Stop These Party Wreckers!

Stop These Party Wreckers! COMRADES of the Socialist Party: You will be shocked at another provocative act of the National executive Committee. Two states <are out of the party and the...

...Where and when did you adopt them...
...Indiana was illegally piuspended, and now there is civil Ear among the Socialists of that, wsui...
...There is no ease we this in the history of the party...
...The Int-nl held a very successful mid parly recently and cleared a substantial sum which was applied lo its (inula of the fulled So ciallst In it...
...John Greenborg of Waco...
...Resolutions were adopted calling for the cooperation of the party with organized workers and farmers looking toward the formation of a mass party of producers...
...Those who are already subscribers will have the opportunity to place some other person, promising material for Socialist education, upon the mailing list of The New Leader, Those purchasing 25f tickets will get The New Leader for ^„thr«*lmonths...
...This is another novelty...
...Their charter is to be reHMced because they decline to work Elo turn the state monthly...
...ReHntly a call for support of The Hew View in that city brought Hlly four members...
...I miiriiili- Helen wishes to study ii, ncral rumlitlnn» of the country, hoping that upon her return the may be of mure iw ami help to the Soclaflst Party, vinrouvrr...
...Methuen la a city of about 82,000 population close to Lawrence, tha> great woollen textile center...
...What do the party members think of this, anyway...
...The N.E.C acted without any authority in the national Constitution and even without an investigation... admit "qualified members" to the party...
...Its faction in InI diana has promptly gone to the courts for an injunction against the regular organization...
...Plampin and Lane were reelected by acclamation state secretary and state organizer, and the following were elected to the State Executive Committee: W. B. Starr, chairman...
...ih leu i.untfii...
...The entire Labor and Soclaliit movement will be represented...
...ually under "bogus democ' a precise complaint is subd against an accused person hich each act is enumerated...
...Hudson County members have p'fbr years worked for The New Boeder...
...only grievances cited in the ige motion are two...
...Its policies since the Detroit convention have brought party activities almost to a standstill...
...Oregon comrades withdrew in disgust...
...PARTY NOTES Washington Srtttlt...
...Kills, Rev...
...Ever since this law was enacted our nominations have been made by the primaries...
...THOMAS' BOOK, "HUMAN EXPLOITATION," Locals and branches in any pari of the country alert and enterprising enough to follow the example of the I'ittebargh Socialists can do a fine job of propaganda for Socialism, and can make a substantial profit for their own party work...
...On Wednesday, March »7, a card party and social »III he held al II Villa Ave...
...The North Councllnianlc ills trlrt branch has been created by merger of the former Hlverslde and North Del* ware brandies...
...What are those principles, gentlemen...
...It is a deliberate ipt to deliver the state organn to an alliance of militants Communists over the heads of majority of the party memin New York State...
...Reservations can be made through The New Leader, 7 East 15th St., N. Y. C... accusations to prove that tate organization has violated iples and policies of the \a is insufferable insolence, a ;ion of democracy, and a bure reign of terror which beivith the raid on the Indiana tization...
...Superintendent of Public Instruction, Arthur K. l.*rson...
...Socialist Polk Record Vote ia Methuen, Maw...
...had spent four months trying to get those holding the charter to comply with the state and national Constitutions...
...Harry Plampin, Octavia Edwards, P. Lorentz Peterson, J. W. Hembree, Paul Pierce and Thomas B. Burns...
...bow plans disruption of another Estate...
...The Holy Synod solemnly declares that New York also failed to -'obey the orders" of the N.E.C I'Never- "has" such language been used before by a party executive... ii werel.-ir\, iiinl her husband, Homer, liuvr led nn a nltt-li hlklim trip of the I nil' <I States...
...The wording is confused and ungrammatical, but we are not responsible for that...
...Officers «r...
...Comrade AbramowiUch Is in thin country on a lecture tour for tha Educational Department of tha Workman's Circle...
...It stands indicted before the party membership because of its ruthless, undemocratic, incompetent, and dictatorial actions, which have brought a paralysis of party activities and which now threaten the very existence of the Socialist Party...
...iiardson, ( Mil It...
...It has no comprehension of the comradely ethics that should prompt the actions of members vested with important responsibilities...
...Annum the speaker* In the recent pail and fhe near future are Tom Burns, \V...
...Member of the Slate Hoard of Education, Walter II...
...Its wrecking actions must be repudiated...
...state is required to prove itnnocent instead of the N.E.C...
...II a.m...
...motion has been made by t Sprague Coolidge of ma a tts that the New York State itive Committee be "ordered" pear at the Buffalo meeting le N.E.C, March 23-24, to r cause whyAhe New York er should not be revoked and tate reorganized...
...iKJTae Detroit Declaration was to HVag thousands of new members the Socialist Party...
...In New York, as in other states, the primaries are regulated by law, not by actions of any party committee...
...The Wayne Couuly I...
...The Indiana S.E.C...
...I (ailed Socialist lirivr...
...the states are ordered to support I the "principles" of the N.E.C...
...He knew what he was talking about...
...iiinl, veteran Soclalisl, under national party auspices...
...Letters received from readers in other states inform us that a storyis being circulated to the effect that the New York State Executive Committee has forbidden party members in this state to speak in support of the Detroit declaration, under penalty of expulsion...
...Assistant Orgaulier, Oesirgc Ueech...
...It is the language of a Tammany boss...
...The vote was 1,816 for Downey, to 5,054 for the winner and 1,051 for the third man...
...It sidestepped the issue of "united front," but at the same time ^hviiedT"Communi8t''eTeme^ to join the party...
...Bergman and Francis King...
...Ctiiistrucllvc work for Socialism must gu ou with Increasing lull-liiili . ¦ Klmirn...
...The Hnguage is similar to the language Wised by the N.E.C...
...THE burlesque reign of terror PS by the militant-Communist lalliance in the Socialist Party has Itaken the form of revoking Ijharters...
...Organizer I tin I Srhachnrr ii making a two-weeks' visit In Detroit, doing linili YlpseJ mid Red Falron work...
...Comrade I.....n Walters Is running for County Auditor (Wayne County...
...Those purchasing dollar ticket...
...Daniel F. Downey, Socialist, polled a record vote in the recent election for Selectman, running second to the winner...
...The convention was undey the chairmanship of State Chairman A. F. Van Blon, and reports were heard from State Organizer E, M. Lane, State Chairman Van Blon, and State Secretary Plampin...
...There was n large Increase In the number of enrolled Socialists In Monroe County lust win...
...The Hew View, published in Camden, Btto a weekly...
...Secretory, Uelle Friedman...
...Delegate to Pjiecutlve Commit...
...The party Constitution gives the N.E.C...
...distributed 3,500 copies of the local platform, in addition to much other literatures lit year the Socialist* pqlled 270 and 414 vote* for the two vacancies filled at that time...
...presumed to force any individual into the party against the judgment of the state or local organization concerned...
...The majority in the present N.E.C...
...N«W York Stole Kin alive Cnmmiiiee meets Sunday...
...Members and organizations are expected to "obey orders...
...The one definite item cited is that the state organization has not obeyed the "order" of the N.E.C...
...This statement likewise is absolutely without foundation in fact...
...against New Bbrk State...
...International on the eve of his return to Europe...
...Organiser, Berma Friedman... 7 Kast lath St...
...The dinner will be held March 22nd at n.-eihoven Hall, Fifth St., near the Bowery, New York City, and reservation* are It .50...
...Stntc Secretary Merrill urges locals to push the i mini Socialist Drive...
...New Jersey Hudson < nuni> The loeul has filed a protest with the Slate Committee agalnsl lis action In Subjecting to the proponed tour (since canceled by the National office) of (ieorgr II...
...has taken [ this course in Indiana and is con¦daring it in New York State...
...expressing solidarity with the workers in a number of ti ikes, and protesting against the threatened deportation of Dr...
...will get The New Leader for a year, Those who sell 10 yearly sub-admission cards WILL RECEIVE AS A BONUS A FREE COPY OE NORMA5...
...Thoaa Burchasinii r,«c tickets will aei The new Leader for six months...
...Krmnltz and S. W. SrhkhiTcn j Regents of the University...
...A fine state convention, recording an excellent progress during 1!)34, was held here by the Socialist Patty last week...
...has no idea of meeting acute problems and disputes except by use of the clenched fist...
...By these policies it has helped to colonize the party with open Communists, Communist spies, and insurrectionists, which in turn opens the way to police spies and provocateurs of the Pinkerton type...
...In issuing this "invitation" it reversed a fifteenyear policy of the party, a power that belongs only to members in a convention or a referendum...
...Write The New Louder, 7 East 15th Street, New, York City, at once...
...Abramowitach Farewell i - . ', A farewell banquet will be given to Comrade Raphael Abramowitsch, ¦ I. iimkiii bed Russian socialist and member of the Executive of tha Labor and socialist...
...It is ed that the state organization I to "support the principles obey the orders of the National Executive Committee...
...The local bus elerlcd R»y D. IIIH as financial secretary...
...It meets Hie flrsl and third Wednesdays ill 27S6 Delaware Ave...
...The New Leader will be glad to cooperate and offer the services of nationally-known speakers for meetings ofthat kind...
...Will you please let humble party members in on your secret...
...It has sown the seeds of cjvil war among the party members...
...B New Jersey has become a refugee Hvmp of the Communists who canHot join the party in New York, Ind now Hudson County, which inLeludes Jersey City, has been suralaioned by the State Committee to Knot" cause" why its charter Hpuld not be revoked...
...H. III...
...By the subterfuge of an "investigation" of insurrectionists it has sought to postpone action against them while these dangerous elements are used as allies of its disruptive activities...
...Rutlney II...
...Waller (i...
...It ought pot to be necessary for us to say that this story is false, and so completely without any shadow of likeness to truth that it must have been deliberately invented...
...The party organization has taken no action whatever which could possibly be construed into an attempt to do what the Massachusetts runutr f^tory alleges, Pittsburgh Thomas Meeting a Hint To Socialist Locals Everywhere TPHB Pittsburgh Socialists are planning what is expected to be the greatest mat.* meeting and rally for Socialism ever MM' in that city in nun-campaign time when norman Thomas spall* Thursday, April 4th, at the Schenlry High School, Center Avenue and lligelow Boulevard...
...Two states <are out of the party and the N.E.C...
...Mfhe Revolutionary Policy insurHfetionlsts are a big influence in Hew Jersey...
...State Executive Committee is o "show cause" why the state er should not be revoked...
...All on in I inn i , Members of the State Hoard of Agriculture, Naklem llurnelte and Scrgus Kennedy...
...commemorate the efforts of the French worker* lo set up their own revolutionary government in Paris in 1871... such power...
...It has claimed jurisdiction over members, locals, and branches, although no national Constitution ever granted this power to any N.E.C...
...Treasurer, Merle Friedman...
...Another canard is being sent out broadcast from Massachusetts, with the aid of the National office, alleging that "the Socialist Party of New York, at the instigation of the State Committee, bag amended the state constitution to make the regular New York State primary of the New York State party, which in effect deprives the party membership of the sole right to nominate candidates...
...Never before has a N.E.C...
...Ice of Local, I In/j I V. Rowers...
...METHUEN, Mass...
...The Workers Choir and the Rebel Arts Dance Croup will furnish a program, to be followed by an evening of dancing...
...rosecution js then required to ! the accusations, e N.E.C...
...March 17...
...At the request of two Communists and of a Democrat who is now heading a strikebreaking organization, it "ordered" a county charter restored which the Indiana State Executive Committee had recalled...
...Instead, the membership is at a standstill, the Wkialist vote in the militant states Wm been slashed in half, and now Wmbsrs art being thrown out ¦JO* Bolsheviks art invited, M Two Falsehoods Nailed QLD HOMER remarked that false tumor flies like a bird, and slow plodding truth can never catch up with her...
...At the ame time Downey waa elected Town Meeting member, polling 470 votes, running fifth in a field of 25.' The ten highest wera elected...
...Just what he described is happening in our party ranks today...
...v.r s.i...
...Literature Agent, Alice llurehlll...
...It followed this usurpation with a ruthless "emergency" suspension of the Indiana.Aiarter without a hearing, on the ground that by such summary action it would gain a tactical advantage in the capitalist courts...
...This ball is held each year to...
...Chalmutn of Program Committee, Mae Anderson...
...There is no other way for a party having legal slanditi" to make nominations...
...n I will spoiMtir Its annual Paris Commune Hull Frltkiy, March », at MeCollester Hall...
...Svery purchaser of a ticket for the meeting automatically becomes a subscriber lo The New Leader...
...Snyder and.Kelly Loe...
...Lectures are held each Sunday uiaht In Muose Hall, '.on1 . Main St., In ciiiuitvtinii with local met tings...
...Michiqon Following is the Win list ticket: Justices of the Supreme Court, Win...
...Hudson County SoHalists have felt the fist of the Hkurrectionists, and the same Bftion is likely to be taken against ¦bcialists of Mercer County, which ¦fcludes the city of Trenton...
...Forest and Cass Ave...
...reverses this process...
...County Comnrissioner of Schools, Mela lllsrnian...
...A meeting is ¦'led for March 15th, and it is ex Beted that the charter of Mercer Bounty wiii oe revoked...
...The N.E.C...
...Paul airier, national labor secretory, will speak for the branch Wednesday, March Jfl...
...ami a thorough rnnvasi will be made for new members...
...Tne Tds.CT' Ww'coTpi'derif the revocation of the charter of She strongest organization in the I'ry, New York State...
...Onjianlxrr William C. Perry was recently chosen 2nd vice .president of the Klmlrii central body...
...Party Wreckers Doing I Their Job in New Jersey...

Vol. 18 • March 1935 • No. 11

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