Queens DiTid Ashe—"Social legislation in (he L'.S.A...
...21st A.I)., 2:ttil Snyder Ave...
...sharp, at Midwoml head'iuarters, 171K Ave...
...There he will lose himself ¦m the osy sights and sounds of a ^3Xm1 colorful Bazaar...
...Matthew M. Levy, counsel for the union, and Samuel E. Beardsley, Secretary of the Jewelry Workers' among us innumerable families not yet on relief hut whose hope to sustain Hie will soon depend on the city's bounty...
...All branches pledged unabated aid to the Youth movement, la support an increased subsidy at the W.C...
...5th-19th A.D...
...l^eonard trreruburg...
...Beqinninq Saturday, May 4th Chapayev...
...frank Epstein, chairman of Hi- c-ty Committee mil...
...McAilster Coleman will wj>f..k Su.Mlay, April 28, in the Hob Nob, on Nyack Turnpike...
...All branches actively engaged in sponsoring caudklaey uf Cahor league: can•idates in forthcoming municipal elr;tion...
...New York Stste Nassau Cairnty...
...APRIL 39 Bronx Bradford Yoanjr—"Socialism and the Middle Classes...
...306-312 YV...
...809 Westchester aw...
...S. J. Fried, Geo...
...This situation of widening pauperism is intolerable and must somehow foe checked To that end we have affiliated with the Women's Conference Against the High Cost of Living, 7 Ea...
...members filled the beautiful new auditorium to capacity and witnessed an unusually line program...
...enter, 11 Union Square...
...Admission 50c...
...Paper Box Makers' Meeting April 30th A mass meeting of all paper box makers in the New York area has been called by Paper Box Makers' Union, Local' 18,239 of the A. F. of L., for Tuesday night, April 30th, at Beethoven Hall, 210 East 15th Street, N. Y. C. The meeting is called to stimulate trade union organization in a , badly sweated industry, and is part of the drive started by A. N. Weinberg, who recently became manager of the union...
...Convention, to rail special gatlierriiKs of sons and daughters to organize inliitdual Yovth brunches...
...the famous Russian picture "that recently had a long run in New York, will be shown for e limited engagement in the Little Theatre, 562 Broad St., Newark, N. J., at popular prices...
...Prepares for May Day The National Office of th<- Young Circle League 'baa sent out a rait to all clubs and branches throughout the country urging them to participate in .MaiBay celebrations with sympathetic orSajrizaUuus, and to carry on an educational campaign among the members as to the meaning and importance of this great international labor holiday...
...Korkland Coanty...
...Petition to Mayer La Guardia to Check Pauperism and the Hiqh Cost of Livinq 1—Abolish the present sales tax: Introduce a sales tax on luxuries...
...of L. At City Hall on May 14th A CALL for a monster demonstration at City Hall on May 14th has been issued by the Women's Conference Against the High Cost of Living -which has as affiliates 51 women's groups in New York CHy...
...Those who will speak are Dr...
...Dramatic Troupes, presented three performances at tin- New School Auditorium on April 2il-21...
...Tfce Press Agent Blurbs About the Bronx Bazaar Hay 3rd, 4th and 5th all roads riJ Mad to the Bronx...
...April I4K...
...8th A.D...
...Mms Jib...
...At the New (.enter...
...Party Progress Connecticut Ntw Haven...
...the occasion...
...The speakers were .1...
...t p.m Lecture on "Hidden Truths in Am-rlcan History/* Junior Four, Youth or Br...
...Admission 19c...
...8:30 p.m.—Social meeting of the Youth of Br...
...station i mttk one block to the Bronx Center...
...New Jersey Passaic...
...Cohen, and Al>e Goldberg...
...All meetings at 2<H Washington l'lacr (former |w»*t ofIIre bldg...
...i W.C...
...Henrv Fruchtrr—"Will u Labor Party Develop in the L. S. A...
...Brooklyn Louis Sudan*—"Hussiu...
...Admission Is 49c...
...APRIL 29 Manhattan Bela U*—"Social Democracy vs...
...132 W.C, Central .Muz a Annex, Manhattan...
...Participates in Labor Drama Festival The Young Circle league Drama Group, in conjunction with the Rebel Arts players, the Brookwood Labor College...
...H8 Summer Ave., B'klyn...
...p. Monday, April 29, at 1 :*» p.m...
...The dance is being sponsored jointly by the National Youth Committee andr the Brooklyn Organization I Council...
...Outstanding among the performers were Alan A. West in his role as a Congressman...
...A croud of 5IMJ Young Ctrrlites and W.C...
...while the punch-bowl will be supplemented by other liquids of choice and honored lineage...
...t'ppcr 8tl...
...will Join - the W.C...
...installation since January 1 in New York City itself...
...Rrft-eshmrnts will he served...
...Another Brooklyn Branch Installed The Avalon Young Circle Club will be Installed Sundav evening, April 28, at 53S E. 96th St., Brooklyn, as Branch 644Y of Uie Workmen's Circle...
...The plays presented by the Y'.C.L.A., which were well received, were "Gentleman from Hoovcrville," "God's in Ills Heaven.'' anil the "Koad Closed...
...Admission :i5c...
...211 So...
...The supper conference will be followed by a gala .May frolic ami dance, at which the national delegates will be welcomed by the New York League membership...
...J«38 East 172r)WSt...
...On SaitwdiM night, April 27, a dance will be held at 811 l lira Ave...
...at IOC West 72nd Street...
...Sam X. (irlpar, as galleryspectator...
...In headquarters, .W-3J htetnwuy Ave...
...Speakers and leaflets will be provided...
...duarding New Haven's HruJfh.** Orange Street...

Vol. 18 • April 1935 • No. 17

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